De: Maceobravo1 (Mensaje original) |
Enviado: 31/12/2004 17:27 |
epidemic exists under Castro Dade exiles fare better than Cubans on island By JUAN O. TAMAYO Herald Staff Writer Cubans on the island have the highest rate of suicide in Latin America. But Cubans in Miami-Dade County kill themselves less often than other Miamians, and Cuban-born women in Miami commit suicide least of all, according to a study. And although Cubans on the island average one death per three attempts serious enough to require hospital treatment, Communist Party members commit one suicide per attempt, the study says. If suicide is truly an act of desperation, then the just-published study, Suicide in Cuba and Miami, shows that Cubans are dreadfully miserable in one place and far less so in the other. ``The difference between the two places reflects different societal, political and economic outlooks,'' said Maida Donate-Armada, one of the two Cuba-educated academics now living in Miami who wrote the study, published by the Cuban American National Council. The catalyst Using statistics from the Cuban Health Ministry and Donate-Armada's own study of suicides in 1984, when she was working for the Health Ministry, the study argues that the island's people have been emotionally shattered since the failure of President Fidel Castro's plans for a record 10 million ton sugar harvest in 1970. ``It was the first break in the collective conscience regarding the revolution's ability to provide coherent answers to economic problems,'' said Donate-Armada, a psychologist who left Cuba in 1993. The island's suicide rate nearly tripled after that catastrophe, from 8 per 100,000 people in 1969 to 23.2 per 100,000 in 1982, the study reported. So bad was the crisis that in 1979 the government classified suicide statistics as state secrets, the study added, and began hiding them under other categories like ``violent deaths'' or ``other unclassified physiological illnesses.'' Highest in Latin America Donate-Armada estimates Cuba's current suicide rate at more than 20 per 100,000 -- about 2,500 deaths a year among 11 million people. That would put the island well ahead of the average in Latin America, where the rates of suicide hover between 8 and 12 per 100,000, Donate-Armada said. ``A level of 20 is already an epidemic. In Cuba, anything higher would almost be a mass suicide,'' she said. Donate-Armada's co-author in the 1984 study was Zoila Macias, a physician who was director of national statistics at the Cuban Health Ministry from 1991 to 1994. Their study showed that suicides in Cuba, as in most countries, often involve people with family problems, low education levels and low or no incomes. But the similarities appear to end there. Cuban women kill themselves significantly more often than their foreign counterparts, the study showed. While the world average is one woman for every three men, the island's ratio is nearly 1-1. That probably means that Cuban women have the highest suicide rate in the world, the study said. More successful attempts Suicide attempts by Cubans are also more often successful. The world average is 10 attempts per death, but Cuba's is 3-1. And Communist Party members, Donate-Armada added, succeeded nearly every time they staged a suicide attempt serious enough to require notifying a hospital. The study said the higher death-per-attempt rate showed not only deeper desperation but perhaps also a lack of effective medical care for those who try to take their lives. Cuba's suicide rates have clearly swung with history: From 2.2 per 100,000 in 1907, soon after Cuba won independence from Spain, it rose to 13.1 in 1957, in the thick of Castro's guerrilla war against President Fulgencio Batista. With hopes riding on the fledgling Castro revolution, suicides plummeted in the 1960s and averaged 8 to 10 per 100,000 people, Donate-Armada said. But after 1970 harvest failure, the rate rose, peaking at 23.2 in 1982 -- two years after the crisis unleashed by the Mariel boatlift. That figure made Cuba fourth in the world at the time, behind Hungary, Denmark and Austria. Miami-Dade exiles That grim picture of Cuba contrasts sharply with the study's findings on suicides among Cuban-born residents of Miami-Dade County as reported by public health officials in 1980, 1989, 1990 and 1991. In the most statistically significant difference, Cuban women in Miami are far less likely to kill themselves than their male counterparts. There is one female suicide for every five male suicides in Miami, compared with nearly 1-1 in Cuba. ``It seems the Cuban woman is quicker to adapt to and assimilate the new values of North American culture, the study said. And although Cuban-born Miamians still lead all other Hispanic groups in suicide, they kill themselves less often than the average Miamian: They make up 29.1 percent of Miami-Dade's population, but only 25 percent of the 300 Miamians who kill themselves each year, the study showed. The county's overall rate was 16.2 suicides per 100,000 people in 1991, and the rate has tended to fall in the last couple of years, the study indicated, for both Cubans and the rest of the population. ``Cubans are very normal in Miami, in terms of their suicide patterns, Donate-Armada said. ``It would seem their social, economic and political conditions here are to their liking. Copyright © 1998 |
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De: Maceobravo1 |
Enviado: 31/12/2004 19:08 |
fijate si es tan alarmante que la data d eesto ha pasado ser secreto de estado, para no publicarlas y si la organizacion de salud, acaba de sacar la data, por que tu que abes tanto no la publicas o es otra de tus tacticas, tira la piedra y esconde la mano, en este caso tira la noticia y no la pruebo, ahhhhhhh. maceo |
De: mfelix28 |
Enviado: 31/12/2004 20:45 |
Ten en cuenta tres cosas: 1º Se leer 2짧 Se las cuatro reglas y además, la regla de tres, ¿ sabes? 3짧 Se inglés. Añado una 4짧 se buscar en Google y tu artículo, traducido al castellano es de 1998 Tasa de suicidios es la más alta de América Latina JUAN O. TAMAYO Publicado el jueves, 18 de junio de 1998 en El Nuevo Herald Maceo, ¿tan mal andais de campañas anticubanas? Que pasa que la guerra de Irak os priva de fondos para ponerse al día? Cuando este cumulo grandioso de conocimientos se une para analizar cosas como las que poneis, resulta que Belgica o Finlandia deben estar tratando de alcanzar a Filipinas o a Perú, pues en estos paises la gente se suicida menos. Que los expaises comunistas, se deben estra suicidando de felicidad, pues algunos, como Lituania, sobrepasa el 50 por cien mil y en todos ellos se suicidan más que en Cuba. En tu primer escrito decias que: tremendo logro, cuba , paso ser la nacion con mas suiicidio en 2001 hubo 1,649 muertes por suicidio ( me quedo con esto) Luego, sin darte cuenta, y además con risas, ya vas rebajando, ahora somos solo de America Latina:( pero nadie sabe los de Haití o paises caribeños o Bolivia, etc) la epidemia de suicidio bajo castro es la mas alta en america latina They make up 29.1 percent of Miami-Dade's population, but only 25 percent of the 300 Miamians who kill themselves each year, the study showed. Bueno eso significa que de esos 300 miameses suicidados, el 25%, o sea 75 son cubano americanos. Luego dices: The county's overall rate was 16.2 suicides per 100,000 people in 1991 sin quererlo ya decís la fecha 1991, y si 300 suicidas es el 16,2 por cien mil de la poblacion miamesa, resulta que hay 1.852.000 miameses. Si vosotros sois el 29,1% de esa población sois 538.888 cubanoamericanos y si de esos se suicidan 75 resulta que se suicida el 13,9 % Te quejas de que Cuba no da cifras, pero las vuestras son de 1991, hace 15 años, voy a coger la cifra del 2001 : 1649 suicidios sobre 11 millones hace un 15%, imaginate. Si quieres mirar las cifras mas actuales, vete a: ( es PDF se postea fatal) ( es de la OMS o para vosotros WHO) Ahí puedes ver varias cosas, que en Cuba en 1997 se suicidaron 2.029 personas, que su ratio ( por cien mil personas) es del 23, que es inferior al de todos los países "liberados" del comunismo ( pero muy inferior, Rusia tiene un 43, Ucrania un 33, Hungría un 36, Lituania un 51,6) que en America es efectivamente el más alto, si consideramos que faltan bastantes países Bolivia, Haití, todo el resto de los antillanos, que Belgica tiene un 24, Finlandia un 28, Suiza un 22,5 y los países de Nuestra America están todos por debajo de estos. Parece que el indice de suicidio alto está en los países excomunistas y en los ricos ¡A ver si Cuba es excomunista y no os habeis enterado! |
De: Maceobravo1 |
Enviado: 31/12/2004 22:22 |
que importa, si es del 98 o ahora, si es verdad se escribo en el 1998, pero me vas a decir, que los que se suicidaron por que era del 98, no importa, hasta donde llega tu insensatez, de que eres capaz de deshumanizarte4 tewnto, para defender , lo que no s epuede defender, mira, busca datos recientes y veraz, que en cuba se ha vuelto una nacion de suicidas, pasando todos las normas de los cubanos,manuel, que bajo, usted llega por una filosofia, das pena. de verdad, que si, hay un momento que se te tiene que estar al lado de un ser humano, no un regimen, n i una filosfia, de verdad, que no quisera estar en tus zapatos,no me gustaria ser un ser tasndespreciable, que no me pudiera ver ni yo mismo en frente de un espejo. maceo |
De: mfelix28 |
Enviado: 31/12/2004 22:22 |
Pues si en casi el 2005, escribes con datos de 1998, será porque te hacía falta demostrar algo que es falso, tienes a tu alcance datos actuales, a los que por tu ignorancia o fanatismo no llegas, sin embargo bien que sabes buscar cosas , seis años atrás si crees que te convienen. Pero tranquilo, que aquí estoy para ponerte al descubierto a tí y a los que traten de difamar a mi patria con datos falsos, porque los que pusiste primero, mentiroso, eran del 2001, así que no entra ni cuela esa mentira de que no había otros. No había otros que te sirvieran para tu servil campaña de adular al que te da de comer, aunque para eso escupas sobre tu patria. A mi esa comida se me atragantaría. |
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