More esoterically, a circumscribed pentagram signifies a interdimensional portal between this world and the Underworld which is of course exactly what transpired in
Chile with the miners coming out of the Underworld, precisely at the right (pentagrammic) time... and right (pentagrammic) place. The latter via the other major event in Chile, the Feb 27th earthquake which registered as the 7th strongest quake ever recorded, not far behind Sumatra 2004. The Chilean Big One's epicenter latitude ~36 deg S., as I've been pointing out for months, geometrically implied a pentagram turned sideways and aligned with the equator, like this:

[different perspective]
Apply the exact same configuration to the Earth orbit and you get... October 29-30 - the date of the Venus inferior conjunction!

Goes to show you, reality is not so random, when viewed from the 'right' perspective.
So the Chilean Underworld, as dramatic as it was, was still something of a prelude to the Venusian Underworld coming late October and the subsequent phoenix-like Rise of Lucifer as the Morning Star.
Worth pointing out again that 'Phoenix', the capsule or 'elevator' that brought the miners back up to the surface, is also the code-name chosen for the HAL rescue mission in 2010: The Year We Make Contact (yes, 2010). What ends up happening there is the planet Jupiter exploding into a second sun, which in Arthur C. Clarke's book version is dubbed... 'Lucifer'.

2010 continues from the more famous original story 2001: A Space Odyssey which opens with a memorable if puzzling segment titled 'The Dawn of Man'. 'Dawn' being a euphemism for Lucifer, called 'son of dawn' in Isaiah 14:12.
What 'activates' the monkeys, humans, as well as Jupiter is the 'Monolith'. For modern humans, this enigmatic evolution accelerator comes out of the Moon (storyline in 2001) or 'Diana' (Roman moon goddess)... like Prince William (and Harry) who came out of the womb of Princess Diana.
I should tell you, watch Prince William... It's coming soon.

In any case, there are notable events already scheduled for the Venusian Underworld/Morning Star window that are worth keeping a close eye on, including...
- Nov 1: Space shuttle Discovery STS-133 launch
- Note: HAL, David Bowman, et al. fly to Jupiter on spaceship named Discovery One in 2001
- Nov 2: US midterm elections
- Nov 4: Deep Impact/EPOXI comet Hartley 2 flyby
* * *
Whatever it is, 'radioactive' in a way (and intertwined with the idea of earthquakes), it's about to come out of the Pandora's Box. It will be something to behold...
Nov 07: Partial summary of latest 'Out of the Underworld' developments...
'Lucifer Rising Out of Underworld'
Window #2: Late Oct-early Nov
Main impact event (so far):
Volcanic Eruptions
(magma & smoke out of Underworld)

[Indonesia: Earthquake, tsunami & volcanic eruptions]

[Rising out of the 'Underworld']
* * *
Direct continuation from window #1 (Chile mine):
World Series - San Francisco vs. Texas
(Oct 27-Nov 1; Devil's Triangle/The Event alignment)

[Hat tip to reader 'dd' for noting Arlington position.]
Bermuda/Devil's Triangle signifies a portal through which the 'Devil'/'Lucifer' comes out of the Underworld.
'Giants' = Titans/Nephilim = 'fallen angels' = dwelling in the Underworld.
Hurricane Tomas over St. Lucia during World Series late October: Tomas/Thomas = 'twin'; Lucia = Lucy/Lucifer. 'Twin Lucifer' = second sun in 2010: The Year We Make Contact (dubbed 'Lucifer' in book version).

[As noted by many readers...]

[Chile flag left, Texas flag right]
San Francisco:
1) Nearest town to Chile mine (Copiapo) was originally called San Francisco de la Selva de Copiapo.
2) SF flag features rising phoenix echoing Chile's 'Phoenix' capsule that brought miners out of 'Underworld':

[S.F. flag & Chile's 'Phoenix' capsule]
* * *
Foreshadowing - 'The Event'
Don't want to go too much into this yet but... From previous posts:
Oct 03, 2010 [Etemenanki]: As previously mentioned there is a significant convergence of patterns/timecodes in October (plus early November) that will trigger a sequence to open up the Underworld (including the Chilean miners trapped underground and possible US West Coast/Ring of Fire earthquake activities)... a la the Gulf oil leak. There are two windows that I talk about (around Oct 8-16 & around Halloween)...
Aug 24, 2010 [STRUG]: '[...] outbreak' [associated with Venus retrograde Oct-Nov] in this way potentially encodes a 'warning' about a 'Pacific Ring of Fire outbreak'... i.e. earthquakes and volcanoes intensifying in that zone. Add to this the [...] hinting at a 'Big One' along the San Andreas Fault running through California which is overdue [...]

There is a significant pattern and it's definitely continuing...
Nov 01 San Francisco Giants Win World Series in 5 Games
Nov 02 US midterm elections: GOP takes House

Oct 24 Preparing for the Next "Big One"
* * *
Not directly related but...
'When Venus is covered by the Sun'
The day of Venus inferior conjunction with the Sun,
October 29, anchoring Window #2, became
the biggest Terror Day of 2010 in the US (so far)...
* * *
Etc. etc. (just the tip of the iceberg...)
The punch line - and the Event - is still to come.
Stay tuned...
Nov 16:
Nov 16 Prince William engaged to Kate Middleton
'I should tell you, watch Prince William... It's coming soon.' - Oct 20, 2010 (here on Etemenanki)
For more details on the multicontextual significance of this, see my article 'The Moonwalker Prophecy' (published 7/4/2009). A few excerpts...
Is this it? The long-awaited moment of the resurrection of the phoenix? A somewhat ironic rebirth of 'King William'? [...]
It's as if we are in for a major shift in the British Royal Family starting 2010 just in time for the 2012 London Olympics. [...]
A straightforward interpretation would be that Prince William will become King William in or around 2012. If not literal, then this should at least be a major symbolic storyline set to (if not already) drive key world events in/around 2010-2012.
[red emphasis added]
Dec 02: A new form of life announced by NASA...
Arsenic instead of phosphorous...
'Phosphorous' means... 'Lucifer'! ('Light-bearer' or the Morning Star.)
The first form of phosphorus to be discovered (white phosphorus, in 1669) emits a faint glow upon exposure to oxygen - hence its name given from Greek mythology, Φωσφόρος meaning "light-bearer" (Latin Lucifer), referring to the "Morning Star", the planet Venus. - Wikipedia
Precisely reflecting, both in theme and timing, our pentagrammic time code!

Venus has been shining brighter and brighter before sunrise as the 'Morning Star' (Lucifer) since October 29 and is achieving peak brightness right now, around December 4th, hence - per the adage 'as above, so below' - the 'Luciferic' new 'alien' life form rising (via phosphorous) out of the Underworld (Mono Lake in California) into our consciousness today.
Does any one still doubt the reality of the pattern?