The ‘supernatural’ facilities of
Ratio or Reason
Mens or Mind
The relation of Man, the microcosm, with the Universe, the macrocosm, c1617
The spheres of the Sun, Moon and planets and the hierarchy of angels and archangels, lead to the trinity of God represented by the triangle at the top.
In the centre are the spheres of the four elements earth, water, air and fire marked with the four temperaments.From Utriusque cosmi… historia by Robert Fludd.
(Oppenheim, 1617-1619).
128 vs 137 vs 146
DNA codons taken as Sun/Moon ratio yields the newly discovered (reciprocal) value for the Fine Structure Constant 128.5 and also provides us with the old established (reciprocal) value of 137 too.
Stone layers on the top of the pyramid of Khufu
from an Italian aerial photography [3] – Photo – Video
And whoever built the pyramids used RATIOS…I suspect.
The current height of the Great Pyramid is approximately 137 meters in the north-east corner according to trail blazing architect Jean-Pierre Houdin.
The original height was approximately 146.5 meters.
We can arrive at approximations using ratios based on two numbers which always sum to ‘64‘.
64 are the number of DNA codons that all life on earth defaults to.
i.e. sum of 64 based on values for the sun + moon
36 + 28 = 64
37 + 27 = 64
38 + 26 = 64
the ratios based on those numbers are
36:28 = 1.285714
37:27 = 1.370370
38:26 = 1.461538
Did the builders use RATIOS because there is good REASON behind it…?
The above numbers if you correlate them to the Great Pyramid suggests a story.
The ratio 38:28 corresponds to the original finished height of the Great Pyramid of 146.5 meters
The ratio 37:27 suggests where we are today 137 is the inverse of alpha the fine structure constant 1/137
The ratio 36:26 is associated with the number 128 which has been associated with an older universe, an older larger alpha of 1/128 (see below)
So it appears I may have stumbled onto a simple and elegant pattern linking an oscillating ‘alpha’ to the height of the Great Pyramid.
I must conclude that in the vicinity of 128-129 meters, approximately 9 meters below the current summit of 137 meters is a treasure yet to be found.
“We have no right to assume that any physical laws exist, or if they have existed up to now, that they will continue to exist in a similar manner in the future.”
– Max Planck
The Universe in the Light of Modern Physics (1931)
The reason I needed Max to walk the Planck and take the plunge into a new frontier is because it appears that the speed of light, and along with it, the fine structure constant are both in jeopardy of no longer being ‘constants’.
Current advances:
The fine-structure constant and quantum Hall effect
The fine-structure constant
is of dimension 1 (i.e., it is simply a number) and very nearly equal to 1/137.
It is the “coupling constant” or measure of the strength of the electromagnetic force that governs how electrically charged elementary particles (e.g., electron, muon) and light (photons) interact.
At shorter distances corresponding to higher energy processes or probes (large momentum transfers), the screen is partially penetrated and the strength of the electromagnetic interaction increases since the effective charge increases.
depends upon the energy at which it is measured, increasing with increasing energy, and is considered an effective or running coupling constant. Indeed, due to e+e- and other vacuum polarization processes, at an energy corresponding to the mass of the W boson (approximately 81 GeV, equivalent to a distance of approximately 2 x 10-18 m),
(mW) is approximately 1/128 compared with its zero-energy value of approximately 1/137.
Thus the famous number 1/137 is not unique or especially fundamental.
http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants/alpha.htmlSpeed of light may have changed over time
http://users.beotel.net/~gmarjanovic/alfa.htmlThe number is 137…not 42
http://www.quadibloc.com/science/phyint.htmThe Great Pyramid–Martin Gardner *outdated skepticism*
Now I wrote this back in 2009:
And then I found this post I had written:
i.e. the fine structure constant (1/128 or 1/137) is somehow connected to the ‘zodiac’ and the 4 gospels.
That was then, this is now.
We have since acquired a simple SUN/MOON ratio that can be applied to the CUBE of 64 based on 4^3 which happens to match up nicely with the number of codons of our DNA, that forms the basis for all life on earth.
It all sounds like a blueprint, or a grail tale worth preserving and placing into a chest or an ark, and calling it the holy of holies batman. DNA knowledge and wisdom regarding the preservation of life on earth would/should be a big deal.
And the association to the 64 Hexagrams that comprise the 5000 year old I Ching is not a coincidence, as others have noted too.
Those 64 codons form the codes which comprise our DNA, which is the common denominator of ALL life on earth, presenting itself as a candidate worthy of ‘grail’ status.
We have already noted the connection between the numbers 37 + 27 = 64 AND the fine structure constant called alpha, recognized as 0.00729, 1/137, and simply 137.
27/37 = 0.729729
Then Frank C. Higgins reminded me that long ago the ancients had assigned the number 36 to the SUN and 28 to the MOON.
So I did the obvious. I took the SUN/MOON as a ratio. And the results were stunning to say the least.
Could it be this simple?
Recall that Ha/tha (as in Hatha yoga) means Sun/Moon.
Which brings us back to the beginning of this blogpost and the number 1.258
One of the numerical clues that I am following as I time travel, remembering what I already seem to know?
My former firefighter badge was #1258
So it appears the SUN/MOON ratio is directly connected to the maintenance of our DNA
a.k.a. known as the Holy Grail
the Ark of the Convenant
and the buried treasure
eks marks the spot