The Number 4 – B and J – ORION
The chart immediately below is of the National Mall in Washington DC. The National Mall was first introduced on this site on page 29, to show how specific locations on the Mall coincide with locations across the USA as a Nation when overlaid on a map. Looking at the chart (which has been turned upwards to allow for an easier read), the shape of the Mall is the number 4. The number 4 originates with the 2 intersecting lines of the Atom Symbol chart shown throughout this site, and which in turn, is a Zodiac Symbol. The intersecting lines symbolize the Cross of Christianity, and the intercessory qualities, or the inter-SEX-ION assigned to that notion.
These 2 intersecting lines form 4 quarters of a circle, which again form the 4 Square Foundation of the luciferian Mindset, called the Thought Process. This Mindset, manifests as the 3 dimensional illusory reality through the process of hypnosis. As shown throughout this site, the number 4 takes on significant symbolic importance. As do the multiples of the number 4, and fractions, or decimals relating to the number 4. The number 4 suggests motion as in the word ‘FORE’, and security in the word ‘FORT’. This is just part of the characteristic assigned to the Sphinx and the forward motion of this luciferian agenda throughout history, as this Sun and Moon worship has morphed into many incarnations and spread throughout the world to finally set anchor in the United States of America for the final sacrifice.
On the chart below, just a few of the presidents are listed with the number 4 connected to their presidency.
George Washington (G name) was the 1st president, or 1/4 or 4.
Lincoln was the 16th president, or 4×4.
Ronald Reagen was the 40th president. Reagen was the 33rd Governor of California. From Reagen’s election in November of 1979, until November of 2012 = 33 years. The number 33 being highly symbolic within the luciferian Thought Process.
George H.W. Bush (G and B) was 41st, with the number 4+1=5, the sacrifice.
William / Bill Jefferson Clinton, (B and G) was 42nd. 4+2=6, the Sacrificer.
George W. Bush was the 43rd president. A B and G name. 4+3=7, perfection and completion.
Barack Obama is the 44th president with a massive amount of symbolism attached to this name, number and historical 3D moment.
BARACK OBAMA = (a good EYE-rish name) BARACK O’ BAMA, a double B name.
This name was suggested initially in the name of MUHAMMAD’s magic horse name AL-BURAQ.
Most recently in the name of beleaguered Egyptian president HOSNI MUBARAK.
MUBARAK=MOO (cow) BARAK=BA ROCK or Sacrifice Stone (Yellowstone).
Further symbolism is now apparent with the recent midterm elections in the USA, where the new Speaker of the Senate is JOHN BOEHNER a J and B name.
John Boehner (J and B) sits in the Senate immediately behind Obama, at the OCTAGON (8 sided podium), with Vice President JOE BIDEN (J andB) sitting on Boehners’ right side.
Barack Obama speaks to the Senate Chamber in front of these 2 leaders, forming a triangle within the Octagon. What should be noted is the 2 B and G names plus the 2 B names of Barack Obama, when substituting the letter ‘O’ for the symbol of the EYE. These symbolic names are now forming a Triangle at the head of the Senate, and are symbolic of the B and G Pillars of sacrifice of Solomon’s Temple.
Capitol Hill – The Owl And The Pussycat
The following is a poem by Edward Lear. As the reader goes through this poem, keep in mind the symbolism of the Sphinx associated with the National Mall and the Capitol Building in Washington DC. The Sphinx is formed of a LIONS BODY, which belongs to the CAT family. The CAT is also called a PUSSY-CAT, or PUSSY, which has been equated with female genitalia. Ancient Egypt was ripe with CAT symbolism, and represented female sexuality. The chart below was borrowed from a previous page on this site, and demonstrates the design of the Capitol Building in the shape of an OWL. So, with this in mind, pay attention to the capitalized words throughout the poem (the writers capitalization), and consider that the symbolism relates to the All Seeing Eye, the Ion, the Sun and Moon, Orion, etc. and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, with money (finance), erotic love, the sea, and the moon, (amongst other suggestions), being introduced into our subconscious mind.
Poem by Edward Lear
Verse I
The OWL and the PUSSY-CAT went TO SEA
In a beautiful PEA GREEN BOAT,
They took some HONEY, and plenty of MONEY,
Wrapped up in a FIVE pound note.
The OWL looked up to the stars above,
And sang to a small guitar,
’O lovely PUSSY! O PUSSY my love,
What a beautiful PUSSY you are,
You are,
You are!
What a beautiful PUSSY you are!’
Verse II
Pussy said to the OWL,
‘You elegant FOWL!
How charmingly sweet you sing!
O let us be MARRIED! too long we have tarried:
But what shall we do for a ring?
They sailed away, for a year and a day,
To the land where the BONG-tree grows
And there in a wood a Piggy-wig stood
With a ring at the end of his NOSE,
With a ring at the end of his NOSE.
Verse III
‘Dear PIG, are you willing to sell for one shilling
Your RING?’ Said the Piggy, ‘I will.’
So they took it away, and were MARRIED next day
By the TURKEY who lives on the hill.
They dined on mince, and slices of quince,
Which they ate with a runcible spoon;
And hand in hand, on THE EDGE OF THE SAND,
They danced by the light of the MOON,
They danced by the light of the MOON.
The Owl and the Pussy-Cat
1970 movie starring Barbara Streisand and George Segal – about a bickering couple in MANHATTAN
As with many poems, songs, etc., written throughout history, the subliminals are implanted within our subconscious, and a deep hypnotic spell is induced that conjures up our 3D illusory reality. Hypnosis is nothing more than constant repetition. Endless repetition induces the Trance State which is the 3D life experience, which has no validity or worth.
The Way Of Sorrows
The next chart is also borrowed from a previous page on this site, but this time with the $1 Bill placed over the street layout that had formed the Owl’s Eyes in the previous chart. Now, with the $1 Bill placed in this position, it fits exactly between the streets without any distortion, and the realism of the Owl takes on a 3 dimensional appearance. It’s almost to obvious to notice it. If the reader squints as you look at this chart, the face of George Washington forms the Owl’s top beak, and Washington’s throat and chest scarf forms the bottom beak. See page 27, approximately half way down, where there’s a very small picture of the $1 Bill that shows very clearly, this subliminal. This small picture of the $1 Bill has also been placed just above the large bill on this chart.
What must be noted here, is that the Owl is Washington. As shown on page 27 as well, the 11 Western States form the area immediately to the right and left of Washington’s image. On this page, Washington has been shown to equate with the Sphinx, which is the Cat, the Lion, or the Pussy, and now equates with the Owl. It now becomes very obvious, that all the symbols relating to the luciferian agenda, were all introduced in ancient Egypt and Babylon, and all mean virtually the same thing but with a slight twist as they’re introduced into the historical record.
From this, it then becomes obvious that the mythological symbols that symbolized the gods of old, were pointing to this illusory Time we’re experiencing. Pointing to North America, and the sacrifice to the luciferian Thought Process, which will bring about the fabricated Judgment Day of the Lord, and the attempted total control of Reality. Which is to say, that humanity has been designed and conjured up, to distract and distort, and to imprison our Original State of Being. Something that can never be done, but something that the Thought Process insists on endlessly attempting to achieve.
The Owl’s Dollar Eyes next to the Capitol Building suggest the beginning of the Way of Sorrows; the Via Dolorosa.
The next few lines reveals a bit of the symbolic connection in regards to the simple geometric shapes of the square, the cross, and the triangle, and how they are all named subliminally to suggest the ROCK of SALVATION. Salvation is yet another way of writing SUN and MOON, which is Sol-o-Mon, which is the Sphinx, the Phoenix, the symbol of Regeneration.
On the chart below, the National Mall Cross begins at the Capitol Building with the Dollar Bill Owl Eyes acting as the foundation that everything is built upon. George Washington is on the Bill, and the name GEORGE=ORION, the Royal Lion. The name WASHINGTON=WATER and ASH and SOAP STONE.
Directly west (extending upwards on the chart), the WASHINGTON MONUMENT is situated just slightly below the suggested straight line from the JEFFERSON MEMORIAL to the WHITE HOUSE. When the National Mall is stretched over the USA as a nation, the Jefferson Memorial coincides with the area adjacent to ARIZONA, which is an anagram for ORIAANZ, or ORION’S. The REFLECTING POOL immediately in front of the Capitol Building is CIRCULAR, with the ends of the pool pointing exactly towards the White House and the Jefferson Memorial.
The distance between the White House and the Washington Monument is exactly the same as the distance between the Jefferson Memorial and the Washington Monument. Indicating that there’s a definite symmetry involved suggesting something subliminal, namely, the CROSS of SACRIFICE. The mythological story surrounding ORION, the Great Hunter, involves Orion being killed. Orion is the father of the sun/son, which is the regeneration aspect of the father. The White House corresponds to the State of Wyoming when the National Mall is overlaid on the USA. WYOMING=WHITE HOME, and refers to the BRIGHT WHITE GLOWING of the constellation ORION. So again, the symbolism of the National Mall relates to ORION, the Royal Ion, the Royal Lion, the Sphinx, the Phoenix Bird, the Cross of Christ, the number 4, all symbols of regeneration.
The State of Wyoming was the 44th state to join the Union, and YELLOWSTONE PARK is situated at 44.4 degrees N. at the very centre of the volcanic caldera. YELLOWSTONE = the SPHINX, which is made of YELLOW STONE, relating to the YELLOW of the LION, and YELLOW=YELLOH=HOLLEY=HOLY in reverse. HOLY also = OYHL = OIL = LEO = LION = Royal Lion = ION = ORION.
Yet again, the symbolism of the White House on the National Mall also refers to the constellation Orion.
Continuing further west (upwards on the chart), the capitol building and George Washington’s Dollar Bill face, line up exactly with the Washington Monument, both of which are symbolically relating to ORION. This line extends exactly to the LINCOLN MEMORIAL on the Potomac, which coincides with the area around San Francisco, California. CALIFORNIA=KHALIF ORION, again suggesting the symbolism of ORION. As mentioned previously, the REFLECTING POOL leading from the Washington Monument (which is 555 feet in height), corresponds exactly to the space between the Sphinx’ legs when the Sphinx and the National Mall are both overlaid on the USA as a nation. And again, LINCOLN=LION KING=SPHINX, etc.
Just to the north of San Francisco California, is the State of OREGON. Oregon coincides with Tower 1 of the WTC layout and OREGON=OREYON=ORION. Oregon became a state on February 14. Arizona, which also refers to ORION, became a state on February 14. February 14 is the date dedicated to lovers, with symbols of doves, hearts, and roses. All symbols which suggest WATER, BLOOD and EROS, sexual lust, or sacrifice and regeneration.
Immediately north of OREGON, is the State of Washington. Washington state also suggests ORION, and became the 42nd state to join the Union on November 11, 1889.
The number 42 coincides with 6 on the 4th clockface.
Washington state is 6.6% water.
The highest peak in the volcano Mount RAINIER at 14,411 feet which is extremely close to the height of Mount Albert in Colorado at 14,440 feet. The name RAINIER also suggests WATER.
Immediately to the north of Washington State is the province of British Columbia. BC coincides with Building 7 of the WTC layout. The names BRITISH and COLUMBIA both refer to the Queen of Heaven, Britannia and Columbe, the DOVE, the Living Water, the Ion, the Royal Lion. Washington DC was originally named COLUMBIA, and subliminally speaking, the suggestion regarding the Queen of Heaven, the Flood Goddess is attached to the name Washington and Columbia, which in turn refer to the Lion, the Sphinx, the Phoenix, the symbol of sacrifice and regeneration. All of these terms, in turn, relate to the Sun and Moon, which is Solomon, and suggest the Temple of Sacrifice as well.
British Columbia, Washington State, California, and Oregon all are locations frequented by the Pacific/Alaskan SALMON. The word SALMON=SOLOMON, and the charts lower down on this page will show the symbolism attached to the migration of the SALMON FISH.
37 Degrees North – The SPHINX/SPHINE/SPINE
Just as the word SPHINX = PHINXS = PHOENIX
It also suggests SPHINX = SPHIN = SPINE
The chart immediately below demonstrates the symbolic importance of the SPINE of the SPHINX and the latitude of 37 degrees North. The city of Athens Greece, the home of the Acropolis and the mythological gods of Zeus-dom, is located at 37 degrees N. Their holy mountain is called Mount Olympus. The name Olympus is the inspiration behind the name and events of the OLYMPIC GAMES which are religious sacrifice rituals used to perpetuate the luciferian agenda within this 3D illusion. Athens and Mount Olympus symbolize the home of the gods, and this symbolism has spread throughout the world until the ultimate manifestation within the USA that sets the stage for the Day of Judgment of a fabricated God.
When the outline of the Sphinx is placed over the USA as a nation, reaching from the east coast to the west, the symbolism of the Sphinx and the significance of the SPINE of the SPHINX becomes obvious. Just as the USA $1 Bill, with its OWL EYES, fits perfectly to the immediate west of the Capitol Building, the importance of the dollar, or money, can be traced all along the Spine of the Sphinx. George Washington is on the face of the $1 Bill and Washington DC is on the east coast of the USA at exactly 77 degrees W. As mentioned, the $1 Bill fits perfectly as the EYES OF THE OWL in the Capitol Building layout. These subliminal connections join the Sphinx, the Lion King/Lincoln, Washington, money, political power, and completion and perfection together. Washington DC is the site of the primary mint headquarters. Moving westward from Washington DC, 37 degrees is just south Fort Knox, the supposed storehouse of America gold. This is also very near the location of Sinking Springs Farm in Kentucky, where Abraham Lincoln / LION KING was born. A secondary mint is located at Denver Colorado, just north of the 4 Corner Cross border states. This coincides with the Washington Monument on the National Mall. Again, Washington symbolism extends westward from Washington DC and ultimately to the State of Washington.
Following the SPHINE of the SPHINX, at 37 degrees N, culminates at San Francisco, the site of another secondary mint, and symbolically, the location of the Lincoln Memorial, as it coincides on the National Mall.
WASHINGTON=Water Ash Soap and Stone
The number 37=3+7=10 INTENSITY.
37 coincides with 1 on the 4th clockface=1+4=5 SACRIFICE.
37=1 on the 4th=14 coincides with 2 on the 2nd clockface=2+2=4 SQUARE FOUNDATION.
37=1 on the 4th=14 coincides with 2 on the 2nd clockface=2 and 2=22.
22 coincides with 10 on the 2nd clockface.
10+2=12, the FULLNESS of TIME.
The 10 TIMES TABLES and the 12 TIMES TABLES=the mysteries of the illusory god.