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Resposta  Mensagem 1 de 159 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensagem original) Enviado: 19/05/2014 22:55


En aquel mismo tiempo el rey Herodes echó mano a algunos de la iglesia para maltratarles.
12:2 Y mató a espada a Jacobo, hermano de Juan.
12:3 Y viendo que esto había agradado a los judíos, procedió a prender también a Pedro. Eran entonces
los días de los panes sin levadura.
12:4 Y habiéndole tomado preso, le puso en la cárcel, entregándole a cuatro grupos de cuatro soldados cada uno, para que le custodiasen; y se proponía sacarle al pueblo después de la pascua.
12:5 Así que Pedro estaba custodiado en la cárcel; pero la iglesia hacía sin cesar oración a Dios por él.
12:6 Y cuando Herodes le iba a sacar, aquella misma noche estaba Pedro durmiendo entre dos soldados, sujeto con dos cadenas, y los guardas delante de la puerta custodiaban la cárcel.
12:7 Y he aquí que se presentó un ángel del Señor, y una luz resplandeció en la cárcel; y tocando a Pedro en el costado, le despertó, diciendo: Levántate pronto. Y las cadenas se le cayeron de las manos.
12:8 Le dijo el ángel: Cíñete, y átate las sandalias. Y lo hizo así. Y le dijo: Envuélvete en tu manto, y sígueme.
12:9 Y saliendo, le seguía; pero no sabía que era verdad lo que hacía el ángel, sino que pensaba que veía una visión.
12:10 Habiendo pasado la primera y la segunda guardia, llegaron a la puerta de hierro que daba a la ciudad, la cual se les abrió por sí misma; y salidos, pasaron una calle, y luego el ángel se apartó de él.
12:11 Entonces Pedro, volviendo en sí, dijo: Ahora entiendo verdaderamente que el Señor ha enviado su ángel, y me ha librado de la mano de Herodes, y de todo lo que el pueblo de los judíos esperaba.
12:12 Y habiendo considerado esto, llegó a
casa de María la madre de Juan, el que tenía por sobrenombre Marcos, donde muchos estaban reunidos orando.
12:13 Cuando llamó Pedro a la puerta del patio, salió a escuchar una muchacha llamada Rode,
12:14 la cual, cuando reconoció la voz de Pedro, de gozo no abrió la puerta, sino que corriendo adentro, dio la nueva de que Pedro estaba a la puerta.

1. Marcos 14:15: Y él os mostrará un gran APOSENTO ALTO ya dispuesto; preparad para nosotros allí.


2. Lucas 22:12: Entonces él os mostrará un gran APOSENTO ALTO ya dispuesto; preparad allí.


3. Hechos 1:13: Y entrados, subieron al APOSENTO ALTO, donde moraban Pedro y Jacobo, Juan, Andrés, Felipe, Tomás, Bartolomé, Mateo, Jacobo hijo de Alfeo, Simón el Zelote y Judas hermano de Jacobo.


4. Hechos 20:8: Y había muchas lámparas en el APOSENTO ALTO donde estaban reunidos;
53. Marcos 14:12: El primer día de la fiesta de los panes sin LEVADURA, cuando sacrificaban el cordero de la pascua, sus discípulos le dijeron: ¿Dónde quieres que vayamos a preparar para que comas la pascua?
58. Hechos 12:3: Y viendo que esto había agradado a los judíos, procedió a prender también a Pedro. Eran entonces los días de los panes sin LEVADURA.

59. Hechos 20:6: Y nosotros, pasados los días de los panes sin LEVADURA, navegamos de Filipos, y en cinco días nos reunimos con ellos en Troas, donde nos quedamos siete días.



Dos días después era la pascua, y la fiesta de los panes sin levadura; y buscaban los principales sacerdotes y los escribas cómo prenderle por engaño y matarle.
14:2 Y decían: No durante la fiesta para que no se haga alboroto del pueblo.
14:3 Pero estando él en Betania, en casa de Simón el leproso, y sentado a la mesa, vino una mujer con un vaso de alabastro de perfume de nardo puro de mucho precio; y quebrando el vaso de alabastro, se lo derramó sobre su cabeza.
14:4 Y hubo algunos que se enojaron dentro de sí, y dijeron: ¿Para qué se ha hecho este desperdicio de perfume?
14:5 Porque podía haberse vendido por más de trescientos denarios, y haberse dado a los pobres. Y murmuraban contra ella.
14:6 Pero Jesús dijo: Dejadla, ¿por qué la molestáis? Buena obra me ha hecho.
14:7 Siempre tendréis a los pobres con vosotros, y cuando queráis les podréis hacer bien; pero a mí no siempre me tendréis.
14:8 Esta ha hecho lo que podía; porque se ha anticipado a ungir mi cuerpo para la sepultura.
14:9 De cierto os digo que dondequiera que se predique este evangelio, en todo el mundo, también se contará lo que ésta ha hecho, para memoria de ella.
14:10 Entonces Judas Iscariote, uno de los doce, fue a los principales sacerdotes para entregárselo.
14:11 Ellos, al oírlo, se alegraron, y prometieron darle dinero. Y Judas buscaba oportunidad para entregarle.
14:12 El primer día de la fiesta de los panes sin levadura, cuando sacrificaban el cordero de la pascua, sus discípulos le dijeron: ¿Dónde quieres que vayamos a preparar para que comas la pascua?
14:13 Y envió dos de sus díscipulos, y les dijo:Id a la ciudad, y os saldrá al encuentro un hombre que lleva un cántaro de agua; seguidle,
14:14 y donde entrare, decid al señor de la casa: El Maestro dice: ¿Dónde está el aposento donde he de comer la pascua con mis discípulos?
14:15 Y él os mostrará un gran aposento alto ya dispuesto; preparad para nosotros allí.
14:16 Fueron sus discípulos y entraron en la ciudad, y hallaron como les había dicho; y prepararon la pascua.
14:17 Y cuando llegó la noche, vino él con los doce.

Primeira  Anterior  145 a 159 de 159  Seguinte   Última  
Resposta  Mensagem 145 de 159 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/10/2019 21:01
Resultado de imagen para tesla frases
Resultado de imagen para emmet brown frases

Resposta  Mensagem 146 de 159 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/10/2019 19:52

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Scottish Rite Masonic Temple - Denver, CO
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Outspoken1
N 39° 44.310 W 104° 59.014
13S E 501408 N 4398734
Quick Description: This stunning stained-glass dome is 4' (1.2m) below the outer dome to allow for the pipes of this historic (and fully restored) Kimball Organ.
Location: Colorado, United States
Date Posted: 4/25/2016 7:17:54 AM
Waymark Code: WMR0VK
Published By: Groundspeak Regular Member Math Teacher
Views: 4

Resposta  Mensagem 147 de 159 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/10/2019 01:43

"he who causes to exist"

4 x 6 = 24 = 12 + 12

The term tetragrammaton (from Greek τετραγράμματον, meaning "4 letters")

external link:

Resposta  Mensagem 148 de 159 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/10/2019 17:23

Fibonacci 24 Repeating Pattern

The Fibonacci sequence has a pattern that repeats every 24 numbers.

Numeric reduction is a technique used in analysis of numbers in which all the digits of a number are added together until only one digit remains.  As an example, the numeric reduction of 256 is 4 because 2+5+6=13 and 1+3=4.

Applying numeric reduction to the Fibonacci series produces an infinite series of 24 repeating digits:

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 4, 3, 7, 1, 8, 9, 8, 8, 7, 6, 4, 1, 5, 6, 2, 8, 1, 9

If you take the first 12 digits and add them to the second twelve digits and apply numeric reduction to the result, you find that they all have a value of 9.


1st 12 numbers 1 1 2 3 5 8 4 3 7 1 8 9
2nd 12 numbers 8 8 7 6 4 1 5 6 2 8 1 9
Numeric reduction – Add rows 1 and 2 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 18
Final numeric reduction – Add digits of result 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

This pattern was contributed both by Joseph Turbeville and then again by a mathematician by the name of Jain.

We would expect a pattern to exist in the Fibonacci series since each number in the series encodes the sum of the previous two.  What’s not quite so obvious is why this pattern should repeat every 24 numbers or why the first and last half of the series should all add to 9.

For those of you from the “Show Me” state, this pattern of 24 digits is demonstrated in the numeric reduction of the first 73 numbers of the Fibonacci series, as shown below:

Fibonacci Number

Numeric reduction by adding digits
1st Level 2nd Level Final Level
Example: 2,584 2+5+8+4=19 1+9=10 1+0=1
0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
5 5 5 5
8 8 8 8
13 4 4 4
21 3 3 3
34 7 7 7
55 10 1 1
89 17 8 8
144 9 9 9
233 8 8 8
377 17 8 8
610 7 7 7
987 24 6 6
1,597 22 4 4
2,584 19 10 1
4,181 14 5 5
6,765 24 6 6
10,946 20 2 2
17,711 17 8 8
28,657 28 10 1
46,368 27 9 9
75,025 19 10 1
121,393 19 10 1
196,418 29 11 2
317,811 21 3 3
514,229 23 5 5
832,040 17 8 8
1,346,269 31 4 4
2,178,309 30 3 3
3,524,578 34 7 7
5,702,887 37 10 1
9,227,465 35 8 8
14,930,352 27 9 9
24,157,817 35 8 8
39,088,169 44 8 8
63,245,986 43 7 7
102,334,155 24 6 6
165,580,141 31 4 4
267,914,296 46 10 1
433,494,437 41 5 5
701,408,733 33 6 6
1,134,903,170 29 11 2
1,836,311,903 35 8 8
2,971,215,073 37 10 1
4,807,526,976 54 9 9
7,778,742,049 55 10 1
12,586,269,025 46 10 1
20,365,011,074 29 11 2
32,951,280,099 48 12 3
53,316,291,173 41 5 5
86,267,571,272 53 8 8
139,583,862,445 58 13 4
225,851,433,717 48 12 3
365,435,296,162 52 7 7
591,286,729,879 73 10 1
956,722,026,041 44 8 8
1,548,008,755,920 54 9 9
2,504,730,781,961 53 8 8
4,052,739,537,881 62 8 8
6,557,470,319,842 61 7 7
10,610,209,857,723 51 6 6
17,167,680,177,565 67 13 4
27,777,890,035,288 73 10 1
44,945,570,212,853 59 14 5
72,723,460,248,141 51 6 6
117,669,030,460,994 65 11 2
190,392,490,709,135 62 8 8
308,061,521,170,129 46 10 1
498,454,011,879,264 72 9 9


Thanks to Joseph Turbeville for sending “A Glimmer of Light from the Eye of a Giant” and to Helga Hertsig for bringing Jain’s discovery of this pattern to my attention.


Resposta  Mensagem 149 de 159 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/10/2019 18:39

Resposta  Mensagem 150 de 159 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/10/2019 19:33

Fibonacci Fun

Here are some illustrations by myself and others, dealing with the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Number, Phi.

Phibonacci Exponentials

A few months ago, I noticed the exponents of Phi encode the Fibonacci sequence. 

Phi Phibonacci exponentials 2

Caduceus Phiral Fibonacci

The sequence gets closer to the golden number the larger the numbers get.   This will work with any two starting numbers, like say 91 and 432, for example.  You’ll find the same ratio emerge if you keep adding them together. (91+432 = 523, then, 432+523=955, etc)  Already we are at 1.8 to 1. (955/523)  A handful more steps and we’ll have Phi to more than 99.999% accuracy.


???? If you had a million phalanges, your hand would look like King Midas.

Phi 2 10 2 Phi exponents exponentials

Jain108 made a post on how, if you start with 2 and 10, you arrive at the actual numbers found in the exponents of Phi.  Remember exponents are simply the number multiplied by itself n number of times. Phi cubed, or Phi to the third power, is just Phi x Phi x Phi. (1.618 x 1.618 x 1.618 = 4.236)  See that was easy, now stop complaining how you’re bad at math.

Phi Phormulas

Phi to the negative power is the same as saying, one divided by the Phi cubed, or whatever.

Here's some different ways to say the same thing.

Here’s some different ways to say the same thing.

scott onstott square root phi

This does an excellent job of explaining where all these freaking numbers come from. (img Scott Onstott)

Phi circles Kutler

Circles of Fibonacci. Magenta and green cancel out and make gold

Sam Kutler found the golden number in concentric circles.

(Phi)Bonacci Patterns

The outer ring shows the 24 digit pattern(digital roots), the inner the 60 digit pattern(last number).

Lucien Khan rediscovered the 60 digit repeat pattern.

Fibonacci Patterns

Fibonacci sequence hidden in ordinary division problem:
If you divide 1 by 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 (that’s 999 quattuordecillion), the Fibonacci sequence pops out.



Chad Adam’s Extended Fibonacci Series

chad adams fibonacci

Like I said, you can start a Fibonacci sequence with any two numbers.  If you begin with the numbers 1-9, some interesting things happen.

Geometry Patteer

by Chad Adams

Platonic Solids Tetractys

See how the numbers match up?

Platonic Solids

The Platonic Solids

Tetragramatonic Platonic Solids

Platonic Solid Secrets of Space and Timeback to the 60 digit pattern….


phi fibonacci 60 pattern

The Fibonacci Sequence, starting at the 60th number in the sequence.  See the pattern?  Just look at the last digit in each number of the sequence. [after 8 is 3 because the last digit in 13(5+8) is 3]



Extended Fibonacci and 60 Pattern




The Colorado State Flag

The Colorado State Flag

Is it just me or is Colorado’s state seal illuminaty as all hell?

DIA New World

Don’t even go to Denver International Airport.

Colorado Flag Maths

I did an article on Decoding the Dollar, and found the leaves on the left side of the buck encode the fib seq. with 2,3,5,8.


Phibonacci Ratios

The name ‘Fi-Bonacci'(Man of cheer) comes from Leonardo’s old man who could always make the town laugh.
Fibonacci's Pi

Leonardo de Pisa, the guy we call ‘Fibonacci”, actually had his own value for π, which was 864/275, or 3.141818181818….    (Phi = 1.618..)

Fibonacci 1

Fibonacci and 89

I talk about this more here..


The Fibonacci numbers reduced to one digit through digital parity. (21 is 3 because 2+1=3)

This is the number and sequence of numbers that God choose to use to structure all life and creation.


Resposta  Mensagem 151 de 159 no assunto 
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The amount of days in a solar year plus the proportions for the Equatorial circumference of the Earth and the proportions of the Great Pyramid of Giza according to Golden Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144: The Great Pyramid of Giza is a geodetic model of Planet Earth. The measurements mentioned below are the ideal measurements. A meter is equal to 100 centimeters 1 Solon cubit = 40 times √φ = 50.88078598056276 centimeters. If 1 Solon cubit is divided into 20 equal units of measure then 20 inches can be derived because 1 Solon cubit is equal to 20 inches. 1 Saylen cubit = 50 times √φ = 63.60098247570345 centimeters. If 1 Saylen cubit is divided into 25 equal units of measure then 25 inches can be derived because 1 Saylen cubit is equal to 25 inches. 1 inch = 2 times √φ = 2.544039299028138 centimeters. 1 foot = 12 inches. 1 foot = 24 times √φ = 30.528471588337656 centimeters. If the shortest edge length of a Kepler right triangle is equal to 1 then the hypotenuse of the Kepelr right triangle is equal to The Golden ratio = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = φ = 1.618033988749895 according to the Pythagorean theorem. The Golden ratio in Trigonometry = (cosine (36 degrees) times 2) = 1.618033988749895. If the shortest edge length of a Kepler right triangle is equal to 1 then second longest edge length of the Kepelr right triangle is the square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.272019649514069 according to the Pythagorean theorem. The width for the square base of the Great Pyramid of Giza is equal to 756 feet. • If the shortest edge length of a Kepler right triangle is equal to 1 foot and then the second edge length of the Kepler right triangle is multiplied 378 equal times the result will be the height of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 378 times √φ = 480.823427516318082 feet according to Golden Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144. • If the shortest edge length of a Kepler right triangle is equal to 1 foot and then the hypotenuse of the Kepler right triangle is multiplied 378 equal times the result will be the slant height of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 378 times φ = 611.61684774746031 feet according to Golden Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144. • If the shorter edge length of a Golden ratio = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = φ = 1.618033988749895 rectangle is equal to 1 foot and then the diagonal of the Golden ratio = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = φ = 1.618033988749895 rectangle is multiplied 378 equal times the result will be the edge height of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 378 times = Cosine (18) degrees times 2 = 1.902113032590307 = 718.998726319136046 feet according to Golden Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144.Cosine (18) degrees times 2 = 1.902113032590307. Cosine (18) degrees times 2 = 1.902113032590307 squared = φ plus 2 = 3.618033988749895. • If the shortest edge length of a Kepler right triangle is equal to 1 foot = 24 times √φ = 30.528471588337656 centimeters then the second longest edge length of that Kepler right triangle is equal to 38.832815729997479 centimeters.24 times √φ = 30.528471588337656 centimeters times the square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.272019649514069 = 38.832815729997479 centimeters. 1 foot = 24 times √φ = 30.528471588337656 centimeters times the square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.272019649514069 = 38.832815729997479 centimeters times 378 = the height of the Great Pyramid of Giza of Giza = 14678.804345939047062 centimeters. The height of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 14678.804345939047062 centimeters divided by 24 times √φ = 30.528471588337656 centimeters = the height of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 480.823427516318088 feet. 378 times √φ = 1.272019649514069 = 480.823427516318088. • If the shortest edge length of a Kepler right triangle is equal to 1 foot = 24 times √φ = 30.528471588337656 centimeters then the hypotenuse of that Kepler right triangle is equal to 49.39610465451582 centimeters. 24 times √φ = 30.528471588337656 centimeters times the Golden ratio = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = φ = 1.618033988749895 = 49.39610465451582 centimeters. 1 foot = 24 times √φ = 30.528471588337656 centimeters times the Golden ratio = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = φ = 1.618033988749895 378 = 49.39610465451582 centimeters times 378 = slant the height of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 18671.727559406979971centimeters. The Slant height of the Great Pyramid = 18671.727559406979971 centimeters divided by 24 times √φ = 30.528471588337656 centimeters = the slant height of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 611.61684774746031 feet. 378 times √φ = 1.272019649514069 = 611.61684774746031. • If the shortest edge length of a Golden ratio = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = φ = 1.618033988749895 rectangle is equal to 1 foot = 24 times √φ = 30.528471588337656 centimeters then the length of the diagonal of that Golden ratio = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = φ = 1.618033988749895 rectangle is equal to 58.068603673239965 centimeters. 24 times √φ = 30.528471588337656 centimeters times Cosine (18) degrees times 2 = 1.902113032590307 = 58.068603673239965 centimeters. Cosine (18) degrees times 2 = 1.902113032590307 squared = φ plus 2 = 3.618033988749895. 1 foot = 24 times √φ = 30.528471588337656 centimeters times = Cosine (18) degrees times 2 = 1.902113032590307 = 58.068603673239965 centimeters times 378 = the edge height of the Great Pyramid of Giza of Giza = 21949.932188484706835 centimeters. The edge height of the Great Pyramid = 21949.932188484706835 centimeters divided by 24 times √φ = 30.528471588337656 centimeters = the edge height of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 718.998726319136046 feet. 378 times Cosine (18) degrees times 2 = 1.902113032590307 = 718.998726319136046. Cosine (18) degrees times 2 = 1.902113032590307. Cosine (18) degrees times 2 = 1.902113032590307 squared = φ plus 2 = 3.618033988749895. A Kepler right triangle can be created from the construction of a Golden ratio = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = φ = 1.618033988749895 rectangle by using Compass and straight edge and obviously a marker for the drawing surface. The amount of days in a Solar year = 4/√φ times 7920 times 5280/(10 ^ 3 times 360) = 365.277376161209156. The amount of days in a Solar year = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144 times 7920 times 5280/(10 ^ 3 times 360) = 365.277376161209156. The equatorial circumference of planet Earth = 10 ^ 3 times 360 times 365.277376161209156 = 131499855.41803529616 feet. The equatorial circumference of planet Earth = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144 times 7920 = 24905.275647355169727 statute miles. 131499855.41803529616 feet divided by 86400 = half the perimeter of the socle of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 1521.989067338371483 feet. Half the perimeter of the socle of the Great Pyramid of Giza times 86400 is also equal to the equatorial circumference of planet Earth = 131499855.41803529616 feet. 484 divided by √φ times 2 = the width of the socle of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 760.99453366918572 feet. Half the width of the socle of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 380.49726683459286 feet times √φ = 484 feet. 484/√φ times 2 times 2 times 86400 = 131499855.41803529616 feet. 131499855.41803529616 feet divided by 5280 = The perimeter of the socle of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 484/√φ times 8 = 3043.978134676742966 feet. 484 feet /√φ times 8 = 3043.978134676742966 feet times 12 = 24905.275647355169727 statute miles. 24905.275647355169727 statute miles divided by 7920 statute miles = Golden Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144. There are 929.28 meters in the square perimeter of the socle of the Great Pyramid of Giza according to Golden Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144. 484/√φ times 8 = 3043.978134676742966 times 12 = 36527.737616120915592 divided by 100 = the exact amount of days in a solar year = 365.277376161209156. The equatorial diameter of our planet Earth = 41817600 feet. 41817600 feet divided 86400 = the height of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 378 times √φ = 480.823427516318082 feet plus the height of the socle of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 3.176572483681918 feet. 10 ^ 3 times 360 times 484/(√φ) times 8 times 12/(100) = 131499855.41803529616 feet. The height of the Great Pyramid if Giza is 378 times √φ = 480.823427516318082 feet. The width of the square base of the Great Pyramid of Giza is 756 feet. The perimeter of the square base of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 3024 feet. 9 factorial = 362880. At 10 degrees latitude the length of a degree is 9 factorial =362880 feet. The amount of inches in the perimeter of the square of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 36288. 36288 times 10 = 362880. The width for the square base of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 756 feet. The perimeter of the square base of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 3024 feet. There are 36288 inches in the perimeter of the square base of the Great Pyramid of Giza. 3024 times 12 = 36288. 756 times 4 times 12 = 36288. (9!)/10 = 36288. The equatorial circumference of planet Earth: https://joedubs.com/four-earthly-elements/equatorial-circumference-of-earth/ Kepler right triangle diagram with squares upon the edges of the Kepler right triangle: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iBtXYy06yv9UWtGP5mwMXyt80vaysFvR/view?usp=sharing Kepler right triangle construction method: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15DNXB_xNP2f2jCroC0FyNUyBYGhVAA2J/view?usp=sharing PYTHAGOREAN THEOREM: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pythagorean_theorem Golden ratio: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_ratio The history of the meter: The history of the meter: https://www.factinate.com/editorial/meter-history/ The meter: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metre The meter is based now on the speed of light: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgqUyFaUDcI
Santoral 25 de Abril,San Marcos Evangelista - YouTube
Santo del día 25 Abril – San Marcos, Santo Evangelista – Diócesis de  Tenancingo
2.54 CM to Inches – Howmanypedia.com
Inches to Centimeters Converter - MarkCalculate
Python: Convert the distance (in feet) to inches, yards, and miles -  w3resource
Customary Units of Length: Inches, Feet, Yards, Miles
DIGITAL- Measurement Activities - Inches, Feet, Yards - Distance Learning
Inches, Yards, Feet Worksheets & Teaching Resources | TpT
La Gran Pirámide de Giza – ReydeKish – Historias de la Antigüedad

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