Jan I did not want to overwhelm the readers on this forum.
I have a feeling that folk's eyes glaze over if the posts are too long.
Now in reference to the above imagery and sacred geometry taken from your website Jan, I too have noticed the same 'patterns'being used since time immemorial.
And these archetypal connections I feel have something to do with the evolution of our own DNA.
As these two blogs reveal...the reason for the architecture of places like St. Peter's Square ellipse.
http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2009/0 ... o-message/http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2009/0 ... ooks-like/

Two images that are upside down images of each other?
Tesla Tower on the left, and the ceremonial KIVA AD 500 on the right.

And I found the above symbol in an ole' Templar Church in Garway, England.
Along side in the same church we find the Templar Cross, the Right Hand of God (tribe of Ben Yamin), the SWASTIKA and an universal idea, a shape/form found ALL over the world, an inspiration of archetypal universal thought ...

temples that resemble the shape defined by the light bulb?

Have I found the same 'treasure' the Templars found?
http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2009/0 ... the-tarot/Was the treasure that the Templars found re: Solomon's Temple, similar to another mathematical gem that a fella called Fibonacci revealed?
A numerical code that can be taught to a child?
* The spreading of the Hindu-Arabic numeral system in Europe, primarily through the publication in the early 13th century of his Book of Calculation, the Liber Abaci.
* A number sequence named after him known as the Fibonacci numbers, which he did not discover but used as an example in the Liber Abaci.[3]
So who is the original 'discoverer' of this CODE?
Did the Egyptians use it 1000s of years before Fibonacci resurrected it?
There is a dispute as to whether the Egyptians were aware of this CODE that mimics nature.
I have proof they were aware of it long before the Greek mathematicians who are credited with many FIBs.
I believe what the Knights Templar found was something quite simple, a universal irrational complexity reduced to a simplicity.
Revealed by a simple logarithmic pattern found all throughout NATURE, named after Fibonacci.
Of course the irrational irony of the poetic universe suggests that this CODE is being used to veil some very very very big FIBs, including something called the Big BANG.
Fibonacci = 112358 = phi = everything GOLDEN ... including the GOLDEN RULES

we must live by?
http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2009/0 ... acci-code/And of course a discussion of the Knights Templar would not be complete without discussing Freemasonry which can be traced to Phreemasonry?
The truncated pyramid is found where?

Again sometimes we must flip folks worlds upside down...in order to get them to understand and SEE.
Sometimes it becomes necessary within the PRECESSION cycle to FLIP the world over on its x-axis?

Of course the simplest representation of ALL the above shapes could simply be the shape of a magnet or a U or a YOU or a EWE?
With an invisible 3rd pole placed between the other two?
Just like the Tree of Life which has 3 distinct pillars?
Free Will suggests you can be a U or a EWE?
Free Will suggests you can be part of the structure representing the tree/magnet OR simply the iron filings that get 'directed' by the 'field' created?
That is your choice.
To be part of the U-niversal Magnet or simply a follower, an iron filing, a sheeple, directed where to go...?