Originally Posted by mihryazd 
Hey Raphael you pointing to 16 being asymmetrical.
I wish folks would quote me correctly.

go back to my last post mo.
I in fact gave
two formulas for '16'.
One formula for 16 is symmetrical and the other is asymmetrical.
symmetrical = 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 16
asymmetrical = 4+ 3 + 4 + 5 = 16clearly we can see the difference in how one of the
4 + 4 = 8 = 5 + 3?
And clearly we understand the difference between 4 + 4 symmetry and 5 + 3 asymmetry.
And clearly we can see that 8 = 5 + 3 is also part of the FIBonacci sequence.
And clearly we all know that the ratio of 8/5 or 5/3 represents a CUT or what was termed the golden schnitt/cut?
And clearly we all know that the golden cut is the same thing as the golden mean which is a direct reference to the golden ratio, which brings us to the big FIB re: NATURE that has was veiled from the pagans.
And clearly we have all heard of the song, the first cut is the deepest?
And clearly this is not nonsense.
Originally Posted by mihryazd 
Using Mod 9 and 26 around 1 we get only symmetry. Lee's work demonstrates this.
I agree, Lee's work is incomplete.
I gave two formulas, one that clearly belongs to the Rosicrucian and the other formula to those who developed the JHVH thesis, thousands of year's ago.
Both ancient formulas are the results of a synthesis of a thesis, developed over hundreds/thousands of years.
Folks get upset when I point that out?
Originally Posted by mihryazd 
It is only with the addition of 10 more cubes totaling 37 that we can then start to poke and see how asymmetry starts to play its role. 9x9x9 = 729 729 (Solfeggio) + 270 (non-solfeggio) = 999 = Full Set
10 more cubes to bring us up to magical '37' is what you are suggesting.
folks who study 'gematria' know all about '37' and what it implies?
And as a side note, re: god and 37, here is just a reminder, for next year fellas, my birthday is the 3rd of July. happy birthday to mi

where mi = 528 hertz
be my guest mo....shall we explore asymmetry?
NOBEL physicists in fact do, when discussing invisible matter and anti-matter.
Obviously 'asymmetry' is very important.
Ever notice mo, here or on the Forum2012 I am the only one discussing how important asymmetry is, while others reBLEAT nonsense about aliens arriving on symmetrical merKAbaas, being among us, blah blah blah?
Be my guest mo, poke around till the symmetry bubble bursts, because as I suggest,
asymmetry BEGINS where symmetry ENDS...and apparently
symmetry ENDS as we ADD 10 more commandments, err I mean 10 more cubes to the 'matrix', according to your 'insights', remind me, which door or window do you enter through?
Originally Posted by mihryazd 
the xyz = flower of life Flower of life = Hex based = Cubic entrapment
cubic entrapment?
explain please?
Is it like RUBIK CUBE entrapment?
How about thinking of the EARTH as a CUBE that goes through reflections, and rotations as it moves? 

Most folks on this thread do not realize, where I am taking this thread?
VBM, the future?
I wish I could have a chat with Euler instead of the many VBM groupies.
go ahead, make my day, apply VBM to the above scenario.
WHAT IF we imagine the EARTH as a RUBIK's Cube in orbit around the Sun?
Tumbling and fumbling through the 'waters' of space, WHAT IF our solar system acts like a lapidary?
WHAT IF underneath the surface of the earth is evidence of a crystal?
The earth's ley lines = edges of a crystal as some folks contend.
Originally Posted by mihryazd 
folks we need a 4th axis hence the octagon flower of life and mod9 good but incomplete
I agree
I knew that about Marko's work too.
good but incomplete.
That is why I keep asking folks what their intent is in studying all of this.
I see a much higher purpose than mere 'free energy' and Rodin Ceiling Fans coming of all this work that attempts to merge VBM with solfeggio knowledge.
http://www.euclideanspace.com/physic...gularvelocity/the 4th axis
begins with a W?
follow the
ZIG ZAG down the tree of life?
bring along your zip code!
http://www.euclideanspace.com/physic...gularvelocity/The next two images are taken from this web site.
We are provided a powerful clue to the *bigger picture*, IMHO.

would Ed
W and
M theory be a clue?
in the world I inhabit, filled with poetREEs, the answer is yes follow the 'W'.

Vector Space eh?
would, should this concern a moving body?
Have the VBM fans hit the ceiling?
On this thread, do we have humans or plants that have gathered in groupies to discuss CROP circles using graph paper?
(hope you, ewe, both have a sense of humor?)
See that image above?
Now if we apply SS SATOR SQUARE and Ed Witten SS SuperSymmetry to the problem of VECTORs ...
Can I suggest we JOIN the four dots, i.e. R5 to the R6.
We can clearly see that V1 and V2 can be associated with the two R5s.
SIMPLY, join the dots between the 4 x R in the SATOR SQuare.

Does it look exactly like the vector image?
YES of course it does.
So what does this continue to suggest?
Well all of this *recovery* of apparent knowledge suggests the OBVIOUS, it PRESUMES that it was in anticipation of our observations and calculations today, along with a new found reverence for some of the allegory, and the realization that the *observer affects the observation*, an insight that must be coupled with, in respect of *for every action there is a reaction*.
Give me your first born VBM sheeple, and they will know so much about the cosmos before they ever get to school and learn about higher math.
FIRST comes the myth and music, then go ahead try to KILL em' with math only crappola, it will be impossible I contend to make folks zombies.
It is the mind of the adult who needs to save the important files in the here and now, and clear off their *infected* hard drive, that has difficulty seeing how *SIMPLE* the truth is, how accessible much of it is?
I can see how from a NEO-lithic culture, developed into a Pythagorean wisdom, how we might develop a tool, that would eventually evolve into the SS SATOR/ROTAS SQuare, to be used as a learning tablet, a mnemonic, to be used along with the backdrop of the blackboard called NATURE.
NATURE would become a big part of the classroom of course.
The younger the better.
Duh how many kids have an opportunity to tend a garden in science class today?
Is that a survival tool, that could be useful to somebody who requires food to survive?
The kiddies would also learn about life and communing with nature, by learning how nature counts.And ask not how nature shall provide you with all your needs, ask not of the giving tree without finding ways to nurture nature too, because remember that phi, the golden spiral has a shadow too, the reciprocal called Phi. i.e. the timing of nature is no FIB, it can be observed,
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55(please note that the 10th number is 55 = SS = St. Peter and St. Paul = Holy Spirit, do not confuse creative poetic license, god holds all copyrights, for mere coincidence to be dismissed...think about it.)Who wants to see what I have written that I hope Ed Witten shows an interest in, re: 55/SS = boundaries?
...continuing with how to program the kiddies, I would also move onto the less discussed Lucas sequence too...because 'G' Lucas is also part of the sound and light show extravaganza.
2, 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 18, 29, 47, 76, 123....
And this stuff gets easier and easier the deeper you go, BTW, unlike physics the higher and higher you go.