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جواب  رسائل 1 من 44 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999  (الرسالة الأصلية) مبعوث: 23/11/2014 03:37

Washington D. C.

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Washington, D.C.
(District of Columbia)
Bandera de Washington D. C.
Sello de Washington D. C.
Panorama urbano de
Ubicación del Distrito de Columbia respecto a los estados vecinos de Maryland y Virginia
Ubicación del Distrito de Columbia respecto a los estados vecinos de Maryland y Virginia
País Bandera de los Estados Unidos Estados Unidos
• Distrito Federal Flag of Washington, D.C..svg Distrito de Columbia
Ubicación 38°53′42″N 77°02′12″O / 38.895, -77.03667Coordenadas: 38°53′42″N 77°02′12″O / 38.895, -77.03667 (mapa)
• Altitud 0-125 msnm
• Total 177,0 km²
• Tierra firme 159,0 km²
• Agua 18,0 km²
Fundación 16 de julio de 1790
• Total (2005 ) 582.049[1] hab.
• Urbana 5.214.666 hab.
• Metropolitana 8.026.807 hab.
• Densidad 3,481 hab./km²
Huso horario EST (UTC–5)
• Verano EDT (UTC–4)
Alcalde Adrian Fenty
Sitio web http://www.dc.gov/

Washington D. C., oficialmente denominado Distrito de Columbia (District of Columbia en idioma inglés, abreviado como "D. C."), es la capital de los Estados Unidos de América. Se trata de una entidad diferente a los 50 estados que componen dicha nación, y depende directamente del Gobierno federal de los Estados Unidos. El Distrito de Columbia fue fundado el 16 de julio de 1790, y en 1791 se fundó, dentro del Distrito, una nueva ciudad denominada Washington, al este de la ya existente Georgetown. En 1871 se unificaron los gobiernos de estas dos ciudades y del resto de poblaciones del distrito en una sola entidad, D.C.

Se localiza a orillas del río Potomac y está rodeado por los estados de Virginia, al oeste y Maryland al norte, este y sur.

La ciudad de Washington nació como una ciudad planificada, y fue desarrollada a finales del siglo XVIII para servir como la capital nacional permanente, después de que diversas localidades ostentaran dicha posición desde la independencia del país, en 1776; en tanto, el distrito federal fue formado para marcar la diferencia entre la capital nacional y los estados. La ciudad fue nombrada en honor a George Washington, el primer presidente de los Estados Unidos. El nombre del distrito, Columbia, es el nombre poético de Estados Unidos, en referencia a Cristóbal Colón (llamado en inglés Christopher Columbus), descubridor de América. La ciudad es llamada comúnmente Washington, the District (el Distrito) o simplemente D.C. En el siglo XIX también se la conoció como Ciudad Federal o Ciudad de Washington.

Los centros de las tres ramas del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos se ubican en el Distrito. También situadas en la ciudad están las sedes del Banco Mundial, el FMI, la OEA, el BID, y otras instituciones nacionales e internacionales, incluyendo asociaciones profesionales y sindicatos. Debido a su importancia a nivel político, Washington es un lugar de frecuentes manifestaciones y protestas, particularmente en el National Mall. Además es un destino popular entre los turistas, debido a los numerosos monumentos y lugares de interés nacionales. La ciudad es un centro de la historia y cultura estadounidense, y en ella se encuentran el complejo de museos más grande del mundo (el Instituto Smithsoniano), además de galerías de arte, universidades, catedrales, centros e instituciones de arte dramático, y escenarios de música nativa.

El Distrito de Columbia y la ciudad de Washington son gobernados por un solo gobierno municipal. Para cuestiones prácticas son considerados como la misma entidad. Éste no siempre ha sido el caso: hasta 1871 —cuando Georgetown dejó de ser una ciudad separada— había múltiples jurisdicciones dentro del Distrito.[2] A pesar de que hay un gobierno municipal y un alcalde, el Congreso tiene la autoridad suprema sobre la ciudad y el distrito, lo que resulta en que los ciudadanos tengan menos autogobierno que los residentes de los estados. El Distrito tiene un representante en el Congreso, pero no tiene derecho a voto.

La población del Distrito de Columbia es de alrededor de 581.530 habitantes. El área metropolitana de Washington es la octava más grande de Estados Unidos, con más de 5 millones de residentes, y el área metropolitana que forma junto a la cercana Baltimore tiene una población que excede los 8 millones. Si Washington D. C. fuera un estado, estaría último en cuanto a superficie (por detrás de Rhode Island), en penúltimo lugar en cuanto a población (por delante de Wyoming), en el lugar n.º 35 en cuanto a producto interno bruto y primero en densidad de población.

Aunque el Distrito de Columbia no tiene un miembro votante del Congreso los residentes todavía están obligados a pagar impuestos al gobierno federal. Esto es diferente de los territorios de Estados Unidos, como Puerto Rico, cuyos ciudadanos en general no pagan impuestos sobre la renta individual. Los residentes protestan por la falta de derechos de voto, sobre todo porque la falta de representación en el Parlamento británico fue una de las principales razones para la independencia del país del Reino Unido. La ciudad adoptó una frase de la Guerra de la Independencia, «No hay tributación sin representación», para protestar por la falta de derechos de voto.[


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جواب  رسائل 30 من 44 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 20/07/2019 17:01

When was the Apollo 11 landing? Mission timeline, and what time astronauts landed 50 years ago

Just when did the Eagle land?

(Photo: Universal Pictures)
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News for free thinkers

50 years ago today (16 July), Apollo 11 left the stability of Earth’s surface for a risky mission to put a man on the Moon for the first time in history.

The mission lasted a total of 195 hours, 18 minutes and 35 seconds, and was recognised as the most problem-free mission up until that point.

But just how exactly did it all play out?

We’ve compiled a timeline of all of the mission’s major moments, from take-off, to splash-down in the Pacific Ocean.

July 16

Read more:

50 years since the moon landing: how the momentous Apollo 11 mission unfolded in 1969

Michael Collins: what happened to the third astronaut on Apollo 11 moon landing mission with Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong

Moon landing conspiracy theories: why some people think the Apollo 11 mission was fake, and what they say happened

09:32 EDT (13:32 UK time) – The Apollo 11’s Saturn V rockets fire up and lift off from Florida’s Merritt Island at the Kennedy Space Center.

On schedule to within less than a second, an estimated million eyewitnesses – including members of Congress and more than 3,000 journalists  – are on hand to see the historic launch, not to mention the millions watching on TVs worldwide.

09:44 (13:44) –Twelve minutes later, and with the burnt-out Saturn V rockets jettisoned, Apollo 11 is now in orbit at a height of 103 miles, where it is carefully checked by the astronauts and the ground control crew.

12:22 (16:22) – After two hours and 38 minutes circling the Earth, the third-stage engine is fired, boosting Apollo 11 out of orbit and onto a lunar trajectory at a speed of 24,200 mph.

12:49 (16:49) – ‘Eagle’ – the lunar landing craft – is unpacked from atop the launch rockets, a process that involves firing explosive bolts to separate it from Columbia, the main craft.

The landing craft is stopped by the astronauts 100 feet ahead of them, after which a precise manoeuvre involving turning Columbia around to face the landing craft and dock head-to-head with it, is completed.

14:43 (18:43) – The mission is going so smoothly, a scheduled mid-course correction is considered unnecessary. The crew members keep themselves busy with housekeeping duties.

20:52 (00:42) – Mission Control says good night to the crew as they prepare for their first night’s sleep in space, two hours early.

July 17

08:48 (12:48) – The second day of the mission is a relatively uneventful one – well, as uneventful as travelling to the moon and back can be – and starts with a news briefing.

12:17 (16:17) – A minor correction is made to sharpen the course of the spacecraft and test the engines needed to get the crew in and out of lunar orbit.

19:31 (23:31) – The first colour broadcast from the spacecraft begins, showing a view of the Earth from 128,000 miles, and giving viewers a tour of the command module during a 36-minute transmission.

21:42 (01:42) – Mission control bids the crew goodnight.

July 18

9:41 (13:41) – The astronauts are woken an hour later than scheduled, and told that course corrections scheduled for the afternoon will not be needed.

16:40 (20:40) – The second broadcast of the mission – one of the clearest television transmissions ever sent from space – begins, with the craft now 175,000 miles from Earth, and 48,000 from the Moon.

The one-hour-and-36-minutes-long broadcast also shows the hatch to the lunar module being opened, and Neil Armstrong entering it for inspection.

22:00 (02:00) – Mission Control says goodnight to the crew.

July 19

Read more:

Moon landing 50th anniversary: what daily life looked like for the astronauts on board Apollo 11 in 1969

Neil Armstrong’s first steps on the Moon 50 years ago spawned a generation of explorers

Space Oddity by David Bowie and 8 other songs inspired by the Apollo 11 moon landing

08:32 (12:32) – The crew are woken.

10:42 (14:42) – Armstrong announces: “The view of the Moon that we’ve been having recently is really spectacular. It about three-quarters of the hatch window and, of course, we can see the entire circumference, even though part of it is in complete shadow and part of it’s in earth-shine. It’s a view worth the price of the trip.”

12:58 (16:58) – The crew is 23 minutes away from Lunar Orbit Insertion burn, which will slow the craft so that it can be captured by lunar gravity.

13:13 (17:13) – The spacecraft passes behind the Moon and out of radio contact with the Earth for the first time, during which time the Lunar Orbit Insertion burn is initiated.

13:55 (17:55) – With the craft now in orbit and out from behind the Moon, Armstrong tells Mission Control: “We’re getting this first view of the landing approach. The pictures and maps brought back by Apollos 8 and 10 give us a very good preview of what to look at here.”

“It looks very much like the pictures, but like the difference between watching a real football game and watching it on TV – no substitute for actually being here.”

15:56 (19:56) – A 35-minute broadcast of the Moon’s surface begins, focusing on the area chosen as a landing site.

18:57 (22:57) – The spacecraft is orbiting the Moon every two hours.

July 20

(Photo: ITV)

9:27 (13:27) – Preparations for the big day begin as Buzz Aldrin crawls into the lunar module and powers it up. An hour later, Armstrong joins him and they check systems and deploy the landing legs.

13:46 (17:46) – The landing module separates from Columbia, in which Michael Collins continues to orbit; he fires the command ship’s rockets to move about two miles away.

15:47 (19:47) – Collins reports that the landing craft is on its way down to the lunar surface; “Everything’s going just swimmingly. Beautiful!”

16:05 (20:05) – The final descent for the lunar module begins, four miles from the target point on the southwestern edge of the Sea of Tranquillity. Armstrong – his heartbeat now at a rate of 156 – takes manual control of the course after seeing it is approaching a crater covered with large rocks.

16:18 (20:18) – “The Eagle has landed.”

“It looks like a collection of just about every variety of shapes, angularities and granularities, every variety of rock you could find,” reports Aldrin.

“The colours vary pretty much depending on how you’re looking… There doesn’t appear to be much of a general colour at all; however, it looks as though some of the rocks and boulders, of which there are quite a few in the near area… are going to have some interesting colours to them.”

22:39 (02:39) – Five hours ahead of schedule, Armstrong opens the lunar module’s hatch and squeezes through the opening. Moving slowly down the ladder, he pulls a “D-ring” from within easy reach of the second step, deploying the television camera that will capture him stepping onto the moon.

“I’m at the foot of the ladder,” he reports. “The LM footpads are only depressed in the surface about one or two inches… the surface appears to be very, very fine-grained, as you get close to it, it’s almost like a powder.”

22:56 (02:56) – Armstrong puts his left foot onto the Moon. “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”

23:41 (03:41) – The astronauts take a United States flag, and erect it on a staff pressed into the lunar surface.

23:47 (03:47) – Mission Control announces: “The President of the United States is in his office now and would like to say a few words to you.” Armstrong replies: “That would be an honour.”

“Neil and Buzz. I am talking to you from the Oval Room at the White House,” says President Nixon. “And this certainly has to be the most historic telephone call ever made.

“For every American this has to be the proudest day of our lives. And for people all over the world I am sure they, too, join with Americans in recognising what a feat this is.

“Because of what you have done, the heavens have become a part of man’s world. As you talk to us from the Sea of Tranquility, it inspires us to redouble our efforts to bring peace and tranquility to Earth. For one priceless moment, in the whole history of man, all the people on this Earth are truly one.”

July 21

One of the few photographs of Neil Armstrong on the moon as he works on his space craft on the lunar surface. (Photo: NASA/Newsmakers)One of the few photographs of Neil Armstrong on the moon as he works on his space craft on the lunar surface. (Photo: NASA/Newsmakers)

00:54 (04:54) – After all of the mission’s experiments have been set up and all photographs taken, Aldrin starts back up the lunar module’s ladder; Armstrong joins him 15 minutes later.

04:25 (08:25) – The astronauts are told to go to sleep, after answering questions about the geology of the moon.

09:44 (13:44) – Shortly after waking, Collins – who is still circling the Moon – Mission Control observes: “Not since Adam has any human known such solitudeas Mike Collins is experiencing during this 47 minutes of each lunar revolution when he’s behind the Moon with no one to talk to except his tape recorder aboard Columbia.”

13:54 (17:54) – The ascent engine is started and the lunar module begins rising.

17:35 (21:25) – The Eagle re-docks with Columbia while circling on the far side of the Moon.

July 22

00:56 (04:56) – The trans-earth injection burn of Apollo 11 begins its return journey to Earth.

04:30 (08:30) – The astronauts start their sleep period.

13:00 (17:00) – The astronauts wake for first full day of the return trip – 39 minutes later, the spacecraft passes the point in space where the Earth’s gravity takes over and begins drawing them homeward.

21:08 (01:08) – An 18-minute live TV transmission to Earth begins.

July 23

Apollo 11 astronauts, from left, Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, command and Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin. (Photo: NASA/Newsmakers)Apollo 11 astronauts, from left, Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, command and Edwin ‘Buzz’ Aldrin (Photo: NASA/Newsmakers)

02:14 (06:14) – The crew starts their sleep period.

12:20 (16:20) – The crew awakens, and begins a routine checking of systems.

19:03 (23:03) – The final colour television transmission begins.

July 24

06:47 (10:47) – The crew awakens and begins to prepare for splash-down.

12:35 (16:35) – The command module re-enters the Earth’s atmosphere.

12:51 (16:51) – The spacecraft splashes down into the Pacific Ocean 825 miles southwest of Honolulu, and 13 miles from the recovery ship, the U.S.S. Hornet.


جواب  رسائل 31 من 44 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 15/08/2021 02:50

Voto O’Higgins a la Virgen del Carmen sigue vivo en Chile


Macarena Gayangos - Aleteia Chile - publicado el 15/03/19

Una tradición que refleja la fe profunda del pueblo chileno en la Carmelita, como se le dice a la Virgen del Carmen

María Luisa Tagle, vicepresidenta de la Corporación Voto Nacional O’Higgins, nos cuenta la conmemoración número 201 del Voto; una tradición que en los últimos años ha ido retomando importancia, y su vinculación del pueblo chileno a la Virgen del Carmen, patrona del país.

“El Voto O’Higgins viene del tiempo de la Reconquista, después del desastre de la batalla de Cancha Rayada. La ciudadanía o más bien los patriotas vivían un tiempo de incertidumbre y no sabían si los españoles o realistas finalmente iban a triunfar en la guerra de la independencia”, a María Luisa le brillan los ojos mientras va relatando.

“Lo más impresionante y relevante de este episodio histórico, es que es el pueblo de Santiago que le piden a las autoridades de la iglesia y civiles que se haga una promesa a la Virgen del Carmen y que ella los auxilie en estos difíciles momentos. Aquí se ve la fe profunda del pueblo chileno en la Carmelita, una fe que sigue viva a pesar de todo”.


Te puede interesar:
Chile: “Nacer de Nuevo” rendidos a los pies de la Virgen del Carmen

La historia cuenta que las cofradías, mujeres, niños, patriotas se reúnen en la Catedral de Santiago y le piden a la Virgen del Carmen que libere a Chile de la corona española, y se comprometen a que donde se produzca la batalla final se le construirá un santuario.


El 5 de abril de 1818 se enfrentan los ejércitos, patriotas y realistas, en Maipú. “En medio de la batalla los soldados chilenos le suplican y claman a la Virgen del Carmen que la victoria sea del pueblo. Bernardo O’Higgins llega al final de la batalla, recordemos que venía con un brazo con cabestrillo por las heridas sufridas en Cancha Rayada. Se gana la batalla y Chile se convierte en una república”, rememora la vicepresidenta de la Corporación Voto Nacional O’Higgins.

Imágenes de la Virgen del Carmen aquí (hacer click en galería): 

Fue solo hasta 1948 cuando se pudo cumplir la promesa hecha por los patriotas a la Carmelita. El cardenal José María Caro dijo: “Debemos cumplir la promesa a la Virgen. No se puede seguir esperando más”. Así se dio comienzo a la construcción del Santuario de Maipú.

«Durante toda mi vida la Virgen del Carmen me ha acompañado y en estos 201 años me toca acompañarla a mí ahora. Es nuestra patrona, soy fiel y devota de ella», comenta emocionada María Inés López de la comuna de Maipú.

El testimonio de María Inés refleja la espiritualidad y fe que miles de chilenos tienen en la Carmelita. Para Guillermo Salas, cuasimodista, la Patrona de Chile es quien “salvó nuestra patria y por eso nosotros la veneramos siempre”.


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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/08/2021 23:48
La Virgen del Carmen - ACI Prensa

جواب  رسائل 32 من 44 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 05/10/2021 01:32
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من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 05/10/2021 02:32

جواب  رسائل 34 من 44 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 05/11/2021 03:39
Hermana Lucía, O.C.D.
Lúcia Santos (ChildrensofFatima).jpg
Lucía, la pastorcita de Fátima, en 1917

Otros títulos Monja Carmelita Descalza
Información religiosa
Congregación Orden de las Carmelitas Descalzas
Información personal
Nombre secular Lucía de Jesús Rosa dos Santos
Nombre religioso Hermana María Lucía de Jesús y del Inmaculado Corazón
Nacimiento 22 de marzo de 1907
Fallecimiento 13 de febrero de 2005
(97 años)
Padres António dos Santos y Maria Rosa Ferreira
Sitio web www.lucia.pt

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جواب  رسائل 42 من 44 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 28/02/2025 16:09

Pope Francis delivered a speech too progressive for Obama to give

Pope Francis waves to the crowd from the Speakers Balcony at the US Capitol, September 24, 2015, in Washington, DC.
Pope Francis waves to the crowd from the Speakers Balcony at the US Capitol, September 24, 2015, in Washington, DC. Pool/Getty Images

If President Barack Obama had delivered the text of Pope Francis’s speech to Congress Thursday as a State of the Union address, he would have risked being denounced by Republicans as a socialist.

While most Republicans chose not to complain, and Democrats tried not to gloat, Francis’s speech to Congress was stunning in the breadth, depth, and conviction of its progressivism. That might not have been fully and immediately appreciated by everyone in the House chamber because the combination of Francis’s sotto voce delivery and his heavily accented English made it difficult, lawmakers said, to grasp everything he was saying.

But there was no mistaking his thrust. He made detailed arguments for openness to immigrants, addressing the human roots of climate change, closing the gap between the rich and the poor, and ending the death penalty — all of which invigorated the Democrats in the room.

“It was pretty progressive. He had a little right-to-life stuff in it,” Rep. James Clyburn, the third-ranking House Democrat, said as he cracked a smile thinking about how Republicans would receive the speech. “That’s enough for them.”

The pope isn’t going to change many hearts and minds in the badly divided Congress, lawmakers said, but the moment provided a brief respite from political warfare. Several presidential candidates, including Sens. Bernie Sanders, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz, as well as Ben Carson, attended.

Rubio, a Roman Catholic, said in a brief interview that Francis “struck the right tone.” Sanders, a self-described socialist, seemed to like the content even more.

“Pope Francis is clearly one of the important religious and moral leaders not only in the world today but in modern history,” he said in a statement released after the speech. “He forces us to address some of the major issues facing humanity: war, income and wealth inequality, poverty, unemployment, greed, the death penalty and other issues that too many prefer to ignore.”

Democrats were eager enough to present Congress as united that they joined a Republican-led standing ovation when Francis told lawmakers of “our responsibility to protect and defend human life at every state of its development.” Several of them said it was out of respect for the pope. But there was another good reason: It strengthened the perception that the whole speech — most of which they liked — carried unifying themes.

Unity was good for Democrats because the speech favored their policies

Francis was interrupted a few times by whoops from the Democratic side of the chamber — by Steve Cohen, a Jewish Memphis Democrat who got excited about Francis’s mention of the Golden Rule; by New York’s Nydia Velázquez when he called for an end to the death penalty; and by Philadelphia Rep. Chaka Fattah when he mentioned his upcoming visit to that city. The Republicans in the room were a bit more staid. Cruz often appeared unmoved during moments when Rubio, who was sitting nearby, applauded. That was the case when Francis asked whether the greater opportunities sought by past generations of immigrants are “not what we want for our own children?”

It was a home crowd. Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) had announced he would boycott the event over climate change, and there was a brief murmur when it became obvious that three conservative Catholic Supreme Court justices — Antonin Scalia, Samuel Alito, and Clarence Thomas — had not shown up. But it seemed that everyone in attendance just wanted to catch a glimpse of Francis and hear what he had to say.

Big-name guests filed into the public galleries above the House chamber long before the pope’s arrival: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former Rep. Gabby Giffords, mega-donor Tom Steyer, and Carson. House members filled the seats in their chamber, followed by the Senate and four Supreme Court justices. At about a minute past 10 am, Francis strode down the center aisle of the House chamber, clad in his familiar white robe and skullcap.

Lawmakers, who had been admonished not to touch the pope, refrained from trying to shake his hand or pat his back. There was no rush to crowd him the way members of Congress try to get into pictures with the president during the annual State of the Union address. When he got to the end of the aisle, he quietly shook hands with Secretary of State John Kerry and then made his way to the rostrum.

Samantha Power, the US ambassador to the UN, pulled out a baby blue iPhone and began snapping pictures. Though she later took to Twitter to commemorate the moment, Power hadn’t posted any of her photos by midday.


For his part, Francis warmed up the audience by describing America as “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” He was slow to move into more politically charged territory but unimpeded when he did. There were 10 standing ovations after his initial greeting, and they were bipartisan.

Francis tackled tough issues at the heart of the US political debate and gently admonished lawmakers to build bridges

At times, Francis seemed to be speaking directly into the headlines and newscasts of the day.

Less than a week after Carson said that America shouldn’t elect a Muslim president, Francis warned that “a delicate balance is required to combat violence perpetrated in the name of a religion, an ideology or an economic system, while also safeguarding religious freedom, intellectual freedom and individual freedoms.”

As Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump promises to build a wall between Mexico and the US, and to prevent Syrian refugees from being admitted to America, Francis compared the current refugee crisis to the one that arose in World War II and said that “we the people of this continent are not fearful of foreigners, because most of us were once foreigners.” That drew a standing ovation. Rubio, who has shifted his emphasis on immigration reform over time, leaped to his feet.

And while Democrats continue to bask in this summer’s Supreme Court decision protecting same-sex marriage, the pope said he was concerned that “fundamental relationships are being called into question, as is the very basis of marriage and the family.” The issue that caused the biggest stir before the speech — climate change — factored prominently in Francis’s remarks. He spoke of the human roots of global warming and said, “I am convinced we can make a difference.”

But perhaps the most unexpected run in the speech was an admonishment as gentle as it was clear: Politics is about building bridges, not destroying them. Francis never mentioned the international nuclear nonproliferation deal with Iran by name or the gridlock in American politics, but he seemed to be speak to both matters.

“When countries which have been at odds resume the path of dialogue — a dialogue which may have been interrupted for the most legitimate of reasons — new opportunities open up for all,” he said. “A good political leader is one who, with the interests of all in mind, seizes the moment in a spirit of openness and pragmatism. A good political leader always opts to initiate processes rather than possessing spaces.”

Pennsylvania Republican Rep. Joe Pitts, speaking about the pope’s limited remarks on abortion and same-sex marriage, said he was displeased that Francis had been “unfortunately politically correct.”

For liberals, though, he was simply correct about politics.


جواب  رسائل 43 من 44 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 28/02/2025 16:12
Feast of Our Lady of Mercy - Digital Catholic Missionaries (DCM)
The Feast of Our Lady of Ransom | Our Lady of Mercy

Pope Francis delivered a speech too progressive for Obama to give

Pope Francis waves to the crowd from the Speakers Balcony at the US Capitol, September 24, 2015, in Washington, DC.
Pope Francis waves to the crowd from the Speakers Balcony at the US Capitol, September 24, 2015, in Washington, DC. Pool/Getty Images

If President Barack Obama had delivered the text of Pope Francis’s speech to Congress Thursday as a State of the Union address, he would have risked being denounced by Republicans as a socialist.

While most Republicans chose not to complain, and Democrats tried not to gloat, Francis’s speech to Congress was stunning in the breadth, depth, and conviction of its progressivism. That might not have been fully and immediately appreciated by everyone in the House chamber because the combination of Francis’s sotto voce delivery and his heavily accented English made it difficult, lawmakers said, to grasp everything he was saying.

But there was no mistaking his thrust. He made detailed arguments for openness to immigrants, addressing the human roots of climate change, closing the gap between the rich and the poor, and ending the death penalty — all of which invigorated the Democrats in the room.

“It was pretty progressive. He had a little right-to-life stuff in it,” Rep. James Clyburn, the third-ranking House Democrat, said as he cracked a smile thinking about how Republicans would receive the speech. “That’s enough for them.”

The pope isn’t going to change many hearts and minds in the badly divided Congress, lawmakers said, but the moment provided a brief respite from political warfare. Several presidential candidates, including Sens. Bernie Sanders, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz, as well as Ben Carson, attended.

Rubio, a Roman Catholic, said in a brief interview that Francis “struck the right tone.” Sanders, a self-described socialist, seemed to like the content even more.

“Pope Francis is clearly one of the important religious and moral leaders not only in the world today but in modern history,” he said in a statement released after the speech. “He forces us to address some of the major issues facing humanity: war, income and wealth inequality, poverty, unemployment, greed, the death penalty and other issues that too many prefer to ignore.”

Democrats were eager enough to present Congress as united that they joined a Republican-led standing ovation when Francis told lawmakers of “our responsibility to protect and defend human life at every state of its development.” Several of them said it was out of respect for the pope. But there was another good reason: It strengthened the perception that the whole speech — most of which they liked — carried unifying themes.

Unity was good for Democrats because the speech favored their policies

Francis was interrupted a few times by whoops from the Democratic side of the chamber — by Steve Cohen, a Jewish Memphis Democrat who got excited about Francis’s mention of the Golden Rule; by New York’s Nydia Velázquez when he called for an end to the death penalty; and by Philadelphia Rep. Chaka Fattah when he mentioned his upcoming visit to that city. The Republicans in the room were a bit more staid. Cruz often appeared unmoved during moments when Rubio, who was sitting nearby, applauded. That was the case when Francis asked whether the greater opportunities sought by past generations of immigrants are “not what we want for our own children?”

It was a home crowd. Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) had announced he would boycott the event over climate change, and there was a brief murmur when it became obvious that three conservative Catholic Supreme Court justices — Antonin Scalia, Samuel Alito, and Clarence Thomas — had not shown up. But it seemed that everyone in attendance just wanted to catch a glimpse of Francis and hear what he had to say.

Big-name guests filed into the public galleries above the House chamber long before the pope’s arrival: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former Rep. Gabby Giffords, mega-donor Tom Steyer, and Carson. House members filled the seats in their chamber, followed by the Senate and four Supreme Court justices. At about a minute past 10 am, Francis strode down the center aisle of the House chamber, clad in his familiar white robe and skullcap.

Lawmakers, who had been admonished not to touch the pope, refrained from trying to shake his hand or pat his back. There was no rush to crowd him the way members of Congress try to get into pictures with the president during the annual State of the Union address. When he got to the end of the aisle, he quietly shook hands with Secretary of State John Kerry and then made his way to the rostrum.

Samantha Power, the US ambassador to the UN, pulled out a baby blue iPhone and began snapping pictures. Though she later took to Twitter to commemorate the moment, Power hadn’t posted any of her photos by midday.


For his part, Francis warmed up the audience by describing America as “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” He was slow to move into more politically charged territory but unimpeded when he did. There were 10 standing ovations after his initial greeting, and they were bipartisan.

Francis tackled tough issues at the heart of the US political debate and gently admonished lawmakers to build bridges

At times, Francis seemed to be speaking directly into the headlines and newscasts of the day.

Less than a week after Carson said that America shouldn’t elect a Muslim president, Francis warned that “a delicate balance is required to combat violence perpetrated in the name of a religion, an ideology or an economic system, while also safeguarding religious freedom, intellectual freedom and individual freedoms.”

As Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump promises to build a wall between Mexico and the US, and to prevent Syrian refugees from being admitted to America, Francis compared the current refugee crisis to the one that arose in World War II and said that “we the people of this continent are not fearful of foreigners, because most of us were once foreigners.” That drew a standing ovation. Rubio, who has shifted his emphasis on immigration reform over time, leaped to his feet.

And while Democrats continue to bask in this summer’s Supreme Court decision protecting same-sex marriage, the pope said he was concerned that “fundamental relationships are being called into question, as is the very basis of marriage and the family.” The issue that caused the biggest stir before the speech — climate change — factored prominently in Francis’s remarks. He spoke of the human roots of global warming and said, “I am convinced we can make a difference.”

But perhaps the most unexpected run in the speech was an admonishment as gentle as it was clear: Politics is about building bridges, not destroying them. Francis never mentioned the international nuclear nonproliferation deal with Iran by name or the gridlock in American politics, but he seemed to be speak to both matters.

“When countries which have been at odds resume the path of dialogue — a dialogue which may have been interrupted for the most legitimate of reasons — new opportunities open up for all,” he said. “A good political leader is one who, with the interests of all in mind, seizes the moment in a spirit of openness and pragmatism. A good political leader always opts to initiate processes rather than possessing spaces.”

Pennsylvania Republican Rep. Joe Pitts, speaking about the pope’s limited remarks on abortion and same-sex marriage, said he was displeased that Francis had been “unfortunately politically correct.”

For liberals, though, he was simply correct about politics.


جواب  رسائل 44 من 44 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 28/02/2025 16:14
Feast of Our Lady of Mercy - Digital Catholic Missionaries (DCM)
The Feast of Our Lady of Ransom | Our Lady of Mercy

Pope Francis delivered a speech too progressive for Obama to give

Pope Francis waves to the crowd from the Speakers Balcony at the US Capitol, September 24, 2015, in Washington, DC.
Pope Francis waves to the crowd from the Speakers Balcony at the US Capitol, September 24, 2015, in Washington, DC. Pool/Getty Images

If President Barack Obama had delivered the text of Pope Francis’s speech to Congress Thursday as a State of the Union address, he would have risked being denounced by Republicans as a socialist.

While most Republicans chose not to complain, and Democrats tried not to gloat, Francis’s speech to Congress was stunning in the breadth, depth, and conviction of its progressivism. That might not have been fully and immediately appreciated by everyone in the House chamber because the combination of Francis’s sotto voce delivery and his heavily accented English made it difficult, lawmakers said, to grasp everything he was saying.

But there was no mistaking his thrust. He made detailed arguments for openness to immigrants, addressing the human roots of climate change, closing the gap between the rich and the poor, and ending the death penalty — all of which invigorated the Democrats in the room.

“It was pretty progressive. He had a little right-to-life stuff in it,” Rep. James Clyburn, the third-ranking House Democrat, said as he cracked a smile thinking about how Republicans would receive the speech. “That’s enough for them.”

The pope isn’t going to change many hearts and minds in the badly divided Congress, lawmakers said, but the moment provided a brief respite from political warfare. Several presidential candidates, including Sens. Bernie Sanders, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz, as well as Ben Carson, attended.

Rubio, a Roman Catholic, said in a brief interview that Francis “struck the right tone.” Sanders, a self-described socialist, seemed to like the content even more.

“Pope Francis is clearly one of the important religious and moral leaders not only in the world today but in modern history,” he said in a statement released after the speech. “He forces us to address some of the major issues facing humanity: war, income and wealth inequality, poverty, unemployment, greed, the death penalty and other issues that too many prefer to ignore.”

Democrats were eager enough to present Congress as united that they joined a Republican-led standing ovation when Francis told lawmakers of “our responsibility to protect and defend human life at every state of its development.” Several of them said it was out of respect for the pope. But there was another good reason: It strengthened the perception that the whole speech — most of which they liked — carried unifying themes.

Unity was good for Democrats because the speech favored their policies

Francis was interrupted a few times by whoops from the Democratic side of the chamber — by Steve Cohen, a Jewish Memphis Democrat who got excited about Francis’s mention of the Golden Rule; by New York’s Nydia Velázquez when he called for an end to the death penalty; and by Philadelphia Rep. Chaka Fattah when he mentioned his upcoming visit to that city. The Republicans in the room were a bit more staid. Cruz often appeared unmoved during moments when Rubio, who was sitting nearby, applauded. That was the case when Francis asked whether the greater opportunities sought by past generations of immigrants are “not what we want for our own children?”

It was a home crowd. Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) had announced he would boycott the event over climate change, and there was a brief murmur when it became obvious that three conservative Catholic Supreme Court justices — Antonin Scalia, Samuel Alito, and Clarence Thomas — had not shown up. But it seemed that everyone in attendance just wanted to catch a glimpse of Francis and hear what he had to say.

Big-name guests filed into the public galleries above the House chamber long before the pope’s arrival: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former Rep. Gabby Giffords, mega-donor Tom Steyer, and Carson. House members filled the seats in their chamber, followed by the Senate and four Supreme Court justices. At about a minute past 10 am, Francis strode down the center aisle of the House chamber, clad in his familiar white robe and skullcap.

Lawmakers, who had been admonished not to touch the pope, refrained from trying to shake his hand or pat his back. There was no rush to crowd him the way members of Congress try to get into pictures with the president during the annual State of the Union address. When he got to the end of the aisle, he quietly shook hands with Secretary of State John Kerry and then made his way to the rostrum.

Samantha Power, the US ambassador to the UN, pulled out a baby blue iPhone and began snapping pictures. Though she later took to Twitter to commemorate the moment, Power hadn’t posted any of her photos by midday.


For his part, Francis warmed up the audience by describing America as “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” He was slow to move into more politically charged territory but unimpeded when he did. There were 10 standing ovations after his initial greeting, and they were bipartisan.

Francis tackled tough issues at the heart of the US political debate and gently admonished lawmakers to build bridges

At times, Francis seemed to be speaking directly into the headlines and newscasts of the day.

Less than a week after Carson said that America shouldn’t elect a Muslim president, Francis warned that “a delicate balance is required to combat violence perpetrated in the name of a religion, an ideology or an economic system, while also safeguarding religious freedom, intellectual freedom and individual freedoms.”

As Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump promises to build a wall between Mexico and the US, and to prevent Syrian refugees from being admitted to America, Francis compared the current refugee crisis to the one that arose in World War II and said that “we the people of this continent are not fearful of foreigners, because most of us were once foreigners.” That drew a standing ovation. Rubio, who has shifted his emphasis on immigration reform over time, leaped to his feet.

And while Democrats continue to bask in this summer’s Supreme Court decision protecting same-sex marriage, the pope said he was concerned that “fundamental relationships are being called into question, as is the very basis of marriage and the family.” The issue that caused the biggest stir before the speech — climate change — factored prominently in Francis’s remarks. He spoke of the human roots of global warming and said, “I am convinced we can make a difference.”

But perhaps the most unexpected run in the speech was an admonishment as gentle as it was clear: Politics is about building bridges, not destroying them. Francis never mentioned the international nuclear nonproliferation deal with Iran by name or the gridlock in American politics, but he seemed to be speak to both matters.

“When countries which have been at odds resume the path of dialogue — a dialogue which may have been interrupted for the most legitimate of reasons — new opportunities open up for all,” he said. “A good political leader is one who, with the interests of all in mind, seizes the moment in a spirit of openness and pragmatism. A good political leader always opts to initiate processes rather than possessing spaces.”

Pennsylvania Republican Rep. Joe Pitts, speaking about the pope’s limited remarks on abortion and same-sex marriage, said he was displeased that Francis had been “unfortunately politically correct.”

For liberals, though, he was simply correct about politics.


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