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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 205 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 13/03/2012 17:53
La gran piramide esta diseñada INCREIBLEMENTE en funcion a la ASUNCION DE LA VIRGEN (MARIA MAGDALENA) Y EL SANTO GRIAL. El 15 de agosto (dia numero 227 QUE EQUIVALE AL NUMERO PI (PI-RAMIDE/PYRAMID/P-YRAM-ID/MARY), que tambien esta UBICADO EN UNA POSICION AUREA (NUMERO DE ORO). EL ORO SIMBOLIZA AL GRIAL. El  15 de agosto esta ubicado en la posicion DE ORO. 365.242256/227=1.6089 (Numero muy cercano al NUMERO DE ORO PHI=1.618033). Incluso tambien este dia esta en posicion aurea en contexto a la primera  y ultima aparicion de la virgen de Fatima (13 de marzo y 13 de octubre), entre el 4 de julio y 11 de septiembre (VERDADERO MENSAJE DEL 911) e incluso de la VIRGEN DE LOURDES (11 DE FEBRERO Y 8 DE DICIEMBRE). TAMBIEN EL VERDADERO PENTECOSTES ESTA UBICADO EN UNA POSICION DE ORO COMPARADA CON LA FIESTA DE LOS TABERNACULOS.  El 15 de agosto (numero 227 y en la semana numero 33) tiene origen del CALENDARIO DE NOE. Concretamente LA GRAN PIRAMIDE ES UN PARALELO AL MONTE DE ARARAT, adonde REPOSO EL ARCA DESPUES DE 7 MESES (210 DIAS) y 17 dias (TOTAL=227 DIAS). EL MENSAJE AQUI ES QUE EL ARCA DE NOE NO FUE UN MITO. LA EXISTENCIA DE PIRAMIDES A NIVEL MUNDIAL DEMUESTRA QUE DICHA ARCA FUE UNA REALIDAD, obviamente subestimada por la FALSA CIENCIA. LA NUEVA JERUSALEM TAMBIEN ESTA DISEÑADA BAJO ESTE PATRON.

EY = .5, The apothem is phi/1.618. This makes the 51 degree + degree angle.

Using a² + b² = c², this makes the height the square root of phi.

8:1 Y se acordó Dios de Noé, y de todos los animales, y de todas las bestias que estaban con él en el arca; e hizo pasar Dios un viento sobre la tierra, y disminuyeron las aguas.
8:2 Y se cerraron las fuentes del abismo y las cataratas de los cielos; y la lluvia de los cielos fue detenida.
8:3 Y las aguas decrecían gradualmente de sobre la tierra; y se retiraron las aguas al cabo de ciento cincuenta días.
8:4 Y reposó el arca en el mes séptimo, a los diecisiete días del mes, sobre los montes de Ararat. (LA EXPRESION EN EL MES SEPTIMO, A LOS DIECISIETE DIAS DEL MES ES SUBJETIVA. Se lo puede interpretar como el 17 del septimo mes o como siete meses y 17 dias. En contexto a la segunda posicion multiplicando 7x30 dias=210 dias que mas 17 nos da 227 dias. ¿En este versiculo tenemos un simbolo tipologico de la ASUNCION DE MARIA EL 15 DE AGOSTO QUE ES JUSTAMENTE EL DIA NUMERO 227 DELAÑO?. ES INCREIBLE QUE EL MONTE DE ARARAT ESTA EN TURQUIA, QUE ES UNA NACION ISLAMICA. ¿CASUALIDAD O CAUSALIDAD? Recordemos que el ARCA DE NOE, AL IGUAL QUE EL ARCA DEL PACTO estan diseñadas en funcion al NUMERO DE ORO Y QUE ES UN RECIPIENTE, OSEA UN SIMBOLO FEMENINO. LA MUJER EMBARAZADA ES RECIPIENTE DEL HIJO. Incluso TURQUIA/ANATOLIA que es adonde esta ubicada el MONTE DE ARARAT tiene nexo con las siete iglesias de apocalipsis 1 con fuerte nexo con las PLEYADES y con MARIA MAGDALENA E incluso con ANTIOQUIA que es adonde nacio EL CRISTIANISMO. )

8:5 Y las aguas fueron decreciendo hasta el mes décimo; en el décimo, al primero del mes, se descubrieron las cimas de los montes.
8:6 Sucedió que al cabo de cuarenta días abrió Noé la ventana del arca que había hecho,
8:7 y envió un cuervo, el cual salió, y estuvo yendo y volviendo hasta que las aguas se secaron sobre la tierra.
8:8 Envió también de sí una paloma, para ver si las aguas se habían retirado de sobre la faz de la tierra.
8:9 Y no halló la paloma donde sentar la planta de su pie, y volvió a él al arca, porque las aguas estaban aún sobre la faz de toda la tierra. Entonces él extendió su mano, y tomándola, la hizo entrar consigo en el arca.
8:10 Esperó aún otros siete días, y volvió a enviar la paloma fuera del arca.
8:11 Y la paloma volvió a él a la hora de la tarde; y he aquí que traía una hoja de olivo en el pico; y entendió Noé que las aguas se habían retirado de sobre la tierra.
8:12 Y esperó aún otros siete días, y envió la paloma, la cual no volvió ya más a él.
8:13 Y sucedió que en el año seiscientos uno de Noé, en el mes primero, el día primero del mes, las aguas se secaron sobre la tierra; y quitó Noé la cubierta del arca, y miró, y he aquí que la faz de la tierra estaba seca.
8:14 Y en el mes segundo, a los veintisiete días del mes, se secó la tierra.
8:15 Entonces habló Dios a Noé, diciendo:
8:16 Sal del arca tú, y tu mujer, y tus hijos, y las mujeres de tus hijos contigo.
8:17 Todos los animales que están contigo de toda carne, de aves y de bestias y de todo reptil que se arrastra sobre la tierra, sacarás contigo; y vayan por la tierra, y fructifiquen y multiplíquense sobre la tierra.
8:18 Entonces salió Noé, y sus hijos, su mujer, y las mujeres de sus hijos con él.
8:19 Todos los animales, y todo reptil y toda ave, todo lo que se mueve sobre la tierra según sus especies, salieron del arca.
8:20 Y edificó Noé un altar a Jehová, y tomó de todo animal limpio y de toda ave limpia, y ofreció holocausto en el altar.
8:21 Y percibió Jehová olor grato; y dijo Jehová en su corazón: No volveré más a maldecir la tierra por causa del hombre; porque el intento del corazón del hombre es malo desde su juventud; ni volveré más a destruir todo ser viviente, como he hecho.
8:22 Mientras la tierra permanezca, no cesarán la sementera y la siega, el frío y el calor, el verano y el invierno, y el día y la noche.
9. Cantares 1:15: He aquí que tú eres hermosa, amiga mía;
He aquí eres bella; tus ojos son como PALOMAs.

10. Cantares 2:14: PALOMA mía, que estás en los agujeros de la peña, en lo escondido de escarpados parajes,
Muéstrame tu rostro, hazme oír tu voz;
Porque dulce es la voz tuya, y hermoso tu aspecto.

11. Cantares 4:1: He aquí que tú eres hermosa, amiga mía; he aquí que tú eres hermosa;
Tus ojos entre tus guedejas como de PALOMA;
Tus cabellos como manada de cabras
Que se recuestan en las laderas de Galaad.

12. Cantares 5:2: Yo dormía, pero mi corazón velaba.
Es la voz de mi amado que llama:
Abreme, hermana mía, amiga mía, PALOMA mía, perfecta mía,
Porque mi cabeza está llena de rocío,
Mis cabellos de las gotas de la noche.

13. Cantares 5:12: Sus ojos, como PALOMAs junto a los arroyos de las aguas,
Que se lavan con leche, y a la perfección colocados.

14. Cantares 6:9: Mas una es la PALOMA mía, la perfecta mía;
Es la única de su madre,
La escogida de la que la dio a luz.
La vieron las doncellas, y la llamaron bienaventurada;
Las reinas y las concubinas, y la alabaron.

Primer  Anterior  71 a 85 de 205  Siguiente   Último 
Respuesta  Mensaje 71 de 205 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/11/2012 04:56

(1260 * 365.242256) / 224.70700 = 2 048.02362


(1260 * 365.242256) / 29.53059 = 15 584.0179


(50 * 365.242256) / 224.70700 = 81.2707784



(50 * 365.242256) / 29.53059 = 618.413408


618 * 29.53059 = 18 249.9046


(81 * 224.70700) / 29.53059 = 616.352975


(19 * 365.242256) / 29.53059 = 234.997095


(38 * 365.242256) / 29.53059 = 469.99419



Respuesta  Mensaje 72 de 205 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/11/2012 02:33
1 Corintios 1:19: Pues está escrito:
Destruiré la sabiduría de los sabios,
Y desecharé el entendimiento de los entendidos.

Respuesta  Mensaje 73 de 205 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 20/11/2012 00:53

Crisis de 1929

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Crisis de 1929 es un concepto muy utilizado por la historiografía, la ciencia económica y otras ciencias sociales, cuyo estricto significado varía según la acotación temporal y temática a la que se quiera hacer referencia: Crack del 29 y Jueves negro y posterior Gran depresión



[editar] Crack del 29 - crisis financiera

Limitándolo a la crisis financiera del año 1929, coincidiría con el denominado Crack del 29.

[editar] Jueves negro - crisis bursátil

Desde un punto de vista aún más restrictivo, se circunscribiría al momento crucial de dicha crisis: el denominado jueves Negro, el 24 de octubre de 1929, momento en que estalla esa crisis financiera como crisis bursátil en la Bolsa de Nueva York. Esta crisis afectaría posteriormente a todo el globo, especialmente a los países adheridos a un sistema liberal.

[editar] Gran depresión

La llamada Gran Depresión se originó en los Estados Unidos, a partir de la caída de la bolsa del 29 de octubre de 1929 (conocido como Martes Negro, aunque cinco días antes, el 24 de octubre, ya se había producido el Jueves Negro), y rápidamente se extendió a casi todos los países del mundo. La Gran Depresión fue una crisis económica mundial que se prolongó desde 1929 hasta la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Su duración depende de los países que se analicen, pero en la mayoría comenzó alrededor de 1929 y se extendió hasta finales de la década de los años treinta o principios de los cuarenta.[1] Fue la depresión más larga en el tiempo, de mayor profundidad y la que afectó a más países de las sufridas en el siglo XX. En el siglo XXI ha sido utilizada como paradigma de hasta qué punto puede disminuir la economía mundial.[2]

[editar] Consecuencias

  • Los Estados Unidos e Inglaterra fueron los primeros en abandonar el patrón oro, seguidos de los otros países capitalistas.
  • Se generalizaron las medidas arancelarias proteccionistas;incluso Inglaterra, cuna del librecambismo, comenzó a proteger a su industria nacional.
  • El presidente norteamericano Franklin D. Roosevelt aplicó el New Deal,basado en el principio de una economía regulada y una inédita política social, ambas desde el Estado, cuyas medidas incluyeron: protección , sostenimiento y planificación de los precios agrícolas; control de la producción industrial a través de la National Industrial Recovery Act; regulación y aumento de los salarios que incluía la determinación del salario mínimo; reducción de horas de trabajo; y el facilitamiento de recursos económicos a los desempleados para sostener su poder de compra.
  • Se puso en tela de juicio la validez del liberalismo económico vigente desde el siglo XIX, al punto que se re definió el pensamiento económico gracias a la labor intelectual de economistas como John Maynard Keynes (Teoría general sobre el empleo, el interés y el dinero, 1936), que hicieron importantes diagnósticos y aportaron soluciones para la recuperación del capitalismo que en difinitiva debía ser distinto al que existió en el siglo XIX.
  • Se puso en tela de juicio la validez del liberalismo politico con su manifestación practica: la democracia , que en algunos países occidentales sería remplazada por una forma de gobierno autoritaria y totalitaria como el Fascismo(Italia) y el Nazismo(Alemania).

Entre 1929 y 1939 tiene lugar una gran crisis económica de consecuencias nefastas en todo el mundo. La crisis estalla el 24 de octubre de 1929 en Wall Street, con un crac de la bolsa debido al sobreprecio de los valores que cotizaban, desde hacía años, al alza, por motivos especulativos. El crac de la bolsa supuso la descapitalización repentina de la industria y las empresas norteamericanas, y por exportación las de todo el mundo. EE UU exporta la crisis al resto del mundo, con lo que se generaliza una cierta desconfianza ante el sistema capitalista que radicaliza ideológicamente a las clases desfavorecidas, y a aquellos (las clases medias) que peor salen paradas con la crisis. En esta época tienen un auge espectacular el comunismo y el fascismo. En Italia las corporaciones industriales ya habían tomado el poder por medio del fascismo. Otra consecuencia de la crisis es el elevado número de parados.

[editar] Comienzos y desarrollo

Desde el siglo XIX se conocían los problemas que tenía el crecimiento continuado, y había teorías que señalaban la inevitabilidad de los ciclos económicos, como la marxista. El crecimiento desmesurado de los años 20 de este siglo auguraba una crisis temprana y profunda, pero esta crisis era considerada por los expertos como beneficiosa, porque tendría la virtud de compensar los excesos. En 1929 los signos de deflación en la economía eran evidentes, sobre todo en la economía mundial, y principalmente en los productos agrícolas, que eran la base del comercio internacional. El 24 de octubre de 1929 se produce el crac en la bolsa de Nueva York. Los valores bursátiles se devalúan. La bolsa de Nueva York es el principal foco de especulación del mundo. La venta de acciones especulativas arrastró a las demás, e hizo la crisis irreversible. Los especuladores se arruinan. Eran muchos, incluso personas normales, los que tenían sus ahorros especulando en la bolsa. Los bancos quiebran y faltan capitales para la industria; y todo ello de repente. El miedo detiene la inversión, el paro aumenta, los precios caen y se descapitaliza la banca, con lo que no se pueden pedir créditos. El consumo se contrae, sobre todo el de los productos industriales. Los precios industriales también caen, y la superproducción producía deflación de los precios al consumo, pero las compras eran aún menores. El consumo desciende.

El detonante principal fue, en realidad, la caída de los precios agrícolas del comercio internacional, y las restricciones del crédito. El patrón oro, para el valor de las monedas, dejó de tener sentido, y dejó de ser un sistema capaz de solucionar los problemas. Las economías no dependían ya del oro, sino de la capacidad industrial y de la posibilidad de hacer negocios y ganar dinero.

La crisis estalla en EE UU pero rápidamente se exportará, mediante el abaratamiento de los costes de transporte y de los productos en el mercado internacional, con lo que a cualquier país extranjero le resulta más barato comprar productos estadounidenses a bajo precio que fabricarlo. Pero esta exportación de la crisis tiene un efecto rebote de retroalimentación, puesto que los países que entran en crisis también bajan sus precios y ponen en el mercado internacional productos más baratos que los estadounidenses, con lo que la crisis vuelve a Estados Unidos, y multiplicada. Los focos depresivos llegaron a estar extendidos por todo el mundo, pero sobre todo fue Alemania en donde se produjo una hiperinflación más acusada, ante la ausencia de inversión y los altos tipos de interés, que descapitalizaron toda la industria.

La inversión en los países devastados por la guerra mundial procedía de Estados Unidos, pero esta disminuyó con la crisis. Los EE UU intentaron hacer frente a la crisis cobrando los beneficios. Este fue otro mecanismo de exportación de la crisis, y afectó más violentamente a Alemania, ya en crisis, que a otros países.

Respuesta  Mensaje 74 de 205 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 20/11/2012 17:32

Las Cenizas de la Vaca Alazana

por Val Black

Traducido del inglés por Carlos R. Colón

Sandra Rivera y Myrtelina Rivera

Estudio acerca de las cenizas de la vaca alazana y su significado para el Cuerpo de Cristo de hoy.

El siguiente estudio fue presentado por Val Black en la iglesia Faith Christian Fellowship, Shenandoah, Iowa durante el servicio del miércoles, 30 de Abril de 1997. Fue la respuesta a muchas preguntas hechas por creyentes cristianos después del anuncio del nacimiento de la primera vaca alazana sin manchas nacida en Israel en 2000 años.

¿Cuál es el significado tras la vaca alazana y qué importancia tiene para los cristianos hoy?

Vayamos a Isaías 46: 9-10, 9 "Acordaos de las cosas pasadas desde el siglo; porque yo soy Dios, y no hay más Dios, y nada hay a mí semejante; (10) Que anuncio lo por venir desde el principio, y desde antiguo lo que aun no era hecho; que digo: Mi consejo permanecerá, y haré todo lo que quisiere;"

No hay otro Dios como el Dios a quien servimos. Él dice, "Acordaos de las cosas pasadas desde el siglo" Éste es Dios hablando a Israel. Él les está diciendo que recuerden aquellos días de milagros cuando los sacó de Egipto, cómo partió el Mar Rojo y destruyó el ejército de Faraón, cómo les proveyó agua y los alimentó con maná del cielo mientras vagaron en el desierto por 40 años. Él dice, "Recuerda estas cosas y convéncete de que no hay otro como Yo". Esto es, de la misma manera, dirigido a los cristianos nacidos de nuevo los cuales han sido redimidos por la Sangre de Jesucristo. No debemos recordar los pecados de nuestro pasado sino que Dios nos hará recordar el milagro de nuestra salvación. Debemos recordar cómo fuimos sacados del abismo de la destrucción por el poder del Espíritu Santo. Cómo nos trajo a la luz y nos plantó en la Piedra. Y esa Piedra es Cristo.

Dios es omnisapiente. El sabe el final de todo principio porque Él ES el Principio y el Final. El dice, su "consejo permanecerá", en otras palabras lo que dice va. Toda palabra que sale de su boca hace un trabajo y nunca regresa a Él sin completar lo que Él quiere que haga. (Isaías 55:11). Si Él lo dijo, Él lo hará, Él hará que acontezca.

"Y haré todo lo que quisiere;" Aquí Él está anunciando al mundo que Él es soberano. Nadie le dice que hacer. Todo lo que le pedimos tiene que estar en su voluntad. Puedes pedir por algo hasta que tu cara se torne azul, pero a menos que esto esté en la Santa voluntad de Dios, nunca acontecerá. Él es el alfarero y nosotros somos el barro.

Hay muchas "religiones" en el mundo hoy pero hay tres factores muy importantes que las separan del cristianismo.

Número uno: todo fundador de toda religión está muerto, enterrado y permanece en su tumba o va camino a la muerte. Sólo nuestro Señor Jesucristo ha conquistado la muerte. Levantándose de la tumba y sentándose a la mano derecha de su Padre, ¡y luego prometió regresar para llevarnos al cielo!

Número dos: Ninguna "religión" ha predicho el futuro con un 100% de veracidad. La razón es, los dioses (d minúscula) de la "religión" sólo saben dos cosas, el pasado y el presente. Estos pueden adivinar, pero no pueden predecir el futuro. Cada vez que una profecía escrita es cumplida el mundo debería saber que no hay otro Dios como nuestro Dios. Él es el Dios de la Trinidad....Padre, Hijo, y Espíritu Santo. Tres personas, sin embargo, un sólo Dios.

Dije que habían tres factores que distinguen a los creyentes nacidos de nuevo de la "religión" y he mencionado dos.

Número tres es el hecho de que la verdadera cristiandad NO es una "religión". Tampoco es un club, una sociedad, fraternidad, o liga. No es una organización, ni una asociación, ni una hermandad.

Es el conocer a alguien muy especial--de una manera muy especial. Es el conocer al Creador de todas las cosas de una manera personal. Un día de estos, el mundo entero lo conocerá como el Rey de Reyes y Señor de Señores, pero mientras tanto lo llamamos simplemente "Jesús". Y podemos llamar a su Padre, Abba, o "Papá".

El mundo se refiere a nosotros como "cristianos" y con todo su derecho. En el cielo, donde realmente importa, somos conocidos como los Hijos de Dios y los justos de Cristo. Somos los redimidos, la iglesia del Primogénito, la sal de la tierra, linaje escogido, pueblo adquirido porque fuimos comprados con Sangre. Somos "real sacerdocio", el templo de Espíritu Santo, triunfantes, y más que vencedores a través de Jesucristo. Ningún miembro de cualquier religión puede ni podrá reclamar nada de esto.

Vayamos ahora a Mateo 16:2-4,2 "Mas él respondiendo, les dijo: Cuando anochece, decís: Buen tiempo; porque el cielo tiene arreboles. (3) Y por la mañana: Hoy habrá tempestad; porque tiene arreboles el cielo nublado. ¡Hipócritas!, que sabéis distinguir el aspecto del cielo; ¡mas las señales de los tiempos no podéis! (4) La generación mala y adultera demanda señal; pero señal no le será dada, sino la señal del profeta Jonás. Y dejándolos, se fue."

Nunca dejemos que se diga que Jesús tenía miedo de expresarse, especialmente contra los fariseos, escribas, y los saduceos. En sus tiempos, estos eran los hombres religiosos más respetados. Habían estado esperando el Mesías por siglos y se encontraban parados cara a cara frente a Él y no le conocieron. Simplemente, Jesús no vivía de acuerdo a las expectativas que ellos tenían para el Mesías, así que, lo rechazaron y, para deshacerse de la presión de sus palabras, lo crucificaron.

Lo que no sabían era que, al matar a Jesús, estaban cumpliendo la ley. La misma ley que conocían tan bien. Estaba en su cabeza pero no había causado efecto alguno en sus corazones. Ese tipo de religión puede justificar el matar para poder sobrevivir.

Estos hombres vinieron a Jesús preguntando por una señal del cielo pero Jesús les dijo que ellos tenían una señal en Jonás y ésta era todo lo que necesitaban. Ellos querían algo con la firma de Dios diciendo, "sí, éste es el Mesías". Ellos eran mejores en predecir el tiempo que en el discernimiento de la venida de Jesús.

A lo que se refería Jesús cuando mencionó a Jonás fueron los tres días que Jonás pasó en el estómago de la ballena. Esto señalaba al entierro y resurección de Jesús. Ahora, te debes preguntar, como podían estos hombres saber esto cuando Jesús no había muerto todavía. No parece justo. Pero Jonás era solamente una de sobre 453 señales proféticas en el Antiguo Testamento. Ellos conocían la ley de principio a fin pero no reconocieron al autor, Jesucristo. La ley señalaba el camino a la perfección y Jesús era su manifestación, sin embargo, ellos no entendieron..

Ellos debieron haber observado las señales de los tiempos en vez de preguntar por señales del cielo. Ellos habían sido testigos visuales de profecías del Antiguo Testamento siendo cumplidas, sin embargo no pudieron, o no quisieron, discernir las señales de los tiempos.

No seamos como los fariseos. De las 453 profecías acerca de la venida de Jesús, 196 se referían a su PRIMERA venida. El día que Jesús fue crucificado, cada una de estas 196 profecías se habían cumplido. Si hay 453 profecías en el Antiguo Testamento acerca de la venida de Jesús y 196 fueron cumplidas con su primera venida, entonces quedan 257 profecías por cumplirse antes de su SEGUNDA venida. El Señor no quiere que estemos en tinieblas en cuanto a las profecías de los últimos días. El quiere que velemos. Mateo 25:13 dice, "Velad, pues, porque no sabéis el día ni la hora en que el Hijo del hombre ha de venir."

Nadie sabe el día ni la hora cuando Jesús va a regresar pero velando los tiempos en que vivimos y observando y reconociendo las profecías que se están cumpliendo podemos saber que el tiempo de su venida se acerca. Miremos algunas de las cosas que indican su regreso.

Vayamos a Isaías 66:8-10, "¿Quién oyó cosa semejante? ¿quién vio cosa tal? ¿Concebirá la tierra en un día? ¿nacerá una nación de una vez? Pues en cuanto Sión estuvo de parto, dio a luz a sus hijos. (9 )Yo que hago dar a luz, ¿no haré nacer? dijo Jehová. Yo que hago engendrar, ¿impediré el nacimiento? dice tu Dios. (10) Alegraos con Jerusalem, y gozaos con ella, todos los que la amáis: llenaos con ella de gozo, todos los que os enlutáis por ella;"

Hay una profecía muy importante en este pasaje. Hace 49 años y 15 días hoy que esa profecía fue cumplida. El pasaje pregunta, "¿Concebirá la tierra en un día? ¿nacerá una nación de una vez?"

El 14 de mayo de 1948, a las 2:00 de la tarde, el Primer Ministro de Israel, David Ben Gurion firmó los papeles que oficialmente proclamaron a Israel como una nación. Una nación nació de una vez, en un día. Exactamente como la profecía había dicho. Este evento fue como una bandera roja para el Cuerpo de Cristo y señaló el comienzo del regreso de Jesús. (¿Alguno de ustedes recuerda?) En tres años más de medio millón de Judíos regresaron a su Tierra Prometida.

El comienzo del regreso del pueblo escogido de Dios fue el cumplimiento directo de otras profecías. Veamos Jeremías 31:7-8, "Porque así ha dicho Jehová: Regocijaos en Jacob con alegría, y dad voces de júbilo a la cabeza de naciones; haced oir, alabad, y decid: Oh Jehová, salva tu pueblo, el remanente de Israel. (8) He aquí yo los haré volver de la tierra del norte, y los reuniré de los fines de la tierra, y entre ellos ciegos y cojos, la mujer que está encinta y la que dio a luz juntamente (algunas mujeres dieron a luz camino a Israel); en gran compañía volverán acá."

El pasaje dice. "el remanente de Israel", queriendo decir los judíos que habían sido esparcidos por todo el mundo después de la destrucción de Jerusalén en el año 70 D.C. Por más de dos mil años los judíos han sido esparcidos por todo el mundo y la mayoría de estos han deseado regresar a la tierra prometida a ellos por Dios a través de Abraham. Después de la caída de la muralla de Berlín, Rusia cambió sus leyes de imigración y permitió a los judíos regresar a Israel. Fue como una grieta en una represa. Judíos salieron de Rusia y otras naciones comunistas tan rápido que hubo, y todavía hay, una escasez de intelectuales, científicos, artistas, y otras personas talentosas en esas naciones.

Ahora, toda esta gente regresando a Israel de todas naciones alrededor del mundo creó un problema de comunicación. Cada uno hablaba un idioma diferente. Algunos hablaban ruso, otros polaco, otros inglés, y así por el estilo. Para levantar la nación necesitaban un idioma en común. De otras maneras serían como la torre de Babel. Una total confusión.

Un hombre tuvo la idea de establecer el hebreo como el idioma nacional. Hasta ese entonces el hebreo estaba casi olvidado. Había estado casi perdido por 2000 años. En los tiempos de Jesús, el griego era el idioma usado más comunmente, aún por los judíos. El hebreo era usado sólo por los sacerdotes y los escribas para propósitos religiosos. De todas maneras, el hebreo se convirtió en el idioma oficial de Israel. Esto fue el cumplimiento de dos versos de las escrituras, Jeremías 31:23 "Así ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos, Dios de Israel: Aun dirán esta palabra en la tierra de Judá y en sus ciudades, cuando yo haga volver sus cautivos: Jehová te bendiga, oh morada de justicia, oh monte santo." Y otra vez en Sofonías 3:9 "En aquel tiempo devolveré yo a los pueblos pureza de labios (He oído que una de las características del hebreo es que no se puede usar para jurar o tomar el Nombre de Dios en vano), para que todos invoquen el nombre de Jehová, para que le sirvan de común consentimiento."

Podemos ver una y otra vez diferentes profecías y como Dios las está cumpliendo en estos días. En esta noche quiero hablarles un poco acerca de algo que estuvo en las noticias cerca de dos semanas atrás. No estuvo en los grandes capitulares como Whitewater, China, u otro escándalo gubernamental. El mundo no entendería la noticia de la cual vamos a hablar. ¡Tiene que ver con el nacimiento de una vaca! Ahora, espiritualmente hablando, es una de las noticias más importantes que el Cuerpo de Cristo ha oído desde que Israel se convirtió en una nación.

Para comenzar veamos Daniel 9:24-27 (lea también 2 Tesalonicenses 2:3-4) "Setenta semanas están determinadas sobre tu pueblo y sobre tu santa ciudad, para acabar la prevaricación, y concluir el pecado, y expiar la iniquidad; y para traer la justicia perdurable, y sellar la visión y la profecía, y ungir al Santo de los santos. (25) Sabe pues y entiende, que desde la salida de la orden para restaurar y edificar a Jerusalén hasta el Mesías Príncipe, habrá siete semanas, y sesenta y dos semanas; se volverá a edificar la plaza y el muro en tiempos angustiosos. (26) Y después de las sesenta y dos semanas se quitará la vida al Mesías, y no por sí: y el pueblo de un príncipe que ha de venir, destruirá la ciudad y el santuario; con inundación será el fin de ella, y hasta el fin de la guerra durarán las devastaciones. (27) Y por otra semana confirmará el pacto con muchos, y a la mitad de la semana hará cesar el sacrificio y la ofrenda: después con la muchedumbre de las abominaciones vendrá el desolador, hasta que venga la consumación, y lo que está determinado se derrame sobre el desolador."

Marque este lugar en su Biblia. Sabemos que Jesús regresará a la tierra. Lo que no sabemos es cuando. Sabemos que ciertas cosas tienen que acontecer antes de su regreso. No estoy hablando del Rapto. No queda nada por cumplirse para el rapto. Puede acontecer aún esta noche. La segunda venida de Jesús ocurrirá en dos fases. La primera fase es el rapto, cuando el venga sobre la tierra. La segunda fase es su venida actual a la tierra cuando Él establecerá su reinado por mil años. Sabemos que quedan profecías por cumplirse antes de que la segunda fase acontezca.

Miremos otra vez el verso 26 donde dice que "el pueblo de un príncipe que ha de venir, destruirá la ciudad y el santuario;"

Esto habla de la destrucción de Jerusalén en el año 70 D.C. Jerusalén fue totalmente destruída por los ejércitos de Tito, un general romano. Estos destruyeron el Templo piedra por piedra hasta que no quedó nada, solamente el fundamento el cual permanece hoy. Esto fue un cumplimiento directo de una de las profecías de Jesús en Marcos 13:2, "Y Jesús respondiendo, le dijo: ¿Ves estos grandes edificios? no quedará piedra sobre piedra que no sea derribada."

38 años después, esto aconteció. Soldados romanos, guiados por el general Tito, destruyeron el Templo piedra por piedra y las tiraron en el valle de Kidron, al oeste de la montaña del Templo. 200 pies de escombros y piedras todavía permanecen allí hoy. Casas han sido construídas sobre los escombros.

Ahora miremos otra vez el libro de Daniel verso 27, "Y por otra semana confirmará el pacto con muchos, y a la mitad de la semana hará cesar el sacrificio y la ofrenda:" Esto habla acerca del Anticristo entrando en el Templo y suspendiendo las ofrendas y sacrificios judíos para Dios.

Sin embargo, aquí tenemos que preguntar la siguiente pregunta. ¿Cómo entrará el Anticristo al Templo para suspender los sacrificios si el Templo no existe hoy? La respuesta es la reconstrucción del Templo. Sabemos que antes de que el Anticristo aparezca, tiene que haber un Templo si él va a suspender los sacrificios. Así que, cualquier señal acerca de la reconstrucción del Templo son señales del Anticristo, las cuales son señales también del regreso del Señor Jesús el cual destruirá al Anticristo.

Por varios años, judíos dedicados han estado reproduciendo todos los instrumentos necesarios en los sacrificios del Templo. Lo último que oí es que estaban colectando dinero para reproducir el Menorah, lo cual es un candelabro con siete brazos hecho de oro. El costo estimado era un millón de dólares. Los vestidos del sumo sacerdote y los otros sacerdotes están siendo tejidos con tela de lino puro. Hay dos o tres escuelas las cuales están enseñando a los jóvenes las leyes del Antiguo Testamento acerca de los sacrificios y ofrendas.

No hay ninguna duda, Israel se está preparando para reconstruir el Templo. Pero hay un factor muy importante que puede detener la reconstrucción. No solamente lo detendrá pero aún si reconstruyen el Templo y tienen todos los instrumentos, todos los vestidos, y los sacerdotes instruídos en sacrificios y ofrendas, no podrán, de acuerdo a la ley de Moisés, efectuar sus ritos hasta que hayan encontrado una vaca muy especial. La noticia de la cual estaba hablando era acerca de esta vaca muy especial, una "vaca alazana", la cual nació en Israel recientemente. (Nota del traductor: vaca alazana se refiere a una vaca de color alazán. Alazán es un color entre marrón y anaranjado. La Biblia en inglés se refiere a esta vaca como la novilla roja o red heifer. De ahora en adelante me referiré a esta vaca como la novilla roja.). Por años los judíos han tratado de ingeniar genéticamente un linaje de novillas rojas pero esta vaca, llamada "Melody", no era de este linaje. Fue nacida naturalmente de una vaca blanca y negra y un toro marrón. Su nacimiento fue considerado un "milagro" por los judíos ortodoxos quienes dicen que esto es una señal de Dios y que ahora pueden comenzar a construir un tercer nuevo Templo en Jerusalén.

Ahora, ¿Cuál es la importancia de esta "novilla roja" y por qué algunas personas están tan emocionadas? Vaya al libro de Números 19:1-10 y léalo. Lo que usted leyó es uno de los rituales más extraños descritos en la Biblia.

Lo que ellos hacían era tomar una vaca joven, tenía que ser roja sin ningún pelo blanco o negro, o ninguna otra falta de ningún tipo. Tomaban la novilla fuera de Jerusalén al monte de los Olivos y la mataban cortando su garganta. Entonces tomaban su sangre y la rociaban hacia el lugar santísimo en el Templo al otro lado del valle de Kidron. Entonces tomaban el cuerpo y lo quemaban en el tope de una pila grande de madera. Mientras se quemaba, ellos tiraban un pedazo de madera de cedro, una rama de hisopo, y un pedazo de material escarlata. Después que el animal había sido quemado a cenizas, sacerdotes recogían las cenizas en vasijas de barro y las llevaban al Templo. Allí rociaban las cenizas en una cisterna grande de agua. Estas aguas entonces se convertían en, "aguas de purificación". Estas aguas eran usadas para purificar al pueblo de ciertas impurezas.

Por ejemplo, cualquiera que tocase un cuerpo muerto era considerado "impuro" por 7 días. Al tercer día estaba supuesto a tomar del agua de purificación, el agua con las cenizas, y lavarse con ella. Si no lo hacía en el tercer día no era considerado "puro" al final de los 7 días. Otro ejemplo, si un hombre moría en una tienda de campaña, la tienda permanecía "impura" por 7 días. Esto incluía todo en la tienda y cualquiera que entrare en ella hasta que se considerara "pura" otra vez. Todo tenía que ser lavado con las aguas de purificación.

Los versos 11 hasta el final del capítulo dice como el agua se iba a usar para el propósito de purificación. Este sacrificio de la novilla roja sólo ha ocurrido un total de 9 veces desde que Moisés recibió la ley en el monte Sinaí. La razón es que las cenizas mezcladas con agua duran un largo tiempo. La última vez que se efectuó este rito fue poco antes de la destrucción del Templo en el año 70 D.C.

Sabes, en nuestro pensar de hoy podríamos entender todo esto si el agua era convertida en un desinfectante cuando las cenizas eran añadidas, pero esto no pasaba. Era simplemente agua con cenizas flotando en ella. Sin embargo, Dios dijo que purificaría al impuro y limpiaría al manchado. Este ritual extraño confundía a los sacerdotes y a todos los demás. Simplemente no hacía sentido. Sin embargo efectuaban el ritual.

El lugar en Jerusalén donde el Templo ha de construirse ha sido profanado una y otra vez. Cientos de miles de soldados, sacerdotes, y otras personas han muerto en ese lugar haciéndolo "impuro" con muerte. Tiene que ser limpiado con aguas de purificación. No sólo esto, pero después que el Templo se construya y antes de que ningún sacerdote pueda comenzar su labor, tiene que ser lavados con esta agua, en conjunto con todos los utensilios. Ésta es la razón por la cual los religiosos judíos estaban emocionados acerca de la novilla roja que nació hace 6 meses.

No hay nada que detenga a los judíos a construir el Templo y re-establecer los sacrificios y ofrendas de acuerdo a la ley de Moisés. Nada, excepto Yasser Arafat, el PLO y otras naciones árabes. Una de las mezquitas más santas del mundo árabe está en el mismo lugar donde el Templo será reconstruído. Recientemente, Yasser Arafat y los árabes comenzaron una revuelta porque algunos judíos abrieron un túnel debajo del monte del Templo. ¿Por qué estaban tan enojados? Ellos dijeron que los judíos estaban menospreciando la mezquita islámica para poder construir su Templo. Esto es una espina en el costado de los árabes y si algo va a comenzar una guerra total entre Israel y el mundo islámico, esto será la reconstrucción del Templo en la montaña del Templo.

La reconstrucción del Templo abrirá las puertas para que un hombre se levante y ofrezca una solución para el problema. Esta solución sera un pacto entre Israel y los árabes. Y el hombre que va a diseñar este pacto será el Anticristo.

Ahora, tienes que recordar, el Anticristo no será revelado hasta que la iglesia de Jesucristo sea raptada (2 Tesalonicenses 2:6-8). Esta es la importancia del nacimiento de la novilla roja para el cuerpo de Cristo (Cristianos). Nos acerca un día más a la venida del Señor.

Una de las cosas extrañas acerca de la novilla roja es que el sacrificio del animal manchaba al sacerdote que efectuaba el sacrificio. Esta impureza duraba hasta el anochecer. Esto es lo que confundía a los sacerdotes que efectuaban el sacrificio. ¿Cómo podían las cenizas de la novilla roja mezcladas con agua purificar lo impuro y causar que el sacerdote efectuando el sacrificio sea impuro a la misma vez? El agua purificaba lo impuro pero a la misma vez hacía al puro impuro. Otra cosa extraña era que en todos los otros sacrificios sólo una parte del animal era quemada pero en este sacrificio toda la novilla roja era quemada.

Falta algo en nuestro estudio de las cenizas de la novilla roja. Ninguna lección de la Biblia está completa a menos que encuentres a Jesús en algún lugar. Este estudio de las cenizas de la novilla roja no es la excepción. Le debo la mayoría de esta información al autor Grant Jeffrey y su libro "Heaven, The Last Frontier" (El Cielo, la Última Frontera).

Refiriéndonos otra vez al libro de Números 19, verso 2, Di a los hijos de Israel que te traigan una vaca alazana (novilla roja), perfecta, en la cual no haya falta"

En todos los otros sacrificios y ofrendas el animal tenía que ser macho. Sin embargo aquí pide una novilla roja. ¿Recuerdas cuándo Jesús fue traicionado por Judas? ¿Recuerdas cuántas piezas de plata los fariseos le pagaron? ¡Treinta! En aquellos días treinta piezas de plata era el precio pagado por una esclava, un esclavo se vendía por 50 piezas. Jesús fue traicionado por Judas por el precio de una esclava. La vaca, la novilla señalaba hacia Él.

Otra vez refiriéndonos al verso 2, "perfecta, en la cual no haya falta". Hebreos 4:15 dice que Jesús fue "uno que fue tentado en todo según nuestra semejanza, pero sin pecado" Jesús era puro y sin pecado, sin ninguna mancha o arruga espiritual.

Continuando con la última parte del segundo verso, "sobre la cual no se haya puesto yugo" Los yugos eran usados con bestias de carga. El yugo junta dos bestias de manera que puedan ser dirigidas y trabajadas en el campo. Jesús fue a la cruz sólo. Nunca fue forzado o "enyuntado" para ser un sacrificio para ti y para mi.

El tercer verso dice, "y él la sacará fuera del campamento, y la hará degollar en su presencia" En los tiempos cuando vagaban en el desierto la novilla era sacada del campamento y era sacrificada. En los días del Templo la novilla era sacada de la ciudad, al otro lado del valle de Kidron al monte de los Olivos. Jesús fue sacado de la ciudad a la colina del Gólgota, el lugar de la calavera, y fue crucificado, o sacrificado.

En el cuarto verso el sacerdote tomaba la sangre del sacrificio y la rociaba hacia el tabernáculo 7 veces. Siete es el número de completamiento o conclusión. Cuando la sangre de Cristo se derramaba en la cruz una de las últimas cosas que Jesús dijo fue, "Consumado es".

Verso 5, "y hará quemar la vaca ante sus ojos; su cuero y su carne y su sangre, con su estiércol, hará quemar." Cada onza de la novilla roja era quemada por el fuego. En las escrituras el fuego es símbolo de la ira de Dios y en el monte Calvario 2000 años atrás, Jesús tomó la ira de su propio Padre por tus pecados y los míos. Hebreos 10:31 dice, "¡Horrenda cosa es caer en manos del Dios vivo!" Y en 2 Corintios 5:21, "por nosotros lo hizo pecado, para que nosotros fuésemos hechos justicia de Dios en Él."

Y el último verso que miraremos es el verso 6. "Luego tomará el sacerdote madera de cedro, e hisopo, y escarlata, y lo echará en medio del fuego en que arde la vaca."

La madera de cedro representa dos cosas. Primero, la madera representa la cruz. Segundo, madera de cedro es la madera usada en la construcción del Templo, cubierta de oro. Así que la madera de cedro representa el Templo. Jesús pasó mucho tiempo sirviendo y enseñando en el Templo y muchas veces habló acerca de éste. Un día Jesús fue al Templo y expulsó a todos los cambistas y comerciantes. Entonces se fue. Algunos judíos lo siguieron y preguntaron, "¿Qué señal nos muestras, ya que haces esto?" Jesús respondió, "Destruid este Templo, y en tres días lo levantaré." (Juan 2:19). Esta declaración fue una de las usadas en su contra en su juicio. Ellos pensaron que el se refería al edificio pero Él hablaba de su propio cuerpo. El pedazo de cedro que fue quemado con la novilla roja señalaba hacia Jesús.

El verso 6 también dice que tomen "hisopo" lo cual era una yerba mala que crece allí. Ellos tomaban una rama de hisopo y la quemaban con la novilla roja. ¿Qué relación tiene una rama de hisopo con Jesús? Veamos Isaías 53:2, allí se encuentra una profecía acerca de la primera venida de Jesús y dice, "Subirá cual renuevo delante de él, y como raíz de tierra seca;" Jeremías 23:5, otra profecía acerca de su primera venida, "He aquí que vienen días, dice Jehová, en que levantaré a David renuevo justo..." (Nota del traductor: En la Biblia en inglés renuevo es traducido como rama)

Zacarías 3:8 "Escucha pues ahora, Josué sumo sacerdote, tú, y tus amigos que se sientan delante de ti; porque son varones simbólicos: He aquí, yo traigo a mi siervo, el Renuevo."Otra vez en el verso 6:12, "He aquí el varón cuyo nombre es el Renuevo" Jesús vino a este mundo como una planta tierna, o rama, pero creció y fue Hombre. ¿Recuerdas lo que dijo? Yo soy la vid, vosotros los pámpanos (ramas); El renuevo creció y se convirtió en la vid y ahora nosotros somos las ramas de esta vid.

Verso 6. La última cosa añadida al fuego con la novilla roja era un pedazo de tela escarlata. ¿Recuerdas (Mateo 27:28) cuándo Jesús fue traído ante Pilato? Pilato lo sentenció a la muerte y liberó a Barrabás. Entonces soldados romanos tomaron a Jesús y lo azotaron, pusieron una corona de espinas en su cabeza y le pusieron un manto de escarlata (Mateo 27:28) sobre sus hombros y se burlaban de Él diciendo, "¡Salve, Rey de los judíos!"

Cuando esos soldados pusieron esa pieza de escarlata sobre sus hombros, representaban algo que aplica a cada uno de nosotros. De hecho, cada uno de nosotros ha hecho esta misma cosa. Vayamos a Isaías 1:18, "Venid luego, dice Jehová, y estemos a cuenta: si vuestros pecados fueren como la grana, como la nieve serán emblanquecidos; si fueren rojos como el carmesí, vendrán a ser como blanca lana."

Antes de que una persona sea salva, su "guardaropa" espiritual da la impresión de que viste magníficamente. El "mundo" fomenta este tipo de vestido, pero el vestirse de justicia propia, es una rebelión total contra Dios.

Entonces un día, el Espíritu Santo nos saca de las tinieblas y nos lleva a la luz del Evangelio. Nuestros trapos de inmundicia, de justicia propia, son revelados por lo que realmente son, una abominación a Dios. Entonces el Espíritu Santo también nos revela que sólo hay un camino a la salvación, a través de Jesucristo.

Si eres "salvo o salva" entonces, en un momento dado has tomado tu manto de escarlata, (el cual representa tu pecado) y lo pusiste en los hombros de Jesús. Debido a Su amor por ti, Él lo recibió y, en cambio, te dio un "vestido de salvación" y el manto de Su justicia. (Un sólo tamaño queda a todos.)

Ahora, todas estas cosas:

Num. 1. La novilla roja, representando el precio pagado por Jesús.

Num. 2. Madera de cedro representando la cruz y el Templo.

Num 3. Hisopo representando a Jesús, el Renuevo.

Num 4. Escarlata representando nuestro pecado.

Todos estos fueron quemados en un fuego el cual representa la ira de Dios. Ese fuego produjo cenizas que fueron mezcladas con agua ordinaria y las convirtió en aguas de purificación para limpiar las impurezas espirituales. Y esto, mi amigo o amiga, representa la Sangre de Jesús.

Hebreos 9:13-14 dice, "Porque si la sangre de los toros y de los machos cabríos, y la ceniza de la becerra (novilla), rociada a los inmundos, santifican para la purificación de la carne, (14 ) ¿Cuánto más la sangre de Cristo, el cual por el Espíritu eterno se ofreció a si mismo sin mancha a Dios, limpiará vuestras conciencias de obras muertas para que sirváis al Dios vivo?"

Rogocijémonos porque Dios está revelando estas cosas a Su iglesia en estos últimos días. Y continua mirando al cielo, ¡Jesús está por regresar!

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Respuesta  Mensaje 75 de 205 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/11/2012 15:26
BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/11/2012 11:58
Marzo 30
      1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31  
Autor:Paolo Bonavoglia

El calendario funciona a partir del 1 Enero del -4712 (4713 A. C.) que es el día 0 del calendario juliano.
Al pasar del calendario juliano al gregoriano desaparecieron los días desde el 5 al 14 de octubre de 1582.
Para los años anteriores al -45 (46 A. C.) año en el que Julio Cesar introdujo el calendario juliano, la fecha se expresa según un calendario juliano retroactivo y no según el calendario de Numa entonces vigente. Para el periodo entre -45 (46 A.C.) y 8 D.C. se intentó cambiar el nombre y la longitud de los meses y el error en los años bisiestos que computaban.

Eventos astronómicos
Luna nueva Mièrcoles 22 Marzo 30 17.48'
Cuarto creciente Jueves 30 Marzo 30 22.15'
Luna llena Mièrcoles 8 Marzo 30 11.25'
Cuarto menguante Mièrcoles 15 Marzo 30 2.36'
Eclipse ningún eclipse de sol
ningún eclipse de luna

La hora está en T.U. o sea tiempo universal del meridiano de Greenwich; las fases de la luna son aproximadamente con error máximo de 2m; pero en el eclipse de sol la señalización de la zona visible es solamente indicativa.

Cuando se hizo la reforma del papa Gregorio, tendria que haberse atrasado 12 dias en lugar de 10 debido a que se llevo el equinoccio al mismo que estaba en contexto del concilio de Nisea, que fue en el 325 DC,  y no del año de la resurreccion del Señor. Es por eso que la Luna llena me aparece en  el 8 de Marzo del año 30 cuando tendria que tambien ser el 6 de Marzo, al igual que en el año 1776, que fue el año de la Independencia de EEUU, teniendo en cuenta que 1746 años solares equivalen practicamente a un numero entero de ciclos lunares.

Génesis 3

1. Pero la serpiente era astuta, más que todos los animales del campo que Jehová Dios había hecho; la cual dijo a la mujer: ¿Conque Dios os ha dicho: No comáis de todo árbol del huerto?
2. Y la mujer respondió a la serpiente: Del fruto de los árboles del huerto podemos comer;
3. pero del fruto del árbol que está en medio del huerto dijo Dios: No comeréis de él, ni le tocaréis, para que no muráis.
4. Entonces la serpiente dijo a la mujer: No moriréis;
5. sino que sabe Dios que el día que comáis de él, serán abiertos vuestros ojos, y seréis como Dios, sabiendo el bien y el mal.
6. Y vio la mujer que el árbol era bueno para comer, y que era agradable a los ojos, y árbol codiciable para alcanzar la sabiduría; y tomó de su fruto, y comió; y dio también a su marido, el cual comió así como ella.
7. Entonces fueron abiertos los ojos de ambos, y conocieron que estaban desnudos; entonces cosieron hojas de higuera, y se hicieron delantales.
8. Y oyeron la voz de Jehová Dios que se paseaba en el huerto, al aire del día; y el hombre y su mujer se escondieron de la presencia de Jehová Dios entre los árboles del huerto.
9. Mas Jehová Dios llamó al hombre, y le dijo: ¿Dónde estás tú?
10. Y él respondió: Oí tu voz en el huerto, y tuve miedo, porque estaba desnudo; y me escondí.
11. Y Dios le dijo: ¿Quién te enseñó que estabas desnudo? ¿Has comido del árbol de que yo te mandé no comieses?
12. Y el hombre respondió: La mujer que me diste por compañera me dio del árbol, y yo comí.
13. Entonces Jehová Dios dijo a la mujer: ¿Qué es lo que has hecho? Y dijo la mujer: La serpiente me engañó, y comí.
14. Y Jehová Dios dijo a la serpiente: Por cuanto esto hiciste, maldita serás entre todas las bestias y entre todos los animales del campo; sobre tu pecho andarás, y polvo comerás todos los días de tu vida.
15. Y pondré enemistad entre ti y la mujer, y entre tu simiente y la simiente suya; ésta te herirá en la cabeza, y tú le herirás en el calcañar.
16. A la mujer dijo: Multiplicaré en gran manera los dolores en tus preñeces; con dolor darás a luz los hijos; y tu deseo será para tu marido, y él se enseñoreará de ti.
17. Y al hombre dijo: Por cuanto obedeciste a la voz de tu mujer, y comiste del árbol de que te mandé diciendo: No comerás de él; maldita será la tierra por tu causa; con dolor comerás de ella todos los días de tu vida.
18. Espinos y cardos te producirá, y comerás plantas del campo.
19. Con el sudor de tu rostro comerás el pan hasta que vuelvas a la tierra, porque de ella fuiste tomado; pues polvo eres, y al polvo volverás.
20. Y llamó Adán el nombre de su mujer, Eva, por cuanto ella era madre de todos los vivientes.
21. Y Jehová Dios hizo al hombre y a su mujer túnicas de pieles, y los vistió.
22. Y dijo Jehová Dios: He aquí el hombre es como uno de nosotros, sabiendo el bien y el mal; ahora, pues, que no alargue su mano, y tome también del árbol de la vida, y coma, y viva para siempre. (Wall STREET/TREE OF LIFE/911/SALMO 119/SALMO DE LA LEY)
23. Y lo sacó Jehová del huerto del Edén, para que labrase la tierra de que fue tomado.
Echó, pues, fuera al hombre, y puso al oriente del huerto de Edén querubines, y una espada encendida que se revolvía por todos lados, para guardar el camino del árbol de la vida. (CRISTO EN LA RESURRECCION ABRIO EL CAMINO AL ARBOL DE LA VIDA. EL ARBOL ES UNA REFERENCIA AL TERCER DIA DE LA CREACION Y ES UNA OBVIA REFERENCIA AL ARBOL GENEALOGICO, OSEA EL SANTO GRIAL. EL ARBOL SIMBOLIZA A LA MUJER Y EL FRUTO EL HIJO)
Wall Street 
Nombre de una calle de la c. de Nueva York (E.U.A.), famosa por albergar la sede de la bolsa.
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Respuesta  Mensaje 76 de 205 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/11/2012 16:40

Flags of the American Revolution

The first flags adopted by our colonial forebears were symbolic of their struggles with the wilderness of the new land. Beavers, pine trees, rattlesnakes, anchors and various other insignia were affixed to different banners with mottoes such as "Hope," "Liberty," "Appeal to Heaven," or "Don't Tread on Me."

In the early days of the Revolution, there were colonial and regimental flags by the score. The Boston Liberty flag, consisting of nine alternate red and white horizontal stripes, flew over the Liberty Tree, a fine old elm in Hanover Square in Boston, where the Sons of Liberty met.


Pine Tree flag

Still another was a white flag with a green pine tree and the inscription, "An Appeal to Heaven." This particular flag became familiar on the seas as the ensign of the cruisers commissioned by General Washington, and was noted by many English newspapers of the time. [Available from FlagLine.com.]


Don't Tread on Me flag

Flags with a rattlesnake theme also gained increasing prestige with colonists. The slogan "Don't Tread on Me" almost invariably appeared on rattlesnake flags. A flag of this type was the standard of the South Carolina Navy. Another, the Gadsden flag, consisted of a yellow field with a rattlesnake in a spiral coil, poised to strike, in the center. Below the snake was the motto, "Don't Tread on Me." [Available from FlagLine.com.]


Culpeper Minutemen Flag

Similar was the Culpepper flag, banner of the Minutemen of Culpepper (now spelled Culpeper) County, Virginia. It consisted of a white field with a rattlesnake in a spiral coil in the center. Above the rattlesnake was the legend "The Culpepper Minute Men" and below, the motto, "Liberty or Death" as well as "Don't Tread on Me." [Available from FlagLine.com.]

In December of 1775, an anonymous Philadelphia correspondent wrote to Bradford's Pennsylvania journal concerning the symbolic use of the snake. He began the letter by saying:

I recollected that her eye excelled in brightness that of any other animal, and that she has no eye-lids. She may, therefore, be esteemed an emblem of vigilance. She never begins an attack, nor, when once engaged, ever surrenders. She is, therefore, an emblem of magnanimity and true courage.

It was probably the deadly bite of the rattler, however, which was foremost in the minds of its designers, and the threatening slogan "Don't Tread on Me" added further significance to the design.


For more of the story of the rattlesnake flags of early America, click here.


Fort Moultrie flag

The Moultrie flag was the first distinctive American flag displayed in the South. It flew over the ramparts of the fort on Sullivan's Island, which lies in the channel leading to Charleston, South Carolina, when the British fleet attacked on June 28, 1776. The British ships bombarded the fort for 10 hours. But the garrison, consisting of some 375 regulars -- and a few militia, under the command of Col. William Moultrie, put up such a gallant defense that the British were forced to withdraw under cover of darkness. This victory saved the southern Colonies from invasion for another two years.

The flag was blue, as were the uniforms of the men of the garrison, and it bore a white crescent in the upper corner next to the staff, like the silver crescents the men wore on their caps, inscribed with the words "Liberty or Death." [Available from FlagLine.com.]


Rhode Island Regiment flag

The Maritime Colony of Rhode Island had its own flag, which was carried at Brandywine, Trenton, and Yorktown. It bore an anchor, 13 stars, and the word "Hope." Its white stars in a blue field are believed by many to have influenced the design of our national flag. [Available from FlagLine.com.]

The Army preferred its regimental flags on the battlefield instead of the Stars and Stripes. A popular form of the U.S. flag that was used in battle had the obverse (front) of the Great Seal in the canton.


13-Star Betsy Ross Flag

The Army also used the Stars and Stripes with 13 stars in a circle. The Stars and Stripes was officially used in Army artillery units in 1834, and in infantry units in 1842. [Available from FlagLine.com.]


Note: Our information on the history and traditions of the American flag is based on primary source materials from the Federal Consumer Information Center.

Respuesta  Mensaje 77 de 205 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/11/2012 04:12
LEON (LEON de la tribu de JUDA)
Busqueda para NARDO

Entonces María tomó una libra de perfume de NARDO puro, de mucho precio, y ungió los pies de Jesús, y los enjugó con sus cabellos; y la casa se llenó del olor del perfume.
1232. Salmos 128:3: Tu mujer será como VID que lleva fruto a los lados de tu casa;
Tus hijos como plantas de olivo alrededor de tu mesa.
49:8 Judá, te alabarán tus hermanos; Tu mano en la cerviz de tus enemigos; Los hijos de tu padre se inclinarán a ti.
49:9 Cachorro de león, Judá; De la presa subiste, hijo mío. Se encorvó, se echó como león, Así como león viejo: ¿quién lo despertará?
49:10 No será quitado el cetro de Judá, Ni el legislador de entre sus pies, Hasta que venga Siloh; Y a él se congregarán los pueblos.
49:11 Atando a la vid su pollino, Y a la cepa el hijo de su asna, Lavó en el vino su vestido, Y en la sangre de uvas su manto.
49:12 Sus ojos, rojos del vino, Y sus dientes blancos de la leche. (LAODICEA=ILUMINACION=APOCALIPSIS 3:14. LA ILUMINACION en la tora tiene un fuerte contexto con MARIA MAGDALENA Y EL SANTO GRIAL. En la pelicula "EL CODIGO DA VINCI" cuando ROBERT LANGDON Y SOPHIE NEVEU van a la mansion del INGLES SIR  LEIGH TEABING es increible que PREVIO A QUE ESTE ULTIMO le revele a SOPHIE el nexo de MARIA MAGDALENA CON LEONARDO DA VINCI le hace cerrar los ojos y le pregunta de cuantas copas habia en la mesa en la SANTA CENA y justamente ella responde que una sola. TEABING, un ingles, cuando SOPHIE abre los ojos (ILUMINACION) le muestra que en dicha pintura no hay ninguna copa y que el GRIAL ES JUSTAMENTE LA MUJER QUE ESTA A LA DERECHA DEL SEÑOR CON PELO ROJIZO. LA ILUMINACION EN LA TORA ESTA 100% INTERRELACIONADA CON LA ESPOSA DE NUESTRO SEÑOR JESUCRISTO)
 37 13 22.70N, 115 48 52.15W Coordenadas AREA 51

Respuesta  Mensaje 78 de 205 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/11/2012 00:40

Fases Lunares para el mes de Julio del año 1776

Lunes Martes Miércoles Jueves Viernes Sábado Domingo


// -->
DíaFase lunar Porcentaje iluminado
16 Luna Nueva En la fase lunar de Luna Nueva la visibilidad es del 0%
23 Cuarto Creciente En la fase lunar de Cuarto Creciente la visibilidad es del 50%
1 Luna Llena En la fase lunar de Luna Llena la visibilidad es del 100%
8 Cuarto Menguante En la fase lunar de Cuarto Menguante la visibilidad es del 50%
Como hemos expresado en un mensaje anterior los EEUU han tenido 2 fechas de Independencia. Una el 2 de Julio (Martes) y otra el 4 de Julio (Jueves) de 1776. Tambien hemos expresado que 1776 esta interrelacionado con el numero 1746 (numero de la fusion del sol con la luna) en el contexto a la resurreccion de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo que muy probable fue en el año 30 DC.

(1746 * 365.242256) / 29.53059 = 21 594.9962

Alli vemos que practicamente tiene un numero entero de ciclos lunares (21595). ¿Que quiere decir esto? Que la INDEPENDENCIA DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS ESTA INTERRELACIONADA CON LA CRUCIFICCION DE CRISTO. El año 1776 tiene la misma secuencia lunar que el año 30 DC. Cuando se hizo la reforma del calendario juliano al gregoriano en 1582 (4 de octubre), se salteo 10 dias, osea que la secuencia fue despues de un jueves 4 de octubre un viernes 15 de octubre pero hubo un error debido a que en dicho cambio no se llevo el equinoccio de primavera al del año 30 sino que al del CONCILIO DE NICEA (325 dc). Concretamente se tendria que haber salteado 12 dias en lugar de 10. Al momento de la INDEPENDENCIA AMERICANA EL CALENDARIO JULIANO YA TENIA UN ERROR DE 13 DIAS. ¿que quiero decir con esto? Que la verdadera LUNA LLENA DEL AÑO NUEVO HEBREO FUE UN 8 DE MARZO Y NO UN 6.
Eventos del presente mes
Event Description Day UT
Icona Descrizione Data Ora T.U.
Cuarto creciente Cuarto creciente Mièrcoles 1 05:55
Luna llena Luna llena Mièrcoles 8 11:24
Cuarto mengante Cuarto mengante Mièrcoles 15 02:35
Luna nueva Luna nueva Mièrcoles 22 17:48
  Equinozio di primavera Jueves 23 01:11
Cuarto creciente Cuarto creciente Jueves 30 22:15
La hora está en T.U. o sea tiempo universal del meridiano de Greenwich; las fases de la luna son aproximadamente con error máximo de 2m.
Respuesta  Mensaje 85 de 85 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/11/2012 21:31

(1746 * 365.242256) - (7 * 91 100) = 12.978976


Respuesta  Mensaje 79 de 205 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/11/2012 14:35

Mystery, Babylon the Great

By Goro Adachi
October 25, 2001

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Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters... And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH... And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, thees shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire... and the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

(Revelation 17:1-18)

wtc-tower-smoke.jpg (17075 bytes)

And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven... And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen... And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached onto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities... Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire... And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning. Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come. And the merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls... The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing... For in one hour so great riches is come nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off, And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city! ... And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.

(Revelation 18:1-24)

Gate of the God

Is New York City -- plausibly the greatest city on earth -- the city called 'Babylon' personified by a 'great whore'? Does the scriptural passages concerning the fall of Babylon have some relevance to the 911 terrorist attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center twin towers? Indeed, since many had long compared NYC to the scriptural 'Babylon', the 'prophecies' in Revelation quoted above can quite naturally be considered applicable to the first major attack on the US homeland - one of the biggest, and most shocking, terrorist incidents in all history. Although some may object to the resultant implication that NYC is the city of sinners that had to be destroyed by 'God' himself, I'd point out that the sense of 'good vs. evil' in the Bible is quite a murky one that should not be taken too literally. (In fact, nothing in religious writings is to be taken literally - it's a trap that ape-brained men can't seem to get past... and this has caused so much trouble for the world throughout history. This is what happens when a powerful 'gift' is given to those who are not ready to handle it. History of mankind since c. 4000 BC -- when 'Pandora's box' was opened -- is the story of humans struggling to co-exist with the divine 'gift'.) A case in point: in Genesis, we read that at one time men were all united, spoke one language, and worked together in harmony toward reaching 'heaven':

And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.  (Genesis 11:4)

In other words, mankind was thriving in peace and had high hopes. And what does 'God' do?

And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. Therefore is the name of it called Babel...  (Genesis 11:5-9)

If the biblical 'God' represents all that is 'good', then this episode does not make much sense, does it? If 'good' represents men not living in harmony and striving to become something better, then what good is being 'good'? Hence, the overlay of NYC and Babylon the 'whore' need not be viewed as an 'evil' city versus those representing the 'good'. And there is, of course, a direct parallel between the NYC-Babylon juxtaposition and the biblical tale concerning the building of the Tower of Babel just quoted above. WTC-towers.jpg (10756 bytes)According to tradition, the Tower of Babel was built in the ancient city of Babylon - in fact 'Babel' and 'Babylon' are practically interchangeable terms. How fitting is it that it was the twin towers -- by far the tallest in the city -- of the modern Babylon, i.e. NYC, that were destroyed in the recent terrorist attacks? NYC is the ultimate melting pot of all peoples of this planet where they interact in harmony (well-exemplified by NYC being the home of the United Nations) and produce something great -- just like the builders of the Tower of Babel. And even the designation of 'whore' is quite applicable as at the entrance to NYC is found the welcoming Statue of Liberty, a great woman symbolizing the great city.

There are further correlations to be yielded by the label 'whore'. A character in the scriptures that would best fit the description is Mary Magdalene - an enigmatic female companion, or quite likely the lover/wife, of Jesus Christ. Although Mary Magdalene is never described as a prostitute in the New Testament, it has been the prevalent view that she was. Chances are, though, the Magdalene is to be considered a 'whore' only in the symbolic sense that she was a version of the ancient Egyptian goddess par excellence, Isis, the wife-sister of Osiris, who was both a 'virgin' and a 'whore' as well as a goddess of wisdom and magic. (Isis' companion Osiris was killed and later resurrected to nicely parallel the Magdalene's companion, Jesus.) Isis, in turn, was represented in the sky by the great star Sirius -- a star of utmost importance to the ancient Egyptians as its 'rebirth' (i.e. 'heliacal rising') in mid-summer had the function of marking the New Year and signaling the beginning of the life-giving annual flooding of the Nile, roughly coinciding with the summer solstice. Curiously, the biblical tale about the Tower of Babel immediately follow those concerning Noah and the Great Flood as if to echo the correlation.

Esoterically, Sirius is represented by a five-pointed star, i.e. a pentagonal form -- thus ending up strongly resonating with the fact that the '911' terrorist attacks hit not just the WTC towers but also the Pentagon (whose construction, by the way, began on 9-11). Sirius, moreover, may be considered a 'stargate' par excellence for in ancient Egypt 'star' was interchangeable with 'doorway'. Sirius being the brightest star in the night sky, it can thusly be viewed as the ultimate 'gate of heaven', or 'gate of the god' - which just happens to be the very meaning of the name 'Babylon'. Similarly, the name given to the historical Tower of Babel, Etemenanki, meant 'the house of the foundation of heaven and earth', i.e. a gate to heaven. This link is then further enhanced by the fact that the name 'Magdalene' (as Magdala) can mean 'tower' as in the Tower of Babel and the WTC twin towers. Reinforcing the connection even more, amazingly, is the groundbreaking date of the WTC twin towers being August 5, that is, the very date of Sirius' heliacal rising/'rebirth' in our epoch!  The Magdalene's name can also mean 'place of the dove' - which is still quite intriguing as it relates to the flood theme; it was a dove that signaled for Noah that the flood had ended (see Gen. 8:8-12).

The Fallen

In Genesis, the cause of the biblical Flood is -- rather mysteriously -- associated with 'fallen angels', or 'giants'/'sons of God', more properly called the 'Nephilim':


There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. And God saw that the wickedness was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth...

This is a typical English translation of Genesis 6:4-7 that contains some errors, including the last phrase, ‘men of renown’. It may be more accurately rendered as ‘the people of the shem’. What, then, is the ‘shem’? Zecharia Sitchin writes:

The persistence of biblical translators to employ "name" wherever they encounter shem has ignored a farsighted study published more than a century ago by G. M. Redslob… in which he correctly pointed out that the term shem and the term shamaim ("heaven") stem from the root word shamah, meaning "that which is highward."  (The 12th Planet, pp.147-8)

The shem was also closely linked with fire and a stone; the shem thus was a ‘highward fire-stone’. It is, in other words, apparently a reference to a meteorite. This is strongly corroborated by the fact that:

Shems were particularly associated with something called an-na, which meant ‘heavenly stone’, a term that was also used to define a shining metal. The use of the word shem in respect of its ‘shining’ aspect is apparent in the alternative name for Prince Utu, brother of Inanna… His epithet was Shem-esh: the Shining One.  (Laurence Gardner, Genesis of the Grail Kings, p.120)

So, what we have here is this: the shem was a ‘heavenly shining fire-stone’ while the Nephilim, i.e. the ‘fallen angles’ (also called the ‘Shining Ones’), were the ‘people of the shem’.

The shem also figures in the tale of the Tower of Babel:

…let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a shem, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

Again, the shem is directly associated with heaven, and here it is additionally linked with the top of a tower – which makes the shem very much comparable to the Egyptian Benben Stone which too is thought to have been a meteorite and was placed at the very top of a pyramid or obelisk. It may also be noticed that the Babel story conceptually parallels the saga of the 'fallen angels' who were punished by ‘God’ for overreaching just as was the case with the builders of the Tower.

The Benben Stone connection then brings us back to Osiris, the husband-brother of Isis, as ancient Egyptian theology equated the heavenly stone with the soul of Osiris as well as the phoenix. Since the phoenix signifies the concept of resurrection, it may be inferred that the Benben/shem is symbolic of Osirian resurrection which mythologically takes place with the help of Isis. And similarly, Jesus -- in theory, the biblical Osiris -- is identified in the New Testament with the cornerstone of the Temple that the ‘builders rejected’:

…Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone…  (Ephesians 2:20)

Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.  (Acts 4:10-1)

This notion of a rejected cornerstone can easily be compared to the ‘rejected’ capstone/benben of the greatest Egyptian ‘Temple’, the Great Pyramid. Combined with a cornerstone’s significance as the transition from the underground realm to the upper realm, the rejected cornerstone even echoes the Benben Stone being symbolic of Osirian resurrection (thus further reinforcing the Osiris-Jesus identification).

Antediluvian Pillars

Osiris was considered the ruler of the Golden Age known to the ancient Egyptians as the Zep Tepi, or 'First Time'. This mythical realm in turn has been often associated with the supposed great antediluvian civilization that Plato called 'Atlantis'. In Plato's accounts of this lost world, the only clear reference to its geographical position is that it was situated beyond the 'pillars of Hercules' (an ancient name for the Straits of Gibraltar at the western end of the Mediterranean Sea). Osiris, correspondingly, was often depicted in the shape of a pillar by the ancient Egyptians. Could the two 'pillars of Hercules' that represented a gateway to the paradisiacal realm be now considered analogous to the Tower of Babel/'gate of the god' or more specifically the twin towers/pillars of NYC destroyed in the 9-11 terrorist attacks?

The imagery of two pillars is also clearly evocative of the two pillars of Jachin and Boaz (symbolizing individual power and life) that stood at the entrance to Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, the home of the Ark of the Covenant. They were made of brass (1 Kings 7:15) - which has a most fitting implication as brass/bronze is considered to signify 'the indissoluble compact between Earth and Heaven and the pledge of the everlasting stability of this covenant' (Chevalier & Gheerbrant, Dictionary of Symbols, "column"). Representations of these pillars are still found in lodges of Freemasonry, a large semi-secret and esoteric organization which carries within its mysterious tradition that of the medieval warrior-monks, the Knights Templar.

After its sudden dissolution initiated by the French king Philip the Fair in 1307, the Templar survivors apparently made their way into Scotland where they and their tradition found a sanctuary and were maintained by certain interlocking families including the Sinclairs, the patron of Scottish Freemasonry, who had a close connection with the Templar knights. Among the Templar legacies were almost certainly things they had obtained at the site of Solomon's Temple which they had been allowed to use as their headquarters. It is known that the knights excavated the site and probably found something of great importance which may have contributed to the rapid rise to the top of the power structure in Christendom. So it was quite obviously through the incorporation of Templarism that Freemasonry came to adopt the Solomonic twin-pillar symbolism.

That these pillars are relevant to our discussion is effectively confirmed by the imagery on one of the tarot cards called the 'High Priestess' or 'Papess' which shows a high priestess/female pope along with the pillars of Jachin and Boaz marked 'J' and 'B'.

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The Papess almost certainly represents none other than Mary Magdalene (= Isis, Babylon, tower, etc.) who actually had a power struggle with Peter the first pope according to Gnostic Gospels. Also, tellingly, the term ‘prostitute’ (a description often applied to the Magdalene), as hierodulae, would refer to the ‘sacred women’-- or 'priestesses' -- of the temple of the Goddess who performed a ritual practice resembling the anointing of Jesus by Mary of Bethany (often equated with Mary Magdalene). In ancient times, anointing of the king was a ritual – called the ‘Sacred Marriage’ in Greek – performed by a royal bride; the implication being that Mary Magdalene married Jesus, just as Isis was the wife of Osiris, resulting in the 'Holy Grail' which is the 'Blood Royal'.

The pillars of Jachin and Boaz also nicely relate back to the themes of the Flood and Atlantis as originally these Masonic pillars represented the 'Antediluvian Pillars' erected by Enoch, Noah's great-grandfather, who is considered one of Freemasonry's founders. According to legend, Enoch had the foreknowledge of the coming Deluge and constructed nine hidden vaults in which he concealed certain knowledge. He then placed two columns at the site upon which were inscribed the 'seven sciences' of mankind and such. The vaults were later found by Solomon while building his Temple. Enoch, therefore, can be viewed as a prototype of Noah and the vaults/pillars are another form of the Ark containing antediluvian, or Atlantean, 'knowledge'.

It is interesting to point out here that it is the 'Book of Enoch' that contains the most detailed account of the affairs of the 'fallen angels'/'Watchers' briefly mentioned in Genesis. Also, that the number of Enoch's vaults was nine, combined with the twin pillars visually forming the number '11', raises the possibility that the date of the terrorist attacks on the NYC twin towers (9-11) was in reference, at least in part, to the Antediluvian Pillars and its connection to the WTC 'pillars'. Seemingly supportive of this, numerically, also is the fact that there are exactly 111 days left in the year after 9-11. As it happens, the Sumerian version of Noah's Ark "was a cube - a modest one, measuring 60x60x60 fathoms, which represents the unit in the sexagesimal system where 60 is written as 1" (Hamlet's Mill, p.219). In other words, the original Ark could be considered to have measured 1x1x1 or '111'.

Lost and Found

On the Etemenanki website, I have long pointed out the persistent symbolic connection that apparently exists between high-impact world events -- especially airplane crashes -- and the theme of the Ark-Grail (see 1999: The Ark of Sirius for example). The '911' event involving airplane crashes, needless to say, fits the pattern very well.

After some contemplation, I have now finally found a reasonably sound explanation as to why such a symbolic link exists. An 'airplane' is a perfect vehicle to carry the notion of the 'air-plane' as in the 'dimension of air' that is sandwiched between the planes of earth and heaven. Its relative position therefore is implicative of the familiar theme of the unification or 'gate' of earth and heaven. In support of this interpretation, we find that in ancient Egypt it was conceptualized that the air god Shu was sort of a pillar that held the vault of heaven above. This imagery is strikingly evocative of Atlas of Greek mythology who was condemned to bearing the heaven on his shoulders for eternity after the great war with the Olympians. Atlas, in turn, is said to have been the first king of Atlantis and in effect the embodiment of this legendary civilization!

Airplane crashes would therefore be analogous to the destruction of the antediluvian world, i.e. none other the the Great Flood, which may be conceptually thought of as the collapse of great pillars/towers/gate -- and that is exactly what took place at the World Trade Center in NYC!

The planes crashing into the WTC towers and the Pentagon was of course like no other plane crashes. The magnitude of devastation and symbolic coherence was off the scale. Does this imply something? Why so strong an echo of the 'Atlantean' destruction in 2001?

Could it be that like Osiris and the phoenix, Atlantis is getting ready to rise again from its ashes now? Is the Ark about to be opened? Is the discovery of the fabled Atlantean 'Hall of Records' imminent?

In 2000, an underwater city with pyramidal structures was detected off the coast of Cuba. Researchers have been quietly examining this most enigmatic archaeological find behind the scenes. We are at this time simply awaiting the news of this paradigm-shattering revelation to break. Could this be relevant? It seems so.

Indeed, long before the '911' attacks I had already detected a curious pattern. In the 'View from Here' section of the Etemenanki website, for example, I have made the following remarks:

  • June 20: "Looks like this is going to be a summer of Atlantis."
  • July 06: "...the undercurrent esoteric theme of this summer was to be the 'rising' of Atlantis... I'd say 'the timetable', the template of history, is dictating that 2001 be the beginning of the 'resurrection of Osiris' (which has many levels of meaning)."

Along with these I had also noted how this theme appeared to be entangled with Mars at which NASA's latest probe, Mars Odyssey, just arrived on Oct. 23, '01. cydonia.jpg (23451 bytes)All summer long, Mars was very close to Earth -- in fact, closest in over a decade -- and was a dominant object in the night sky. And since 1998, Mars Global Surveyor had been giving us new photographs of the controversial Cydonia "monuments" on Mars in an attempt to confirm or refute the claim of the Cydonian structures being artificial - a question that still has not been settled but is getting more and more intriguing. Perhaps Odyssey will help solving the enigma soon.

It cannot be ignored that NYC, where the 'Atlantean pillars' stood, is situated at ~40.8°N latitude which happens to be the very latitude of the Martian 'monuments' in Cydonia. pentagon_damage.jpg (17625 bytes)And one of the most intriguing Cydonia structures happens to be a pentagonal pyramid called the 'D&M Pyramid' which is very much evocative of the Pentagon hit by a plane on 9-11. The Martian Pentagon is even partially collapsed to reflect the US Pentagon, or vice versa.

What are we to make of all these and other connections? Atlantis... Mars... Was Atlantis on (gasp) Mars? Did mankind first started on the Red Planet before the "Flood"? One telling clue is the fact that the humans ‘free-running circadian rhythm’ (i.e. the natural sleep-awake cycle without any external time cues such as sunrise, sunset, clock, daily routine, etc.) is not 24 hours as expected, but about 24.7 hours long instead – that is, almost precisely the length of a Martian day.

Did man 'fall' to Earth in an "Exodus" from the Red Planet like a life-seeding meteorite and knowledge-providing 'fallen angles'? The shem was a 'fire-stone' - isn't this a potent allusion to Mars, the planet/'stone' of fire?

What was placed in the Ark of Moses, according to some scholars, were actually meteorites. Could the tale of Moses and his Ark, then, be another version of Noah and his Ark? Was the 'Exodus' of the Israelites led by Moses, then, actually a parabolic story about an interplanetary migration of man in the forgotten past?

The 911 event being a symbolic reenactment of the Flood (i.e. destruction of 'Atlantis'), wouldn't the pattern dictate that the next event be a mass 'Exodus'? Could it be just a coincidence that I conceptually equated President Bush with Moses in The Two Suns of Election MM last year?

But where would be the destination of this 'Exodus'? Where is our 'Promised Land'?

You guessed it: Mars.

mars-typical.jpg (10305 bytes)

The world events today appear to be symbolically anticipating mankind's imminent migration to the Red Planet on which will likely be found enough water to sustain a full-blown civilization soon (this is probably where Mars Odyssey comes in).

We are going back to our Genesis, the First Time, the Golden Age, the Age of Osiris.

America is no longer the 'New World'. Mars is. And this is actually part of what I had in mind when I stated in early 2000:

Now, I'm not sure if I want to say this... but here is something that the data I have is suggesting to me.  It's that the year 2000/2001 is to bring to the United States one of the biggest events the country has ever experienced.  This is not something I 'believe' or based on 'millennial' mentality; it's just what the data I have (not presented on this website) is suggesting to me.  The key concepts attached to this are termination and 'New World'.

Mars is Osiris. And Osiris is being resurrected like a rising Morning Star. It is time for a Total Recall.

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Respuesta  Mensaje 80 de 205 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/11/2012 15:36

The Labour of the Sun

Symbolic Analysis of the Current World Events

By Goro Adachi
February 15, 2002


Pillars of Hercules

The great philosopher Plato told us in his writings that there was once a great civilization called Atlantis -- an antediluvian 'island' -- that was situated beyond the 'Pillars of Hercules', now called the Strait of Gibraltar at the western extremity of the Mediterranean Sea. Supposedly, it was destroyed in a catastrophe comparable to that of the biblical Great Flood. True or not, this tale has fascinated many minds and spawned a countless number of books as well as a major Hollywood animation film, 'Atlantis', released just last year. The recent years saw a great surge in people's interest in the subject thanks largely to certain predictions made by the famous American 'Sleeping Prophet', Edgar Cayce many decades ago. While the track record of his predictions has not been stellar, his apparent psychic abilities demonstrated elsewhere warranted for many that his information about the 'resurrection' of Atlantis should be taken seriously.

The influential prophecy was that, basically, around the turn of the millennium, archaeological evidence of the lost civilization would surface along with the discovery of its 'Hall of Records' -- an Atlantean 'black box' -- that supposedly contains vital information about the world that came and went before ours. In Cayce's own confusing words:

For here those that that were trained in the Temple Sacrifice as well as the Temple Beautiful were about the sealing of the Record Chambers. For these were to be kept as had been given by the priests in Atlantis or Poseidia when these records of the race, of the developments, of the laws pertaining to One were put in their chambers and to be opened only when there was the returning of those into materiality, or to earth’s experience, when the change was imminent in the earth; which change, we see, begins in ’58 and ends with the changes wrought in upheavals and the shifting of the poles, as begins then in the reign in ’98… (Reading 378-16)

Around the year 1998 certainly saw variously activities that were apparently attempts to 'fulfill' Cayce's prediction. Of course, no Atlantis resurrection occurred and most involved are now inclined, in an ad hoc fashion, to interpret Cayce's words as indicating that the rising of the Atlantis is to begin or be underway around 1998 -- which actually should have been the view all along in light of Cayce's nearly indecipherable wording.

Just as when the widespread millennial anticipation of some major earth-shaking events had largely faded, however, the year 2001 brought us the world-changing event of 9-11 in NYC and Washington DC. Certainly, this was one of the biggest events that the US had ever experienced. It made the proud and seemingly invincible nation stop laughing and curl itself into a survival mode - at least for a while. Of course, this event, however profound and shocking it was, was not anything related to the idle issue of some mythical world from beyond history.

Or, was it?

The most tangible geographical clue as to the position of Atlantis is the Pillars of Hercules. These can be conceived of as twin towers marking the Strait of Gibraltar, the narrow gate between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The location is immediately north of the Atlas Mountains in northwestern Africa which has been identified with Hercules. This mountain range is also personified by Atlas in Greek mythology, the first king of Atlantis, who was condemned to support the sphere of heavens on his shoulders for eternity. And yet another alter ego of these is the air god of Egyptian mythology, Shu, who was visualized as a pillar connecting (or separating) earth and the sky. So, clearly, the notion of a tall pillar is deeply embedded here in association with Atlantis. Or more specifically, the idea being conveyed seems to be twin towers considering the twin Pillars of Hercules and the fact that Hercules himself was a twin (Robert Graves, The White Goddess, p.125). Further reinforcing this view are the Masonic 'Antediluvian Pillars' -- interchangeable with the two pillars of Jachin and Boaz --that are said to have come from the time before the Flood, or from 'Atlantis'. Since these Antediluvian Pillars (or Enoch's Pillars) were originally constructed for the purpose of preserving the knowledge of the pre-Flood realm, they are analogous to the Atlantean 'Hall of Records'. The Atlantean 'black box' and twin pillars are therefore clearly inseparable.

So, we are forced to wonder if the 9-11 destruction of the WTC twin towers are related to the anticipated millennial 'Atlantis event'.

The 11th Labour

It is a widely known fact that the 9-11 terrorist attacks were heavily intertwined, for some reason, with the number '11'. On the 11th day of the month, an airline jet designated 'Flight 11' crashed into one of the WTC twin towers which visually form the number '11', to give just some examples. So, it is intriguing to find out that, in Greek myth, it was during his '11th Labour', out of 12 Labours in all, that Hercules came to Mount Atlas. And his mission here was to fetch fruit from the golden apple-tree planted in Hera's garden on the slopes of the mountain. This he accomplished with the help of Atlas, freed temporarily from carrying the celestial globe while Hercules held it for him. That apples should figure in this particular Labour compounds the synchronicity as NYC, the city of the WTC towers, has the nickname the 'Big Apple'.

Interestingly, immediately after getting the apple, Hercules went on to free Prometheus chained to the Caucasus Mountains. Prometheus, the greatest benefactor of mankind, had been confined there by Zeus for stealing 'fire' for us -- which should sound familiar to those following the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics, the official slogan of which is 'Light the Fire Within' (and the theme of the grand opening ceremony was clearly Prometheus imparting divine fire to humans). This seemingly weak association actually gets a big boost from the fact that the 11th Labour involved an Olympic-like wrestling match between Hercules and Antaeus. In fact, the Olympic Games have been thought to signify the death and 'election' of none other than Hercules.

The indications are that the U.S. Olympic Games' close proximity in space and time to the 9-11 twin-tower destruction has some important underlying symbolic 'message' -- and we will have some insights into this below.

'King of Terror'

According to mythologist Robert Graves, "'Hercules in Classical Greece became in fact another name for the Sun...the Sun and the Ark are, indeed, the most important elements of the Hercules myth" (ibid., pp.133,145). The Ark connection certainly correlates well with what was discussed in my previous article 'Mystery, Babylon the Great'. The sun connection, on the other hand, contributes to a remarkable associative web that provides a solution to one of those mysterious pieces of the 'puzzle'.

For a long time, people all over the world have been trying to figure out the meaning of the phrase, 'King of terror', that appears in Nostradamus' most famous prophetic quatrain, designated X-72. This is, of course, the dreaded '1999' prediction.

Century X-72
L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois,
Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy d'effrayeur:
Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois,
Auant apres Mars regner par bon-heur.
The year 1999 seven months,
From the sky will come a great King of terror:
To bring back to life the great King of Angolmois,
Before after Mars to reign by good luck

Popular interpretations of this were that it predicted a rock from space hitting the earth, a nuclear attack, the coming of the 'Antichrist', and such. People -- including most of the so-called "experts" (more accurately, 'Nosta-dumbasses') -- sure had fun with those simplistic views, until the year 1999 came and went without anything of such magnitude occurring.

Did Nostradamus 'miss' with this quatrain? Should Nostradamus be considered a discredited "prophet"?

Frankly, he might as well be disregarded. It's about time those one-dimensional thinking Nostradumbasses got a wake-up call and be disenchanted. This is not to say that there isn't a prophetic quality to the quatrains -- just not in the form, or level, that most people automatically assume. My personal position is this: everything is "prophetic" (i.e. 'signs are everywhere if you have the eyes to see'); this quality is pronounced when the element of creativity is involved; and since poems are the result of a very creative mental process, quatrains of Nostradamus should easily contain seeds of the future, even if he wasn't a "prophet" per se. There is a deep, multifaceted philosophy behind this view, but we will not go into that here.

Ironically, interest in Nostradamus was resurrected with a vengeance immediately following '9-11'. For weeks, if not months, after the event, Nostradamus books were the fastest selling items in book stores, including Amazon.com which listed as many as five Nosty books in its top-10 sellers. Even my website became inaccessible for days because it was getting just too many hits. The cause of the frantic public reaction was to be traced back to, of course, fake quatrains. Most notably, there was one quatrain that got a lot of attention which turned out to be something a skeptic made up (before 9-11) to demonstrate that a vaguely worded prediction would fit some events sooner or later. This person's 'poem' would quickly prove to describe the terrorist attacks rather neatly (thus making his point), but I personally see it as an amusing example how a poeticized brain with room for spontaneity tends to resonate with the 'future', even if not consciously intended.

The '9-11' event, in my view, also 'resurrected', specifically, Quatrain X-72. It now makes a good, poetic/symbolic sense from many angles.

It turns out that the 'King of terror' is an epithet related to Ra, the sun-god of Egyptian mythology who is called the 'lord of terror' in the Pyramid Texts. Since the sun is closely associated with Hercules, who in turn is linked to Atlantis and the WTC-tower destruction, we have here the first sign of X-72's relevance. And of course the fact that the 'King of terror' is to come "from the sky" evokes the 'kamikaze' airplanes, masterminded by the 'king of terrorists' (Osama bin Ladin), that assaulted the twin towers. It may also be noted that 'airplanes' are a potent metaphor for Shu, the god of air, i.e. the 'air plane' (air dimension). Shu is none other than the pillar equatable with the Atlantean/Herculean pillars, thus relatable also to, again, the WTC twin towers.

Line 3, 'To bring back to life the great King of Angolmois', reinforces the connection because in the early days of the New World, the region of NYC was given the name  'Angoulême'. The attached notion of resurrection is also fitting as it relates to the idea of the millennial Atlantean 'resurrection', and it conjures up Osiris, the Egyptian god of the dead and resurrection. It may be said that Osiris embodies the 'second coming' of the paradisical antediluvian golden age, i.e. 'Atlantis', which in the terminology of ancient Egypt would be called Zep Tepi, the 'First Time', which was the Age of Osiris. In a way, the whole ancient Egyptian theology was centered around the idea of Osirian resurrection - the cyclical return of the golden age, symbolized in nature by the annual flooding of the Nile which brought the gift of fertile silt to the land of Egypt. Amazingly, this association is corroborated by Line 2's 'King of terror'. Like Ra, Osiris is viewed as the 'Lord of Terror' in the Egyptian Book of the Dead:

"Hail, Lord of Terror..."
Who is this Lord of Terror?
"...It is the Heart of Osiris..."

The fact that the Great Sphinx at Giza has the Arabic epithet, 'Father of Terrors', reiterates the Osirian connection, especially considering that the Sphinx is a form of Horus, the son of Osiris, whose life-mission is to bring back the 'First Time' of Osiris, or to resurrect his father murdered by Seth.

The Great Sphinx/'Father of Terrors' and Horus also happen to be closely associated, if not equated, with Mars which was called 'Horus of Horizon' as well as 'Horus the Red'. We also know that the name of the Egyptian capital adjacent to Giza, 'Cairo', denotes 'Mars'. And on Mars are purported artificial "monuments" at Cydonia which includes the famous 'Face on Mars'. This 'Face' was rephotographed in 2001 by Mars Global Surveyor and was revealed/confirmed to have, apparently, a dual nature: its eastern side is leonine and its western hominid. Note that the lion-man combination directly reflects the duality of the Great Sphinx that has a lion's body and man's head. The connection is even geodetically supported, as researchers have found that the tangent of Cydonia's latitude equals the cosine of the latitude of Giza/Sphinx (both equaling e/pi).

The striking revelation here is that the latitude of Cydonia, ~40.8 N, directly relates to the WTC destruction in NYC, in that, simply put, NYC sits on the very same latitude! And relevant here also is the fact that Cairo, the 'city of Mars', was originally called 'Babylon'. In my previous article, 'Mystery, Babylon the Great', I identified NYC as the modern Babylon and its twin towers as the modern version of the Tower of Babel. Clearly, then, Mars is a 'King of terror' -- which, come to think of it, is very natural in view of the fact the Red Planet is indeed metaphorically the 'king' of the two Martian satellites Phobos ('fear') and Deimos ('terror').

The multi-layered connection is rather overwhelming, and sure enough, this is echoed by X-72's Line 4 which specially mentions Mars: 'Before after Mars to reign by good luck'. Mars being the Greek god of war, the line also hints at the involvement of war, thus is nicely relatable to America's on-going 'war against terror'

This leaves us only Line 1: 'The year 1999 seven months'. Obviously, the indicated timing does not match the 9-11-2001 date. What does this mean? Saying 'close enough', for me, just does not cut it.

The 2-Year Offset Scheme

This problem perplexed me for a long time. But rather than forcing a contrived interpretation upon it, I decided to just patiently wait for the answer to make itself known to me (and I felt quite confident that I would get the answer sooner or later). It was on February 7 (2002) that the answer finally began to appear, thanks to an article by Robert Bauval (the brain behind the Orion Correlation Theory) posted on a online message board. It was titled "SATAN’S CALLING CARD SEPTEMBER 11: A DATE TO REMEMBER" and discussed the symbolism and synchronicity involved in the '9-11' event.

It contained information concerning calendrical issues related to the date, September 11. I learned that ,for the Ethiopian and Coptic/Christian-Egyptian calendars, the Gregorian Sept. 11 almost always marks the New Year's Day. In the year 1999, however, Sept. 11 also coincided with the Jewish New Year, known as Rosh Hashanah. So, here is our first clue as to the connection between 9-11 and 1999. Bauval then goes on to point out that:

...the Jewish ‘New Year’ has a much deeper meaning to orthodox Jews. It is associated to the Messianic Age, and many Jews today actually believe that it will be on that ‘Feast of Trumpets’ that their long awaited Messiah will come and make his appearance on the ‘Temple’ at Jerusalem. This day, it is said, will be the ‘ultimate redemption’ of Israel. Curiously, in recent years fundamental Christians have also associated the 11th September with the Second Coming of Christ, probably to conform with the ‘Rosh Hashanah’ Judaic prophecies but also, apparently, because some believe the true ‘star of Bethlehem’ appeared to the Magi on the 11th September 3 BC in the east, when a bright light was seen at the conjunction of the ‘star of kings’, Regulus, and the ‘planet of kings’, Jupiter, and when the sun, Venus and Mercury were in Virgo.

This is remarkable for two reasons. First, the notion of the 'Second Coming' of Jesus emerging here correlates perfectly with the permeating theme of Osirian (Atlantean) resurrection since Jesus is a version of Osiris (as well as Horus). This is backed up by the fact that many of Jesus' tales and symbols very closely mimic Osiris', just as Moses' birth episode is a mirror image of that of Sargon the Great. Indeed, the Jesus-Osiris connection is reinforced by another comment made by Bauval:

The ‘Beginning of the Year’ or New Year’s Day of the Egyptians was marked by the first dawn rising of Sirius, a star sacred to the goddess Isis, which originally occurred on the day of the summer solstice i.e. on the 21st June Gregorian. This special day was called 1st day of the 1st month of Thoth. But because of the ¼ day difference as well as a small variance the sidereal year and the tropical year, this after all man-made calendar slowly ‘drifted’ away from both the heliacal rising of Sirius and the summer solstice, such that by the early Christian times the 1st of the month of Thoth had drifted to the 11th September Gregorian, which is why the Egyptian-Coptic ‘New Year’ i.e. 1st of Thoth, starts on that date.

Sirius-Isis is the wife of Osiris, and the star's heliacal rising not only marked the New Year but also the beginning of the Nile inundation, which in turn symbolized the reawakened vitality of Osiris, i.e. Osirian resurrection.

The second reason has to do with the speculative date given for the star of Bethlehem, i.e. Jesus' birthday, Sept. 11, 3 BC. This would make the Gregorian calendar 2 to 3 years behind the actual dating from Jesus' birth. So, the Gregorian "year 1999" would correspond to year 2001/2002. The date 9-11-01 would, therefore, be analogous to 9-11-99! Let's take another look at Line 1 of Quatrain X-72:

L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois
The year 1999 seven months

Note that 'seven months', or 'seventh month', is originally written 'sept mois'. Its resemblance to 'September' is no coincidence as September was originally the seventh month. So, the line could just as easily and validly translated as 'the year 1999, September'. Combined with the 1999-2001 calendrical correspondence, it would further turn into 'the year 2001, September'. And we know what happened on 9-11-01 and how the event is very effectively described by the rest of the quatrain!

But there is more.

Black Sun, Double Sun

'The year 1999 seven months', if taken literally, points to July/August of that year. Curiously, on August 11, 1999, there was a major total eclipse. It turns out that this, too, strongly resonates with the Osirian resurrection theme. Osiris' death is traditionally associated with a black sun, and the death of his Christianized version, Jesus, is similarly associated with a darkened sun in the Gospels. Needless to say, a total eclipse is in effect a 'black sun'. And, of course, the relevance of the sun is quite directly suggested by Line 2's 'King/Lord of terror' being an epithet of the sun/Ra/Osiris. In a sense, then, the 1999 eclipse was a symbolic omen foreshadowing the more physical manifestation of the death/resurrection of Osiris that was to come on 9-11-01.

The Great Sphinx, the 'Father of Terrors', is also an embodiment of the sun/Horus. Here, we actually find another confirmation of the 2-year offset scheme of X-72. Sphinxes are almost always found in pairs (the one at Giza is a rare exception). This is echoed by the fact that the Sphinx is a form of Atum who in turn is closely connected with Rwty, the 'double-lion'. The double-lion, Aker, also guards the Fifth Division of the Duat, the 'Tomb of Osiris'. Now, in view of the Sphinx/lion-sun interchangeability, the 'double-lion' may be rephrased as 'double-sun'. The sun goes through all the Zodiacal constellations of the ecliptic in one year. So, the expression 'double-sun' may be interpreted as 'two years'. And 1999 plus two years gives us 2001. (Come to think of it, the 'twin' nature of Hercules/sun and the Atlantean/WTC towers has the same implication as well.)

The notion of the 'double sun' next brings our attention to another quatrain, II-41. This is one of the few quatrains that I have found to be relevant to our own time, as can be seen from my previous articles. It specifically mentions 'double sun' (Line 2).

Century II - 41 
La grand' estoille par sept jours bruslera,
Nuee fera deux soleils apparoir:
Le gros mastin toute nuit hurlera,
Quand grand pontife changera de terroir.
The great star will burn for seven days,
The cloud will make double sun appear:
The large mastiff will howl all night
When the great pontiff changes his abode.

What catches our attention here, aside from Line 2, is the reference to the Pope in Line 4. Could it be just a coincidence that the current pope, John Pope II, is called 'De Labore Solis' in St Malachy's remarkably accurate prophetic list of popes from many centuries ago? The Latin motto, De Labore Solis, means 'From the Labour of the Sun', or metaphorically, 'of the Eclipse of the Sun'! Although Pope JPII was indeed born during the solar eclipse of May 18, 1920 (!), the allusion to an solar eclipse/'black sun' here is an amazing confirmation of the foregoing interpretation which centers around Osiris and Hercules. Wait a minute... 'labour of the sun'? Did we not just establish that Hercules personifies the sun and how his (11th) labour relates to the current world events? The 'labour of the sun', in other words, denotes 'Labour of Hercules' so as to confirm our earlier interpretation!

The new and important twist here is the fact that II-41's Line 4 refers to a change of papacy. In other words, we have here a strong indication that the reign of the 'eclipse pope', John Paul II, is coming to an end... soon. But how 'soon'? All the symbolism seemingly suggest that it is to occur concurrently with the unrest caused by the '9-11' terror. In fact, the Salt Lake City Olympics would be an effective time marker for the pope event. This is because 'the Olympic Games were the occasion of... Hercules' death and of the election of his successor' (Graves, The White Goddess, p.132). In light of the inseparable link established between Pope JPII and Hercules, the occasion of the election of the next Hercules signified by the Olympics inevitably implies the election of the next pope! While I cannot say for sure whether the timing of the two events will directly coincide or it will interact in a more indirect fashion, the next major world event is likely to be the exit of Pope John Paul II. And my view is that the election of the next pope will be very strange, not unlike the 2001 US presidential election, as discussed in my Two Suns of Election MM article.

These findings above are really just a by-product of my 'other' research, so I actually have a lot more information that can help paint a clearer 'big picture'. And I hope to share the 'other' findings on this website some time in the future. In the mean time, you can look for more future updates on the issues discussed in this and previous articles.

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Respuesta  Mensaje 81 de 205 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/11/2012 16:58

The Message of Cycle 23

Decoding the Mayan 'Double-Sun' Timecode

By Goro Adachi
May 24, 2002



Final Countdown

According to the incredibly sophisticated and accurate calendar of the Maya from Central America, one of the most mysterious ancient civilizations rivaling ancient Egypt, we are currently living in the 'fifth age of the sun' which began on August 12, 3114 BC -- a date designated the 'Birth of Venus'. According to Mayan tradition, the previous four ages ended in great cataclysms, leaving only a small number of survivors, not unlike the biblical tale of Noah. This arcane view certainly makes us curious and somewhat nervous about the projected ending date of the current, the fifth, age of the sun. When one finds out when this termination point actually is, the nervousness shoots up into the realm of worry. The Mayan calendar is now even beginning to enter the public consciousness at large, as this very subject was, for example, a key theme incorporated into the final episode of the popular 'paranormal' TV show The X-Files aired May 19, 2002. As we get closer to the ending date of the calendar, we are sure to hear a lot more about it from various sources.

On '9-11', the world -- and especially the US, the New World -- has realized just how a seemingly stable and proud system or world view can be made so fragile and overwhelmed in one day. The possibility of the world crumbling into total chaos is no longer a farfetched movie scenario but a uncomfortably realistic prospect. And just in time for this paradigm shift, the world is to be made aware that 'the end of the world' as foreseen by the Maya is rapidly approaching us. On December 22, 2012, about ten years from now, the timeline of the 'fifth age of the sun' will terminate. The redden sun has reached the western horizon and is about to go under.

What does this mean? Are we talking about a literal annihilation of human civilization or could it be more metaphorical? No one really knows. It is my view, however, and it is sensible, that the more insights we have into the situation/pattern, the more metaphorical the manifestation of the projected pattern will be. Or in simpler terms -- more preparation, less damage.

I am not writing this article out of fear or survivalist mentality, however. (I am not one of those who animalistically think survival is/should be our highest priority.) Instead, I was prompted to write this piece because I detected a significant pattern that coherently links the underlying esoteric themes of today's events discussed in my previous articles and the Mayan calendar. While I had originally been viewing the projected ending date as something conceptually akin to the equinoxes/solstices -- in that they astronomically yield specific dates but only approximately mark the change of seasons -- the new findings have pushed me to reconsider my position and theorize that the calendar is counting down to a specific event of profound importance.

The '9-11' event, it now appears, was only a part of the sequence of events leading up to a culmination in/around 2012.

Two Suns, Two Years

It was prophetic Quatrains X-72 and II-41 of Nostradamus, curiously enough, that helped me 'see the light'.

As explained in depth before in my previous articles (The Labour of the Sun and Rex Deux), X-72's infamous line, '1999 seven months', could actually denote '2001 September' for certain calendrical reasons, and the whole quatrain, when decoded, would directly relate to the '9-11' attacks. (See Labour for detail.)

Century X-72
L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois,
Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy d'effrayeur:
Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois,
Auant apres Mars regner par bon-heur.
The year 1999 seven months,
From the sky will come a great King of terror:
To bring back to life the great King of Angolmois,
Before after Mars to reign by good luck

The curious 2-year offset between 1999 and 2001 observed here was found to be nicely reflected by various other aspects. For instance, we had the huge 'II' shape (i.e. '2') of the WTC twin towers, and the twin nature of Hercules, the mythological character associated with the antediluvian/'Atlantean' pillars which in turn were discerned to be analogous to the WTC towers. Hercules in particular was found to be of great metaphoric significance for 9-11 -- because just as '11' was a key number encoded in the whole event (i.e. an airplane Flight 11 crashing into a 110-story towers visually forming '11' on the 11th day of the month, etc.), it was during Hercules' '11th labor' that he directly interacted with Atlas (the first king of Atlantis) in Greek mythology -- thus reinforcing the view that the 'Pillars of Hercules' (= 'Atlantean' pillars) represent the archetypal WTC towers. Hercules being a personification of the sun, moreover, resonates well with the fact that the Egyptian death-god Osiris was both associated with the black sun and described as the 'Lord of Terror' as in the 'King of terror' of X-72. The correlation becomes stronger when added that there was a major total solar eclipse (i.e. a 'black sun') in August of 1999 (= '1999'+'7 months', as per X-72). Also, similarly, the Great Sphinx represented both the embodiment of the sun and the 'Father of Terror'.

From these associations, it was inferred that Hercules was both a 'twin' and the 'sun'. And this brought us to the next phase of interpretation involving Quatrain II-41. First, it was determined that Hercules represented, at least in our context, a form of 'double sun'. This was supported by the sphinx, associated with Hercules, traditionally found in pairs -- thus signifying 'two suns'. And 'two sun' could be reasonably interpreted as 'two years' to corroborate the '2-year offset scheme' of X-72. After this, we were naturally led to II-41, one of the quatrains I had personally considered applicable to our own era, long before 9/11. Line 2 of the quatrain reads 'the cloud will make two suns appear'.

Century II - 41 
La grand' estoille par sept jours bruslera,
Nuee fera deux soleils apparoir:
Le gros mastin toute nuit hurlera,
Quand grand pontife changera de terroir.
The great star will burn for seven days,
The cloud will make two suns appear:
The large mastiff will howl all night
When the great pontiff changes his abode.

Lines 1 and 2 complement the correlation as these strongly evoke the 'great star' (the brightest star) Sirius. It is commonly known as the 'Dog Star' as in 'the large mastiff' (Line 3), and in ancient Egypt the star was called Sept, which in turn would denote 'seven' as in 'seven days' (Line 1). Also, as explained in Labour, Sirius' heliacal rising -- an extremely important astronomical event for the ancient Egyptians -- signified 'the 1st day of the 1st month of Thoth', which was the New Year's Day of the ancient Egyptian calendar. During the early Christian times this special day took place on the Gregorian September 11th, and this caused the Coptic/Christian-Egyptian (as well as Ethiopian) calendar to fix its New Year's Day on September 11 (Gregorian), and this is the case to this day. Sirius, alluded to by II-41, is therefore very much linked to what has now become a date of infamy, '9-11'. This consequently implies that the initial 'double sun' correlation was indeed valid.

As for Line 4 which indicates a change of the papacy, it was pointed out that the current pope, John Paul II, is given the motto 'De Labore Solis' ('From the Labor of the Sun') by St. Malachy's prophetic list of popes. (I personally tend to agree with the view that this remarkably accurate prophetic list was actually composed by Nostradamus.) Needless to say, the motto not only conforms to the underlying 'sun' theme, but it even resonates specifically with the aforementioned 'labor of Hercules' (since Hercules = sun) the 11th of which was found inseparable from the 9-11 event! Moreover, the motto has also been interpreted to denote 'Of the Eclipse of the Sun' (indeed, JPII was born during an eclipse) -- in which case, it would again congruently conform to the 'black sun' theme and the total solar eclipse of August 1999. So, it was confirmed on multiple levels that there was a strong connection between II-41, X-72, and the 9/11 terrorism.

The prophetic implication of this was that Pope JPII would be replaced by a new pope in the very near future to coincide with the aftermath of 9-11. And seemingly as a foreshadow, the Church, especially in the US, suddenly found itself in serious trouble as we entered the year 2002 (i.e. the sexual abuse scandal). At first, I was just amused to see the apparent manifestation of the projected pattern and wondered how it would culminate in the exit of JPII. Then, something got my attention and it caused a shift in my perspective. I began to see a bigger picture as well a more focused context and pattern for the on-going world events.

Seeing the Light

The more I looked into the 9-11 event, the more 'prophetic' it became -- both in the sense that it strongly interacted with 'prophecies' made in the past and the sense that the event itself was a coded 'prophecy' for the future. And as I became more aware of the latter implication, I noticed something that I felt I should have noticed long time ago. This was that by adding '11' -- the encoded key number of 9/11 -- to the year of the event, 2001, one would get '2012', which is none other than the ending date of the Mayan calendar.

Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not. But consider the following. Just as the number '11' is found to be inseparable from the sun, so is the Mayan calendar which, as ingeniously decoded by researcher Maurice Cotterell, essentially represents a time-keeping system for the sun, the sunspot activity, which is known to have an 11-year cycle! The fact that the Mayan calendar was also used to calculate and predict solar eclipses adds to the coherence as we have already noted the prophetic significance of the 1999 total eclipse.

In The Mayan Prophecies (1995), Cotterell revealed his remarkable theory that the strange rhythm of the Mayan calendar, which had perplexed all other investigators, actually corresponded with the complex cycles of the solar magnetic fields which in turn would produce 'sunspots', the dark spots on the surface of the sun.

It is scientifically known that those sunspots spew out a lot of ions (charged particles) and affect the magnetic field of the earth. More sunspots means more electrical stuff/'solar wind' (solar flares and coronal mass ejections) emitted outward to bombard the earth's magnetosphere. (The most visible effect of this would be the aurora lights). Every 11 years, the sun reaches a 'solar maximum', which is when the number of sunspots peaks, or when the sun is the most active. Presently, in fact, we are undergoing the solar maximum of 'Cycle 23' -- though the peak was 'officially' reached in mid-2000. This means that the next solar maximum will be around 2012, the Mayan 'end date'!

What made the correlation even more satisfying was the fact that the Mayan calendar was intimately linked to the planet Venus -- as evidenced by the fact that the starting date of the Calendar (Aug 13, 3114 BC) is called 'the Birth of Venus'. In esoteric tradition, Venus (along with Sirius) is symbolized by a pentagram (five-pointed star). The pentagram is obviously related geometrically to the pentagon -- and the 'Pentagon' is of course none other than the third building hit in the 9/11 attacks.

What about the 2-year/'double-sun' offset scheme that has been prophetically linked to 9/11? Remarkably, we learn that the nature of the current solar maximum perfectly echoes this strange theme. First, astronomers have noted that Cycle 23 active at the present has a rare double-peak maximum. It was initially observed that the solar intensity crested, rather prematurely, in April 2000 or so. And then, in early 2002, astronomers started to notice that the sunspots were increasing again seemingly to a equally (if not more) pronounced second peak, almost exactly 2 years after the first peak. So, not only is it a 'double sun' maximum, the twin peaks are even 'two suns' (2 years) apart! This is a strong sign that we are onto something here.

Actually, as if these weren't enough, we also find that there was a clear 'spike' in the sunspot activity in the month of '9/11' as the graph (right) shows.

The more we look, the more we realize that there is a close relationship between the 'prophetic' events of our time and the changing conditions of our sun.

What could all this mean?

It wasn't long before I began to see further patterns and specific implications. I was to be exposed to a very clear 'signal', a 'message', that could show us what would likely transpire in the immediate future.

The Equidistant Sequence 

I made a simple timeline on a sheet of paper and then drew in the two 'double-sun' schemes -- that is, the pair of X-72 (~Aug. 1999) and 9/11/01 separated by 2 years, and the Cycle 23 maximum peaks similarly separated by 2 years (Apr. 2000 and ~Apr. 2002).


This helped me visualize better the chronological mismatch between the two periods. Although I had inferred that the two 'double sun' events were connected, these overlapping periods were offset by 8 months. Why? Was this some unintended distortion in the 'design' or was this a directive misalignment leading us to the next revelation? I had to explore the latter possibility as I knew from experience that this approach would often lead to productive results. It was warranted especially in this case as there was still a sense of intelligent design in the offset -- '8 months' was exactly one third of '2 years'. And so I studied the timeline closely to see if there was a further pattern just beneath the 'surface'.

After some thinking, I recalled that there was another major event that I had already interpreted to be part of the 'double sun' theme. This was the 2000 US presidential election -- an event that produced two winners or two 'suns'. The designation of the 'sun' here was supported by the fact that, for example, the eye of the storm that was the 2000 election was Florida, the 'Sunshine State'. Also, in a previous article I identified Clinton as a version of Amenhotep III (historical Solomon) which made his successor a version of Akhenaten (the Egyptian king who followed Amenhotep III), often called the 'Sun King'. (The 'two presidents' therefore had become analogous to 'two suns'. See The Two Suns of Election MM for more details.)

Subsequently, I realized that the timing of this event was right in the middle of the combined timeframe of the other two 'double sun' events. In fact, it was placed at the dead center. To visualize it better, I marked it on the timeline -- and immediately emerged a great sense of order. Then it hit me: this third 'double sun' event (Dec. 2000) was offset ~8 months from the nearest marked events on both sides. This meant, in other words, that all of the events in the combined sequence, five in all, were equally distanced, 8-month apart!

What made this more remarkable was the fact that the rotation period of Venus, the planet intimately associated with the Mayan calendar, is 243 earth-days -- that is, almost exactly 8 months! (30x8=240.) Even Venus' orbital period around the sun turned out to be 225 earth days (7.5 months), very close to 8 months. [Update: the number '225'  reinforces the the 9-11 connection in that 2001 was the 225th year from the birth of US, 1776!] Additionally, there was the complementary fact that the 'tzolkin' cycle of 260 days was an essential element of the Mayan calendar -- actually corresponding to the cycle of the interaction between the polar and equatorial magnetic fields of the sun (as pointed out by Cotterell).

These correlations strongly suggested to me that I was on the right track, and encouraged me to proceed further.

Contextual Resonance

To find more encoded patterns, I turned my attention to the first of the 'double sun' sequence composite taking place circa Aug. 1999. This was a conceptual 'preview' of its 'second peak' 2 years later, namely the 9/11 attacks. And this was not only in terms of X-72. Recently in May 2002, it was revealed that the first of the warnings about the coming major terrorist attack, i.e. '9/11', emerged in September 1999, exactly 2 years before 9/11.

So I naturally wondered if this same concept could be applied to the twin peaks of Cycle 23.

First, I had to refresh my memory regarding the world events at the time of the first solar peak in the spring/summer of 2000. Internationally, the major news around that time was the successive collapses of the critical Israel-Palestine peace talks in Israel and later at Camp David (US) mediated by Clinton and Albright (viewed as "the last chance for peace"). Semi-internationally, dominating the news in the same timeframe was the saga of the 'Cuban boy' Elian Gonzales in US who was eventually returned to Cuba. And Cuba was also a significant place esoterically in the summer of 2000 as it was then that the enigmatic underwater 'city' off the west coast of Cuba, widely speculated to be the ruins of 'Atlantis', was first discovered (investigation still continuing). So, it appeared that the first Cycle-23 peak was very 'Cuban' in nature and related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Now it was time to see if the second sunspot peak reflected, or actualized, the 'warning' of the first. Since the second peak is taking place right now (spring/summer of 2002), we can actually just look around to see if this may be the case. Though the time 'window' is still open as of this writing, we have already witnessed a political focus suddenly placed on Cuba in May. First, there was the historic visit of ex-President Carter to Cuba, which was then closely followed by President Bush addressing the Cuban-Americans in Florida, giving a speech on US-Cuba relations. And then the March and April of 2002 saw a major crisis in Israel, which was so severe that the rest of the world was also polarized and a lot of violence ensued. And we can also add that investigators are returning to the Cuban-"Atlantean" underwater city for more data in the same timeframe, and strangely the captured Taliban/Al Qaeda members are being held at 'Camp X-Ray' in Cuba.

So, it appeared to me that there was indeed a conceptual echo effect between the two sunspot peaks. But what about the current crisis of the Church coinciding with the second peak? It turns out that this does have important 'prophetic' implications, as we will see.

Extended Projection

Based on the empirical observations, it may be inferred that the 2000 US presidential election will have an 'echo' exactly 2 years later and this is scheduled to take place at the end of 2002.

What can this anticipated event be? Obviously, the implication is that there is to be some kind of election/voting that involves a major leader, or simply a change of leadership. One possibility is that the US will have a new president at/around the end of 2002.

[Update: In December 2002, Republican Senate majority leader Trent Lott, i.e. the leader of President Bush's political party, stepped down unexpectedly amid a big controversy that erupted after he made a seemingly racist statement in the same month. By vote, Bill Frist was quickly elected as new leader of the Republican party.]

Another possibility, which I consider more likely, is that we will see the exit of Pope John Paul II and the election of the next pope. This derives from the close parallel detected between US presidency and the papacy at this moment in history, as discussed in the Two Suns article -- after all, both are inseparable from Quatrain II-41. And especially because the last line of II-41 states: "When the great pontiff changes his abode".

[Update: Indeed, in accordance with the suspected parallel, the same period of December 2002 also saw the resignation of Cardinal Law of Boston Archdiocese (who is specifically named in this article below). It is very interesting that although the US President and the Pope survived the 'December window', the leaders just below them (Lott and Law) did make their exit concurrently. Certainly, then, we did indeed experience "a change of leadership" in the US and the Church in this December.]

It should also be pointed out that the prophetic motto assigned to Pope JPII, 'of the Labor of the Sun', directly associates him with the current solar maximum which indeed is a 'labored' state of the sun. Combined with the pronounced twin peaks of Cycle 23 (i.e. 'double sun'), it seems inevitable that JPII comes to be involved in the current cycle... probably by making his exit.

There is another reason why the papacy/Church is likely to 'fulfill' the 2-year offset 'echo' of the 2000 presidential election. For this, we need to project the sequence backwards just one step toward the past. By subtracting '8 months' from the first event, Aug. 1999 (X-72), we arrive at December 1998. Importantly, this is exactly two years away from the presidential election -- thus effectively making it a 'reverse-echo' event. So what happened in December 1998? The answer is: the historic impeachment of President Clinton. Needless to say, there is strong resonance here; after all, the impeachment was conceptually close to the presidency ending. This was the little 'preview' of the succeeding events in the 2-year cycle.

Now, what is important here is what led to Clinton's impeachment. It was, of course, the president's sexual misconduct (involving a young intern, Monica Lewinsky), the news of which broke in January of the same year (on Drudge Report). Therefore, if we are to expect an amplified 'echo' in/around December 2002 of the 'impeachment', it is reasonable to theorize that it is also to be preceded by a similar (but more serious) development, i.e. a serious sexual scandal. Could it be just coincidence that we are currently having the developing story of the sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests? The current scandal even began in January when Father Geoghan was convicted of sexually abusing a boy on January 18 (the news of Clinton's sex scandal broke on Jan. 19, '98). This strongly suggests that things are moving toward the 'impeachment' (i.e. the end) of the leadership of the Church, i.e. the Pope, near the end of 2002. (Although it is also possible to interpret the 'leader' as an American Cardinal namely Cardinal Law of Boston).

[Update: As already mentioned, Cardinal Law, named above, did step down in December 2002, in precise accordance with the projection! In retrospect, it appears that the 'echo effect' in this December window was not an 'amplified' but downgraded (by just one step) event. Did the number of people aware of the pattern reached a critical mass to slightly alter the pattern?]

Personally, I find it very unlikely that Pope JPII will stay in his office beyond 2002 (spring of 2003 at the latest), because as the 'Labor of the Sun'/'Solar Max' pope, it won't be symbolically very coherent for him to make his exit when the sun has become quiet. As he came into this world during a solar eclipse (another manifestation of the expression 'labor of the sun'), it would be symmetrically sound for him to exit in a similar symbolic context. My bet, therefore, is on the current development leading directly or indirectly to the pope leaving the office later this year. And it is very possible, as explained in my previous articles, that the subsequent papal election will produce 'two suns', either by ending up with two contenders claiming to be the pope, or something else similar in concept.

'It's the End of the World as We Know It, and I Feel Fine.'

Looking back, the controlled demolition of the Russian space station Mir in spring 2001 was eerily prophetic in that the name Mir means 'peace' and thus the end of Mir symbolically denoted the 'end of peace', which indeed was to be the case just several months later on 9/11. I was actually very much aware of this doomy symbolism of the planned destruction of Mir as early as 1999. In the Two Suns article, for example, I wrote: "since the name Mir means 'peace', the end of Mir has the ominous symbolic implication of the 'end of peace'". And I had also noted that "the name Solomon, deriving from salaam, [also] means 'peace'". This is important for in the same article I conceptually equated both Clinton and Pope JPII with Solomon (or Amenhotep III). Hence the 'end of peace' predicted by Mir and realized on 9/11 was also hinting at the imminent 'end of Pope John Paul II'. And congruently, we have earlier compared the pope's end to the 'end' (i.e. impeachment) of the other 'Solomon', Clinton.

Even more ominously, the term 'Mir' can also denote 'world', which means that the destruction of Mir was also the 'end of the world'. Perhaps this implication is applicable to the next solar maximum (Cycle 24) in 2012, when the world ends according to the Mayan calendar. It may be inferred that the sequenced events of the Cycle 23 solar max represent the 'watered down'/metaphoric preview of what is take place with the next peak of the sun that will in effect end the world.

My take on the coming 'end of the world' is this. Based on the 'message' of Cycle 23, it is possible to infer that what is to end in the next solar cycle, 24, would be the United States and the Catholic Church -- the two that have come to parallel each other in a prophetic context. In line with this interpretation, the pope list of St. Malachy has only two (possibly one) more popes to go after the current one. And as for America, I have other tangible data (which I won't discuss here) that strongly suggests that the United States' time is up at the beginning of the 21st century. Basically here is how I tend to look at the situation: the United States and the Church hit the iceberg during the peak of Cycle 23 (2001 +/-2 yr) and are now taking on water; and by the time of the peak of Cycle 24 around 2012, these titanic 'ships' will have gone vertical, sinking straight down to the bottom of the abyss. I'm not saying that these systems will cease to exist completely, but I would say at least their 'essence' will not be in existence soon after the end of this decade.

There is, however, a little light of hope in all this. The function of Mir did not simply cease to exist; it was smoothly passed on to a new space station, the ISS (International Space Station) which is currently under construction and orbiting the earth. In other words, the symbolic message seems to be that this is a time when the 'old world' ends and the 'new world' begins. This is a time of transition, not the end. It is certainly fitting that the name 'ISS' is reminiscent of 'ISIS', the Egyptian goddess of rebirth and the personification of Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky. Indeed, as already mentioned, the day of the 'rebirth' (heliacal rising) of Sirius would correspond to the symbolic 'end date', 9/11. Like the phoenix, then, from the ashes of destruction is to rise the next incarnation to usher in the new age. (Here we come, Mars!)

Perhaps we are to learn from the 'message of Cycle 23' so that the 'end of the world' that the coming peak of Cycle 24 is scheduled to bring about will not necessarily have to be so literal. The more we become aware, the less physical/literal the manifestation of the pattern becomes. [Update: Was this concept demonstrated in December 2002?] Mankind, as is the sun, is in labor, and the best we can do is to properly prepare - mentally, physically, emotionally, and intellectually - for the inevitable. The pain will grow in intensity, but it won't have to be deadly. It's just that it's darkest before dawn.


Respuesta  Mensaje 82 de 205 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/11/2012 05:11
Patriot GamesThe latest 'foreshadowing event' in question was the Super Bowl held this year on February 1 in Houston, Texas - coinciding with the first anniversary of the shuttle Columbia disaster. More specifically, the 'omen' was the entertainment themes that accompanied the biggest American sport event. The main attraction was Janet Jackson who performed with Justine Timberlake during the game's half-time show.

Janet Jackson did the unthinkable: Her stage performance overshadowed the game itself - by exposing her right breast! As everyone probably knows, this became a huge controversy that people - at least those in the US - were unable to stop talking about for weeks afterwards. As silly as it was on the surface, I soon realized that this was a high-impact event that had profound symbolic implications.

Here are key points taken from what I wrote on Feb. 3 (two days after the game/show) regarding the basic symbolism involved:

  • "At first, I didn't think too much about the show and the controversy. I only wondered a little about the youthful and rebellious tone of the entire extravaganza, thinking it might be on some level a voice of dissent directed at the Bush administration." [...] Then I saw a couple of posters in the Etemenanki forum observantly comparing Janet Jackson's stunt to the national lady of France, Marianne, who is also comparable to Lady Justice (as well as the Statue of Liberty). She represents the true spirit of the United States - liberty and justice. As it happens, Marianne/Lady Justice/Liberty is traditionally depicted with her right breast exposed. It was also her right breast that Jackson graciously put on display for us."

  • "There were two big female black singers featured in the Super Bowl event, Janet Jackson (the main attraction of the halftime show) and Beyoncé Knowles who sang the national anthem. This creates a conceptual overlap between them and thus would attach the notion of 'American spirit' (represented by the anthem) to Janet as well, reinforcing the Lady Justice/Liberty connection. [UPDATE: Janet prominently performed the song 'Rhythm Nation' from her 1989 album 'Rhythm Nation 1814'. The number '1814' is said to be a reference to... the year that Francis Scott Key wrote... the words to the national anthem!]"
  • "The pre-game show, which featured Beyonce, focused on the theme of space/NASA because of the location and timing. This year's Super Bowl was held in Houston (as in 'Houston, you have a problem') and coincided with the anniversary of the Columbia disaster. It turns out, the name 'Columbia' has sometimes been considered to refer to a symbolic figure who could be seen as 'Lady America' i.e. another version of Lady Justice/Liberty Lady."
  • "[T]his makes it rather clear that Janet Jackson, via exposing her right breast and her juxtaposition with Beyonce (representing the American spirit), was 'designed' to embody Lady Justice/Liberty - signifying or prompting the rebirth of the spirit of 'Columbia'. The prevalent 'blackness' additionally alludes to the pertinence of another related figure Mary Magdalene, recently made popular by the huge success of the book The Da Vinci Code, as this biblical/esoteric 'wife' of Jesus - embodying the feminine and sexuality - was sometimes portrayed as the 'Black Madonna'."

Respuesta  Mensaje 83 de 205 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/11/2012 07:02
JUNE:  Venus Transit & Osirian Resurrection

As we entered June, many of the major themes began to converge and culminate in a sequence of remarkable, ritualistic events.

First, my comments from June 1:

In Part 1 of the Time Code article was discussed the importance of Venus (= Lucifer) and its alter-ego star Sirius which is inseparable from the idea of summer solstice and New Year via ancient Egyptian tradition. Well, June is the summer-solstice month (June 20/21) and this year there will be a very rare 'Transit of Venus' - the 'Lucifer planet' moving directly across the disk of the Sun - on June 8. [...]

Two key points here: The idea of opposite/reversal attached to the ~May 8 window relative to August 6 (which is also calendrically analogous to 9/11 [and summer solstice]) makes the following fact quite intriguing. The 'reverse' of August 6, or 8/6, is 6/8 - that is, June 8... the day of the Venus transit.

And Venus in May was positioned at the Sun's summer-solstice point. In fact, specifically around May 8 the summer-solstice point was precisely marked by Mars. [...]

So you see that the events of May are heavily intertwined with the month of June and its two key dates, June 8 and June 20/21 (summer solstice). Remarkably, even those two dates are 'intelligently' arranged. I've discussed before the importance of comparing the Julian and Gregorian calendars which now have 13-day difference. Well, June 8 and June 21 (summer solstice) are separated by 13 days! In other words, these key dates are calendrically equatable.

Consequently my general view is that this June will be an 'echo month' of May, probably an echo with more intensity. So naturally I will continue to watch for things like the fall/exit of Defense Secretary Rumsfeld and/or Cheney and their neo-conservative minions

The Super Bowl 'omen' would really come alive at this point - almost certainly by design.

Here is what I stated back on Feb. 23:

While so much has already been said about Janet Jackson 'nipplegate', there is still an important symbolism that no one as far as I know has really detected in the whole thing. This has to do with the 'nipple ring' or whatever it's called that partially covered Janet's exposed right breast. As has been commented in many places, it's in the shape of a 8-pointed star - or the Sun. [...]

As already explained, Jesus Christ is [traditionally] very much comparable to Horus-Osiris. And it happens that Horus is a prominent sun-god. And the Jesus-Horus connection is most recognized through the almost identical traditional depictions of Mary/Isis suckling the baby Jesus/Horus. (The Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene are sometimes considered interchangeable, especially in the esoteric/Grail context.) So, the 'Sun' on Janet's breast would quite easily relate to Horus-Jesus; and mythologically the baby's birth implies the death of Christ/Osiris...

Then on March 12 I went further:

Because Mary Magdalene, or Isis the sister-wife of Osiris, is traditionally identified with Venus and the breast is decidedly a feminine symbol, we can easily interpret the Sun nipple-ring on Janet's breast as signifying the Sun covering Venus. And the direct conjunction of Sun and Venus is exactly what will take place on June 8 this year!

The above connection is intensified by the following:

  • Breasts produce milk.
  • The summer solstice point in the sky is right on the path of the Milky Way.
  • The Transit of Venus took place at the edge of the Milky Way.

So, all combined, what we have here is a clear message - that the Venus Transit on June 8 is the event, or at least one of the events, pinpointed by the Super-Bowl 'omen'. And it signifies the time of the Osirian Resurrection, the death of Osiris and the birth of Horus. Judging from the events of May, the role of Osiris was likely to be played by the US leadership and the role of Horus by Schwarzenegger.

This projection was to be dramatically fulfilled by the death of Ronald Reagan on June 5.

Here is what I wrote on June 8:

June 08, '04   Venus Transit & 'Hidden Form'
So we're now seeing the second 'deep impact' event - or a precursor event - of June, the death/mourning/funeral of former President Ronald Reagan. (The first one was the surprising resignation Tenet, the head of the CIA.) This one is directly overlapping the key date of June 8, celestially marked by the Transit of Venus. And it even correlates strongly with the 'Babylon leader falling' theme projected for this period, though I'm still closely monitoring the Pope, the current US leadership (Cheney/Rumsfeld/neocons etc.), and such for this theme. [...]

It's interesting that Reagan's death should take place right before the Venus transit [...]

...on this website I have long been talking about the interchangeability between the 'Babylon leader' and the 'Sun-king', both epithets considered applicable, among others, to US presidency (especially Bush). So the death of a former President, i.e. Reagan, immediately preceding the Horus/Grail event of the Venus transit is symbolically quite fitting. This is the story of the death of Osiris and the birth of Horus. [...]

[Now let me bring up Nostradamus' quatrain] Quatrain IV-28:

When Venus will be covered by the Sun,
Under the splendor will be a hidden form:
Mercury will have exposed them to the fire,
Through warlike noise it will be insulted.

The first line makes the quatrain relevant [to] the Transit of Venus [as the transit] is indeed 'when Venus will be covered by the Sun'. I had been aware of this potential connection for some time now, and one of the reasons I mentioned 'Contact' in my previous update (June 1) has to do with the fact that in Dolores Cannon's book 'Conversations With Nostradamus'... quatrain IV-28 is interpreted by a hypnotized subject to involve some kind of ET Contact. This is supposedly alluded to by the 'hidden form' mentioned in Line 2. This 'Contact' can easily involve the anticipated 'life on Mars' announcement - especially since the Red Planet was considered a form of Horus by ancient Egyptians. The 'hidden form' may also relate to our 'Antichrist' theme.

The third line - well, it has suddenly become meaningful and supportive of the Venus-transit association due to the timing of Reagan's death. He was widely known as 'the Great Communicator' - and that's exactly what Mercury/Hermes represents in mythology, who is known prominently as the messenger of the gods!

Now we can't help but anticipate the suggested 'exposing' of the 'hidden form'. Aside from the 'Contact' theme, it may well involve all the serious investigations presently dogging the Bush administration - or more specifically the treasonous neoconservative crowd - namely the CIA/Plame leak probe, the Chalabi/Iran leak probe, the Iraq torture scandal probe, etc. This is interesting especially since the neocons worship Reagan, and the current Bush presidency is (unsuccessfully) patterned after Reagan's in many ways. [...]

Well, at the time I didn't quite realize just how significant Reagan's death really was. Obviously it was a huge event especially for the US media which covered the week-long proceedings like there was no tomorrow. I frankly stopped watching TV news during this period because the coverage had quickly become overkill.

Still, I was compelled to watch the funeral ceremony on the final day - which fell on Friday, June 11. I was astounded by what I saw.

I jumped up and excitedly wrote the following...

June 12, '04   Witnessing Once and Future King
Did you see it? Did you feel the 'deep impact' of June 11, 2004? I can't recall witnessing a 'ritual' so powerful like this one, climaxing late yesterday as the Sun set on the California horizon. The energy emanating from the ceremony was so great that I found it unsettling. It was all beautiful on the surface - indeed near perfect - and yet underneath it there was an esoteric ritual taking place simultaneously. It was unmistakable.

Previously on June 8 I wrote that the death event of Ronald Reagan signified the death of Osiris (Egyptian god of the dead) - something projected beforehand here at Etemenanki:

...the death of a former President, i.e. Reagan, immediately preceding the Horus/Grail event of the Venus transit is symbolically quite fitting. This is the story of the death of Osiris and the birth of Horus.

I explained that the death/funeral was a ritual designed to interact, or commemorate, the Transit of Venus that took place on June 8, right in the middle of the national mourning period. Venus being a form of Isis (or Mary Magdalene) and Osiris being symbolic of the sunset, the rare union of the two celestial objects reenacted the mythological event of Horus being conceived by Isis, as she is said to have received the seed of her husband Osiris concurrently with his death. Hence I anticipated that an event analogous to the conception/birth of Horus would emerge following or together with the presidential death ritual. I previously wrote:

It's interesting that Reagan's death should take place right before the Venus transit as the Venus-Sun union is symbolic of the Mary-Jesus (as well as Isis-Osiris) union and the resultant birth of Horus, the 'Holy Grail' (the seed of Christ/Antichrist). 

Since the very beginning, August 2003, I have been viewing the political rise of Arnold Schwarzenegger as the new 'Messianic'/'Antichristic' king, Horus, being born. Etemenanki has been the only and certainly the first place, as far as I know, to make this interpretation - though I should note that Alex Jones and the LaRouche camp expressed more or less similar views at the time of the California 'Total Recall' election last year (both compared Arnie to Hitler).

I noted just recently in the June 8 update:

The 'hidden form' [which I associated with the Venus transit] may also relate to our 'Antichrist' theme.

And in The Lucifer Time Code (May 3, '04) I listed the following as one of the projected events that might manifest in this very period:

Major event involving Arnold Schwarzenegger and/or other Horus ('Antichristic') figures.

As Reagan died, things began to form into a perfect-storm ritual designed to 'inaugurate', in an occultic fashion, the New King, the 'Antichristic' Terminator. Is it just a coincidence that both Reagan and Arnold were an ex-Hollywood actor who became [Republican] California governor? Conceptually they can be viewed as alter egos, just as Osiris and his son Horus were. And so as Reagan died, we could easily expect that Schwarzenegger - in his new role - was to be conceived/born.

Indeed, the finale of the week-long Osirian ritual brought Reagan's dead body and along with it the attention of the entire nation from Washington DC to California, the land governed by Arnold, to be buried at sunset as requested by Reagan himself.

All the major TV channels in the US showed this grand finale in such a way that it was openly intimated that the fading Sun was symbolic of the former president himself - which was indeed clearly the case.

As I watched the farewell speeches given by his sons and daughter, a familiar face emerged into view.... someone sitting right behind the Reagan family. And there he was: Arnold Schwarzenegger... the 'hidden form under the splendor' (a la Quatrain IV-28/Nostradamus discussed before). The camera work was subtle but it unmistakably made the point of acknowledging his presence repeatedly. And it became abundantly clear to me that he was the hidden star of this extraordinary ritual, the biggest one in recent memory.

I was transfixed by all this, as I knew the momentous implications of what I was witnessing. The torch of 'kingship' - or 'Antichristship' - was publicly, yet covertly, being passed on to The Next - Arnold Schwarzenegger.

As the proceedings approached the ending, virtually all major channels began to focus more and more on the setting sun hovering just above the mountainous western horizon. People were now moving in procession slowly toward the casket holding Reagan's body, paying their respect for the last time. But the TV cameras stayed with the Sun which was finally disappearing into the horizon.

As I was observing this sequence, I just knew that at the moment of the Sun's disappearance, signifying the death of Osiris, Arnold would be highlighted in some way, as symbolically the Osirian 'death' had to give rise to the next incarnation embodied by his son Horus (= rising sun). If Schwarzenegger was indeed the 'occult star' of the whole ritual as suspected, this 'coincidence' had to take place. And if it indeed magically did, that would have to be considered an incredibly powerful confirmation of the hidden design.

I didn't have to know the exact local sunset time since the TV did a good job of tracking the fading Sun. I had detected the presence of Arnold in the line moving toward the coffin and almost instinctively I began to anticipate what was coming next: the 'death' of the Sun precisely coinciding with Arnie standing in front of the dead 'king'. (This would be only about a 20-second window).

By this time, my hands began to sweat and my heartbeat began to race. Something to do with 'knowing' what is coming and knowing its momentous implications. Chances of it taking place so small, and yet the certainty of the coming 'magic moment' overwhelming. As the TV showed the last seconds of the fateful sunset taking place on the horizon and the commentator saying '...and the Sun is now history', the camera went right back to the casket. It showed a couple approaching the casket, saying final goodbye.

The man was Arnold Schwarzenegger....

At the 'moment of death', Arnie was right there 'face-to-face' with the dead president, as if to receive the 'spirit of kingship'.

This is exactly what happened. I witnessed it with my own eyes. The predicted 'magical coincidence' took place just as described above...

Make no mistake: Schwarzenegger will soon be the leader of the United States, if not the entire world. Probably sooner than we think. And his leadership will likely bring about the termination of the the United States as we know it.

It is not apparent yet, but it seems the US has now esoterically become an 'Arnold Country'. From this point forward we are unlikely to see any calm period until the 'termination', just several years away.

At this time I must say: put your seatbelt on. Horus has arrived and we are in for a wild ride... Chaos and the rise of a (Martian) new world order.

As you can see, what I saw impressed as well as worried me greatly. The 'magical ritual' was... well, magical... in a rather dark sense. But soon I realized that there was much more to the hidden design that would make it even more 'magical', and seemingly impossible.


Respuesta  Mensaje 84 de 205 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/12/2012 03:36

"The Golden Chalice of the great Abbot Suger of Saint-Denis. French 12th Century (cup Alexandrian 2nd/1st Century B.C.).

Chalice of the Abbot Suger of Saint-Denis, 2nd/1st century B.C. (cup); 1137-1140 (mounting)
sardonyx cup with heavily gilded silver mounting, adorned with filigrees set with stones, pearls, glass insets, and opaque white glass pearls
overall (height): 18.4 cm (7 1/4 in.) overall (diam. at base): 11.7 cm (4 5/8 in.) overall (diam. at top): 12.4 cm (4 7/8 in.)
From the Tour: Medieval Metalwork and Enamels

This chalice, a vessel to hold wine for Mass, is one of the most splendid treasures from the Middle Ages. Acquired by Abbot Suger for the French royal abbey of Saint-Denis, near Paris, the stone cup was set in gold and probably used in the consecration ceremony for the new altar chapels of the church on 11 June 1144.

Suger, abbot of Saint-Denis from 1122 to 1151, was not only a Benedictine monk but also a brilliant administrator who served as regent of France during the Second Crusade. With objects such as this chalice and the abbey’s new Gothic architecture, he aimed to create a vision of paradise on earth that would awe beholders. In his writings, Suger equated Divine Light with the real light shimmering through stained glass and glistening from gems.

The cup incorporated in Abbot Suger’s chalice was carved from sardonyx, probably in Alexandria, Egypt during the second to first centuries B.C. Suger’s goldsmiths mounted the cup in a gold and silver setting with delicate gold-wire filigree and adorned it with gems. On the foot, a medallion depicts the haloed Christ, flanked by the Greek letters signifying: “I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End.”

Source: National Gallery of Art.

From the Borderlands - mjastudio.com

Respuesta  Mensaje 85 de 205 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/12/2012 04:32

Is this a PoS document? Is it taken from the Crista design?

From the Borderlands - mjastudio.com

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