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Réponse  Message 1 de 302 de ce thème 
De: Porque77  (message original) Envoyé: 22/04/2017 11:15
BARILOCHENSE con sus temas interminables de cuentos de magia REVIENTA LOS FOROS... Deja ahogados todos los temas cristianos interesantes... Pero los apóstoles mandaron que se destruyeran todos los libros de magia...
El libro de los Hechos de los apóstoles nos hablan sobre los libros de MAGIA y así nos dice:

"Y muchos de los que habían creído venían, confesando y dando cuenta de sus hechos. Asi mismo muchos de los que habían practicado la magia trajeron los libros y los quemaron delante de todos; y hecha la cuenta de su precio, hallaron que era cincuenta mil piezas de plata. Así crecía y prevalecía poderosamente la palabra del Señor". (Hechos 19:18-20)

Y los profetas, cuando nos hablan de la magia, así nos dicen:

"Respondió el rey y dijo a Daniel, al cual llamaban Beltsasar: ¿Podrás tú hacerme conocer el sueño que vi, y su interpretación? Daniel respondió delante del rey, diciendo: El misterio que el rey demanda, ni sabios, ni astrólogos, ni magos ni adivinos lo pueden revelar al rey. Pero hay un Dios en los cielos, el cual revela los misterios, y él ha hecho saber al rey Nabucodonosor lo que ha de acontecer en los postreros días". (Daniel 2:26-28.)


"No os volváis a los encantadores ni a los adivinos; no los consultéis, contaminándoos con ellos. Yo Yavé vuestro Dios". (Levítico 19:31)

Como podemos ver, los cuentos y filosofías sobre magia son contrarios al Evangelio de Jesucristo...

Las personas que se creen inteligentes deberían avergonzarse por haber perdido tanto el tiempo predicando tantos cuentos de magia... LOS CUENTOS DE MAGIA HAN HECHO PERDER EL TIEMPO A MUCHÍSIMOS CRISTIANOS...



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Réponse  Message 2 de 302 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 22/04/2017 22:25

666, Venus, and influences on The Human

11 September, 2013


Yalarm has given a message … from the Angelic Realms, where the Hierarchy reside. The number 666 is said to be evil. It is not; it is related to the movement of stars and planets, and in particular, the planet Venus. The Humans are enchristed with the Crystal Energy; a work that was done with the majesty and collaboration with the Creative Source of All. At this time – a very serious time on planet Earth, – this planet is very subsceptible to influences. Humans have a choice and it is up to them how they will use the energy of this influence. Read more of this message from the Angelic Realms and the Hierarchy, as given by Yalarm.


Message received from Jalarm on
Tuesday, 9th September, 2013 at Werai, N.S.W. Australia.

‘It is I, Yalarm, and I am pleased to be here with you and to know that you are so competent and so professional in the way you work with us, and I/we appreciate that.

For there are many that are actually observing what is taking place with you. You ladies are on an important Mission and I do not want you to get carried away with that but it is important.

And so … the message I have is connected to ‘6’. The 666 is said to be Evil … but it is not. It is actually related to the movement of stars – the movement of planets within the Cosmos. And it is connected to the planet Venus. There is what is called a 6 pointed star which is connected to the Ancient Indians and what is called the ‘Shaktona.’

It is symbolic of movement … and it is an important beginning of human upon this Earth. And so the number 666 is referring to the human. The elevated Man – the Man that holds the Christ Consciousness and when I say Christ – I mean Crystal.

The energy is the same structure that the Crystal holds and is – is also in you and every individual being upon this Earth. Because when they are born when they are born they are enchristed with this energy which makes them human – part of the human race. And this has happened at a time before Atlantis Fell.

This was a creation from the influence from the Beings from Venus who hold the majesty and the Law of what is to take place upon this Earth. This planet you call Earth.

We have known it as Mu – but whatever you call it – it is the planet that is part of the Solar System to your Sun. Your Sun is you could say is like a Soul to this planetary system. Just as that has been played out in each individual because they have a Soul which is a Sun that is a planetary system with all the energies and influences that come from those planets. This knowledge was known in what you call Astrology and people upon the Earth are influenced by the different planets upon this Solar System and it infiltrates into each being and their journey upon this Earth. For as I have said before their journey on this Earth is limited. You come, you live, and you leave and you move on.

And so I would like you to think about that – the message is 6. 666 is the Aspect of the different layers of the God Force that is within you. There are 3 layers and they influence you all the time. The Ancient Indian traditions taught of the 3 aspects of God the Creative Source and this is what I am meaning when I am say it is influencing you all the time. So in a way, you are a creation of a planetary system – and I would like you to remember that and think about it.


It is possible for people to live a life and receive a reading, from those who are gifted and able to read the system and influences upon different people.

However, they need to be very careful and very educated about the influences. And so I would advise those people who are listening to the ‘readers’ or clairvoyants – and keep their mind open – but always refer the information to your own Inner Sun, which is in your heart. For it is what keeps your heart beating – as soon as it STOPS the Life Force leaves you. And the Life Force is what is given to you in your heart – the same way that the Life Force from your Sun of your planetary system – your Solar System that gives Life to the interaction of the planets that evolves or revolves around your Sun.

I have said before, this Sun is connected to the Galaxy and The Galactic Sun is very large – that is aligned to many suns and many planetary systems. Your scientists are beginning to be aware of the many planetary systems that exist. Many are very similar to the one that you live in at this time.

My message is for you to be aware of influences – sometimes the influences of evolving planets have a favourable influence upon everything that happens upon this Earth. And sometimes it is not so favourable. It is nothing to do with evil. It is nothing to do with death in the sense that everyone should be afraid – far from that – it is still the movement and influence only.

And my message is – that there is an influence coming onto this planet this time that is not favourable and I would ask everybody to connect to your Inner Sun – realising that it connects to the Galactic Sun and the core of Suns that links back to the Creative Source of All.

This influence, if they connect to it, will help them through the heavier energy that is influencing in a negative way. I would say negative in that it is up to everybody upon this Earth to decide which way they want to be influenced.

This is something they need to understand within them.

They have a choice.

Everybody on Earth has a choice and they can make decisions that are good for themselves and those around them – always for the good of All. This is important at this time.

For at the moment – the planet – your planet is very vulnerable and I do not have to explain it or spell it out … in the dangers that can happen upon your planet at this time – but if everybody is positive and sends the positive energy from The Sorce of Creation of All that is Love – they can change outcomes …

And so this is my message—this is the message that I want to speak of this day—it is important; and it is a special transmission that is coming from the Angelic Realms and the Hierarchy that works in a positive way to help and oversee what is taking place upon your planet. Not just now but always.

So I hope you will listen and consider where your thoughts go and how you focus them. The focus is needed upon LOVE and CONSENSUS – Talking to people to help understand how they think and what motivates them into taking actions that are not good for All.

And so I ask people to think carefully – very carefully – about the decisions that they make at this time.

I send this message – I give this message – with great love – for the 666 is not evil I can assure you – it is coming from the influence of Venus your planet known as the Venus of Love. And so it is.

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