Marko Rodin has indeed discovered natures secret about 3,6, and 9.
“We have to cast out all 9’s.” What does that mean? It means that any number that is above the value 9 or one place value is going to be added together to get a single digit.
So this means if we have a number 26, we add 2+6 to get 8, which is its “archetype”. If we do this for all numbers while doubling and halving, we get a pattern.
This. The secret to the Universe is DOUBLING and HALVING.
Let’s double the number 1 and found out what pattern we get.
1 1
2 2
4 4
8 8
16 7 (1+6=7)
32 5 (3+2=5)
64 1 (6+4=10, 1+0=1)
128 2 (1+2+8=11, 1+1=2)
256 4 (2+5+6=13, 1+3=4)
512 8 (5+1+2=8)
1024 7 (1+0+2+4=7)
2048 5 (2+0=4+8=14, 1+4=5)
Actually, every 6 sets repeats into infinity in this way.
You can also do the same by halving, or dividing the 1 into many parts.
Anyway.. there is more, like how 3, 6, and 9 are never present amongst other numbers in the double scheme.
12 (1+2=3)
24 (2+4=6)
48 (4+8=12, 1+2=3)
96 (9+6=15, 1+5=6)
3 and 6’s are constantly oscillating back and forth between each other in the doubling and halving scheme.
Now let’s double 9.
18 (1+8=9)
27 (2+7=9)
36 (3+6=9)
45 (4+5=9)
54 etc. starts over backwards here.
So 9 is the unchanging, unwavering number that never really loses its true identity, even though it is undergoing a constant state changing.
Watch Marko Rodins videos on YouTube and just try to understand what he’s saying. Basically he’s found the math to the real “God Particle” or particle of Spirit, known as Brahman in the Vedas, and he has shown how it can be observed, but not with physical instruments.