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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 36 en el tema 
De: Gran Papiyo  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 17/09/2005 23:33
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Respuesta  Mensaje 2 de 36 en el tema 
De: mfelix28 Enviado: 17/09/2005 23:48
De vez en cuando me voy por las páginas de los "amigos de Cuba" (USAID, CIA, RSF, NED, ...) a ver que se "cocina" , anticiparme a la próxima campaña, etc.
Estos días miré a la NED por cosas del gusanácrata que miente a la CNT, y aparte de encontrar lo que buscaba, encontré esto, " por añadidura"  en plan biblico.
En la web de NED ( funadada por Reagan, con fondos del Senado USA, etc.) siempre es un placer ver cuanto cobran nuestros amigos de Miami en concepto de "propinas" y están lo de siempre, pero ...
Maribea ¡Uds. reciben más que Cubanet! ¿Que ha hecho o hará el Disidente Universal de Puerto Rico? ( creo que un día dijo Ud. algo sobre que no recibían financiación, etc., pero no se preocupe, ya se lo que pasa, no me explique nada dde eso, solo porque son "mejores" que Cubanet) ¡Y al Veraz que se lo "trabaja" más, ni un dolar!
Center for a Free Cuba
To provide humanitarian assistance and emergency relief to political prisoners and their families. Assistance will go to family members of the prisoners detained in the March 2003 crackdown as well as the more than 280 prior political prisoners. 
Cuban Committee for Human Rights
To support human rights in Cuba. The Cuban Committee for Human Rights will work with the U.N. Human Rights Commission in monitoring and investigating the human rights conditions in Cuba. The Committee will publish and disseminate both in Cuba and internationally, news and information about the human rights situation in Cuba and provide humanitarian assistance to political dissidents and prisoners of conscience in Cuba.
To promote independent journalism and freedom of expression in Cuba. Endowment funds will allow CubaNet to continue supporting the professional development of independent journalists
Disidente Universal de Puerto Rico (Universal Dissident of Puerto Rico)
To increase the flow of independent information to Cuba through publications of the monthly journal, El Disidente, containing articles and editorials from activists living on the island, dissidents living in exile and international news organizations
Federación Sindical de Plantas Eléctricas, Gas y Agua (Federation of Electric, Gas and Water Plants in Exile)
To document labor rights violations inside of Cuba. The Federación Sindical de Plantas, Eléctricas, Gas y Agua will establish a training center dedicated to labor rights inside Cuba; conduct research and write reports on labor conditions in Cuba; and disseminate information both inside Cuba and internationally on labor rights violations committed by the Cuban government.
Fundacion Encuentro de la Cultura Cubana (Encounter Magazine)
To provide support for production of the quarterly journal Encuentro. Encuentro is dedicated to discussion and promotion of political change in the larger context of Cuban culture, philosophy, and history. 
Fundación Hispano Cubana (Hispano-Cuban Foundation)
$ 75,700
To increase the flow of independent information to Cuba. The Foundation will publish three editions of its journal Revista Hispano Cubana, which will be distributed within Cuba and internationally. The Foundation will post each edition on the journal's website, as well as prepare 16 previous editions of the journal in CD ROM format. 
International Republican Institute (IRI)
$ 412,678
To help the Cuban Democratic Directorate (Directorio) continue its development of prodemocracy materials for distribution in Cuba. Directorio will also disseminate information about Cuba's democracy movement to the international community; maintain its contacts with pro-freedom activists and citizens in Cuba and produce radio broadcasts about the activities of the pro-freedom movement in Cuba. 
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI)
To strengthen the ability of advocates to increase international awareness of and support for the Varela Project. NDI will work with the International Committee to Support the Varela Project with activities to disseminate information about Varela Project activities and organize conferences and meetings. 
Pan American Development Foundation
To work with and promote independent libraries inside Cuba. PADF will provide direct assistance to independent libraries in Cuba and promote international awareness of the library movement. Independent library representatives will travel to Latin America and Spain to meet with librarians, universities, think tanks and other organizations to enlist their support for individual libraries and the libraries movement. 
People in Need Foundation (PINF)
To work with various independent groups in Cuba to develop their capacity to produce and distribute samizdat. PINF will also help organize the first meeting of the International Committee for Democracy in Cuba to be held in Prague. 
Red Feminista Cubana, Inc. (Cuban Feminist Network)
To promote women's rights in Cuba. Red Feminista will establish contacts with women's movements throughout the world, collect materials and initiate a series of training programs inside Cuba for independent women activists. Red Feminista will work with women's groups inside Cuba to disseminate information on the strategies and activities of women's movements in other countries.
Bueno, bueno, ¡ que calladito se lo tenían!
Felicidades por este reconocimiento a su buen hacer periodistico

Respuesta  Mensaje 3 de 36 en el tema 
De: mfelix28 Enviado: 17/09/2005 23:48
Y ya en "harina" vamos con los compas argentinos y bolivianos:
Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (Association for Civil Rights)
To increase the transparency of congress and accountability of legislators. The Association will prepare educational materials on congress for journalists and secondary school students; monitor and publish the votes of individual congressmen and senators and prepare reports on the recent votes of incumbent congressional candidates in anticipation of congressional elections in November. The Association will extend its program from the national level to the provincial level in three provinces during this second year of NED funding. 
Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)
To improve public and congressional debate on fiscal policies. CIPE will work with the Center for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth to bring together a team of economists to prepare monthly briefings on fiscal and budget policies for members of congress, academic experts and the Ministry of Economy. 
Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (Center for Legal and Social Studies)
To strengthen the capacity of organizations that promote and protect human rights in the interior of Argentina. CELS will continue its exchange program in which representatives from organizations in the interior come to Buenos Aires to receive intensive training on human rights and design their own programs based on the human rights situation in their respective provinces. CELS trainers will then travel to the home provinces of participating organizations to conduct workshops on human rights and support the implementation of local projects. 
Fundación Nueva Generación Argentina (New Argentine Generation Foundation)
To promote democratic decision making within neighborhood associations in the province of Santa Fe. FNGA will conduct training for association leaders on democratic leadership, local government and mediation. Participants will discuss matters of common interest and coordinate activities. FNGA will also use these workshops to compile the experiences of the neighborhood associations into a training manual on promoting citizen participation. 
International Republican Institute (IRI)
To promote political reforms in the key provinces of Buenos Aires and Santa Fe. Working with the Center for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth, IRI will help develop new political leaders by providing training seminars to promising young professionals interested in politics and public affairs. 
Poder Ciudadano (Citizen Power)
To strengthen local community organizations in citizen participation, civic education and advocacy in six provinces of Argentina. Poder Ciudadano will conduct a training-of-trainer workshop for representatives of local community organizations; assist representatives in designing projects to encourage citizen participation in government and provide follow-up assistance as the projects are carried out. 

Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)
To assist the Santa Cruz Chamber of Industry, Commerce, Services and Tourism reduce corruption in public procurement processes. The two organizations will seek a consensus among national and regional business organizations on a revision of Law 27040 which will establish equal rights for all participants in public bids and provide the necessary controls to guarantee that all types of companies have the same opportunity to obtain government contracts. 


Respuesta  Mensaje 4 de 36 en el tema 
De: Elpidio3747 Enviado: 18/09/2005 03:59
felix  tu como siempres por los tejados como los gatos de malagueros,que tiene de malo que le den dinero  a los que estan haciendo algo por la libertad el regimen usa todos los recursos del pueblo para atacar y destruir a los que estan pidiendo un espacio para discutir y plantear que existe otra cosa que hay mas alla  de lo que el tirano promete....la ayuda que den no es nada comparada con la que tiene la dictadura que gasta millones en propaganda facinerosa y mentirosa y tiene lacayos como tu y compania haciendo de grati trabajo de profecionales.............

Respuesta  Mensaje 5 de 36 en el tema 
De: mfelix28 Enviado: 18/09/2005 07:59
Tiene de malo el decir que no lo reciben, ¡ por algo será! si fuera bueno no habría problema.
Y, sobre todo, tiene de malo el decirse "independiente" cuando rciben diner del Senado USA.
Seguro que si tu ves a alguien que recibe dinero del Gobierno cubano no lo llamas independiente.
Quine paga manda.
¿O sí?

Respuesta  Mensaje 6 de 36 en el tema 
De: Gran Papiyo Enviado: 18/09/2005 11:59
y tiene lacayos como tu y compania haciendo de grati trabajo de profecionales.
Mfélix, al menos hemos avanzado en algo: Elpidio reconoce que a nosotros no nos paga el Gobierno cubano. Es un buen comienzo.
                                     SALUDOS REVOLUCIONARIOS
                                                      (Gran Papiyo)

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