With names like Virginia, Maryland, and District of Columbia, it is clear that the Virgin's Dream of Kingdom Come was on the minds of the Founding Fathers. This message has been at the heart of every religion known to man. Why? Because the purpose of all religion is to pass to future generations the experience of past generations. Knowledge is not a sign of wisdom, for arrogant fools know everything. Solomon failed to pass on his wisdom to his son. In so living he demonstrated that the wisest man in the Bible was simply a fool who knew not how to show the Stairway to Heaven found by his father to his son. This is why the Mystery Cults were created by wise men. Experience at unraveling the mysteries of life is the Stairway to Heaven.
Same message as Stariway.gif.

This image reveals the transfer of life from the Father of Time, Uranus-Sebek, to the Son of Time, Zeus-Jupiter. Saturn, which is Time itself, Cronus, is Horus the Bull between Libra and Virgo. This is the location of the Last Judgment before rebirth in Virgo. Thus, the Father of Time ascends to Heaven Above at Cancer-Khephera, and the Son of Time descends to Earth at Hathor's Star. In these three generations we are given the key to witnessing the Logos of the Saint Paul, which he saw as a light on the road to Damascus. The Solomon Key is in the hands of Bootes. It is the Plow of Truth. "And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." Luke 9:62
Mother's Sons are not privy to the Secret Codes because the Father's Sons are raised under a Code of Silence under penalty of death. The process of initiation into the Mystery of Life requires self discovery as a result of painful gain in a land of the Begotten Son. Balance requires that the arrogant children be silent so that the truth seeking children can climb the ladders and stairways to heaven with the force of their own souls. To understand the secrets encoded in plans for any City of God, the importance of secrecy can only be revealed to the seeker by seeking. There is no secrecy in a Mother's Breast. There is only bondage. The Heavenly Father, and all sons who rise to the Immaculate Conception of the Holy Virgin will inherit the throne of the Father on the Lion's back. A Mother's Righteousness leads the way to the Father's Righteousness as the self seeking child of the "I Am This I Am" discovers the Divine Self within the "I AM THAT I AM." When the Father's Righteousness is accepted, the seeker receives by a process of Free Will. If this were not true, then the Father in Heaven would be a tyrant. Yet, Free Will is Freedom's Perch, and that very fact proves that the Washington, D.C. is the City of God of "novus ordo seclorum" for the sake of "e pluribus unum" by the virtue of "annuit coeptus." In other words, when we put aside or childish thoughts we begin to align ourselves to the stars in heaven. That is the ultimate secret that is within the Father's Code, and Da Vinci's True Code. Arrogance and timidity are two sides of imbalance. The Man In The Middle has an eye for both hands and can distinguish one from the other. Arrogant fools cannot tell right from left.


Any one who can see Da Vinci's Code in the Right Eye and hands of the Man In The Middle, can read a One Dollar Bill. An All Seeing Eye is one that can read the mind of a Medusa. Most importantly, an eye that can see All, will have the power to seek true justice with vision in balance. The left eye is a symbol of the passive eye that witnesses the passing of truth. The right is the active eye that project truth received and enhances the vision of righteousness. That is why the one dollar bill has two left eyes in it roundels. They say to all who would succeed, "Pay attention."

<< West << Click on this image for an larger view of the Kite of Isis. >> East >>
The layout of the monumental construction west of the Masonic Compass reveals the same celestial correspondence implied by the oldest image of the founding of Egypt by the Scorpion King. It shows Bootes with a Virgin's Crown with a welcome matt placed before his feet as he sees before his eyes the desire for Seventh Heaven, which is King Scorpion's Flower. This is the path of righteousness, which is the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mother. It is so old a concept, that no archaeological discovery has been able to predate it. The Magdalenian caves in Southern France (circa 30,000 BC) reveal the Dream of Kingdom Come that was present when the Father of Time conceived the Birth of Time as an intermediate step on the way to Reason. It is not the Big Bang Universe of modern material arrogance. It is the Heavenly Father's Intent that Earthly Fathers would share Free Will with grandchildren throughout the ages. This process can only be accomplished if the Grandchildren can find the Truth under the Rock of Ages at the entrance to the Elysian Field. The very same message can be read in the cave art of the Australian Aborigine (Father Original) that is dated by some to exceed 50,000 years. The message is simple. A father must guide without bondage the fathers to be in the eternal journey toward Kingdom Come. Prophesy is the essence of all Mystical Codes. The mystery is how will a son become a father. There is no mystery in how a daughter is made a mother, but genetic wisdom is not all that has been created. On the contrary, genetic wisdom is that physical knowledge that is passed from father to son through an habitual organism ruminating without reason and through a rational mind that that can be raised by reason to the enlightenment that all action results from intent. That intent which planned the movement of the stars is the Heavenly Father's Will. The mortal mind that can connect the dots on the cosmic wall will realize that the paw of the Great Sphinx has the Regulator of Time.

The sA of Egypt is Heaven's Gate through which the king has passed.
The sA of Columbia is One with the sA of Egypt.
Columbia's secret code is a message of trust in the Heavenly Father.

Zaniah is the star once known as the "Harlot of Babylon" and it rose in the east over Freedom's Perch from Washington monumental phallus. This is the Gate of Heaven (Babylon) and can only be passed by the desire for personal righteousness on a path toward the Heavenly Father in the Garden of Paradise. It is the Immaculate Conception of the dream of Kingdom Come which a mortal must pass from father to son on a Day of Judgment. It is not the judgment of the son, but judgment of the father that determines the course through Heaven's Gate. This gate requires that each rational mind be born of the virgin so that the legacy of past communication is not broken by a Solomon in a quest for Delilah.

Mintaka is the third star in the Strong Man's belt. It is the Star of the Son of God, and it is the star toward which the Great Sphinx gazes. The Great Sphinx was the body of the lioness Sekhmet (Virgo-Leo), the Teacher of Righteousness, with the head of a man looking toward the future in the east. A man's head on an image of Virgo and Leo says that a rational prophetic conception had been conceived without mistake. The Man, Arcturus, the Woman, Spica, and the Pride, Regulus, are joined in a trinity of Father, Mother, and Son. This is not a provable tenet, it is the Immaculate Conception known only to those mortals who have mastered the Agony in the Garden to set aside self will for the sake of the will of the Heavenly Father. In Egypt, this was the Flight of Isis upon which she embarked when Osiris had become a legacy of a dream. In her dream of his legacy, she impregnated herself with the intent of Osiris and brought forth a son for the sake of Kingdom Come. All these mysterious actions are not denial of the Medusa's Face, they are the process though which a mind ascends Jacob's Ladder and any Stairway to Heaven. But, for a mind to accomplish the cosmic journey it must be born of the spirit of the Father in Heaven. This was the Legacy of Horus and the Legacy of Mary's Immaculate Conception. This is the meaning of the correlation of Washington's Monumental Phallus and the Virgin's star, Spica. Death is not an option to life. Death is a loss of options for life. Yet, if a mortal can establish a legacy for generations, then that mortal will live on in memoriam for generations to come.
So what is the great moral in the Kite of Isis that can be seen in the overview of the Mall of Washington, D.C.? It is a moral that shows a Mason's Compass in the East, and the Divine Compass of the Teacher of Righteousness in the West. What is the essence of a moral code, if not that human designs should reflect the designs of the Heavenly Father? There can be no greater wisdom than that which reveals the purpose for Free Will without destroying the process of freedom that allows for the pursuit of happiness by free will. That is why Freedom stands oriented to Zaniah on a rotunda like the navel of a mother with child. Freedoms birthplace was memorialized in Columbia's District from heaven above to the earth below. That is also why the memorial to Abraham Lincoln occupies the orientation to Mintaka, for he was a son of Columbia who saw the legacy of the forefathers and saved a nation when self desire had brought it to its knees as brother fought brother in an echo of Osiris and Seth, and Cain and Abel.

Although many would ponder the rose line of Washington, D.C. Do not fall for these street cars named desire for they deny the memoriam of our forefathers. The rose line and prime meridian of Columbia's district runs true north from Jefferson's Rotunda to the President's Mansion. The guiding influence of any memorial is that it inspires future generations to strive and to reach the dream of Kingdom Come for which the memorials were created. These monumental constructs are not meant for fools to ponder, but for great men to emulate. If there is doubt that the architects had resolved this design, then consider the two triangles on either side of America's Rose Line. To the left the angle between the Rose Line and line between the White House and the Lincoln Memorial is essentially the same as the side slope of the Khufu (51.8°) and Menkaure (51.3°) pyramids of Giza. It would not be out of line to say that the message is that the Father and Son are one, for the Khufu pyramid is dedicated to the Father of Time, and the Menkaure pyramid is dedicated to the Son of Time, or Reason. The line between the Jefferson Memorial, which has a rotunda to signify mother, and the Lincoln Memorial is the same as the side slope of the Khafre (53.1°) pyramid, which has the Great Sphinx (Virgo-Leo-Mintaka) resting along side its causeway. The three great pyramids at Giza are clearly represented by the architecture of the City of God called Washington in the District of Columbia. So, what of the Masonic Compass and the symbol of the soul to the east of the Rose Line with the apex at the feet of the Stature of Freedom on the rotunda of the Capitol Building? Is not this the legacy of all ancestors that their descendants should extend the boundary of the soul farther with each generation. This is the purpose of ancestors and they have told us so in many ways. "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." John 10:10
Did the Egyptians and the Masons have something in common? The evidence is overwhelming that they both drew the same understanding from the Heavenly Lights. Egypt was a land famous for many forms and forums of religious freedom that revealed the Cosmic Plan. America has no less goal. The pyramid texts clearly say, "The king must return to the imperishable stars." On that premise they designed the City of God at Giza. It would be the highest folly to assume that the Masonic Code did not carry the same light from above.
Did the Masonic architects know from personal thoughts the Holistic Mind of God? Or, does their work declare that the Mind of God will reveal itself to that man-child who seeks and finds Truth that sets one Free? Chance could not have designed the city in the District of Columbia. Yet, if the Masonic architects did not build the Temple of God in accordance with the fundamental tenet of the compass and square, then God Almighty must have intervened without their knowing. An it can be easily proven that God does such things, if we destroy the Intent of our forefathers, we are simply denying the legacy of our own souls. Which love would be greater, that of God directly, or that of God through benevolent ancestors? In either case the message is that a Gateway to Heaven sits in the architecture at America's Rose Line.

The Da Vinci Code was clearly revealed in Leonardo's Last Supper. But, does that mean that the Holy Grail is the "V" between the "Man In The Middle" and the Face at the Comforter's Hand, and that the Holy Grail is Mary Magdalene as Dan Brown would fantasize? If that had been Leonardo's intent, then why do all the men at the table of the ecliptic reveal the stars on either side of Pisces? And, what of the grail of Vessica Pisces revealed in the hangings on the walls of the past and the future, the light and the dark? And let us not forget that the Eye of the Man in the Middle is at the apex of a triangle of his own two hands. What ever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it will achieve. That was the tenet of Leonardo and that is his secret code.
The designs of every great City of God constructed by any civilization have always carried the fundamental message that man does not know what God has not revealed. The Comforter is the Good Samaritan who pours Life Giving Waters on the head of a seeker of compassion. When compassion comes to the Man In The Middle, that Mother's Son will save a Lost Soul in a revelation of the All to the child of its Father. This is how Isis reincarnated her lost husband and brother. This is how it was intended to be done before the first sentimental memory found a monument on Earth.