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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensagem original) Enviado: 15/09/2014 03:04

Experimento Filadelfia

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

El Experimento Filadelfia, también llamado Proyecto Arcoíris, es el nombre que recibió un supuesto experimento secreto llevado a cabo por la marina estadounidense en los astilleros navales de Filadelfia, en el estado de Pensilvania, durante o antes del 28 de octubre de 1943. En el cual el destructor escolta de la Armada USS Eldridge al parecer fue invisibilizado (o "encubierto") electrónicamente contra los dispositivos enemigos. La marina de Estados Unidos comenta que ha buscado archivos que se refieran a este hecho y no los ha encontrado, ni ha encontrado evidencia de que se intentara.[cita requerida]

El incidente fue reportado repetidamente como una farsa.[1] [2] [3]


A finales de los años 30, el ingeniero eléctrico Nikola Tesla, afirmó[cita requerida] haber completado una teoría dinámica de la gravedad, que básicamente explica la gravedad como una mezcla de ondas electromagnéticas longitudinales y transversales. Estos razonamientos calaron hondo en un grupo de trabajo que experimentaba con los campos electromagnéticos en la Universidad de Chicago[cita requerida], donde se estaban iniciando las investigaciones sobre la posibilidad de la invisibilidad a través del uso de campos eléctricos y magnéticos. Este proyecto se habría trasladado en 1939 al Instituto de Estudios Avanzados de la Universidad de Princeton[cita requerida].

En un momento determinado, se afirmó haber conseguido la invisibilidad de pequeños objetos, con lo que se presentó al gobierno de los Estados Unidos.[cita requerida] Por lo que en el plano militar vieron el potencial de esta nueva tecnología y decidieron sufragar el curso de las investigaciones a fin de direccionarlas en el sentido que les convenía: su aplicación a la industria bélica. El USS Eldridge, es modificado para transportar toneladas de equipamiento electrónico, entre el que se incluirían dos enormes generadores de 75 kV cada uno, montados en el lugar que debería ocupar la torreta de cañones de proa, y que distribuían su potencia a través de cuatro bobinas montadas en cubierta. Tres transmisores RF de 2 megavatios cada uno, 3.000 tubos amplificadores 6L6 (empleados para canalizar los campos de las bobinas de los dos generadores), circuitos de sincronización y modulación... fueron empleados para generar campos electromagnéticos masivos que, correctamente configurados, serían capaces de curvar las ondas de luz y de radios alrededor del buque, haciéndolo invisible.

Las pruebas habrían empezado el verano de 1943, y hasta cierto punto tuvieron éxito al principio. Una prueba, el 22 de julio de 1943, volvió al USS Eldridge (DE-173) casi totalmente invisible, con algunos testigos reportando una "niebla verdosa" —sin embargo, algunos miembros de la tripulación se quejaron de náuseas posteriormente. En ese momento, el experimento fue alterado a petición de la Marina, con el objetivo de hacer al navío invisible a los radares únicamente.[cita requerida]

El equipo fue recalibrado y el experimento se llevó a cabo el 28 de octubre. Esta vez, el Eldridge no sólo se volvió totalmente invisible a la vista, sino que de hecho desapareció del área en un relámpago azul. Al mismo tiempo, la base naval estadounidense en Norfolk, Virginia, a 600 km de distancia, un tripulante en sus costas declaró haber visto al Eldridge durante 15 minutos, al final de los cuales desapareció, para volver a aparecer en Filadelfia, en sus coordenadas originales —supuestamente un caso accidental de teletransportación.[cita requerida]

Según el relato de Carlos Allende[cita requerida], los efectos fisiológicos en la tripulación fueron profundos. Mareos muy violentos, personal que desapareció por completo, otros que simplemente se volvieron locos o padecieron esquizofrenia severa, y lo más terrorífico fue el hallazgo de cinco miembros de la tripulación fundidos completamente con la estructura de metal de la proa del buque y otros tantos sufrieron desmaterializaciones de algunas partes de sus cuerpos. Supuestamente, los oficiales navales horrorizados cancelaron el experimento inmediatamente. Los supervivientes nunca fueron los mismos, y permanecieron en una suerte de amnesia total.[cita requerida]

Publicación de la historia[editar]

Los detalles de este experimento fueron revelados indirectamente.

Carl Allen/Carlos Allende[editar]

En 1955, K. Jessup, un astrónomo amateur, antes investigador postuniversitario, publicó The Case for the UFO, un examen del fenómeno del OVNI (UFO en inglés) en el que teorizaba los medios de propulsión que un platillo volador del estilo de un OVNI podría utilizar. Jessup especuló que la anti-gravedad o el electromagnetismo pueden ser responsables del comportamiento de vuelo observado en los OVNIs, y lamentó, tanto en el libro como en la publicidad del tour que siguió, que la investigación de los vuelos espaciales se concentrara en el área de los cohetes, y que se pusiera poca atención a otros medios teóricos de vuelo, que él consideraba rendirían más frutos al final.

El 13 de enero de 1956, Jessup recibió una carta de un hombre que se identificaba como "Carlos Miguel Allende". En ella, Allende informaba a Jessup del Experimento Filadelfia, aludiendo a artículos periodísticos de la época de fuentes dudosas como "prueba". Allende también decía haber sido testigo de la desaparición y reaparición del Eldridge mientras trabajaba en un barco mercante que se encontraba cerca, el SS Andrew Furuseth. Incluso mencionó los nombres de otros tripulantes del Andrew Furuseth, y decía saber del destino de algunos miembros de la tripulación del Eldridge tras el experimento, incluyendo uno que dice haber visto "desaparecer" durante una pelea en un bar. Jessup le respondió a Allende con una postal, pidiendo más evidencia y corroboración de la historia, tales como fechas y detalles específicos de la misma. La respuesta llegó varios meses más tarde; sin embargo, esta vez el hombre se identificaba como "Carl M. Allen". Allen dijo que no podría proveer los detalles pedidos por Jessup, pero insinuaba que podrían ser obtenidos a través de la hipnosis. Jessup decidió cortar la correspondencia.

La ONR y las notas de Varo[editar]

En la primavera de 1957, Jessup fue contactado por la Oficina de Investigación Naval (Office of Naval Research, ONR) de Washington D.C., que le pedía estudiar el contenido de un paquete que habían recibido. Al llegar, el curioso Jessup quedó perplejo al encontrar que una copia de su libro había sido enviada a la ONR en un sobre manila con la leyenda "HAPPY EASTER" (felices pascuas). Además, el libro tenía numerosas notas al margen, y la oficina de la ONR le preguntó a Jessup si tenía idea de quién pudo haberlas hecho.

Las largas anotaciones estaban escritas en tres diferentes colores, y parecían detallar la correspondencia entre tres individuos, de los cuales solo uno tenía nombre: "Jemi". La ONR etiquetó a los otros dos como "Mr. A" y "Mr. B". Las notas se refieren a las otras personas y discuten dos tipos diferentes de "gente" que viven en el espacio. El uso de las mayúsculas y la puntuación era inusual, y detallaba largamente los méritos de varias suposiciones que Jessup hacía en el libro, con referencias oblicuas al Experimento Filadelfia, en una forma que sugería conocimiento previo o superior (por ejemplo, "Mr. B" asegura sobre una teoría de Jessup que "No sabe, no puede saber. sólo adivina").

Basado en el estilo de la escritura y el tema y comparando con las cartas que había recibido previamente, Jessup identificó a "Mr. A" como Carlos Allende/Carl Allen. Otros han sugerido que todas las anotaciones las hizo la misma persona, usando tres plumas diferentes.

La ONR contactó después a Jessup, diciendo que la dirección de la carta de Allende era una casa de campo abandonada. También le informaron a Jessup que la corporación Varo, una firma de investigación, estaba preparando una impresión de The Case for the UFO con las dos cartas y las notas. Al parecer, se imprimieron alrededor de 100 copias, incluyendo tres enviadas a Jessup.

Jessup trató de sacar provecho del tema, pero su siguiente libro se vendió mal y su editor rechazó algunos escritos más. En 1958 lo dejó su esposa, y sus amigos lo describieron como inestable cuando viajó a Nueva York. Tras su regreso a Florida estuvo envuelto en un accidente automovilístico severo y tardó en recuperarse, aumentando su desánimo. Morris Jessup se suicidó en 1959, (envenenado por los gases de escape de su vehículo).

La misteriosa muerte de Jessup[editar]

La muerte de Jessup ha sido tema de muchas especulaciones. Algunos amigos suyos dijeron que Jessup no era el tipo de persona que se suicida. Otros han sugerido que fue asesinado porque se negó a dejar las investigaciones sobre el enigma de los OVNIS. Sin embargo, otros amigos dijeron que Jessup estaba deprimido a causa de problemas personales, y que había anunciado su suicidio a un intimo amigo suyo.

Biografía de Carl Allen[editar]

Carl Allen fue un enigma viviente. El verdadero nombre de Carl Allen era Carl Meredith Allen, quien cambió varias veces de nombre y domicilio. Nació en Springdale (Pensilvania) en mayo de 1925, y se le suponen por lo menos cinco seudónimos. Es el menor de tres hijos; su padre era irlandés y su madre gitana. Se alistó en la Marina de los Estados Unidos el 14 de julio de 1942, y se licenció el 21 de mayo de 1943. En julio de 1943 entró en la marina mercante, que abandonó en octubre de 1952, y desde entonces fue una especie de vagabundo. Se dice que visitó la corporación Varo por invitación de su presidente, y que estuvo en contacto con el doctor Edward U. Condon durante la investigación de OVNIS que realizó en la Universidad de Colorado. Allen reconoció ser el autor de las cartas de Jessup y de las anotaciones que había en el libro enviado a la ONR. Se supone que negó que se tratara de una simple broma. Murió en un asilo de Colorado el 5 de marzo de 1994.

Las cartas de Carlos Allende[editar]

La historia del Experimento Filadelfia se basa, sobre todo, en la información contenida en dos cartas enviadas en 1956 por Carlos Allende (Carl Allen) a Morris Jessup. En la traducción no se han mantenido las faltas de ortografía del original, pero se ha intentado preservar el sorprendente "tono" de Allende.

Primera carta

Estimado doctor Jessup: Su invocación al público para que se mueva en masa sobre sus representantes y haya así suficiente presión colocada en un correcto y suficiente número de lugares donde pueda ser aprobada una ley para que la Teoría del campo unificado del doctor Albert Einstein (1925-27) sea puesta en práctica no es nada necesaria.

Se usaron los "resultados" de mi amigo Dr. Franklin Reno... Los resultados fueron y son hoy prueba de que la Teoría del Campo Unificado hasta cierto punto es correcta... El "resultado" fue la completa invisibilidad de un barco, tipo destructor, y toda su tripulación. Estaba navegando. (Oct. 1943). El Campo fue efectivo en una forma esferoidal oblata que se extendía cien yardas (más o menos, debido a la posición lunar y latitud) fuera de cada lado del barco. Cualquier persona dentro de esa esfera se volvía de forma vaga pero él también observó a esas personas a bordo de ese barco como si ellas también estuvieran en el mismo estado y sin embargo estuvieran andando sobre nada. Cualquier persona fuera de esa esfera no podía ver nada, salvo la forma claramente definida del casco del barco en el agua...

Quedan muy pocos de la tripulación experimental original ahora, Señor. La mayoría enloqueció, uno salió a través de la pared de su alojamiento a la vista de su mujer e hijo y otros 2 miembros de la tripulación (no volvió a ser visto), dos "se fueron al Fuego" o sea se inmovilizaron y se incendiaron mientras llevaban unas brújulas comunes... (ardieron 18 días)... El experimento fue un éxito completo. Los hombres fueron fracasos completos.

Revise periódicos de Filadelfia buscando un parrafito (parte superior de la hoja, interior del periódico cerca del tercio final del periódico, 1944-46 en primavera u otoño o invierno, no en verano) de una noticia describiendo las acciones de los marineros después de su viaje inicial. Asaltaron un local en el astillero de la Marina "Gin Mill" o "Beer Joint" y causaron tanta conmoción y parálisis de las camareras que poco de comprensible se les pudo sacar, que el párrafo y el que lo escribió no lo cree, y dice "Sólo escribí lo que oí y esas mujeres están locas...".

Le pido que haga éste poco de investigación sólo para que se trague la lengua cuando recuerde lo que "pidió que se haga ley".

Muy irrespetuosamente suyo, Carl M. Allen

P.S. Ayudaré más si usted ve que puedo. (Z416175)

Segunda carta (Días después)

Notas de adición y pertenecientes a la misiva:

Quiero mencionar que de algún modo también el Barco Experimental desapareció del muelle de Filadelfia y muy pocos minutos después apareció en otro muelle en Norfolk, Newport News, en la zona de Portsmouth. Éste fue señalado y claramente identificado como el lugar pero entonces el barco, de nuevo desapareció y volvió a su muelle de Filadelfia en sólo unos pocos minutos o menos. Esto también fue notado en los periódicos. Pero he olvidado en qué periódico lo leí o cuándo pasó. Probablemente al final de los experimentos. Podría haber sido en 1956, después de que terminaran los experimentos, no lo puedo decir con seguridad.

Muy sinceramente,

Carl M. Allen

Estimado señor Jessup:

Me pide lo que es equivalente a pruebas positivas de algo que sólo la duplicación de los dispositivos que produjeron "este fenómeno" podrían darle... Nunca podré satisfacer esa actitud... Puedo ser de alguna ayuda positiva para usted en mí mismo pero para hacerlo requeriría un Hipnotizador, Pentotal Sódico, un grabador y una excelente dactilógrafa para producir material de valor para usted...

Soy un contemplador de las estrellas Sr. Jessup. No lo disimulo y el hecho de que... estoy seguro de que el hombre irá adonde ahora sueña con estar... hacia las estrellas vía la forma de transporte con que tropezó accidentalmente la Marina (para consternación suya) cuando su barco exp. despegó y apareció un minuto después más o menos a varios cientos de millas marinas de distancias... Quizás la Marina ya haya usado este accidente de transporte para construir sus OVNIS. Eso es un avance desde todos los puntos de vista. ¿A usted qué le parece?

Muy respetuosamente, Carl Allen.


  • Al barco lo rodeaba una niebla verde, y esto es lo que sucede en la mayoría de los casos reportados en el Triángulo de las Bermudas[cita requerida].
  • Los tripulantes viajaron en octubre de 1943 en los 15 minutos que duro la invisibilidad desde el muelle de Filadelfia a otro muelle en Norfolk, Newport News, en la zona de Portsmouth.
  • Según la leyenda, se afirma que se produjo una pelea en un bar donde los tripulantes supervivientes comenzaron a materializarse y desmaterializarse.


  1. Volver arriba Carroll, Robert Todd (03-12-2007). «Philadelphia experiment». The Skeptic's Dictionary. Consultado el 05-02-2008.
  2. Volver arriba Dash, Mike (2000) [1997]. Borderlands. Woodstock, New York: Overlook Press. ISBN 978-0-87951-724-3. OCLC 41932447. 
  3. Volver arriba Adams, Cecil (23-10-1987). «Did the U.S. Navy teleport ships in the Philadelphia Experiment?». The Straight Dope. Consultado el 20-02-2007.

Referencias literarias[editar]

  • (Charles Berlitz) "Triángulo de las Bermudas" En este libro aparte de relatar los hechos del misterio también hace referencia al experimento
  • Charles Berlitz; "The Philadelphia Experiment - Projecto Invisibility" (1979)
  • Thin Air (Aire delgado) George E. Simpson Trata sobre el tema, desde una investigación de personas tratadas psicológicamente, debido al trauma subsiguiente al supuesto experimento.-

Referencias filmográficas[editar]

Véase también[editar]


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Through His sufferings Christ the Savior redeemed mankind, and opened the gate to the Kingdom of Heaven. During His service he continually preached to all that they follow Him. Those who heard God’s words received them in differing ways, but there were those among them who brought forth fruit in abundance (cf. Mt. 13:8). One of these was the holy equal-to-the-apostles Mary Magdalene. She received that name from the place where she lived, in the town of Magdala. This town belonged to the tribe of Issachar and was located on the western shore of the Sea of Tiberius in Galilee, not far from Capernaum. The naming of a woman for her place of residence shows that she was well-off, because other women’s names were taken, for example, from their family relations: Mary the mother of Jacob, Maria the mother of Cleopas. Luke the Evangelist says that Christ preached the Kingdom of Heaven, and then after Him followed certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils… and many others, which ministered unto him of their substance (Lk. 8:1–3).

We find the most about Mary Magdalene in the Gospel in passages where the sufferings of Christ the Savior are described, when she showed her dedication and faithfulness to her divine Teacher: Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother, and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene (Jn. 19:25). After the death of the divine Sufferer on the Cross, the centurion on watch believed in the divinity of Christ the Savior. The Evangelist Matthew adds, And many women were there beholding afar off, which followed Jesus from Galilee, ministering unto him: Among which was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedees children (Mt. 27:55–56). Then righteous Joseph of Arimathea asked for the body of the divine Sufferer and buried Him in his own new tomb (Mt. 27–60). As the Evangelist Matthew notes, And there was Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary, sitting over against the sepulcher (Mt. 27:61). The Evangelist Mark says, Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses beheld where he was laid (Mk. 15:47). Then, when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him (Mk. 16:1). Their worries about the sealed tomb were put to rest all by themselves, when they looked, they saw that the stone was rolled away (Mk. 16:4) and they saw in the tomb a bright angel, who told them the news about the Risen Lord Christ. Then after His resurrection, He appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils. And she went and told them that had been with him, as they mourned and wept (Mk. 16:9–10). The Evangelist John the Theologian speaks a little differently and in more detail about the events of those sorrowful days, which would soon become joyful. Mary Magdalene came early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulcher (Jn. 20:1). She hastened to tell the apostles Peter and John about it, and they in turn hastened to the tomb where they saw the linen clothes lying (Jn. 20:5). Then they returned, but Mary stood without at the sepulchre weeping: and as she wept, she stooped down, and looked into the sepulchre, And seeth two angels in white sitting, the one at the head, and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain. And they say unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? She saith unto them, Because they have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid him. And when she had thus said, she turned herself back, and saw Jesus standing, and knew not that it was Jesus. Jesus saith unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? whom seekest thou? She, supposing him to be the gardener, saith unto him, Sir, if thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away. Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto him, Rabboni; which is to say, Master. Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God. Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord, and that he had spoken these things unto her (Jn. 20:11–18). In the service of the Sunday of the Holy Myrrhbearing Women [the second Sunday after Pascha] we read: “Having come to the tomb seeking the Lord, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, saw the angel like lightning sitting on the stone, who said to them, ‘Why seek ye the Living among the dead? He has risen as he said. You will find Him in Galilee.”[1]

After the Ascension of the Lord, Mary Magdalene undoubtedly was among certain women (Acts 1:14), who abided in one spirit in prayer with the holy apostles and the Mother of God in the upper room, awaiting the descent of the Holy Spirit. A later traveller describes this place in the holy city of Jerusalem. In the church of Sts. Constantine and Helen, “we were brought … where Christ sat on the stone when He appeared to Maria Magdalene… And the stone, which was the chair, was round, of red rock.”[2] In the church of the Resurrection of Christ “is the stone upon which Christ sat and appeared to Maria Magdalene.”[3]

Church tradition has preserved testimony to her exploits in the capital of the empire. “In Rome, having appeared to the Emperor Tiberius, St. Mary Magdalene brought him a red egg with the words, ‘Christ is Risen!’ Then she told the emperor about the Savior’s sufferings on the Cross. In those days, the presentation of an egg was a sign of joy. From the time of St. Mary Magdalene the trading of eggs on the day of the Resurrection of the Lord amongst Christians became a custom.”[4] This is mentioned in the akathist to the holy Myrrhbearer. In the eleventh ikos we read: “Having reached ancient Rome, courageously didst thou appear before Tiberius Caesar, and with the image of a red egg and wise words thou didst expound to him the life-bearing power of Christ, rebuked deceitful Pilate and the godless high priest, that they will be justly repaid for their lawless deeds… Rejoice, thou who didst not fear Caesar’s wrath; rejoice, thou who didst show him the evil and cunning of Christ’s enemies.”[5] The Church historian Eusebius Pamphilus says that the Roman Emperor Tiberius (14–37) knew from Pilate of the events in Palestine, of the talk about the resurrection of Christ the Savior, “and did not find anything preposterous in Christ’s teachings.”[6] Moreover it is supposed that thanks to Mary Magdalene’s preaching the Roman ruler proposed to the senate that they “include Christ in the pantheon of Roman gods.”[7] The holy Myrrhbearer knew the apostle Paul, whom the Lord had called to preach the Gospel only after His glorious Resurrection, and apparently helped him in his missionary service. Therefore the apostle Paul at the end of his epistle to the Romans writes, Greet Mary, who bestowed much labour on us (Rom. 16:6).

Later Mary Magdalene came to Ephesus, where St. John the Theologian who, as opposed to the other Evangelists, wrote the fourth Gospel significantly later; in it is spoken in detail about the resurrection of Christ the Savior and His appearance to Mary Magdalene. Mary Magdalene reposed in the Lord in Ephesus. St. Dimitry of Rostov (†1709; commemorated October 28), says that she “was laid to rest at the entrance to the cave in which the seven youths of Ephesus would later fall asleep.”[8] In examining the Western version of St. Mary Magdalene’s relics in Provence, Archbishop Sergius (Spassky) notes that “according to the Life of St. Willibald (comm. July 7), bishop of Eichstadt, who travelled to the East in the eighth century, her grave was shown in 745 in Ephesus.”[9] Later her holy relics were translated to Constantinople during the reign of Emperor Leo VI the Philosopher (886–912).[10] Meanwhile Igumen Daniel, who travelled from Kievan Rus’ to the Holy Land at the beginning of the eleventh century, during the heat of the crusades, visited also Ephesus. He wrote, “And here, near that cave where the seven sleeping youths of Ephesus lie, are … also the grave of Magdalene Mary and her head.”[11] And an anonymous Russian traveller who visited Constantinople in the late thirteenth century–early fourth century, that is, after the fall of the Latin empire, describes the holy site in the capital city monastery of Righteous Lazarus: “St. Lazarus the friend of God is sealed in the right column, and his sister Martha lies at his left hand; here … in the left column Mary Magdalene is enclosed.”[12] Later travellers who visited this monastery say nothing about the relics of St. Mary Magdalene.[13]


The fate of the holy Myrrhbearer’s relics is interesting. Apparently, “during the crusades they were taken to Rome and placed under the altar of the Lateran Cathedral. A part of the relics of St. Mary Magdalene are in France, near Marseille. Particles of her holy relics are preserved in the monasteries of Mt. Athos and Jerusalem.”[14] Many relics of ancient saints, as a consequence of the shameful Fourth Crusade—when in 1204 Constantinople was seized and plundered—ended up in the West. Behind this is the peculiar piety of the Western crusaders. It is worth noting that before and after there were also cases when due to various circumstances the relics of various saints ended up in the West; for example, those of St. Nicholas. An unknown traveller from Suzdal, who went with Metropolitan Isidore in 1438 from Moscow to Italy to the Uniate Council, says of the holy shrines of Venice: “There St. Marko himself lies; and there are many relics of saints, taken from Tsargrad [Constantinople].”[15] Now, centuries later, we can see a special providence in this, because the saints’ relics would have perished from the Turks at the fall of Byzantium.:[16] But during following years the Western Church itself experienced a schism—Protestantism arose, which rejects the veneration of holy relics and icons. Incidentally, the veneration of specific saints in different regions has been preserved and bears a particularly solemn character; for example, in the southern Italian city of Bari they solemnly honor St. Nicholas on May 9: Wearing costumes from the ninth century they carry an ancient sculpture of him through the town, and so forth. In “The Travels of Avraamy of Suzdal to the eighth council with Metropolitan Isidore”, a mystery play is described that was enacted in the Ascension Church of Florence on the very feast of the Ascension. The Mother of God and St. Mary Magdalene were the only female persons named in the play.

Bishop Sergius (Spassky) notes the opinion in Western patristic historiography that equates Mary Magdalene with the sinful woman who washed the feet of Jesus Christ in the house of Simon the Pharisee (Lk. 7:38), as well as the identification of Mary Magdalene with Mary the sister of righteous Lazarus. The Eastern fathers differentiate between them.[17] This is quite an important differentiation in the veneration of the holy Myrrhbearers, because behind it is a different understanding of her life’s path and podvig. Western tradition considers that equal-to-the-apostles Mary Magdalene, after her preaching in Rome, labored in the south of France and Provence, and along with her righteous Martha, Lazarus, and St. Maximinus preached the Gospel. Therefore St. Mary Magdalene is honored as the enlightener of Marseille, who converted its inhabitants to Christianity. The cave, which is preserved in the area of La Sainte Baume, where the holy Myrrhbearer spent time in solitude, later became a place of pious pilgrimage and worship.[18]

In the church of the holy equal-to-the-apostles Mary Magdalene in Saint Maximinus, in the center of the northern part of the basilica there is an entrance to the crypt where the relics of Christ’s disciple were uncovered in 1279.[19] It was discovered that from out of the righteous woman’s mouth a plant was sprouting. Theological thought explained this as a testimony to her special mission: She was an “Apostle to the Apostles”, because it was she who announced the glad tidings of the Resurrection of Christ the Savior to the Apostles.[20] The initiator of the uncovering of the holy relics of Christ’s disciple was Prince Charles of Anjou († 1309), the heir to the duke of Provence. From that time on, Mary Magdalene became the protectress of the Anjou dynasty and of Provence, and her veneration took on a particular, imperial character.[21] A basilica was built over her relics. Here the holy Myrrhbearer is especially honored, and on July 22 according to the Gregorian calendar there are solemnities in the city.

It is important to note the opinion of one Western researcher who “came to the conclusion that the cult of Mary Magdalene arose in Provence no earlier than the mid-eleventh century,”[22] and services to her began in the West “only in the eleventh or twelfth centuries.”[23] They began to write Lives of the holy equal-to-the-apostles Mary Magdalene afterwards: the heremetic edition, the apostolic edition, and then both editions were combined into one. Later her Life was entered into Western hagiographic and homiletic compilations. The co-ascetics and continuers of the labors of St. John Cassian the Roman (†435; comm. February 29) aided in the spread of St. Mary Magdalene’s veneration in Europe.[24]

Because in the West the myrrhbearer was equated with the sinful woman who washed the feet of the Savior with her tears (Lk. 7:38), and the seven devils that tormented her were considered to be “retribution for her sins”,[25] the sermons of the Western clergy glorified St. Mary Magdalene as an example of true repentance.[26] The Eastern tradition, however, considers that these were two different women and that the works of God (Jn. 9:3) were made manifest on her. “Mary Magdalene was possessed by demons not due to her sins or the sins of her parents, but rather it was allowed by God’s Providence in order that the Lord Jesus Christ might show the works of God’s glory, and manifest the great miracle of the healing of Mary Magdalene, the enlightenment of her mind, drawing her to faith in Christ the Savior and to eternal salvation.”[27] Her veneration in the West was multi-faceted. Mary Magdalene’s care for Christ inspired the faithful to good deeds in her name.” Therefore in the Middle Ages guesthouses for travellers appeared that were “under the patronage of St. Mary Magdalene,[28] as well as hospitals and leper colonies. Monasteries were founded in her name, and in fact “monasteries named for St. Mary Magdalene were only outnumbered by those named after the Virgin Mary, which testifies to the great veneration for this saint.”[29] She is also the patron saint of craftsmen of various specializations.[30]


During life of her Divine Teacher she stood out for her faithfulness and dedication to Him. The later translation of her relics enabled the spread of her veneration in the world. Now, prayers are raised up to her in various countries and Churches. Her name and labors witness to the resurrection Christ the Savior. <...> One preacher said of her: “What a magnificent image of grateful love for the Lord is the holy equal-to-the-apostles Mary Magdalene! And thou, O Christian soul, should like her be penetrated with the same strong and unchanging feeling for the Lord Jesus. By His redeeming service you also are freed in the Sacrament of Baptism, like Magdalene, from the power of the evil, cunning spirits that have nested in you and have had access to people since the time of our forefather’s sin.”[31]

Archimandrite Makary (Veretennikov)
Translation by Nun Cornelia (Rees)
Alpha and Omega magazine




Resposta  Mensagem 1223 de 1232 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/08/2024 21:27
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/10/2024 16:42

 Una nueva invitada internacional acaba de confirmar su presencia en la décima edición y aniversario de Cinefan Festival. Por primera vez en la historia del evento asistirá un intérprete de la conocida saga “Regreso al futuro”. La actriz Claudia Wells, que interpretó a la novia de Marty Mcfly,  Jennifer Parker, en el primer largometraje de la trilogía, representará en Úbeda a un clásico del cine fantástico y de ciencia ficción. Era un empeño de la organización que la saga tuviera presencia en el evento, desde hace varios años. Ojalá sea la primera de muchos de los que se esperan que pasen por su alfombra roja en las próximas ediciones.


Actriz norteamericana nacida en Kuala Lumpur (Malasia) y criada en San Francisco, California (EEUU), comenzó su carrera artística siendo adolescente, participando en diversas series de televisión como Herbie, The Love Bug (1982), Fama (1984) o Simon & Simon (1985). A pesar de que su carrera interpretativa parecía estar encaminada hacia el éxito, decidió apartarse de los platós cuando a su madre le fue diagnosticado un cáncer; esa trágica experiencia le impulsó a tomar un papel activo en organizaciones benéficas. En 2008 retoma la interpretación con Still Waters Burn, a la que siguen El mentalista (2011),  Starship: Rising (2014), EP/Executive Protection (2015) o Vitals (2017), entre otros muchos títulos. A pesar de todo su bagaje artístico, para los fans siempre será recordada como la genuina Jennifer Parker, en la primera entrega de la trilogía de “Regreso al Futuro” (1985).

Claudia Wells se une a los actores  ya anunciados del apartado internacional: John Simpkin, Peter Ross-Murray y Sarah Douglas. Los veremos en los encuentros y charlas del festival y en las sesiones de firmas entre el 22 y el 24 de julio. Aún quedan más comunicaciones de invitados internacionales y nacionales. ¡Esperar y ver!


Resposta  Mensagem 1225 de 1232 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/12/2024 16:31
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BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 12/01/2025 13:57
July 25: Arch of Constantine | FCIT

Resposta  Mensagem 1227 de 1232 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 07/02/2025 17:34
Gateway Arch
Alternative names
  • Gateway to the West
  • St. Louis Arch
General information
Architectural style Structural expressionism[1]
Location 100 Washington Avenue
St. Louis, Missouri, 63102, U.S.
Coordinates 38.6245°N 90.1847°W
Construction started February 12, 1963; 61 years ago
Completed October 28, 1965; 59 years ago
Inaugurated June 10, 1967; 57 years ago
Cost $13 million (c. $95.9 million in 2023)[2]
Height 630 ft (192 m)
Other dimensions 630 ft (192 m) width
Design and construction
Architect(s) Eero Saarinen
Architecture firm Eero Saarinen and Associates
Structural engineer Severud Associates
Main contractor MacDonald Construction Co.
Gateway Arch
Gateway Arch is located in St. Louis
Gateway Arch
NRHP reference No. 87001423
Significant dates
Added to NRHP May 28, 1987[3]
Designated NHL May 28, 1987[4]

Resposta  Mensagem 1228 de 1232 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 08/02/2025 14:07

On This Day, October 28th

1. 1965: Gateway Arch in St. Louis completed

Photo: history

Photo: history

Photo: roadtrippers

Photo: roadtrippers

The tallest monument in the United States was completed on this date in 1965. The Gateway Arch stands 630 feet tall and is the focal point of the St. Louis skyline. Constructed out of concrete and stainless steel, the arch has a tram system built within it that will take visitors to the very top where they have an amazing view of the city. The arch was built for two main reasons, first was to create jobs, but maybe more importantly to commemorate the Westward Expansion of the United States. According to reports, the cost of the project was estimated to be around $13 million which in today’s money would be around $190 million. The arch has more than 4 million visitors each year and is an important part of the city’s economy.

2. 1886: Dedication of the Statue of Liberty

Photo: tumblr

Photo: tumblr

Photo: tumblr

Photo: tumblr

The last rivet was fitted which completed the installation of the Statue of Liberty on this date in 1886. President Grover Cleveland was on hand to perform the dedication ceremony as well as numerous American and French dignitaries. Lady Liberty was a gift from the people of France to the people of the United States to commemorate their friendship during the American Revolution. The 151-foot tall statue was originally built in Paris then disassembled and shipped to the U.S. in an estimated 200 different crates. The steel framework was designed by Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel, who made a name for himself by designing the Eiffel Tower. But the overall design was done by French sculptor Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi.


3. 1922: First college football game broadcast nationwide on the radio

Photo: flashbackdallas

Photo: flashbackdallas

Photo: photobucket

Photo: photobucket

It was on this date in 1922 the first college football game was broadcast nationwide on the radio. The Princeton Tigers went up against the Chicago Maroons at Stagg Field in Chicago. The Maroons were heavily favored and were one of the most dominant teams in the Big Ten conference. Unfortunately, the broadcast wasn’t live during the game; that didn’t happen until two years later in 1924. What would normally happen was a reporter would sit in the press box at the stadium and would phone the details of what was happening back to the station. An announcer would be standing by to re-enact the play by play using the help of sound effects and sometimes an in-studio audience. Even though Princeton was the underdog, they managed to pull off a major upset and then went on to finish the season with an undefeated record.


Resposta  Mensagem 1229 de 1232 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/02/2025 16:44

Start-up of 22nd Run at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC)

Physicists will try out innovative accelerator techniques and deliver high-energy polarized protons for explorations of protons' inner structure using new detector components at STAR

Aerial photo of RHICenlarge

Run 22 at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) will feature collisions of polarized protons, new data collected by upgraded components of the STAR detector, and tests of innovative accelerator techniques.

UPTON, NY—Particle smashups have begun for Run 22 at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). RHIC, a 2.4-mile-circumference particle collider at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory, operates as a DOE Office of Science user facility, serving up data from particle collisions to nuclear physicists all around the world. On the menu this run: collisions between beams of polarized protons interspersed with tests of innovative accelerator techniques. During the run, RHIC’s recently upgraded STAR detector will track particles emerging from collisions at a wider range of angles than ever before.

The new data will add to earlier RHIC datasets exploring the fundamental building blocks of visible matter. In addition, the physics findings, accelerator tests, and detector technologies will play important roles in the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC)—DOE’s next planned nuclear physics facility, which will reuse key components of RHIC.

Discovering the universal properties of protons and how they emerge from the interactions of quarks and gluons, the building blocks within protons, is a central goal of both facilities. RHIC’s proton-proton collisions could reveal unprecedented details and a preview of how certain characteristics depend on the dynamic motions of the quarks and gluons.

Photo of Elke Aschenauerenlarge

Brookhaven Lab physicist Elke Aschenauer, who led the STAR upgrade project, notes how the new detector components will enable measurements at RHIC that advance our understanding of nucleon structure and help to lay the foundations for future measurements at the Electron-Ion Collider.

“Our goal this run is basically doing EIC physics with proton-proton collisions,” said Brookhaven Lab physicist Elke-Caroline Aschenauer, a member of the STAR collaboration who is also involved in planning the experiments and scientific program at the EIC. “It’s important to do both [measurements at RHIC and the EIC] because you have to verify that what you measure in electron-proton collisions at the EIC and in proton-proton events at RHIC is universal—meaning it doesn’t depend on which probe you use to measure it,” she explained.

The measurements rely on RHIC’s ability to align the “spins” of protons in an upward pointing direction. This alignment, or polarization—a capability unique among colliders like RHIC—gives scientists a directional frame of reference for tracking how particles generated in the collisions move.

“We are using polarization as a vehicle to study proton structure, and particularly the 3D structure, including how the internal particles (quarks and gluons) are moving inside the proton,” Aschenauer said.

Delivering proton beams

The physicists in Brookhaven Lab’s Collider-Accelerator Department (C-AD), who steer the beams around RHIC, are determined to give STAR what it needs.

“For Run 22 we are going to focus on being as efficient as possible and racking up the collisions at the highest possible polarization,” said C-AD physicist Vincent Schoefer, this year’s run coordinator.

When we spoke with Schoefer, he was busy “waking up” equipment that hasn't been used since Run 17—the last time polarized protons were collided at RHIC. This equipment includes “helical dipole” magnets that help preserve the polarization of the protons as they make millions of turns around RHIC’s twin accelerator rings. This year’s run will take place at the highest collision energy: 500 billion electron volts (GeV) per colliding proton pair.

Photo of Haixin Huang and RHIC tunnelenlarge

C-AD physicist Haixin Huang with some of the accelerator components that keep RHIC's proton beams aligned as they make their way around the 2.4-mile-circumference tunnel (right).

The C-AD team was also preparing “polarimeters” to measure just how aligned those proton spins are.

“It doesn't matter how highly polarized your beam is if you can't measure that. So, the polarimetry is really crucial,” Schoefer said.

Accelerator physicists in C-AD and experimental physicists involved in making measurements that rely on polarized beams collaborated on the design of RHICs polarimeters.

“This work is an example of the type of collaboration between groups that has been going on since the start of RHIC,” said C-AD physicist Haixin Huang.

Pumping up polarization

Keeping proton beams tightly packed helps preserve polarization. It also maximizes the likelihood that you get collisions when the beams cross. But keeping protons close together is a challenge.

“They're all positively charged particles, so they want to repel one another,” Schoefer explained. “The more tightly you pack them, the more they resist that packing.”

The repulsion is particularly strong in the early stages of acceleration—before protons have been ramped up to full collision energy. So, this run, the C-AD team will try a technique that’s worked when RHIC accelerates larger particles but has never been used with protons before.

“We are going to split each proton bunch into two when they’re still at low energy in the Booster, and accelerate those as two separate bunches,” Schoefer said. “That splitting will alleviate some of the stress during low energy, and then we can merge the bunches back together to put very dense bunches into RHIC.”

This merging maneuver is challenging, Schoefer said, because it takes “a really long time—where a really long time is one second! For the protons, that’s 300,000 turns around the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron (AGS).” (The AGS is the link in the accelerator chain after the Booster that feeds particle beams into RHIC.) “During those 300,000 turns, we have to handle the protons very gently, so we don’t ruin the nice beams we have prepared.”

The CA-D team will also calculate very careful trajectories for the particles’ paths through the collider. This step should help counteract the tendency of the accelerator’s magnetic fields (which physicists use to steer and focus the beams) to rotate the spins of protons away from ideal alignment.

“We're going to try different trajectories and see if we can learn something about what is making this misalignment happen,” Schoefer said.

The combination of techniques is now delivering highly polarized proton beams to collide inside STAR.

STAR upgrades

When they analyze results from these collisions, STAR physicists will be looking for differences in the numbers of certain particles emerging to the left and right of the polarized protons’ upward pointing direction.

For example, they want to test whether there’s a repulsive interaction between particles with like “color” charges that’s opposite to the attractive interaction observed between unlike color-charged particles. (Color charge is the type of charge through which quarks interact.) The opposite force should produce the opposite directional preference for certain particle decay products.

STAR first saw hints of this effect in data collected in 2011, published in 2016. A preliminary analysis of additional data collected in Run 17 indicates a small effect but with large uncertainties. Run 22 will help STAR reduce those uncertainties with larger data sets.

In addition, the recently installed STAR upgrades will give physicists the ability to track particles at previously inaccessible angles toward the front and rear of the detector.

“This is the region where we expect the left-right directional preference to be larger,” Aschenauer said.

side view of the STAR detector with an inset showing particle tracks (left) and particle detector &aenlarge

A side view of the STAR detector with an inset showing particle tracks (left) and particle detector "hits" (right) from a collision. The top part of the inset shows the coverage with the new iTPC sectors compared to the old sectors (bottom). Notice how the new sectors record more hits per track, especially close to the beamline, as well as tracks at more forward and rearward angles (more to the left and right in the inset view).

The upgrades include an inner Time Projection Chamber (iTPC), installed in 2019, which placed many more sensors in the inner sectors of the cylindrical STAR detector, close to the colliding particles. Then, earlier this year, the STAR team installed “forward” particle-tracking components outside one end of the detector.

To picture how these upgrades increase STAR’s particle tracking range, think of STAR as a barrel lying on its side with colliding particles entering at each end. Ever since RHIC’s first collisions in 2000, STAR has tracked particles emerging perpendicular to the colliding particles’ path all around the barrel. The classic end-on views of STAR particle tracks showcase this 360-degree detection capability. But looking from the side, the original STAR detector could only track particles emerging at angles up to 45 degrees off vertical in either the forward or rearward direction.

The upgrades “open wider the cone where the particles can go and be detected,” said Zhenyu Ye, a STAR collaborator from the University of Illinois, Chicago. Ye led the design and construction of the new silicon-based particle-tracking components installed at the forward end of STAR, working with scientists from National Cheng Kung University in Tainan and Shandong University in Qingdao.

These components give scientists the ability to detect particles emerging almost in line with the colliding beams, including jets of particles that reveal information about the colliding quarks’ energy, direction, and spin.

“This information is essential for mapping the 3D arrangement of the proton’s inner building blocks,” said Chi Yang from Shandong University. Yang worked with colleagues from the University of Science and Technology of China and Brookhaven Lab to build additional subdetector systems for the forward tracking detector.

“These upgrades cover exactly the angles where jets would go in the EIC,” said Brookhaven Lab physicist Prashanth Shanmuganathan. So, in addition to increasing the data set for exploring the color charge interactions, “Run 22 will help us learn about the detector technology and the behavior of nucleon structure so we can apply that knowledge to the EIC.”

Photo of one plane of three silicon and Zhenyu Ye tracker detector modules andenlarge

Left: One plane of three silicon tracker detector modules installed around the beampipe at one end of the STAR detector. The shiny mirrorlike wedges, arrayed in alternating "inner" and "outer" positions, form a ring around the beampipe, with each sector connected to readout electronics. Right: Zhenyu Ye inspects the silicon tracker after insertion into the STAR Time Projection Chamber (TPC), where it will operate closer to the point where particles collide. Violet tubes encase signal readout cables while clear tubes carry a cooling fluid to the detector.

Cooling protons

Interspersed with delivering proton-proton collisions for STAR’s Run 22 measurements, the C-AD team will also spend the equivalent of two weeks’ time testing a technique for keeping high-energy protons tightly packed.

You’ll recall that keeping particles packed is important for maximizing collision rates and maintaining polarization. But particle spreading, or heating up, is a problem for all accelerated ion beams—from protons to uranium nuclei (the heaviest ions that have been collided at RHIC).

“There’s no natural shrinking of these ion beams; they never get denser by accident,” Schoefer said.

Photo of  STAR shows the endcap calorimeter electronics (blue with black cables) and four new planesenlarge

This view of STAR shows the endcap calorimeter electronics (blue with black cables) and four new planes of small-strip Thin Gap Chambers (copper colored with white at edges).

So RHIC accelerator physicists have developed a variety of successful techniques to keep ion beams “cool.” Some of these cooling methods involve delivering “kicks” to push particles closer together, while others literally use cool beams of other particles (electrons) to extract heat from circulating ions.

Realizing that different cooling techniques work best for different types of particles at different energies, physicists are exploring several strategies for possible use at the EIC. In Run 22 they’ll test something called “coherent electron cooling” (CeC) on high energy polarized protons.

Instead of just being cool in temperature, as described above, the negatively charged electrons in CeC play a more active role: They clump around each positively charged proton to create a “mold” of the proton beam.

“It's a little bit like getting braces when the orthodontist takes a mold of your teeth,” Schoefer said. “We take a mold of the proton beam and then we adjust the electron beam slightly to attract the protons closer to a central position. As the electrons move, their electrical attraction drags the protons with them.”

In 36-hour stints, the C-AD physicists will test and try to fine-tune the technique.

Measuring ion polarization

In addition, every two weeks during Run 22, the C-AD team will stop proton acceleration for 12- to 16-hour stretches of accelerator R&D experiments. For one of these projects, they’ll ramp up beams of Helium-3 ions to work on methods for measuring the polarization of particles other than protons.

“In RHIC, the only polarized species we’ve ever had is polarized protons. But EIC will do experiments with polarized ions such as Helium-3. That’s an entirely different beast,” Schoefer said.

Photo of Felix Archampong, Robert Soja, William Struble, and Rahul Sharmaenlarge

Felix Archampong, Robert Soja, William Struble, and Rahul Sharma of the STAR technical support group completed the mechanical design, construction, and installation of the small-strip Thin Gap Chambers—shown here in position for collecting data—with support from the STAR electronic support group.

The C-AD team worked in collaboration with members of the “Cold-QCD” group in the Physics Department to design ways to measure the polarization of these more complicated ions.

To measure polarization, physicists spray a gas through the beam to act as a target, and measure how the particles in the beam scatter.

“For a proton, that’s already a challenge, but at least the proton stays a proton. When Helium-3 scatters off a target, it may break up into two protons and a neutron, or a proton and a deuteron. To accurately measure the polarization, we have to identify when breakup occurs,” said William Schmidke, a scientist in the physics department who’s been developing polarimetry detectors to make the measurements.

During Run 22, physicists will test the components’ ability to accurately characterize scattering products using unpolarized beams of Helium-3.

“We can do these tests, without measuring polarization, to develop the methods so we’ll be able to measure polarization when we eventually have polarized beams at the EIC,” said Brookhaven physicist Oleg Eyser, another member of the Cold-QCD team.

“Many people made important contributions to the detector and accelerator components needed for Run 22 at RHIC. We are looking forward to the exciting opportunities for physics discoveries and for advancing the technologies and physics analysis methods we will need for the EIC,” said Haiyan Gao, Brookhaven’s Associate Laboratory Director for Nuclear and Particle Physics.

Brookhaven National Laboratory is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy. The Office of Science is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States and is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information, visit science.energy.gov.


Resposta  Mensagem 1230 de 1232 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/02/2025 17:44
Napoleon Bonaparte - From the heights of these pyramids...

Resposta  Mensagem 1231 de 1232 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/02/2025 17:27

Project Rainbow: What really happened in the Philadelphia experiment?

Aman named Al Bielek, who claimed to be a test subject of various secret U.S. Military Experiments, said that on August 12, 1943, the U.S. Navy carried out an experiment called the “Philadelphia Experiment” on the USS Eldridge, at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, after installing special equipment on it. In this test, they allegedly send the ship and all its crew members 10 minutes back in time, making it apparently ‘invisible’, and then bring them back to the present time.


As a consequence, many of the sailors onboard went insane, many lost their memory, some were engulfed in flames to their deaths, and others molecularly bonded with the ship’s metal structure. However, according to Bielek, he and his brother, who were aboard the experiment ship at the time, jumped off just before the time warp opened and survived without any injuries. There’s a huge argument as to whether this event is true or not. But if such an experiment really happened then it’s undoubtedly one of the eeriest mysteries in human history.

The Philadelphia Experiment: Project Rainbow


According to Al Bielek, August 12, 2003, is an extremely important anniversary date in the U.S. Navy’s secret World War II invisibility project known as the Philadelphia Experiment. Bielek claimed that ― on August 12, 1943 ― the Navy, after installing special equipment on the USS Eldridge, made the ship and its crew disappear from Philadelphia harbour for over 4 hours.

The exact nature of this test is open to speculation. Possible tests include experiments in magnetic invisibility, radar invisibility, optical invisibility or degaussing ― rendering the ship immune to magnetic mines. The tests were conducted, only to produce undesirable results. Afterwards, the project — supposedly called “Project Rainbow” — was cancelled.

What Really Happened During The Philadelphia Experiment?

Two separate sets of bizarre events make up the “Philadelphia Experiment.” Both revolve around a Navy Destroyer escort, the USS Eldridge, with the events taking place on two separate days in the summer and fall of 1943.

In the first experiment, an alleged method of electrical field manipulation allowed the USS Eldridge to be rendered invisible on July 22, 1943, in the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. The second rumoured experiment was the teleportation and small-scale time travel (with the ship sent a few seconds in the past) of the USS Eldridge from the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard to Norfolk, Virginia, on October 28, 1943.

Horrible tales of mangled seamen and sailors stuck within the metal of the USS Eldridge often accompany this experiment, with the USS Eldrige reappearing seconds later in the waters around Philadelphia. Recitation of the events surrounding the second Philadelphia Experiment often includes a cargo and troop transport vessel, the SS Andrew Furuseth. The lore of the second experiment claims those on board the Andrew Furuseth viewed the USS Eldridge and it’s crew as they teleported into Norfolk momentarily before the ship returned to the waters of Philadelphia.

Prior to the mid-1950s, no rumours of bizarre activity surrounded any teleportation or invisibility experiments in North America during the 1940s, let alone in the area surrounding Philadelphia.

Carl Meredith Allen, using the alias Carlos Miguel Allende, sent a series of letters to the astronomer and writer Morris K. Jessup. Jessup authored several early UFO books including the mildly successful The Case For The UFO. Allen claimed to be on the SS Andrew Furuseth during the second experiment, witnessing the USS Eldridge emerge in the waters of Norfolk and quickly disappear into thin air.

Carl Allen supplied no proof to verify what he claimed to witness on October 28, 1943. He did win the mind of Morris Jessup, who began to champion Allen’s view of the Philadelphia Experiment. Jessup, however, died four years after his first contact with Allen from an apparent suicide.

Moving a ship weighing several thousand tons leaves an inevitable paper trail. On the date of the Philadelphia “Invisibility” Experiment, July 22, 1943, the USS Eldridge had yet to be commissioned. The USS Eldridge spent the day of the alleged teleportation experiments, October 28, 1943, safely within a New York harbour, waiting to escort a naval convoy to Casablanca. The SS Andrew Norfolk spent October 28, 1943, sailing across the Atlantic Ocean en route to the Mediterranean port city of Oran, further discrediting Carl Allen’s comments.

And in the early 1940s, the Navy did conduct experiments to make naval vessels “invisible” in the Philadelphia Naval Shipyards, but in a different manner and with a completely different set of desired results.

In these experiments, researchers ran an electric current through hundreds of meters of electrical cable around the hull of a ship to see if they could make the ships “invisible” to underwater and surface mines. Germany deployed magnetic mines in naval theatres — mines that would latch on to the metal hull of ships as they came near. In theory, this system would make the ships invisible to the magnetic properties of the mines.

Seventy years later, we are left without a shred of credible evidence for the Philadelphia Experiment(s), yet rumours persist. If you are still unconvinced, think of the situation from a different viewpoint. No incident, regardless of the horrific nature, would stall the development of teleportation technology if the military believed it feasible. Such a resource would be an invaluable front line weapon in war and the backbone of many commercial industries, yet decades later, teleportation is still caged within the realm of science fiction.

In 1951, the United States transferred the Eldrige to the country of Greece. Greece christened the ship the HS Leon, using the vessel for joint U.S. operations during the Cold War. The USS Eldridge met an unceremonious end, with the decommissioned ship sold to a Grecian firm as scrap after five decades of service.

In 1999, fifteen members of the USS Eldridge crew held a reunion in Atlantic City, with the veterans bemoaning the decades of questioning surrounding the vessel they served on.


Resposta  Mensagem 1232 de 1232 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/03/2025 15:56

MCM: Billy Zane

Billy Zane

Billy Zane

This post was inspired by a conversation with a reader (maybe on Facebook?) about loving Billy Zane in Titanic. He’s had a few roles that real standouts to me (Dead CalmOnly You — both modern-set — as well as frock flicks Titanic and Orlando). He’s got THOSE EYELASHES. Sadly these days he seems to be mostly doing low-budget productions, although I’m glad to see he’s working. So, with a lot of B-movie stuff, here’s beautiful Billy Zane in historical flicks:


Back to the Future (1985) & Part II (1989)

As “Match,” so called because he always chewed on a match; one of villain Biff’s gang in these time travel to the 1950s classics.

1989 Back to the Future Part IIWide ties, high waistbands: check.

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