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13/5-13/10=154 days=22*7 days (22/7=day of mary magdalene)=2*11*7 (nexus 911)
Iglesia de Santa María Madalena, Isla do Pico
Admira la Iglesia de Santa María Madalena en Madalena, Isla do Pico, Azores.
 Iglesia de Santa María Madalena © Carlos Luis M C da Cruz
La Iglesia de Santa María Madalena se encuentra localizada en el casco histórico de Madalena, la capital de la Isla do Pico del archipiélago de las Azores, Portugal.
Se trata de un templo del siglo XVII, el más grande de la isla. Cuenta con dos hermosas torres gemelas coronadas por agujas de base hexagonal y decorativa peineta con un reloj del siglo XIX.
Su interior barroco presenta una serie de azulejos historiados, imágenes religiosas, y dos altares laterales y una capilla mayor con una tallas doradas
Más información:
Largo Cardenal Costa Nunes, Madalena, Isla do Pico, Azores.
Califato fatimí
Bandera verde de Fatimid. El califato fatimí en su apogeo, c. 969. Capital Mahdia Al-Mansuriya El Cairo Idiomas Árabe Berber, Coptic Religión Shia Islam Gobierno Califato islámico Caliph - 909-934 al-Mahdi Billah - 1160-1171 al-Adid Época histórica Edad media temprana - Establecido el 5 de enero de 909 - Fundación de El Cairo 8 de agosto de 969 - Desglosado 1171 Área - 969 4,100,000 km² Población - est. 6,200,000 Moneda Dinar Dinastía Ayyubid Dinastía almorávida Reino de Jerusalén Principado de Antioch Condado de Edessa Condado de Tripoli Dinastía Zirid Emirate of Sicily Condado de Sicilia Hoy parte de Países hoy Argelia Egipto Gibraltar Israel Italia Líbano Libia Malta Marruecos ...
Mayo 1917 |
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Octubre 1917 |
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22 semanas exactas comenzando el domingo 13 de mayo y finalizando el sabado 13 de octubre, confirmando que el sabado de la semana de siete dias tambien es catolico. FATIMA LO CONFIRMA. |
Catholic pilgrimages around the world reveal that there are certain religious places where visitors truly feel a connection to the sacred. Lourdes and Fatima are two such places and draw pilgrims by the thousands each year. It was in February of 1858 that a devout peasant girl, only fifteen years old, met the Blessed Virgin. Bernadette had seven personal encounters over a 6 day period at Lourdes and the impact of these visits continues to change lives. In May 13, 1917, Mary appeared to 3 farm children in the small hamlet of Fatima. She continued to visit with them until Oct 13, 1917 and many signs and wonders were recorded in connection with these holy encounters. We will join other global pilgrims as we visit the Basilica of Our Lady of Fatima and walk the Stations of the Cross. It is appropriate that we precede our time at these revered Marian shrines by visiting Paris, where, in 2019, the world watched in stunned sadness as Notre Dame Cathedral caught fire. Once the smoldering embers where final extinguished, a small band of parishioners carried a statue of Our Lady through the streets of Paris, reminding us that this is a city of both light and hope. As we journey from France to Portugal, immersed initially in the majesty of the Pyrenees, we experience the treasures of Burgos and Salamanca, two of Spain’s most historic and picturesque locations, as walk in the footsteps of pilgrims who have traveled before us on the Camino do Santiago. |
Fatima Mosque. Distinctive green-and-white domed mosque in Abdullah al-Salem.Shaikh Nasser al-Sabah Mosque. Pyramid-shaped mosque is another example of exceptional modern mosque design. |
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