1917 had 13 full moons, with the first on Monday, January 8, and the last on Friday, December 28. The year also had three lunar eclipses and five supermoons on the calendar. There was a blue moon in September. January, July, and December each had a Total Lunar Eclipse called a Blood Moon.
A full moon occurs in the middle of the lunar month when the Earth is directly between the Sun and the Moon. The Moon appears completely illuminated, giving the phase its name. A synodic month is about 29.53 days on average, resulting in 12 or 13 full moons per calendar year, depending on how the lunar schedule aligns.

Full Moon Calendar 1917
Here is a listing of all the full moon names with dates and times for 1917. All times are in the US Eastern Time Zone.
- Full Wolf Moon: Monday, January 8, 1917, 2:42 am EST
- Full Snow Moon: Tuesday, February 6, 1917, 10:28 pm EST
- Full Worm Moon: Thursday, March 8, 1917, 4:58 pm EST
- Full Pink Moon: Saturday, April 7, 1917, 8:49 am EST
- Full Flower Moon: Sunday, May 6, 1917, 9:43 pm EST
- Full Strawberry Moon: Tuesday, June 5, 1917, 8:06 am EST
- Full Buck Moon: Wednesday, July 4, 1917, 4:40 pm EST (Supermoon)
- Full Sturgeon Moon: Friday, August 3, 1917, 12:10 am EST (Supermoon)
- Full Corn Moon: Saturday, September 1, 1917, 7:28 am EST (Supermoon)
- Blue Harvest Moon: Sunday, September 30, 1917, 3:31 pm EST (Supermoon)
- Full Hunter’s Moon: Tuesday, October 30, 1917, 1:19 am EST (Supermoon)
- Full Beaver Moon: Wednesday, November 28, 1917, 1:41 pm EST
- Full Cold Moon: Friday, December 28, 1917, 4:51 am EST
The dates may shift depending on your location and time zone.
The time represents the moment that the full moon is at its fullest. The moon may appear whole or nearly complete for about a day and a half before and after that time.
Full Moon Names
Each full moon has a traditional name inspired by nature tied to cultural activities that traditionally occurred during the month. The names used today are a combination of sources, including multiple Native American Tribes, Colonial Americans, and names brought to the United States from Europe.
The Harvest Moon is the full moon closest to the Autumn Equinox. It occurs in September in most years, but it shifts to October about every four or five years.

How the Full Moon Impacts Nature
The Moon, in addition to its light at night, has a physical impact of the Moon on the Earth and Nature. Moons’ gravitational pull on the Earth causes the tides to rise and fall, with the most substantial effect at the peak of the full moon.
Blue Moon
In 1917, there was a September Blue Moon on Sunday, September 30, because the month had two full moons.
There are two definitions of blue moons. The most common, and the one you likely know, is when two full moons occur in the same month. The second full moon is typically called a blue moon.
The second definition relates to having an extra full moon on the calendar during a season. When a season has four full moons, the third full moon is also called a blue moon or a seasonal blue moon.
Lunar Eclipses
- January 8, 1917: Total Lunar Eclipse (Blood Moon)
- July 4, 1917: Total Lunar Eclipse (Blood Moon)
- December 28, 1917: Total Lunar Eclipse (Blood Moon)
Equinoxes and Solstices
Below are the dates for the equinoxes and solstices in 1917. None of the equinoxes or solstices fell on the same day as one of the full moons. All four seasons had three full moons, so no seasonal blue moons occurred this year.
The dates of the equinoxes and solstices were:
- Spring Equinox (Vernal): Tuesday, March 20 at 11:39 p.m.
- Summer Solstice: Thursday, June 21 at 7:16 p.m.
- Autumnal Equinox: Sunday, September 23 at 10:02 a.m.
- Winter Solstice: Saturday, December 22 at 4:48 a.m.
Similar Full Moon Calendar Years
The full moon calendar repeats itself approximately every 19 years, with similar dates for each full moon. Because each lunar month is approximately 29.53 days, the full moon cycle time shifts when aligned to the Gregorian calendar. Finding another year within a group of 200 with the exact full moon dates, lunar eclipses, and supermoons is challenging.
Seven full moon cycle years also start on January 8: 1936, 1955, 1974, 1993, 2031, 2077, and 2088.
201 Years of Full Moons (1900 – 2100)
Fullmoonology is a collection of the past and future dates of 2,486 full moons, lunar eclipses, blue moons, and other special moons to help other amateur astronomers discover interesting celestial events.
Full Moon Calendar 1900 to 2100
Future Full Moon Calendars
Full Moon Calendar for 2024
Full Moon Calendar for 2025
Full Moon Calendar for 2026