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Reply  Message 1 of 20 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Original message) Sent: 01/04/2024 04:19

Troyes Cathedral

Cathedral in Aube, France / From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 



Can you list the top facts and stats about Troyes Cathedral?

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Troyes Cathedral (FrenchCathédrale Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul de Troyes) is a Catholic church, dedicated to Saint Peter and Saint Paul, located in the town of Troyes in ChampagneFrance. It is the episcopal seat of the Bishop of Troyes. The cathedral, in the Gothic architectural style, has been a listed monument historique since 1862.

Quick Facts Troyes Cathedral Cathédrale Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul, Religion ...  
Troyes Cathedral
Cathédrale Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul
Thumb image
West front of Troyes Cathedral
Affiliation Catholic Church
District Diocese of Troyes
Rite Latin
Ecclesiastical or organizational status Cathedral
Location TroyesFrance France
Geographic coordinates 48°18′1″N 4°4′53″E
Type Church
Style Gothic
Groundbreaking 1208
Completed 17th century


Earlier cathedrals

According to local church tradition, Christianity was carried to Troyes in the third century by the Bishop of Sens, Savinien, who sent Saint Potentien and Saint Sérotin to the town to establish the first church. The house where they lived is believed to have stood on the same site as the cathedral; and excavations in the 19th century found traces of Gallo-Roman building under the sanctuary. A 5th-century bishop of Troyes, Lupus was credited with saving Troyes from destruction by Huns by leading a delegation of clerics to appeal to Attila, in 451. An enamel of Lupus healing a deaf young woman is displayed in the cathedral; the old cathedral is visible in the background.

The first church was rebuilt and enlarged in the 9th century, but it was badly damaged by the Norman invasions at the end of the same century. It was rebuilt by Bishop Milo through about 980 in the Romanesque style. Fragments of the sculptural decoration of this old church were found in 1864 and are displayed in the south collateral aisle of the present church.

In the 12th century, the Romanesque church was enlarged with the addition of a bell tower and a chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary. The church was the site of the Council of Troyes that opened on 13 January 1129, hosted by Pope Honorius II. At the urging of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, the Council granted official status to the Order of the Knights Templar, which became immensely influential throughout Christendom.

Gothic cathedral

In 1188 a fire destroyed much of the town, and badly damaged the cathedral. Reconstruction began in 1199 or 1200, started by Bishop Garnier de Traînel. Once the construction was underway, the Bishop departed on the Fourth Crusade in 1204, and brought back to Troyes a collection of precious relics for the cathedral treasury.

The new church was constructed in the Early Gothic style, inspired by the earlier Basilica of Saint Denis and Sens Cathedral, and by Chartres Cathedral and Notre Dame de Paris, which both were under construction at the same time. Work was well along by 1220 when the lower portions were completed and the upper walls were begun. Unfortunately, in 1228 a hurricane struck the half-finished structure, destroying the lower collateral aisle on the south side of the choir and damaging the upper walls. The upper walls were rebuilt between 1235 and 1240, and the builders took advantage of the extra time to adopt a more modern element first used at the Basilica of Saint-Denis; they filled the walls of the triforium, at the midlevel of the wall, with stained glass, bringing an abundance of light into the middle of the church.

The transept was finally vaulted in about 1310, and the spire was raised over the transept, but due to a series of economic difficulties, work slowed down. In 1365 a tornado destroyed the spire of the transept; it was not restored until 1437. More seriously, in 1389 the roof of the nave was struck by lightning, starting a fire that damaged the masonry below. This led in 1390 to the collapse of the rose window of the north transept. The rose was replaced and reinforced in 1408–9, but forty years later again showed signs of weakness. It was reinforced with a stone bar, and the portals were reinforced with new buttresses. Work resumed in 1450 under Bishop Louis Reguier, who worked to complete the upper portions of the nave.

 Flamboyant and Renaissance additions (15th–17th century)

In May 1420, the Treaty of Troyes was signed in the cathedral between Henry V of England, his ally Philip of Burgundy and Queen Isabel, wife of the mad Charles VI of France whereby the throne of France would pass to Henry on the death of Charles rather than to Charles' son the Dauphin. Henry married Catherine of Valois, the French king's daughter, shortly afterwards in Troyes, either at the cathedral or the church of St Jean.

In July 1429, Joan of Arc escorted the Dauphin to Mass in the cathedral en route to proclaiming him Charles VII of France at Reims Cathedral, in contravention of the recently signed Treaty of Troyes.

At the beginning of the 16th century, a new building campaign began, this time in the late Gothic Flamboyant style. It was conducted by the master builder Martin Chambiges, whose works included the transepts of Sens Cathedral (1494), Beauvais Cathedral (1499) and Senlis Cathedral (1530). The new west front he designed followed the model of Reims Cathedral and other 13th century cathedrals, with three portals separated by strong buttresses, each topped by a high pointed arch.

The first level of the west front was finished by 1531–1432. The 12th-century bell tower and porch was demolished. The two levels were complete by 1554, and work began on the towers. Work on the north tower, called the Saint-Pierre tower, went slowly; it was not finished until 1634, and had just two of the smaller clochetons or steeples on the top corners instead of the four planned. The planned south tower was never started.

Vandalism and preservation (19th–20th century)

The cathedral suffered major damage during the French Revolution. The west front was particularly targeted; the sculptures that filled the tympanum over each portal were smashed. The lower stained glass windows in the choir were destroyed or taken apart. Fortunately, many of the upper windows were spared and still have their original glass. On January 9–10, 1794, a jeweller named Rondot led a mob that looted the treasury, seizing and melting down the previous gold and silver sacred objects.

During the rest of the 19th and 20th centuries, the cathedral underwent several campaigns of restoration. In 1840 the wall of the south transept, built on an unstable foundation, had to be reinforced to prevent it from collapsing, and between 1849 and 1866 all of the walls on the east side and then the pillars of the choir were reinforced. Many of the 13th-century windows were restored and put back into place. During both the First and Second World Wars, the stained glass was removed and put into safe storage, and the building suffered no significant harm. Restoration and repair of the west facade continued into the 21st century.

Plans and dimensions

The cathedral, containing the nave, choir and apse with radiating chapels, has two principal aisles and two further subsidiary aisles. It is 114 metres (379 feet 6 inches) long and 50 metres (162 feet 6 inches) wide (across the transepts), with a height from the top of the vault of 29.5 metres (96 feet); the height of the cupola and the tower is 62.34 metres (202 feet 7 inches). The surface area of 1,500 m2 (16,000 sq. ft.),


West Front

The west front of the cathedral, with the three portals which serve as main entrances, was almost entirely redone beginning in 1507 in the Flamboyant style by master builder Martin Chambiges. It is divided into vertical sections containing the portals by four massive vertical buttresses and covered with elaborate arcades and tracery. Each of the three portals is crowned by a high pointed gable. The gable over the central portal originally held statues of the Virgin Mary, Saint John and Saint Mary Madeleine. An immense flamboyant rose window fills the space over the central portal. On top of the rose window, interrupting the balustrade, is the coat of arms of the city of Troyes

The west front suffered the most damage during the Revolution. The tympanum over the central entrance, which originally contained scenes from the Passion of Christ is bare; the statuary was smashed. The voussures and embracements that frame the portals preserve the original lavish vegetal decoration. The many niches and galleries on the west front contained statues, which were also destroyed, though the fleur-de-lis royal emblems on the balustrades remain. The sculpture of the tympanums of the north and south portals originally celebrated the lives of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, the two patron saints of the cathedral. These were also destroyed during the Revolution. 

The north and only tower, finished in 1634, is built in a more classical Renaissance style. It has two narrow windows on each side, between the supporting buttresses. each side, and decoration of slender columns. The top has a balustrade with two cupolas. An arch was planned to connect the two towers, and its foundation was built, but the south tower was never constructed.

North and south sides and transepts

The north and south walls of the cathedral are supported by high flying buttresses, given additional weight by stone pinnacles. The walls are divided midway by the north and south transepts. The space between the buttresses is almost entirely filled by small chapels, lower than the central vessel of the nave and choir. A balustrade connects the roofs of the chapels, and another balustrade runs along the edge of the upper wall, at the base of the roof. The tracery of high windows and of the chapels, especially those closer to the west end of the cathedral, is flamboyant and elaborate, while the tracery toward the east end, built in the 13th and beginning of the 14th century, is simpler.

Midway along the sides are the two transepts, which protrude just beyond the chapels on either side of them. They were built in the 13th century, and each was originally decorated with sculpture in the tympanum, and in the voussures of the arches over the portals. The south portal sculpture depicted the Last Judgement and Apocalypse. The transept sculpture, like that of the west front, was destroyed during the Revolution. A few pieces are preserved in the Musée des beaux-arts de Troyes.

The north transept underwent major rebuilding. The buttresses with pinnacles were added in the 15th century, along with lancet and quadrafoil windows in the triforium, or middle level. and a balustrade with ornament representing the keys of Saint Peter. The original rose window of the transept fell in 1390, and was replaced with a Rayonnant window in the early 15th century. Later in the same century, a vertical stone bar was placed in front of the rose window to secure it.

The original south transept from the 13th century collapsed and was entirely rebuilt between 1841 and 1844. The rose window was made identical to that in the north facade, and the decoration was simplified.

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Reply  Message 2 of 20 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 01/04/2024 04:24

De todas las iglesias de Troyes, Sainte-Madeleine es quizás la más antigua y sin duda una de las más bellas.

Se menciona en 1157: su construcción data de 1120, pero fue reconstruida hacia 1200 en el estilo gótico que acababa de aparecer en Francia.

Su ábside y su coro se renovaron de nuevo hacia 1500, en el estilo gótico flamígero de la época. Su torre cuadrada de estilo renacentista data de 1525, al igual que el pórtico ricamente esculpido del antiguo cementerio situado a la derecha de la entrada (actual Jardín de los Inocentes). El portal principal de la iglesia fue reconstruido en el siglo XVII y la nave restaurada en el siglo XIX.

Sainte-Madeleine destaca por su célebre retablo y las vidrieras de su cabecera, obras maestras de una finura excepcional que los visitantes pueden admirar a simple vista. Sólo un puñado de edificios religiosos en Francia conservan un rood screen, una plataforma de piedra erigida entre la nave y el coro para albergar un coro y/u oficiantes que se dirigen a los fieles.
Hacia 1503, el clero de Sainte-Madeleine encargó a los artesanos locales que sustituyeran el antiguo retablo de madera. Al mismo tiempo, el cabildo de la catedral de Troyes buscaba un arquitecto para construir su portal.
Jean Gailde, que había ayudado a construir el coro de Sainte-Madeleine, fue rechazado para la catedral, pero fue elegido aquí. Se dice que quiso vengarse de su destitución por los canónigos superándose a sí mismo en la creación de los encajes de piedra que pueden verse hoy en día. Diseñador y escultor, fue enterrado bajo su obra maestra. En su origen, el retablo estaba policromado, pero, como todos los muros de la iglesia, se encaló en el siglo XVIII.

El coro de la iglesia presenta magníficos ejemplos de vidrieras del Renacimiento temprano de la Escuela Troyana, caracterizadas por un diseño fuerte, colores vibrantes y un gran refinamiento técnico. Contemple el hermoso Árbol de Jesé (principios del siglo XVI), el Génesis, o Las perlas de San Eloi, que muestra el trabajo de un taller de orfebrería, una vidriera creada en 1506 por Nicolas Cordonnier para este gremio.

Las audioguías están disponibles en Ste Madeleine
Las audioguías son una nueva forma de visitar la iglesia de Sainte-Madeleine.
Durante 20 minutos, con la posibilidad de elegir entre 4 idiomas para escuchar los 13 comentarios grabados, los visitantes pueden descubrir la iglesia más antigua de Troyes a su propio ritmo.

Audioguías disponibles en la entrada de la iglesia.
Horario de apertura de la iglesia
- Temporada alta (del 1 de abril al 31 de octubre)
De lunes a sábado: de 9.30 h a 12.30 h / de 14 h a 18 h
Domingos, de 14.00 a 18.00 h
- Temporada baja (del 1 de noviembre al 31 de marzo)
De lunes a sábado: de 9.30 a 12.30 h / de 14.00 a 17.00 h
Domingos: de 14.00 a 17.00 h

Reply  Message 3 of 20 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 01/04/2024 04:37

Parish Church of the Madeleine, Troyes: Interior detail, statue of Saint Marthe


Circa 1910


 Architecture Library, Hesburgh Libraries

Sculpture produced in Troyes was abundant, if of uneven quality; about 1520 the work of the St. Martha workshop (named after a statue preserved in Ste. Madeleine) stands out.

Rebuilt around 1200 in the Gothic style. Its apse and choir were renovated around 1500 in the Flamboyant Gothic style. Its square Renaissance-style tower dates to 1525, as does the richly sculpted portal of the former cemetery located to the right of the entrance (today Jardin des Innocents). The church's main portal was refurbished in the 17th century and the nave was restored in the 19th century. It is noted for its Flamboyant rood (choir) screen (ca. 1508-1515, by Jean Gailde) and the stained glass of the apse. Sculpture produced in Troyes was abundant, if of uneven quality; about 1520 the work of the St. Martha workshop (named after a statue preserved in Ste Madeleine) stands out.


This is called Parish Church of the Madeleine, Troyes: Interior detail, statue of Saint Marthe within the category of photographs.Open in external viewer application


G. Massiot & cie
Circa 1910
Architecture Library, Hesburgh Libraries
Material Type
Conditions Governing Access
To view the physical lantern slide, please contact the Architecture Library to arrange an appointment
Related Location
Troyes, Champagne-Ardenne, France


Campus Locati

Reply  Message 4 of 20 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 01/04/2024 17:02
Soldados en la guerra, un locutor mudo y una muerte en Buenos Aires: las  aventuras reales de los actores de El Zorro - Infobae

Reply  Message 5 of 20 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 03/04/2024 13:48

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