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Messaggio 1 di 161 di questo argomento |
Éxodo 15:3: Jehová es varón de GUERRA; Jehová es su nombre.
En Babilonia fue el cuento Solar de la diosa-pez Derceto/Atargatis con el dios Oannes/Joannes, también incluyendo a Nammu y Tiamat. En el cuento Bíblico, como Jesús, nacido de María, de donde viene Marino, o donde viene el agua se le envió a través de Oannes/Jonah, quien alegóricamente hizo la misma hazaña dentro del Útero/Tumba del Mamífero marino más grande del mundo.
Yahweh concluyó igualmente en el Antiguo Testamento, subyugando a la Serpiente marina Leviatán ( “Ballena" en hebreo). La sediciosa evolución del historiador natural, Charles Darwin también dio énfasis a esta creencia implicando que el útero gestante del acuoso gestando era igualmente interdependiente de los ritmos lunares de las mareas, vinculando nuestra herencia y orígenes al mar.
"porque, cuando Jonás estaba en la barriga del pez tres días y tres noches, así el Hijo de Hombre estará en el corazón de la tierra tres días y tres noches".
- Mateo12:40
Como acompañado por la historia del pez de Jesús, ayudando milagrosamente a sus discípulos a hacer una captura de 153 peces, este mismo hecho también es extrañamente logrado por Pitágoras quinientos años más temprano en una antigua leyenda registrada por el neo-platonista Porfirio. El propio Pitágoras prediciendo el número exacto de peces a ser cogidos, con el número 153 siendo un número sagrado Pitagórico, asociado con el "Vesica Piscis" o "Envase del Pez ".
San Longinos fue el centurión que por órdenes de Poncio Pilato, estuvo con otros soldados al pie de la cruz de Nuestro Señor y el que traspasó su costado con ...
San Longinos, Mártir 15 de Marzo. San Longinios fue el centurión que por órdenes de Pilatos, estuvo con otros soldados al pie de la cruz de Nuestro Señor y el ...
Longino (santo)
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
San Longinos o Longino de Cesarea fue, según algunas tradiciones cristianas, el soldado romano que traspasó el costado del cuerpo de Jesús con su lanza; conocida como La Santa Lanza. El individuo no tiene nombre en los evangelios que relatan el hecho, pero suele identificarse con el centurión que, ante la muerte de Jesús, exclamara: “En verdad este era el Hijo de Dios”.[1] La leyenda de Longino se originó en la Baja Antigüedad y el Medioevo, agregando datos sobre su vida, su nacimiento en Lanciano, Italia, conversión al cristianismo y su muerte, hasta llegar a ser considerado un santo por la Iglesia Católica y otras comuniones cristianas.

Hay una obvia interrelacion de la LANZA DE LONGINO, CON LA SANGRE DE CRISTO, OSEA EL GRIAL MISMO. En funcion a EXODO 15:3 en el contexto a que JEHOVA ES LA GUERRA/MARTE es obvio la interrelacion del rojo/sangre/Longino. ¿Porque justo en la IGLESIA CATOLICA EL SANTORAL DE dicho santo es el 15/3 o 15/MARZO=MARTE? Porque le insisto amigo. YHWH NO TIRA LOS DADOS. ESTA TODO CODIFICADO.
El gran error de la tradicion religiosa es la DEMONIZACION DE LA CULTURA EGIPCIA cuando observamos que en la misma esta el secreto del GRIAL. Es que MARIA LA MAGDALENA SIMBOLIZA a todas las naciones gentiles demonizadas por la tradicion religiosa, aunque en este aspecto la IGLESIA CATOLICA ES LA MAS DESARROLLADA. LOS PROTESTANTES SON MAS FARISEOS EN ESTE CONTEXTO.
LA CLAVE DE LA LANZA DE LONGINO EN UN CONTEXTO KAVALISTICO ESTA EN SU INTERRELACION MATEMATICAS CON LA ASUNCION DE LA VIRGEN. El 15/3 es el dia numero 74 del calendario gregoriano y si le sumamos justamente dicho numero llegamos al 227, que es justamente insisto, el 15/8, osea el dia que la iglesia catolica, por su origen egipcio, determino la ASUNCION DE MARIA que en realidad es MARIA LA MAGDALENA. No descarto que TEOLOGOS DE ALTO RANGO DEL CATOLICISMO SEPAN QUE MARIA EN REALIDAD ES LA ESPOSA DE CRISTO. ¿EL MUNDO ESTA PREPARADO PARA ESTE TIPO DE PREDICA?
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Messaggio 148 di 161 di questo argomento |
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Messaggio 149 di 161 di questo argomento |
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Messaggio 150 di 161 di questo argomento |
Longinos (centurión)
Longinos |
Información personal |
Nacimiento |
Siglo i  Lanciano (Italia)  |
Fallecimiento |
Siglo i  Mantua (Italia)  |
Causa de muerte |
Decapitación  |
Religión |
Cristianismo |
Información profesional |
Ocupación |
Militar y escritor  |
Información religiosa |
Festividad |
16 de octubre, 15 de marzo, 22 de octubre y 14 de noviembre |
 Estatua de Longino en la Basílica de San Pedro con la Santa Lanza.
Longinos o Longino de Cesarea fue el soldado romano que traspasó el costado del cuerpo de Jesús con su lanza, conocida como la Santa Lanza. Esta persona no recibe ningún nombre en los evangelios que relatan el hecho, pero suele identificarse con el centurión que, ante la muerte de Jesús, exclamara: “En verdad este era el Hijo de Dios”.1 La historia de Longino se originó en la Baja Antigüedad y el Medievo al agregar datos sobre su vida, su nacimiento en Lanciano (Italia), su conversión al cristianismo y su muerte, hasta llegar a ser considerado un santo por la Iglesia católica2 y otras comuniones cristianas,3 conmemorándose la celebración de su santoral el 16 de octubre, aunque siendo anteriormente el 13 de marzo.
Orígenes del hecho histórico
El Evangelio según Juan menciona que un soldado romano de nombre desconocido, entre los encargados por Pilato de la crucifixión de Jesús, clavó una lanza en el pecho del ajusticiado con el propósito, quizás, de confirmar su deceso. En efecto, en tanto que a los otros dos condenados se les quebraron las piernas para asegurar que muriesen, Jesús ya había muerto, por lo cual “uno de los soldados le abrió el costado con una lanza y, al instante, salió sangre y agua” (Jn. 19:34 versión Reina Valera 1960). Los evangelios sinópticos no registran este suceso, ni los apócrifos más antiguos que se conservan, si bien se menciona a un centurión que comenta el carácter de hijo de Dios del crucificado.
En el escrito apócrifo denominado Evangelio de Nicodemo, unido a las (también apócrifas) Actas de Pilato, aparece por primera vez el nombre de Longino. Sobre el tema, la escritora Sabina Baring Gould comenta: “El nombre de Longino no aparece en autores griegos anteriores al Patriarca Germano, en 715”.4 Es casi seguro que el nombre es una latinización del griego λόγχη (lonjé), palabra usada por el texto de Juan, y apareció por primera vez en un manuscrito iluminado de la Crucifixión detrás de un lancero. Esta versión siríaca del Evangelio según Juan ilustrada por un tal Rabulas data de 586 y se conserva en la Biblioteca Laurenciana de Florencia; allí se lee en letras griegas la palabra Longinos escrita tal vez en la misma época en que se realizó la figura.5
Versiones posteriores de la leyenda de Longino aseguran que no tenía buena visión y que empezó a ver perfectamente al contacto con la sangre del Salvador. También dicen que ayudó a lavar el cuerpo de Jesús después del descenso de la cruz.
El destino de Longino no es seguro, pero fue venerado como mártir. Se ha fijado su muerte en Gabbala (Capadocia). Su cuerpo pasaba por ser hallado en Mantua (Italia) en 1303, junto a la Santa Esponja empapada de la sangre de Cristo. Se le atribuía, extendiendo su papel en el Gólgota, el acercar la esponja a los labios sedientos del Redentor. La reliquia favoreció su culto en el siglo xiii, enlazándose a los romances del Grial y tradiciones locales de milagros eucarísticos. Se erigió una capilla consagrada a San Longino y la Santa Sangre en la iglesia del monasterio benedictino de Santa Andrea, bajo el patronato de los Bonacolsi.67 En cuanto a las reliquias, se dividieron entre diversos lugares de Europa, Praga entre ellos, y el cuerpo se llevó a la basílica de San Agustín, en Roma.8 Sin embargo, también en Cerdeña se creía poseer el cuerpo del centurión romano que confesara la divinidad de Jesús.
En la Edad Media y en tiempos posteriores, la lanza de Longino fue un objeto de profundo interés. Se la relacionó con las leyendas del Santo Grial y se especuló con sus poderes ocultos; por ello, algunos la llamaron La lanza del destino.
La Iglesia católica, la ortodoxa y la armenia veneran a Longino como mártir. En el Martirologio Romano se lee: Día 16 de octubre; En Jerusalén, conmemoración de San Longino, quien es venerado como el soldado que abrió el costado del Señor crucificado con una lanza.2 No se mencionan ni el lugar del martirio ni la fecha. Los armenios lo conmemoran el 22 de octubre.3 En la basílica de San Pedro de la Ciudad del Vaticano se halla una estatua de Longino esculpida por Bernini. En la misma basílica se conserva el fragmento de una punta de hierro que, según se asegura, pertenece a la Santa Lanza. San Longinos también es el patrono de la ciudad de Vadalcadar, en cuya catedral se encuentran varios vitrales que hacen alusión a la vida del santo.
En la literatura, en el cine y en el arte
La figura de Longino ha sido muy atractiva para los medios masivos del siglo xx.
Louis de Wohl, conocido por sus "novelas biográficas" de santos y otras personalidades religiosas, dedica una novela entera, La lanza, a Casio Longino, el legionario que clavó su lanza en el costado de Cristo. La novela habla de su vida antes y después del acontecimiento.
Leonard Wibberley retrata a Longino en El centurión (1966) como un veterano de las campañas en Gran Bretaña que busca la ayuda de Jesús cuando su criado cae enfermo de muerte. Sin embargo, eso es imposible porque en los tiempos de Cristo Britania aún no había sido conquistada por los romanos.
Longino es el protagonista, con el nombre de Casca Longinus, de una serie de novelas de Barry Sadler publicadas a partir de 1979. Casca es el soldado que asestó una lanzada a Jesús y, por ello, fue condenado a vagar eternamente por la Tierra hasta la Parusía. Este trasfondo permite que el personaje, siempre un soldado, viva aventuras a lo largo de la historia.
En la película de Irving Pichel de 1939, El gran mandamiento, el actor Albert Dekker protagoniza a un oficial romano que escolta a un recaudador de impuestos de Judea, más tarde se convierte al cristianismo tras haber visto a Jesús en el Gólgota.
George Stevens, en The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965) identifica a Longino con el centurión que confiesa la divinidad de Cristo crucificado, el cameo estuvo a cargo de John Wayne.
La séptima profecía es una película de 1988 que incorpora elementos de la leyenda de Longino y de la del judío errante.9
En la película La Pasión de Cristo de Mel Gibson (2004) el centurión Longinus está representado por un romano llamado Casio, que aparece aquí como un simple soldado. Allí se lo retrata de manera bastante positiva, por lo que pregunta quién es María en el Vía Crucis, ayuda a levantarse a Simón de Cirene mientras los otros soldados romanos lo persiguen con fuerza desde la colina, duda en golpear las piernas de Cristo y, por orden de su centurión, atraviesa el costado de Jesús con una lanza, siendo su rostro salpicado por la sangre de dicha herida. Es uno de los pocos romanos, con otro soldado que lo acompaña, y el centurión Abenader (personaje ficticio tomado de los evangelios apócrifos), que no golpea a Cristo y está perturbado por su Pasión.
En la película de 2005 Constantine, dirigida por Francis Lawrence y protagonizada por Keanu Reeves y Rachel Weisz, el Arcángel Gabriel trata de entregar el mundo a Mammon, el hijo de Lucifer, utilizando para ello la lanza de Longinos o lanza del destino.
En la efímera serie Roar, interpretada por Heath Ledger, Longinus es el nombre de un mago, que es también conocido por ser el romano que hirió a Cristo en la cruz, quien es condenado a vagar por la tierra, incapaz de morir hasta que encuentre la Lanza del Destino, oculta en algún lugar de Irlanda.
En la serie de anime japonés de 1997 Evangelion se hace referencia a la Lanza de Longinus. En la trama la misma es la encargada de traspasar la unidad mecha del Eva 01 pilotada por Shinji Ikari como proceso para la instrumentalización del ser humano, consistente en la sincronización de todas las almas humanas en un único ente materializado. Posteriormente, con el estreno de las OVAs de Rebuild of Evangelion, se vuelve a hacer referencia a la citada Lanza de Longinus; así como a dos nuevas lanzas, no presentes en el anime: las lanzas de Cassius y Gaius (apareciendo esta última en una única ocasión, al final de Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time, que cierra la trama tras más de 30 años y siendo precisamente el objeto del citado cierre.
En la serie de videojuegos Castlevania Longinus es el nombre de una lanza que puede ser usada como arma en algunos juegos de la serie.
En el videojuego Far Cry 4 hay un personaje llamado Longinus quien es un hombre religioso y traficante de armas.
Dentro de la celebración de la Semana Santa en Zamora (declarada de Interés Turístico Internacional), en la procesión de la Real Cofradía Del Santo Entierro, procesiona un paso denominado "La Lanzada", que hace referencia a este momento de la Pasión de Cristo y en el que está incluida la figura de Longinos en el momento de atravesar con su lanza a Cristo. En Cuenca, cuya Pasión es igualmente de Interés Turístico Internacional, también existe un paso denominado 'La Lanzada' en el que está representado Longinos a lomo de un caballo. Es obra del imaginero Leonardo Martínez Bueno, pertenece a la hermandad del Santísimo Cristo de la Luz (o de los Espejos) y desfila cada Viernes Santo en la procesión 'En El Calvario'.
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Messaggio 151 di 161 di questo argomento |
El centurión Longino entre las cruces de Cristo y los dos ladrones, 1539
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Messaggio 152 di 161 di questo argomento |
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Messaggio 153 di 161 di questo argomento |
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Messaggio 154 di 161 di questo argomento |
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Messaggio 155 di 161 di questo argomento |
- On 19 September 2015 Pope Francis departed aboard an Alitalia Airbus A330 (Shepherd One) from Rome's Fiumicino International Airport, to Havana's José Martí International Airport where he arrived to an official Welcoming Ceremony. The next day, he was the principal celebrant at a Papal Mass at the Plaza de la Revolución in Havana at 9:00, before he paid a courtesy visit to the President of the Council of State and of the Council of Ministers of the Republic at Palacio de la Revolución in Havana. His day ended with celebrations of Vespers with priests, men and women religious, and seminarians, at the Cathedral of Havana, and a greeting to the young people of the "Centro Cultural Padre Félix Varela" in Havana during the early evening.[48]
- On 21 September, he departed by plane from Havana for Holguín, to preside at a Papal Mass at Plaza de la Revolución. Before departing for Santiago de Cuba, he gave a blessing to the city, from Loma de la Cruz, in Holguín. Having arrived in Santiago, he met with the Bishops of Cuba at St Basil the Great Seminary, and say a prayer to the Virgen de la Caridad, with the Bishops and the Papal Entourage, at the Minor Basilica of the Shrine "Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre" in Santiago.
- On 22 September, he celebrated a Papal Mass at the Minor Basilica of the Shrine "Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre" in Santiago in the morning and later had a meeting with families at Our Lady of the Assumption Cathedral in Santiago. After a blessing of the city of Santiago from the square in front of the Cathedral of Santiago, he left with a farewell ceremony from Santiago Airport, en route to Washington, D.C., where he arrived at Joint Base Andrews during the evening of 22 September 2015.
- On Wednesday, 23 September, the pope met with President Barack Obama at the White House. It was the third visit by a pope to the White House, following meetings between Jimmy Carter and Pope John Paul II in October 1979 and George W. Bush and Pope Benedict XVI in April 2008.[49]
- Also that day, Francis took part in a prayer with bishops from the United States at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle, the seat of Cardinal Donald Wuerl, the archbishop of Washington. Later that day, he celebrated Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, near the Catholic University of America. During the Mass, he canonized (declared to be a Saint) Junípero Serra, a Spanish Franciscan friar who founded a mission in Baja California, and the first nine of 21 Spanish missions in California.
- On Thursday, 24 September, Pope Francis gave an address to a Joint session of the United States Congress, the first Supreme Pontiff to do so. He followed that with a visit to St. Patrick's Church, the oldest parish church in Washington. The church was founded in 1794.[50] He also visited the Washington, D.C. local Catholic Charities office. He then flew from Washington, to New York City. After arriving at New York City's John F. Kennedy International Airport, he took part with New York's Cardinal Timothy Dolan in Evening Vespers (part of the Liturgy of the Hours), at St. Patrick's Cathedral.
- On Friday, 25 September, Pope Francis addressed the United Nations General Assembly. It was the fifth address by a Pope to the U.N. General Assembly, following appearances by Pope Paul VI in October 1965, Pope John Paul II in October 1979 and October 1995, and Pope Benedict XVI in April 2008. Following the address to the U.N., he participated in an ecumenical service at the National September 11 Memorial & Museum, at the former World Trade Center site. In the afternoon, he visited a school in East Harlem, then celebrated a Papal Mass at Madison Square Garden.
- On Saturday, 26 September, Pope Francis traveled from New York to Philadelphia, where he was welcomed by city and state leaders and Philadelphia's Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. He celebrated a Papal Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul. He visited Independence Mall in the afternoon, and the Festival of Families of the 2015 World Meeting of Families[51] in the early evening. The Pope's visit concluded on Sunday, 27 September, with a Papal Mass in the afternoon. After a departure ceremony, he departed on a jet for Rome and the Vatican from Philadelphia International Airport.
- In honor of the visit, the Museum of the Bible will sponsor a special exhibition entitled "Verbum Domini II" at the Philadelphia Convention Center, adjacent to the World Meeting.[52] The official schedule of his visit was announced at the end of June.[53]
11/9/1941-1/1/1942=111 DAYS (PENTAGON FUNDATION SEPTEMBER 11TH 1941)
1/1/1942-21/4/1942=111 DAYS (ROME FUNDATION)
1/1/1942-10/8/1942=222 DAYS (SAINT LAWRENCE)
1/1/1941-10/8/1942=333 DAYS (SAINT LAWRENCE-911)
11/9/1941-9/7/1943=666 DAYS (ARGENTINE INDEPENDENCE)
11/9/1941-16/2/1944= 888 DAYS
11/9/1941-28/10/1943=777 DAYS (PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT)
11/9/1941-6/6/1944 (DAY D)=999 DAYS (DAY D)

1/1-15/3=74=37*2 LONGINUS
15/3.15/8 (NAPOLEON S BIRTH)=153 DAYS
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Messaggio 156 di 161 di questo argomento |
Dates of Moon Phases in 2033 Year
Below you can find dates and hours of all Moon Phases in 2033. All dates and times are given both in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and America/Argentina/Tucuman time. Times are shown in Daylight Savings Time when necessary and in Standard Time in the other cases. Additionally, the Lunation number (Brown Lunation Number, BLN) is included for convenience.
2033 Lunar Phases — San Miguel de Tucumán (America/Argentina/Tucuman) Time |
New Moon |
First Quarter |
Full Moon |
Third Quarter | Lunation |
Jan. 1, Sat 07:17 |
Jan. 8, Sat 00:35 |
Jan. 15, Sat 10:07 |
Jan. 23, Sun 14:48 |
1361 |
Jan. 30, Sun 19:00 |
Feb. 6, Sun 10:35 |
Feb. 14, Mon 04:04 |
Feb. 22, Tue 08:54 |
1362 |
Mar. 1, Tue 05:25 |
Mar. 7, Mon 22:27 |
Mar. 15, Tue 22:37 |
Mar. 23, Wed 22:50 |
1363 |
Mar. 30, Wed 14:53 |
Apr. 6, Wed 12:14 |
Apr. 14, Thu 16:18 |
Apr. 22, Fri 08:42 |
1364 |
Apr. 28, Thu 23:48 |
May 6, Fri 03:46 |
May 14, Sat 07:44 |
May 21, Sat 15:29 |
1365 |
May 28, Sat 08:38 |
June 4, Sat 20:40 |
June 12, Sun 20:21 |
June 19, Sun 20:30 |
1366 |
June 26, Sun 18:08 |
July 4, Mon 14:13 |
July 12, Tue 06:31 |
July 19, Tue 01:09 |
1367 |
July 26, Tue 05:13 |
Aug. 3, Wed 07:26 |
Aug. 10, Wed 15:10 |
Aug. 17, Wed 06:45 |
1368 |
Aug. 24, Wed 18:40 |
Sept. 1, Thu 23:24 |
Sept. 8, Thu 23:22 |
Sept. 15, Thu 14:36 |
1369 |
Sept. 23, Fri 10:40 |
Oct. 1, Sat 13:33 |
Oct. 8, Sat 07:59 |
Oct. 15, Sat 01:49 |
1370 |
Oct. 23, Sun 04:29 |
Oct. 31, Mon 01:47 |
Nov. 6, Sun 17:33 |
Nov. 13, Sun 17:10 |
1371 |
Nov. 21, Mon 22:40 |
Nov. 29, Tue 12:16 |
Dec. 6, Tue 04:23 |
Dec. 13, Tue 12:30 |
1372 |
Dec. 21, Wed 15:47 |
Dec. 28, Wed 21:21 |
1373 |
<< 2032 Moon Phases2034 Moon Phases >>
For your convenience we have prepared another list, this time with both local and UTC times of each phase. A date of nearest phase is marked in red, dates of the Full Moons are in bold font.
Lunar Phase | Local Date & Time — San Miguel de Tucumán (America/Argentina/Tucuman) | UTC Date & Time |
New Moon |
January 1, Sat |
07:17 |
January 1, Sat |
10:17 |
First Quarter |
January 8, Sat |
00:35 |
January 8, Sat |
03:35 |
Full Moon |
January 15, Sat |
10:07 |
January 15, Sat |
13:07 |
Last Quarter |
January 23, Sun |
14:48 |
January 23, Sun |
17:48 |
New Moon |
January 30, Sun |
19:00 |
January 30, Sun |
22:00 |
First Quarter |
February 6, Sun |
10:35 |
February 6, Sun |
13:35 |
Full Moon |
February 14, Mon |
04:04 |
February 14, Mon |
07:04 |
Last Quarter |
February 22, Tue |
08:54 |
February 22, Tue |
11:54 |
New Moon |
March 1, Tue |
05:25 |
March 1, Tue |
08:25 |
First Quarter |
March 7, Mon |
22:27 |
March 8, Tue |
01:27 |
Full Moon |
March 15, Tue |
22:37 |
March 16, Wed |
01:37 |
Last Quarter |
March 23, Wed |
22:50 |
March 24, Thu |
01:50 |
New Moon |
March 30, Wed |
14:53 |
March 30, Wed |
17:53 |
First Quarter |
April 6, Wed |
12:14 |
April 6, Wed |
15:14 |
Full Moon |
April 14, Thu |
16:18 |
April 14, Thu |
19:18 |
Last Quarter |
April 22, Fri |
08:42 |
April 22, Fri |
11:42 |
New Moon |
April 28, Thu |
23:48 |
April 29, Fri |
02:48 |
First Quarter |
May 6, Fri |
03:46 |
May 6, Fri |
06:46 |
Full Moon |
May 14, Sat |
07:44 |
May 14, Sat |
10:44 |
Last Quarter |
May 21, Sat |
15:29 |
May 21, Sat |
18:29 |
New Moon |
May 28, Sat |
08:38 |
May 28, Sat |
11:38 |
First Quarter |
June 4, Sat |
20:40 |
June 4, Sat |
23:40 |
Full Moon |
June 12, Sun |
20:21 |
June 12, Sun |
23:21 |
Last Quarter |
June 19, Sun |
20:30 |
June 19, Sun |
23:30 |
New Moon |
June 26, Sun |
18:08 |
June 26, Sun |
21:08 |
First Quarter |
July 4, Mon |
14:13 |
July 4, Mon |
17:13 |
Full Moon |
July 12, Tue |
06:31 |
July 12, Tue |
09:31 |
Last Quarter |
July 19, Tue |
01:09 |
July 19, Tue |
04:09 |
New Moon |
July 26, Tue |
05:13 |
July 26, Tue |
08:13 |
First Quarter |
August 3, Wed |
07:26 |
August 3, Wed |
10:26 |
Full Moon |
August 10, Wed |
15:10 |
August 10, Wed |
18:10 |
Last Quarter |
August 17, Wed |
06:45 |
August 17, Wed |
09:45 |
New Moon |
August 24, Wed |
18:40 |
August 24, Wed |
21:40 |
First Quarter |
September 1, Thu |
23:24 |
September 2, Fri |
02:24 |
Full Moon |
September 8, Thu |
23:22 |
September 9, Fri |
02:22 |
Last Quarter |
September 15, Thu |
14:36 |
September 15, Thu |
17:36 |
New Moon |
September 23, Fri |
10:40 |
September 23, Fri |
13:40 |
First Quarter |
October 1, Sat |
13:33 |
October 1, Sat |
16:33 |
Full Moon |
October 8, Sat |
07:59 |
October 8, Sat |
10:59 |
Last Quarter |
October 15, Sat |
01:49 |
October 15, Sat |
04:49 |
New Moon |
October 23, Sun |
04:29 |
October 23, Sun |
07:29 |
First Quarter |
October 31, Mon |
01:47 |
October 31, Mon |
04:47 |
Full Moon |
November 6, Sun |
17:33 |
November 6, Sun |
20:33 |
Last Quarter |
November 13, Sun |
17:10 |
November 13, Sun |
20:10 |
New Moon |
November 21, Mon |
22:40 |
November 22, Tue |
01:40 |
First Quarter |
November 29, Tue |
12:16 |
November 29, Tue |
15:16 |
Full Moon |
December 6, Tue |
04:23 |
December 6, Tue |
07:23 |
Last Quarter |
December 13, Tue |
12:30 |
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Messaggio 157 di 161 di questo argomento |
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Messaggio 158 di 161 di questo argomento |
March 1933 German federal election
March 1933 German federal election
Registered |
44,685,764 ( 0.7%) |
Turnout |
88.7% ( 8.1pp) |
| First party | Second party | Third party |
Leader |
Adolf Hitler |
Otto Wels Arthur Crispien Hans Vogel |
Ernst Thälmann |
Party |
Last election |
33.1%, 196 seats |
20.4%, 121 seats |
16.9%, 100 seats |
Seats won |
288 |
120 |
81 |
Seat change |
92 |
1 |
19 |
Popular vote |
17,277,180 |
7,181,629 |
4,848,058 |
Percentage |
43.9% |
18.3% |
12.3% |
Swing |
10.8 pp |
2.1 pp |
4.6 pp |
| Fourth party | Fifth party | Sixth party |
Leader |
Ludwig Kaas |
Alfred Hugenberg |
Heinrich Held |
Party |
Centre |
Last election |
11.9%, 70 seats |
8.3%, 51 seats |
3.1%, 20 seats |
Seats won |
73 |
52 |
19 |
Seat change |
3 |
1 |
1 |
Popular vote |
4,424,905 |
3,136,760 |
1,073,552 |
Percentage |
11.3% |
8.0% |
2.7% |
Swing |
0.6 pp |
0.3 pp |
0.4 pp |
Federal elections were held in Germany on 5 March 1933, after the Nazi seizure of power on 30 January and just six days after the Reichstag fire. The election saw Nazi stormtroopers unleash a widespread campaign of violence against the Communist Party (KPD), left-wingers,[1]: 317 trade unionists, the Social Democratic Party[1] and the Centre Party.[1]: 322 They were the last multi-party elections in a united Germany until 1990.
The 1933 election followed the previous year's two elections (July and November) and Hitler's appointment as Chancellor. In the months before the 1933 election, SA and SS displayed "terror, repression and propaganda ... across the land",[1]: 339 and Nazi organizations "monitored" the vote process. In Prussia 50,000 members of the SS, SA and Der Stahlhelm were ordered to monitor the votes by acting Interior Minister Hermann Göring, as auxiliary police.[citation needed]
The Nazi Party (NSDAP) saw a large increase in votes and seats compared to the November 1932 election and gained a Reichstag majority together with its coalition partner, the German National People's Party (DNVP). This was the first time since 1930 that a governing coalition had held a parliamentary majority. However, despite waging a campaign of terror against their opponents, the Nazis only tallied 43.9 percent of the vote on their own, well short of a majority to govern alone.
This would be the last contested election held in Germany until after World War II. Despite now holding a bare working majority in the Reichstag, Hitler wanted more. Two weeks after the election, he was able to pass an Enabling Act on 23 March with the support of the Nazi Party, the DNVP and the Centre parties, which effectively gave Hitler dictatorial powers. Within months, the Nazis banned all other parties and turned the Reichstag into a rubberstamp legislature comprising only Nazis and pro-Nazi "guests".
 A police officer of Sicherheitspolizei (left) and an SS man and his German Shepherd (right), one of 50,000 Nazis in Prussia appointed by the Party as a " Hilfspolizei" ("Auxiliary Police") officer
Nazi Party |
17,277,180 |
43.91 |
+10.82 |
288 |
+92 |
Social Democratic Party |
7,181,629 |
18.25 |
–2.18 |
120 |
–1 |
Communist Party of Germany |
4,848,058 |
12.32 |
–4.54 |
81 |
–19 |
Centre Party |
4,424,905 |
11.25 |
–0.68 |
73 |
+3 |
Black-White-Red Struggle Front[a] |
3,136,760 |
7.97 |
–0.37 |
52 |
+1 |
Bavarian People's Party |
1,073,552 |
2.73 |
–0.36 |
19 |
–1 |
German People's Party |
432,312 |
1.10 |
–0.76 |
2 |
–9 |
Christian Social People's Service |
383,999 |
0.98 |
–0.16 |
4 |
–1 |
German State Party |
334,242 |
0.85 |
–0.10 |
5 |
+3 |
German Farmers' Party |
114,048 |
0.29 |
–0.13 |
2 |
–1 |
Agricultural League |
83,839 |
0.21 |
–0.09 |
1 |
–1 |
German-Hanoverian Party |
47,743 |
0.12 |
–0.06 |
0 |
–1 |
Socialist Struggle Community |
3,954 |
0.01 |
New |
0 |
New |
Workers' and Farmers' Struggle Community |
1,110 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0 |
0 |
Total |
39,343,331 |
100.00 |
– |
647 |
+63 |
Valid votes |
39,343,331 |
99.21 |
Invalid/blank votes |
311,698 |
0.79 |
Total votes |
39,655,029 |
100.00 |
Registered voters/turnout |
44,685,764 |
88.74 |
Source: Gonschior.de |
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Messaggio 159 di 161 di questo argomento |
In 1933, Hitler came to power and turned Germany into a dictatorship. How did the Nazi party come to power and how did Hitler manage to eliminate his opponents?
The weakness of the Weimar republic after WWI
Germany became a republic in 1919. After losing the First World War, Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated. Many Germans were dissatisfied with the new situation. They longed for a return to the Empire. Many people also believed that the ruling social democrats were to blame for losing the war. Nevertheless, things started to look up from the mid-1920s onwards.
And then in 1930, the global economic crisis hit. Germany could no longer pay the war debts stipulated in the Versailles Peace Treaty. Millions of Germans lost their jobs. The country was in a political crisis as well. Cabinets were falling, and new elections were held all the time. It seemed impossible to form a majority government.
The rise of the NSDAP
This was the backdrop to the rise of the German National Socialist Workers' Party (NSDAP). When it was founded in 1920, it was only a small party. But Hitler used his oratory talent to attract more and more members. The party was characterised by extreme nationalism and antisemitism.
In November 1923, Hitler even led a coup attempt. It was a complete failure. Hitler ended up behind bars and the court banned the NSDAP. At the end of 1924, Hitler was released after serving a relatively short sentence. However, his political career was not over. In prison he had written Mein Kampf, setting out his plans for Germany.
From then on, the Nazis were to stick to the law and try to gain power by means of elections. They benefited from the economic crisis that began by the end of the 1920s. The Nazis used the crisis to condemn the government and the Versailles peace treaty. Their strategy was effective. In the 1928 elections, the NSDAP gained 0.8 million votes; in 1930, the number had increased to 6.4 million.
Adolf Hitler's followers greet him at a party conference in Neurenberg (1929). This and other pictures came with packets of cigarettes and were collected in special albums. This picture is from the series Deutschland erwacht [Germany awakes].
Anne Frank Stichting, Amsterdam/ Deutschland Erwacht
The appeal of the Nazis
The fact that many Germans were attracted by the NSDAP was not only because of their party programme. The party radiated strength and vitality. Moreover, the Nazi leaders were young, quite unlike the greying politicians of the established parties. In addition, Hitler's image as a strong leader appealed to people. He was all set to unite the population and put an end to political discord.
The Nazis focused on voters from all walks of life, rather than on just one group, such as the workers or Catholics. They also attracted many people who had never voted before. Still, in November 1932 the party seemed to be past its peak. The economy was recovering, and the NSDAP received 11% fewer votes than in the July elections earlier that same year.
Hitler appointed Chancellor
The conservative parties did not manage to win enough votes. They pressured president Paul von Hindenburg to appoint Hitler chancellor. They hoped to form a majority cabinet with the NSDAP. The fact that they expected to use Hitler for their own agenda would turn out to be a fatal underestimation.
30 January 1933 was the day: Von Hindenburg gave in and appointed Hitler chancellor. ‘It is like a dream. The Wilhelmstraße is ours', Joseph Goebbels, the future Minister of Propaganda, wrote in his diary. So, although Hitler was not elected by the German people, he still came to power in a legal way.
Adolf Hitler waves from the chancellery to the jubilant crowd. They celebrate his appointment as Chancellor of Germany.
National Socialist government: the Nazis share the power
The National Socialists celebrated their victory with a torchlight procession through Berlin. From the balcony of the chancellery, Hitler looked on approvingly. In spite of the glory, he was still far from being all-powerful at that point. The new cabinet counted only two NSDAP members, but Hitler succeeded in getting them appointed to important positions.
Hermann Göring’s role in particular was very important. He was a minister without portfolio who got to control the police force of Prussia, the larger part of Germany. For the Nazis, this was reason to celebrate their 'national revolution', but many Germans were indifferent to the news. They had seen many governments come and go and did not expect the new government to last any time at all.
Fire in the Reichstag: a first step towards the dictatorship
Before long, Hitler claimed more power. The fire in the Reichstag, the parliament building, was a key moment in this development. On 27 February 1933, guards noticed the flames blazing through the roof. They overpowered the suspected arsonist, a Dutch communist named Marinus van der Lubbe. He was executed after a show trial in 1934. Evidence of any accomplices was never found.
The Nazi leadership was quick to arrive at the scene. An eyewitness said that upon seeing the fire, Göring called out: ‘This is the beginning of the Communist revolt, they will start their attack now! Not a moment must be lost!' Before he could go on, Hitler shouted: 'There will be no mercy now. Anyone who stands in our way will be cut down.’
The next morning, President Von Hindenburg promulgated the Reichstag Fire Decree. It formed the basis for the dictatorship. The civil rights of the German people were curtailed. Freedom of expression was no longer a matter of course and the police could arbitrarily search houses and arrest people. The political opponents of the Nazis were essentially outlawed.
The Reichstag on fire (1933).
Collectieon: NIOD, Amsterdam (Beeldbank WO2) / photographer onbekend
Oppression of all opponents
In this atmosphere of intimidation, new elections were held on 5 March 1933. The streets were full of Nazi posters and flags. Nevertheless, the great victory hoped for by the Nazis did not materialise. With 43.9% of the votes, the NSDAP did not have a majority. The left-wing parties KPD and SPD together still got 30% of the votes.
Meanwhile, the arrests and intimidation were on the increase. The government banned the Communist Party. By 15 March, 10,000 communists had been arrested. In order to house all these political prisoners, the first concentration camps were opened. The circumstances in the camps were atrocious. People were ill-treated, tortured, and sometimes killed.
Jews and well-known Germans in particular had a rough time of it. SS guards at the Dachau camp, near Munich, for instance, took four Jewish prisoners outside the gates, where they shot them dead. The guards then claimed that the victims had tried to escape.
On 10 May 1933, students burn 'un-German' books on Opernplatz in Berlin. In other univerisity cities, students also burn books by writers like Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud and Erich Maria Remarque.
Collection: NIOD, Amsterdam (Beeldbank WO2) / photographer unknown
Hitler gains more power
On 23 March 1933, the Reichstag met in Berlin. The main item on the agenda was a new law, the 'Enabling Act'. It allowed Hitler to enact new laws without interference from the president or Reichstag for a period of four years. The building where the meeting took place was surrounded by members of the SA and the SS, paramilitary organisations of the NSDAP that had by now been promoted to auxiliary police forces.
In his speech, Hitler gave those present the choice between 'war and peace'. It was a veiled threat to intimidate any dissenters. The process was by no means democratic. With 444 votes in favour and 94 against, the Reichstag adopted the Enabling Act. It was to form the basis of the Nazi dictatorship until 1945.
Gleichschaltung of society
Now that Hitler had become so powerful, it was time for the Nazis to bring society in line with the Nazi ideal. The process was known as Gleichschaltung. Many politically-suspect and Jewish civil servants were dismissed. Trade unions were forcibly replaced by the Deutsche Arbeitsfront. This allowed the Nazis to prevent workers from organising any opposition.
All existing political parties were banned. From mid-July 1933 onwards, Germany was a single-party state. Cultural and scientific ‘cleansings’ were carried out as well.
According to the Nazis, everything ‘un-German' had to disappear. Books written by Jewish, left-wing, or pacifist writers were burned.
Members of the Hitlerjugend give the Nazi salute during a meeting in May 1933. The movement grows from 100,000 members in January 1933 to 4 million members in late 1935. In December 1936 the membership was made mandatory for the German youth.
Oppression of the Jews
While the Nazis took over, their destructive energy was mainly directed against their political opponents. The German Jews formed the exception. As a group, they did not oppose the ambitions of the Nazis. Nevertheless, they were the constant victims of violence, harassment, and oppression. As early as 1 April 1933, the government took official action against the Jews. It announced a major boycott of Jewish products. It was the first step in a series of anti-Jewish measures that would end in the Holocaust.
Hitler the autocrat
After taking power, Hitler and the Nazis turned Germany into a dictatorship. Time and again, they used legal means to give their actions a semblance of legality. Step by step, Hitler managed to erode democracy until it was just a hollow facade. Things did not end there, though. During the twelve years that the Third Reich existed, Hitler continued to strengthen his hold on the country.
Election poster from November 1933. The text reads: "One people, one Führer, one 'yes'". In these unfree elections, 93.5% of the population says 'yes' to the government policy. Date: November 1933.
- Boterman, Frits, Moderne geschiedenis van Duitsland (Amsterdam: De Arbeiderspers, 2005, 2nd printing).
- Evans, Richard J., The Coming of the Third Reich (New York, NY: The Penguin Press, 2004).
- Friedländer, Saul, Nazi Germany and the Jews. Vol. I: The Years of Persecution, 1933-1939 (New York, NY: HarperCollins 1997).
- Hagen, William W., German History in Modern Times (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2012).
- Kitchen, Martin, Modern History of Germany: 1800 to the Present, (Chichester [etc.] : Wiley-Blackwell 2012, 2nd edition).
- Kershaw, Ian, Hitler, 1889-1945 (London : Allen Lane, 1998-2000).
- Longerich Peter, Hitler: Biographie (München: Siedler, 2015).
- Ullrich, Volker, Hitler. Vol. 1: Ascent, 1889-1939 (New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 2016).
- Wachsmann, Nikolaus, KL: a history of the Nazi concentration camps (New York, NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2015).
https://www.annefrank.org/en/anne-frank/go-in-depth/germany-1933-democracy-dictatorship/ |
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Messaggio 160 di 161 di questo argomento |
On March 15, 1933, Adolf Hitler and Hermann Göring met in a cabinet meeting to discuss how to pass the Enabling Act, which would give Hitler dictatorial powers in Germany. This was part of Hitler's plan to establish a legally-based dictatorship. |
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Messaggio 161 di 161 di questo argomento |
March 15, 1933 (Wednesday)
- The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose from 53.84 to 62.10 points. The day's gain of 15.34%, achieved during the depths of the Great Depression, remains to date as the largest 1-day percentage gain for the index.[53]
- Austrian Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss kept members of the Austrian Parliament from reconvening, starting the Austrofascist dictatorship.[24]
- The Soviet Union halted the further seizure of grain from farmers in the Ukrainian SSR, and ordered some stocks returned from army reserves to the villages.[54]
- Actor Cary Grant sustained a facial injury, and Fredric March and Jack Oakie escaped unscathed, after a bomb being used in the filming of the American war drama, The Eagle and the Hawk, exploded prematurely on the set.[55]
- Clarence Cannon and Milton A. Romjue, both Democrats and U.S. Representatives from Missouri, engaged in a fist fight in the House Office Building. Minnesota Congressman Ernest Lundeen separated the two, shoving Cannon into an elevator and then taking Romjue to a first-aid station.[56]
- New German Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels gave his first press conference, instructing journalists on their responsibilities. He painted the ideal media as a press "so finely tuned that it is, as it were, like a piano in the hands of the government on which the government can play".[57]
- Born: Ruth Bader Ginsburg, U.S. Supreme Court Justice (1993–2020); in Brooklyn (d. 2020)
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