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Réponse  Message 1 de 10 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (message original) Envoyé: 09/01/2025 06:57
Churchill's D-Day: The British Bulldog's Fateful Hours During the Normandy  Invasion: Packwood, Allen, Dannatt, Richard: 9781635769593:  Books
national winston churchill day Template | PosterMyWall

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Réponse  Message 2 de 10 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 09/01/2025 07:02





➜ CHAR 20/136/4


Dear Winston

I want to ask you one more time not to go to sea on D-Day. I understand why you want to and I want to go myself. But I realise that I can’t. And it’s not fair that you should go if I’m prevented from going.

Another issue is that it’ll be impossible to contact you and we may need you to make an important decision. Also, if you’re on a ship then the commander of that ship will be restricted in what he can do because he’ll be responsible for your safety.

If you went, you’d cause me and your fellow ministers a lot of anxiety.

Your friend
King George


Buckingham Palace
GR- Royal crest/stamp June 2nd 1944

My Dear Winston,

I want to make one more appeal to you not to go to sea on D day. Please consider my own position. I am a younger man than you, I am a sailor, & as king I am the head of all three services. There is nothing I would like better than to go to sea but I have agreed to stay at home; is it fair that you should then do exactly what I should have liked to do myself?

You said yesterday afternoon that it would be a fine thing for the King to lead his troops into battle, as in old days; if the King cannot do this, it does not seem to me right that his Prime Minister should take his place.

Then there is your own position. You will see very little, you will seem a considerable risk, you will be inaccessible at a critical time when vital decisions might have to be taken, & however unobtrusive you may be, your very presence on board is bound to be a very heavy additional responsibility to the Admiral & Captain.

As I said in my previous letter, your being there would add immeasurably to my anxieties, & your going without consulting your colleagues in the Cabinet would put them in a very difficult position which they would justifiably resent.

I ask you most earnestly to consider the whole question again, & not let your personal wishes which I very well understand lead you to depart from your own high standard of duty to the State.

Believe me,

Your very sincere friend,

George R. I. (signed by hand)


A hand-written personal letter from King George VI to Winston Churchill.


This letter is just four days before D-day and follows on from previous discussions and correspondence between Churchill and the King regarding what each should be doing on D-Day.

Churchill was a highly capable war leader. Churchill had also been a soldier in his youth and he’d participated in active and dangerous fighting. He thrived on being in the thick of the action, taking risks, and attached little importance to his personal safety.


Remember, we’re hoping that this source can be useful to us in investigating why Winston Churchill was so worried about the Second Front. Sources usually help historians in two ways:


  1. What does Churchill want to do on D-Day?
  2. What does the King want to do on D-Day?
  3. Why does the King think Churchill shouldn’t go to sea on D-Day?
  4. What arguments does the King use to try to persuade Churchill not to go to sea?


Which of the inferences below can be made from this source?


On a scale of 1-5 how far do you agree that this source supports this inference? Which extract(s) from the source support your argument?
Churchill fully supports D-Day.

Churchill wants the glory of being involved in D-Day.

Churchill was an irresponsible Prime Minister.

The King would be jealous if Churchill went and the king couldn’t.

Churchill didn’t consider or care what his Cabinet colleagues thought about him.

The fact that Churchill didn’t go to sea on D-Day shows that the King had lots of influence over Churchill.


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  • The Prime Minister meets with the monarch at least once a week to discuss issues of state.
  • The King and Prime Minister wrote to each other frequently. Nevertheless, by writing such a long letter by hand (just imagine how long it would have taken the King to write this letter), the King is showing Churchill a) how much he respects him and b) how seriously he would like Churchill to take his argumentsIs the tone of this source friendly? Threatening? Cajoling?
  • What arguments might be effective in persuading Churchill?
  • Why might Churchill [and the King] want to be present at D Day?
  • What does this source tell us about Churchill’s attitude to D Day?
  • What does this source reveal about Churchill as a politician and as a person?

Explore the guide to interpreting telegrams

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Réponse  Message 3 de 10 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 09/01/2025 07:06

V For Victory – the sign which Churchill appropriated from the Belgians

victor de laveleyeWe have all seen photos of Winston Churchill giving his famous ‘V for Victory’ sign during the Second World War, but we actually have Belgian tennis star Victor de Laveleye to thank for this iconic sign. de Laveleye competed in the 1920 and 1924 Olympic Games for Belgium, but he was also a politician who served as Minister of Justice in 1937. As the Germans pushed west in 1940 de Laveleye fled to Britain where he was put in charge of the BBC’s broadcasts to occupied Belgium and soon became the symbol of free Belgians everywhere. On 14th January 1941 Laveleye asked all Belgians to use the letter ‘V’ as a symbol of resistance and a rallying cry to fight the invaders because, he said, ‘V is the first letter of Victoire (victory) in French and Vrijheid (freedom) in Flemish, like the Walloons and the Flemish who today walk hand in hand, two things that are consequences of each other, Victory will give you Freedom’. He went on to say that “the occupier, by seeing this sign, always the same, infinitely repeated, [will] understand that he is surrounded, encircled by an immense crowd of citizens eagerly awaiting his first moment of weakness, watching for his first failure.” The Belgian people willingly adopted the sign and the letter immediately began to appear daubed on walls in Belgium, the Netherlands, Northern France, and other parts of Europe, a symbolic act of defiance against the Nazis.

håkon_7._malt_i_veienResistance graffiti on a road in Norway the V sign cradeling the initials of King Haakon VII

churchill v signWinston Churchill realised how successful this symbol was in uniting people against Hitler’s regime and decided to use it during a speech in July 1941 when he said that ‘The V sign is the symbol of the unconquerable will of the occupied territories and a portent of the fate awaiting Nazi tyranny. So long as the people continue to refuse all collaboration with the invader it is sure that his cause will perish and that Europe will be liberated.” Churchill continued to use the sign as his ‘signature gesture’ for the remainder of the war.

Soon after Churchill’s broadcast Douglas Ritchie at the BBC noticed that the Morse code for V was three dots and a dash ( …_ ) which was the same as the rhythm for the opening of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony, and the BBC used it in its foreign language programmes directed at occupied Europe for the rest of the war. It was not long before the rhythm was used as a symbol of defiance in Europe, one which people could tap out almost anywhere.

In Germany Goebbels, the Nazi Propaganda Minister, was infuriated by the ‘V campaign’, but there was nothing he could do to stop it. He tried to argue that because ‘V’ was the first letter of the German word ‘viktoria’ and the musical representation was from a symphony written by a German composer then it was really a symbol in support of the Nazi’s final victory and was a sign of the conquered population’s support of Hitler, but of course no one believed him. To try to bury the use of the symbol by the resistance the Germans started using the ‘V’ themselves, even the Eiffel tower had a ‘V’ with the slogan ‘Germany is Victorious on All Fronts’ underneath.

the eiffel tower during the nazi occupation, 1940TheEeiffel Tower during the German occupation of France

churchill reverse v sign


When Churchill first used the ‘V’ sign he sometimes did it with palm facing in until it was pointed out to him that this had a rather rude meaning for the working classes; from then on Churchill made a point of holding his hand palm outwards. Of course, the sign appealed to many people precisely because of its ‘double entendre’ meaning – with a simple movement of the wrist they could indicate a belief in victory and also tell Hitler where to go!






America also took the ‘V’ sign to heart and it appeared in numerous places, including on this poster from the War Production Board.







Four years after de Laveleye first urged the use of the ‘V’ sign the Allies finally achieved Victory in Europe, and months later came Victory against Japan, but by that time the iconic Second World War symbol of defiance had become so embedded in the minds of the people that it is still used today.

ve dayThe ground crew of a Lancaster bomber return the ‘V for Victory’ sign projected into the sky by a neighbouring searchlight crew on VE Day.

There are some interesting pictures of the use of the ’V’ sign during the Second World War in this video

Réponse  Message 4 de 10 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 11/01/2025 14:33
Freemasonry - Winston Churchill Atlantic Charter Announcement Great Mason  Member Studholme Lodge # 1591 London Freemasonry Masonic FDC
Famous Freemasons - Winston Churchill - Signature Collection Journal: A  practical Journal for Freemasons featuring famous Freemasons from our past  - 6 ...
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Nazi Persecution of the Freemasons, Winston Churchill & Truman Were  Freemasons | War History Online
Did you know that on this day in 1902, Sir Winston Churchill received the  Master Mason Degree? He was Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in  Studholme Lodge No. 1591
Freemason Winston Churchill: A Life of Controversies and Leadership [5  Minute Recap] - YouTube
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Freemason Winston Churchill Badge One Size Nickel No Gemstone, black : Fashion
7 Masonic Facts About Freemason Winston Churchill - MasonicFind
Winston Churchill - Freemason

Réponse  Message 5 de 10 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 11/01/2025 14:42
Buy The Freemasons: A History of the World's Most Powerful Secret Society  Book Online at Low Prices in India | The Freemasons: A History of the  World's Most Powerful Secret Society Reviews

Réponse  Message 6 de 10 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 13/01/2025 20:09
The Great Pyramid and Jesus - Adept Initiates
Historical Axis at Concorde © French Moments

Réponse  Message 7 de 10 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 14/01/2025 15:03

Enviado: 21/10/2024 10:30
Longview HS Lobo Choir group takes final bow after week in Paris, France
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Respuesta  Mensaje 22 de 22 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/01/2025 11:38
Discover the majestic Place de la Concorde in Paris - French Moments
A Guide to the Historical Axis of Paris - French Moments
Paris - La Tour Eiffel - La Madeleine - L'Arc de Triomphe - Les Invali – JH  Postcards
Rue de Rivoli, Arc de Triomphe, Madeleine...Le Paris de Napoléon
Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile in Paris - fentens Papermodels
Arc de Triomphe in Paris
Arc de Triomphe in Paris
Church of Sainte-Marie-Madeleine in Paris
The Great Pyramid and Jesus - Adept Initiates
Historical Axis at Concorde © French Moments

Réponse  Message 8 de 10 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 14/01/2025 17:17

Batalla de Austerlitz
Tercera Coalición
Parte de guerras napoleónicas

Napoleón en la batalla de Austerlitz, óleo de François Gérard.
Fecha 2 de diciembre de 1805
Lugar Bandera de Imperio austríaco AusterlitzImperio austríaco
(actual Slavkov u BrnaBandera de República Checa República Checa)
Coordenadas 49°07′41″N 16°45′45″E
Resultado Bandera de Francia Decisiva victoria francesa
Bandera de Francia Imperio francés Bandera de Imperio austríaco Imperio austríaco
Bandera de Rusia Imperio ruso
 Napoleón I
Bandera de Francia Jean-Baptiste Bessières
 Francisco I
Bandera de Imperio austríaco Von Weyrother
 Alejandro I
Bandera de Rusia Mijaíl Kutúzov
Fuerzas en combate
Bandera de Francia 72 000N 1 Bandera de Imperio austríacoBandera de Rusia 85 000N 2
1305 muertos,
6940 heridos,
573 capturados,
1 estandarte perdido1
15 000 muertos y heridos,
12 000 capturados,
180 cañones y
50 estandartes perdidos1

Réponse  Message 9 de 10 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 26/01/2025 16:09
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Réponse  Message 10 de 10 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 16/02/2025 16:07

Llama de la Libertad (París)

Llama de la Libertad
País Bandera de Francia Francia
Dirección Plaza Diana
Ubicación París
Coordenadas 48°51′51″N 2°18′03″E
Tipo Escultura
Altura 3,5 m
Materiales Cobre y Oro
La Llama de la Libertad, ofrecida al pueblo francés por donantes de todo el mundo como símbolo de la amistad franco-americana, en la plaza Diana (París).

La Llama de la Libertad (en francésFlamme de la Liberté) de París es una réplica del mismo tamaño de la nueva llama situada en el extremo de la antorcha que lleva en la mano la Estatua de la Libertad de Nueva York desde 1986.1​ El monumento, que tiene aproximadamente 3,5 metros de longitud, es una escultura de una llama de cobre dorado, apoyada en un pedestal de mármol gris y negro. Está situado cerca del extremo norte del puente del Alma, en la plaza Diana, en el distrito 8 de ParísFrancia.2

Fue ofrecida a la ciudad de París en 1989 por el International Herald Tribune en nombre de los donantes, que habían contribuido aproximadamente 400 000 dólares para su realización. Representaba la culminación de las celebraciones de 1987 del periódico por su cien aniversario de la publicación de un periódico en inglés en París. Más importante, la Llama era una muestra de agradecimiento por la restauración de la Estatua de la Libertad realizada tres años antes por dos empresas francesas que hicieron el trabajo artesanal del proyecto: Métalliers Champenois, que hizo el trabajo del bronce, y Gohard Studios, que aplicó el pan de oro. Aunque el regalo a Francia fue motivado por el centenario del periódico, la Llama de la Libertad es un símbolo más general de la amistad que une los dos países, igual que la Estatua de la Libertad cuando fue regalada a los Estados Unidos por Francia.

Este proyecto fue supervisado por el director de la unión de artesanos franceses en aquel momento, Jacques Graindorge. Propuso la instalación de la Llama de la Libertad en una plaza pública llamada Place des États-Unis en el distrito 16, pero el alcalde de París, Jacques Chirac, se opuso a esto. Tras un prolongado período de negociaciones, se decidió que la alama se situaría en una zona abierta cerca de la intersección de la Avenue de New-York y la Place de l'Alma. El monumento fue inaugurado el 10 de mayo de 1989 por Chirac.

En la base del monumento hay una placa conmemorativa que relata la siguiente historia:

"La Llama de la Libertad. Una réplica exacta de la llama de la Estatua de la Libertad ofrecida al pueblo de Francia por donantes de todo el mundo como símbolo de la amistad franco-americana. Con ocasión del centenario del International Herald Tribune, París 1887-1987."

La llama se convirtió en un monumento no oficial de Diana de Gales después de su muerte en 1997 en el túnel bajo el Pont de l'Alma.3​ La llama es una atracción para turistas y seguidores de Diana, quiens pegan pósteres y folletos con material conmemorativo en la base. El antropólogo Guy Lesoeurs dijo que "la mayoría de las personas que vienen aquí piensan que se construyó para ella."2​ La plaza del monumento se llama desde entonces Plaza Diana (París).

El monumento está cerca de la estación del Metro de París llamada Alma-Marceau en la línea 9 y de la estación Pont de l’Alma Línea 'C' del RER, así como por los buses número 42, 63, 72, 80, 92, y los autobuses turísticos Balabus.

El 14 de junio de 2008 se inauguró una nueva Llama de la Libertad, una escultura de Jean Cardot, que también simboliza las relaciones cálidas y respetuosas entre Francia y los Estados Unidos. Fue instalada en los jardines de la Embajada de los Estados Unidos en Francia en la Place de la Concorde, y se inauguró en presencia del Presidente de la República FrancesaNicolas Sarkozy, y el Presidente de los Estados UnidosGeorge W. Bush. Esta nueva llama es la realización de un impulso compartido por el empresario francés Marc Ladreit de Lacharrière, y el embajador estadounidense Craig Roberts Stapleton, y tiene dos inscripciones, una del francés Marqués de La Fayette y otra del estadista americano Benjamin Franklin.

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