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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Missatge original) Enviat: 18/05/2021 10:16

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 15/05/2024 15:30
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Evaluation of Gust and Draft Velocities from Flights of P-61c Airplanes  Within Thunderstorms July 22, 1946 to July 23, 1946 at Orlando, Florida:  Tolefson, H. B., Nasa Technical Reports Server (Ntrs): 9781287268697:  Amazon.com: Books
Just after midday on July 22, 1946, Zionist terrorists, under the leadership of Menachem Begin, set the fuses on bombs planted in the basement of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. At 12:37 a huge explosion ripped through the building, killing 91 people. Among the dead were 25 Britons, 41 Arabs, and 17 Jews.
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 10/06/2024 15:37
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 14/06/2024 12:02
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 17/06/2024 16:38

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 05/08/2024 14:22
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 14/08/2024 03:47

Did Our Lady of Fatima Save President Trump?

During President Donald Trump’s tenure, a statue of Our Lady of Fatima was placed in the White House. The statue was a gift from Fr. Andrew Mahana, a Maronite priest, who also exorcised the White House on January 20, 2017 (inauguration night), according to an article by uCatholic.1 A friend of mine who worked for President Trump said that they referred to the west wing of the White House as the “West Wing Chapel” due to the Marian statue and other religious items.

On May 13, 1981, Pope St. John Paul II survived an assassination attempt. That day was the feast of Our Lady of Fatima, and Pope St. John Paul II himself credited his survival to Our Lady of Fatima. The pope said, “The gunman fired the gun, but Mary guided the bullet;”2 another source stated the pope’s words as, “One hand shot, and other guided the bullet.”3 Exactly one year after being shot, the pope visited the apparition site of Fatima. He placed the bullet in Mary’s crown, saying, “You saved me, you saved me.”

Our Lady of Fatima appeared to three children, St. Jacinta, St. Francisco, and Ven. Sister Lucia, on the 13th of every month from May to October of 1917 in Fatima, Portugal—each time asking for prayer and penance.

Most significantly, however, on July 13, 1917, Our Lady of Fatima revealed the three secrets, including the vision of hell to the children—a most important apparition.

On Saturday, July 13, 2024, President Trump survived an assassination attempt in Butler, PA. This was the 107th anniversary of Our Lady’s appearance at Fatima.

This last July 13th fell on a Saturday—a day which Catholics honor Mary especially.

July 13th is also the feast day of Rosa Mystica, one of Mary’s titles and a recently approved Marian apparition.

Furthermore, one mile away from the grounds on which Trump’s rally was held sits a Catholic Church with a grotto to Our Lady of Fatima—a grotto that we think was facing President Trump at the time.

I believe Our Lady of Fatima saved President Donald Trump’s life. She guided the bullets away from him just as she did for Pope St. John Paul II.

Our Lady is God’s instrument. She plays a special intercessory role to Our Lord, and it was her intercession that helped spare President Trump’s life. Certainly, the prayers of Fr. Jason Charron, a Ukrainian Catholic pastor who gave the benediction before the rally, called down heavenly protection.

Interestingly, President Trump was shot at 6:11 pm EST, which, as someone pointed out to me, could refer to Ephesians 6:11: “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”

President Trump later credited God for saving his life after the attack: “It was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening.” Indeed, God’s armor was surrounding President Trump, especially that of His Mother.

Throughout Salvation History, we have heard stories of the Blessed Mother protecting souls. Souls have survived shipwrecks, fires, wars, and more because of their devotion to Mary. For instance, at the only approved Marian apparition site in the United States, at Our Lady of Champion in Wisconsin, there was one of the deadliest fires in U.S. history. Despite the damage of the fire, it never touched the six acres of land where Mary had appeared twelve years earlier. The visionary, Sr. Adele, and many families prayed the Rosary the entire night of the fire and carried a statue of Mary in procession during their prayer.4

My own grandfather, Albert Vidmar, a member of the 100th infantry, prayed to Our Lady that he would return safely from World War II. Shortly after his prayer, he was hit in his back with shrapnel but survived. He credits Our Lady for getting him home safely. He prayed his Rosary faithfully for the rest of his life.

Even one “Hail Mary” and one look of love at a statue of Our Lady has saved many in the past and can save many today. Our Lady, by virtue of Her Son, promises to shield souls from the greatest of attacks, especially spiritual ones.

On that sunny Saturday evening in Pennsylvania, Our Lady was protecting President Trump and many other souls who could have been killed.

Mary is the Mother of all people, Catholics and non-Catholics. Perhaps someday President Trump will visit the Shrine Our Lady of Fatima with bullets in hand. Perhaps his brush with death will guide him to an even greater conversion and, God willing, someday lead him to the Catholic Church.

For those who hate President Trump, may their hearts be softened by realizing that human life transcends political parties. Every life matters, especially the most vulnerable in the womb. We are all made in the image and likeness of God. This life is passing, and one day there will be no more wars, violence, or political parties. God will be all in all; Jesus Christ will be our King forever should we seek Him now, or Satan will be our slave master forever should we reject the King of Kings.

Let us pray for President Trump’s full recovery and for the bystander who was killed in this senseless tragedy. Let us also pray for God’s mercy to be upon the soul of the perpetrator.

Our Lady of Fatima, intercede for our nation, which is becoming more and more divided. May you help bring an end to abortion and convert the hearts of all sinners. Heal President Trump. Bring all people back to your Son. Restore our great nation so that “In God We Trust.” We ask this through the precious blood of your Son, Jesus, whom this month of July is dedicated to. Amen.

Author’s Note: Mary’s powerful intercession is one of the reasons I wrote a children’s book called, Our Lady of Sorrows: Devotion to Mary’s Seven Sorrows, published by Sophia Institute Press with a foreword and four original prayers for children by exorcist Fr. Chad Ripperger. One of the promises of Our Lady to St. Bridget of Sweden for those who pray seven Hail Mary’s in honor of her Sorrows is as follows: “I will defend them in their spiritual battles with the infernal enemy, and I will protect them at every instant of their lives.” 

Photo by Robert McGowan on Unsplash

1George Ryan, Did You Know? Our Lady of Fatima is Represented at the White House? uCatholic, June 7, 2019, https://ucatholic.com/blog/did-you-know-our-lady-of-fatima-is-represented-at-the-white-house/

2“Eyewitness to May 13, 1981: John Paul II said” “Mary Guided the Bullet” and Then Forgave,”  CNA/Ewtn News, https://www.ncregister.com/news/eyewitness-to-may-13-1981-john-paul-ii-said-mary-guided-the-bullet-and-then-forgave.

3Paul Kengor, May 13 Connects Fatima Apparitions, John Paul II Shooting, National Catholic Register, https://www.ncregister.com/commentaries/may-13-connects-fatima-apparitions-john-paul-ii-shooting.

4More can be found about this apparition in my children’s book: Go and Fear Nothing: The story of Our Lady of Champion by OSV Kids.


Resposta  Missatge 49 de 57 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 14/08/2024 04:13
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 23/08/2024 13:28
Esther 3:13 And the letters were sent by posts into all the king's  provinces, to destroy, to kill, and to cause to perish, all Jews, both  young and old, little children and

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 08/10/2024 15:43
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 11/11/2024 18:19
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 28/01/2025 16:36


You may know Paris for its cathedral Notre-Dame, the Eiffel Tower, its café culture and its amazing museums and art galleries. The French capital is also famous for its fantastic perspective that runs from the Louvre to La Défense. This is the ‘Voie Triomphale’, aka the Historical Axis of Paris.

This line is one of the most prestigious perspectives in the world. In fact, its design has inspired cities such as Buenos Aires, Washington DC, New Delhi and Canberra. In this article, we’ll learn more about the Historical Axis of Paris. We’ll discover the stunning monuments and I reveal to you some stunning facts. 


What is the Historical Axis of Paris?

Glass pyramid and the historical axis of Paris © French MomentsThe glass pyramid and the historical axis of Paris © French Moments

The Historical Axis, also known in French as “Axe Historique”, “Voie Triomphale” or “Voie Royale” is orientated on a 26° angle.

It follows the course of the Sun from its rising in the East to its setting in the West.

Oddly, this angle of orientation is the same as that of Paris’ Notre-Dame Cathedral, some 1,000 metres away from the Louvre Palace.

More than just a series of monuments placed along the axis, it seems that a complex symbolism was at work in the mind of the successive urban planners.

Historical Axis Map © French Moments

The Historical Axis runs through some of Paris’ most celebrated monuments and squares:

Let’s move along the Historical Axis of Paris, from East to West, starting from the Louvre.


The Palace of the Louvre

Historical Axis at the Louvre © French Moments

Today the great perspective starts at the Louvre, immediately beyond the Church of St Germain l’Auxerrois.

The crab-shaped Palace was the main residence of the kings of France until 1682, when Louis XIV, the ‘Sun King’, moved his court to Versailles. It currently houses one of the world’s most wonderful museums in a complex that is known as the “Grand Louvre”.

The Louvre today © French MomentsThe Louvre today © French Moments


The controversial glass pyramid of the Louvre

President François Mitterrand left his mark with his pharaonic project of “Le Grand Louvre”. He wished to complete it for the bicentennial celebration of the French Revolution in 1989. The titanic project comprised of major renovation works and the construction of a new landmark along the Historical Axis: the celebrated (and controversial) Glass Pyramid.

But if you look closer, you’ll notice that the glass pyramid is not aligned with the other monuments on the Historical Axis.

That’s why something had to be added in this vast courtyard of the Louvre…


Resposta  Missatge 54 de 57 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 11/02/2025 17:10
That's right: Sirius rises at 26 degrees south of east, or bearing 116 degrees, from the latitude of Paris, and this is the direction in which the Champs Elysées is aligned.
For anyone that is wondering, the exact alignment between this obelisk and the Arc de Triomphe is 116.00 degrees.

Resposta  Missatge 55 de 57 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 05/03/2025 14:28
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 19/03/2025 18:09
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 20/03/2025 21:34
Naipóri marandu ta'nga rehegua.

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