General: ABORTO: la madre es un órgano vital para el niño
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De: xastoo0 (Mensaje original) |
Enviado: 30/05/2008 02:18 |
ABORTION: Is really the pregnant woman a part of the fetal person`s body? An adult person has vital organs: heart, lungs, etc.
If that vital organs are removed, the person dies.
An intrauterine person has an additional vital organ: the baby-carrier mother. Is she is removed from him/her, the fetal person dies.
Then, the doctor who removes the mother from the fetus, should be punished as severely as a killer who has removed the heart of his victim.
Support Fetal Civil Registration after the third month of pregnancy. - hace 31 minutos
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Detalles adicionales hace 19 minutos Angel:
A puppy has not a developed brain.
A woman who has commited a kidnapping, a rape or an abortion has a developed brain.
Then, she should be punished, but a puppy not. hace 17 minutos nicole:
Before the second trimester, it would be difficult to obtain a fetal registration.
Spontaneous abortions are common in the first trimester, and the corpse of the embro may be confounded with blood.
Let`s establish a Fetal civil registration when the first trimester has finished. hace 16 minutos kim:
If you only support embryocide but not feticide, support also fetal civil registration to protect fetuses. hace 15 minutos Jessica:
"if they are not ready for a kid they are not ready."
It should be established a law that permits a woman to refuse her maternity, but she should pay a monthly tax to help adoptant couples. hace 13 minutos Erica:
"Babies should be counted as a person the first time the heart beats."
Really. Then, promote that pregnant women register the date when their pregnancy test was positive. That will be the real birthday of the baby. hace 11 minutos Mumma:
"Abortion should be illegal from conception to birth"
I don`t believe that blastocyst could be protected. Society would be forced to punish women if they use IUD`s, because that devices often kill blastocysts. hace 9 minutos Vadalia:
"Except, legally, a fetus usually isn't considered a "person" until it's already been born. "
No problem. Let`s change the law.
"Plus, vital organs don't have rights and aren't the ones that decide to be removed when a murderer kills someone that way."
For that reason, that organs should not be punished, but only Jack the Ripper.
But in the case of abortion, the doctor (a kind of Jack the Ripper) and the woman, both, should be punished.
If the woman is a thinking vital organ, in this particular case, that vital organ should be legally punished. hace 5 minutos Jesse:
"a fetus for the first 3 months is kinda like an apendix."
No. The fetal person is not like an appendix. The pregnant woman is like a heart or a liver. That is the correct comparison.
". the doctors are just doing what they are supposed to do"
No. They have to support the FETAL PATIENT. Its mother is an appendix of that patient, but a vital appendix.
"would u rather them do it a back ally way?"
If intrauterine registration is establishes, abortions will not occur anymore. hace 1 minuto Birdie:
"You must be one of those people who are brainwashed by one thing they are told instead of forming their own opinions."
The opposite is the truth. Abortionist marketing minimizes the fetal person, but really the adult person should be minimized.
It`s a fetal body to do with it as he/she chooses!
"The right to life,liberty and the persuit of happiness."
OK: a fetal person has the right to life, liberty, etc.
" If it makes a women happier to abort a baby, thats her RIGHT." hace 1 segundo If it makes society happier to apply a lethal injection to the mother, that is its right!
" If we didnt have DOCTORS to do it there'd be alot more death than that of the fetus."
Abortionist women should be legally executed.
"You nor anyone else has the right to take that choice from her"
No. You nor anyone else has the right to take the choice to kill a woman from society. - 0 estrellas - selecciónala por ser: ¡Interesante!
¿Quién la encontró interesante? Todavía nadie la ha marcado como una pregunta interesante. - Correo
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Viva La Fetus! It's amazing how celebrities like Oprah boo hoo about neglected and abused dogs from puppy mills. But what about neglected and abused woman from abortion mills?
Did you know the placenta is the ONLY organ that grows within an organ (the uterus)? - 1 Calificación: Buena Respuesta
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by nicole [ilk] - Miembro desde:
- 20 marzo 2008
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I'm not sure what you are saying but I think you're saying abortion is bad right? ("should be punished as severely as a killer). And yes, if I got pregnant for example, and my boyfriend killed me, he'd be charged with 2 murders. So if I got an abortion, it would also be murder, but it's legal. I don't support abortion at all from the beginning-not just after the first trimester. - 2 Calificación: Buena Respuesta
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by kim m - Miembro desde:
- 20 octubre 2007
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i do believe it should be open as a chose for those who want it. only within the first two months. after that it shouldn't be right. - 1 Calificación: Buena Respuesta
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Lo sentimos, debes ser Nivel 2 para poder calificar -
by Jessica - Miembro desde:
- 12 marzo 2008
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"Angel" does it matter what Oprah cares about? Is there even a thing called abortion mills. I think you mean abortion clinic. If someone wants on they have the right to have one, if they are not ready for a kid they are not ready. - 1 Calificación: Buena Respuesta
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by Erica Z - Miembro desde:
- 26 marzo 2008
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I smell a very ugly debate! I'm against abortions, unless the person is raped or has a seriouse health problem which will lead to death for both child and mother. If you are getting rid of your baby just beacause you don't want it, think adoption! I have PCOS and I would love to adopt a child, I am not able to have anymore children, and I am only 21. My one year old is the highlight of my life and I would love for him to have a brother or sister!
Babies should be counted as a person the first time the heart beats. Fuente(s): mommy of a one year old - 0 Calificación: Buena Respuesta
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Lo sentimos, debes ser Nivel 2 para poder calificar -
by MummaOF3 - Miembro desde:
- 25 abril 2007
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Abortion should be illegal from conception to birth..if there not ready to be a parent then they should have kept there legs closed.! - 2 Calificación: Buena Respuesta
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by Vadalia - Miembro desde:
- 31 agosto 2006
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Except, legally, a fetus usually isn't considered a "person" until it's already been born. Plus, vital organs don't have rights and aren't the ones that decide to be removed when a murderer kills someone that way. - 0 Calificación: Buena Respuesta
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by jessethe... - Miembro desde:
- 02 marzo 2008
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of corse the fetus cant survive without the mother. but it is ok to get an abortion in my opionion. if it cant survive OUTSIDE the womb, than it really doesnt count because it is already dead. a fetus for the first 3 months is kinda like an apendix. u dont really need it. it is just there. so it is ok to get rid of in my opinion. the doctors are just doing what they are supposed to do and that is to help women with an abortion. would u rather them do it a back ally way? - 0 Calificación: Buena Respuesta
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Lo sentimos, debes ser Nivel 2 para poder calificar -
by ♥Birdie♥ - Miembro desde:
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De: xastoo0 |
Enviado: 30/05/2008 09:35 |
Trinchon D - Member since:
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ABORTION: Is really the pregnant woman a part of the fetal person`s body? An adult person has vital organs: heart, lungs, etc.
If that vital organs are removed, the person dies.
An intrauterine person has an additional vital organ: the baby-carrier mother. Is she is removed from him/her, the fetal person dies.
Then, the doctor who removes the mother from the fetus, should be punished as severely as a killer who has removed the heart of his victim.
Support Fetal Civil Registration after the third month of pregnancy. - 30 minutes ago
- - 3 days left to answer.
Additional Details 25 minutes ago Time:
In the first two months, spontaneous abortions are common, and the embryo is too small and may be counfounded with the blood and clots.
But a three months fetus is enough large to be registered. 23 minutes ago Ode:
That guns could be used to kill (legally abortionist women).
They use to say that fetal babies are cancer or parasites. Really, that mothers are similar to parasites and cancer. 22 minutes ago Tragic:
"Women are not incubation devices".
Precisely because women are not only incubators, but have a developed brain, they should be severely punished if they kill a fetal person. 20 minutes ago Anony:
"Bad analogy. The fetus is effectively a parasite to the mother, feeding off her until it is ready to live independently."
Are you a parasite to your heart because you are receiving blood from it?
Are you a parasite to your lungs because you are receiving air from them?
You are a person. A fetus is a person.
Evil persons such as kidnappers, burglars, abortionists and rapiests are really similar to parasites. 19 minutes ago Freedom:
Let`s support all fetal rights, not only the right to be defended against attacks, but medical care rights, nutritional rights, etc. 17 minutes ago Pangel:
Abortionist women should die. A legal lethal injection should be applied to than parasites-cancerous cells, to save the fetal right to decide on its body. 16 minutes ago David:
Invader soldiers and abortionist doctors shold be socially rejected. 13 minutes ago rukid:
Born people is registered. Why should not intrauterine people be registered?
The corpse of an embryo could be occult by blood and it would be difficult to establish the duty to get a death certification of it.
But a fetus should have post mortem rights. 12 minutes ago mariah:
"Not my problem if some chick wants to remove her parasite, not my baby."
What if society decides to remove two parasites: abortionist women and doctors? 11 minutes ago 8love:
The mother has her own genetic code, but neverthless she is a vital organ for the fetal person. 10 minutes ago Taurus:
I am supporting a fetal civil registration, not an abortion, for the 3rd month. 3 minutes ago Shojo:
I belong to AAA, Antiabortion Atheists and Agnostics 1 second ago ochimo:
" would much rather a medical professional be able to give a safe abortion rather than women being forced to go to back alleys and use coat hangers."
Are you saying that serial killers should have a license to kill to avoid murders on dark streets?
"Abortion is individual choice, not for the goverment to decide."
Are you saying that rapes, kidnappings and armed robs are individual choices, and Polices should not have a say in their acts? - 1 stars - mark this as Interesting!
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by Time Effect - Member since:
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What happened to the first two months? - 11 Rating: Good Answer
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De: xastoo0 |
Enviado: 30/05/2008 16:47 |
While you're at it you might as well sue the gun makers since they made the guns that kill people. - 12 Rating: Good Answer
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Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rate by Amanda C - Member since:
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ok - 3 Rating: Good Answer
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Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rate by Tragic Typos - Member since:
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Women are not incubation devices. - 6 Rating: Good Answer
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Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rate by Fred - Member since:
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How misguided. - 8 Rating: Good Answer
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Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rate by Anonymou... - Member since:
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Bad analogy. The fetus is effectively a parasite to the mother, feeding off her until it is ready to live independently. - 6 Rating: Good Answer
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Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rate Abortion is an act of aggression and should therefore be illegal. - 5 Rating: Good Answer
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Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rate by Pangel A.R.T - Member since:
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well , I would hope that most people who get an abortion do so before the third month I think most people know they are pregnant long before then and can make their decision
however , to call an abortionist a murder I think is quite disgusting you know , they save lives also do you realise how many of these women would die if there were not doctors to perform the abortion ? and yes the abortions would most likely happen either way - 5 Rating: Good Answer
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Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rate by David V - Member since:
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If you send abortion doctors to jail, why don't you send George Bush to jail. He's already killed over 4,000 of our sons and daughters. - 3 Rating: Good Answer
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Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rate by deepthro... - Member since:
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i'm gonna get an abortion. what are you gonna do about it? - 6 Rating: Good Answer
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Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rate It's none of your buisness as to why a woman has an abortion. The doctor is doing his/her job, leave them alone. - 5 Rating: Good Answer
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Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rate by rukiddin... - Member since:
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First, I'd like to address the person who asks about the first two months. I saw and heard my son's heartbeat for the first time at 6 weeks.
Spontaneous abortions happen and can happen throughout pregnancy without help from anyone. My godmother had two miscarriages when she was at 6 months.
Second, I'm not getting what you're saying. That "additional vital organ" would be the placenta. In most states, abortion is illegal in the third trimester. I would NEVER support fetal civil registration or anything as far-out as that. Didn't the Nazis make Jews register since you brought up Dr. Mengeles? - 1 Rating: Good Answer
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Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rate by Mariah - Member since:
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Not my problem if some chick wants to remove her parasite, not my baby.
But society DOESN'T want to remove abortionists and their doctors. Society wants to remove the baby. The world is crowded enough as it is. Just think, in a hundred years we won't be able to feed the children you refused to let be aborted. I'd rather kill my child quickly than starve it to death. - 4 Rating: Good Answer
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De: xastoo0 |
Enviado: 30/05/2008 16:47 |
A fetus is not part of the mothers body BECAUSE from the moment of conception everybody has their own unique genetic code...and i do not wish death upon the abortionist doctors...i just wish for them to open their eyes as to what their doing...abortion is murder...and it is very sick and sadistic - 3 Rating: Good Answer
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Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rate by Ms. Taurus - Member since:
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So you just approved it for the first couple of months. Is after that even legal, I didn't think it was. So what is the issue. - 2 Rating: Good Answer
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Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rate by ♥ThruThi... - Member since:
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Abortion is murder, first, second, and so on trimester.. Plain and simple. If it's not a child they are carrying, then why is it that if someone hurts a pregnant woman they could go to jail for attempted murder of the child? And if it's not a child, why does it come out a child? People make no sense. Abortion should be illegal, and the Dr's that commit are committing murder. - 2 Rating: Good Answer
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Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rate by ^.^Cupid... - Member since:
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I AGREE 100%!!! Abortionist doctors are murders in my opinion when they do abortion for wrong reasons!!!! >.< - 0 Rating: Good Answer
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Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rate by macattak... - Member since:
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its interesting that cell re placation with a completely different DNA from the mother could ever be ever construed in any way as being part of the mother. We talk about living with nature well once conception occurs the natural result will be a baby, it is an unnatural thing to int erupt a natural process...does freedom of choice only occur after conception, how about exercising some responsibility with your freedoms before getting pregnant... - 0 Rating: Good Answer
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Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rate by Shōjo-ai - Member since:
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Sorry, I hate to be the one to tell you about your own holy book... But god doesn't just say he is OK on abortion...
God's OK On Abortion "And when he hath made her drink the water, then it shall come to pass, that, if she be defiled, and have done trespass against her husband, that the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her, and become bitter, and her belly shall swell, and her thigh shall rot: and the woman shall be a curse among her people. And if the woman be not defiled, but be clean; then she shall be free, and shall conceive seed." (Numbers 5:27-28)
Comment This nonsensical ritual, prescribed by God, to a woman suspected of infidelity, must undergo the drinking of a vile concoction made of bitter water and dust from the floor of a tabernacle. A priest calls a curse upon the woman's head to insure that if she has acted in adultery the drinking of the liquid will cause her to have a miscarriage. If she comes out clean, then she shall conceive.
Regardless of how ridiculous this procedure seems, any person who believes every word of the Bible must come to terms with the realization that the quoted God here sometimes authorizes abortion.
(also see Num. 5:1-25) - 1 Rating: Good Answer
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Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rate by gary s - Member since:
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oh the old abortion issue again, everything from the baby being a parasite, (completely insane), to the mother being part of the baby, like an organ (a little off as well). the sad part is is that no one will be able to come up with any new analogy that will do anything to convince the other side, and analogies on either side just serve to temper those on the other. i think the secret to this issue lies in a broader area, the area in society where we determine value. does the freedom to live a carefree life extend to the point of allowing the value of the life of an unborn child be diminished to the point where it is allowed to be killed. right now the answer is yes, (not by my choice). i think this issue says more about our society than anything. this issue shows justification reasoning at its worse, and twisting of points to the extreme. i would love for my problems to go away, but sometimes you have to make the best of a situation you find bad, sometimes you need to take responsibility, sometimes you need to sacrifice. this is what makes us a higher form, and not just a mother cat eating her kittens. and i know, i just did what i complained about everyone else doing. i'd like to abort the abortion issue! - 0 Rating: Good Answer
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Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rate by ochimo44... - Member since:
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I would much rather a medical professional be able to give a safe abortion rather than women being forced to go to back alleys and use coat hangers.
Abortion is individual choice, not for the goverment to decide. - 1 Rating: Good Answer
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