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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (message original) Envoyé: 25/08/2017 19:05


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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 25/08/2017 15:41


A Study of their Cosmic and Prophetic Significance

by Luis B. Vega for PDF illustration online in Chart section

‘And to the Angel of the church in Philadelphia write: He who is Holy, who is True, who has the Key of David, who opens and no one will shut, and who shuts and no one opens, says this: 'I know your deeds. Behold, I have put before you an Open Door [Gate] which no one can shut, because you have a little power, and have kept My word, and have not denied My name.’ – Revelation 3:7-8

The purpose of this study is to consider the concepts of the Golden and Silver Gates of the Cosmos. In light of the many assertions pertaining to the opening of ‘Gates’ or doors by CERN lately one has to appreciate the conceptualization of what the Golden Gate and Silver Gate alludes to. The Ancients knew that Gates or portals existed into other dimensions. One such knowledge is the concept of what the Golden Gate and Silver Gate are apparently in relation to the known Universe from Earth’s perspective. This conceptualization of such portals or Gates goes back to the pre-Flood annals of history. It is well documented that the ancient civilizations were keener to celestial observations. Such were more in tune with their significance and meaning of the Cosmos. 

In the known Cosmos from Earth’s perspective there are only 2 nodes or points of time, matter and space references that are known as ‘meeting places’. Such points in time and space are where a convergence occurs. This pertains to when and where the Sun and the Cosmic Meridians of the Universe converge on the Solstices. It was said that such were the time and place where and when one could pass through such a ‘Gate’ into other realms. In this aspect of matter, space and time, what is needed to enter such portals or Gates is to know how to acquire the energy required and how to operate its keys; this is what CERN is really all about. Such realize that it takes levels of energy never before harnessed by Humanity to even attempt this feat. This is one of the main purposes why the Hadron Collider is fused with meta-physics and sorcery.


If the Cosmos is configured as a sphere, it would correspond to the north and south poles for a more familiar conceptualization. The Earth’s ecliptic with respect to the Galactic Plane has a 120˚ tilt. The Ecliptic is the plane on which the Sun appears to traverse the constellations from Earth’s vantage point. The planets also approximately travel near this Ecliptic as they oscillate above and below this line in various degrees of light, speed and frequency. There are a total of 12 recognized constellations along this ‘ring’ with each having subsets. What is unique about the constellations that configure the Cosmos is that the Golden and Silver Gates correspond to the possible portals or ‘Gates’ that are said to lead into other dimensions such as Heaven itself. These Gates have Sentinels guarding the way where the Creator resides perhaps.

The Guardians of the Galaxy
The 2 Gates of the Cosmos are depicted in the Zodiac or Mazzaroth as a ‘man’. These celestial anthropomorphic constellations are Orion and Ophiuchus on the opposite sides of the Cosmos. These can be seen as the Sentinels or Guardians of the Gates. This is Biblical as the Book of Revelation describes the Pit as having a ‘Gate’ or portal with a Sentinel, Abaddon and a corresponding Star and key. There are also 2 corresponding Stars that act as the keepers and are associated with the respective Gates. Antares, the super-giant red Sun is the keeper of the Golden Gate. The other giant Sun Aldebaran in Taurus is the keeper of the Silver Gate. What this amounts to is like a ‘front’ and ‘back’ door to Heaven or a beginning and an end. What is astonishing to ancient beliefs is that such Stars or Suns also function as entry and exit points. According to the theories of quantum physics, it requires inordinate amount of energy to travel though such Gates into different dimensions and time. Such hypotheses were proven in theory by Einstein.


As noted, the Silver Gate has Orion as the ‘Sentinel Guardian’. What is unique about Orion is that on the Winter Solstice, usually on December 22, the Sun exactly intersects this Gate. Only twice per year on the Solstices will have the shortest and largest span of light for the day. Orion is south of the Silver Gate and has one of his arms extended up to this intersection. It makes for an amazing depiction of a light-bearer. Orion’s depiction thus has a ‘torch’ on his hand corresponding to when the Sun literally intersects this Silver Gate of Man. In Biblical interpretations, Orion is a depiction of Jesus Christ at His 2nd Coming. This will be the time where the Overcomer comes in the bright radiance of His light that will destroy His enemies at His appearing. 

Esoterically, many attribute this imagery as a depiction of Lucifer on one hand that sought and seeks to ‘illuminate’ and grant Humanity the forbidden secrets of Heaven’s fire, eternal life of immortality and sacred knowledge. At the Golden Gate of God, there is Ophiuchus. What is unique about Ophiuchus is that on the Summer Solstice, usually on June 20, the Sun exactly intersects this Gate. He is the Man wrestling with the Serpent attempting to usurp the Crown of Heaven. Ophiuchus is not considered part of the Zodiac conventionally, but considered by many to be the 13th sign of the constellations. The discrepancy comes into play as the 13 Zodiac signs are connected to the lunar cycles. Why is this the case? The Moon goes around the Earth 13 times during the time it takes the Earth to revolve around the Sun once; a 1 to 13 ratio. This is why in most ancient calendars there were 13 months in a solar year. 

This constellation is above the Silver Gate and alludes to the 1st coming of Jesus as the 2nd Adam to wrestle and overcome the Serpent of the Garden by taking the sting of Scorpio in His heel. This amounted to being subjected to the ‘sting of death’ that the Apostle Paul speaks about that now because of Jesus, this ‘sting of death’ will never visit a Believer in Jesus Christ. On one level the Bible attributes Jesus to being the Creator and knows the end from the Beginning. Orion is ascribed to being the End as much as Ophiuchus is the ‘Beginning’. In a Biblical interpretation, Jesus was able to declare Himself, the Alpha and the Omega. This is the duality of the risen Jesus Christ, the true light of the World. Jesus came to overcome the false light-bearer, Lucifer along with sin and its consequences of eternal death and separation from the Creator YHVH. 

As Above So Below
When one studies the esoterical knowledge of the Ancients in tandem to the Bible, one quickly realizes that there is present the concept of a duality of being and law of opposites clearly operating in the laws of the Universe. Conversely, the Sun reaches the halfway mark at the Equinoxes or its ‘balance’. As ancient civilizations know of such knowledge, they attributed such an understanding to Beings, i.e., Fallen Angels that in some cases divulged such information to Humanity. Many monuments throughout the world have been built to correspond to these 2 Gates and their corresponding colors. For example the most prominent landmarks of a ‘Golden Gate’ would be in San Francisco with the bridge that acts as a ‘Gate’ to the city and nation for that matter. Its corresponding Silver Gate is thus situated in New York with the Brooklyn Bride that is silver in color and completes the symmetry and nodes of the nation

This pattern is also seen in Europe with a similar pattern of Lisbon have a ‘Golden Gate’ color bridge and Istanbul having a silver colored bridge spanning the Bosporus as the Silver Gate. This esoteric principle is in keeping with the ‘As Above, So Below’ mantra of the ancient knowledge the rulers of this fallen world seek to tap into. These nodes are portals, gates that go beyond the physical but the supernatural that involves the spiritual dimensions that are disclosed in the Bible for example. This principle of a door or ‘Gate’ of entry and an exit on Earth are seen in the Dimensions of Paradise study where the Silver Gate corresponds to the Pillars of Hercules in Spain with the Rock of Gibraltar and Ceuta on one side of the Strait.  The ‘backdoor’ would be the Strait of Hormuz that would thus then correspond to the Golden Gate. This order is the reverse to that of North America bridge-gates as well as on Europe itself; a beginning and an end. 

This pattern is also seen in Jerusalem where there is the Golden Gate on the Temple Mount. It was this Gate that Jesus entered on a donkey. Corresponding to the opposite side is the Silver Gate by the Tower of David which is now called the Joppa Gate. Of interest, on September 25, 2015 for the first time in modern history, a white bridal dress was stationed on this tower. It signaled the desire of Israel for the Messiah, the Groom to come take His City, His Bride. On another level of meaning and interpretation of these celestial ‘Gates’ is that they have been attributed to not only a geographical location in time and space in the Cosmos but they have been elevated to have a corresponding divine significance. The Bible teaches that Heaven itself has Gates or portals.  

Ancient civilizations also understood that these celestial points of references not only had divine beings such as Angels traverse back and forth from Heaven to Earth but such heavenly beings took the souls and spirits of the dead on Earth. One such civilization that highlighted this concept was the Egyptians. They attributed the Great Pyramid with such coordinates to Orion in one case where the soul of the Pharaoh would ascend through the Silver Gate that corresponds to the Gate of Man near Orion that to many is a Gate to Heaven. This is where humans would enter the realm of mortality on Earth and at the point of death, that is the separation of the body from the soul and spirit would enter Heaven by way of the Golden Gate. Later on this religious notion was incorporated in the very emblems of the Roman Catholic Papal seals. 

The Coming Opening of Portals 
These 2 Gates are currently symbolized by the Golden and Silver Keys of the shield of the Vatican. Biblically speaking the Gospels do depict Jesus Christ as a ‘door’ or Gate. In fact Jesus Himself attributed that part of His mission was to be that ‘Gate’ or door by which Humanity could enter into and be saved only. He came to rescue and lead the sheep to Heaven metaphorically but perhaps also metaphysically. This concept alone would negate that there are not ‘many ways to get to heaven’ as even celestially there is one Gate to enter Heaven. The Luciferians believe that they can pierce these Gates or portals from Earth. This is what CERN is really all about. Lucifer will attempt to scale the Gate of Heaven one last time before he is thrust down to the Earth. His minions on Earth seek to release the Titans that are bound before their time to aid Lucifer in his army against his final assault into Heaven and at the 2nd Coming of Jesus.

They seek to release or make a jail break for Apollyon to come up before his time. Such refuse to accept that it will actually be the LORD that will send the Angel with the key to open their ‘gate’. YHVH is sovereign and has reserved these Fallen Ones to be part of the agents to incur the wrath upon the Earth as they are let loose from their imprisoned dimension.  In part, this will be the coming deception that will be part of the ‘lie that will be believed’. This ‘lie’ may indeed involve the Alien equation of the discloser that now even the Roman Catholic Church is at the forefront of not only anticipating their arrival but welcoming their presence as part of a coming revised plan to alter the Gospel. The Bible teaches that on the contrary, these unholy or Fallen Angels that were led by Lucifer in an attempt to overthrow YHVH were cast down to the 2nd Heaven.


This realm is the atmosphere around the Earth, the clouds. According to the Book of Enoch, there were other Fallen Angels that made a pact to defile themselves and Humanity by mingling their seed in an attempt to deface the Image of YHVH in Humanity out of spite. These are the so called Titans that waged war against the Olympians where the Titans were cast into prisons below the Earth and await to be release in the End of Days before finally being cast into the Lake of Fire. This notion is echoed in the mythology of Tartarus. Amazingly the Bible teaches that in Heaven there is not matter, space nor time. Thus when one dies, the acceleration of time is competed and one is able to delineate the beginning from the end instantaneously.


Some studies have even suggested that the body is constituted by a spiritual tetrahedron type of constitution that can transcend time, matter and space…if one only knows how to harness energies and the key to travel through such ‘Gates’ or portals at certain places and times. How many who purport to do this is that the energy required to operate this endeavor is provided by the Fallen Angels, demons, etc. In fact some schools of magic purport to understand just that. Such espouse bodily astro-travel and contact with the spiritual realm. In part this can be done through drugs for one and sorcery is another way. On the other hand this transcendence can be done, will be done for example at the point and time of the Rapture. The Bible is nonetheless replete in instances where such a transportation and transformation occurs with the energy provided by the LORD Creator Himself. The difference and signature is seen in the purpose for such an endeavor. The LORD’ purposes will always be holy.  

The Vessels
As far as the celestial Gates are concerned, the Luciferians have also incorporated masculine and feminine attributes to the Gates and the constellation attributed to them. For example regarding the Silver Gate of Man, it is Orion the masculine that is paired with Taurus the feminine. In one mundane aspect, it is the celestial ‘bull fight’ in progress that depicts the celestial battle between good and evil, wickedness and righteousness. More than that, the ruling planet of the Silver Gate is Venus found in Taurus. In ancient Egypt, this is why Isis, another version of Venus is often depicted with the horns of a bull, i.e., Taurus and the Sun in-between them. Nonetheless, at least celestially, the 2 Gates are a perfect mirror of each other. They represent the cosmic end nodes of the Sun reaching its ‘balance’ during the 2 Equinoxes of a given year.


Silver Gate                 feminine        

Orion/Osiris                masculine
Taurus                         feminine


Golden Gate             masculine

Ophiuchus/Isis            feminine 

Scorpio                        masculine

In terms of the cosmic coordinates, the Silver Gate of Man corresponds with the crossing of the Milky Way plane or the Galactic plane which it is also called. As noted, what is amazing to ascertain is that in order for entities to travel through these Gates, it requires a vessel and extreme amounts of energy. In recent observations from the SOHO telescopes, there have been unusual anomalies that appear to be objects coming into and out of Sun perhaps for such purposes. Some have gone as far as to attribute these anomalies to ‘massive space ships’. There are those that believe that the UFO space crafts are what the ‘Aliens’ use to traverse such portals. The ancient Egyptians typified this assertion of traversing the Cosmos by a barge of boat.


Many in the esoteric crowd call these vessels the Merkavahs or the ‘chariots of the gods’ in another sense.  Pertaining to the human beings, the body can be likened to it being a Merkavah to travel to and from in this mortal dimension. There is a concept of a beginning and an end that requires space, matter and time at least on this side of the Gates. Recognize then that the essence and requirement to be able to live or be sustained in such a dimension on either side of these Gates thus requires a body. It is the physical body in the case of human beings that is required to live in the mortal state constituted by matter, space and time.


Those within the Heavenly realms have a spiritual body, but body nonetheless. In terms of the incarnation of the SON of GOD, it is said of Jesus the Messiah that ‘a body was prepared’ for Him when He traversed Heaven to come to Earth in His hypostatic union and essence. As it is there are now various levels of altercations done by the Fallen Angels since the 1st humans were created have sought to interfere with the ‘prime directive’ of YHVH concerning Humanity mainly that they were to be left alone genetically. The Fallen Angels mixed with humans according to Genesis 6 to produce the Nephilim. 

As in the Days of Noah
One of the purposes of the Flood of Noah was to destroy these interdimensional beings. Their spirits however became the Remphan or demons that wonder around and seek a body. Other genetic manipulation of humans by these Fallen Angels has produced various types of ‘Greys’ that abduct humans for further DNA experimentations. These Grays are the ones that use vessels or UFO ‘disks’ for travel as they are interdimensional beings. To reiterate, according to the Bible, beyond the ‘Cosmic Gates’ lies the 3rd Heaven where the Creator YHVH resides with all the Holy Angels and the souls of the departed Righteous. The Bible from the onset reveals that Lucifer has sought, currently seeks and will seek to overtake this place beyond the Gates. All the while he has done the same in defacing the Creation and Humanity in the Cosmos and here on Earth away from the true intent and purpose of Humanity’s calling. 

Their plans and the concepts of the Golden and Silver Gates are etched in stone in various monuments, buildings and writings. Orchestrated events are timed to the convergence of celestial time-keeping as the Sun, Moon and the Starts were designed to convey. Why this information is important is that it is Biblical to study the enemy’s schemes. The Bibles states in 2 Corinthians 2:11, ‘Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.’ Sadly the Church of Jesus Christ in these last days has neglected to teach such schemes of how the enemy works in such realms. Does the Bible speak of such ‘Gates’ for portals? The Bible does speak of piercing the dimension of Heaven. The prophets Daniel and Ezekiel for example were transcended to see the King of Glory, etc., as the veil or portal was drawn back. 

There is Jacob’s ladder and the prophetic promise of an Open Door for the Church of Philadelphia for all those that will be kept from the time of the world’s testing. There is also the notion of how the Apostle John in the Book of Revelation was ushered in to the Throne Room of YHVH. It was a portal or Gate to a time and place when he was called up or ‘raptured’. It is as a typology to be shown the breaking of the Seals of judgment that would constitute such a time of testing for the world, Israel and Lucifer. Based on the activities of what is transpiring at CERN it would appear that ‘Gates’ or portals are perhaps being opened in anticipation for the Bottomless Pit to be opened. Until such a time, the door that will perhaps open first is that of the Rapture door. The door to the Ark was opened for all those decades and none but Noah and his family entered in.

Similarly it is now only through Jesus, the only Door to Heaven that is now open. More than the importance of such an opening to YHVH’s door is the closure of such a door. The Church Age of grace and mercy is about to close. Once the Ark door closed, it meant doom and gloom for the inhabitance of the world. In a typology, likewise, once the Rapture door is shut, it will mean that the Wrath of the Lamb commences. The Church Age has been a time of testing for the Bride through much suffering and tribulation.  The end of such a dispensational Gate will be an agent of judgment upon the world thereafter. In essence the Rapture, yet to be determined, will be a door closing of the Ark. When the Rapture does happen, it will be a sign to the Jews, the AntiChrist and Lucifer that their time is sort and as it will be the beginning of their judgment and their testing.


Some Sources

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Réponse  Message 55 de 69 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 20/06/2024 17:01
2015 Pope Francis I Five (5) Ounce .999 Silver Medallion*Philadelphia*Only  1,000 Minted*60mm*In Original Packaging | Property Room

Réponse  Message 56 de 69 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 13/07/2024 02:19
FEAST DAY OF SAINT FRANCIS ASSISI today on 04th October 2021
St. Francis, our namesake's feast day is October 4 - Saint Francis  Ministries
St. Gerald Church - SAINT OF THE DAY - October 4 ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI St.  Francis (1181-1226) was born in Assisi, Italy, to a wealthy cloth merchant.  He was a spoiled
Saint Clare of Assisi
St Clare of Assisi, Virgin - Feast Day - August 11 2023 - Catholic Saint of  the Day

Réponse  Message 57 de 69 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 16/07/2024 12:53
Clara Clayton-Brown
Biographical information
Date of birth October 251855
Age (1885) 30 (deceased in original timeline)
Physical description
Gender Female
Eye color Brown
Behind-the-scenes information
Played by Mary Steenburgen
Voiced by Mary Steenburgen
Back to the Future: The Animated Series
Karen Strassman
LEGO Dimensions
" He [Doc] took his first real look at the woman he had saved. / "Thank you, sir," she began, as she turned her face to look up at him. / And what a face. Doc stopped breathing all over again. Her face had been hidden in shadow before, framed by that attractive bonnet. But then she smiled. / And what a smile. Doc thought it was like looking at the sun for the first time. / "—you saved my—" She paused as she, too, really looked at Doc. / She sighed the sweetest sigh Doc had ever heard. "—life," she concluded. / And what wonderful features surrounded that smile! That pert nose, that strong chin, those deep, large brown eyes that a man could get lost in — Doc sighed, then realized that, perhaps, he should say something in return. "
—From Back to the Future Part III by Craig Shaw Gardner (quote, pages 98 and 99)
"Clara was one in a million... One in a billion... One in a googolplex... The woman of my dreams, and I've lost her for all time."
—Doc Brown

Clara Clayton-Brown is the tritagonist of the Back to the Future franchise, serving as the deuteragonist of Back to the Future Part III and the tritagonist of Back to the Future: The Animated Series. She was a schoolteacher, living and working in the schoolhouse outside Hill Valley in 1885. She met Dr. Emmett Brown and Marty McFly by chance when she was about to fall over Shonash Ravine.

Clara was a very independent woman and did not take much fuss from anyone, especially Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen. Clara did not like being lied to and believed that people should tell the truth. She often saved the day after coming up with ideas, she did however try and take actions that helped her or other people avoid dangerous situations in the first place.

Clara was a very intelligent woman. Like Doc, her favorite author was Jules Verne, and she was very interested in astronomy and science. One of her favorite possessions was her telescope, which she often used to look at the Moon and the stars; she also appeared to know where a lot of the constellations were. Clara was a thinker and most of the time thought things through. If she believed something to be too "wacky" or too fantastic to be believed, she would not believe it (such as when Doc tried telling her about the time machine); this, after her marriage to Doc, changed.

Regreso Al Fururo III (Back To The Future III) [1990] –, 40% OFF
Saint Clare of Assisi
St Clare of Assisi, Virgin - Feast Day - August 11 2023 - Catholic Saint of  the Day
YARN | Jules and Verne. | Back to the Future Part III (1990) | Video clips  by quotes | 4e75a8eb | 紗
In Back To The Future 3, Doc's son Verne motions the camera in for a closer  look and points at his dangly bits. : r/MovieDetails
Back to the Future Part III - Wikipedia

Réponse  Message 58 de 69 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 23/08/2024 14:33

Kamala Devi Harris (pronunciación en inglés: /ˈkɑːmələ/OaklandCalifornia; 20 de octubre de 1964)1​ es una política progresista2​ y abogada estadounidense. Miembro del Partido Demócrata, es la 49.ª vicepresidente de los Estados Unidos desde el 20 de enero de 2021 bajo la presidencia de Joe Biden. Es la primera mujer y la primera persona afroamericana y de ascendencia india en ocupar la vicepresidencia y la funcionaria elegida de más alto rango en la historia de los Estados Unidos. Antes, desde 2017 hasta 2021, fue la primera senadora indo-estadounidense de los Estados Unidos, representando a California.34​ Previamente a su elección al Senado, ejerció como fiscal general de California entre 2011 y 2017.

Harris se convirtió en vicepresidenta el 20 de enero de 2021 junto al presidente electo Joe Biden, tras derrotar al entonces mandatario en ejercicio, Donald Trump, y al vicepresidente Mike Pence en las elecciones presidenciales de 2020. Además de ser la primera mujer en ocupar la Vicepresidencia de los Estados Unidos, es la primera persona con ascendencia afrocaribeña y tamil en ocuparla.5678

Nacida en Oakland, California, Harris se graduó de la Universidad Howard y del Hastings College of the Law, una Facultad de Derecho adscrita a la Universidad de California. Comenzó su carrera en la Oficina del Fiscal de Distrito del Condado de Alameda, antes de ser reclutada para la Oficina del Fiscal de Distrito de San Francisco y luego para la Oficina del Fiscal de la Ciudad de San Francisco. En 2003 fue elegida fiscal del distrito de San Francisco. Años después fue elegida fiscal general de California en 2010 y reelegida en 2014. Harris derrotó a Loretta Sánchez en las elecciones al Senado de 2016, convirtiéndose en la segunda mujer afroamericana y la primera surasiática americana en servir en el Senado de Estados Unidos.91011​ Como senadora, abogó por el control de armas, la reforma del sistema de salud, la legalización federal del cannabis, un camino hacia la ciudadanía para los inmigrantes indocumentados, la Ley DREAM y una reforma fiscal progresiva. Adquirió, además, un perfil nacional por sus agudos cuestionamientos a los funcionarios de la administración Trump durante las audiencias del Senado.12

Harris buscó la nominación presidencial demócrata de 2020, pero se retiró de la contienda antes de las primarias.13​ Sin embargo, el exvicepresidente Joe Biden eligió a Harris como su compañera de fórmula en agosto de 2020,1415​ resultando ganadores en las elecciones de noviembre de ese año.16​ Después de que Biden se retirara de las elecciones presidenciales de 2024, Harris lanzó su propia campaña presidencial con el respaldo de Biden y se convirtió en la candidata demócrata a la presidencia.17​ Luego, eligió al gobernador de Minnesota Tim Walz como su compañero de fórmula.18

Infancia y juventud (1964-1990)


Kamala Devi Harris nació el 20 de octubre de 1964, en Oakland en el estado de California, es hija de Donald Harris que es de nacionalidad jamaicana y de Shyamala Gopalan que es de nacionalidad india y del pueblo tamil. Su madre, Shyamala Gopalan Harris, fue una científica especialista en cáncer de mama que emigró a los Estados Unidos desde Madrás (hoy Chennai) en 1960.1920​ Shyamala eligió darle a sus hijas nombres sánscritos, (Kamala y Maya), derivados de la mitología hindú para ayudar a preservar su identidad cultural.21​ Su padre, Donald Harris, es un profesor de economía de la Universidad Stanford que emigró de Jamaica en 1961 para cursar estudios de posgrado en economía en la Universidad de California en Berkeley.22232425​ Al recordar las vidas de sus abuelas, Donald Harris escribió que una estaba emparentada con un propietario de plantación y de esclavizados,26​ mientras que la otra tenía ascendencia desconocida. En una entrevista de 2019, Kamala Harris dijo: «Soy negra y estoy orgullosa de ello».27

La familia de Harris vivió en Berkeley (California), donde sus padres asistieron a la escuela de posgrado.28​ Ella fue cercana a su abuelo materno, P. V. Gopalan, un diplomático indio.2930​ Cuando era niña, a menudo visitaba a su familia que vivía en Besant Nagar en Chennai, Tamil Nadu.31​ Harris creció asistiendo tanto a una iglesia bautista negra como a un templo hindú.32​ Ella tiene una hermana menor, Maya Harris.3334​ Ambas cantaban en un coro bautista.35

Harris acudió al jardín de infancia durante el segundo año del programa de autobuses de integración escolar de Berkeley, que fue pionero en el uso extensivo de autobuses para contribuir al equilibrio racial en cada una de las escuelas públicas de la ciudad; un autobús la llevó a una escuela a la que dos años antes asistían mayoritariamente menores blancos en un 95%.3637​ Sus padres se divorciaron cuando ella tenía siete años, y su madre asumió la custodia de sus hijas.3839​ Después del divorcio, cuando Harris tenía doce años,40​ su madre se mudó con las niñas a MontrealQuebec, Canadá, donde aceptó un puesto de investigación científica en el Hospital General Judío y enseñanza en la Universidad McGill.4142​ Harris fue inscrita en una escuela para hablantes nativos de francés.43

Cuando era adolescente, cofundó una pequeña compañía de danza de seis bailarines que actuaban en un centro comunitario y en eventos para recaudar fondos.44​ En la Escuela Secundaria Westmount en WestmountQuebec, fue una estudiante popular.45

Terminado el High School en 1981,4647​ se graduó en ciencia política y economía en la Universidad Howard, en Washington D. C.4849​ En Howard, fue elegida para el consejo estudiantil de artes liberales como representante de la clase del primer año, fue miembro del equipo de debate y se unió a la hermandad afroamericana Alpha Kappa Alpha.48

En 1989, regresó a California donde obtuvo el Juris Doctor (J.D.) del Hastings College of the Law, una Facultad de Derecho adscrita a la Universidad de California.5051​ Fue admitida en la Asociación de Abogados del Estado de California en 1990.52

Inicios de carrera (1990-2004)


Harris se desempeñó como fiscal de distrito adjunta en el Condado de Alameda, California, desde 1990 hasta 1998. Buscó una carrera en materia de orden público porque quería estar «en la mesa donde se toman las decisiones».53​ Durante este tiempo participó en varias juntas estatales.54​ En el año 2000, la fiscal de la ciudad electa de San Francisco, Louise Renne, reclutó a Harris para que se uniera a su despacho, donde fue jefe de la División de Vecindarios y Comunidades encargada de supervisar los asuntos de cumplimiento del código civil.55

Fiscal de distrito de San Francisco (2004-2011)

Harris con la Congresista Nancy Pelosi, poco después de convertirse en la fiscal de Distrito de San Francisco, 2004.

Harris derrotó a Terence Hallinan, titular de dos mandatos, en las elecciones de 2003 para convertirse en fiscal de distrito de la ciudad y el condado de San Francisco.56

En abril de 2004, el oficial del Departamento de Policía de San Francisco, Isaac Espinoza, fue asesinado a tiros en el cumplimiento de su deber. Tres días después, Harris anunció que no pediría la pena de muerte para el acusado, lo que enfureció a la Asociación de Oficiales de la Policía de San Francisco. Durante el funeral del Oficial Espinoza en la Catedral de Santa María, la senadora de los Estados Unidos y exalcaldesa de San Francisco, Dianne Feinstein, subió al púlpito y exhortó a Harris, que estaba sentada en primera fila a que asegurara la pena de muerte, lo que provocó una ovación de pie de los 2.000 policías uniformados presentes. Sin embargo, Harris mantuvo su negativa. El asesino del Oficial Espinoza fue declarado culpable y condenado a cadena perpetua.53

En 2004, como fiscal de distrito, Harris comenzó la iniciativa Back On Track, un programa de re-inserción para delincuentes no violentos sin antecedentes criminales. Los participantes de la iniciativa se declararon culpables a cambio de un aplazamiento de la sentencia y comparecencias regulares ante un juez durante un período de un año. Los participantes que lograran obtener un diploma de equivalencia de escuela secundaria, mantener un empleo estable, tomar clases de crianza y pasar las pruebas de detección de drogas tendrían sus registros borrados.5758​ Durante ocho años, el programa produjo menos de 300 graduados, pero logró una tasa de reincidencia muy baja.53​ En 2009, Arnold Schwarzenegger promulgó la «Ley de Reinserción Back On Track», una ley estatal que alienta a otros condados a comenzar programas con un modelo similar a la iniciativa de Harris.5960​ El programa tuvo cierta controversia porque inicialmente incluía a inmigrantes ilegales, entre ellos uno, Alexander Izaguirre, quien luego fue arrestado por asalto.61​ Más tarde, dijo que permitir a personas no elegibles para trabajar en los Estados Unidos fue un error,61​ y modificó el programa para prohibir a cualquiera que no pudiera trabajar legalmente en los Estados Unidos.62

En 2007, Harris fue reelegida como fiscal de distrito al postularse sin oposición.63

Un artículo del New York Times de 2008 que enumeró a las mujeres que podrían tener el potencial de convertirse en presidentes de los Estados Unidos, incluyó a Harris, sugiriendo que tenía una reputación de «dura luchadora».64

Réponse  Message 59 de 69 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 23/08/2024 14:49
COVERSCAPE computer designed "California Day" 2023 - Clint Eastwood event  cover | eBay

Réponse  Message 60 de 69 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 08/09/2024 23:18
Pope Francis reflects on his life and mortality in memoir | Reuters
The magi studied the stars and the ancient prophecies, and were waiting  expectantly for the coming of the Messiah. They risked... –  @thewordfortheday on Tumblr
Resultado de imagen para BACK TO THE FUTURE THREE BROTHERS
Lucia dos Santos | Biografía y visiones
emmanuel on Twitter: "McFly has to reach the speed of 88MPH at exactly  10:04 pm or 22:04 military time. In gematria we remove the zero to get the  number 224. Marty crashed

And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. (Matthew 2:11, ESV)

The significance of the wise men's gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh! |  Christians Read
Compound Interest: The Chemistry of Gold, Frankincense & Myrrh

Réponse  Message 61 de 69 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 11/01/2025 15:48

Itinéraire en métro parisien de Madeleine vers Franklin-Roosevelt

Métro de Madeleine à Franklin-Roosevelt


L'itinéraire le plus rapide en métro pour aller de la station Madeleine située 2 rue Tronchet / 3 rue Tronchet 75108 Paris 8ème vers la station Franklin-Roosevelt localisée 60 avenue Montaigne 75108 Paris 8ème , est parcouru en 00 H 10 minutes. Sans compter la durée de la marche à pied et de l'attente pour rejoindre les stations éstimée à 8 minutes.

Il n'y a pas de ligne de métro directe entre les stations Madeleine et Franklin-Roosevelt. Le trajet est effectué avec une correspondances entre les lignes  et .

La distance kilométrique entre les deux stations est calculée à 1.06 km. Le trajet en marchant à pied entre Madeleine et Franklin-Roosevelt est parcouru en14 minutes.


Horaires des prochains passages à la station : Madeleine


Feuille de route en métro (Madeleine -> Franklin-Roosevelt)

Aller à la station Madeleine et prendre le Métro ligne 
En direction de Mairie d'Issy
  1. prendre le départ1 : MADELEINE
  2. 2 : CONCORDE
Aller à la station Concorde et prendre le Métro ligne 
En direction de La défense
  1. 3 : CONCORDE
arrivée à destination 

Plan de l'itinéraire métro de Madeleine vers Franklin-Roosevelt

Localisation de la station métro Madeleine

La station métro Madeleine est localisée à l'adresse : 2 rue Tronchet / 3 rue Tronchet 75108 Paris 8ème . Quant à l'arrêt Franklin-Roosevelt, il est situé à l'adresse : 60 avenue Montaigne 75108 Paris 8ème :
A : Madeleine | B : Franklin-Roosevelt

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

Hôtels à proximité du métro Franklin-Roosevelt

Hôtel Mathis 4 étoiles
3, rue de Ponthieu
75008 Paris
L'hôtel est loin de 140 mètres du métro Franklin-Roosevelt.
Le meilleur tarif enregistré : 182 Euros Réserver cet hôtel
5 minutes away from Champs-Elysées
7 Rue De Ponthieu
75008 Paris
L'hôtel est loin de 140 mètres du métro Franklin-Roosevelt.
Le meilleur tarif enregistré : 80.77 Euros Réserver cet hôtel
Hôtel du Rond-Point des Champs-Elysees 4 étoiles
10, Rue de Ponthieu
75008 Paris
L'hôtel est loin de 160 mètres du métro Franklin-Roosevelt.
Le meilleur tarif enregistré : 129 Euros Réserver cet hôtel
Appartements Champs Elysées
78- 76 avenue Champs Elysées - Appt 488
75008 Paris
L'hôtel est loin de 160 mètres du métro Franklin-Roosevelt.
Le meilleur tarif enregistré : 239 Euros Réserver cet hôtel
Champs Elysées flat
Avenue des Champs Elysées
75008 Paris
L'hôtel est loin de 160 mètres du métro Franklin-Roosevelt.
Le meilleur tarif enregistré : 214 Euros Réserver cet hôtel

Réponse  Message 62 de 69 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 11/02/2025 14:03

Eye of Horus

Deep Impact signals via the Oscars

By Goro
March 05, 2015

Birdman starring Michael Keaton, the Best Picture award winner at this year's Oscars (2015), opens and ends with a mysterious sequence involving a big fireball streaking across the sky...

...evoking the real-life Chelyabinsk (Russian) meteor impact back in mid-February 2013 which injured about 1,500 people. Birdman was actually filmed in the spring of 2013 immediately following the Russian meteor. It also coincided with the exit period of Pope Benedict XVI (Feb 11-28, 2013)...

Feb 11, 2013 Pope Benedict XVI announces resignation
Feb 15, 2013 Major meteor impact in Russia
Feb 28 Benedict XVI steps down as pope
Mar 13, 2013 Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) elected pope

...celestially marked very precisely by a (pentagonal) "Orange/Golden Apple Alignment" or a Venus-Sun-Mercury alignment. (What is a Golden Apple Alignment?)

Another similarly pentagonal Orange/Golden Apple Alignment pinpointed this years' Oscars (Feb 22, 2015) where Birdman was a big winner. (See here for more on this Golden Apple Alignment.)

The Theory of Everything, a story about the renowned physicist Stephen Hawking, was another big winner at the Oscars. "Stephen" means "crown" and "Hawking" is "hawk-king". That would be Horus, a hawk/falcon-headed ancient Egyptian deity, the son of Osiris and Isis, who was embodied by ancient Egyptian kings.

And look, Horus is... "Birdman"!


In this context the lowercase "i" in the otherwise uppercase BiRDMAN logo stands out and becomes meaningful, as putting together "Horus" and "i" gives us "i of Horus" or "Eye of Horus". You may also know it (more or less) as the notorious "All-Seeing Eye"...


Now, unbeknownst to most, the Eye of Horus was subtly present in the mission patch of NASA's Deep Impact mission (2005). As I decoded it before:

It was a comet mission, actually impacting Comet Tempel-1, thus the name "Deep Impact" which alludes to the 1998 comet doom movie...

...thereby resonating back with Birdman/Oscars and Russian meteor impact. Quite ominous stuff. And there is a time sequence involved as well...

[For the rest see Super Torch Ritual Underground - subscribe now]

Réponse  Message 63 de 69 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 18/02/2025 15:57
Pin on RIsas de Instagram

June 22 DC Metro subway trains collide - 9 dead, 80 injured

June 18-24: Gov. Sanford missing/crying in Argentina
June 21: 'Impact' Part 1 on ABC; Prince William birthday
June 22: DC Metro Red Line trains in collision
June 23: US Moon probes (LRO/LCROSS) reach Moon
June 24: Gov. Sanford reveals Argentine affair
June 25: Death of Michael Jackson & Farahh Fawcett

'Metro' means 'meter' in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, etc. The meter is historically defined as 1/10,000,000 of the distance between the North Pole and the equator through Paris, or in other words the Paris Meridian between the North Pole and the equator. The Paris Meridian is also the 'Rose Line' (an esoteric concept popularized by The Da Vinci Code) i.e. a 'Red Line'...

DC Metro Red Line = French/Columbian Rose Line

...traditionally implying the Blood Royal/Sangraal or the Marian/Columbian Bloodline of the Holy Grail.

In Bloodline of the Holy Grail Laurence Gardner writes of the House of Stuart, the royal bloodline to which Princess Diana and her children belong (pp. 344-5):

Réponse  Message 64 de 69 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 18/02/2025 16:30

Solstice Hellgate Activation

By Goro
January 3, 2014 (orig. Dec 25, 2013)

The original version of the following article was posted on my Super Torch Ritual Underground (STRUG) blog site back on December 25, 2013. I just decided to post the piece as-is without making any adjustments (with few exceptions) and as such some links going to posts inside STRUG will not work for non-members and there are also some references that will not be familiar to those outside of STRUG. Nevertheless overall it shouldn't be much of a problem for readers here.

Contact... with the Devil?

In the buildup to the highly-charged temporal window, all indications were that Winter Solstice 2013 would produce major events... something "deep impact" and/or something deeply meaningful in the multicontextual reality matrix that would go perfectly with the various interconnected patterns we've been following. Already, a cluster of heavily intertwined world events with significant multicontextual implications have caught our attention...

But the "big one", which I was saving for this post, was Winter Storm "Gemini". Making big headlines right around December 21-22...

had specifically stated that Orange/Golden Apple Alignments (pinpointing ~Dec 21) tend to coincide with "earth changes" type events...

...and that's what we got here as well, except this wasn't a super major, deadly quake or a hurricane/typhoon as you might have expected but a little more understated variety in the form of a powerful winter storm. What it lacked in physical impact, however, it made up for in scale and precision.

Shown on a map (see below), Winter Storm Gemini was a visually striking straight line, moving up diagonally from the Gulf of Mexico to the US Northeast...

It was observant reader Mithras who first brought it to my attention, that this storm line was perfectly tracing a certain esoteric "ley line" connecting many major cities along the US East Coast known in the past, apparently at least according to one source, as "Satan's Axis". (I have talked about it many years ago.) Thus, a clear and unsettling continuation/escalation of our "devil" motif/communication [that had been discussed on STRUG].

From The Labyrinth of the Grail by William F. Mann (pp.74-75):
If the inner secrets of Masonry do not lie in Hell where do they lie? Of course, they lie in Heaven. But Heaven needs Hell. Thus, through Craft Masonry the initiate learns that the original columns of the temple were hollow and each supported a globe, one representing a map of the world and the other a map of the heavens. In many ways the "mappamundi" produced in the fourteenth to sixteenth centuries reflects this notion where one ring or circle illustrates what was known of the eastern world at that time and the western circle represents the New World - L'Arcadia. Could mappamundi refer to a world created by the Cathar god of evil - Rex Mundi, "King of the World?"

If true, then it goes a long way to explain why the lands of the New World purportedly fell along what was considered in the sixteenth century to be SATAN'S AXIS, that line beyond what was known of the world at the time. Satan's Axis not only runs lengthwise through Nova Scotia but also extends through Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and along the Allegheny Mountains - all renowned areas of early occult and witchcraft practice.

Beyond coincidence is the fact that the largest manganese and coal deposits within Nova Scotia lie along this so-called Satan's Axis. And there is the evidence presented by Barry Fell in America B.C. that the majority of pre-Columbian relics and remnants found in North America also relate to this axis.
It's also been my observation that if Satan's Axis is extended beyond the New World towards Europe, it pinpoints... Paris. Making the great-circle axis not only "Trojan" but also Sirian. (Remember, Paris is semi-officially an Isis-Sirius city.) Symbolically perfect in this way, as the ISS (Isis) was making big headlines simultaneously on the solstice/Dec 21...

And this was just a couple of days after another very Sirian signal event, the Apollo Theatre ceiling collapse, where the play "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time" was being performed.

Dec 19, 2013 The Apollo Theater Code

At the time of the roof collapse at ~20:15 GMT in London, Sirius - aka the "Dog Star" - was rising right at the horizon!

Not only that, to reflect the play which revolves around a dog pierced by a garden fork, directly below London (nadir) at the time of the roof collapse was Centaurus piercing Lupus...

Now this nadir-based configuration is something that reminds us of this year's Super Bowl Galactic Center/Dark Rift alignment that was being formed at the time of the blackout incident following the Beyonce/Destiny's Child halftime show...

Feb 03, 2013 Super Bowl halted by power outage at Superdome
Feb 04 Jokesters, advertisers pounce on Super Bowl power outage

Winter Storm Gemini also caused massive power outage...

This happened on the winter solstice when the Sun was aligned with/closest to the Galactic Center i.e. the exact spot that was directly below New Orleans (where the Super Bowl was being played) during the stadium blackout.

And Satan's Axis (= Winter Storm Gemini) is aligned with the New Orleans area (Super Bowl 2013), particularly the landfall point of Hurricane Katrina (2005), which was not only a storm but also a Galactic Mayan Storm, as it was pinpointing the halfway point between the Mayan calendar "end" date (12/21/2012) and the actual date of the "Galactic Alignment" (May 1998) popularly (but erroneously) associated with the Mayan "end" date.

This is rather chilling...

In the satellite map you can clearly see Winter Storm Gemini "emerging" from New Orleans/Katrina landfall!

It is certainly very fitting that the city New Orleans has its "voodoo" tradition, resonating with our "devil" motif. The Super Bowl certainly had a devil theme going as well, if you recall...
Two faces => god Janus => "Janus" = name of
main antagonist in Angels & Demons (book version)

All these remarkable coincidences find another strong pattern confirmation in the fact that the Super Bowl halftime entertainer Beyonce just released her new album, digitally (iTunes) on December 13 and physically on... December 20 the day before solstice. It created a big buzz because her self-titled "visual" album Beyonce came out of nowhere and took people by surprise as it had been kept very secret, going by the code name "Lily" as in fleur-de-lis, a popular symbol of New Orleans.

At this point we can start putting the two and two together... The Galactic Center/Dark Rift and the devil/Satan... evoking the Mayan Underworld. Because the Milky Way's "Dark Rift" - a long black streak running through a segment of the celestial river overlapping the Galactic Center - was considered by the Mayans to be a road to Xibalba, their (heavenly) Underworld or Hell. ("Xibalba" means "Place of fear".) That's the domain of the devil/Satan of course.
Interestingly in Mayan tradition their Underworld had 9 levels. This is particularly meaningful in the context of Thor: The Dark World released just last month (Nov 2013) right at the time of the "Phoenix Storm" Hiayan/Yolanda. That was another big storm (if not the biggest ever). In addition to "The Dark World" evoking the Dark Rift Underworld, the movie's plot is centered around the idea of an alignment of the "Nine Realms" formerly connected by the "Rainbow Bridge".

[Thor: The Dark World - Oct 30/Nov 8]
In present-day Asgard, Loki stands imprisoned for his war crimes on Earth. Meanwhile, Thor, alongside warriors Fandral, Volstagg and Sif, repels marauders on Vanaheim, home of their comrade Hogun; it is the final battle in a war to pacify the Nine Realms following the reconstruction of Bifröst, the "Rainbow Bridge" between realms, which had been destroyed two years earlier. The Asgardians soon learn that the Convergence, a rare alignment of the Nine Realms, is imminent; as the event approaches, portals linking the worlds appear at random.
And Thor is not only the god of storms, but also the Norse version of Jupiter/Zeus. Where was the planet Jupiter during all this? In the constellation Gemini... the namesake of Winter Storm Gemini.

So as you can see, 2013 December solstice/Orange Alignment was a special time window, giving rise to events quite appropriate for the "end" of the Mayan calendar exactly one year prior (12/21/2012)... a galactic rebirth from the Dark Rift Underworld, i.e. a phoenix event. And this phoenix may well be largely equated with the "devil/Satan"... and now even with the Mayan resurrection deity Quetzalcoatl, a "feathered serpent", whom many speculated might return in 2012 at the end of the Long Count calendar. It's almost as if that's what's happening a year later in 2013-2014. Or at least the interdimensional whisper communications from the "devil" - or Enki - have been heavily relying on that storyline as a "carrier signal", transmitting a stream of inter-temporal insights and knowledge or "prophecies".

The simple fact is that us humans here on earth and in this realm we call reality we are limited beings, thus unnatural, like a dam holding back the water of a river. We are in this thing called time and yet can only see the past; the future is so much murkier, and from this condition arises everything that is earthly experience most of which not pleasant. When something is limited, it inevitably creates pressure, a force that seeks a more natural state, greater freedom and more universal truth. And thus come into existence the "whispers" or information leaks through the interdimensional "wall", from the other side, which we might call the Underworld, to our limited realm populated by temporally half-blind beings. Angels and Demons are at the dimensional portal, managing the flow of "forbidden knowledge". As the temporal and dimensional barrier collapses further as we move deeper into the 21st century, which is by design per the Time Rivers scheme, more and more responsibility will be put on us to handle the incoming "flood" of information ourselves. This is a critical moment in the evolution and for the survival of our species. The flood is coming, and it's either we take steps to deal with it and go on to the next level of existence like Noah and see the rainbow, or we falter and drown, going the way of Atlantis.

Essentially that's what's happening and what's being communicated. The question is, are we listening? Here on STRUG, I'd like to think we are.

To be continued... (In the cycle of time, it never ends.)

Réponse  Message 65 de 69 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 19/02/2025 04:34

Réponse  Message 66 de 69 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 19/02/2025 15:32
La subasta de la camiseta de Diego Maradona en México 1986 rompió todos los  récords | Sporting News Spain
Diario La Capital on X: "????????❤️ FUA, EL DIEGO ???? Ayer sábado se cumplieron  38 años del mítico gol de Diego Armando #Maradona a los ingleses en el  Mundial 1986, apodado "La
Oferta millonaria en el inicio de la subasta por la camiseta de Diego  contra los ingleses en el 86 :: Olé -
Diego Maradona: How the 'Hand of God' and the 'Goal of the Century'  redefined football | CNN
35 Years Since Maradona's Hand of God Goal ????????✋
Scottish Commentary on Diego Maradona Hand of God 1986 England v Argentina  - Allaster McKallaster

Réponse  Message 67 de 69 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 01/03/2025 19:58


Post by shipstamps » Tue Nov 18, 2008 4:27 pm


Not much is know about the caravel, where and when built unknown.
Tonnage 200 ton, dim. 85 x 25 x 14ft. (draught)
Four masts, fore and main mast square rigged, mizzen and Bonaventura mast lateen rigged.

She was the flagship of Don Pedro de Mendoza (1487-1537) expedition to the River Plata.
Mendoza held a post in the court of Charles V, when he in 1534 made an offer to Emperor Charles V to make an expedition on his own account for the discovery and conquest of Paraguay and the countries on the Rio La Plata.
24 August 1534 Mendoza on board the MAGDALENA and 13 other vessels, with 3000 men set sail from San Lucar, Spain.
Receive from the Emperor before sailing 2.000 ducats, with the condition, when he transported to the new founded colonies 1000 colonists and 100 horses, build a road to the Pacific Ocean, erect three forts within two years he would receive 2.000 ducats more. Also he had to take 8 monks, a physician, a surgeon, and an apothecary, but he was forbidden to introduce a lawyer in the colony.
He was to have half the treasure of the chiefs killed and nine-tenths of the ransom.
Mendoza was made before sailing military governor of all the territory between the Rio de la Plata and the Strait of Magellan. The office of the Governor was also made hereditary.

Off the coast of Brazil the fleet was scattered in a heavy storm, and Medoza lieutenant Osario, was assassinated, according to some authorities by the orders of Mendoza himself because of suspected disloyalty.
1535 Mendoza sailed up the Rio de la Plata, and founded Buenos Aires on 02 February 1536.
He erected two forts there to defend the place.
Pestilence broke out and the natives became unfriendly after ill treatment by the Spaniards.
His brother Don Diego led a force against the hostile tribes, but was killed with three-fourths of his men.
A general conspiracy of the natives was formed, and Buenos Aires was captured and burned by the natives.
Mendoza retired to the forth Sanctus-Spiritus, from where he dispatched Juan de Ayolas to explore the upper part of the river.
Another brother, Gonzalo arrived with reinforcements and founded the city of Ascención in Paraguay in 1536.
Mendoza, disappointed and with a broken health, embarked on board the MAGDALENA for Spain in 1537, leaving Juan de Ayolas in charge.
During the long voyage to Spain he died maniac on board the MAGDALENA on 23 June 1537.

The fate of the MAGDALENA is not known.

Argentine 1979 400p + 400p sg 1646

Source: mostly copied from

Réponse  Message 68 de 69 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 16/03/2025 21:40

"Quiso desactivar las guerras de religiones respetando la convivencia cívica"J. J. Tamayo: "El Encuentro de Francisco de Asís con el sultán Al Kamil inauguró la cultura del diálogo"

Encuentro de Francisco de Asís y el Sultán, modelo del diálogo interreligioso
Encuentro de Francisco de Asís y el Sultán, modelo del diálogo interreligioso

"El Papa Francisco ha nombrado al cardenal Sandri enviado pontificio en Egipto para los actos conmemorativos del centenario de este encuentro"


"Francisco de Asís convirtió la Cruzada en peregrinaje hacia el lugar donde vivió y murió Cristo para mejor seguirle"


"Pidió entrevistarse con el Sultán Malik al Kamil con riesgo de que le cortara la cabeza como era el consejo de los sabios que asesoraban al dirigente musulmán"


Uno de los temas centrales de la Semana de Estudios Franciscanos celebrada en Lima del 10 al 13 de septiembre, en la que participé, fue el encuentro de Francisco de Asís con el Sultán de Egipto Malik al Kamil, del que este año estamos celebrando el octavo centenario. Sumándose a dicha celebración, el papa Francisco ha hecho un llamamiento a no recurrir a la violencia y ha insistido en su condena de la violencia basada en motivos religiosos. Para dar toda la relevancia que la efemérides merece, el papa nombró al cardenal Sandri enviado pontificio en Egipto para los actos conmemorativos de dicho centenario.

En 1219 Francisco se embarcó con otros hermanos menores en el puerto de Ancona en dirección a Oriente: a Tierra Santa y al campo de batalla de Damieta, donde contendían cristianos y musulmanes en la quinta Cruzada. Ya lo había intentado en otras dos ocasiones, pero no lo consiguió. Emprendió el viaje no como cruzado que fuera a combatir con el ejército cristiano, ni como un héroe que buscara el triunfo militar y la fama del guerrero que sale indemne de la batalla. Tampoco como predicador de la Cruzada, sino como peregrino que iba en son de paz.

Francisco no apoyaba la Cruzada, ya que la actitud belicista de esta era contraria a su espíritu “pacifista”, como queda constancia en su célebre Oración por la Paz y el Cántico de las Criaturas. Lo que hizo fue convertir la Cruzada en peregrinaje hacia el lugar donde vivió y murió Cristo para mejor seguirle.

La primera pregunta a plantear es si tuvo lugar el encuentro o se trata de una leyenda más a sumar en la hagiografía de San Francisco. La respuesta la ofreció el historiador Fray Jorge Cajo: efectivamente, el encuentro se produjo y está documentado en numerosas fuentes coetáneas. Las primeras son dos textos del obispo de Acre, Jacobo de Vitry, que confirman la historicidad del diálogo. A ellos hay que sumar otros relatos como la primera biografía de Celano, las referencias al hecho y las reflexiones teológicas de San Buenaventura, entre otros testimonios. Cabe reconocer que en algunas fuentes hay más tendencia a teologizar que a documentar.

El sultán "quedó impresionado por la sencillez y humildad con que se presentó Francisco ante él"

Tras un mes de viaje marítimo desembarcó en Acre, capital del reino latino de Jerusalén, donde se encontraban sus hermanos de Orden y donde entró en contacto con el obispo Jacobo Vitry y con el legado papal para la quinta Cruzada, Pelagio, que se resistió a concederle permiso para dirigirse al campamento musulmán y buscar una solución pacífica al conflicto.

Con todo, acompañado por Fray Iluminado pasó a dicho campamento y pidió entrevistarse con el Sultán Malik al Kamil con riesgo de que le cortara la cabeza como era el consejo de los sabios que asesoraban al dirigente musulmán y lograr así la gloria del martirio. La petición la hizo no en calidad de cruzado litigante, sino como hombre de paz. El objetivo del encuentro era convertir a la fe cristiana al Sultán. Este, lejos de seguir las recomendaciones de los sabios, lo acogió fraternalmente, lo escuchó con gran atención y quedó impresionado por la sencillez y humildad con que se presentó Francisco ante él y por la autenticidad de su fe en Jesucristo. Quiso obsequiarle con costosos regalos que Francisco no aceptó. El Sultán le pidió que rezara por él.

El Sultán adoptó una actitud respetuosa y receptiva, que cambió el modo de pensar de Francisco hacia él y hacia los musulmanes. Dejó de ver al Sultán como un adversario ávido de sangre. Los dos mostraron una actitud de respeto y de reconocimiento mutuos, condición necesaria para todo diálogo y encuentro.

El encuentro de Francisco con el Sultán inauguraba la cultura del diálogo, que no veía a este como enemigo, sino como hermano musulmán. Francisco no logró convertir al Sultán, ni detener la guerra entre los cruzados cristianos y los combatientes musulmanes, pero no por ello el encuentro resultó estéril. Con su peregrinación a Tierra Santa Francisco pretendía detener la guerra, convertir a los musulmanes, pero no a través de la violencia, sino con la persuasión y el ejemplo de vida. Prefería crear cristianos a combatir y destruir a los musulmanes. Buscaba también el cambio de actitud de los peregrinos, muchos de los cuales no llevaban una vida cristiana precisamente ejemplar.


San Francisco de Asis 
San Francisco de Asis


La actitud de Francisco era muy distinta a la adoptada por el monje Bernardo de Claraval, que predicó la segunda Cruzada, en la que llamó a los “soldados de Cristo” a combatir a los enemigos y a estar dispuestos a asesinar a los musulmanes y a ser asesinados por ellos en nombre de Cristo. Morir y matar por Cristo era la mayor gloria que podían conseguir. Bernardo jugó un papel fundamental en la creación y organización de los Templarios y estableció similitudes entre la milicia divina y la milicia templaria.

Tras su viaje al lugar de los contendientes cristianos y musulmanes y a la tierra de Jesús de Nazaret, Francisco no volvió a Italia de vacío, sino que se sintió transformado para iniciar. Dedicó el capítulo 16 de la Regla no bulada y el 12 de la Regla bulada a exponer la forma de evangelizar en territorios musulmanes y el código de comportamiento a seguir por los evangelizadores en dichos lugares. 

Ambas Reglas ordenan que los hermanos franciscanos menores deben anunciar la fe en Jesucristo a los infieles y hacerlos cristianos. Han de convivir con los musulmanes, conocerlos en profundidad, aceptarlos como son y no discutir. Tienen que respetar las leyes y a las autoridades del país donde evangelizan. No pueden perder o diluir la identidad cristiana. Han de anunciar el evangelio, pero observando fielmente todas las normas de la convivencia cívica de cada país donde evangelizan. Deben estar dispuestos a sufrir persecución e incluso a dar la vida.      

El encuentro de Francisco y al Kamil se ha convertido en faro y guía para el diálogo interreligioso y muy especialmente para el cambio de paradigma del anatema al diálogo en las relaciones entre judaísmo, cristianismo e Islam. Son estas tres religiones hermanas, que tienen el mismo tronco, Abraham, comparten la creencia en un solo Dios, consideran a los profetas como figuras centrales y tienen en común tres libros “revelados”: la Biblia hebrea, la Biblia cristiana y el Corán, los tres en continuidad.

Sin embargo, las tres religiones han vivido situaciones conflictivas, que se han traducido en “guerras de religiones” y que Francisco de Asís quiso desactivar y tornarlas encuentros de paz. Este centenario es una excelente oportunidad para enterrar definitivamente los anatemas y caminar por las sendas del diálogo. A dicho cambio de paradigma pretendo contribuir con la inminente publicación de mi libro Hermano Islam (Trotta).

Réponse  Message 69 de 69 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 16/03/2025 22:07
Santa Clara de Asís

Clara de Asís
Información personal
Nombre de nacimiento Chiara Scifi
Nacimiento 16 de julio de 1194
Asís (Italia)
Fallecimiento 11 de agosto de 1253 (59 años)
Asís (Italia)
Sepultura Basílica de Santa Clara (Asís) Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Religión Catolicismo
Padres Favarone Offreduccio y Ortolana de Asís
Información profesional
Ocupación Monjaautora, escritora de literatura religiosa, fundador de orden o congregación, místico, filósofa y monja clarisa Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Área Misticismooración y gestión Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Cargos ocupados Abadesa (desde 1215) Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Información religiosa
Canonización 26 de septiembre de 1255, por el papa Alejandro IV
Festividad 11 de agosto (rito romano)
Atributos CustodiaBáculoLirio
Venerada en Iglesia católicaComunión anglicanaIglesia luterana

Comunicación a distancia
Enfermedades de la vista

Orden religiosa Orden de Santa Clara Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata

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