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pinterest.com Clock in the Gerard Dou 236 × 180 - 8k - jpg |
cafepress.com Star of David Wall Clock 460 × 460 - 25k - jpg |
mygifto.com JEWISH STAR OF DAVIDTravel 480 × 480 - 46k |
cafepress.com Jewish Green Star of David 460 × 460 - 36k - jpg |
taringa.net pinturas 671 × 399 - 75k - jpg |
redarte.com.ar La Última Cena, Leonardo Da 480 × 360 - 24k - jpg |
youtube.com cena" de Leonardo Da vinci 480 × 360 - 58k - jpg |
taringa.net DA VINCI. 800 × 396 - 47k - jpg |
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Messaggio 6 di 95 di questo argomento |
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Messaggio 7 di 95 di questo argomento |
From: Cajeli (Original message) |
Sent: 27/02/2015 23:23 |
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From: Cajeli |
Sent: 28/02/2015 00:59 |
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Messaggio 8 di 95 di questo argomento |
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Message 57 of 59 on the subject |
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Messaggio 9 di 95 di questo argomento |
Fermentation - nigredo - bread and wine of Christ La vesica piscis (vejiga de pez en latín) es un símbolo hecho con dos círculos del mismo radio que se intersecan de manera que el centro de cada círculo está en la circunferencia del otro. Esta forma se denomina también mandorla (que significa "almendra" en italiano).
Se produce el mismo patron. LA SERPIENTE SE MUERDE LA COLA.
‘True Cross’ Cathedral Lisieux, France
‘True Cross’, Baselique Notre Dame d’Ouvres La Delivrande, France
In churches, the four signs of the Zodiac often reoccur and are associated with ‘Judgment Day’ and the ‘End of Times’
Jesus portrayed at the Last Judgment can often be found in the Tympanium above the entrance of churches and cathedrals. Notice, the lion (Leo) on the left, the bull on the right (Taurus), the angel on the left (Aquarius) and the eagle on the right ( Scorpio).
The four evangelists Luke, John, Mathew and Mark likewise have been associated with these four Zodiac signs as well:
Mark = Scropio (Eagle), Luke = Taurus, John = Leo, Matthew = Aquarius
You can see the Four fixed points the eagle lion water man and bull angels We find them in Ezekiel and in Revelations there are 13 spheres Enoch lived for 365 years before he became the Metraton.....365 = a year In the Southern Jourisdiction of the Scottish Rites the Thirteenth Degree relates to what is called the Royal Arch of Enoch (as in an arch supported by two columns). In this Enoch legend he is instructed to excavate nine chambers featuring nine arches and to hide a white cube bearing a golden triangle inscribed with the name of God. Instead of dealing with the soul's journey alone (as Metatron's Cube appears to) this legend deals with the history of the World/Universe. In Enoch's myth, the cube represents materiality in general (Shekinah), and the golden traingle represents the divine spark inherent in everything. (see Alchemy, Hasidism etc.) The lowest of the nine arcs (ark, arch) in this scheme is the earth. This is the Shekinah story again.Manley Hall suggests that the nine worlds image relates to the nine stages of the Nordic initiation, the chambers where the rites were performed and the nine divisions of their cosmological template. Albert Pike suggests the same thing of the Enoch legend, that it pointed to a rite with nine stages that was performed literally underground, the form of which was related mathematically to their astronomical template. The logic goes like this: We'll form a club based on the nine planetary spheres, there with will be nine degrees to represent the phases of the souls journey. These numbers and ideas will inform our architecture and ceremonies. Underground chambers symbolize the womb, and nine of them would represent the human gestation period, nine months. The legend is an astronomy learning tool fashioned around the story of human reproduction.http://dcsymbols.com/journey/treebook3.htm great article The Great Seal of the US stars above the eagle has a pattern of the Seal of Solomon arranged in rows of 1-4-3-4-1, forming a six-pointed star. The Number thirteen is the arrows and circles(olives) on the leaves
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Messaggio 10 di 95 di questo argomento |
Washington DC y el diseño vial francmasón: brújula, milla real etc.
La brújula de los francmasones está instalada en las avenidas de Washington con su punta en el Capitolio de donde salen dos avenidas en un ángulo de una brújula terminando en otros lugares importantes, la Casa Blanca y el Monumento a Jefferson (17min.57seg.). La distancia de las puntas terminales de la brújula es precisamente una milla real, la milla real de Edimburgo (18min.2seg.).
La milla real de Edimburgo en Washington DC entre la Casa Blanca y el Memorial a Jefferson - Washington DC, la esquema vial con los triángulos que todos están con distancias de la milla real
Y esa milla real es aplicada en Washington DC para 4 sectores por arriba y para 4 sectores en el ancho - formando un hexágono de millas reales (18min.19seg.).
Millas reales en Washington DC: la línea central es: Memorial a Jefferson - Casa Blanca - Casa del Templo (18min.25seg.) Millas reales en Washington DC: Memorial a Jefferson - Pentágono (18min.30seg.)
"Flor de la vida" y el cubo grande en Washington DC Ese esquema de triángulos de millas reales en Washington DC es bien perfecto así se puede hacer una "flor de la vida" con círculos lo que es un símbolo antiguo del mundo, por ejemplo en el templo de Osiris en Egipto (18min.55seg.). También Leonardo da Vinci ha estudiado la "flor de la vida" (19min.10seg.).
Washington DC: el esquema de triángulos es tan perfecto así sale una "flor de la vida" - Washington DC con el esquema de triángulos de millas reales: sale una flor de la vida y un cubo grande con una longitud de arista de 2 millas reales de Edimburgo
El radio polar con 2 millas reales: 1728, 3456La longitud del borde de ese gran cubo en Washington DC es 2 millas reales. El radio polar de la Tierra es 1728x2millas reales=3456 millas reales - "aplicando la milla de real de Edimburgo" ("referenced to the Edinburgh Royal Mile") (19min.42seg.).El código 1728 y hexágonos en Washington DC (Nuevo Jerusalén)El centro de la ciudad de Washington - Washington DC - es un "Nuevo Jerusalén" de la Biblia [de fantasía] que prescribe ese "Nuevo Jerusalén" con 11.000 estadios (furlongs) (así está escrito en la Revelación, capítulo 21, frase 16): [1 estadio=1/8 de una milla internacional - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Furlong - la milla=5,280 pies=1,609.344 metros - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mile]
"Y la ciudad está en un cuadrado, y la longitud es como la altura: y se mide la ciudad con un palo natural, 12.000 estadios[1/2 de una milla]. La longitud y el ancho y la altura son iguales." (original inglés: "And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs [1/8 of a Mile]. The length and the breadth and the hight of it are equal.")
Y eso es exactamente lo que es Washington DC de hoy, su volumen prescribe el territorio de precisamente 1.728 estadios (furlongs) (20min.11seg.), y la estrella hexagrama de 6 puntos [la estrella de Rothschild] encaja precisamente (20min.15seg.). "DC es el Nuevo Jerusalén" ("DC is the New Jerusalem.") (20min.20seg.)La misma pirámide en Jerusalén como en el billete de 1 dólar
Jerusalén, la capital de los diablos sionistas: en el techo de la Corte Suprema hay un pirámide como en el billete de 1 dólar
En la Corte Suprema de Jerusalén de 1992 han instalado una pirámide pequeña en el techo -- la pirámide parece como un símbolo para el "ojo de providencia" (20min.31seg.) -- en las avenidas de Washington DC hay la misma pirámide (20min.34seg.) -- la pirámide parece igual como la pirámide en el billete de 1 dólar (20min.36seg.) [-- también el ángulo de 23,5º de la pirámide del billete de 1 dólar parece bien copiado con la pirámide en Jerusalén en el techo de la Corte Suprema].
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Messaggio 11 di 95 di questo argomento |
Metatron's Cube in the DC Map
If you look back at an image of the tree on the cathedral, you can see that the equilateral triangle that forms the top of the tree there, projects past the edge of the building, to where we don't know; but what that means is there is no way for us to tell, at this time, if the cathedral builders sought to incorporate all of Metatron's Cube in the plan, or not. However, with the DC map, we need not wonder about that.
And you can see (above), one corner of the outer hexagon of Metatron's Cube is marked by the Capitol Building. Below you can see all the elements of the cube spelled out in the map image. The second image below is an undiluted planning map image for comparison, so that you can see which lines are actually represented by streets in the map.
You will want to notice several things about the map cube. First of all the red outer corner opposite to the Capitol (in the northwest) is Georgetown. Secondly, the triangle in the map, that is equilateral in the Cube image, has 52 degree base angles, like the Great Pyramid and the latitude of the Stonehenge. All the elements in the map have been shortened, circles, hexagons, rectangles and pentagons. Not the ellipse below the White House, which results from shortening a circle.
And finally, the bottom half of the DC cube is not symmetrical. As you can see by the blue rectangle above, the CB is located several hundred feet north of the ideal location for the cube. Notice how it's current position puts a "dog leg" in Pennsylvania Avenue. Note also how the extension of New York Avenue, southwest of the White House, does not match the diagonal of the blue rectangle either, as it has been positioned mirroring the alignment of Penn. Ave.
To the southwest of the Capitol, running toward the Jefferson Memorial, Maryland Avenue mirrors Penn. Ave running to the northwest. The extension of Maryland running northeast from the Capitol, does not line up with the other segment, because it mirrors Penn. Ave. running toward the river in the southeast. Had the CB been locate a little bit to the south, all of these alignments would have been different.
The reason for the relocation of the CB can be seen in the topographic image above; the ideal location for the building was on the side of a steep hill. L'Enfant placed it as close as he could to the crest of the hill, a location he called a pedestal waiting for a monument. After he was fired from his position as chief planner, there was mich discussion about moving it to a higher place to the east, 1) because some feared that the foundation would not be safe there, and because, if it were located there, the hills to the east, would impede the view from that direction.
As you can see, even after 200 years of landscaping, there is a steep drop off to the west of the building, which is negotiated by a lengthy set of steps.
http://dcsymbols.com/dc_cathedral/cathedral14.htm |
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Messaggio 12 di 95 di questo argomento |
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Messaggio 13 di 95 di questo argomento |
Ground-plan of the Tabernacle of Israel
In Exodus 25:8 God commands Moses to make a sanctuary for Him.
8 “Then have them make a sanctuary for me, and I will dwell among them. 9 Make this tabernacle and all its furnishings exactly like the pattern I will show you.
It is noteworthy that when we examine the mathematical and geometric pattern God refers to here, it emerges from the sacred measures that Moses got from God by revelation, corresponding to the geometric canon called the Phi ratio or divine proportion. The God-given architectural plan for both the Tabernacle and Temple was designed to embody the framework of the celestial structure of Creation in miniature, on the earthly plane. This view is supported in the following quote from Nigel Pinnock, who details some key elements in the pattern given by God to Moses and David:
The Tabernacle stood inside a court whose geometry was a double square [1 x 2 rectangle], 100 cubits long by 50 cubits wide. Inside the double square enclosure was a triple square 30 cubits long and 10 cubits wide. Its walls were constructed of wooden planks 1.5 cubits wide and 10 cubits high, held in line by strong horizontal bars of wood. The whole structure was covered with skins sewn together in strips 30 cubits long by 4 cubits wide. The Tabernacle was placed in the court towards the west, but with its entrance oriented east-wards, so that according to Josephus: “when the Sun arose it might send its first rays upon it.” The interior of the Tabernacle was divided into two compartments, a scheme which was copied later in the Temple…..The outer compartment called the Holy Place, was a double square 20 by 10 cubits, whilst the inner compartment, the Holy of Holies, comprised a single square. As the height of the Tabernacle’s ceiling was also 10 cubits, the Holy of Holies enclosure was thus a perfect cube (containing the Ark of the Covenant)….The Altar of Sacrifice was the outer equivalent of the Ark of the Covenant. It stood at the center of the outer of the two squares of the enclosure… This altar represented one of the two poles at the center of two squares-each upon its own center of polarity… The dimensions of the Temple, like the Tabernacle before it, were precisely detailed: [I Chron. 28, II Chron. 3]. A triple square double the size of the Tabernacle, and the walls of the Temple were hewn stone lined inside with wood overlaid with gold. The interior comprised a double square rectangular holy place, and a single square Holy of Holies. The interior was 20 cubits high, making the Holy of Holies again, a cubic enclosure. At the very center of the Holy of Holies stood the Ark of the Covenant which formerly had occupied the central point of the of the Tabernacle… The actual entrance to the Temple was 5 cubits in width, and opened from a porch which comprised two squares of 10 x 10 cubits. It was this porch which supported the two pillars….Jachin and Boaz. 1
An example of the geometry for the 1 x 2 golden rectangle referred to above is seen below.
Plate 1. The Golden Ratio Rectangle
Here is a simple way to draw and understand a rectangle using the Golden Ratio:
Draw a square (of size “1”) Place a dot half way along one side Draw a line from that point to an opposite corner (it will be √5/2 in length) Turn that line so that it runs along the square’s side
Then you can extend the square to be a rectangle with the Golden Ratio. This rectangle above shows us a simple formula for the Golden Ratio.
When one side is 1, the other side is:
The square root of 5 is approximately 2.236068, so the Golden Ratio is approximately (1+2.236068)/2 = 3.236068/2 = 1.618034. This is an easy way to calculate phi and related geometry we find in blueprints of the Temple and Tabernacle.
This is a key topic in our study of Biblical Astronomy principles evident in other studies on our [www.try-god.com] website, like The Calendar of the Biblical Patriarchs. This study points out among many other things that the cycles of the Sun and Moon are correlated via the phi ratio [1.618] in the 50-year Jubilee cycle, because there are 618 full moons every 50 solar years. This not only exhibits another phi relation in our solar system, but also links this divine knowledge to the Hebrew calendar as commanded in Levitcus 25. So, God has designed the phi ratio in our solar system, even as He has all the other phi/Fibonacci/ Lucas relations, throughout the Natural World, exhibiting the Creator’s symmetrical Intelligent Design across multi-levels of His Creation. The preponderance of the phi ratio through the Four Kingdoms of Life, is an awesome testimony to the Creator’s Temporal Order. This phi ratio, is arrived at by a scale invariant comparison. The relationship that becomes evident in this comparison is divine, because it is found throughout all levels of the Natural World, including the micro to the macro. In this comparison of the divine proportion, the whole is to the larger as the larger is to the smaller. This relationship is seen in Plate 1 above as the linear Phi ratio divided into the square root of 5/2 and 1/2. As we observe the appearance of the Phi ratio in the Temple and Tabernacle, we also find the examples of the two altars within the courts of the Temple/ Tabernacle pattern as a whole.
These ground plans of the Tabernacle and Temple of Israel depict the heavenly image of eastern access to God’s presence, via the High Priest’s annual ministry behind the veil, in the holiest of all. The pattern of access from the east mentioned above, holds true not only for Solomon’s Temple of the Old Testament, but also remained for the later Temple referred to in Ezekiel 43:1-5. The two celestial poles of the ecliptic / Equator are mirrored terrestrially in the physical counterparts of their altars, in both the holy of holies and the holy place. As Pinnock states, regarding the brazen altar of burnt offering:” This altar represented one of the two poles at the center of two squares -each upon its own center of polarity….”2
This terrestrial arrangement mirrors the Venn Diagram at the North Astronomical pole, [Figure A.]. These two altars illustrate the bipolar structure of the heavens, seen not only in the galactic poles of the two great celestial circles of the ecliptic and the Equator in northern skies, but also in their reflection in the Earth’s magnetic and geographic bipolar system. The interplay between these galactic poles exhibits a precession of the poles, where the pole star receded from Thuban of Draco, to Polaris of Ursa Minor, over the last five thousand years, [as seen above in the banner for this study]. This embodies the shift of spiritual power from the dragon at the North pole to Cepheus the enthroned human king, [Christ at God’s right Hand] with the North Star Polaris under his feet [Eph. 1:19-22] in this precession of spiritual power. Within the common space shared between the poles of these two circles moving in opposite directions, lies the astronomical vesica or Venn Diagram of the North Pole. [Fig. A]
This quote above from Pennick gives us an indication of how the original principles of “sacred geometry” are preserved in the dimensions and measures of the Tabernacle and Temple and the corresponding elements of their walls, furniture, columns, curtains, altars, orientation, and architecture. This divine celestial plan modeled in the Hebrew Temple and Tabernacle, is the foundation of the “sacred geometry” adopted by Freemasons and others before them, who have tainted these truths in the defiled context of mysticism, divorced from their authentic roots in Judaism and the Astronomy of the Biblical Patriarchs. This study endeavors to return the roots of Astronomy to its genuine origins, dispensing with the corrupt astrological influence and heathen mythology of various ancient cultures and secret societies. Figure A illustrates the double square rectangle, based on the phi ratio, that provides key aspects of both the “pattern of the Tabernacle” and Temple of Israel. [Heb. 8:5, Exod. 25:9, 40]
Figure A. The Northern Astronomical Vesica
This view powerfully depicts how the Temple and Tabernacle symbolized God’s celestial design of the heavens, seen in their two altars, mirroring the two poles of the ecliptic and the Celestial Equator. This also agrees with many of the principles seen in the pattern of God’s Intelligent Design inherent in His Creation. Since this God given “pattern of the Tabernacle” is constructed upon the phi ratio also known as the “divine proportion” or the golden section we find definitive Biblical evidence that this universally recognized standard of measure is truly divine in origin, since the dimensions of these sacred architectural structures were given by revelation from God to Moses and King David. By prioritizing a godly view of this evidence, it allows us to catch new glimpses of glories long hidden from the astrologers and empiricists, whose practices for too long have clouded the inherent grandeur of the Creator’s sacred architecture.
Figure B. The Plans of the Hebrew Temple and Tabernacle
Figure A above shows another view of the precession of the poles from the perspective of the interlocking wheels of the ecliptic and Equator, with the fish shaped lozenge of the vesica between them. This “vessel of the fish” is formed from the lozenge of these two inter-locking circles, the center of each located on the perimeter of the other. Archimedes called the formula associated with this, the “Measure of the fish,” and it is also linked to John’s Gospel record in [Jn. 21:11], where the disciples caught 153 fish following Jesus’ directions. Its import to math and geometry was found in the ratio of its height to its length [153:265], and that it represented the nearest whole number approximation of the square root of three, along with controlling ratios of equilateral triangles.3
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Messaggio 14 di 95 di questo argomento |
Also: “Harleston says of Teotihuacan’s builders: ‘When they draw a line, they’re telling you an area. When they draw an area, they’re telling you a volume. When they put volume, they’re telling you time.”
Geodesy and geodetic placement of “sacred sites” of ancient origins has long been affirmatively suspect – especially, the Great Pyramid of Giza. Geodesy involves a fundamental understanding of plane or solid geometry, astronomy relative to latitude and longitude with latitude of more recent vintage since ships-clock (cir. 1540) came into vogue. These geodetic or geometric relationships both on earth and in the heavens are a frequent haunt of pagans and occultists and of novel interest to science – though science with its unfortunate proliferation of skeptic is apt to go off into “metric tangents” and miss out on all the “fun!”“For quite some time researchers have been documenting the astronomical alignments of ancient archaeological and megalithic stone sites all over the world. But discovery of their geodesic alignment has been more recent. Geodesy refers to the theory and practice of surveying to determine the position of specific points on Earth’s surface. It is distinguished from plane surveying in that it deals with areas whose dimensions are so great that the curvature of the Earth must be taken into account. Geometric geodesy involves the creation of a mathematical model of Earth, while physical geodesy studies Earth’s gravity field. The discovery of the precise alignment of Mayan sites along the 90th parallel is significant because it demonstrates that the Maya were aware of Earth’s curvature and knew the advanced formulas used in geodesy.
Note: Carl Munck, archaeocryptographer, introduces an ancient Pyramid Matrix, in which ancient monuments – across the globe – encode their exact positions with respect to latitude and longitude. The science of decoding these monuments is called archaeocryptography. For latitude, ancient monuments were referenced to the same (modern) equator. For longitude, these monuments were referenced to a former Giza, Egypt Prime Meridian – discovered by Munck – that ran from pole to pole across the Great Pyramid.
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Messaggio 15 di 95 di questo argomento |
Busqueda para ETERNIDAD
1. 1 Crónicas 16:36: Bendito sea Jehová Dios de Israel, De ETERNIDAD a ETERNIDAD. Y dijo todo el pueblo, Amén, y alabó a Jehová.
2. Nehemías 9:5: Y dijeron los levitas Jesúa, Cadmiel, Bani, Hasabnías, Serebías, Hodías, Sebanías y Petaías: Levantaos, bendecid a Jehová vuestro Dios desde la ETERNIDAD hasta la ETERNIDAD; y bendígase el nombre tuyo, glorioso y alto sobre toda bendición y alabanza.
3. Salmos 103:17: Mas la misericordia de Jehová es desde la ETERNIDAD y hasta la ETERNIDAD sobre los que le temen,Y su justicia sobre los hijos de los hijos;
4. Salmos 106:48: Bendito Jehová Dios de Israel, Desde la ETERNIDAD y hasta la ETERNIDAD; Y diga todo el pueblo, Amén. Aleluya.
5. Eclesiastés 3:11: Todo lo hizo hermoso en su tiempo; y ha puesto ETERNIDAD en el corazón de ellos, sin que alcance el hombre a entender la obra que ha hecho Dios desde el principio hasta el fin.
6. Isaías 57:15: Porque así dijo el Alto y Sublime, el que habita la ETERNIDAD, y cuyo nombre es el Santo: Yo habito en la altura y la santidad, y con el quebrantado y humilde de espíritu, para hacer vivir el espíritu de los humildes, y para vivificar el corazón de los quebrantados.
9. 2 Pedro 3:18: Antes bien, creced en la gracia y el conocimiento de nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesucristo. A él sea gloria ahora y hasta el día de la ETERNIDAD. Amén.
13. Hebreos 13:8: Jesucristo es el mismo ayer, y hoy, y POR LOS SIGLOS.
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Messaggio 16 di 95 di questo argomento |
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Message 216 of 216 on the subject |
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Messaggio 17 di 95 di questo argomento |
25:1 Respondió Bildad suhita, y dijo: 25:2 El señorío y el temor están con él; El hace paz en sus alturas. 25:3 ¿Tienen sus ejércitos número? ¿Sobre quién no está su luz? 25:4 ¿Cómo, pues, se justificará el hombre para con Dios? ¿Y cómo será limpio el que nace de mujer? 25:5 He aquí que ni aun la misma luna será resplandeciente, Ni las estrellas son limpias delante de sus ojos; 25:6 ¿Cuánto menos el hombre, que es un gusano, Y el hijo de hombre, también gusano?
agujero blanco=hombre=boaz
agujero negro=mujer=jachin
salmo 119 (alfa y el omega)
entre los mismos hay un obvio "agujero de gusano"
el hijo, es el OBVIO "AGUJERO DE GUSANO"
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Messaggio 18 di 95 di questo argomento |
Hace tiempo que no trabajo en el blog, así que reconozco que estoy un poco "perdida". Por esta razón, he decidido comenzar de nuevo la andadura por un tema diferente: el Arca de Noe. Y para ello lo primero será - ¡cómo no!- preguntarnos sobre la etimología del nombre del protagonista: Noe.
Así descubrimos que el nombre de "Noe" o "Noah", deriva del hebreo "Naham", que significa "consolación".
"Y cuando Matusalén hubo escuchado la palabra de su padre Enoc, que había revelado todas las cosas secretas, él regresó y la hizo conocer y le dio a este niño el nombre de Noe, pues él debía consolar la tierra de toda destrucción,"
("Libro de Enoc", Capítulo 107)
Recordemos además, que en este sentido Javier Sierra en su libro "La Cena Secreta", hizo un fantástico descubrimiento al asociar el cuadro de la "La última cena" de Leonardo, con los apodos que Santiago de la Vorágine (1230-1298) en su obra la "Leyenda dorada", le otorga a cada uno de los apóstoles. Gracias a esto se descubre, que las primeras letras de los apodos de los apóstoles, leídas de derecha a izquierda, componen una palabra: "CONSOLAMENTUM".
¿Recuerdan? http://elhilodoradodeariadna.blogspot.com.es/2014/07/cataros.html
Así pues, que muy probablemente exista algún tipo de relación entre el Arca de Noe y la "Última Cena" de Leonardo…¿pero cuál? En este sentido, es muy reveladora la obra de William Stirling llamada "El Cánon". Según esta obra, Josefo habla de la larga vida de Noe y de los Patriarcas, diciendo que:
"Dios les dejaba que vivieran más tiempo, no sólo por su virtud, sino también para que sacaran utilidad a sus descubrimientos astronómicos y geométricos, ya que ellos no hubiesen podido predecirlos con certeza de no vivir 600 años, ya que el año mayor se cumple al cabo de ese número de años normales" (Josefo (L.I, c III)
Como pueden comprobar, el texto es claro al señalar que Noe y los Patriarcas realizaban estudios astronómicos y geométricos. Es más, en el libro de Enoch se dice además...
"En esos días, Noe vió que la Tierra se inclinaba"
un hecho que parece ser una clara referencia, al movimiento de precesión terrestre. Estos y otros indicios, llevaron a William Stirling a asegurar que la figura rectangular del Arca, es un símbolo del tamaño del Eclíptica o de lo que es lo mismo, de...
"la línea curva por donde «transcurre» la Tierra alrededor del Sol, en su «movimiento aparente» visto desde la Tierra."
A continuación, se muestra el gráfico que Stirling incorpora en su obra:
Gracias a este gráfico, comprobamos que en la trayectoria oblicua del Sol, también se representan las Doce Constelaciones del Zodiaco que en anteriores entradas..., hemos relacionado con los Doce Apóstoles. Así, en la "Última Cena" de Leonardo, ya vimos como Cristo representa al Sol y los apóstoles las Doce Constelaciones del Zodiacales... de tal manera que, podemos reproducir la eclíptica de Stirling en la obra de Leonardo de la siguiente manera:
La "consolación" de Noe y el "consolamentum" de la obra de Leonardo, están pues relacionadas, con la astronomía y más concretamente con la eclíptica. Dejemos a un lado la obra de Stirling, y hagamos nuestras propias cábalas comenzando por las medidas del Arca, que según el Génesis son:
" Y de esta manera la harás: de 300 codos la longitud del arca, de 50 codos su anchura, y de 30 codos su altura."
(Gen 6, 15)
De esta forma comprobamos, que la relación entre su longitud y su anchura es de 6 a 1...
300 / 50 = 6
del mismo modo que en el "Hombre de Vitruvio" de Leonardo, su altura es 6 veces su pie.
Y es que estamos ante el Hombre y el Número Perfecto, siendo el 6, el Número bajo el cual se armonizan Hombre y Cosmos.
"De igual modo, el pie es la sexta parte de la altura del hombre, o lo que es lo mismo, sumando 6 veces un pie, delimitaremos la altura del cuerpo; por ello coincidieron en que tal numero -el 6- es el número perfecto, y además observaron que un codo equivale a 6 palmos, o lo que es lo mismo, 24 [6 x 4 ] dedos."
( “Vitruvvii De Architectura” , Vitruvio)
Por eso no debe extrañarnos, que la relación del ancho del Arca con su altura sea precisamente...
50 / 30 = 1´6666
siendo los dos primeros dígitos (1´6), los mismos que componen el Número Áureo ( 1,61803, φ , phi). Esta proporción se encuentra tanto en algunas figuras geométricas, como en la naturaleza, y por tanto, en el Cosmos.Pero es al relacionar el Mito del Arca de Noe con el valor del perímetro terrestre utilizado por los antiguos de 39. 960 Kilómetros, cuando surge la sorpresa. Porque al dividir el valor de los 39.960 Km del Perímetro Terrestre, por los 600 años que tenía Noe cuando dio comienzo el Diluvio, el valor que obtenemos es de...
39.960 / 600 = 66 ' 6
y por tanto, una 1/ 10 parte del Número de la Bestia. http://elhilodoradodeariadna.blogspot.com.es/2014/09/el-numero-de-la-bestia.html
Es más..., si volvemos a leer el anterior párrafo de Josefo, descubriremos que el año mayor astronómico también era de 600 años:
"no hubiesen podido predecirlos con certeza de no vivir 600 años, ya que el año mayor se cumple al cabo de ese número de años normales"
Y es curioso..., muy, muy curioso, porque actualmente..., la Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones ha propuesto añadirle una hora a los relojes atómicos, cada 600 años. Se busca así, evitar la desincronización que gradualmente experimenta el día solar, ya que se ha vuelto más largo a razón de 1,7 ms cada siglo, principalmente debido a la aceleración de marea de la Luna. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segundo_intercalar Así que la pregunta es...¿Es posible que en tiempos de Noe..., ya se tuviera este tipo de conocimiento? Y mi respuesta es... : - Quién sabe tan siquiera..., qué es el tiempo.
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Messaggio 19 di 95 di questo argomento |
Jacobo de la Vorágine (1230-1298) fué un dominico, provincial de Lombardía y, posteriormente, arzobispo de Génova. Redactó una obra, "La Leyenda Dorada", en la que nos cuenta una serie de cosas interesantes acerca de los santos y de los Apóstoles, a los que atribuye unos lemas acordes, al parecer, con su cata dura personal. Su obra influyó poderosmante en las pinturas de carácter reli gios del Renacimiento. Y en ella también nos cuenta que el orígen de la Orden de los dominicos fué creada por Santo Domingo de Guzmán para luchar contra la herejía albigense o cátara. Por lo que se refiere a la calificación de los seguidores de Cristo, la expresa de la siguiente forma: BARTOLOMÉ. "Mirábilis": El prodigioso, por su capacidad para anticipar el futu ro. SANTIAGO EL MENOR. "Venustus": El lleno de gracia, por su gran espiritualidad y parecido con el Maestro. ANDRÉS. "Temperator": El previsor, por su gran prudencia. JUDAS ISCARIOTE. "Nefandus": El abominable por traidor. PEDRO o CEFAS. "Exosus": El que odia, por su abominación hacia los romanos. JUAN. "Mysticus": Conocedor del misterio del secreto mesiánico. TOMÁS. "Litator": El que aplaca a los dioses, y a los hombres. SANTIAGO EL MAYOR: "Oboediens": El obediente y sumiso. FELIPE. "Sapiens": Sabio y amante de los asuntos elevados. MATEO. "Navus": El diligente; siempre dispuesto a echar una mano. JUDAS TADEO. "Occultator": El que oculta, por ser reservado y de pocos pala bras. SIMÓN EL ZELOTE. "Confector": El que lleva a término o remate. Nunca dejó na da a medias.
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Messaggio 20 di 95 di questo argomento |
Por otra parte, lejos de la interpretación del obispo De la Vorágine, existeotra tradición esotérica, citada por Nicolás Sementovsky-Kurilo, que atribuyela semejanza del Colegio Apostólico al Zodíaco. Lo expresa así:JESÚS es el SOL.SIMON es ARIESTADEO es TAUROMATEO es GÉMINISFELIPE es CÁNCERSANTIAGO EL MAYOR es LEOTOMAS es VIRGOJUAN es LIBRAJUDAS es ESCORPIOPEDRO es SAGITARIOANDRÉS es CAPRICORNIOSANTIAGO EL MENOR es ACUARIOBARTOLOMÉ es PISCISEl autor sigue comentando que esta asimilación apostólica a los signos zodiacales se remonta al Egipto faraónico, y a su dios Atón, el cual tenía a su alrededor a doce dioses menores que se encargaban de regir la vida celeste. Naturalmente Atón fué un dios solar que vio a sustituir al consuetudinario Amón-Ra, que era la cabeza del panteón egipcio.
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