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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 14/03/2018 19:49

Another proof the Modern/Roman calendar can't be right is that all time keeping instruments must have a starting point. If the starting point for dates is an arbitrary earthly one, such as the International Date Line (I.D.L.) instead of the heavenly conjunctions of the greater and lessor lights. You will have Friday the sixth day of the week on one side of the line and Saturday the seventh day of the week on the other side, and both sides of the line are in the same evening and morning.

It would be preparation day as the evening arrives on one side of the line, and the Shabbat day on the other side, a whole day apart. Then when one side of the line keeps the Shabbat and the other side keeps the preparation, the next day the other side of the line will keep it's Shabbat as the evening begins and the Shabbat will be over on the other side of the street at the same evening and they will go back to work on Sunday. One side will be working and the other keeping the Shabbat. Ask yourself; can the day be Qodesh on one side of the street and not on the other??? Only with man's calendar does this happen.

You do not have this problem with the Heavenly calendar of YaHuWaH because the starting point is in Heaven. For example, if both sides of the I.D.L. are looking at the moon and count six workdays and rest on the seventh, then as it gets dark, both sides will be keeping the same day; and both sides will be Qodesh to YaHuWaH.

Let us imagine the I.DL. running through Israel. Now, imagine Israelites camping on either side of the line. On one side, it will be the Shabbat day and on the other, it will be the preparation day. YaHuWuH does not work like that, because He is not the author of confusion. The Shabbat is the Shabbat for all His people when the evening starts. Can you imagine the day being Qodesh on one side of the camp and not the other???

Now, let us examine the currently accepted seven-day cycle. People Assume the weeks are Solar, when in fact they are Lunar. The Scriptures never mention a seven-day cycle. It is more a pattern of rest after six workdays, and the New moon is not one of the six work days. To prove the cycle wrong all one has to do is think. The earth is said to spin around once every twenty-four hours, causing a cycle. If someone were to walk east toward the sun while someone else stayed still, then the one walking would meet the sun earlier and earlier each day than the one sitting still. The one walking east would gradually gain time until they get 10 hours, 15 hours, and 24 hours ahead of the ones sitting still, a full cycle ahead.

Now if the one walking travels around the Earth, back to where the one standing still is, he will have gained one whole day, or cycle, because he made an extra cycle around the Earth while the other sat still and waited each day for the sun to rise. The traveler actually gained a sunrise at the end of the journey around the Earth, even if it took twenty years to complete.

This is a fact that cannot be denied. Now, given this fact, people keeping the earth's cycle by an earthly calendar that was introduced by Julius Cesar and it’s Modern I.D.L., have serious problems. If half of a group of people decides to go into the world to evangelize, and they migrate around the world keeping the seven-day cycle, when they meet up with the other half of the tribe twenty years later, or their descendants 2,000 years later, they would be one day apart in their Shabbat keeping, even though they have the same calendar and neither missed a beat on the seven-day so-called cycle.

Would you expect the travelers to go back around the world to get on the same day as the others? Or, would you expect them to deny the cycle of six workdays counting the New moon as one of them and just get back with the other half by losing a day and change the cycle they kept the last twenty years, or their ancestors did for the last 2,000 years?

If someone left Israel and traveled east around the world and came again from the west, they would be keeping the Shabbat a day ahead of the ones that stayed. This would not have been noticed if everyone in Israel had migrated around the world and came back because they were keeping the seven-day cycle and no one could tell them they were in another day, and both days could not be the day that YaHuWaH rested in the beginning.

You can prove all this by picturing two people on a merry-go-round, which would represent the Earth spinning and someone counting each time they came around. This counting person represents the sun. Now, if one person is sitting on the merry-go-round and the other walks toward the way they are spinning, the one walking will see and pass the person watching and counting, before the one sitting. The one walking sees the counter sooner and sooner and when the one walking gets back to where the one is sitting; the one walking will have been counted one more time as they passed the counter, which is representing the sun, in the same way as people migrate around the Earth. By keeping this cycle and this calendar; it is possible for 3 people to keep 3 different days as the Shabbat, and all be right according to the so-called Modern/Roman man made cycle. This is not so with the moon and the true cycles. The way you get 3 different Shabbats is if one went east and another west and the other stood still, one would gain a day the other would lose a day or revolution and the one would stay the same, making 3 different Shabbats.

People's minds are so conditioned to a seven-day weekly cycles, in the stead of the yearly cycle of 365 and 1/4 days broken by intermissions called Shabbats; they are worship days along with the New moon worship days. The year of 365 1/4 days which is broken up with days, or worship with no buying and selling.

The new moon is a worship day of no buying and selling but it is not a complete intermission/Shabbat. We have scripture where they traveled on that day. Moshe was commanded to set up the tabernacle on that day, it is the dark beginning of the month when Moshe reared up the tabernacle on earth, being a type or pattern of the dark beginning when YaHuWaH reared up his tabernacle in heaven and created heaven and earth.  Moshe was commanded to do the very same that YaHuWaH showed him in the Mount. Exo 40:1  And YaHuWaH spoke to Moshe, saying, Exo 40:2  On the first day of the month, on the first of the month, you shall raise up the tent of the tabernacle of the congregation.

Both Tabernacles were reared up on the dark New moon day or Rosh Chodesh (the Qodesh head or beginning). Therefore, the building of the Heavenly Tabernacle in the darkness and the repeat rebuilding days of the New moon from Conjunction area are parallel. This is the evidence that is needed in order to establish that Rosh Chodesh is reckoned from the evidence of the first sliver of a New moon, and not from the full moon as some have put forth. We also know that the rebuilding period for the moon can be up to about two and one half days.

YaHuWaH did rest the seventh day, or after the six workdays, but from the beginning it was the Eighth SEQUENCE OF EVENTS that He rested.  YaHuWaH created the Heaven and the Earth, end of conjunction of all things contained in Him creation being created out of and from the place of the Olam haba.  This was Before He made things on the earth on those six days. Everything was dark on that day, and it is a worship day before the first workday of the week just as in the beginning at creation when the Sons of YaHuWaH shouted (shouting and or trumpeting) for joy and applauded His handy work. Job 38:6  On what were its bases sunk? Or who cast its cornerstone, Job 38:7  when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of Elohiym shouted for joy?  

The Scripture teaches that they were without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep/waters. All this was before the first work day. Then the Ruach of YaHuWaH moved upon the face of the waters, and said, "Let there be light," but the heaven and earth was already here “before” He divided the light, (which He calls day) from the darkness, (which He calls night), then the evening and morning were the first workday, but before that, there was a dark earth and a dark Heaven with a dark moon in it, and as it is called in "With beginning" (Bo Reshiyth).

The first day on Creation would represent a type of the first work day and the first light from darkness; hence the first day after the first sliver. The first day would also represent a type of Equinox, more specifically a vernal equinox. Elohiym always was in the Olam haba (the place where He was before Creation, a timeless place); The Word was Him and was with Him, the Light, or for better reference the first sliver of light as a type of Rosh Chodesh ( The bringing forth of the word from conjunction with Him). In other words the very 1st work day in creation could have been the 1st Work Day of the year, the 1st work day of the Month or moon, And the 1st work day of the Week, and NOT the first work day of the week ONLY as some teach; hence Bo reyshiyth, translated as “with beginning”.

Day two the second work day. Day three the third work day.

The fourth day - the fourth work day, the day of the appointing of the moon and the sun, the moon, three days before first quarter. Remember you had evening and morning, evening and morning, evening and morning, before day four. You also had light, green things, night and day, creation of the Heavens, etc. before He made/appointed the sun and moon to rule and for the calendar. If the 4th work day of the week was also the 4th work day of the month, then the 7th day would be after the six work days and the 8th day of the month. So one can see there should have been a dark New moon before the 1st work day in the beginning when the heavens were dark. And even if there was not a dark New moon before the 1st work day, there would be one in the 2nd month in creation.

The fifth day was the fifth work day. The sixth day - the sixth work day, and the creation of man. Then the Shabbat, this would be a type of first quarter.

Nowhere in the scriptures does it say YaHuWaH created (Bara) the Heavens and the Earth in six days. It does say for in six days YaHuWaH made (yasar) Heaven and Earth. (See Exodus 20:11; Exo 20:11  For in six days YaHuWaH  made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all which is in them, and He rested on the seventh day; on account of this YaHuWaH blessed the sabbath day and sanctified it. )

The period of days between the last sliver of moon light and the rebuilding to the first sliver of New moon light can vary between one and two and one half days. This therefore, breaks up the so-called continuous cycle of sevens of man’s calendar.

The same Hebrew word for in the beginning of your months is the same Hebrew word for in the beginning when YaHuWaH created the heavens and earth or set up his tabernacle (Num 28:11 almost the same root; Num 28:11  And in the beginnings7218 of your months2320 ye shall offer7126 a burnt offering5930 unto YaHuWaH;3068 two8147 young1121, 1241 bullocks,6499 and one259 ram,352seven7651 lambs3532 of the first1121 year8141 without spot;8549 ; Deu 11:12 is exact same root; Deu 11:12  A land776 which834YaHuWaH3068 thy Elohiym430 careth1875 for the eyes5869 of YaHuWaH3068 thy Elohiym430 are always8548 upon it, from the beginning4480, 7225 of the year8141 even unto5704 the end319 of the year.8141 ).  It is not a complete rest but it is a day of worship with no buying and selling, therefore it is not one of the six ordinary workdays of the week. Ezekial 46:1 “the gate of YaHuWaH’s house is to be shut the six workdays of the week but is to be opened on the Shabbat and day of the New moon”

We are commanded to blow the Chatsotserah (silver trumpets) in the “beginning” of our months (Num 10:10  And in the day of your gladness, and in your appointed times, and in your new moons, you shall blow the Chatsotserah-trumpets over your burnt offerings, and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings. And they shall be to you for a memorial before your Elohiym. I amYaHuWaH your Elohiym. ) and we are also commanded to blow the Chatsotserah and Shofars on the Shabbat which is a miqra (Qodesh assembly) which is AFTER six days of NOT blowing the Chatsotserah. It is a fact that the Chataotserah and Shofars are to be blown on these days throughout the 365 and 1/4 days each year but NOT on the six ordinary workdays as Ezekiel 46:1 proves.  The Chatsotserah (silver trumpets) are only to be blown on the special days that YaHuWaH made special such as New Moon, Shabbats, and the different feast days throughout the 365 and 1/4 day year.

The bottom line is, the cycle of the 365 1/4 work day year is interrupted with worship days of YaHuWaH. This interrupts what most people call a weekly cycle (seven day cycle), but the intermission worship day (Rosh Chodesh) is not of the cycle. Roah Chodesh followed by a count of six workdays then worship (sabbath) is a pattern and not a cycle; no more than the Roman eight day week that was a cycle every 8 days before they adopted this seven day so-called cycle.

It has also been brought up by some that 12 months x 30 days = 360, and this may well have been so before the flood. However, for there to be dew to water the ground and no rain, the rotational period of the earth would have had to have been faster. Then after the flood, rain occurred because the moisture had risen up higher into the atmosphere because the rotational period had changed to 365 ¼ days, thereby decreasing gravity and allowing for more breakup in the clouds and rain. The second Adar is added to compensate for an accumulation of several years of the extra 5 ¼ days; this did not however change the pattern of the Shabbat.


Lunar Based Shabbat

www.lunarsabbath.com/.../conclusive_evidence...En caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
The Title “LORD” which the translators of the Bible used when they removed .... It can be seen that the Shabbat comes after six workdays and the New Moon is ...

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Respuesta  Mensaje 2 de 7 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/03/2018 19:50

The International Date Line

The International Date Line is the imaginary line on the Earth that separates two consecutive calendar days. That is the date in the Eastern hemisphere, to the left of the line, is always one day ahead of the date in the Western hemisphere. It has been recognized as a matter of convenience and has no force in international law.

Without the International Date Line travelers going westward would discover that when they returned home, one day more than they thought had passed, even though they had kept careful tally of the days. This first happened to Magellan's crew after the first circumnavigation of the globe. Likewise, a person traveling eastward would find that one fewer days had elapsed than he had recorded, as happened to Phileas Fogg in "Around the World in Eighty Days" by Jules Verne.

The International Date Line can be anywhere on the globe. But it is most convenient to be 180° away from the defining meridian that goes through Greenwich, England. It also is fortunate that this area is covered, mainly, by empty ocean. However, there have always been zigs and zags in it to allow for local circumstances.




Over the years, the position of the International Date Line has changed several times. Until 1845, the Philippines were on the eastern side of it (the same side as the United States). It was on the eastern side of the line because it was a Spanish colony and most Europeans arrived there via the Spanish colonies in South America. Indonesia, almost directly to the South of the Philippines, was a Dutch colony and most European arrivals came via the Cape of Good Hope. Thus Indonesia was to the west of the International Date Line. After the independence of the South American countries, most people traveling to the Philippines also came by way of the Cape of Good Hope, so it was decided to change from the east of the line to the west of the line. Alaska, originally claimed by Russia, was to the west of the International Date Line because most travelers arrived there by way of Siberia. When the United States bought Alaska in 1867 the line was moved to the west of it. The most recent change in the line was in 1995 when Kiribati moved a large segment of it to the east, so that the entire nation would be on the same side of the International Date Line. As with all other changes in the International Date Line, the change was made by a government with local interests. As a result, the line is as far East as 150°, farther east than Honolulu. This did not change where the first sunrise of the new millennium occurred, however. The honor still went to Antarctica.

The position given on most maps is the line drawn by the British Admiralty in 1921.


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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 31/08/2012 00:56

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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 31/08/2012 00:57





Let’s say that Adam and Eve’s descendents stayed in the area of Jerusalem for a 1000 years before some of them began to migrate east and west around the globe. The descendents that migrated east, with the traditional Sabbath count, will eventually be keeping the traditional uninterrupted cycle Sabbath 12 hours BEFORE the descendents that stayed in Jerusalem. The tribes that migrate west will eventually get 12 hours BEHIND Jerusalem, when they reach the opposite side of the earth. When the two tribes meet,1000 years later at 2 PM, on the opposite side of the Earth, they will be keeping "two" different 7th day sabbaths a full 24 hour day apart, sitting in the same house on the same couch. Which Sabbath would be correct, when neither tribe broke the traditional uninterrupted cycle??? Remember the Scripture only teaches one seventh day Sabbath.

There would be no problem with the traditional cycle until they meet, because they are counting one through seven and keeping the traditional seventh day cycle. Using the traditional uninterrupted cycle, they would both be right, and that is because the Sabbath is made for man and it follows them no matter which direction they go. Again, the Almighty only made one weekly Sabbath per week.

Again, THE SCRIPTURE CLEARLY TEACHES ONLY ONE SEVENTH DAY CYCLE EACH WEEK and in reality when men slowly migrated around the Earth and meet a 1000 or so years later they will most definitely have TWO. Again this rules out the traditional uninterrupted cycle as being an option. Again, the famous Sherlock Holmes, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, was famous for saying “when the impossible has been removed, whatever remains, however improbably, must be the truth.

For more information go to www.lunarsabbath.info or e-mail yhwhpeople@aol.com 

Conclusive facts
Fact one is the Scripture teaches only one weekly Seventh day cycle.
Fact two is the traditional cycle Sabbath will have TWO Seventh-Day Cycles making it and impossibility according to the Scripture it teaches ONE Seventh day cycle.
Fact three is the lunar week has not been proven impossible because it will have only one Seventh day cycle each week and if we could prove it scripturally impossible we would-be left with no possible scriptural seventh day week at all. 
The above is something tangible that you can conclusively prove and is just as sure as gravity and the air we breathed. It is an absolute fact that with the traditional cycle Adam’s descendents will be on TWO different days when they meet on the other side of the Earth after having migrated east and west from the garden of Eden. We all agree that the Scripture teaches only one Seventh day cycle each week NOT two so therefore the traditional Sabbath cannot possibly be correct.


"When I first began discussing this, it was a little hard to grasp. However, the information is based on absolutely irrefutable astronomical and mathematical fact. I then discovered, if you think about it carefully, it is really very simple. I want to know if anyone can see the logic in the following scenario:

A nation of people are keeping the traditional Sabbath someplace on earth, let's say, Yirushalayim (Jerusalem) in ancient times.

Note: By "traditional" Sabbath, I mean they are counting a repeating seven-day week, Sunday thru Saturday and keeping Sabbath on Saturday.

Part of this nation begins to migrate "eastward" around the earth and another part migrates "westward". Although they have no formal "calendar", as they travel, both groups are keeping up their seven-day week and Sabbath cycle faithfully and have not skipped a beat.

The folks traveling "east" will begin to see the Sun sooner and sooner until they eventually "jump ahead" of the day they are on. The folks traveling "west" will see the Sun later and later until eventually they are "behind" the day they were on.

When all of the migrants meet "halfway" around the earth, they will be "24 hours" apart in their respective counts, though NEITHER of them has missed a beat in counting 1-7 faithfully.

If they continue to migrate until the meet again back where they started, these two groups will be a FULL 48 HOURS apart on their respective counts. Again, neither of them has ever missed a beat in their count.

The "eastward" group will be on the "1st" day of the week (Sunday, after Sabbath) and the "westward" group will be on the "6th" day of the week (Friday- before Sabbath). Remember, neither group missed a beat in counting 1-7 faithfully as they traveled.

Also remember, although it is possible to be on different days if one is on the "opposite" side of the earth, this is not the case. These two groups, having traveled around the earth and met again, are NOT on "opposite" sides of the earth, they are "face to face" in the SAME place and both claiming to be on a different day of the week.

So where then is the "true" Sabbath? Which "count" is correct?

Believe it or not, this is a scenario that has actually occurred in the course of human history and controversy resulted (look up "Megellan" and "Around the World in 80 days"). What was the solution that mankind came up with? And was that answer the correct one?

Mankind solved the problem of confusion with the days of the week by inserting an "imaginary line" down the earth called, "The International Date Line", which was know by other names over the centuries.

Now I won't bore you to death with a long list of facts about how the "date line" has been altered several times since it's inception, but I encourage you to look up that history. I do want to give you just ONE historical FACT about the date line (please look this up and verify through your own history sources). One source says:

"During the 1840s, trade interests turned to China, the Dutch East Indies and adjacent areas, and the Philippines was changed to the west side of the date line. Monday, 30 December 1844 (ending up as a 365-day year, despite being a leap year) was followed by Wednesday, 1 January 1845...

"For two hours every day, at UTC 10:00–11:59, there are actually three different days observed at the same time. At UTC time Thursday 10:15, for example, it is Wednesday 23:15 in Samoa, which is eleven hours behind UTC, and it is Friday 00:15 in Kiritimati (separated from Samoa by the IDL), which is fourteen hours ahead of UTC. For the first hour (UTC 10:00–10:59), this phenomenon affects inhabited territories, whereas during the second hour (UTC 11:00–11:59) it only affects an uninhabited maritime time zone twelve hours behind UTC..."

This is what is called an historical FACT. No need to debate or scratch your head and it cannot be "explained away" with a bunch of spiritual interpretations. It happened. No way around it! This also brings up a HUGE question for those who have confidence in the traditional "week" of the Gregorian calendar.

Is the USA out of "sync" today with China, the Philipines, or the Dutch East Indies regarding the days of the week? The answer is NO!

So, if a "Wednesday" followed a "Monday" in 1844 (which means the week SKIPPED from the "2nd" day to the "4th" day) and we are on the SAME week as they are today, how can any person keeping the Sabbath on the day known as "Saturday" have confidence that it is the correct "seventh-day"?

This is but ONE example of many historical FACTS that compromise the theological, and historical integrity of the precious Saturday, seventh-day, Sabbath.

Nevertheless, there are TWO very important points that need to be made regarding how mankind "fixed" the count confusion with the IDL:

Point A: This is a "man made" solution, with an "imaginary" time line! Wow. What if we could only solve the rest of the world's confusion with "imaginary" answers. Why not have an "imaginary" gold mine and solve the problem with the economy? Did our "omniscient", all powerful creator, YHWH not anticipate this could be a future problem when He created the heaven and the earth? Do you believe that it was YHWH who came up with the idea of the International Date Line to solve this issue?

Point B: The penalty for not keeping the Sabbath in Torah is "death". A serious offense. The very presence of such a dilemma in time keeping, especially for such an important day as Sabbath, proves that YHVH never intended the reckoning of the week (or month or year) to be by an "unattached" count.

The scenario presented in "part 1" was not an "imaginary" one. It actually occurred more than once in the course of human history. Again, please verify these facts with your own legitimate sources and due diligence. One historical reference stores states:

"The first date line problem occurred in association with the circumnavigation of the globe by Magellan's expedition (1519–1522). The surviving crew returned to a Spanish stopover sure of the day of the week, as attested by various carefully maintained sailing logs. Nevertheless, those on land insisted the day was different. This phenomenon, now readily understandable, caused great excitement at the time, to the extent that a special delegation was sent to the Pope to explain this temporal oddity to him..."

Ok, but what about how the Yudean (Jewish) religious world responded to this issue. Did you know that..

"The concept of an international date line is first mentioned in a 12th century Talmudic commentary, which seems to indicate that the day changes in an area where the time is six hours ahead of Jerusalem (90 degrees east of Jerusalem, a line running through the Philippines). This line which he refers to as the K'tzai Hamizrach (the easternmost line) is used to calculate the day of Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year. According to some sources it is alluded to in the Talmud (Rosh Hashana and Eruvin) as well as in the Jerusalem Talmud..."

[Rabbeinu Zecharya Halevi, Baal Hameor, Tractate Rosh Hashana, 20b]

SO! Rank Judaism is "aware" of this problem. Did they present a "sacred" solution for the rest of the Torah keeping world to follow? Of course they did! Continuing...

"The date line poses a problem for religious travelers relative to the day on which to observe the Shabbat and Holidays. The Shabbat is on the seventh day of the week which is constant if you stay on the same side of the date line. The problem occurs when a Jewish traveler crosses the line and for him it is Friday but for the city he is visiting, it is Saturday. Most Rabbinical authorities hold that he should keep his own calendar (so it is still Friday for him) until he meets locals for whom it is Saturday and only then would he use the local calendar."

In other words, until you meet somebody who insist that it is Saturday, you keep pretending it's still Friday!

See what happens when mankind finds there own solutions?

In the first and second parts of this article, I have quoted an encyclopedic source that exposes the nature and purpose of the International Date Line (IDL). This source also gives an example in human history of the "day counting" problem the IDL attempts to solve.

To reiterate, when traveling around the earth in opposite "east" or "west" directions, travelers meeting in the middle will find themselves on "different" days of the week. In this part 3, I want to zero in a little more on this issue and provide further witnesses giving, concrete and irrefutable proof as to why the current "seven-day" week count we are currently attached to is not valid:

"The International Date Line sits on the 180º line of longitude in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and is the imaginary line that separates two consecutive calendar days... It is not a perfectly straight line and has been moved slightly over the years to accommodate needs of varied countries in the Pacific Ocean... Immediately to the left of the International Date Line (the date) is always one day ahead of the date (or day) immediately to the right of the International Date Line in the Western Hemisphere... note that Tonga and Samoa have the same time but are (1) day apart, as Samoa is in the Western Hemisphere, on the opposite side of the International Dateline from Tonga... "

Alright, notice that Samoa and Tonga are in the SAME TIME ZONE, but they are "ONE DAY" apart! Huh? If you look at a global map, Tonga and Samoa are between 450 and 650 miles apart. That is less that the width of a State in the US. How can two Islands, so close together, both be at the same TIME on the clock and on a different DAY and DATE of the week?

A simple stroke of the pen! (Josh 8:8) Man draws a line and "presto", your next door neighbor is on Thursday and you are still on Wednesday, all the while both of you are looking at the same sun in the sky at the same time. Look more at the WORLD ATLAS:

"So, travel east across the International Date Line results in a day, or 24 hours being subtracted. Travel west across the International Date Line results in a day being added..."

A "day" doesn't actually have to occur, one only needs to travel across the imaginary line. One more witness:

"The International Date Line is the imaginary line on the Earth that separates two consecutive calendar days. That is the date in the Eastern hemisphere, to the left of the line, is always one day ahead of the date in the Western hemisphere. It has been recognized as a matter of convenience and has no force in international law..."

What makes it "convenient"? This is the point of the entire matter... There would be NO NEED for an IDL if the "counting cycle" wasn't affected by global travelers. The conflicts that arose as to what day of the week it was had no solution. Now, crossing the date line keeps everyone in sync, but as I pointed out, it is a "man made" solution.

Now get the picture here! I don't want you to miss this point! Without the International Date Line, people around the earth would be on DIFFERENT weekly cycles and days of the week. No way around it… This is a FACT! Can an "imaginary line really change that???????????

Is YHWH as intelligent as mankind? I mean, humans didn't even know that there was a problem in the first place, but learned it by accident when the first global circumnavigations took place. I wonder if YHWH, the Almighty Creator of Earth was just as "shocked" as men were when this confusion surfaced? I suspect not. I am fairly certain He saw the problem coming all along. Look more at the US NAVAL OBSERVATORY (USNO):

"Without the International Date Line travelers going westward would discover that when they returned home, one day more than they thought had passed, even though they had kept careful tally of the days. This first happened to Magellan's crew after the first circumnavigation of the globe. Likewise, a person traveling eastward would find that one fewer days had elapsed than he had recorded, as happened to Phileas Fogg in "Around the World in Eighty Days" by Jules Verne..."

Respuesta  Mensaje 3 de 7 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/03/2018 19:50
Imagine being on a "different" day of the week than your people when you get back, even though you KNOW you never missed counting. Continue USNO:

"The International Date Line can be anywhere on the globe. But it is most convenient to be 180° away from the defining meridian that goes through Greenwich, England. It also is fortunate that this area is covered, mainly, by empty ocean. However, there have always been zigs and zags in it to allow for local circumstances..."

The only reason we have so much confidence that our "week" is correct is because the "line" is not running down the middle of the USA! But it could be. And how do any of us know for sure that we are on the "right" side of the line? The USNO states:

"Over the years, the position of the International Date Line has changed several times. Until 1845, the Philippines were on the eastern side of it (the same side as the United States). It was on the eastern side of the line because it was a Spanish colony and most
Europeans arrived there via the Spanish colonies in South America. Indonesia, almost directly to the South of the Philippines, was a Dutch colony and most European arrivals came via the Cape of Good Hope. Thus Indonesia was to the west of the International Date Line. After the independence of the South American countries, most people traveling to the Philippines also came by way of the Cape of Good Hope, so it was decided to change from the east of the line to the west of the line. Alaska, originally claimed by Russia, was to the west of the International Date Line because most travelers arrived there by way of Siberia. When the United States bought Alaska in 1867 the line was moved to the west of it. The most recent change in the line was in 1995 when Kiribati moved a large segment of it to the east, so that the entire nation would be on the same side of the International Date Line. As with all other changes in the International Date Line, the change was made by a government with local interests...."

What government "interests"? If you will look up the history for yourself, it will become clear that the "interests" of governments in history were political, religious and financial. Nations obtain power through military strength, political influence and the accumulation of wealth. But no power is greater than the ability to control "time and space". This tactic is one of Satan's greatest deceptions (Daniel 7:25)

The reason the USNO says it is "fortunate" that the line is "180 Degrees away" from Greenwich is very, very important. 180 degrees means Greenwich is on the opposite side of the earth from the IDL. Greenwich is the home of the "Prime Meridian", the World Center of time and space....

Alright folks, this part four (4) is going to really begin to bring into focus the bogus nature of our current system. In review of the previous articles we have conclusively proven the following:

A. The International Date Line is an "imaginary" and "artificial" fix of "dates" when traveling around the earth.

B. Without this man made line, people traveling around the globe would find themselves on a "different" day of the week when the returned home than those who stayed put, even though both have counted non-stop and accurately! This variance could be as much as 48 hours off, if BOTH are traveling and nobody is stationary.

C. The greatest deception and sought after power is the control of "time and space". The one who controls this, controls the world. (Daniel 7:25)

That exposes the error in weekly "days" and "dates", but what about "time"? Is the "time" we are on correct? Take a guess…

The Universal definition of "time" is:

"Movement, plus conjunction of the heavenly bodies (luminaries)".

In other words, if the Sun, Moon and Stars did NOT "move" in our sight, we would have no idea how much time was passing. We would get old and watch our kids grow with NO WAY to measure how slowly or fast this happens. We "need" to know the patterns, starts and stops of the heavenly bodies to understand how "time" passes. (Genesis 1:14)

1:14 And Elohim said, Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

In our current, global system, we (humans) DO NOT generally use the luminaries to measure time, we use an ARTIFICIAL and "imaginary" measurement of time. Our system is merely an "imitation" or "mimic" of nature. Think about it:

A "Day" begins at MIDNIGHT - there is nothing happening in space at MIDNIGHT!

A "Month" begins by arbitrarily count at no specific astronomical point.

A "year" begins in the middle of WINTER! Not at the "beginning" or "end", but in the MIDDLE! Whose bright idea was that?

And as we have pointed out, a "week" has no real base for a beginning or end except a man-made "count", governed by an "imaginary" line!

That's where the Prime Meridian comes in. Here is a quote from the Farmer's Almanac:

"The Meridian Line is an imaginary line which runs from the North Pole to the South Pole. By international convention it runs through "the primary transit" instrument (main telescope) at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich.

It is known at Zero Longitude and it is the line from which all other lines of longitude are measured. This includes the line that runs 180° away from Greenwich also known as the International Date Line…."

Here's how this works. As the Sun "passes" over the earth, a "day" occurs. But how do humans "measure" WHEN that "day" STARTS and ENDS. Answer, The PRIME MERIDIAN!

When the Sun moves across this IMAGINARY LINE, time begins around the world. The Prime Meridian is "ground zero" for time. The problem is, there is NO RELATIONSHIP to when the Sun passes over the Prime Meridian to natural, astronomical (real) "time". Remember, "time" is determined by when the heavenly luminaries, start and stop their rotations and patterns in the sky, not by fantasy, make-believe "lines" on the earth! Look at this quote from the official Greenwich Meridian site:

"Greenwich England is where East meets West at the Greenwich Meridian (0° Longitude); World Time is set Greenwich Mean Time…"

Who decided that?! Why is "time" set from "Greenwich England"? Here is the factual answer from the Official Greenwich site:

"It dates back to October 1884. At the behest of the President of the United States of America 41 delegates from 25 nations met in Washington, DC, USA for the International Meridian Conference…"

The President of where!!!??? Is there now any wonder why the USA is the world superpower? Here is what this "conference" decided:

"At the Conference the following important principles were established:

1. It was desirable to adopt a single world meridian to replace the numerous one's already in existence.
2. The Meridian passing through the principal Transit Instrument at the Observatory at Greenwich was to be the 'initial meridian'.
3. That all longitude would be calculated both east and west from this meridian up to 180°.
4. All countries would adopt a universal day.
5. The universal day would be a Mean Solar Day, beginning at the Mean Midnight at Greenwich and counted on a 24 hour clock.
6. That nautical and astronomical days everywhere would begin at mean midnight.
7. All technical studies to regulate and extend the application of the decimal system to the division of time and space would be supported.

Resolution 2, fixing the Meridian at Greenwich was passed 22-1 (San Domingo voted against), France & Brazil abstained.

The Meridian Line
The Zero Line of Longitude (Prime Meridian of the World)"

Note: You can go to the Greenwich Site and see the exact "resolution" drafted by the council that day as well as all the countries that attended.

Ok, now go back and read that again very carefully! Do you STILL think that "days" (look at number 4) and "time" (number 5) we go by in our current system are "sacred" days that go all the way back to creation?? Figuratively speaking, I hope that Messiah is now rubbing His "mud" on your eyes so that when it is washed away in the pool of these facts and truths, you can see clearly.

Here is just a portion of the words written in the actual "Resolution" drafted in 1884 by the conference:


The President of the United States of America, in pursuance of a special provision of Congress, having extended to the Governments of all nations in diplomatic relations with his own, an invitation to send Delegates to meet Delegates from the United States in the city of Washington on the first of October, 1884, for the purpose of discussing, and, if possible fixing upon a meridian proper to be employed as a common zero of longitude and standard of time-reckoning throughout the whole world, this International Meridian Conference assembled at the time and place designated; and, after careful and patient discussion, has passed the following resolutions:


"That it is the opinion of this Congress that it is desirable to adopt a single prime meridian or all nations, in place of the multiplicity of initial meridians which now exist?"

This resolution was unanimously adopted.


"That the Conference proposes to the Governments here represented the adoption of the meridian passing through the centre of the transit instrument at the Observatory of Greenwich as the initial meridian for longitude."

Our ENTIRE system of time and counting days is man-made and bogus. YHWH did not commission this system, man did. The Scripture told us he would:

"And he shall speak [great] words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time…"
Daniel 7:25

Many of us have been taught that this refers to the Emperor Constantine in 325 A.D., when the mainstream day of worship was changed from Saturday to Sunday. This is UNTRUE! Here's why:

Even the Roman Catholic Church and the world recognizes that Saturday is the current "seventh-day" of the system week. Constantine did NOT change "time"; he simply changed the "day of worship" from one day to another one. Time itself remained the same.

The way humans calculate "time" began to be changed long before Constantine (kook up Julius Caesar - 46 BC). The change of "time" and the "laws" thereof, had already been established in 325 AD. And in fact, the "Little Horn" of Daniel 7 continued to "change time and laws" well into the 19th century. Above is just ONE of many historical examples. And folks, they aren't finished yet! (Look up "World Calendar")

I pray with all earnest that anyone who has read through all three article can now clearly see that the system of "days", "months", "years" AND "weeks" the world system is on in false. Some have believed that the "week" is the ONLY thing that has remained consistent since creation, but we have seen indisputable, historical and mathematical evidence that this is impossible.

And for those who are keeping a "false" counting of "days" and "weeks" and "time" according to this system, which is NOT traced to creation, it is not possible to be keeping a "true" Sabbath day.

There is only ONE way to follow "true" time. You owe it to yourself, your family and to YHWH Almighty to open your mind and heart to the truth of this, and allow the facts to lead you to the truth… You CAN handle it!

I had this post in another place, but it fits in perfectly as part 5 here:

Since YHWH is the author of creation, it is completely illogical and inconsistent with doctrinal integrity for there to be a divide between Theology and Science. Think about that for a moment... If YHWH "created" the Heavens and the Earth, then how the heavens and the earth and the creatures thereof "work" is HIS doing.

We find it easy to associate YHWH with "miracles" and "wonders", but forget that the everyday natural parts of life on the earth are HIS DESIGN. Every time it rains, or a flower grows or a bee stings or a lion hunts or we have sex or a baby is born or the Moon shines or the Sun rises, etc... ALL OF IT was designed by the Sovereign will of the Father.

In relationship to how a calendar is determined, this principle has a particularly important application. The place to begin this aspect of our quest is by understanding what time and a calendar really is:

Have you ever thought about what the definition of “time” is? The Universal definition is:

“Movement plus conjunction of the heavenly luminaries”.

Logical. Without the movement of the celestial bodies, i.e., sun, moon and stars, we wouldn't really have any concept of how much "time" was passing.

The Universal definition of "calendar" is:

"the means of ordering the year by the designation of spaces of time, such as days weeks, months and so on”

Now let's think logically:

Since a "year" is a space of "time" and time is originated in the movement of the heavenly luminaries, what is the most logical "means of ordering the year"? Of course, the answer is "by the heavenly luminaries". The next logical questions are:

Is a month a space of time?

Is a day a space of time?

Is a week a space of time?

If "time" comes from the heavenly luminaries, then how else would or should these spaces of "time" be determined? This is precisely the meaning of Genesis 1:14:

"1:14 And Elohim said, Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:..."

Ever wonder what the definition of “science” is? Science is:

the systematic “observation” of the natural world and it’s objects or as an object.

In other words, when we watch what nature does, that is science. We watch and watch and watch again, testing and watching until we are sure of the pattern. THAT is true science.

The experiments they do with chemicals and body parts and cells, etc.. that isn’t true science. That is a “perversion” of science, witchcraft, because they are putting things together that do not “naturally” go together and calling it science. It is sinful.

That is exactly what men have done with YHWH's time and calendar, they have “perverted” it with calculations and traditions that are a distortion of what the luminaries “naturally” do. And because we are so blinded by our own political, commercial and religious desires, we dismiss what is naturally right in front of us and concoct our own science.

The are no "calculations" or "counts" such as 12x 30, or 360 + 4, or a false "1 thru 7", imaginary "date" or "meridian" lines or anything else! In subscribing to such things, we (humans) have strayed from "true" science of time and calendar because the luminaries do not "naturally" move in these mathematical and artificial intervals.

You can dispute science with "theology" all day long, but the truth is, if your theology and doctrine doesn't line up with "true science", then either your science or Scriptural understanding is wrong. Science fact and Scripture always harmonize perfectly. Here are some "true science" facts to consider:

1. A "year" happens when the Sun revolves around the earth (or vice- versa). It takes 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46.069 seconds. NOT 360, or 360 plus 4. No way around it. This is scientific FACT.

Note : "Hours" and "minutes" as we know them are "artificial" measures of time mathematically concocted by men to measure the speed of the movement. More on this later.

2. A "month" happens when the Moon revolves around the earth. It takes 27 days, 7 hours, and 43 minutes as observed from the Earth. This is called a sidereal month. The moon takes 29.5 days to return to the same point on the celestial sphere as referenced to the Sun because of the motion of the Earth around the Sun; this is called a synodic month.

3. A "day" is when the Earth makes one complete rotation. This takes about 23 hours and 54 minutes.

Now, as we pass through years and months and days, we don't need to "count" ANYTHING, the luminaries do ALL of the counting for us. We need only to watch what they do to determine how much "time" has passed.

Here we go. The 64 TRILLION dollar question(s):

Why are we using an "artificial" and "imaginary" and "pagan" and "man-made" system to measure and "order a "week"? Why wouldn't we use the luminaries, that YHWH has given us for "true" time for the week just like everything else?

The "week" is already "counted" in nature JUST LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE.

Respuesta  Mensaje 4 de 7 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/03/2018 19:51
When we find out how Yah's creation determines a "year" is how we find the true "Rosh Hashanah" (Head of the Year).

When we find out how YHWH's creation determines a "month" we can find the true "Rosh Chodesh" ( Head of the Month)

When we find out how YHWH'S creation determines a "day" we find a true "Yom".

When we find out how YHWH'S creation determines a "week" we find the true "Shabbath".

If you have read through ALL 5 articles, at this point you should be ready to know what time and "weeks" are. That is, if you haven't figured it out already...

Well, are you ready? Are you willing to follow the truth wherever it leads? Are you ready to discard and dismiss the lies you have been taught for years and years?

This is no small matter and for some of you who choose to see the reality of this thing, changing will not be easy. But if you are willing and you can see it, remember YHWH, the Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth has CHOSEN YOU to reveal His truth to. So don't be discouraged. Know that you are blessed...

It is time to complete this puzzle. In order to do this, we will go back to where we began to get a running start. The indisputable facts thus far:

A. People in ancient or early millennium centuries, traveling East or West around the globe, counting the days 1 through 7 seven without fail, found themselves either 24 hours ahead or 24 hours behind those they left on land when they returned. If BOTH parties are traveling in opposite directions and meet together again, they could be as much as 48 hours off. Traveling into or away from the Sun will cause this time difference. There is no way around it. This is a REAL life scenario that has occurred in human history (Look up Magellan and Around the World in 80 Days).

The Question: Which "seventh-day" of the week between the two choices would be the "correct" one?

B. Mankind solved this time discrepancy through international "conferences" and the creation of "imaginary" date lines and time lines. This is conclusive evidence that the weekly "count" we are currently on is not from the Creator. (Look up International Date Line)

The Question: If our "week" is man-made and not from YHVH, how do we find the correct day of the week?

C. Not only has mankind manipulated the "week", he has also manipulated "time". We have seen a few very concrete examples in history as to how mankind has "changed" time and law; this one of Satan's greatest deceptions. In every case, the entity doing the "changing" is the political, religious and military World Super Power. (Look up Prime Meridian or Greenwich Time and the International Meridian Conference)

The Question(s): Who is the World Super Power today, and what part did it play in the changing of time and laws?

D. The movements and rotations of the Sun, Moon and Stars are what determine the passage of "time". If these heavenly luminaries did not move, then we would have no idea how much time was passing, if at all. The movement, plus "conjunction" of the luminaries give us a place to "measure" the starting and stopping points (conjunction) of "time. (Look up the Sun, Moon and Stars in the USNO, NASA and the Farmers Almanac)

The Question: How do the heavenly luminaries measure true time?

E. Conclusion: There can be NO separation between Science and Scripture. The Creator of heaven and earth is the Supreme and Sovereign designer of how nature works. The luminaries are perfectly capable of counting days, months, years AND weeks, without the assistance of humans. If your calendar beliefs and practices are not based in the movements and patterns of YHVH time-keeping entities, but in man-made, invalid "counts", then you have NO real way to know you are on "true" time. Since the Sabbath of YHWH carries the "death penalty", we owe it ourselves and families to know for sure.

The Question: If we have no way to prove that the "weekly" count we are on is valid, then how do we know we know the current "seventh-day" is valid?

Most will not disagree that the Scriptural day, month and year are ordered by the luminaries (Genesis 1:14)

"And Elohim said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:..."

1. The lights in the heavens are FOR signs-- The Sabbath is a sign - (Exodus 31:13)

2. The lights are FOR seasons (Hebrew: Moeds), meaning "appointment" --The Sabbath is an appointment - (Leviticus 23:2-3)

3. The lights are FOR "days" (Hebrew: Yome), which can be a generic space of time from 12 hours to a full year. Here is the Strong's Concordance rendering of the word "day":

3117 yowm yome from an unused root meaning to be hot; a day (as the warm hours), whether literal (from sunrise to sunset, or from one sunset to the next), or figurative (a space of time defined by an associated term), (often used adverb):--age, + always, + chronicals, continually(-ance), daily, ((birth-), each, to) day, (now a, two) days (agone), + elder, X end, + evening, + (for) ever(-lasting, -more), X full, life, as (so) long as (... live), (even) now, + old, + outlived, + perpetually, presently, + remaineth, X required, season, X since, space, then, (process of) time, + as at other times, + in trouble, weather, (as) when, (a, the, within a) while (that), X whole (+ age), (full) year(-ly), + younger.

The Sabbath is a "Yome"- (Exodus 20:8)

The lights are FOR "years". Notice that Scripture does NOT say that the "harvest" is for years. The harvest may correspond to the years and "appointments" but they do not serve as the primary basis to determine when the "time" is-- There are "yearly" Sabbath appointments - (Leviticus 23)

So, in every way possible, the Scripture indicates that we are to use the "lights", not "counts" to calculate time and find His appointed times. The Sabbath is the most important appointed time because it is the appointment that proves whether or not you are among His people or no. (Exodus 31, Deut 5)

31:12 And spoke to Moshe, saying,
31:13 Speak you also to the children of Yisra’el, saying, Verily my sabbaths you will keep: for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that you may know that I am YHWH that does sanctify you...

31:17 It is a sign between me and the children of Yisra’el for ever: for in six days made sky and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.

5:15 And remember that you were a servant in the land of Egypt, and that your Elohim brought you out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore your Elohim commanded you to keep the Sabbath day.

There is only ONE pattern in the lights of the sky the moves in a "shabuwa" or "seven" pattern. That pattern is the phases of the Moon. All secondary Sabbaths mentioned in Leviticus 23 have their dates determined by the moon, therefore the most logical time piece for determining the primary Sabbath would also be the Moon.

Remember, that the Hebrew word for "seasons" in Genesis 1:14 is "Moed", which is "appointments" or "meetings'. This is also true of Psalm 104:19

Psalm 104:19
He appointed the moon for seasons (appointments): the sun knows his going down.

The Moon was appointed for "appointments"! The chief appointment is the Sabbath!

Some people make accusations and say this is Moon worship. How ridiculous! That is the dumbest accusation I have ever encountered.

We ALL "use" the Sun, Moon and Stars to gauge the general passing of time. In order to keep an "appointment", you need to keep track of TIME! The Moon is simply the time "measuring" tool YHWH has given us to meet Him at the appointed times. It's that simple.

The book of Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) reiterates this once again:

31:35 Thus says YHWH, which gives the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divides the sea when the waves thereof roar; YHWH of hosts is his name:
31:36 If those ordinances depart from before me, says YHVH, then the seed of Yisra’el also will cease from being a nation before me for ever...

The Moon has "ordinances". The word ordinance here is:

2706 choq khoke from 2710; an enactment; hence, an appointment (of time, space, quantity, labor or usage):--appointed, bound, commandment, convenient, custom, decree(-d), due, law, measure, X necessary, ordinance(- nary), portion, set time, statute, task.

What happens if we are not keeping the appointments of YHWH by the Moon? Yirmeyahu continues to verse 37:

"If those ordinances depart from before me, saith YHWH, [then] the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."

The Moon doesn't make us His people. It is when we follow the "appointments" of YHWH, by the Moon, that makes us His people.

We all teach our children how to "read" a CLOCK for time. It comes natural to us. But most of us have NEVER learned to "read" astronomy for measuring time. The people in ancient times did NOT have CLOCKS or CALENDARS, they taught their children how to "read" the luminaries in the sky! It came natural to them…

If you understand how to "read" astronomy for a "day" using the Sun and Moon, or a "Month" using the moon or even a "year" using the Sun, Moon and Stars. Then you should also learn how to "read" the Moon for "weeks". In this article, I am will give you a "brief" lesson on how to read the Moon for "weeks".

A "week" (Hebrew: Shabuwa) is a compilation of seven days contained within a Month. Brother Matthew Janzen wrote a letter that explains how this works:

"We find in Scripture that the day of the new moon is a special day, separate and distinct from the working days and Sabbaths (Isaiah 66:22-23; Amos 8:5; 2 Kings 4:23). This is specifically [and most distinctly] found in Ezekiel 46:1:

"46:1 Thus says the Master YHWH; The gate of the inner court that looks toward the east will be shut the six working days; but on the sabbath it will be opened, and in the day of the new moon it will be opened.

We clearly see in these passages that neither the Sabbath nor the new moon is one of the six working days. This means the new moon must not fall on a working day, placing day 1 of any given Scriptural month separate, followed by six working days (2nd - 7th of the month), and the followed by the weekly Sabbath (8th of the month). This is then followed by Sabbaths on the 15th, 22nd, and 29th of every moon.."

Breaking it down…

The New Moon day or 1st day of the Month is a separate worship day.... On the 2nd (second) day of the month, we have no commandment, so… we can assume we can work that day. Same with the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th… However, we have a strict command beginning in Exodus 20 NOT to work more than six (6) days in a row:

20:8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
20:9 Six days will you labor, and do all your work…but the seventh day is a Sabbath…

The word Sabbath means:
7676 shabbath shab-bawth' intensive from 7673; intermission,

7673 shabath shaw-bath' a primitive root; to repose, i.e. desist from exertion; used in many implied relations (causative, figurative or specific):--(cause to, let, make to) cease, celebrate, cause (make) to fail, keep (sabbath), suffer to be lacking, leave, put away (down), (make to) rest, rid, still, take away.

The Sabbath is not about a "day", it is about "ceasing to work". An "intermission" or "rest" from your work is the purpose of the Sabbath, not a "day". Verse 11 explains why this is so. Look at verse 11 of this passage carefully:

20:11 For IN SIX DAYS YHWH made sky and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested [or Sabbath] the seventh day: wherefore blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

After six days of work YHWH rested. THAT is the purpose of the commandment. Not to honor a "day". You Sabbath after six days of work. The Sabbath is NOT a particular "day". 

5:12 Keep the Sabbath day to sanctify it, as YHWH your Elohim has commanded you.
5:13 Six days you will labor, and do all your work:
5:14 But the seventh day is the Sabbath of YHWH your Elohim: in it you will not do any work,

You see? A "intermission" from WORK is what the Sabbath is about, not a "day". When do we "rest" from work? AFTER working six days, just like the Creator did.

Putting it all together, we simply stop and worship when He says worship, then work no more than six days in a row according to the commandment. Following YHWH's simple instructions reveals and amazing system:

A. New Moon day - worship day

B. 2nd , 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th days of the month - working days

C. 8th day - "Sabbath" or "rest" from work.

The next Sabbaths would be the 15th, 22nd, and 29th days of the month. The system "resets" automatically by commandment on the next New Moon Day.

Here is the most amazing part!!! It "just so happens"… that the Moon's has phases that occur every 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th days of the Moon cycle!!!!

8th (half moon), 
15th (full moon), 
22nd (other half), 
29th (wanning crescent), every single month without fail! So, there is NO WAY to lose "count" of the days or "weeks" no matter where you are on earth or how far you travel because the PHASES OF THE MOON, keep track for you. Just like the luminaries keep track of everything else!

The theme throughout these lessons has been that we cannot possibly know what day is truly the Sabbath on this man made system given the amount of manipulation and corruption that has been inflicted upon time and laws.

HOWEVER, our Creator YHWH says we are to KNOW for sure. Look:

31:12 And spoke to Moshe, saying,
31:13 Speak you also to the children of Yisra’el, saying, Verily my sabbaths you will keep: for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that you may know that I am YHWH that does sanctify you...

How can we KNOW that the Sabbath we keep is from YHWH?

Because it is set in the luminaries (Moon) where mankind cannot touch it!!!!

On earth, men can draw imginary line, set laws in conferences and make calendars and deceive the masses... But if we only "look up", Halleluyah! We cannot be fooled by Satan's tricks. There is NOTHING man can do to manipulate, corrupt, change or otherwise mess with the lights in the sky!

You want to KNOW the Sabbath you keep is of YHWH? Keep it by the Moon (light) in the heaven...

YHWH has designed the heavens to keep track of ALL time, especially the Sabbath. I know those of you who haven't seen this or understand it may have questions. 



Respuesta  Mensaje 5 de 7 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/03/2018 19:51

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Continuous Weekly Cycle Not Reliable for 7th Day Sabbath

Further Evidence Disproves Continuous Weekly Cycle
True 7th Day Sabbath Not Found On Saturday
(Clue: It’s about more than just the street where you live)
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that the claim the 7th Day Sabbath as Saturday on the Gregorian calendar has never been changed or tampered with, is false. Situations exist today that cannot be explained away by the traditional reasoning. This paper will not deal with the usual arguments and hypothetical situations that have already been made regarding the International Date Line.
Is Saturday the true 7th Day Sabbath?
Seventh Day Sabbatarians believe that the 7th Day Sabbath is pinpointed on Saturday, the 7th day of the planetary week, on the papal gregorian calendar. They contend that Saturday is the seventh day of the week, and has been since the creation week, when God rested on the 7th day. Is this the case, and has it always been that way?
Saturday Sabbatarians contend that the present weekly cycle has never been altered, and to make their case, one single historical record is offered regarding the calendar change. This statement is found on the Seventh Day Adventist website;
“A change [to the old Julian Calendar] was recommended by astronomers and made at the time that Gregory XIII was the pope, and so the corrected calendar with its “leap year” was called the Gregorian calendar. It began to function on Friday, the 5th  of October, 1582. Friday the 5th  was changed to Friday the 15th . So that particular month was ten days shorter, but the length of its weeks was not affected. This is due to the simple fact that the number of days in the month or in the year has nothing to do with the number of days in the week. Thus the weekly cycle was not affected in any way.”
The Seventh Day Adventist Website argues that their Saturday Sabbath is the true Sabbath and the same Sabbath which the Jews observed through all ages. They further argue that Jesus himself observed the Saturday Sabbath and all those before him: “Our heavenly Father has given us more than written proof of the permanence of the Weekly Cycle and the Seventh-day Sabbath. He has given us living proof: The Jewish race…It has been 3400 years since the time that God gave them manna in the wilderness and told them to carefully keep each Seventh-day Sabbath when no manna fell. But all during those long centuries since then, they have observed God’s Sabbath, week after week, month after month, year after year, century after century. Ask any Jewish acquaintance what day is the Sabbath. He will tell you that it is Saturday, the Seventh day. Orthodox Jews scattered throughout the world have kept strict record of time. They have carefully observed the Seventh-day Sabbath throughout the ages. The existence and testimony of the Jewish race is alone enough to settle the matter. It is the most amazing and conclusive means of knowing the ancient Sabbath of Jesus and earlier times. There is no doubt that the God of heaven has carefully guarded the day that He sanctified and blessed at Creation. We have no excuse for not keeping it holy  as He commanded.”
Other sources as well, make similar statements;
B.L. Cocherell in his article The Sabbath and the Calendar: Lunar or Solar makes this remarkable claim without giving evidence to substantiate his statement: "The weekly cycle, as well as knowledge of what day is the seventh day of the week, has been preserved by Catholics, Protestants, Moslems, and Jews, without change since the time of Christ to this day. The Sabbath was indeed from Friday evening to Saturday evening (on today's calendar), both then and now.”
Claus Tondering on his Website makes the following remark concerning the 7-day weekly cycle: “There is no record of the 7-day week cycle ever having been broken. Calendar changes and reform have never interrupted the 7-day cycles. It is very likely that the week cycles have run uninterrupted at least since the days of Moses [c. 1400 BC], and possibly even longer.”  http://www.tondering.dk/main/index.php
Yisrayl Hawkins [the chief overseer of the House of Yahweh] concludes that the weekly cycle has never been altered anywhere or at any time since the beginning of time.
In his book THE SABBATH - Every Question Answered, on pp. 15-16 Hawkins writes: “By the year 1582 c.e. the “Julian Calendar” [established in 46 b.c.e.], which was still in use at this late date, had drifted TEN DAYS out of synchronization with the seasons; the spring equinox falling on March 11 instead of March 21 [as it had when the Julian Calendar was first initiated].
It was enacted by Pope Gregory that TEN DAYS be “DROPPED” from the Calendar. Thus, when Gregory XIII “reformed” the Julian Calendar in 1582 - “THURSDAY”, October 4 was immediately followed by “FRIDAY”, October 15! Even though TEN DAYS were dropped from this Calendar - THE ORDER OF DAYS in this WEEK was NOT INTERRUPTED! No day had been lost at all - only the “date” had been “changed”…Therefore “NO TIME HAD BEEN LOST” DURING ANY OF THE CALENDAR REFORMS TO THIS DAY [Feb. 1992]. Yahweh’s Sabbath is on the SEVENTH DAY OF EACH WEEK, JUST AS IT HAS BEEN FROM THE BEGINNING.”
Hawkins, just like many other Saturday Sabbath observers vigorously argue that the Sabbath they observe was NEVER AFFECTED BY  ANY  CALENDAR CHANGES AND REFORMS THROUGHOUT HISTORY. But to prove their argument they always only refer to the change and reform which took place in the Gregorian calendar.
In this paper, we will clearly demonstrate and document the fact that the weekly cycle and the days of the week were actually altered and confused. This fact proves that Hawkins, Adventists and all others who claim that the weekly cycle was never altered are either ignorant of the true historical facts or else they are skilful deceivers.
What is the Truth?
The truth is, all of this is a smoke screen. No one seems to be able to produce the “record” that the Jews have kept, and how they have kept it. This “record” would have to have been kept for about 3500 years now, to make sure that Saturday would always be in the 7th day position on the papal gregorian calendar, even though several different calendars have been used over the centuries. One much search calendar history much further back than a little over 400 years.
In addition, Saturday as the 7th Day Sabbath, cannot be explained and proven from the scriptures, God’s Word. This is irrefutable and the challenge is offered to anyone to prove it.
The purpose of this paper is not to explore the history of the calendar back to the time of Moses. The purpose is to show that the calendar has been altered historically, and more recently in modern times. If this can be demonstrated, it questions the authenticity of statements that claim the 7th day Saturday Sabbath has never been altered in any way.
Samoa and Australia 
Prior to 1892 the people of Samoa observed the weekly cycle in conjunction with the people of Australia. But in 1892 the King of Samoa decreed that the weekly cycle of Samoa be changed and adjusted so that it would coincide with the weekly cycle of America.
King Malietoa Laupepa of Samoa decreed that Monday the 4th  of July [US Independence Day] be the day on which the weekly cycle would be changed. Thus Monday of the 4th of July in 1892 by the imperial decree continued on the 5th of July as well so that the weekly cycle of Samoa could be adjusted and made to coincide with the weekly cycle of America.
Margaret Isabella [Balfour] Stevenson [1829-1897], the mother of the Scottish writer Robert Louis Stevenson [1850-1894] who had settled in Samoa in 1890, described the occurrence of the “second 4th July, 1892” in her Letters From  Samoa: “…in former days communication was entirely with Australia, and it was simpler and in every way more natural to follow the Australian calendar; but now that so many vessels come from San Francisco, the powers have decided to set things right and to adopt the date that belongs to our actual geographical position. To this end, therefore, WE ARE ORDERED TO KEEP TWO MONDAYS IN THIS WEEK, which will get us straight.”
Two Mondays:  The 4th of July in 1892 was Monday. The next day, the 5th, was meant to be Tuesday. But by the imperial decree of King Laupepa, the 5th of July was made to be Monday again. Thus the 6th of July became Tuesday instead of Wednesday - as it would have been if there was no imperial intervention in the former weekly cycle.
Please note below where the Saturday Sabbath would have fallen if there was no change in the weekly cycle and where it fell after the change was implemented:
OLD WEEKLY  CYCLE [in accordance with Australian computation
NEW WEEKLY  CYCLE [in accordance with the American computation
This imperial decree of King Laupepa in 1892 clearly altered the weekly cycle and therefore the SATURDAY SABBATH for all those who observed it in Samoa. From then on they observed the Saturday Sabbath actually on FRIDAY  - since Monday was made to repeat itself in that weekly cycle. This is a historical fact. How then can Saturday Sabbatarians repeatedly say that the Saturday Sabbath and the weekly cycle was never confused anywhere? They are either ignorant of this fact or they know it but are trying to hide the facts.
December 31st 1844-The Day No Filipinos Were Born
Until the early 1840’s, the Philippine Islands were observing the weekly cycle of then Spanish America. But after their trade significantly increased with China, Malay Peninsula, the Dutch East Indies and Australia, the Philippine authorities decided to abolish the weekly cycle of the then Spanish America and instead implement the weekly cycle of Asia. This was achieved in 1844 [the very year Adventists expected Jesus to return] when Narciso Claveria, the governor general of the Philippines, issued a proclamationannouncing that Monday 30th December 1844, was to be immediately followed by Wednesday, 1st January 1845.
Thus those who formerly observed their Sabbath on Saturday were from then on in fact observing their Sabbath on a Sunday. This is an irrefutable fact, since the day Tuesday was altogether dropped from the old weekly cycle. Therefore those who claim that the weekly cycle was never tampered with and that the current weekly cycle runs consecutively since the beginning of time are deluded and do not know what they are talking about.
See http://www.bibingka.com/sst/misc/1844.htm for “The Day no Filipinos Were Born.”
Alaska and Russia 
Prior to 1867 Alaska belonged to Russia. Russia at that time still observed the Julian calendar which was 12 days behind the Gregorian calendar. The neighboring Canadians on the other hand observed the Gregorian calendar and the American weekly cycle. But when Alaska was sold by Russians to the Americans, the change to the American mode of time reckoning was put into effect by the governmental decree.
In this case two things had to be done in order to reconcile the European week of Russia - observing the Julian calendar - with the weekly cycle of America. Twelve days first of all had to be dropped from the calendar and one day of the week had to repeat itself in its weekly cycle. This was accomplished on Friday the 6th October 1867. People who went to sleep the night of Friday, October 6, woke up in the morning to find out that it was then Friday, October 18. This imperial decree actually transferred the Saturday Sabbath to Friday - since the day Friday was made to repeat itself in that weekly cycle.Thus the Sabbatarians had their Sabbath altered in the weekly cycle by a deliberate reform  and the change of the week.
The most recent deliberate reform  and the change of the weekly cycle took place in Kiribati in 1995. Kiribati is an independent nation located on islands in the central Pacific ocean. The nation gained its independence on July 12, 1979 and is the member of the British Commonwealth. Prior to 1995 the western part of the republic was always 24 hours ahead of its eastern part, and there were only four days in each week when official business could be conducted between the two parts of the republic. To put an end to this situation, Teburoro Tito, the president of Kiribati, announced on January 1, 1995 the IDL would henceforth run along the many-cornered eastern boundary of the republic. Thus the weekly cycle in Kiribati was altered and changed as recently as 1995 and therefore the Sabbatarians who now observe the Sabbath in that region keep their Sabbath on what formerly was called Friday.

 Prior to 1995, the Sabbatarians in Kiribati and Hawaii observed the same Sabbath and on the same date. After the IDL was moved as far east as 150 degrees and therefore further than Honolulu, the Sabbatarians in Kiribati now observe their Sabbath a day earlier than those in Hawaii.
If these changes do not constitute the change and alteration of the weekly cycle and if they do not prove that the weekly cycle since creation was not everywhere preserved in its original form - then I don’t know what does. Therefore all those who believe that this current 7-day planetary week was always observed by the Jews are simply deluded and gravely mistaken. Likewise, all those who insist that the weekly cycle of creation was never tampered with nor the days of the week mixed and confused are either ignorant of the true historical facts or are simply guilty of bearing false witness.
Soviet Union: Fiasco of the 5 and 6 Day Week Calendar
Will the Real 7th Day Sabbath Stand Up?
In the late 1920’s and early 1930’s, the USSR made several changes to their calendar, attempting to facilitate better productivity from the workforce. Between 1929 and 1931, the USSR changed from the 7-day week to a 5-day week. There were 72 weeks and an additional five national holidays inserted within three of them totaling a year of 365 days.
In 1931 after the Soviet Union's 5-day week they changed to a 6-day week. Every 6th day (6th, 12th, 18th, 24th and 30th) of the Gregorian Calendar was a state rest day. The 5 additional national holidays in the earlier 5-day week remained and did not fall on the state rest day.
Because of the radical changes to the USSR calendar during the years demonstrated, this calendar example does not fit with all the date examples given. Refer to the links on the Wikipedia page to see the many calendar examples reflecting the changes.Acknowledging that this is a USSR calendar, and not the Gregorian, the question remains; where is the Saturday 7th day Sabbath?
But as January, March, May, July, August, October and December have 31 days, the week after the state rest day of the 30th was 7 days long (31st–7th). This extra day was a working day for most or extra holiday for others. Also as February is only 28 or 29 days depending if a leap year or not, the 1st of March was also made a state rest day, although not every enterprise conformed to this.
To clarify, the week after the state rest day, 24/25 February to 1 March, was only 5 or 6 days long, depending if a leap year or not. The week after that, 2 to 6 March, was only 5 days long.
The calendar was abandoned 26 June 1940 and the 7-day week reintroduced the day after.
In December 1931, the Soviets switched to a six-day week in which everyone received the same day off. Although this helped rid the country of the religious Sunday concept and allowed families to spend time together on their day off, it did not increase efficiency.
In 1940, the Soviets restored the seven-day week.

Alaska and Siberia:
A Conundrum at the International Date Line
There is clear proof that God most definitely did not count His days in accordance with the current IDL. The present IDL does not run in a straight vertical line but rather ZIGZAGS and DEVIATES in order to suit man’s commercial trading and money-making.
Many observers of the Saturday Sabbath observe their Sabbath on the wrong day. Take a look at the zigzag line between Siberia and the Aleutian Islands for example.

When it is Friday sunset in the Aleutian Islands it is actually Saturday sunset in Siberia. Although the Sabbatarians of both regions in fact share the same sunrise and sunset, they do not observe the same day. The DEVIATING INTERNATIONAL DATE LINE causes these Sabbatarians to observe two different days as their Sabbaths -even though as far as God is concerned it is one and the same day - since they share the same sunrise and sunset.
If the IDL ran in a vertical line - without any deviation - then both groups would observe the same DAY and DATE as their Sabbath. But because of this man- made deviation the Sabbatarians in these regions are now observing two different Sabbaths and therefore at least one group is observing the false Sabbath.
Apparently, these man-made changes to the calendar cycles and days seem to be acceptable to Jews, Adventists, and other Saturday keeping Sabbatarians. But it’s the NIMBY (not in my back yard) mentality that keeps them in denial. The attitude seems to prevail that as long as it didn’t or doesn’t happen in my neighborhood, and it doesn’t affect me, then it’s not a problem.
. . . . . .And finally, The World Calendar: A Deception in Waiting
If the Babylonian system of the world has it’s way, a new World Calendar could be adopted in the very near future. The next proposed date to seamlessly implement the World Calendar is January 1, 2012.  In the new calendar, there are two blank days each year, which by the middle of 2012, will begin to shift the days of the week from their current positions. The Saturday sabbath as it is known now, will no longer be found in the 7th day of the week position. The longer the calendar is in effect, the further the day will drift from its current position.
There was a previous attempt to implement this kind of world calendar in 1954. It was vigorously opposed by Saturday Sabbath observers, including Jews, at that time, and was never implemented.
All this seems to be acceptable to the Jews, Adventists and other Sabbatarians who observe Saturday as their Sabbath, but the BLANK DAY S of the WORLD CALENDAR will create havoc in their circles.
Saturday Sabbath observers may be able to keep the blinders on and stay in denial for awhile longer, but sooner or later, this issue is going to rear it’s head and everyone on the planet is going to have to deal with it, one way or another.
The issue of the true 7th Day Sabbath is at the forefront of the revival of God’s Word going on in the world right now. It’s not in the media; you won’t see it on television; it’s not being discussed much in churches, except to vehemently refute what is presented. But if you take the time to do a bit of digging on the internet, it won’t take long to see what’s happening. It is time for God’s final call to repentance. Will you be found following the Lamb whithersoever He goeth?

Respuesta  Mensaje 6 de 7 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/03/2018 19:52
arzo 28, 2009

Relojes de Einstein, mapas de Poincaré

relojes-poincare1Muy interesante libro de Peter Galison (editorial Critica). Einstein yPoincaré, Poincaré y Einstein, dos científicos muy diferentes en algunos aspectos pero muy cercanos en otros.

El autor expone sobre el progreso científico, técnico y filosófico de la época, dominada por el progreso de las comunicaciones y la cada vez mayor necesidad de una sincronización de los relojes. Poincaré y Einstein se ven inmersos y participan en una sociedad donde las nuevas tecnologías de comunicación por campos electromagnéticos permiten enviar señales telegráficas a través de miles de kilómetros, permitiendo una nueva definición del tiempo y el espacio. Poincaré directamente involucrado en proyectos de cartografía mediante conexiones telegráficas y electrificación horaria  en Francia, y Einstein analizando patentes de sincronización de relojes en la Oficina de Patentes de Berna. La cara de la moneda tecnológica se vuelve ciencia cuando ambos avanzan en sus teorías sobre el espacio y el tiempo. Sus trabajos tecnológicos resuenan en sus avances teóricos sobre la relatividad de la simultaneidad, los espacios no euclideos o el problema del movimiento.

eterLa ruptura con Newton (o mejor dicho, el paso adelante) estaba cerca. Maxwell ya había establecido las ecuaciones electromagnéticas, en donde la velocidad de propagación de las ondas es un invariante independiente del observador. Pero los científicos de finales del XIX seguían necesitando un “medio” por el cual las ondas debían propagarse: el éter. ¿Cómo era posible si no que algo se propagase por el vacío? Sin embargo el experimento de Michelson en la búsqueda del éter fue negativo. Michelson buscaba variaciones en la velocidad de la luz dependiendo de la dirección en contra o a favor del éter. No observó ninguna diferencia. Poincaré se resistía a desprenderse del éter mientras que Einstein, más iconoclasta, “mató” al éter y abrió la puerta a las teorías revolucionarias. En cualquier caso Poincaré se había aproximado mucho y rozó la teoría de la relatividad con los dedos. Su sentimiento conservador y práctico a la vez no le hizo necesario aventurar el camino de una nueva física, aunque en las conferencias de sus últimos años comenzaba a anunciar la necesidad de nuevos modelos.

Pero volvamos a los relojes. El mundo de finales del XIX estaba cambiando muy rápidamente. Los ferrocarriles y el telégrafo hacían cada vez más cercanos los pueblos y ciudades antes distantes. La sincronización horaria también se hacía palpable. Los horarios de los trenes obligaban a la convivencia de horas locales con otros sistemas horarios, ya que cada linea de ferrocarril usaba la de la estación principal. Algunas estaciones de tren mantenían tres horarios de referencia diferentes.

La humanidad se había regido hasta el momento por el horario solar, era el sol quien marcaba cuando comenzaba el día o cuando eran las 12:00 horas. Todo esto comenzó a cambiar en aquella época. La maraña de lineas de ferrocarril con diferentes horarios y la velocidad en aumento obligaba a una sincronización mejor, y además la tecnología ya lo hacía posible: el telégrafo. A través de un arduo esfuerzo con componentes políticas e internacionales, la humanidad fue evolucionando, desde la sincronización de los relojes de una ciudad a la sincronización a través del cable telegráfico con otras ciudades y otros países. En Francia sería el observatorio de París quien marcaría la hora de la nación, y en Inglaterra el observatorio de Greenwich. La centralización del tiempo!

gmt1El siguiente paso en la historia fue la sincronización del planeta. Cada país podría tener su hora, pero el mundo seguía demandando una estandarización completa al igual que el estandar internacional de medida y peso había supuesto un avance moderno. Los países comenzaron a discutir sobre la forma de establecer un protocolo de sincronización y cual sería el meridiano 0º de referencia. Paris luchó por poseer el meridiano 0º aunque Greenwich llevaba ventaja histórica al tener gran parte de la navegación marítima referenciada a Greenwich desde hacía años. En los primeros años del siglo XX los países fueron asociandose al estandar GMT. Paris, que había perdido la guerra por el meridiano 0º tuvo que retrasar su hora oficial en unos 9 minutos (la diferencia de longitud entre Paris y Greenwich). En 1924 las señales del observatorio de Greenwich radiaban la hora universal.

Pensemos por un momento en todo esto. Hasta hace menos de 100 años la humanidad se había regido por su hora local, la hora que marcaba el sol. No necesitaban sincronizar ningún reloj con los pueblos lejanos…¿para qué? La mayoría de la gente nunca viajaría más alla de su vecindad. Y sin embargo en solo 20 o 25 años, con el progreso tecnológico, todo el mundo se hizo pequeño, las comunicaciones y las altas velocidades obligaron a una sincronización horaria. Ahora vemos como algo normal que exista el concepto de tiempo universal, que para toda la humanidad los minutos, los segundos, las horas, coincidan de forma sincrónica, manteniendo solo un desfase de horas completas según la norma GMT (véase mi otra entrada y los casos raros).

El tiempo, intrinsicamente asociado al cielo durante milenios, se globalizó y electrificó, y la humanidad dejo de mirar al sol para averiguar la hora. Nunca volverían a coincidir, excepto para los habitantes de unos meridianos imaginarios.

marzo 24, 2009 Posted by  | físicalibros | Deja un comentario


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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 30/06/2015 12:09


Cronos devora a sus hijos





Cronos (Saturno) era el más jóven de los Titanes, hijos de la Madre Tierra y Urano (la tierra y el cielo). Urano, odiaba a sus hijos y los escondió en la Madre Tierra causándole gran dolor. Como venganza fabricó una hoz para Cronos y le convenció de que diese muerte a su padre. Cuando cumplió sus deseos, se desposó con su hermana Rea, pero temeroso de que sus propios hijos se levantasen en su contra, se los tragaba en cuanto nacían: primero Hestia, luego a Deméter, Hera, Hades y Posidón. Sin embargo, cuando Zeus, su sexto hijo, estaba por nacer, Rea lo alumbró en el silencio de la noche y lo confió a los cuidados de su madre, la Madre Tierra. En lugar de entregarle al bebé, le dió a Crono una piedra para que se la comiera. Cuando Zeus creció, pidió ser el copero de Cronos.. le preparó pues a su padre una poderosa sustancia que le hizo vomitar a la piedra y a sus otro cinco hijos mayores. Zeus, luego condujo a sus hermanos a la guerra contra los Titanes, a los que vencen y destierran al Tártro, en el mundo subterraneo. En adelante, Zeuz reinaría como el jefe supremo de los dioses.

Respuesta  Mensaje 7 de 7 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/03/2018 19:53

Stephen Hawking: ¿Por qué dijo que debemos irnos de la Tierra?

El famoso científico y físico Stephen Hawking murió este martes (miércoles en Reino Unido) a sus 76 años


La humanidad tiene que atreverse a ir donde nadie ha ido nunca, asegura el científico. (Foto: AP)


El célebre físico británico Stephen Hawking les pidió a los países líderes en el mundo que envíen astronautas a la Luna de aquí al año 2020 "por el bien de la humanidad".

También deberían construir una base lunar en los próximos 30 años y enviar astronautas a Marte hacia 2025, según el científico.

El profesor Hawking cree que este objetivo serviría para revitalizar el programa espacial, forjar nuevas alianzas y dar a la humanidad un sentido de cara al futuro.

"Expandirnos hacia el espacio cambiará completamente el futuro de la humanidad", dijo en el festival científico y artístico Starmus, en Noruega.


Neil Armstrong

"Espero que una a los países competitivos en un objetivo, para enfrentar el reto común que tenemos todos".

"Un nuevo y ambicioso programa espacial animaría (a los jóvenes) y estimularía el interés en otras áreas, como la astrofísica y la cosmología".

Hawking también les respondió a aquellos que argumentan que sería mejor gastar nuestro dinero en resolver problemas en este planeta.

"No niego la importancia de luchar contra el cambio climático y el calentamiento global, como Donald Trump, quien es posible que haya tomado la decisión más seria, y equivocada, sobre cambio climático que haya visto este mundo", afirmó.

"Estamos quedándonos sin espacio y los únicos espacios a los que podemos ir son otros mundos", explicó el físico teórico de la Universidad de Cambridge.

"Es el momento de explorar otros sistemas solares. Expandirnos puede ser lo único que nos salve de nosotros mismos. Estoy convencido de que los humanos necesitan irse de la Tierra".

Planes concretos

El director de la Agencia Espacial Europea, Jan Woerner, dijo que planea la construcción de una base lunar para remplazar la Estación Espacial Internacional en 2024 y está colaborando con Rusia para mandar una misión para evaluar un lugar potencial de establecimiento.

China se ha fijado el objetivo de mandar un astronauta a la Luna.

La NASA, en cambio, no tiene planes para volver a la Luna y centra sus esfuerzos en enviar astronautas a Marte de aquí a la década de 2030.

Hawking dijo que no hay un futuro a largo plazo para nuestra especie en la Tierra; o recibiremos de nuevo el impacto de un asteroide o seremos tragados por el Sol. Añadió que viajar a mundos distantes "elevaría a la humanidad".

"Si la humanidad va a continuar por otro millón de años, nuestro futuro está en atrevernos a ir a donde nadie ha ido antes".

"Espero lo mejor. Tengo que hacerlo. No tenemos otra opción".



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