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Réponse  Message 1 de 2 de ce thème 
De: Jabal  (message original) Envoyé: 04/05/2012 19:09
Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 1 en el tema 
De: Jabal  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 04/05/2012 19:01

La Iglesia Universal (Pare de Sufrir) construye el templo de Salomón en Brasil

miércoles 28 de marzo de 2012

BRASIL.- El obispo Edir Macedo es el fundador de la Iglesia Universal del Reino de Dios(IURD), quién dice que fue inspirado por el Espíritu Santo para construir una réplica del Templo de Salomón en un vecindario de San Paulo.

Él dice que durante una peregrinación a la Tierra Santa con otros obispos, comentó el deseo de que todos los miembros de la Iglesia pudieran, por lo menos una vez en sus vidas, pisar en el mismo suelo que Jesús pisó. Después de ese comentario, él pensó; "Si no podemos traer a todos aquí, entonces llevaremos pedazos de esta tierra a ellos." Esta idea fue formulada en Junio de 2010 cuando se anunció realizar la obra, una réplica basada en el Primer Templo construido para Dios.

Arquitectos e ingenieros están trabajando con todos su esfuerzos usando referencias Bíblicas para hacer la construcción del Templo como fue en el pasado.

Las dimensiones excederán las de una cancha de fútbol, en un area de 28.000 metros cuadrados midiendo 413 pies de largo y 341 pies de ancho.

Según la iglesia, la altura del templo de Salomón equivaldrá a un edificio de 18 pisos y tendrá capacidad para albergar a 10.000 personas, será dos veces más alto que la estatua de Cristo el Redentor en Río de Janeiro.

El costo del proyecto asciende a más de US$200 millones, que provendrán de los bolsillos de los fieles y de los "admiradores" del proyecto.

Durante un culto reciente en Sao Paulo, el ministro les mostró a los fieles un video del templo.

"Los nombres de los fieles serán inscritos en las 640 columnas del templo", dice el ministro antes de entregarles sobres a los religiosos para donaciones.


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Réponse  Message 2 de 2 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 03/03/2025 14:31
Wreck of the RMS Magdalena or Titanic in Rio De Janeiro.
A ship built in the same shipyard where the Titanic was born and which ironically ended on its maiden voyage as well.
One of the prides of the British shipping company Royal Mail Steam Packet Company. The Magdalena, the company's third ship with that name, took two years to build, due to a lack of materials in the post-war period. It was launched on May 11, 1948 by the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Ireland and immediately placed for passenger and cargo line service to Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina.
During his inaugural voyage in April 1949, he highlighted the ita come from Santos, with a scheduled stopover in Costa Rio de Janeiro.
January During the early morning hours of the 25th, he was already approaching the city, having the beach of Barra da Tijuca through the bombardment, when at 4:30 am, apparently due to a navigation error by one of the ship's officers, it crashed on the slab of the Islands Tijucas, where he was imprisoned despite attempts to desercathe Ochoque damaged the bow and opened a large hole in pore number 3.
Issued the S.O.S. emergency, the passengers were taken to the lifeboats as the coast is very close, but they did not abandon the ship, which remained stable attached to slab. Several Navy and private ships went to the site to help the vessel, among them: the submarine fighter Guaporé, Guaiba.
Beberibe, the tugs Triunfo, Lieutenant Cláudio and Commander Dorat, in addition to the Saturno and the national freighter Goiazlóide, the first to arrive at the site. It was through some of these ships that passengers were eventually disembarked.
Soon, the ship began to be unloaded, transferring part of its cargo to auxiliary ships, barges and tugs. With the weight alleviated and the following day's high tide, the ship re-floated, starting the slow tow by Triunfo and Comandante Dorat, into the interior of Guanabara Bay.
The entrance to Guanabara Bay is narrow and divided in half by the Laje fortress, where the currents are strong and the surface agitated by the funnel of water that enters and leaves. For it was exactly when crossing the bar, probably forced by the weight of the water that invaded cellar number 3 and the thick sea, that the Magdalena left between the bridge and the striking yellow chimney, which characterized the company. The images are impressive, looking like the ship was cut with a knife.
According to some witnesses, the boilers exploded; which doesn't seem likely, as they were muffled in the first moments of the accident, but the crash of the fracture was enormous, which must have confused the stunned witnesses. Bow and amidship quickly submerged, leaving a large smear of floating objects.
Champagne bottles, among others, were collected by the city's oarsmen for several days after the shipwreck. The stern, which continued to float and was immediately released by the tugs, which tug. they also feared being pulled to the bottom. On board were only the captain, a crew member and the chief practical of Rio de Janeiro, who were quickly rescued by a tug.
However, surprising everyone, half the ship did not sink, drifting until it ran aground in the Imbuí Beach (Niterói) in front of the bow sinking site. Captain Douglas Lee and his first immediately were blamed for the accident by the court of law and had their records suspended for two and one year respectively.
In the days after the accident, the opening left in the rear half of the ship was sealed with steel plates and the entire segment was towed to a shipyard in Rio de Janeiro, where it was scrapped. The ship's machines were sold and, for many years, served as a unit thermoelectric, generating electricity for the city of Manaus. Only having been definitively retired at the beginning of 2000. Some sources claim that windows and other devices in the cockpit were used to decorate the Jurujuba late Clube salon in Niterói.
Today, there are only a few pieces left spread over an area of ​​sand and rock bottom, the largest parts were removed or blown up, and according to DHN (Diretoria de Hidrografia e Navegação da Marinha do Brasil), no more than wreckage is found. one meter from the bottom. So the location of the wreckage is not very easy.
Diving in the place is extremely difficult. Firstly, because it is the passage of large vessels and therefore, anchorage is prohibited. The place is a big narrowing at the entrance of the bar, so, with the movement of the tides, the currents in the place are very strong. To make matters worse, the color of the water in Guanabara Bay, which although at the bottom is not so dark, due to the agitation and mixing, is close to zero.
Source text : Naufrágios do Brasil

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