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Cross pattée – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



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Santa Cruz
Collage de la provincia de Santa Cruz por D2000.png
Desde arriba, de izquierda a derecha: El glaciar Perito Moreno, el cerro Fitz Roy, la cueva de las Manos y las pingüineras de Cabo Vírgenes.

Bandera de la Provincia de Santa Cruz.svg
Escudo de la Provincia de Santa Cruz.svg
Santa Cruz in Argentina (+Falkland hatched).svg
Ubicación de Santa Cruz
Coordenadas 48°49′26″S 69°48′54″OCoordenadas48°49′26″S 69°48′54″O (mapa)
Capital Río Gallegos
 • Población 95 796 (2010).
Idioma oficial Español
 • Otros idiomas Tehuelchemapudungún.
Entidad Provincia
 • País Bandera de Argentina Argentina
H.C. Diputados
Alicia Kirchner (PJ-FpV)
Pablo González (PJ-FpV)
3 escaños
5 escaños
Subdivisiones 7 departamentos
15 municipios1
6 comisiones
6 parajes
1200 estancias
Superficie Puesto 2
 • Total 243 943 km²
 • Media 572 m s. n. m.
Población (2016) Puesto 23
 • Total 338 542 hab.
 • Densidad 1 38 hab/km²
Gentilicio santacruceño/a
PIB (nominal)  
 • Total ARS 37 964 000 000 (2017)3
 • PIB per cápita ARS 115 217,34
IDH (2016) 0,845 (10.º) – Muy Alto
Huso horario UTC−3
ISO 3166-2 AR-Z
% de la superficie argentina 8,77 %
% de la población argentina 0,68 %
Analfabetismo 1,1 % (2010)
Sitio web oficial

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/11/2020 14:16
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/02/2022 00:06
Pin on RIsas de Instagram
El navegante holandés Jacob Roggeveen avistó la isla el 5 de abril de 1722, Domingo de Pascua. No fue el primero, pero su descubrimiento despertó un gran interés entre publicistas, por lo que fue Roggeveen quien dio el nombre a la isla. Al igual que todos los habitantes de la isla, Pakarati también habla español.
La Virgen del Carmen Madre y Reina de Chile - Misioneros Digitales  Católicos MDCEN LA HISTORIA 5 de ABRIL Se descubrió la isla de Pascua - YouTube
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Misterios de la Isla de Pascua
Entra y abrí Tu Mente
Las elecciones federales de Alemania de 1933 tuvieron lugar el 5 de marzo del mencionado año, con el propósito de elegir a los miembros del VIII Reichstag, para el período 1933-1937. Fueron las novenas y últimas elecciones de la República de Weimar, y las primeras desde la llegada al poder del Partido Nacionalsocialista Obrero Alemán o Partido Nazi (NSDAP) con Adolf Hitler. Serían también las últimas elecciones en las que se utilizó el sistema de representación proporcional por listas, y los últimos comicios competitivos que se realizarían en una Alemania unida hasta las elecciones de 1990. Las elecciones fueron adelantadas con el objetivo de dotar al gobierno de Hitler de una mayoría parlamentaria viable para poder gobernar en solitario y poner fin al período de estancamiento parlamentario iniciado en septiembre de 1930, que había llevado a un estado caótico, en el que el presidente Paul von Hindenburg designaba y destituía cancilleres por decreto, perdiendo el Reichstag cada vez más poder.

La atmósfera de incertidumbre que siguió al incendio del Reichstag aseguró muchos votantes para el partido nazi.

Las SA también llevaron a cabo una violenta campaña de terror contra todos y cada uno de los opositores al régimen nazi. Muchos estaban aterrorizados de votar en absoluto, y muchos optaron por votar por el Partido Nazi por temor a su propia seguridad. Las elecciones no fueron ni libres ni justas.

El 5 de marzo de 1933 se llevaron a cabo las elecciones, con una altísima participación del 89%.

Los nazis obtuvieron el 43,9% de los votos, una mejora de casi el 10% con respecto a las elecciones de noviembre anterior. A pesar de esta mejora, los nazis aún no contaban con una mayoría en el Reichstag.

Elecciones federales alemanas de marzo de 1933

←  noviembre 1932 5 de marzo de 1933 noviembre 1933  →

Todos los 647 escaños en el Reichstag
324 escaños necesarios para una mayoría
Registrado 44.685.764 Aumento0,7%
Apagar 39.655.029 (88,7%) Aumento8,1 pp
  Adolf Hitler 1932 (recortado).jpg Ottowelsportait.jpgArthur Crispien en la calle.jpg
WP Hans Vogel.jpg
Ernst Thaelmann 1932.jpg
Líder adolf hitler Otto Wels
Arthur Crispien
Hans Vogel
Ernst Thaelmann
Líder desde 29 de julio de 1921 1919 octubre de 1925
ultimas elecciones 33,1%, 196 escaños 20,4%, 121 escaños 16,9%, 100 escaños
Asientos ganados 288 120 81
cambio de asiento Aumento92 Disminución1 Disminución19
Voto popular 17,277,180 7,181,629 4,848,058
Porcentaje 43,9% 18,3% 12,3%
Columpio Aumento10.8pp Disminución2.1pp Disminución4.6pp

  Ludwig Kaas Konkordatsunterzeichnung mini.jpg AlfredHugenberg1933 (recortado).jpeg Heinrich celebró 102 01176crop.png
Líder Luis Kaas alfred hugenberg Heinrich Held
Fiesta Centrar DNVP BVP
Líder desde septiembre de 1928 1928 27 de junio de 1924
ultimas elecciones 11,9%, 70 escaños 8,3%, 51 escaños 3,1%, 20 escaños
Asientos ganados 73 52 19
cambio de asiento Aumento3 Aumento1 Disminución1
Voto popular 4,424,905 3.136.760 1,073,552
Porcentaje 11,3% 8,0% 2,7%
Columpio Disminución0.6pp Disminución0.3pp Disminución0.4pp

Elecciones federales alemanas, 1933.svg

Canciller antes de las elecciones

Adolf Hitler

Canciller después de la elección

Adolf Hitler

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/10/2022 17:27
St Longinus « See The Holy Land

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/01/2023 00:12
Heinrich Himmler, el nazi que buscó el Santo Grial en Cataluña - Vídeo  Dailymotion

Respuesta  Mensaje 66 de 70 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/05/2023 00:43
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Shop with Me in German Village - Arts & Crafts, Gifts and MORE - Columbus  Ohio - YouTube

German Village

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
German Village
U.S. National Register of Historic Places
U.S. Historic district
German Village 1.jpg
S. 3rd Street in German Village
Interactive map of the neighborhood
Location Columbus, Ohio
Coordinates 39°56′45″N 82°59′34″WCoordinates39°56′45″N 82°59′34″W
Built 1820
Architectural style Italianate
NRHP reference No. 74001490[1] (original)
80002998 (increase)
Significant dates
Added to NRHP December 30, 1974
Boundary increase November 28, 1980

German Village is a historic neighborhood in Columbus, Ohio, just south of the city's downtown. It was settled in the early-to-mid-19th century by a large number of German immigrants, who at one time comprised as much as a third of the city's entire population. It became a city historic district in 1960[2] and was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1974, becoming the list's largest privately funded preservation district,[3] and in 2007, was made a Preserve America Community by the federal government. In 1980, its boundaries increased, and today it is one of the world's premier historic restorations.



In 1796, Congress appropriated the Refugee Lands for Canadian province individuals who had supported the Colonial cause in the American Revolution. By 1802, an American Revolution veteran named John McGowan claimed 328 acres (1.33 km2), most of what would become the German Village. As German immigrants arrived, McGowan sold tracts of land to them. By 1814, a settlement had grown up, originally called "Das Alte Südende" (the Old South End), and German immigrants contributed to building the first statehouse.


Stewart Elementary School, built in 1874

By 1830, massive German immigration to the city had occurred. The most influential German newspaper in 1843 was Der Westbote. Many would serve in the American Civil War, thus gaining the universal respect of the local citizens. By 1865, one-third of Columbus's population was German and the community was flourishing. They built up the local neighborhood, including many businesses, such as Hessenauer Jewelers and Lazarus Department Stores, schools, and churches, such as the Ohio-historic St. Mary's Catholic Church, built in 1865 and adorned with a 197-foot (60 m) steeple in 1893.[4] German-American George J. Karb became mayor of the city, twice, at the end of the 19th century and again in the early 20th century.[5]

During the early 20th century, the south end saw newcomers from eastern Europe aside from German immigrants, resulting in brother neighborhoods such as the Hungarian Village.[6]

The local schools the German immigrants constructed and managed were so superior that English-speaking residents of Columbus chose to attend them, such as one that once stood at Fulton Street east of S. Fourth Street.[5][7]

World War I[edit]

Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker, a World War I hero from the Columbus German-American community

The area was in serious decline throughout the first half of the 20th century, partly due to anti-German sentiment during World War I. During that time, the teaching of German in public schools was banned and German textbooks were burned. German street names were changed, such as Germania Street becoming the present-day Stewart Avenue,[8] and Schiller Park was temporarily renamed Washington Park. The anti-German sentiment fueled by the media was so bad that in 1918, German books were burned on Broad Street and at the foot of the Schiller statue. German canine breeds were taken from their owners and slaughtered, including German Shepherds and Dachshunds. Despite the hatred, the Columbus German American community would produce one of America's finest heroes from the war, Captain Eddie Rickenbacker, for whom Rickenbacker International Airport in southern Columbus is named.

Declared slum[edit]

Further decline occurred later due to the closing of the local breweries during Prohibition. After the war, the south end was zoned for manufacturing, leading to the erosion of the area's residential feel. In World War II, the streetcar tracks and wrought-iron fences were confiscated for the war effort. By the 1950s, the area had become a slum and the city decided to demolish one-third of the neighborhood.[9][10]


Frank Fetch[edit]

With the Village nearing complete destruction, Frank Fetch defied the common wisdom and purchased a house on S. Wall Street, determined to rebuild the neighborhood. Fetch would create the German Village Society. In June 1960, the society hosted the first Haus und Garten Tour, which attracted visitors and the local media to eight restored homes and two gardens. Today, the tour is one of the city's most popular events.[11] Frank Fetch Park was named after him.

Historic preservation[edit]

Concerned citizens managed to save its historic architecture from demolition in the 1960s by lobbying for a local commission, the German Village Commission, to have power over external changes made to buildings and by getting the area listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1975.[11] As of 2009, the German Village Society has over 1,000 preservationists who maintain the historic quality of the buildings and neighborhood, and German Village is considered one of the most desirable areas to live in the city.[12] More than 1,600 buildings have been restored since 1960 and it is credited as one of the world's premiere restoration districts.[13] By the 1980s, the restoration was nearly complete. Today, it is the largest privately funded historic district on the National Register of Historic Places.[3]


The area is mostly a residential neighborhood of sturdy, red-brick homes with wrought iron fences along tree-lined, brick-paved streets.

The German Village Guest House has been recognized as one of the best in the Midwest by the New York PostThe Plain Dealer, and the St. Louis Post Dispatch,[14] and positively reviewed by The Washington Post and The Tennessean.[14] It was rated as the "Best Columbus Hotel 2010" by City Search.[15]

In 2007, German Village was recognized by the White House as a Preserve America Community.[16]


German tradition has long reigned in the community in the form of an annual Oktoberfest festival. It originally took place in Schiller Park and has been held at various locations within the German Village neighborhood. Due to new development in the area, it now takes place at the Ohio State Fairgrounds / Ohio Expo Center. The festival was voted to be canceled in 2009, but the Schmidt (owners and operators of Schmidt's Sausage Haus) and Cox families stepped in to keep it running.[17] A smaller Oktoberfest still goes on in the German Village itself, at the Germania Gesang und Sport Verein (Singing and Sports Club) at 543 South Front Street in the old Schlee Brewmaster's House and outdoor garden.[18]

LGBTQ community[edit]

Although German Village is an eclectic community, the area is known as a residential gay village. While there are no gay establishments within German Village, the neighboring Brewery District and Merion Village have several.



Much of the area in present-day south downtown along I-70 was at one point considered part of German Village, including the Market Exchange District, which has experienced a revival alongside German Village.[19]

German Village is bound by Pearl Street on the west; East Livingston Avenue on the north; Lathrop Street, Brust Street, Grant Avenue, Jaeger Street, and Blackberry Alley on the east; and Nursery Lane on the south. [20]

Parks and landmarks[edit]

Schiller Park, named after Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1805), was once a community meeting ground for German immigrants. It is now the site of recreational facilities, gardens, and an amphitheater that hosts free live performances of Shakespearean plays during the summer months courtesy of Actors' Theatre of Columbus.[21] It is bounded by Jaeger Street and City Park, Reinhard, and Deshler Avenues. It has been the area's center for festivals and neighborhood activities since the 1800s.

The 23-acre park's main entrance, along City Park Avenue, greets visitors with the Huntington Gardens, sponsored by Huntington National Bank and maintained by volunteers, and the Schiller statue. The statue was presented to the park by local residents in 1891. It is a second casting of the statue in Munich, Germany, designed and executed by Max von Widnmann and unveiled on May 9, 1863. The Columbus statue was transported free of charge across the Atlantic. The park is also home to Umbrella Girl, dedicated to the citizens of German Village in October 1996 to replace the missing original sculpture.

The neighborhood's Stewart Alternative Elementary School, was built in 1874. It is one of the oldest remaining school buildings in Columbus, built at the same time as the First and Second Avenue Schools, also still extant.[22]

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 07/01/2024 05:37

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/11/2024 03:45
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John 11 - Holy Bible English - BibleWordings.com
John 11:8 WEB Scriptures Images
John 11:8 "Rabbi," they replied, "the Jews just tried to stone You, and You  are going back there?"
John 11:16 Then Thomas called Didymus said to his fellow disciples, "Let us  also go, so that we may die with Him."
John 11 - Holy Bible English - BibleWordings.com
John 11:9 KJV
Remembering September 11
FORGIVENESS and the Meaning of 9/11 (Sept. 11) - Explaining the Faith -  YouTube
John 11:9 Jesus answered, "Are there not twelve hours of daylight? If  anyone walks in the daytime, he will not stumble, because he sees by the  light of this world.
John 11 - Holy Bible English - BibleWordings.com

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