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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 02/07/2022 02:05
The Way of St. James. Santiago de Compostela – the Spanish Mecca. Star. The Golden  Ratio. Part 4

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Respuesta  Mensaje 5 de 34 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/07/2022 02:24

The Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela has four different façades: central, northern, eastern and southern. The central façade has the same name as the square which it faces – La Plaza del Obradoiro. Constructed in the baroque style in the 18th century by architect Fernando de Casas Novoa, it embodies features of various epochs. The northern façade of the cathedral – Azabacheria – was built in the second half of the 18th century. Its design distinctly reflects the transition from the baroque age to neoclassicism. The eastern façade is called Quintana, also by the name of the square that it faces. It was finished in the second half of the 17th century in the baroque style, though, from the aesthetics perspective, it has suffered from permanent reconstructions of the 12-17th centuries. The southern façade called Platerias was built in 1075 in the Roman style and is the oldest of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela façades. It represents a sheltered entrance with finely executed Roman arcatures.


 Cathedral of St. James, Santiago de Compostela

 Cathedral of St. James, Santiago de Compostela


    The hallmark of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostelais the 18th century baroque façade attached to the Roman church.

    One of the cathedral major attractions is the world’s largest censer “botafumeiro” (“emitting fume”) of a man’s height, suspended from the ceiling. It has been used in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela for already 700 years! The censer has 80 kg in weight and is driven by eight priests who wear red clothes and swing it, the swinging speed reaching 60 km per hour. 40 kg of coal and incense are needed to feel the censer!


 Cathedral of St. James, Santiago de Compostela

Cathedral of St. James, Santiago de Compostela

The Cathedral exterior


Cathedral of St. James, Santiago de Compostela

Cathedral of St. James, Santiago de Compostela

Cathedral of St. James, Santiago de Compostela

Cathedral of St. James, Santiago de Compostela

Cathedral of St. James, Santiago de Compostela

Cathedral of St. James, Santiago de Compostela

The Cathedral interior

 Cathedral of St. James, Santiago de Compostela

Cathedral of St. James, Santiago de Compostela

Cathedral of St. James, Santiago de Compostela

Cathedral of St. James, Santiago de Compostela

Cathedral of St. James, Santiago de Compostela

Cathedral of St. James, Santiago de Compostela

St. James’s shrine

Cathedral of St. James, Santiago de Compostela


A marvellous story of the relics

    The saint’s relics are kept in a silver reliquary in the undercroft extant from the church of the times of Alfonso the Great. In 1589 the relics were concealed from the English Counter Armada so carefully that they failed to find them afterwards. The relics were rediscovered only in January 1879, and five years later Pope Leo XIII confirmed their authenticity. At that, in 1895 the Codex Calixtinus manuscript found in the cathedral was published. Its authorship is ascribed to Pope Calixtus II, and it contains valuable information about the cathedral construction.





    At that, the official information on the subject is over, and so I’ll switch to analysis. First of all, I will look at the legend from the point of view of a detached observer who neither has heard nor knows anything about symbolism. So, when I follow the Way, I see nearly in every point on the route how Virgin Mary is worshiped: there are churches, chapels and bridges named after her, and festive processions in her honour are arranged. However, when I arrive at the destination site, I see St. James’s figure there. Even from a detached observer’s perspective this looks rather strange, not to mention the enigmatic legends where only miracles are described. The boat with the relics was miraculously cast up on the Spanish shore, the star miraculously pointed at the relics, and thus they were found, the relics were miraculously found after their three-hundred-year absence!!! Well, if Pope Leo XIII himself confirmed this… who could doubt his words?

    Yet, it’s quite notable there are clever people who are truly interested and endeavour to get at the roots of things, and they have already discovered that Virgin Mary is associated with a shell. Orthodoxy has helped: CANON OF GRATITUDE WITH AKATHIST TO THE MOST HOLY MOTHER OF GOD.



And now: the Extensive sanctuary of the Word, / rejoice, the Purest, / shell that has produced Divine Pearls; / rejoice, the All-Marvellous, reconciliation with God / of everyone who always calls You, Our Lady, / the blessed.

The Shell that has produced Divine Pearls


    To tell the truth, all this is associated with Our Lady’s escape together with little Christ from the king Herod. She supposedly escaped to Spain, and this is the origin of the shell image and the reverence of Virgin Mary in those places.

Now I’ll switch to information from A. Novykh’s books.

    First of all, let me give a couple of quotes for those who will possibly read this article, but are unfamiliar with the author’s literary works.

Not everything what looks black in the human world is black. And not everything what seems to be white is white. Perception of colours depends on one’s inner essence.


Aspirations for knowing the truth are surely praiseworthy. But remember, when you get more knowledge, you get more sorrow.”


    So, who was Saint James, son of Zebedee? According to the official interpretation which I have referred to in the beginning, he was a “special” close disciple of Jesus, along with his brother John and Peter.

A quote from Sensei-IV book:

“John was a younger son of Galilean fisherman Zebedee, a favourite of his mother Salome, the daughter of that very Joseph for whom Jesus’ mother Mary worked for some time…”

“Daughter of Joseph?” Nikolai Andreevich asked, being surprised. “That is, Salome was the sister of Jacob and Judah. Does this mean that John… all of them belonged to the same family?”

“Yes. John was just one of close relatives of Joseph’s family who first tormented Mary in every way possible, using her as a slave, then flung mud at Jesus, and later on earned big money on His glory.”


Elder brother… younger brother… one family… these are the so-called “close, special disciples”.


Let’s move to symbols. AllatRa by Anastasia Novykh:

Anastasia: By the way, going back to the conversation about the peculiarities of the architecture of the temples among the peoples of the world, where the main symbols, including the pearl, were used… Just like Christian churches have the building altar part shaped as a semi-circular niche oriented to the East, so do Muslim mosques have a special semicircle niche – “mihrab” (the Arabic word “michr’ab” means the “direction of the prayer”). It is oriented towards the location of Mecca – the sacred city for the Muslims (located on the Arabian Peninsula in southwest Asia), where one of the main Muslim shines is located, a structure in the form of a cube – Kaaba. Thus, this niche is decorated with ornamental carving, painting and encrustation. Its internal dome is often designed in the form of a shell – the symbol of storage of the precious spiritual pearl.

Rigden: That is right. Such design is understandable because Muslims have a lot of legends about the pearl, and they single it out into the category of special symbols. For example, by saying of the Prophet Muhammad, the world was created from the White Pearl. According to Muslim beliefs, the Almighty created the White Pearl, the thickness of which was seven skies and seven lands taken together. When God called the Pearl to Him, it trembled from His call and turned into streaming Water. Of all the creations that at some time of day or night, one way or another, interrupt their glorification to the Almighty, it alone, already being Water, not for a moment ceased to glorify the Creator, permanently waving and foaming. That is why God gave it superiority over others, making it the source and the beginning of life of all living beings. So, all the living beings were made of Water. And in order to carry this precious Water, the Almighty created Wind (Air), having endowed it with an “uncountable multitude” of wings.

That is why, as a rule, this sacred niche is filled with many symbols. It was associated with the Blessed Virgin, the pure Soul. Earlier inside the mihrab a burning lamp was hung, because the divine presence in the world or in man was likened to the light of a lamp. The lamp is in the glass, and the glass is like a pearl star – a symbol of the “Light on the light”.

Anastasia: Regarding the symbols, it’s also quite interesting to look at the composition of the prayer mat (namazlik) among the Turkic-speaking nations practising Islam. In its carpet nominally ornamental picture, it usually imitates the mihrab of one or another region.

Figure 78. Symbolic images in Islam:

1) a shell-shaped arch of the mihrab niche (Big column mosque-cathedral Mezquita, which is considered to be one of the largest in the world; year 785 – the early 11th century; Cordoba, Spain);

2) a prayer mat (Turkish namazlik); art of the Turkic-speaking nations practising Islam


Rigden: By the way, there are mainly all the same symbols and signs that belong to the cultures and religions of many other peoples: octagons, hexagons, rhombuses, squares, diagonal crosses and so on… Generally speaking, a shell with a pearl in the ancient times was a symbol of the Soul, of the creating divine feminine principle. It was an attribute of many female deities and their names, a symbol of the water sacred element. As I have mentioned before, the latter meant a habitat that was different from the earthly one and entirely different for the human understanding. However every living thing was derived from it, was dependent on it, and needed it. The Bible mentions the words of Jesus Christ, when he explains what the Kingdom of Heaven is like (Mathew, chapter 13, verses 45-46): “Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.”



    For example, the name Margarita (a pearl) originated from epithets of the goddess Aphrodite, who, according to ancient Greek mythology, was born as a result of virginal conception and arose from the sea foam in a shell, like a shining pearl. The name Marina (“marine”) is derived from epithets “shining” and the “Mother of pearl” of the ancient Roman goddess Venus (the Latin word “veneris” meaning “love”), who was identified with Aphrodite. One of her symbols was a female dove. That is why in early Christian art, which originated in the Roman Empire, there were images of Virgin Mary with a shell above her head as a symbol of the one who brought “Divine Pearls”. It should be noted that the name Maria in the Roman Empire was associated with a concept which was traditional for the peoples living there – of the goddess of Love – “the glowing one”, “the Mother of pearl”! But not “sad”, “rejected” and certainly not “bitterness” as her name was later on presented by the Jewish priests for the public.

    See details in the AllatRa book online version: http://allatra.us/allatra-online, pages 527-532.

    Besides the shell symbol, an eight-pointed star is found in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela and other churches on the Way. The meaning of this symbol is described in the first article of the series: “An eight-pointed star is a symbol of the rhombus (a cube set on one of its vertices as a symbol of human transformation into a spiritual being and of entry into the spiritual world).”


Rigden: Regarding the information recorded in the symbols of the icon Christ in Majesty (Spas v Silah), in Rus this knowledge was later disseminated also through the image of the icon of Our Lady of the Burning Bush (Neopalimaya Kupina). Thus, the symbolic and allegorical composition of this icon in its main geometrical details practically repeats Christ in Majesty: a red square (with four evangelists in zoomorphic, apocalyptic images – a human, a lion, a calf, and an eagle), a diagonal cross, a hidden oval, a rhombus (in which the image of the Mother of God (Our Lady) is inscribed, 6 angels in the rhombus). In general, everything is as it should be. Only the geometrical elements are named differently in descriptions, for example, as two four-pointed stars put over each other (a total of eight vertices) or as an eight-pointed star with a truncated lower beam! And the rhombus is, as a rule, green or blue (navy blue) in colour, while the square under it is red, as it should be. In the centre of the composition is the Mother of God (Our Lady), who is holding Baby Christ in her left hand, while in her right hand there is a ladder (sometimes a ladder in such icons touches a shoulder of the Mother of God, and sometimes instead of a ladder a Gate and a rod are drawn as a symbol of the Saviour). All this symbolizes that it is the Mother of God who spiritually elevates humanity “from Earth to Heaven.” Among the images in this icon, there is Archangel Gabriel with a symbol of glad tidings – a branch of lily.


 burning bush


It is no coincidence that Our Lady of the Burning Bush (Neopalimaya Kupina) is associated with the symbol of the immaculate conception of God’s Mother from the Holy Spirit. This is exactly a symbol of what I told you before. God’s Mother is a Conductor of the power of God for every person following the spiritual path; she is the power of God’s Love, with whose help the human Soul is liberated from earthly reincarnations. (AllatRa online version, pages 611-614)


    As we see, symbols of a shell and an eight-pointed star are the symbols of Mary, the one who has brought “Divine Pearls”.


Rigden: …and the real spiritual support is provided to people for salvation of their souls.


    Now you see the whole point about St. James. It’s too coarse substitution to remain unnoticed, and, as I have written above, even those who are yet unfamiliar with the primordial knowledge do notice the substitution and see Mary instead of James.

    It is noteworthy that the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela was constructed approximately at the same time as St. Sophia’s Cathedral in Kiev and, just like St. Sophia’s Cathedral, in the 17-18th centuries was reconstructed or “finished” (it’s hard to say for sure now) in the baroque style.

    At this point the article could have been completed, for it seems everything is clear: Mary was replaced by James with total awareness, and Archons were certainly involved in the substitution, but eventually people forgot the origin, and so now they go cap in hand to James, son of Zebedee. However, this is not all, because Santiago de Compostela is actually not the final point on the route.

    “For some people Santiago de Compostela is not the pilgrimage destination at all. They go farther – to Cape Finisterre on the Atlantic coast.

    Another holy site is located there – Señora da Barca where, according to legend, Virgin Mary moored on a boat to support Apostle James in his feat. Historians believe heathens considered Finisterre to be the end of the earth and the world. By tradition, pilgrims who have reached this place burn their clothes and footwear on the seashore.”


Muxía, La Coruña, Spain

    Muxía is a coastal town and municipality in Spain, located in La Coruña province of the autonomous community of Galicia. The municipality is a part of Finisterre conarca. It occupies an area of 122.10 km² and has a population of 5,423 people. And here it is – Señora da Barca (the Virxe da Barca sanctuary): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virxe_da_Barca_sanctuary


Santuario de la Virgen de la Barca


Santuario de la Virgen de la Barca Santuario de la Virgen de la Barca

Santuario de la Virgen de la Barca

Santuario de la Virgen de la Barca

Santuario de la Virgen de la Barca


    The church was erected in the place of an ancient Celtic sanctuary. Celtic stones lying near the church are called the petrified remains of Virgin Mary’s boat.

    Now I shall try to analyse the point relating to orientation on the route. According to legend, pilgrims oriented themselves by the Milky Way. Let me assume though that ancient pilgrims oriented themselves not by the Milky Way, but rather by the star Sirius.

    About the Milky Way: http://www.krugosvet.ru/node/36982

In the northern hemisphere the best time to observe the Milky Way is around midnight in July, 10 p.m. in August or 8 p.m. in September, when the Northern Cross of the Cygnus constellation is close to zenith. Following the glimmering belt of the Milky Way with our eye to the north or northeast, we pass the Cassiopeia constellation (W-shaped) and move towards the bright Capella star. Farther from Capella we can see how the narrower and less bright section of the Milky Way passes slightly to the east of Orion’s Belt and inclines towards the horizon not far from Sirius – the brightest star in the sky.


    Pilgrims looked at the horizon line and saw one of the brightest stars there – the Sirius star; being guided by it, they followed the needed direction. (This is my assumption only). At that, the Sirius star is associated with another woman who, just like Mary who brought “Divine Pearls”, rendered spiritual help to people in her time. This is Isis.

    I will repeat one more interesting point: “Historians believe heathens considered Finisterre to be the end of the earth and the world. By tradition, pilgrims who have reached this place burn their clothes and footwear on the seashore.”

    That is, ancient pilgrims, being guided by the star, walked to the place which was considered the world’s end and, having arrived there, burned their clothes and footwear. Certainly, this is rites and shaman dances, but any rites and rituals have some meaning behind them.

    In total silence I have reread the preface to the AllatRa book again. It may be considered a separate work of literature with a certain peculiarity, and it’s not subject to any analysis which would be useless. It simply helps to answer the question that is complicated for many, though it is very simple as such: “WHO AM I?”


“But it’s so hard!” cry many people. No, it is not. So many times I’ve put the clothes on. I roamed an endless road with just a staff, feeding the flesh with only what I found. I was a king; for long I ruled over the countless peoples. And every time the clothing would be tight, the clothes would hamper me and hinder me from living. They’d shake with fear and get sick, and, like all others’ at first they’d wish for much until I’d tame them. That wild beast of which the dress is woven fears just its master, just the Soul. But many fear the Soul more than the beast; the Soul that hinders their lives just like the clothing hinders mine. I cannot understand such people. Wasting the whole Eternity on only just one moment? What is the point here? To suffer in the arms of the beast’s skin, to serve the pants decaying day by day. Is life in this? But life is infinite! It has no suffering; it does not tear, for it’s impossible to wear out the Soul. The clothing has no Home; there’s just a closet where it is kept for only a short while. Only the Soul has a true Home. And it’s the Soul that, yearning for Eternity, begets this sense of Home, for which man searches his entire life.”  Rigden Djappo


    From a symbolism perspective, the Way of St. James is the way of Spirit, the human spiritual path on which every person can step and which everyone can cover, somebody faster and somebody slower. If a person has passed the way till its end, at the end he or she stops living by material values, and matter no longer plays a dominate role in his or her life – he / she “burns the clothes” and lives in Spirit. At that, nowadays every person is supported on this way by Mary the Star!




 Virgin Mary, Mother of God

Respuesta  Mensaje 6 de 34 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/08/2022 23:33
The Knights Templar A Brief History The What
The Knights Templar A Brief History The What

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/08/2022 23:57
The Knights Templar in the Golden Age of Spain: Their Hidden History on the  Iberian Peninsula: Atienza, Juan García: 9781594770982: Amazon.com: Books

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/09/2022 23:50
Matthew 27:56 CPDV - Among these were Mary Magdalene and - Biblics

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/12/2022 00:26

El pentágono oscense  la Ciudadela de Jaca

Pues sí, en la provincia de Huesca tenemos nuestro propio Péntagono, pero a diferencia del de EE.UU aquí no se localiza el departamento de Defensa de España (aunque antaño tuvo una función similar) en cambio es todo un espacio dedicado a la historia de este impresionante monumento y ocio para toda la familia con actividades muy muy divertidas.

El Castillo de San Pedro de Jaca, popularmente conocido como Ciudadela de Jaca, es una fortaleza militar construida en el siglo XVI que tiene la consideración de Bien de Interés Cultural, al amparo de lo dispuesto en la Ley 16/1985, de 25 de junio, de Patrimonio Histórico, y Decreto de 22 de abril de 1949.

Esta fortificación, de planta pentagonal, fue construida a finales del siglo XVI (las obras se inician en 1592). Conserva todas y cada una de sus partes características: foso, baluartes, escarpas, cuarteles, polvorines, túneles… además de una hermosa entrada a la que se accede mediante un puente levadizo.

¿Cómo visitar la Ciudadela?

Visita guiada a la Ciudadela de Jaca

Visita con guía los rincones más emblemáticos de la fortaleza de la Ciudadela de Jaca con un recorrido de unos 45 minutos de duración.


General: 6 €
Reducida: 5 €

Más info >

Visita a tu aire la Ciudadela de Jaca

Visita sin guía a la Ciudadela de Jaca, las Salas de Tropas de Montaña, la sala Premios Ejército, la sala de la batalla de Waterloo y las exposiciones temporales.


General: 5 €
Reducida: 4 €

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PACK DE ENTRADA (Ciudadela + Museo)

Visita la Ciudadela (con o sin guía) y el Museo de Miniaturas Militares, Salas de Tropas de Montaña y exposiciones temporales.


General: 8 € sin guía / 9 € con guía
Reducida: 5 € sin guía / 6 € con guía

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Vive una aventura histórica con Pequevisitas. Visita la Ciudadela y el Museo de Miniaturas de una manera didáctica, divertida y autoguiada, a través de dos retos.


General: 3€ (no incluye entrada)
Promoción con ‘Pack de Entrada‘: 2€

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La Memoria de la Piedra

Visita teatralizada a la Ciudadela de Jaca. Un espectáculo que nos remonta a finales del siglo XVI, cuando Felipe II ordenó la construcción de esta fortaleza.


General: 12 €
Reducida: 10 €

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El Legado

Visita teatralizada al Museo de Miniaturas Militares de la Ciudadela de Jaca. Un apasionante viaje a través de 32.000 figuritas, desde las civilizaciones antiguas hasta la actualidad.

Actividad disponible para grupos y bajo demanda.

Más info >


Programa de educación ambiental con los ciervos de la Ciudadela, donde podrás disfrutar de la visita a ciervos de impronta humana, visita a la manada de los ciervos del foso y el visionado de un vídeo explicativo.


6€. Niños a partir de un año

Más info >

Exposición clicks

Exposición temporal de muñecos de playmobil a cargo de AESCLICK, con 8 escenarios representados y más de 8.000 piezas.

Del 5 de noviembre al 16 de febrero.

La entrada incluye la visita a la exposición y al belén monumental.


General: 3€
Reducida: 2€ (menores de 16 años)


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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/12/2022 11:39

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 01/04/2023 13:24

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/12/2023 02:49

Arch of Constantine

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Arch of Constantine
Arch of Constantine
Arch of Constantine is located in Rome
Arch of Constantine
Arch of Constantine
Shown within Augustan Rome
Click on the map for a fullscreen view
Location Regio X Palatium
Coordinates 41°53′23″N 12°29′27″E
Type Triumphal arch
Builder Constantine I
Founded AD 315

The Arch of Constantine (ItalianArco di Costantino) is a triumphal arch in Rome dedicated to the emperor Constantine the Great. The arch was commissioned by the Roman Senate to commemorate Constantine's victory over Maxentius at the Battle of Milvian Bridge in AD 312. Situated between the Colosseum and the Palatine Hill, the arch spans the Via Triumphalis, the route taken by victorious military leaders when they entered the city in a triumphal procession. [a] Dedicated in 315, it is the largest Roman triumphal arch, with overall dimensions of 21 m (69 ft) high, 25.9 m (85 ft) wide and 7.4 m (24 ft) deep.[1] It has three bays, the central one being 11.5 m (38 ft) high and 6.5 m (21 ft) wide and the laterals 7.4 m (24 ft) by 3.4 m (11 ft) each. The arch is constructed of brick-faced concrete covered in marble.

The three bay design with detached columns was first used for the Arch of Septimius Severus in the Roman Forum (which stands at the end of the triumph route) and repeated in several other arches now lost.

Though dedicated to Constantine, much of the sculptural decoration consists of reliefs and statues removed from earlier triumphal monuments dedicated to Trajan (98–117), Hadrian (117–138) and Marcus Aurelius (161–180), with the portrait heads replaced with his own.[2]


The arch, which was constructed between 312 and 315, was dedicated by the Senate to commemorate ten years (a decennia[b]) of Constantine's reign (306–337) and his victory over the then reigning emperor Maxentius (306–312) at the Battle of Milvian Bridge on 28 October 312,[4] as described on its attic inscription,[5] and officially opened on 25 July 315. Not only did the Roman senate give the arch for Constantine's victory, they also were celebrating decennalia: a series of games that happened every decade during the Roman Empire. On these occasions they also said many prayers and renewed both spiritual and mundane vows.[6] However, Constantine had actually entered Rome on 29 October 312, amidst great rejoicing, and the Senate then commissioned the monument.[7] Constantine then left Rome within two months and did not return until 326.[8]

The Arch of Constantine, Rome - painted by Herman van Swanevelt, 17th century

The location, between the Palatine Hill and the Caelian Hill, spanned the ancient route of Roman triumphs (Via triumphalis) at its origin, where it diverged from the Via sacra.[4][9][10] This route was that taken by the emperors when they entered the city in triumph. This route started at the Campus Martius, led through the Circus Maximus, and around the Palatine Hill; immediately after the Arch of Constantine, the procession would turn left at the Meta Sudans and march along the Via sacra to the Forum Romanum and on to the Capitoline Hill, passing through both the Arches of Titus and Septimius Severus.

During the Middle Ages, the Arch of Constantine was incorporated into one of the family strongholds of ancient Rome, as shown in the painting by Herman van Swanevelt, here. Works of restoration were first carried out in the 18th century,[11][c] the last excavations have taken place in the late 1990s, just before the Great Jubilee of 2000. The arch served as the finish line for the marathon athletic event for the 1960 Summer Olympics.

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July 25: Arch of Constantine | FCIT
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St. James

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Ferdinand and Isabella (Profiles in Power) : Edwards, J.: Amazon.de: Bücher
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/04/2024 12:30

Santa María Magdalena, Córdoba

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
St Mary Magdalene Church, Córdoba

Santa María Magdalena (St Mary Magdalene Church) is a church in Córdoba, Spain, built in the Mudejar style. It forms part of the Historic centre of Córdoba, a UNESCO World Heritage site,[1] and is named after Jesus' companion, Mary Magdalene.

The church of Santa Mariá Magdalena was one of the first of 12 churches Fernando III built after conquering Córdoba in 1236. Located in the prosperous neighbourhood of La Magdelena east of the city centre, it served as a model for later churches. It combines the RomanesqueGothic and Mudejar styles of architecture. The main entrance is at the west end of the church below a rose window. The side door on the south side, the oldest in Córdoba, presents an alfiz with decorations of pointed diamonds. The 17th-century tower consists of sections which become narrower towards the top.[2]

While there is little documentary evidence of the history of the church, it is known that its construction was well advanced by the end of the 13th century. Over the years, the building has undergone several transformations. The sacristy is an addition from the early 16th century while plastered ceiling vaults were added in the 18th century, covering the medieval woodwork until they were recently removed.[3]

In 1990, the church was seriously damaged by fire. Thereafter it was no longer used as a church and was deconsecrated. Now owned by the Cajasur bank, it is a venue for concerts and other cultural events.[3]


  1. ^ "Historic Centre of Cordoba". UNESCO. Retrieved 30 December 2013.
  2. ^ "Iglesia de La Magdalena" (in Spanish). Córdoba: ciudad de encuentro. Retrieved 3 January 2014.
  3. Jump up to:a b "Santa María Magdalena: Historia" (in Spanish). Arte en Córdoba. Retrieved 3 January 2014.

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Iglesia de la Magdalena (Córdoba)

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