This is a rush transcript from "Hannity & Colmes," August 20, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
SEAN HANNITY, CO-HOST: Barack Obama's abortion voting record continues to come under fire. Now it centers around his controversial decision not to vote for the Born Alive Infant Protection Act when he was a state senator in Illinois. The act provided legal rights to babies that survived botched late-term abortions.
Now I sat down for an exclusive interview with nurse Jill Stanek, and she was a nurse whose personal experience led her to testify in support of the bill that Obama opposed in 2003.
HANNITY (on camera): Explain to our audience what a late-term, labor- induced abortion is, so they understand because you're a nurse, and I want people to understand fully what it is.
JILL STANEK, PRO-LIFE ACTIVIST: Sure. This is not partial birth abortion. This is called induced labor abortion, and for this procedure, the physician inserts a medication into the mom's birth canal that dilates the cervix, and the intent is for the baby be delivered prematurely. They're fully formed, but very small.
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