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Sunday, 28 April 2024
6:30 |
Departure from the Vatican heliport. |
8:00 |
Landing in the internal square of the Venice Women's Prison on the Island of Giudecca
The Holy Father is received by:
- Patriarch Francesco Moraglia of Venice; - Maria Milano Franco D’Aragona, Superintendent; - Mariagrazia Felicita Bregoli, Director; - Lara Boco, Prison Police Commander.
8:15 |
Internal courtyard of the Prison: MEETING WITH THE INMATES
Address of the Holy Father
Also present: administrative staff, Prison Police, Volunteers.
The Holy Father will personally greet the inmates (approximately 80)
8:45 |
After the meeting in the Courtyard, the Holy Father will go to the Church of La Maddalena (Prison Chapel), where he will be received by His Eminence Cardinal José Tolentino de Mendonça, prefect of the Dicastery for Culture and Education, curator of the Holy See Pavilion at the Venice Art Biennale. |
9:00 |
Church of La Maddalena: MEETING WITH ARTISTS
- Greeting from Cardinal José Tolentino de Mendonça.
Address of the Holy Father
The Holy Father will greet the Authorities and the Artists participating in the Exhibition.
9:30 |
The Holy Father will leave the Island of Giudecca and will proceed to the Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute by motorboat. |
10:00 |
Square in front of the Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute: MEETING WITH YOUNG PEOPLE
Address of the Holy Father
To be attended by young people from Venice and the dioceses of the Veneto region.
10:30 |
After his address, accompanied by a delegation of young people, the Holy Father will cross the bridge connecting with Saint Mark’s Square.
At the entrance to Saint Mark’s Square, the Holy Father will be received by:
- The Honorable Luca Zaia, president of the Veneto Region; - Dr. Darco Pellos, prefect of Venice; - Dr. Luigi Brugnaro, mayor of Venice.
11:00 |
Homily of the Holy Father
Regina caeli
At the end of Holy Mass, thanks will be given by Patriarch Francesco Moraglia of Venice.
12:30 |
At the end of the Eucharistic Celebration, the Holy Father will enter Saint Mark’s Basilica privately to venerate the relics of the Saint; he will then board the motorboat and proceed to the heliport of the “F. Morosini” Naval College at Sant’Elena.
The Holy Father will take leave of the civil and religious authorities who received him.
13:00 |
Departure from Venice. |
14:30 |
Arrival at the Vatican heliport. |
Holy See Press Office Bulletin, 25 March 2024
- " He [Doc] took his first real look at the woman he had saved. / "Thank you, sir," she began, as she turned her face to look up at him. / And what a face. Doc stopped breathing all over again. Her face had been hidden in shadow before, framed by that attractive bonnet. But then she smiled. / And what a smile. Doc thought it was like looking at the sun for the first time. / "—you saved my—" She paused as she, too, really looked at Doc. / She sighed the sweetest sigh Doc had ever heard. "—life," she concluded. / And what wonderful features surrounded that smile! That pert nose, that strong chin, those deep, large brown eyes that a man could get lost in — Doc sighed, then realized that, perhaps, he should say something in return. "
- —From Back to the Future Part III by Craig Shaw Gardner (quote, pages 98 and 99)
- "Clara was one in a million... One in a billion... One in a googolplex... The woman of my dreams, and I've lost her for all time."
- —Doc Brown
Clara Clayton-Brown is the tritagonist of the Back to the Future franchise, serving as the deuteragonist of Back to the Future Part III and the tritagonist of Back to the Future: The Animated Series. She was a schoolteacher, living and working in the schoolhouse outside Hill Valley in 1885. She met Dr. Emmett Brown and Marty McFly by chance when she was about to fall over Shonash Ravine.
Clara was a very independent woman and did not take much fuss from anyone, especially Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen. Clara did not like being lied to and believed that people should tell the truth. She often saved the day after coming up with ideas, she did however try and take actions that helped her or other people avoid dangerous situations in the first place.
Clara was a very intelligent woman. Like Doc, her favorite author was Jules Verne, and she was very interested in astronomy and science. One of her favorite possessions was her telescope, which she often used to look at the Moon and the stars; she also appeared to know where a lot of the constellations were. Clara was a thinker and most of the time thought things through. If she believed something to be too "wacky" or too fantastic to be believed, she would not believe it (such as when Doc tried telling her about the time machine); this, after her marriage to Doc, changed.
![Regreso Al Fururo III (Back To The Future III) [1990] –, 40% OFF](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BYzgzMDc2YjQtOWM1OS00ZjhhLWJiNjQtMzE3ZTY4MTZiY2ViXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDQ0MTYzMDA@._V1_.jpg)
And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. (Matthew 2:11, ESV)
VIDEO | 22 de Julio de 1947: Evita es recibida por Vicent Auriol, el presidente de Francia
Tuvo una agenda bastante apretada, con importantes reuniones para firmar acuerdos internacionales.
La “Gira del Arco Iris” de Evita por Europa y Sudamérica se realizó con el objetivo de fortalecer relaciones en el exterior, en un contexto de post Segunda Guerra Mundial. La primera dama fue enviada por Juan Domingo Perón para representar al gobierno peronista y al país. En primer lugar, llegó a España, donde se entrevistó con el general Francisco Franco y miles de españoles se rindieron a sus pies. Después se instaló en Italia, Portugal, Francia, Suiza, Mónaco, el Vaticano, Brasil y Uruguay.
El 22 de julio de 1947, la “abanderada de los humildes” llegó a Paris. Fue recibida por Georges Bidault, ministro de Exteriores francés. Además, la esperaba un grupo de mujeres y de niños que se mezclaban con las banderas de Argentina y de Francia. Las autoridades de la capital del país galo pusieron a disposición de Eva el automóvil del general Charles De Gaulle, un honor que hasta el momento sólo se había reservado para el primer ministro británico Winston Churchill. Con ese rodado, la oriunda de Los Toldos conoció la catedral de Notre Dame.
Evita ingresó a Notre Dame y se entrevistó con el monseñor Roncalli, quien en 1958 se convertiría en Papa y recibiría la denominación de Juan XXIII. Fuentes cercanas a la primera dama, sostienen que durante la entrevista que tuvieron, la joven argentina de 27 años le explicó la idea de realizar una fundación de ayuda social (la cual crearía al regresar al país) y recibió como respuesta: “Le recomiendo dos cosas: que prescinda por completo de todo papelerío burocrático, y que se consagre sin límites a su tarea”. Ambas las cumplió con excelencia.
Durante el tiempo en Francia, Evita estuvo hospedada en el Hotel Ritz. Tuvo una agenda bastante cargada de reuniones para firmar acuerdos internacionales. Uno de ellos fue con el presidente Vincent Auriol, con quien firmó un tratado que incluía el intercambio en particular de cuero, carne, cereales, aceites, y quebracho a cambio de acero, automóviles, diversos productos mecánicos, y en particular máquinas textiles, productos químicos.
“En su entrevista con el ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Georges Bidault, uno de los principales dirigentes de la resistencia interior a la ocupación alemana, Evita le planteó que era muy desagradable que Francia, país amigo de la Argentina, tuviera una calle en París y una estación del Métropolitain que se llamara Obligado, por la batalla de la Vuelta de Obligado. Le recordó que la Escuadra naval anglofrancesa había logrado ganar la batalla, pero había pedido la guerra. Y le pidió que le cambiaran el nombre.
Dos días después, cuando se firmaban los acuerdos comerciales por los cuales la Argentina otorgaba a Francia un crédito para compras de cereales de 200 millones de dólares, el presidente Vincent Auriol le comunicó que en aras de la renovada amistad franco argentina serían cambiados los nombres de la estación del Métropolitain y de la calle”. De esta manera, la calle Vuelta de Obligado pasó a denominarse “d’Argentine”. Evita, una luz en la historia argentina que dejó su rastro en París.
https://www.agencianova.com/nota.asp?n=2022_7_24&id=112712&id_tiponota=81 |
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