In the book ‘The Etheric Particle 216’, to “connecting the dots” within the language of numbers and geometry, different values of PI (π) are presented.
One of these values has to be calculated so that the number 666 is presented fully in its expression as an integer. The number 666 is a cornerstone of the fine structure constant α (nearly the inverse ratio 137) in its mathematical expression (formulae) as shown below :
This fundamental constant in Physics measures the strength of the electromagnetic force that controls how charged elementary particles (electrons and photons) interact. Yet the book presents a mathematical significance of its own such as PI (π). Without its mathematical significance with numbers, it’s a tree without water or sun light.
In the formulae presented, there is a physical interpretation for light or photon flux. The number of photons is 10 to the power Omega (ω) (10^ω). This quantity divided by 666² is the average number of photons per square of edge length 666 resulting in 137.036.The number 666 is to do with the light of the sun or divine life force from which the spirit operates through matter within the ether (the fifth element). It is nothing to do with a negative connotation as it could have been said.
The gematria value of Christ Χριστός (Christos) is 1,480. Notice that this number is nearly the surface area of a face of Hypercube 216 10,368 divided by 7. Then one seventh of the area (blue area) encodes the name of Christ (1,481.142). A difference of 1 does not change the meaning behind.
If we consider the value 1,480 as the side of a square, then the diagonal line has nearly a value equal to 2,093. Finally, considering 2,093 as the circumference of a circle, the diameter is 666 with the value of Pi(π) equal to 3.1426869. To determine this value, it is important to know the relationship between the circumference of a circle and its diameter. Knowing the circumference C and its diameter D, the new value of Pi(π) is determined.
The circumference of a circle can be calculated with this equation :
C = π D, D being the diameter of the circle and C the circumference.
Other values of Pi(π) have been presented through the geometric construction squaring the circle. Squaring the circle is the challenge of constructing a square with the same area as a given circle by using only a finite number of steps with compass and straight-edge. The resolution approximates the dimensions of the Great Pyramid with a base leg equal to 11 and a height equal to 7. This gives an approximate value of Pi (π) equal to 22÷7 = 3.142857.
Another approach is to take the dimensions of the Great Pyramid in relation to the Golden Ratio Phi (Φ) 1.618. The square of Phi (√Φ) is the height and 2 is the base leg. If we take these dimensions which are hypothetically the real dimensions of the Great Pyramid, another value of Pi(π) is determined.
The perimeter of the square is 8 and the radius of the circle is the height of the Great Pyramid √Φ equal to 1.272. The resolution of squaring the circle through the Great Pyramid gives the new value of Pi(π) equal to 3.1446055.
This value has been discussed and demonstrated in depth by the researcher Jain in his own books :
Another value of Pi (π) was defined in a previous post called “12 a foundation stone in the Divine Governance“. The value 3.14181818 comes from the important connection between the number 12 and the number 9 playing together in the cosmic order. Read the article for further information. It is not in my book “The Etheric Particle 216”. This value is all fresh.
The transcendental number Pi (π) represents a key number bridging matter to spirit and approximately resolves the problem of squaring the circle. Metaphysically speaking, Pi (π) links the two different realms since the square represents energy on the physical level and the circle represents energy on the etheric level. Examining the value of Pi (π) from the perspective of Hypercube 216, a new value of Pi (π) can be calculated.
124,416 (12 faces of Hypercube 216) plus 2,808 (energy release of Hypercube 216) is equal to 127,224 which is a thousand times greater than Xi (ξ) 1.27224 equal to the ratio between the double height and base leg of the Great Pyramid. Xi (ξ) is also equal to the ratio between the diameter D of the circle circling a square of edge length c 72√2, a face of Hypercube 216.
P(circle) = P(square) = π D(circle) = 288√2 (squaring the circle)
D(circle) ÷ c = 2H ÷ B = Xi (ξ) = 1.27224
Pi (π) = P(circle) ÷ D(circle) = P(circle) ÷ (ξ c) = 3.14406086
Gee Mister Spirit, there’s a lot more to mathematics than two times two. Donald Duck
Squaring the circle of a face of Hypercube 216 leads to a circle of a diameter equal approximately to 129.6. The number 129.6 is an interesting number considering that 1296 is a number of root 9 (1 + 2 + 9 + 6 = 18 and 1 + 8 = 9) and is encoded in many fields. This number is also strongly connected with the number 6 as 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 = 1,296. Multiplied by 2, the result is 2,592, one tenth of the precession of the equinoxes in years. Multiplied by 2 again, the result is 5,184, a numerical code of the Maya Long Count Calendar (12.96 Mayan Baktuns or 5,184 years). Dividing this number by 100, 51.84 is the slope angle of the Great Pyramid in degrees. 1,296 single cubes from Hypercube 216 with a volume of 82,944 in four dimension has a total volume equal to 107,495,424, the volume of Hypercube 216 in four dimension.
The Golden Diamond is the energetic field surrounding everything in the universe. When a double rainbow appears, the human eye sees the first main rainbow at 51.84 degrees from the second one, the slope angle of the Great Pyramid. The double rainbow is an incredible example of divine manifestation in nature through the number 5,184 which is also half of the area of a face of Hypercube 216, and a key number in generating the seven colours of the rainbow.
To conclude, the different values presented show how the traditional PI (π) is deficient within the language of numbers and geometry :
- 3.1446055
- 3.144060869
- 3.142857
- 3.1426968
- 3.1418181
The two first values of PI (π) speak more within the language of numbers. The first three digits of these two are forming the number 144, an important number encoded in Hypercube 216 (the diagonal line of a face). The first one discovered by Jain has a direct relationship with the Golden ratio (Φ 1.618) and the number 4 though. As we know, the number 4 represents the strong foundations, stability, order. It describes our three dimensional reality, the four directions (east, west, north and south), seasons, elements. The number 4 has also a great significance in many cultures.
The number 4 is the numerical blueprint of Fractal 44 a unique template unifying microcosm and macrocosm.
© [04/10/2017] by Salah-Eddin Gherbi