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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 17/10/2017 15:09
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 02/05/2016 14:28
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Calendario Lunar Julio de 1969 - Fases Lunares
File:La Luna del Apollo 11 - 20.07.1969.png - Wikimedia Commons
De la Tierra a la Luna: de la novela de Julio Verne a la odisea del Apolo  11 | Perfil
Fases de la luna hemisferio sur | Caracteristicas de la luna, Luna  menguante, Fases de la luna

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US Dollar
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José Smith: Un Veradero Profeta de Dios: Dios Habla con Profetas en la  Actualidad (Las Doctrinas Fundamentales Mormones (Key Mormon Doctrines  Explained) nº 2) (Spanish Edition) eBook : Crowther, Duane S: Amazon.in:
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Astronomical alignment[edit]

Looking east through nave on 23 June 1976, two days after the summer solstice Mary Magdalene's relics in the crypt

In 1976, Hugues Delautre, one of the Franciscan fathers charged with stewardship of the Vézelay sanctuary, discovered that beyond the customary east-west orientation of the structure, the architecture of La Madeleine incorporates the relative positions of the Earth and the Sun into its design. Every June, just before the feast day of Saint John the Baptist, the astronomical dimensions of the church are revealed as the sun reaches its highest point of the year, at local noon on the summer solstice, when the sunlight coming through the southern clerestory windows casts a series of illuminated spots precisely along the longitudinal center of the nave floor.[13][14][15][16][17]

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St. Mary Magdalene
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Calendario Lunar Julio de 1969 - Fases Lunares
File:La Luna del Apollo 11 - 20.07.1969.png - Wikimedia Commons
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/04/2024 10:58

Sabias Que?


sabiasqueSegún “La Leyenda dorada”, escrita en 1276, por el dominico italiano, Jacques de la Vorágine, María Magdalena era hija de Siro y Eucaria, una familia que descendía de reyes.

Su verdadero nombre era Myriam, María en hebreo. Para algunos  es de origen egipcio, en ese caso significaría “amada de Dios.” Para otros significa: mar amargo, iluminada o iluminadora.

Magdalena o Magdala es un sobrenombre, según algunos es una derivación del sustantivo arameo  Migdal (torre). Para otros, deriva del griego Magdalini, basándose en que los evangelios canónicos se transmitieron en esa lengua.

Para varios historiadores, la Magdalena descendía de la tribu de Benjamín, una de las doce tribus de Israel.

La fecha del 22 de julio, aparece en el martirologio anglosajón del monje Oengo, como: La Sagrada Natividad de María Magdalena. Y el 28 de marzo como: La Fiesta de su Conversión a Cristo.

En el siglo III, Hipólito, obispo de Roma, le otorga el título de Apostola Apostolorum  (Apóstol de los apóstoles). Para él es la “Nueva  Eva”, por la que la iglesia de los judíos, representada por la primera Eva, es ahora superada y glorificada por la Iglesia de Cristo, encarnada en Santa María Magdalena.

Los colores litúrgicos de su festividad son el blanco y el oro, como símbolo de los contemplativos.

Se cree que Juan el Bautista, comenzó su predicación en Betania, el pueblo de Marta, María y Lázaro.

Magdala, era una ciudad situada a los pies lago Tiberíades o mar de Galilea, que también era conocida por los nombres de Tariquea (que significa “pesca salada” en griego) o Dalmanuta y Gabara. En ella existían hasta ochenta hilaturas de lana fina. Era una de las tres ciudades de Galilea que aportaba una mayor contribución al Templo, hasta tres carros llenos.

Algunos historiadores, afirman que seis días antes de la Última Cena, María de Magdala ungió a Jesús en Betania. Para Mateo y Marcos esto ocurrió sólo dos días antes.

Según varios estudiosos, la Magdalena estuvo presente en el juicio a Jesús.

Según “La Contemplación” en el hogar de María de Magdala se reunieron la Virgen y las otras mujeres durante la flagelación de Cristo.

La “tradición occidental” afirma que la Magdalena llegó en una pequeña nao, junto con sus hermanos y otros cristianos, a las costas de Francia. Concretamente a un pequeño pueblo, llamado hoy “Les Saintes Maries de la Mer”, hacia el año 40 del s.I.

Si alzamos una línea recta imaginaria hacia el cielo, desde las catedrales de Francia junto a la Basílica de La Magdalena, en Vézelay, entre todas forman la conjunción de Virgo, dedicada a la Virgen María.

Desde el siglo IV hasta el siglo XIII, la comunidad religiosa de los casianistas – fundada por el presbítero Casiano-, fueron los custodios de las reliquias de la  Santa, conservadas en la cripta de San Víctor. Hoy se encuentran en San Maximino (Aix -en Provence, Francia) dentro de una gran urna rematada con una escultura de bronce que representa a la Magdalena en éxtasis, obra de Alessandro Algardi.

Tras la invasión de Francia por los sarracenos en el siglo VIII, las reliquias de la Santa reaparecen el 4 de Diciembre de 1279, en la cripta de San Maximino.

En el medioevo comienza a ser representada con el tarro o alabastrorum, que significa el Eterno Femenino, el contenedor de la vida y la muerte. Anteriormente era representada con los clavos de la cruz de Cristo en sus manos, popularmente llamada “la Virgen de los clavos”.

Se dice que el tarro con que ungió a Cristo estuvo en la iglesia de San Víctor, en Marsella, según testimonio de Silvestro de Prierio en 1497. El monasterio de Saint Sever en Las Landas, afirmaba poseer parte del ungüento.

San Anselmo de Canterbury, en 1081, le dedica oración lírica.

En el 1103 el papa Pascual II, promulga una bula por la que autoriza la romería en su honor en Vézelay, y estimula al pueblo para aumentar la devoción a la Santa.

San Jerónimo le atribuye el epíteto “fortificada con torres”.

El 6 de marzo de 1058, el papa Etienne IX promulga una bula, donde afirma que el cuerpo de  Santa María Magdalena, reposa en la abadía de Vézelay (Borgoña, Francia).

El santuario occidental más antiguo – de finales del siglo X- erigido en honor a la Santa, fue el de Halberstadt, en Alemania. En 1205 el obispo de ese lugar, Conrad de Krosik, regresó de la Cuarta cruzada y trajo consigo diferentes reliquias, entre ellas parte del cráneo de María Magdalena. La llegada de la reliquia se celebra el 17 de agosto.

Hacia 1155 la familia Baffo o Baffa decía poseer un dedo de la Santa y mandó construir en Canaregio, la primera iglesia veneciana, en su honor, para albergar la reliquia. La iglesia se llamaba “Santa María Maddalena Penitente”. Más tarde, en el siglo XVI, fue decorada con cuadros de Tintoretto. Según el historiador de la época, Francisco Sansovino, era la última iglesia que se visitaba durante las celebraciones del Viernes Santo.

A principios del siglo XII se le dedicó una iglesia en Jerusalén, situada en el barrio judío. Se menciona otra iglesia en su honor hacia el 1101-1102 en Ascalón. También existía en Jerusalén un convento dedicado a la Santa donde se alojaban peregrinas, hacia el siglo XII.

Bernardo de Claraval, (San Bernardo) define las reglas de la Orden de los templarios, en ellas encomienda obediencia a Betania, al castillo de Marta y María.

Tras el mandato de disolución de la Orden templaria, algunos de ellos se hallaban cautivos en el Rosellón. Fueron castigados el día 22 de julio de 1307, festividad de Santa María Magdalena.

San Bernardo llegó a escribir hasta noventa sermones acerca del Cantar de los Cantares, una de las lecturas litúrgicas de la festividad de Santa María Magdalena.

San Bernardo, el 31 de marzo de 1146, predicó la Segunda cruzada en la Magdalena de Vézelay, delante del rey Luis VII y su esposa Leonor de Aquitania, los condes de Dreux, de Flandes, de Toulouse y de NeversAños despuésen 1190,  Ricardo Corazón de León (hijo de Leonor de Aquitania y de Enrique II de Inglaterra) y Felipe Augusto se reunieron en el mismo lugar para disponer la Tercera cruzada.

En el año 1183 Felipe Augusto, expulsó a los judíos de París, y trasformó su sinagoga en una iglesia en honor La Magdalena. Estaba situada en la rue de Juiverie. Hoy no existe, en su lugar hay un hotel.

San Luis, rey de Francia, acude a la Sainte- Baume en 1254. En ella se cree que La Magdalena vivió durante diecisiete años. Antes de partir hacia Tierra Santa, en 1267, el rey acudió a Vézeley, para pedir protección a la Santa.

En Francia durante la Edad Media, se celebraba el traslado de sus reliquias desde la Provenza a Vézelay. Allí se festejaba, el 19 de marzo, y en la Provenza el 5 de mayo.

La iglesia de San Maximino de Provenza, guarda los cabellos de la Magdalena, en un relicario, dentro de un vaso de cristal. Esta reliquia atrae la devoción de los fieles. Su largura y su color- rubio tostado- inspiraron durante siglos su iconografía.

Leonor de Aquitania se retiró a la abadía de Fontevrault (Orleáns, Francia) fundada el 15 de abril de 1113, por Luis VI le Gros -cuya patrona era Santa María Magdalena. El 10 de abril de 1257, el papa Alejandro IV concede cuarenta horas de indulgencia, a las personas que visiten la iglesia y el hospicio de Fontevrault, el 22 de julio, festividad de Santa María Magdalena.

A partir del siglo XIII los reyes franceses fueron los patronos de la iglesia de San Maximino donde estaban las reliquias de la Santa. En ese mismo siglo fundaron el Convento Real bajo los cuidados de los dominicos. Ya en el siglo XIX el padre Lacordaire, reinstalo -tras años de ausencia- a los Hijos de Santo Domingo como la escolta de honor de la Magdalena.

Rodolfo de Worms fundó 1224 la Orden  especial de penitentes de Santa María Magdalena. Aprobada por el papa Gregorio IX en 1227. Regla agustiniana; vestían hábito blanco. Se las denominaba Weissfrauen, Dames Blanches, o Damas Blancas. A partir de ahí nacieron más de cuarenta conventos en Alemania.

Durante el primer tercio del siglo XIII, el duque Adolfo de Slesvig-Holstein funda en Hamburgo, un convento dedicado a la Santa. Entrará en él como monje en 1239, y vivió allí hasta su muerte en 1261.

Hacia 1230-1306 el franciscano italiano, Jacopone da Todi, le compone un himno, donde María Magdalena se convierte en el consuelo de la Virgen.

Petrarca, entre 1330-1353, la describe como la Dulcis amica Dei (dulce amiga de Dios).

En 1328, Pierre Causit  funda en Montpellier (Francia) un hospital cuya patrona es Santa María Magdalena.

Durante el siglo XIII la abadía de San Millán de la Cogolla (La Rioja), poseía varias reliquias de la Santa.

El libro de horas de Carlos VIII de Francia (1470-1498) contiene una miniatura que representa al Rey de rodillas, mientras La Magdalena le presenta ante Cristo.

A finales del siglo XIII, Charles de Salerne, graba su nombre en la chsse (relicario) que guarda las reliquias de la Santa, cincelado a mano y ornamentado en diamantes y zafiros.

La metáfora de Cristo como un jardinero que siembra la semilla en María Magdalena, la recoge el himno pascual de Felipe de Gréve, canciller de Paris en el siglo XIII.

En Inglaterra, a finales del siglo XIII, siete de los once santuarios dedicados a La Magdalena, son hospitales. A menudo se les conoce como “Lazare House” (la casa de Lázaro).

En el monasterio de Saint- Albans, en Herefordshire (Inglaterra) conservaba a finales del siglo XIV varias reliquias de Santa María Magdalena. Éstas se hallan inscritas en un manuscrito que se conserva en el British Museum. Dicho manuscrito fue publicado por Dugdale.

La importancia de Santa María Magdalena en Venecia lo demuestra su aparición en una bandera del siglo XV, junto a San Juan Bautista, San Juan Evangelista y San  Jerónimo, todos ellos junto al león de San Marcos.

En Barcelona, a mediados del siglo XV, había una iglesia dedicada a La Magdalena. Donde el sacerdote Miguel Cuberta, ofició su primera misa.

Una bula del 22 de julio de 1435, concedida por el papa Eugéne IV, otorga indulgencia plenaria, en artículo mortis, a todos los habitantes de Arlés y Aix et Embrum (Francia), que ofrezcan sus bienes, para continuar la obra de la iglesia de Santa María Magdalena.

El rey René d´ Anjou, en marzo de 1438, peregrinó a la Sainte-Baume, (Aix- en- Provence, Francia) y fundó una misa, que debe ser cantada a perpetuidad en honor de Santa María Magdalena.

Existen históricas de la existencia de un cáliz, propiedad del  rey René de Anjou con una curiosa inscripción: “El que beba a fondo verá a Dios; el que la apure de un solo trago, verá a Dios y a la Magdalena.”

El Magdalen College de la Universidad de Oxford (Inglaterra) fue fundado en 1448, por William de Waynflete, obispo de Winchester, con el permiso del rey Henry VI de Inglaterra. Tiene una impresionante capilla del siglo XV. En él han estudiado: Oscar Wilde, Virgina Wolf, C. S Lewis

En 1599 un trabajador de una fábrica de papel en Frabiano (Italia) sufrió un accidente y quedó aplastado entre las bobinas de papel, pero invocó a La Magdalena y resultó ileso. La iglesia- s XIII- de dicho pueblo, era una capilla de un hospital dedicado a la Santa. Tras el milagro, la fábrica la adoptó como patrona.

Dice la leyenda que Myriam de Magdala trajo consigo desde Palestina, un puñado de tierra, y unas piedrecillas negras, manchadas con la sangre derramada por Jesucristo en la Cruz. Se guardan en San Maximino (Aix-en Provence) dentro de un frasco de cristal. Cada, Viernes Santo, se vuelven rojas y se licua la sangre. Este prodigio atrae en el siglo XVII a más de cinco mil personas.

El Metropolitan Museum de Nueva York, guarda un relicario de finales del XV, procedente de Florencia (Italia) que contiene un diente de la Santa.

Zwingli,  (reformador iconoclasta suizo) pidió abolir el culto a María Magdalena y destruir todas sus imágenes, pues era un ejemplo de lo artificioso de la intercesión de los santos.

El Concilio de Trento (1545-1563) destaca la importancia de Santa María Magdalena como símbolo de la iglesia triunfante y de la fe verdadera.

San Isidro labrador, antes de comenzar su faena en el campo, acudía a orar en una capilla dedicada a La Magdalena, situada en lo que es hoy Carabanchel (Madrid).

Santa Teresa de Ávila (1515- 1582) relata en su obra Vida su gran devoción a la gloriosa Magdalena. Pedía su intercesión ante Cristo, para perdonarle sus pecados.

San Francisco de Sales (1567-1622) resaltaba a la Magdalena como ejemplo de conversión y amor.

En 1597 Bellarmino, teólogo del papa Clemente VIII compuso un himno donde relata las tres fases de la conversión de la Magdalena, titulado: Pater superni luminis. Está  integrado en el breviario romano como parte del oficio de su festividad.

César de Nostredame, en 1606, le dedica un poema titulado” Les Perles ou Larmes de la Saincte Magdelaine” (Las perlas o lágrimas de Santa Maria Magdalena). Compuesto por 752 endecasílabos.

El jesuita inglés Robert Southwell (siglo XVI) le escribió dos poemas líricos titulados: “Marie Magdalens blush” (El rubor de María Magdalena) y “Marie Magdalens complaint at Christ death” (La queja de Maria Magdalena por la muerte de Cristo). Considerado uno de los poemas de amor más importantes de su época.

Bernardino Ochino, capuchino italiano, tras visitar la Sainte-Baume, pronunció un sermón en Venecia en 1539, donde resalta el papel de La Magdalena, como el máximo ejemplo de la iglesia militante.

En 1622 Luis XIII de Francia derrotó a los calvinistas en Languedoc. Terminó la guerra en Montpellier. Desde allí fue a dar gracias a La Magdalena de San Maximino (Provenza). Cinco años después, un 22 de julio, les atestó el golpe definitivo, en la batalla de La Rochelle  al derrotar al ejército inglés capitaneado por el duque de Buckingham, que apoyaba a los calvinistas franceses.

El cuadro “La conversión de María Magdalena” de Gentileschi (1640) fue un encargo del gran duque Cosimo de Toscana como regalo a su esposa la archiduquesa María Magdalena de Austria, gran duquesa de Toscana. Hoy podemos verlo en la Galleria Palatina, del palacio Pitti, en Florencia (Italia).

En Antequera (Málaga) existe un convento de las franciscanas descalzas del siglo XVIII, dedicado a La Magdalena.

En 1816, Luis XVIII de Francia le dedicó la espectacular Iglesia Real de La Madeleine de Paris, fundada en el siglo XVI por Carlos VIII. Totalmente reconstruida por Napoleón Bonaparte en 1807.

En 1822- y ante 40.000 personas- fue reestablecido el culto a la Santa en la Sainte- Baume, paralizado durante la Revolución francesa de 1789.

En Inglaterra durante el siglo XIX se produjo un reverdecimiento del culto a la Santa. Existen varias iglesias famosas como la magistral iglesia neogótica de María Magdalena, en Paddington (1868-1878); otras más antiguas como la iglesia de Norfolk del S XIV, restaurada en 1873, cuyas vidrieras narran su vida. Otra pequeña iglesia medieval en Madehurst, West Sussex.; la iglesia All Saints, Langton Green, Kent y muchas más.

El zar de todas las Rusias, Alejandro III, en 1886,  mandó construir una iglesia en su honor, como recuerdo a su madre, gran devota de la Santa. Dicha iglesia fue proyectada por De Graham.

Aguste Rodin recibe hacia el 15 de Diciembre de 1905 el encargo de August Thyssen de realizar una escultura sobre Jesucristo, por la que pagó 20.000 francos. Así creó “Cristo y La Magdalena” una escultura de mármol, único testimonio de inspiración religiosa del autor, tras dejar el noviciado de los Padres del Santísimo Sacramento. Hoy puede admirase en el  Museo Thyssen – Bornemisza de Madrid.

En la Biblioteca Imperial de San Petersburgo (Rusia), el abate Joseph Bonnet descubre en el manuscrito Q I, 14 un sermón anónimo francés atribuido al teólogo, del siglo XVII,  Bousset. titulado: “L ´Amour de Madeleine” (El Amor de Magdalena).En 1911 Rainer María Rilke lo adquiere en un anticuario de Paris, de la rue du Bac. Fascinado por el escrito, al que califica de “extraordinario, luminoso y de verdadera actualidad espiritual”, lo traduce.

En 1978 fueron suprimidos de la sección del Breviario romano dedicado a Santa María Magdalena, los epítetos: “María poenitens” (María penitente) y “magna pecatrix” (gran pecadora). Para terminar con dos mil años de estigmatización sobre su persona. Ahora sólo queda que el colectivo popular borre de su memoria la falsedad que durante siglos se cernió sobre la Santa.

En la iglesia del Monasterio de Oía (Pontevedra) del s. XIII hay un retablo donde hallamos la representación de la bajada del Espíritu Santo sobre la Magdalena, que está rodeada por los apóstoles

La imagen central del retablo de la capilla dedicada a San Juan Evangelista, del Monasterio cisterciense de la Santa Cruz (Santes Creuses) de Aiguamúrcia (Tarragona), podemos ver un cuadro representando a la Magdalena, con una copa o cáliz en su mano izquierda. Este monasterio pertenecía al Císter, orden fundada por San Bernardo de Claraval, cuya influencia en la creación de la Orden de los Caballeros Templarios, es notable.

Para algunos el “juego de la Oca” es la representación del Camino de Santiago; en este juego la casilla 58 es la muerte, que significa resurrección y por tanto correspondería a la Magdalena al haber sido la primera en ver a Jesús resucitado.

Hacia el 466-511 el rey merovingio Clodoveo adopta como emblema de su dinastía a la flor de lis. Símbolo que aún hoy representa a la Corona francesa y adorna la urna de cristal que contiene las reliquias de la Magdalena en la abadía benedictina de Vézelay, en Francia.

En 1929 se descubre en Dura Europos (Siria) un fresco con una  representación de las primeras pinturas cristianas. Donde encontramos a La Magdalena con una antorcha encendida en la mano. Hoy esta pintura puede verse en la Galería de Arte de la universidad de Yale, en EE.UU.

San Agustín se refiere a La Magdalena como el “testigo ocular” de la resurrección de Jesús.

 El número 7 está asociado con la Magdalena, recordemos el pasaje del evangelio según san Lucas “y también algunas mujeres que habían sido curadas de malos espíritus y enfermedades: María, llamada Magdalena, de la que habían salido siete demonios” (Lc 8,2). El siete está relacionado con la perfección del tiempo. Significa “perfección”, “importancia” o “plenitud”. Es el número perfecto ya que Dios al crear el mundo descansó el séptimo día. También asociado con el Espíritu Santo (los 7 dones del espíritu); o con Ishtar (7 velos); o los 7 pecados capitales, e incluso para algunos guarda relación con la virginidad, ya que no genera ni es generado por ninguno de los otros números de la primera decena. Pero además una curiosidad ¿Se han fijado en una cosa? La Hoguera se celebra el 21 de julio ¿verdad? Hagan estas operaciones 21/3=7. Y Julio es el séptimo mes del año. ¿Casualidad, o causalidad?

Hacia 1888 Vincent Van Gogh llega al pequeño pueblo pesquero de Saintes-Maries-de-la Mer donde la tradición ubica que desembarcó la Magdalena. Durante esa época Van Gogh realiza gran parte de su obra.

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/09/2024 16:06

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/09/2024 16:16

Respuesta  Mensaje 176 de 200 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/09/2024 04:46

Impressive Cathedral in Bariloche

Our Lady of the Nahuel Huapi is the Patron Saint of Bariloche and its cathedral. The images inside this catholic temple show the indigenist roots of evangelization in Patagonia.

We discovered Bariloche’s church cathedral as soon as we reached the city. Close to the shore of Lake Nahuel Huapi and surrounded by a line of tall pine-trees, it does not go unnoticed.

This house of prayer features a Neo-gothic style with simple lines, very high walls and a dome crowned with a significant crucifix and a globe. Inside, its classical construction in the shape of a Latin cross combines perfectly with the simplicity outside.

Upon entering the building past its thick wooden gates, we stopped at the hall to appreciate two important figures. One of them was made of stone and it represented the image of Our Lady of the Nahuel Huapi holding Child Jesus in her arms and resting her right hand on the shoulder of a native child. The second one was carved in wood and it featured Ceferino Namuncurá wearing his classic poncho pampa. Both of them are enough evidence of the missionary message of the Church.

  • The indigenist roots of evangelization in Patagonia

    The indigenist roots of evangelization in Patagonia

  • It does not go unnoticed

    It does not go unnoticed

  • High-rise and simplicity

    High-rise and simplicity

  • Neo-gothic style with simple lines

    Neo-gothic style with simple lines

We were surprised to learn that the cathedral was put under the protection of Our Lady of the Nahuel Huapi by Monsignor Essandi and that such image had accompanied the ancient mission founded by Father Mascardi during the seventeenth century.

We reached the central nave almost in silence, as if accompanying that very high and simple resonance box. It was held by large columns and the walls were made of local stone. At the altar, a large crucified Jesus Christ prevailed.

The colorful Byzantine stained glasses occupied a predominant position in the last stage of the construction of the cathedral. The image of the Patron Saint stood completely transparent in the altar in front. What is particular about these stained glass figures is that they offered a tribute to their own artisans. The faces of the missionaries Mascardi and Melanesio and of all those who gave their life to the Church, namely builders Alejandro Bustillo and Miguel Angel Césari, were assigned to Biblical characters (Saint Raphael Archangel, Saint Michael Archangel, etc).

These stained glass windows let the sunlight in during the day and the artificial lights at night. When the sun sets, the church comes to a new life: the illumination outside seems to make its walls higher and to highlight its construction details.

We thought the details carved in local wood were quite significant. They were present in the long well-finished pews, in the side altars and the confessional booths.

The building was raised by architect Alejandro Bustillo in 1946. A staircase of six steps made of stone provides majesty to the cathedral entrance through the main gate.

After touring around the entire venue, we left the church feeling quite pleased that it was surrounded by two blocks of excellent green parks. Several religious images and benches to enjoy outdoor life perfectly combined with the peace we had just experienced inside.

Several days later, we attended a choir presentation that gave us a different image of the same cathedral: a place for liturgical meetings but also to encounter and enjoy culture. Another outstanding feature of Bariloche’s cathedral.

Autor Mónica Pons Fotografo Eduardo Epifanio

How to get hereHow to get here: San Carlos de Bariloche Cathedral
Our Lady of the Nahuel Huapí
Almirante O’Connor Ave. and Beschtedt St.

Respuesta  Mensaje 177 de 200 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/09/2024 21:54
The Wisdom of Eternity: Unpacking Revelation 1:14
Revelation 1:14 (lsv) - and His head and hairs [were] white, as if ...
Revelation 1:14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as  snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;

Respuesta  Mensaje 178 de 200 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/09/2024 22:04

Respuesta  Mensaje 179 de 200 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/09/2024 22:55

Star of David

based on a Hebrew video by Oren Evron here 

The Star of David is an ancient symbol of Judaism (see Drashot Ben Ish Chai, ki teitzei). The oldest complete manuscript of the Hebrew Bible, known as the Leningrad Codex (dated 1008CE), has a "Star of David" on its cover page.

Is there a sign that the Hebrew word "Yisrael" (ישראל) and the "Star of David" figurate are mathematically connected?

The mathematical formula for "Star of David" (Hexagram) figurate numbers is

Star(n) = 6n(n-1)+1

The Star of David (Hexagram) figurate is formed by the merging of two triangle Figurates.
For example, two 28 dot triangle figurates can be merged to form a 37 Star of David figurate.


Triangular Numbers

A pool game, for example, is made up of 15 identical size billiard balls.

15 is a triangular number. Thus, the 15 balls can be arranged into a perfect triangle figurate.

If there were 14 balls or 16 balls, this would not be possible.

Examples of triangular numbers are 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, etc.

Their mathematical formula is:

Triangle(n) = n(n+1)/2

Let us now look at the Star of David (Hexagram) numbers according to their formula:
Star(n) = 6n(n-1)+1

1 6×1(1-1)+1 = 1
2 6×2(2-1)+1 = 13
3 6×3(3-1)+1 = 37
4 6×4(4-1)+1 = 73
5 6×5(5-1)+1 = 121
6 6×6(6-1)+1 = 181
7 6×7(7-1)+1 = 253
8 6×8(8-1)+1 = 337
9 6×9(9-1)+1 = 433
10 6×10(10-1)+1 = 541
.. ..   ..

All these numbers are and always will be beautiful Star of David numbers.

Let us now look at the Hebrew word "Yisrael" (ישראל).
Gematria of Yisrael
ל א ר ש י
30 1 200 300 10

Our name "Yisrael" stems from the Torah:

"G-d said to him, 'your name is Yaakov. Your name shall no longer be called Yaakov, but Yisrael shall be your name', and He named him Yisrael" (Gen.35:10).

G-d Himself granted us this name after Yaakov, our forefather, vanquished the angel of Eisav which he (spiritually) wrestled with (Genesis 32:23-31).

This angel was the Satan himself.
Satan = שטן = 359  
Yaakov = יעקב = +182  
Yisrael = ישראל = 541 Total

Yaakov won the struggle and transformed the power of evil to the power of good and this joined with his old name to grant him the new name - Yisrael.

Do you recognize the number 541?

It is none other than the 10th Star of David number.

It is interesting that Yaakov received the name Yisrael after defeating the Satan.

Yisrael hints to a perfect/whole man - Tiferet Yisrael (the splendor of Yisrael).

Center Point
541 is the exact center point of 1081


Tiferet (תפארת) = 1081 and Yisrael ישראל = 541

For Yaakov, the man of truth (Michah 7:20), had all his 10 Sefirot rectified properly (he also became a Merkava (chariot) for the Sefirah of Tiferet).

10 is a whole/collective number. Thus, G-d created the world with 10 utterances and gave us the 10 commandments.

This is why the name G-d granted to us after Yaakov defeated the power of evil is the 10th star of David number.

The statistical odds of the Hebrew name Yisrael having gematria of 541 are slightly more than 1 percent (see video). Thus, the chance of this being designed is about 99 percent.

There is much to elaborate on this.

For example, the inner hexagon of Yisrael has 271 dots.

The 12 triangles in the Magen David have 45 dots (Gematria of Adam).

Every diagonal has 37 rows, and much much more.

Interestingly, 541 = 100th prime number = 102


One of the most striking examples of natural artistry in the inanimate world is in the formation of snowflakes. Each snowflake is a miracle of beauty, a masterpiece of design and no one design seems to ever be repeated. Amazingly, snowflakes typically have a Magen David or an outline of it discernible in the center. Here is a picture of a real typical snowflake under a microscope.

Zion Star

The Torah commands us: "speak to all the congregation of the people of Israel and say to them, you shall be holy, for I the L-rd your G-d am holy." (Lev.19:2).

The final verse in this weekly portion (Kedoshim) has 2701 Gematria[1]. For this torah portion contains the purpose of creation - to become holy like G-d.

"And they shall make Me a sanctuary and I will dwell in their midst" (Ex.25:8).

And in the "Path of the Just" ch.26 (final chapter):
"But for the holy man who constantly clings to his G-d, whose soul treads freely among true thoughts in love of his Creator and fear of Him, behold, it is considered as if he is walking before G-d in the Land of the Living, while still here in this world.

Such a man is himself considered as a Tabernacle, a Temple and an altar. For the Shechina (divine presence) dwells within him just as it dwelled in the Temple [of Jerusalem]. Due to this, the food he eats is like a sacrifice offered upon the fire of the altar, for certainly it was a great elevation for those things to be offered on the altar, since they were offered before the Shechinah."
The Gematria of "Zion", the place of the Temple:
= ציון (Zion) = 156
The Gematria of "Shechina" (divine presence):
= שכינה (Shechina) = 385
Total: 156 + 385 = 541 (Israel)

The 10th Star of David figurate (Israel) is composed of a frame and inner part.
Amazingly, this splits into 156/385 for Zion/Shechinah.

And in the daily prayers, we say: "And may our eyes behold Your return to Zion in mercy. Blessed are You L-rd, who restores His Shechinah to Zion"

156 is also the Gematria of "Yosef" who was the epitome of the "Tzadik" (righteous person)[2]. For as before, the job of the Tzadik is to become a Temple for G-d's holiness just like Zion was the Temple for G-d's Shechina (divine presence[3]) (heard from Oren Evron).

Interestingly, the "Zionist" movement to resettle the land of Israel consisted mainly of secular Jews. For they wanted the land of Israel as a sort of nationalist motive. But their motives lacked the Shechinah aspect. Thus, divine providence arranged it that the Israeli flag of the "Zionists" was that of the frame of the star of David only. But the real purpose of Israel is to also bring the Shechinah into the world. (and likewise, for marriage between husband and wife - to build a torah home where the Shechinah can dwell. All this and more is symbolized in the Star of David!)

>> Next: Divine Star

Respuesta  Mensaje 180 de 200 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/09/2024 00:29
Puede ser una imagen de texto
The Wisdom of Eternity: Unpacking Revelation 1:14
Revelation 1:14 (lsv) - and His head and hairs [were] white, as if ...
Revelation 1:14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as  snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;
Doc Brown Costumes (Back to the Future) | Costume Playbook - Cosplay &  Halloween ideas

Respuesta  Mensaje 181 de 200 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/09/2024 01:32
Puede ser una imagen de texto
The Wisdom of Eternity: Unpacking Revelation 1:14
Revelation 1:14 (lsv) - and His head and hairs [were] white, as if ...
Revelation 1:14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as  snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;

Respuesta  Mensaje 182 de 200 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 17/09/2024 20:21

Eva Perón

Color (beta)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Eva Perón
Perón in 1948
First Lady of Argentina
In role
4 June 1946 – 26 July 1952
President Juan Perón
Preceded by Conrada Victoria Farrell
Succeeded by Mercedes Lonardi (1955)
President of the Eva Perón Foundation
In office
8 July 1948 – 26 July 1952
Preceded by Position established
Succeeded by Delia Parodi
President of the Female Peronist Party
In office
29 July 1949 – 26 July 1952
Preceded by Position established
Succeeded by Delia Parodi
Personal details
María Eva Duarte

7 May 1919
Junín or rural area of the General Viamonte municipality, Buenos Aires province, Argentina
Died 26 July 1952 (aged 33)
Unzué Palace, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Resting place La Recoleta Cemetery
Political party Justicialist Party
Female Peronist Party
(m. 1945)​
Parent(s) Juan Duarte (father)
Juana Ibarguren (mother)


María Eva Duarte de Perón (Spanish pronunciation: [maˈɾi.a ˈeβa ˈðwarte ðe peˈɾon]née María Eva Duarte; 7 May 1919 – 26 July 1952), better known as just Eva Perón or by the nickname Evita (Spanish: [eˈβita]), was an Argentine politician, activist, actress, and philanthropist who served as First Lady of Argentina from June 1946 until her death in July 1952, as the wife of Argentine President Juan Perón. She was born in poverty in the rural village of Los Toldos, in the Pampas, as the youngest of five children. In 1934, at the age of 15, she moved to the nation's capital of Buenos Aires to pursue a career as a stage, radio, and film actress. She became a central figure of Peronism and Argentine culture because of the Eva Perón Foundation, a charitable organization that had a huge impact in Argentine society.

She met Colonel Juan Perón on 22 January 1944 during a charity event at the Luna Park Stadium to benefit the victims of an earthquake in San Juan, Argentina. The two were married the following year. Juan Perón was elected President of Argentina in June 1946; during the next six years, Eva Perón became powerful within the pro-Peronist trade unions, primarily for speaking on behalf of labor rights. She also ran the Ministries of Labor and Health, founded and ran the charitable Eva Perón Foundation, championed women's suffrage in Argentina, and founded and ran the nation's first large-scale female political party, the Female Peronist Party.

In 1951, Eva Perón announced her candidacy for the Peronist nomination for the office of Vice President of Argentina, receiving great support from the Peronist political base, low-income and working-class Argentines who were referred to as descamisados or "shirtless ones" (similar to the term “sans-culottes” during the French Revolution). Opposition from the nation's military and bourgeoisie, coupled with her declining health, ultimately forced her to withdraw her candidacy.[1] In 1952, shortly before her death from cancer at 33, Eva Perón was given the title of "Spiritual Leader of the Nation of Argentina" by the Argentine Congress.[2][3][4] She was given a state funeral upon her death, a prerogative generally reserved for heads of state.

Eva Perón has become a part of international popular culture,[5] most famously as the subject of the musical Evita (1976).[6] Cristina Álvarez Rodríguez has said that Evita has never left the collective consciousness of Argentines.[3] Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, the second female president of Argentina (after Isabel Perón), claims that women of her generation owe a debt to Eva for "her example of passion and combativeness".[7]

Early life

Eva Duarte at her First Holy Communion, 1926

Early childhood


Eva's 1951 biography, La Razón de mi Vida,[8] contains no dates or references to childhood occurrences, and does not list the location of her birth or her name at birth.[9] According to Junín's civil registry, a birth certificate shows that one María Eva Duarte was born on May 7, 1919. Her baptismal certificate lists the date of birth as May 7, 1919 under the name Eva María Ibarguren.[10][11] It is thought that in 1945 the adult Eva Perón created a forgery of her birth certificate for her marriage.[12][page needed]

Eva Perón spent her childhood in JunínBuenos Aires province. Her father, Juan Duarte,[13] was descended from French Basque immigrants. Her mother, Juana Ibarguren, was descended from Spanish Basque immigrants.[14] Juan Duarte, a wealthy rancher from nearby Chivilcoy, already had a wife and family there. At that time in rural Argentina, it was not uncommon for a wealthy man to have multiple families.[15]

When Eva was a year old, Duarte returned permanently to his legal family, leaving Juana Ibarguren and her children in abject poverty. They were forced to move to the poorest area of Junín. Los Toldos was a village in the dusty region of Las Pampas, with a reputation as a desolate place of poverty. To support herself and her children, Ibarguren sewed clothes for neighbors. The family was stigmatized by the abandonment of the father and by the illegitimate status of the children under Argentine law, and was consequently somewhat isolated.[16] A desire to expunge this part of her life might have been a motivation for Eva to arrange the destruction of her original birth certificate in 1945.[12][page needed][17]

When Duarte suddenly died and his mistress and their children sought to attend his funeral, there was an unpleasant scene at the church gates. Although Juana and the children were permitted to enter and pay their respects, they were promptly directed out of the church. Duarte's widow did not want her late husband's mistress and children at the funeral and, as she was the legitimate wife, her orders were respected.[18

Respuesta  Mensaje 183 de 200 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 17/09/2024 20:46


8 grados

Esto me intriga. La primera vez que quise orientar un telescopio en Bariloche me encontré con que las calles del centro, que parecen correr de norte a sur, en realidad están un poco rotadas hacia el sudoeste-noreste. ¿Cuánto? Entre 7 y 8 grados, como podemos ver en Google Earth (podemos hoy, cuando lo descubrí no existía Earth). No parece mucho, pero para la puesta en estación de un telescopio astronómico es bastante. Así que las calles no servían, y hay que usar una brújula para acomodar la montura aproximadamente hacia el norte. Así que me compré una brújula, y resultó que ¡la brújula sí apuntaba exactamente en dirección de las calles!


El fenómeno se llama declinación magnética: el campo magnético terrestre, que se origina en las profundidades del planeta, no está exactamente alineado con el eje de rotación. Para complicar las cosas esta declinación no es la misma en toda la superficie de la Tierra. Hoy en día podemos averiguar la declinación magnética usando esta calculadora del NOAA. Vemos que en Bariloche corresponde a la inclinación de las calles.

OK, me dije. Seguro que cuando trazaron las calles a principios del siglo XX usaron una brújula y les quedó así. ¿Quién lo habría hecho? ¿Carlos Wiederhold, el "fundador" no oficial de Bariloche? Parece que no. Hace poco leí una nota en el diario local El Cordillerano, donde se cuenta que un capitán del ejército, Mariano Fósbery, hizo construir en 1902 una comisaría, un juzgado de paz, un cuartel y trazó las calles originales. Fósbery era jefe del escuadrón de caballería estacionado en San Martín de los Andes, y fue enviado a la costa sur del Nahuel Huapi, donde desde 1895 venía estableciéndose una pequeña población alrededor de la primera casa y almacén construidos por Don Carlos. El 3 de mayo de ese año el Presidente Roca destinó 400 hectáreas para el pueblo de San Carlos, fecha que celebramos hoy en día como cumpleaños de Bariloche. ¿Puede haber sido el capitán Fósbery, en su celo militar, quien trazó las calles brújula en mano? Parecía una explicación lógica.

Finalmente descubrí que no era posible. El campo magnético de la Tierra va cambiando. Sabemos inclusive que a intervalos irregulares, cada tantas decenas de miles de años el campo se invierte. Y 100 años son suficientes para percibirlo. En el mismo NOAA puede consultarse la declinación magnética del pasado. Para la región del Nahuel Huapi, en el año 1902, se veía así. La línea resaltada en amarillo, que pasa cerca de Bariloche, es de 17 grados. ¡Mucho más que ahora! Así que me queda la duda del origen de los 8 grados de declinación de las calles. Hoy mismo la declinación en mi casa es de 6.6 grados, casi un grado menos que en el 2000 cuando noté el fenómeno.

¿En algún lado el norte verdadero coincidirá con el magnético? Claro que sí. La línea de cero grados de declinacón magnética cruza la Argentina en diagonal, desde Mendoza hasta el Golfo San Matías. Los afortunados astrónomos que viven sobre ella pueden usar sus brújulas para acomodar sus telescopios.

Este tramado de líneas se va moviendo lentamente hacia el oeste. Dentro de 50 años el cero estará sobre Bariloche. ¡Yupi!

Respuesta  Mensaje 184 de 200 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 17/09/2024 21:15

The Inalco House Bariloche Argentina Part 1 exterior and some of the interior


Respuesta  Mensaje 185 de 200 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/09/2024 00:28

Snow, Wolves, and Swords: An Evening with the Knights Templars

The knight Templar raised his sword to the sky. There are Gregorian chants playing in the background and incense burning. He says: “Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam”. The other 4 Templars repeat the phrase while they thump their chest with their right hand. He lowers the sword making an arc in front of a sculpture of the Virgin Mary of Fatima. He then pointed to the flags of Palestine and Israel and prays for peace. After the ceremony and prayers he shares another message before I am sent to bed: “You have just come from the Iron Cross, an energetic center of the Camino, which has been there since before the time of Christ. We are sons of light. Let the interior Camino transform you as it has the power to do so. May the forces of light, which we call angels, be with you in the remaining days.”


The stages covered in this blog post are in the province of Castilla y Leon. They include: Santa Catalina de Somoza – Manjarin – Ponferrada – Villafranca del Bierzo.

The Soul of a Hospitalero

One of the Camino phenomenons is that of the hospitalero. A hospitalero is the person that receives pilgrims in the albergues, the person that offers them rest and shelter. A hospitalero is a volunteer, it is a labor of love. Some do it for a week, some stay for months, some treat it as a vocation and are full-time hospitaleros. Not all albergues in the Camino have this aspect due to commercialization, but many do. I asked a hospitalero who has done this for years and she tells me that the fuel of a hospitalero is to travel without moving, to meet those true pilgrims that are genuinely grateful and kind. Another older hospitalero told me that she wishes to be a grandmother to the pilgrims she receives in the albergue. It’s sad knowing this how some pilgrims think they are arriving at 5 star hotels and complain when their comfort expectations are not met. Nowadays most people who wish to volunteer as a hospitalero sign up with an association. For example organizations like “Friends of the Camino of La Rioja region” or “Dutch Friends of the Camino” and are given a schedule in January of the weeks they would volunteer for.

The hospitalero attitude brings to mind 2 Corinthians 9:12-13: For this service you perform not only meets the needs of fellow believers, but also produces in many an outpouring of gratitude to God. And because of the proof which this service of yours brings, many will give glory to God for your loyalty to the gospel of Christ, which you profess, and for your generosity in sharing with all.

From the Pyrenees to The Iron Cross


From the farmland and hills on the Pyrenees, to the monster mountain crossing of Roncesvalles, to the pouring rain and mud paths in Navarra, to the vineyards and flower fields of La Rioja, to the flatlands of Castilla y Leon. The Way has an ever-changing scenery. It has been weeks since I’ve had a climb. Now the mountain of the Iron Cross awaits.


Wolves and Boars

“The wolf is a violent animal”. Bienvenido, a pastor, tells me in the morning.



Yesterday evening I was walking alone and saw two large black beasts a few meters from me. It turned into a horrifying 30 minutes as I made my way to the next town. If one of them attacked me, there were no people around and no nearby streets for cars to pass by and see me.

As I further listen to Bienvenido, I rub my hands to keep them from freezing: “A few years ago I fell asleep by a tree and when I woke up it had already slaughtered 14 of my sheep. The wolf kills for sport. It would’ve killed all 100 before taking what it needed for food”. I describe what I saw and he tells me that it was a couple of wild boars. He notices I’m struggling to keep my hands warm and gives me some wool gloves as a gift. He knows where I’m going and he knows that in the mountain it’s going to get worse.


Hooded Monks

It is the climb to the “Cruz de Ferro” or the Iron Cross. It sits on top of a Celtic mount dating from the time before Christ. Some say it shows that the Camino has pagan origins long before it became the well-known christian pilgrimage of today.

wpid-IMG_20130519_132747.jpgMy walk takes me up to the town or Rabanal. There I arrive just before the noon mass in a romanic church. It is presided by an order of monks wearing pointed hoods. The mass has substantial portions in latin which are chanted by them. On this day the church celebrates Pentecost, which is the event where the holy spirit came unto the followers of Jesus. A portion of the readings would provide me with courage for what lay ahead:

“For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you received a Spirit of adoption, through whom we cry, “Abba, Father!”

Cruz de Ferro

After the mass I start the most difficult part of the climb. Within a few hours I reach Foncebadon, which is a town surrounded by ruins. It has only a handful of houses and offers albergues to pilgrims who wish to rest and go all the way to the top the next day. I stop to talk with some pilgrim friends staying there but I feel drawn to go further. After reaching the top I find the tall Iron Cross. There is a pilgrim tradition where you take a small stone from your home and carry it all the way here to leave it by the Iron Cross. Doing this can symbolize something you are giving up or want to let go of. Some people say a prayer for themselves or others.

A Snow Storm Takes Me To The Ruins

wpid-IMG_20130611_004516.JPGI start walking beyond the Cruz de Ferro and within a few minutes it starts to snow. I was still over an hour from the next town with albergues when I pass through the mountain village of Manjarin, which is surrounded in ruins. One of them was partly rebuilt and drew my attention. I stop by and I’m greeted by a man, some tea and cookies. He is a Templar. He offers me refuge and I accept. The place is austere, lacks running water and is not connected to the electric grid. You can imagine what type of basic services I lacked that evening.


Soldiers of God

Knight Templar CartoonThe Templars are known for their code of honor, their knights, and their ties to the crusades. They were officially endorsed by the Catholic Church in 1129. Their role is the protection of Christian pilgrims, particularly those on the way to Jerusalem. They are also known as the “Poor fellow soldiers of Christ”. They had close to 20,000 members at its peak. They were an order that attempted to reconcile two activities that are seemingly incompatible: the religious life with the military life. Some of their later chapels went on to have features of all 3 major monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. They grew so powerful and resourceful that they could arguably qualify as the world’s first multinational corporation. This along with rumors about their “secret society activities” led to distrust among the kingdoms and the church. After a few hundred years they were suppressed and condemned as heretics.

With Miche in the morning

With Miche in the morning

I go down before dinner to the round table. They all stare at me as Miche asks me one question: “Where are you headed?” To which I could’ve replied “To Santiago”, but instead I answered “To where the Camino calls me to go”. I’ve answered rightly he confirms. He then pours some wine and shares some of their history and the Templar code with me. They are unorthodox christians. They regard Mary, the mother of Jesus, as the human form of the Creative Essence. According to them it has always existed and gave birth to the universe. They also believe in reincarnation and are mystical in their religious views. They recognize “Equality Among All” as the truth that Jesus came to reveal and they fight to protect that truth. Miche, the one who asked me the question, has a walking pilgrimage record that will trump anyone’s. He has walked from Spain to Jerusalem and the Inca Trail from the southern tip of Argentina to Mexico. In many ways they were also like a typical family, having disagreements, discussions and poking fun at each other. The meal with chicken soup, salad, baked potatoes and chicken wings was delicious.

Making My Way Down The Mountain

wpid-IMG_20130611_010246.JPGThe next morning one of the first pilgrims I met was Holger from Germany. He has witnessed several of my late evening walks and arrivals with shock. The previous morning I met him at a café where I shared one of my sayings on the Camino: “God protects his pilgrims”. He asked me more about it and I shared the Camino changing experience I had in Tosantos and my newfound trust in God’s providence. Holger would always walk fast and with a definite goal. Today, coming down from the mountain he was a changed man. He was walking almost as if dancing, with his head rocking from left to right. He didn’t even notice he passed me by until I called for his attention. I asked what was new and he said he was in a trance. He’s also had a Camino changing experience and now walks with no particular destination, or a distance goal. He is living the Camino. He is happy and I rejoice in witnessing that.


Vineyards are now growing leafs

At the end of the day in the Ponferrada albergue I would be introduced to Sofia from Portugal. Our first conversation was short and uninteresting. We would be coinciding multiple times in the next few days. She would later become a major part of this journey and challenge my capacity even beyond Santiago.

The Wounded Warrior

The Templar castle in Ponferrada

The Templar castle in Ponferrada

The next of the Six Stages of Manhood is the Wounded Warrior. Going up the mountain I felt like a conquering warrior, on a mission motivated by love and standing for truth. The days after descending from the mountain felt like a falling out. Every day seemed like a mistake. The extraordinary faded, the magic of the Camino ceased. It grew mundane and dull. I tried to follow a path, but it felt forced and bore no fruit. I felt like I was trying to clean up a mess and feared I would not recover the same spirit for the rest of the Camino. Maybe I was not living a true adventure after all. Maybe I just got lucky to stumble into these extraordinary experiences. Maybe it’s time to face the truth and live the ordinary.

I reach the “Ave Fenix” albergue emotionally exhausted. I grow resentful as I feel more and more isolated from the spirit of the Camino. I see people experiencing wonder and joy with each other and the hospitaleros, but those doors seem closed to me. My heart is heavy and I decide to leave the albergue after 10pm because I cannot bear it anymore. I realize only one week remains and it dawns upon me with great sadness. I feel lost and choose to wander in the cold night in a place I don’t know.

I went out with the intention of being in the vicinity for 10 minutes but I kept walking further. It is almost 11pm and the albergue is about to close. I run in the dark and arrive 5 minutes before but it is already closed and I’m shivering from the cold. It is a large and thick wooden door from centuries ago with no doorbell of course. Out of desperation I start screaming like a madman until the hospitalero comes down and opens. I start a heated argument with him for self-righteous reasons. Here I am thinking of how the Camino is transforming my life for the better and look how pride quickly makes me stumble. After I’m done I notice other pilgrims in shock staring at me and the spectacle I made. I feel shame that quickly leads to anger. I sit down alone with the excuse that I’m waiting for my phone to charge. My morale is at its lowest in the Camino, it is the bottom of the abyss. Afterwards, everybody goes up to sleep and I start to cry. I stayed there until exhaustion took me out.

The Phoenix

I was staying in an Albergue called the “Ave Fenix” and at the time I didn’t realize what it meant. The “Phoenix Bird” is a mythological creature that dies by consuming itself with fire. It then obtains new life by being reborn out of its ashes. The anguish and resentment I felt was like a fire consuming me from the inside. I was dying to myself and the Camino. I was immersed in darkness and couldn’t see beyond myself. They say Hope is a Light, but I had no hope and I dreaded the days ahead.

Ave Fenix1

The next day I would climb O Cebreiro. It is the toughest part of the Camino after going over the Pyrenees and makes the climb to the Iron Cross feel like a teaser. It is almost mythical, since it is where the modern Camino was reborn. It will also be the place where my Camino will be born again to a life beyond my initial expectations. I will be choosing to give up some of the adventures I planned to have after the Camino, and instead take on the path of a servant.


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