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Yes, in 1927, the Japanese physicist Hantaro Nagaoka succeeded in making gold by bombarding mercury with neutrons. Unfortunately the gold he made was dangerously radioactive.
It is possible to make stable gold, but only at great expense.
Gold is element 79 in the periodic table. This means that the nucleus of the gold atom contains 79 protons. Various isotopes are known, but only the one containing 118 neutrons is stable. This is known as Gold 197 (79 + 118 = 197). All the others with varying numbers of neutrons are radioactive.
Mercury has 80 protons in its nucleus. It has seven stable isotopes containing 116, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122 and 124 neutrons. The one containing 116 neutrons is known as Mercury 196 (80 + 116 = 196).
If Mercury 196 is bombarded with neutrons - by placing it next to a nuclear reactor for example, sometimes the nucleus absorbs an extra neutron - making Mercury 197, containing 80 protons and 117 neutrons.
Mercury 197 is unstable. From time to time, and entirely spontaneously, one of its protons will undergo epsilon decay - absorbing an electron and producing a neutron and a neutrino. The neutrino flies off, leaving the nucleus with 79 protons and 118 neutrons - Gold 197. Mercury 197 has a half life of 64 hours - meaning every 64 hours half of the Mercury 197 has converted to Gold 197, and after another 64 hours half of the remaining Mercury has converted.
The problems are that Mercury 196 is quite rare - only 0.15% of naturally occuring Mercury is Mercury 196. Irradiating it with neutrons produces other products besides Mercury 197 and separating the Mercury 197, or the Gold 197 is difficult.
All in all it is not an economic way to make gold.
In a similar way, it is also possible to make gold by irradiating element 78 - platinum - but for similar reasons that route is uneconomic also.
https://www.quora.com/Did-someone-ever-figure-out-how-to-make-gold-in-modern-times |
El Milagro de Hiroshima: Jesuitas sobrevivieron a la bomba atómica gracias al Rosario
 Hiroshima después de la bomba. (Foto: Dominio público)
Ante al 76 aniversario de los ataques atómicos a las ciudades japonesas de Hiroshima y Nagasaki, la Iglesia recuerda un episodio documentado por historiadores y médicos que es conocido como el Milagro de Hiroshima.
El 6 de agosto de 1945, fiesta de la Transfiguración, cuatro sacerdotes jesuitas alemanes sobrevivieron al impacto de la bomba nuclear “Little Boy” en Hiroshima durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Los jesuitas Hugo Lassalle, superior en Japón, Hubert Schiffer, Wilhelm Kleinsorge y Hubert Cieslik, se encontraban en la casa parroquial de la iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción, uno de los pocos edificios que resistió a la bomba. En el momento de la explosión, uno de ellos se encontraba celebrando la Eucaristía, otro desayunaba y el resto en las dependencias de la parroquia.
Según escribió el propio P. Hubert Cieslik en su diario, únicamente sufrieron daños menores producto de cristales rotos, pero ninguno a consecuencia de la energía atómica liberada por la bomba.
Los médicos que los atendieron tiempo después les advirtieron que la radiación recibida les produciría lesiones graves, así como enfermedades e incluso una muerte prematura.
El pronóstico nunca se cumplió. No desarrollaron ningún trastorno y en 1976, 31 años después del lanzamiento de la bomba, el P. Schiffer acudió al Congreso Eucarístico de Filadelfia (Estados Unidos) y relató su historia, donde confirmó que los cuatro jesuitas estaban aún vivos y sin ninguna dolencia.
Fueron examinados por decenas de doctores unas 200 veces a lo largo de los años posteriores y no se halló en sus cuerpos rastro alguno de la radiación.
Los cuatro religiosos nunca dudaron de que habían gozado de la protección divina y de intercesión de la Virgen: “Vivíamos el mensaje de Fátima y rezábamos juntos el Rosario todos los días”, explicaron.
Además, el P. Schiffer escribió el libro “El Rosario de Hiroshima” donde narra todo lo que vivió.
Hace unos años, al celebrarse un aniversario más de la bomba de Hiroshima, el Obispo de Niigata, Mons. Tarcisius Isao Kikuchi, difundió un mensaje en el que subrayó que Japón puede contribuir a la paz “no con nuevas armas, sino con sus actividades de nobleza y amplia historia en el crecimiento mundial, de modo particular en las consideradas naciones en vía de desarrollo”.
El Prelado añadió que “con esta contribución al desarrollo, que lleva al pleno respeto y a la realización de la dignidad humana, sería muy apreciado y respetado por la comunidad internacional”. Cada año, del 5 al 15 de agosto, el país celebra una Oración por la Paz.
En Hiroshima y Nagasaki murieron unas 246 mil personas, la mitad en el momento del impacto de las bombas y el resto en las semanas posteriores por los efectos de la radiación.
La bomba de Hiroshima fue arrojada el dia de la Solemnidad de la Transfiguración del Señor y la rendición de Japón ocurrió el 15 de agosto, cuando la Iglesia celebra la Solemnidad de la Asunción de la Virgen María.
Jesuit Fr. Arrupe, who ministered to victims in Hiroshima. on road to canonization
Though originally from Spain, he finished school and was ordained in Kansas, and later found himself in a Japanese prison.Imagine being in a strange land, arrested by security forces and thrown into a cold, dark cell. You are in solitary and do not know what your fate will be. You fear the executioner will be coming for you.
A few frightening days pass, and you hear footsteps approaching. Outside your cell door, muffled voices can be heard. You pray, awaiting death. But it is Christmas Day in the year 1941 in Japan. Instead of gunshots, you hear Christmas carols. You start to cry. The experience fills you with an inner peace and all-consuming love of God that remains with you for the rest of your life.
This was the experience of Pedro Arrupe, a Jesuit ministering in a land at war with the land he’d most recently called home.
Arrupe was born in the Basque region of Spain in 1907. After graduating from high school, he moved to Madrid to attend medical school. He attended Universidad Complutense, where he met the future Nobel Prize winner for medicine, Severo Ocha. After a short time, he joined the Jesuits.
When the Spanish Republican government expelled the Jesuits from Spain, Pedro could no longer pursue his studies for the priesthood. He moved to the Netherlands, then to Belgium, and finally to St. Louis Divinity School in St. Mary’s, Kansas. He was ordained there in 1936. Father Arrupe remained at St. Mary’s and completed his doctorate in Medical Ethics. After receiving his doctorate, he was sent to Japan as a missionary.
Shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor, he was incarcerated. He was released from the Japanese prison 33 days after his arrest. He moved to Nagatsuka, which was on the outskirts of Hiroshima. On August 6, 1945, he heard the sirens blaring as the B-29 bomber got closer and closer.
He was waiting for the all-clear signal when all the windows and doors were blown into his house. Knocked to the floor, Father Pedro was stunned. When he finally stood and looked outside, he saw the city of Hiroshima in flames. He also saw the first of the 200,000 casualties of the bomb.
The priest and his friends had basic food and medical supplies but no anesthetics or modern drugs. Nevertheless, of the 150 people they cared for in their makeshift hospital, only one boy died from the effects of his injuries.
In 1958 Father Arrupe was named first Jesuit provincial for Japan. Soon after, he made a visit to Latin America. He was stunned at the people who were living in such poverty while at the same time having such an intense love and devotion to Jesus.
One particular incident had a profound effect on him. After Mass, a man invited Father Arrupe to his home. It was nothing more than a hovel but the man simply wanted to share the only gift he had. He wanted the priest to watch the sunset with him. Holding hands, they watched the sun disappear from sight. Father reflected, “I have met very few hearts that are so kind.”

Read more: Lithuanian strawberries and goat milk and two lessons in generosity
Father Pedro Arrupe was named Superior General of the Society of Jesus in 1965. It was his mission to guide the community through the changes that followed Vatican II. He had a deep concern and love for the poor, and he wanted to make sure the Jesuits focused on their needs.
His work and influence resulted in a decree from the 32nd General Congregation, called “Our Mission Today: The Service of Faith and the Promotion of Justice.” This was passed in 1975. It guided the Jesuits in practical ways to work with the poor.
This actually resulted in threats against their lives. These threats led to the murder of six priests in El Salvador in 1989. Even that did not deter the order from its commitment to the needy and downtrodden.
Father Arrupe suffered a severe stroke in 1981. He tried to continue on but by 1983 he had to retire. His final message to his community was as follows:
More than ever I find myself in the hands of God. This is what I have wanted all my life from my youth. But now there is a difference; the initiative is entirely with God. It is indeed a profound spiritual experience to know and feel myself so totally in God’s hands.
Father Pedro Arrupe died on February 5, 1991. He was 83 years old. This year, his cause for canonization was officially started and he has been declared a Servant of God.
Servant of God Pedro Arrupe, please pray for us.
https://www.pt.aleteia.org/2018/11/17/jesuit-fr-arrupe-who-ministered-to-victims-in-hiroshima-on-road-to-canonization |
Top 10 Celebrities with Doppelgangers from the Past
Have you ever wondered why someone who lived over 100 years ago looks like your twin? Well, it’s more common than you think, and science has been delving into the doppelganger mystery. So today we give you celebs that share eerily similar mugs with strangers from yesteryear.
The following is a list of today’s well-known, elite celebrities and the mysterious photos unearthed of what seems to be near carbon copies of them from different points in our history. And many of the images are dated well over 100 years. Whether it happens to be a long-lost family member that somehow was knocked out of the family tree or perhaps a more illogical, fantastic reason for the occurrence, we may never know.
Here are 10 crazy occurrences of celebrity doppelgangers.
10 Justin Timberlake/Man in Mugshot

The uncanny resemblance, to say the least, between JT and this man depicted in an image from the 1870s is freakishly similar. There’s no name for this mystery man; however, I’d be willing to bet that they might share the same DNA. Supposedly a miner from Liverpool, this formal photo was his mugshot. I wonder if this criminal was aware that committing crimes was a bad idea because “what goes around, comes around.” As for Justin, he’s avoided the criminal justice system over the years.[1]
9 Nicolas Cage/Civil War Soldier
Nic Cage responds to vampire rumors on Letterman
Our next celebrity look-alike is Nicolas Cage and this dapper gentleman from the 1860s. Like the previous entry, there is no concrete identifying information for the gentleman in the photo, although he is thought to be a Civil War soldier. Other than that, his identity is a big fat unknown. As for Cage, well, there have been rumors about him, including a bizarre theory that he’s a bloodthirsty vamp. I don’t know about all that; however, these two men look shockingly identical to one another. Maybe he is an undead vampire after all![2]
8 Anthony Hopkins/Socrates

This entry on the list is a tad bit different from the others because acclaimed actor Anthony Hopkins resembles a stone bust of the Greek philosophical powerhouse Socrates, who was believed to live somewhere around 467-399 BC. Although he wrote nothing in his life, according to scholars, he is still considered to be one of the greatest, most impactful philosophers in history. In today’s day and age, he would have had TikTok on lock, trending with his different views on various subjects.
You can see these fellas have similar button noses and wild beards. You can see why people tend to make the comparison. I wonder if Anthony Hopkins will ever play this toga-wearing, ancient Greek symbol.[3]
7 Rupert Grint/Sir David Wilkes

This is an unbelievable find! These two men’s facial features are so similar it’s eerie. The man on the left is none other than Rupert Grint, aka Ron Weasley from the Harry Potter movie franchise. The man on the right is Sir David Wilke, a Scottish painter born in the 1780s.
He painted historical scenes and locations from his travels abroad. He was appointed Painter to the King in 1830 and knighted in 1836. I mean, these two guys look like they could be twinning it. It’s a truly incredible resemblance.[4]
6 Charlie Sheen/John Brown

Here is yet another example of the odd occurrence of a doppelganger. This time we are met with Charlie Sheen—everybody’s favorite alcoholic uncle, Charlie Harper, from the sitcom Two and a Half Men and abolitionist John Brown. John Brown was executed for treason after a failed attempt to rescue slaves at Harper’s Ferry in 1879.
Whether you’re a believer in odd and unexplained occurrences or take the more sensible, logical stance, at the very least, seeing how closely matched their features still makes for a pretty interesting blurb.[5]
5 Shia LaBeouf/Albert Einstein

This entry is pretty hard to dismiss as anything other than remarkable. A young Albert Einstein looks like he could be a direct ancestor of Mr. LaBeouf. It may even be something that the scientific community in recent years has said to be more than just a mere coincidence. It’s downright likely that these two men do share the same DNA. Strangely enough, even a superfan of Shia’s thinks he’s the famed physicist—so much so that the actor had to file a restraining order!.
That is one distant relative I wouldn’t mind adding to my family tree. However, those shoes would be some big ones to fill, being that Einstein is only the father of modern physics. I don’t think I could deal with that kind of pressure![6]
4 Christopher Lloyd/John C. Calhoun

Another very interesting facial match that is making people scratch their heads, wondering if perhaps there is a time-traveling DeLorean carting celeb back to the future… because this has time travel written all over it. Back to the Future actor Christopher Lloyd bears a striking resemblance to John C. Calhoun, a vocal statesman from South Carolina. Among many other positions he held, Calhoun was the seventh vice president of the United States (1825–1832).
The side-by-side comparison reveals the number of links between the two, so many to wave off as a strange coincidence… perhaps a distant relative, or, is he in fact, a time traveler?[7]
3 Maggie Gyllenhaal/Rose Wilder Lane

This well-known actress Maggie Gyllenhaal, older sister to heartthrob Jake, has done wonderful things in Hollywood throughout her career. She also has a doppelganger that fought for women’s rights in an era when the idea of activism was, well, less than popular, especially for women in the early 1900s.
Rose Wilder Lane was a leader among her fellow activists in her time. She was a strong supporter and was responsible for helping women win protection over their civil rights from the U.S. government. Lane was considered a respected leader of the Suffrage Movement, which earned American women the right to vote. You go, girl! Lane was also the daughter of author Laura Ingalls Wilder of Little House on the Prairie fame.
As for Maggie, it seems she, too, is a political activist, sharing in the belief that this country is part of a global society and that her parents taught her how important it was to radicalize if necessary, fight for what is right, and stand up for people who don’t have any real representation.[8]
2 Bruce Willis/General Douglas MacArthur

Occupationally, Bruce Willis and General MacArthur are two men who couldn’t be further apart. However, if we’re comparing their grimacing stares, it’s apples to apples all day! Although Bruce has portrayed his fair share of militant characters, he has yet to don the role of General MacArthur, who won several medals for his heroic service in World War II.
There have been other action stars to take on the role, but who knows, maybe you’ll get to see Bruce get his turn to bring this well-known and well-respected man back to life on the silver screen.[9]
1 Jay-Z/1930’s Harlem Man

This photo sparked a rumor that this multi-millionaire, owner of ROC record label, home to high-profile artists like Kanye West, could travel back in time. This rumor spread across the internet due to the mirror-like manner in which the pair of these men look. They seem to share more than just facial expressions, but also the sense of swagger and the posing of their body language.
Like Jay-Z needs to add any more rumors to the list. Over the years, he has picked up quite a few, including that his wife wasn’t pregnant with their daughter Blue to whispers of the couple being wrapped up with secret societies.
This one, however, is a bit more laughable and worthy of poking fun at. As for the man in the photo, not much is known about him, other than he likely lived in or around Harlem, New York, in the 1930s, which is where Jay-Z hails from as well. Is this just a case of coincidence or something sci-fi movies are made of?[10]
https://listverse.com/2022/09/25/top-10-celebrities-with-doppelgangers-from-the-past/ |
Franklin D. Roosevelt at the White House, delivering radio address, 11 September 1941. Note his black armband for his mother’s death four days before (US National Archives: 197058)
https://www.sarahsundin.com/today-in-world-war-ii-history-sept-11-1941/ |
Earth from Space – Arc de Triomphe, Paris
Status Report
May 13, 2022
Arc de Triomphe, Paris.
This striking, high-resolution image of the Arc de Triomphe, in Paris, was captured by Planet SkySat – a fleet of satellites that have just joined ESA’s Third Party Mission Programme in April 2022. The Arc de Triomphe, or in full Arc de Triomphe de l’Étoile, is an iconic symbol of France and one of the world’s best-known commemorative monuments. The triumphal arch was commissioned by Napoleon I in 1806 to celebrate the military achievements of the French armies. Construction of the arch began the following year, on 15 August (Napoleon’s birthday).
The arch stands at the centre of the Place Charles de Gaulle, the meeting point of 12 grand avenues which form a star (or étoile), which is why it is also referred to as the Arch of Triumph of the Star. The arch is 50 m high and 45 m wide.
The names of all French victories and generals are inscribed on the arch’s inner and outer surfaces, while the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier from World War I lies beneath its vault. The tomb’s flame is rekindled every evening as a symbol of the enduring nature of the commemoration and respect shown to those who have fallen in the name of France.
The Arc de Triomphe’s location at the Place Charles de Gaulle places it at the heart of the capital and the western terminus of the Avenue des Champs-Élysées (visible in the bottom-right of the image). Often referred to as the ‘most beautiful avenue in the world’, the Champs-Élysées is known for its theatres, cafés and luxury shops, as the finish of the Tour de France cycling race, as well as for its annual Bastille Day military parade.
This image, captured on 9 April 2022, was provided by Planet SkySat – a fleet of 21 very high-resolution satellites capable of collecting images multiple times during the day. SkySat’s satellite imagery, with 50 cm spatial resolution, is high enough to focus on areas of great interest, identifying objects such as vehicles and shipping containers.
SkySat data, along with PlanetScope (both owned and operated by Planet Labs), serve numerous commercial and governmental applications. These data are now available through ESA’s Third Party Mission programme – enabling researchers, scientists and companies from around the world the ability to access Planet’s high-frequency, high-resolution satellite data for non-commercial use.
Within this programme, Planet joins more than 50 other missions to add near-daily PlanetScope imagery, 50 cm SkySat imagery, and RapidEye archive data to this global network.
Peggy Fischer, Mission Manager for ESA’s Third Party Missions, commented, “We are very pleased to welcome PlanetScope and SkySat to ESA’s Third Party Missions portfolio and to begin the distribution of the Planet data through the ESA Earthnet Programme.
“The high-resolution and high-frequency imagery from these satellite constellations will provide an invaluable resource for the European R&D and applications community, greatly benefiting research and business opportunities across a wide range of sectors.”
To find out more on how to apply to the Earthnet Programme and get started with Planet data, click here.
– Download the full high-resolution image.
https://spaceref.com/earth/earth-from-space-arc-de-triomphe-paris/ |
Allegedly, in the fall of 1943 a U.S. Navy destroyer was made invisible and teleported from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Norfolk, Virginia, in an incident known as the Philadelphia Experiment. Records in the Archives Branch of the Naval History and Heritage Command have been repeatedly searched, but no documents have been located which confirm the event, or any interest by the Navy in attempting such an achievement.
The ship involved in the experiment was supposedly the USS Eldridge. The Archives has reviewed the deck log and war diary from Eldridge's commissioning on 27 August 1943 at the New York Navy Yard through December 1943. The following description of Eldridge's activities are summarized from the ship's war diary. After commissioning, Eldridge remained in New York and in the Long Island Sound until 16 September when it sailed to Bermuda. From 18 September, the ship was in the vicinity of Bermuda undergoing training and sea trials until 15 October when Eldridge left in a convoy for New York where the convoy entered on 18 October. Eldridge remained in New York harbor until 1 November when it was part of the escort for Convoy UGS-23 (New York Section). On 2 November the convoy entered Naval Operating Base, Norfolk. On 3 November, Eldridge and Convoy UGS-23 left for Casablanca where it arrived on 22 November. On 29 November, Eldridge left as one of escorts for Convoy GUS-22 and arrived with the convoy on 17 December at New York harbor. Eldridge remained in New York on availability training and in Block Island Sound until 31 December when it steamed to Norfolk with four other ships. During this time frame, Eldridge was never in Philadelphia.
A copy of Eldridge's complete World War II action report and war diary coverage, including the remarks section of the 1943 deck log, is held by the Archives on microfilm, NRS-1978-26. The original file is held by the National Archives.
Supposedly, the crew of the civilian merchant ship SS Andrew Furuseth observed the arrival via teleportation of the Eldridge into the Norfolk area. Andrew Furuseth's movement report cards are in the Tenth Fleet records in the custody of the Modern Military Branch, National Archives and Records Administration, (8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001), which also has custody of the action reports, war diaries and deck logs of all World War II Navy ships, including Eldridge. The movement report cards list the merchant ship's ports of call, the dates of the visit, and convoy designation, if any. The movement report card shows that Andrew Furuseth left Norfolk with Convoy UGS-15 on 16 August 1943 and arrived at Casablanca on 2 September. The ship left Casablanca on 19 September and arrived off Cape Henry on 4 October. Andrew Furuseth left Norfolk with Convoy UGS-22 on 25 October and arrived at Oran on 12 November. The ship remained in the Mediterranean until it returned with Convoy GUS-25 to Hampton Roads on 17 January 1944. The Archives has a letter from Lieutenant Junior Grade William S. Dodge, USNR, (Ret.), the Master of Andrew Furuseth in 1943, categorically denying that he or his crew observed any unusual event while in Norfolk. Eldridge and Andrew Furuseth were not even in Norfolk at the same time.
The Office of Naval Research (ONR) has stated that the use of force fields to make a ship and her crew invisible does not conform to known physical laws. ONR also claims that Dr. Albert Einstein's Unified Field Theory was never completed. During 1943-1944, Einstein was a part-time consultant with the Navy's Bureau of Ordnance, undertaking theoretical research on explosives and explosions. There is no indication that Einstein was involved in research relevant to invisibility or to teleportation. View ONR's information sheet on the Philadelphia Experiment.
The Philadelphia Experiment has also been called "Project Rainbow." A comprehensive search of the Archives has failed to identify records of a Project Rainbow relating to teleportation or making a ship disappear. In the 1940s, the code name RAINBOW was used to refer to the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis. The RAINBOW plans were the war plans to defeat Italy, Germany and Japan. RAINBOW V, the plan in effect on 7 December 1941 when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, was the plan the U.S. used to fight the Axis powers.
Some researchers have erroneously concluded that degaussing has a connection with making an object invisible. Degaussing is a process in which a system of electrical cables are installed around the circumference of ship's hull, running from bow to stern on both sides. A measured electrical current is passed through these cables to cancel out the ship's magnetic field. Degaussing equipment was installed in the hull of Navy ships and could be turned on whenever the ship was in waters that might contain magnetic mines, usually shallow waters in combat areas. It could be said that degaussing, correctly done, makes a ship "invisible" to the sensors of magnetic mines, but the ship remains visible to the human eye, radar, and underwater listening devices.
After many years of searching, the staff of the Archives and independent researchers have not located any official documents that support the assertion that an invisibility or teleportation experiment involving a Navy ship occurred at Philadelphia or any other location.
https://www.history.navy.mil/research/library/online-reading-room/title-list-alphabetically/p/philadelphia-experiment.html |
11 de agosto de 1943 (miércoles)
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- Al retirarse de la Unión Soviética, Adolf Hitler ordenó la creación del "Muro del Este", una línea de defensa en el lado oriental del Reichskommissariat Ostland , el territorio ocupado por Alemania en Letonia, Lituania y Estonia. [ 25 ]
- Los submarinos alemanes U-468 , U-525 y U-604 se perdieron debido a la acción enemiga en el Océano Atlántico.
- Se estrenó la película de comedia en tecnicolor Heaven Can Wait, protagonizada por Gene Tierney y Don Ameche .
- Nacido:
12 de agosto de 1943 (jueves)
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- Las tropas alemanas evacuaron Sicilia. [ 29 ]
- En un discurso de radio grabado que se transmitió a Filipinas en el aniversario de la ocupación del 12 de agosto de 1898 por los Estados Unidos, el presidente estadounidense Roosevelt dijo que "doy al pueblo filipino mi palabra de que la República de Filipinas se establecerá en el momento en que el poder de nuestros enemigos japoneses sea destruido". Joaquín Elizalde, Comisionado Residente de Filipinas en Washington, dijo a los periodistas que concluyó que Roosevelt quería decir que la independencia llegaría antes de la fecha de independencia programada del 4 de julio de 1946 , aunque eso requeriría una enmienda a la Ley Tydings-McDuffie. [ 33 ] Para cuando se declaró la liberación el 5 de julio de 1945, el tiempo de transición estaría a solo un año de distancia.
- Los combatientes de la resistencia albanesa ejecutaron la emboscada de Kurtës , infligiendo grandes pérdidas a las tropas alemanas.
- El movimiento de resistencia polaco Armia Krajowa (el "Ejército Nacional") llevó a cabo la Operación Góral . En una incursión al mediodía, los hombres de la resistencia tendieron una emboscada a un camión y recuperaron alrededor de 106 millones de zlotys que transportaban en Varsovia las autoridades nazis de ocupación. [ 34 ] La cantidad incautada fue el equivalente en 1943 a 33.000.000 de dólares estadounidenses. [ 35 ]
- La película de terror musical El Fantasma de la Ópera, protagonizada por Nelson Eddy , Susanna Foster y Claude Rains, se estrenó en Los Ángeles.
- Falleció: Bobby Peel , 84 años, jugador de críquet británico
13 de agosto de 1943 (viernes)
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- Después de dos semanas de advertencias a Italia de parte de los aliados de que "el respiro había terminado. El bombardeo de objetivos militares se reanudaría" [ 36 ], los ataques aéreos se reanudaron. La Real Fuerza Aérea británica lanzó toneladas de bombas incendiarias sobre Milán y Turín a primera hora de la mañana, además de realizar el primer bombardeo sobre Berlín desde el 21 de mayo . Poco después de las 11:00 am hora local, los bombarderos estadounidenses comenzaron un ataque aún más duro sobre Roma que el realizado el 19 de julio , y continuaron durante dos horas de bombardeos de precisión sobre los patios ferroviarios de San Lorenzo y Vittorio. [ 37 ] Los bombarderos estadounidenses Liberator atacaron la Austria alemana por primera vez, apuntando a la planta de armas Messerschmitt en Wiener Neustadt al sur de Viena , "demostrando a una Alemania nerviosa por las bombas que prácticamente ningún rincón de su dominio está ahora fuera del alcance de los aviones aliados". [ 38 ]
- El USS John Penn fue torpedeado y hundido por aviones japoneses.
- Falleció: Jakob Gapp , de 46 años, mártir católico romano austríaco, fue ejecutado en la prisión de Plötzensee tras ser declarado culpable de traición al régimen nazi. Recibiría la beatificación el 24 de noviembre de 1996 de manos del Papa Juan Pablo II. [ 39 ]
14 de agosto de 1943 (sábado)
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- Los bombarderos estadounidenses Liberator volaron una distancia récord, recorriendo 2500 millas desde Australia para llevar a cabo el primer bombardeo en la isla de Borneo , atacando las reservas de petróleo japonesas en Balikpapan . [ 40 ]
- Un día después del segundo bombardeo de la capital italiana, Roma fue declarada ciudad abierta por el gobierno italiano, que hizo el anuncio en una emisión de radio de Stetani, la agencia de noticias oficial. El mariscal Pietro Badoglio, el primer ministro italiano , confirmó la decisión más tarde ese mismo día, ofreciendo retirar las defensas de la ciudad, bajo la supervisión de los Aliados, a cambio de que no se produjeran más bombardeos. [ 41 ]
- La batalla de Roosevelt Ridge terminó con victoria aliada.
- La batalla de Belgorod terminó con victoria soviética.
- Se completó la construcción del oleoducto Big Inch , de 2.900 kilómetros de longitud, que abastecía de petróleo directamente desde los yacimientos petrolíferos del este de Texas a los puertos de embarque de la ciudad de Nueva York y Filadelfia. El proyecto había comenzado el 3 de agosto de 1942. [ 42 ]
- El submarino británico Saracen fue dañado por cargas de profundidad de corbetas italianas frente a Bastia , Córcega y hundido para evitar su captura.
- Se estrenó la película de comedia musical This Is the Army, protagonizada por George Murphy , Joan Leslie y Ronald Reagan .
- Nacido: Néstor Cerpa Cartolini , terrorista peruano que lideró el Movimiento Revolucionario Túpac Amaru desde 1985 hasta que fue asesinado en un tiroteo con la policía; en Lima (f. 1997)
15 de agosto de 1943 (domingo)
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- Las tropas estadounidenses y canadienses, preparadas para una fuerte resistencia, invadieron Kiska y se sorprendieron al encontrar la isla desierta. Japón había tomado el control de la isla, parte de Alaska , poco después del ataque de 1941 a Pearl Harbor. [ 43 ] [ 44 ] Aunque no hubo resistencia, cuatro soldados estadounidenses murieron por minas dejadas por los japoneses, y 24 murieron por fuego amigo , "disparados por error por sus propios camaradas en la densa niebla de Kiska". [ 45 ]
- Comenzó la batalla terrestre de Vella Lavella .
- Una unidad polaca del batallón Uderzeniowe Kadrowe llevó a cabo el ataque a Mittenheide .
- Nacimiento: Barbara Bouchet , actriz estadounidense nacida en Alemania, como Barbara Goutscher en Reichenberg , Sudetes, Alemania (ahora Liberec en la República Checa )
16 de agosto de 1943 (lunes)
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- El levantamiento del gueto de Bialystok comenzó poco después de las 10 de la mañana. Las SS alemanas rodearon el gueto judío de la ciudad de Bialystok , en la Polonia ocupada por los alemanes, para iniciar la deportación de miles de residentes a campos de concentración. Cuando comenzó la redada, la fuerza clandestina judía tomó las armas y comenzó a contraatacar. La batalla se prolongó durante cinco días antes de que los alemanes pudieran reprimir la insurrección. La mayoría de los líderes de la revuelta se suicidaron en lugar de ser capturados. [ 46 ]
- Nació: Arlene Render , diplomática estadounidense, en Cleveland
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