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General: Muere el francmasón Neil Armstrong, primer hombre en pisar la Luna
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De: Alcoseri  (Missatge original) Enviat: 26/08/2012 01:50


Muere el francmasón Neil Armstrong, primer hombre en pisar la Luna 
El astronauta estadunidense, Neil Armstrong, murió a los 82 años de 
edad por complicaciones tras una operación cardíaca, según confirmaron 
sus familiares. 


Neil Armstrong, primer hombre en pisar la Luna (il) 
Washington DC -Baltimore • El astronauta estadunidense Neil Armstrong, 
primer hombre en pisar la Luna el 20 de julio de 1969, falleció a los 
82 años como consecuencia de las complicaciones derivadas de una 
operación cardíaca, anunció este sábado su familia. 

Armstrong fue sometido a principios de agosto a una cirugía después de 
que los médicos encontraran que sus arterias coronarias estaban 

Recordándole como un "reacio héroe estadunidense", su familia explicó 
en un comunicado que "sirvió a su nación con orgullo, como piloto de 
guerra de la Marina, piloto de pruebas y astronauta". 

Junto al astronauta Buzz Aldrin a bordo de la nave Apollo 11, 
Armstrong se convirtió en el primer ser humano en caminar en suelo 
extraterrestre bajo la atenta mirada de centenares de millones de 

Sus palabras "Es un pequeño paso para el hombre, un salto gigante para 
la humanidad" figuran en los anales de la historia. 

En calidad de comandante de la misión Apollo 11, fue él quien informó 
el centro de control de Houston (Texas, sur) del alunizaje del módulo 
lunar (LEM) pilotado por Buzz Aldrin: "Houston, aquí la base de 
Tranquilidad. El águila aterrizó". 

Armstrong nació el 5 de agosto de 1930 en Wapakoneta (Ohio, norte) y 
desde joven ya demostró fascinación por las aeronaves, lo que le llevó 
a trabajar en un aeropuerto cercano a su casa. 

Cuando cumplió los 16 años logró sacarse el título de piloto.http:// 

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 21/11/2022 01:16

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 30/05/2023 01:21
US Dollar
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José Smith: Un Veradero Profeta de Dios: Dios Habla con Profetas en la  Actualidad (Las Doctrinas Fundamentales Mormones (Key Mormon Doctrines  Explained) nº 2) (Spanish Edition) eBook : Crowther, Duane S: Amazon.in:
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The Step Pyramid Of Djoser Reading Answers - Cambridge 16 Test 1

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 01/04/2024 14:02
Calendario Lunar Julio de 1969 - Fases Lunares
File:La Luna del Apollo 11 - 20.07.1969.png - Wikimedia Commons
De la Tierra a la Luna: de la novela de Julio Verne a la odisea del Apolo  11 | Perfil
Fases de la luna hemisferio sur | Caracteristicas de la luna, Luna  menguante, Fases de la luna

Resposta  Missatge 217 de 228 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 02/04/2024 13:45
US Dollar
Scary Banknotes for Halloween – Triskaidekaphobia – Banknote World
The History Of U.S. Dollar
José Smith: Un Veradero Profeta de Dios: Dios Habla con Profetas en la  Actualidad (Las Doctrinas Fundamentales Mormones (Key Mormon Doctrines  Explained) nº 2) (Spanish Edition) eBook : Crowther, Duane S: Amazon.in:
That's one small step..." —Neil Armstrong [1024 x 1333] : r/QuotesPorn
NASA — As Neil Armstrong became the first human to step...
Neil Armstrong quote: This is one small step for a man, one giant...
Saqqara. The Step Pyramid
Pyramid Djoser Complex | Saqqara | Egypt | Egypt Pyramids | Visit Egypt |  Egypt Travel Guide - YouTube
King Djoser. - ppt download
The Secret Code of the Step Pyramid of Djoser at Sakkara: Ancient Wisdom  Revealed: Kallman, Steve: 9781667864983: Amazon.com: Books
The Step Pyramid Of Djoser Reading Answers - Cambridge 16 Test 1

Astronomical alignment[edit]

Looking east through nave on 23 June 1976, two days after the summer solstice Mary Magdalene's relics in the crypt

In 1976, Hugues Delautre, one of the Franciscan fathers charged with stewardship of the Vézelay sanctuary, discovered that beyond the customary east-west orientation of the structure, the architecture of La Madeleine incorporates the relative positions of the Earth and the Sun into its design. Every June, just before the feast day of Saint John the Baptist, the astronomical dimensions of the church are revealed as the sun reaches its highest point of the year, at local noon on the summer solstice, when the sunlight coming through the southern clerestory windows casts a series of illuminated spots precisely along the longitudinal center of the nave floor.[13][14][15][16][17]

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St. Mary Magdalene
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Calendario Lunar Julio de 1969 - Fases Lunares
File:La Luna del Apollo 11 - 20.07.1969.png - Wikimedia Commons
De la Tierra a la Luna: de la novela de Julio Verne a la odisea del Apolo  11 | Perfil
Fases de la luna hemisferio sur | Caracteristicas de la luna, Luna  menguante, Fases de la luna

Resposta  Missatge 218 de 228 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 16/04/2024 04:16
UNAM on X: "#UnDíaComoHoy de 1930 nació el astronauta estadounidense Neil  Armstrong, el primer hombre en pisar la Luna. https://t.co/3ETCQ80fca" / X

Resposta  Missatge 219 de 228 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 23/04/2024 23:29
Calendario Lunar Julio de 1969 - Fases Lunares
File:La Luna del Apollo 11 - 20.07.1969.png - Wikimedia Commons
De la Tierra a la Luna: de la novela de Julio Verne a la odisea del Apolo  11 | Perfil
Fases de la luna hemisferio sur | Caracteristicas de la luna, Luna  menguante, Fases de la luna
Is it True Neil Armstrong Became a Muslim? - "Azan on the Moon" Real facts  in Urdu/Hindi

Resposta  Missatge 220 de 228 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 06/05/2024 13:45
The Truth of Mary Magdalene and the Da Vinci Code - Explaining the Faith -  YouTube
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The Moon Pyramid
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Resultado de imagen para 12 astronautas que han pisado la luna
Resultado de imagen para 12 MEN APOLLO MOON
Resultado de imagen para 12 astronautas que han pisado la luna
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Mary Magdalene is considered to be a saint by the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, and Lutheran denominations. In 2016, Pope Francis raised the level of liturgical memory on July 22 from memorial to feast, and for her to be referred to as the "Apostle of the apostles".
Calendario Lunar Julio de 1969 - Fases Lunares
File:La Luna del Apollo 11 - 20.07.1969.png - Wikimedia Commons
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Phases of the Moon
Calendario Lunar Julio de 1969 - Fases Lunares
File:La Luna del Apollo 11 - 20.07.1969.png - Wikimedia Commons
De la Tierra a la Luna: de la novela de Julio Verne a la odisea del Apolo  11 | Perfil
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Calendario Lunar Julio de 1969 - Fases Lunares
File:La Luna del Apollo 11 - 20.07.1969.png - Wikimedia Commons
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 19/05/2024 02:55
How many years are between king david and jesus? - Opera Residences

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 23/05/2024 16:02
Apollo 11 commemorative stamps will debut at Kennedy Space Center in July –  Orlando Sentinel

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 24/05/2024 15:51
Previsualización de la tapa del diario Clarin

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 26/05/2024 00:56

This Week in NASA History: Apollo 11 Splashes Down – July 24, 1969

This week in 1969, the Apollo 11 crew successfully returned to Earth following their eight-day mission to the lunar surface.
This week in 1969, the Apollo 11 crew successfully returned to Earth following their eight-day mission to the lunar surface.

This week in 1969, the Apollo 11 crew successfully returned to Earth following their eight-day mission to the lunar surface. Astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin and Michael Collins splashed down in the Pacific Ocean, 13 miles from the recovery ship USS Hornet. Donning biological isolation garments before leaving the spacecraft, the crew went directly into the Mobile Quarantine Facility on the aircraft carrier, their home for the following 21 days. With the success of Apollo 11, the national objective of landing men on the Moon and returning them safely to Earth was accomplished. This July, in a series of special events, NASA is marking the 50th anniversary of the Apollo Program — the historic effort that sent the first U.S. astronauts into orbit around the Moon in 1968, and landed a dozen astronauts on the lunar surface between 1969 and 1972. For more pictures, and to connect to NASA’s remarkable history, visit the Marshall History Program’s webpage. (NASA)

Resposta  Missatge 225 de 228 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 05/07/2024 01:22
Apollo 11 Comes Home. The Apollo 11 crew await pickup by a helicopter from the USS Hornet, prime recovery ship for the historic lunar landing mission. The fourth man in the life raft is a United States Navy underwater demolition team swimmer. All four men are wearing biological isolation garments. They splashed down at 12:49 a.m. EDT, July 24, 1969, about 812 nautical miles southwest of Hawaii and only 12 nautical miles from the USS Hornet. Credit: NASA

Apollo 11 Splashdown 45 Years Ago on July 24, 1969 Concludes 1st Moon Landing Mission – Gallery

Apollo 11 Comes Home
The Apollo 11 crew await pickup by a helicopter from the USS Hornet, prime recovery ship for the historic lunar landing mission. The fourth man in the life raft is a United States Navy underwater demolition team swimmer. All four men are wearing biological isolation garments. They splashed down at 12:49 a.m. EDT, July 24, 1969, about 812 nautical miles southwest of Hawaii and only 12 nautical miles from the USS Hornet. Credit: NASA
Story and gallery expanded[/caption]

The three man crew of NASA’s Apollo 11 splashed down in the Pacific Ocean 45 years ago today on July 24, 1969 – successfully concluding Earth’s first journey to land humans on another world and return them safely to our Home Planet.

Apollo 11 Commander Neil Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the Moon on July 20, 1969 after he stepped off the footpad of the Lunar Module Eagle soon after the start of the moonwalk EVA at 10:39 p.m. EDT and onto the lunar surface with his left foot at the Sea of Tranquility at 10:56 p.m. EDT. Lunar Module (LM) pilot Buzz Aldrin followed soon thereafter. They came in peace for all mankind! 


The magnificent Lunar landing feat accomplished by US Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin marks the pinnacle of Mankind’s most momentous achievement.

The Apollo 11 crew consisting of Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Command module pilot Michael Collins splashed down safely at 12:50 p.m. EDT on July 24 about 900 miles southwest of Hawaii in the North Pacific Ocean while seated inside the Command Module Columbia dangling at the end of a trio of massive parachutes that slowed their descent through the Earth’s atmosphere.

President Nixon Greets the Returning Apollo 11 Astronauts. The Apollo 11 astronauts, left to right, Commander Neil A. Armstrong, Command Module Pilot Michael Collins and Lunar Module Pilot Edwin E. "Buzz" Aldrin Jr., inside the Mobile Quarantine Facility aboard the USS Hornet, listen to President Richard M. Nixon on July 24, 1969 as he welcomes them back to Earth and congratulates them on the successful mission. The astronauts had splashed down in the Pacific Ocean at 12:50 p.m. EDT about 900 miles southwest of Hawaii.  Credit: NASAPresident Nixon Greets the Returning Apollo 11 Astronauts. The Apollo 11 astronauts, left to right, Commander Neil A. Armstrong, Command Module Pilot Michael Collins and Lunar Module Pilot Edwin E. “Buzz” Aldrin Jr., inside the Mobile Quarantine Facility aboard the USS Hornet, listen to President Richard M. Nixon on July 24, 1969 as he welcomes them back to Earth and congratulates them on the successful mission. The astronauts had splashed down in the Pacific Ocean at 12:50 p.m. EDT about 900 miles southwest of Hawaii. Credit: NASA

After a mission duration of 8 days, 3 hours, 18 minutes, 35 seconds from launch to landing the Apollo 11 crew were plucked from the ocean by helicopters from the USS Hornet recovery ship after splashdown only 12 nautical miles (24 km) away.


They had to don protective biological isolation garments (BIGs) in case they were infected by some unknown and potentially hazardous “moon germs.” Of course there were no pathogens, but this was not definitely known at the time.

After their return to Earth, the trio was scrubbed with a disinfect solution of sodium hypochlorite and had to remain in quarantine for 21 days inside a 30 feet (9.1 m) long quarantine facility known as the Lunar Receiving Laboratory (LRL).

They were welcomed back to Earth by President Nixon aboard the USS Hornet.

We’ve chronicled the journey of Apollo 11 and lunar touchdown on July 20, 1969 as well as this week’s renaming of a historic human spaceflight facility at the Kennedy Space Center in honor of Mission Commander Neil Armstrong.

Armstrong passed away at age 82 on August 25, 2012 due to complications from heart bypass surgery. Read my prior tribute articles: here and here

Resposta  Missatge 226 de 228 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 09/07/2024 14:14
Neil Armstrong. Ohio native | Neil armstrong, Butler county, Ohio

Resposta  Missatge 227 de 228 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 09/07/2024 16:06
Neil armstrong | PPT
First men: The Journeys of Columbus and Armstrong – Fra Noi
Moon landing: Neil Armstrong's cheeky retort to Columbus comparison  revealedNEIL ARMSTRONG | Science | News | Express.co.uk

Resposta  Missatge 228 de 228 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 20/02/2025 16:26

St. Mark's Masonic Temple No. 7 of the Prince Hall Free & Accepted Masons

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
St. Mark's Masonic Temple No. 7 of the Prince Hall Free & Accepted Masons
Location 988 E. Long Street, Columbus, Ohio
Coordinates 39.968210°N 82.974960°W
Built 1927
Columbus Register of Historic Properties
Designated March 31, 2009
Reference no. CR-60

St. Mark's Masonic Temple No. 7 of the Prince Hall Free & Accepted Masons is a Masonic temple in the King-Lincoln Bronzeville neighborhood of Columbus, Ohio, associated with the Prince Hall Freemasons. It was added to the Columbus Register of Historic Properties in 2009.[1][2] It was listed under the register's Criterion B, for being closely and publicly identified with people who contributed to the cultural, architectural, or historical development of the city, state, or nation. Founding members of the lodge were part of the Underground Railroad network in Central Ohio and the Midwest.[2]

The lodge is the oldest Prince Hall Masonic Lodge in Columbus and the fourth-oldest in Ohio.[2]



The masonic temple is a brick structure facing East Long Street. It has a grand entrance flanked by pilasters made of blonde brick, a brick foundation above-grade, and wood-framed windows with stone lintels and sills. The structure incorporates an earlier building, dating to 1891 or earlier.[2]



The lodge became active in the mid-18th century, and its founders were identified as instrumental to the Underground Railroad efforts in Central Ohio and the Midwest region during the Proceedings of the State Convention of Colored Men held in 1856. In early 1919, the current site of the temple was selected; it was purchased on July 28, 1920. The temple was constructed in 1927 after membership pledges and loans were secured; the lodge room was dedicated on January 15, 1927.[2]

The building was added to the Columbus Register of Historic Properties in 2009.[1][2]


  1. Jump up to:a b "City of Columbus Legislation, File #0542-2009"City of Columbus. April 15, 2009. Retrieved February 28, 2023.

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