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البريد الإلكتروني

كلمة السر:

سجّل نفسك الآن

هل نسيت كلمتك السر؟

Secreto Masonico
  أدخل الآن
  جدول الرسائل 
  معرض الصور 
 الملفات والوتائق 
 الإحصاء والنص 
  قائمة المشاركين
 Procesos Secretos del Alma 
 Estructura Secreta del Ritual Masónico 
 Los extraños Ritos de Sangre 
 Cámara de Reflexiones 
إختار ملف آخر للرسائل
الفقرة السابقة  الفقرة التالية
جواب  رسائل 1 من 247 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999  (الرسالة الأصلية) مبعوث: 12/10/2015 16:21

24 * 74 = 1776

HECHOS 12:12 (12+12=24 HORAS)

Reply  Message 337 of 350 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 25/09/2015 13:41
Resultado de imagen para Raphael KEY 528 2012 2012forum.com

Reply  Message 338 of 350 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/09/2015 01:50



6. Apocalipsis 3:7: Escribe al ángel de la iglesia en Filadelfia: Esto dice el Santo, el Verdadero, el que tiene la LLAVE de David, el que abre y ninguno cierra, y cierra y ninguno abre:


37 * 24 = 888


Reply  Message 339 of 350 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/09/2015 02:40

Reply  Message 340 of 350 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/09/2015 02:40

أول  سابق  68 إلى 82 من 247  لاحق   آخر 
جواب  رسائل 68 من 247 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 15/11/2015 18:55
MihrYazd wrote:
Hey Optimist

Thanks for the great info regarding 153. It sure is a magical Number with many unique properties. What do you have to offer regarding its relation to 37 and 137? 153 has guided me to 47 and 74 as well.

The magnetic field IDEA is not mine. It was suggested by Ralph, I want to know if anyone can SEE the function of Van Allen belts in the bigger pic.



Interestingly, 5 and 13 are related to the octaves, recognized on the piano keyboard as the 8 white keys and 5 black keys in each octave, for a total of 13 keys. The numbers 3, 5, and 8 are part of the Fibonacci series of numbers.

265(measure of the net) / 153 = 1.732026144 close to the square root of 3
Quetzalcoatl = 17 + 21 + 5 + 20 + 26 + 1 + 12 + 3 + 15 + 1 + 20 + 12 = 153
153 x 2 + 360 = 666

So it seems Jesus caught the right brain, boaz(blue spectrum/male qualities), thus acquiring the element of fire. Trinity of elements (earth,water,fire) but no air (quad). He had to acquire it because he had not a G EM in I, which easily go green because they're already red & blue. St. MIchaEL has this mix, that's why he's depicted as masculine & feminine.

What if there are 7 magnetic field lines (dream/astral layers) with the main 3 spheres(blue,red,green) of heaven.
And once gone green, enables the whole Kit & Ka b oo d EL, accessing of 7 photonic layers of light in each of the 3 heavens above.
This is why we have Deja-vu involved with dreams, we are visiting the same places ever & over!!!

I am amazed with everyone's work, I feel extremely fortunate to be around such great minds.
I will give my thoughts on the rest later when I get some time.

Whats are your thoughts on this image?
Boaz/Jaquin, X = 24 crain IEL nerves activated with all 4(+01) ELements the whole zodiac & all levels/layers/lines of light.

17 + 26 = 43 = 137 5 l 2

Question: What frequency is AHABA & ABAHA combined ??


Last edited by Optimist777 on Mon Nov 14, 2011 9:02 pm; edited 3 times in total

جواب  رسائل 69 من 247 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 15/11/2015 19:18
= 1370 Yods

Arrow http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e151/jerryfletcher/1370.png

7 layers + 7 layers = 12 x 2 = 24

888/37 = 24
Wind ow's 7 / Wind owl's 777 Laughing

Jesus(74) still has some levels or steps on the ladder to climb to achieve the primary levels. No lucidity for him !! Laughing
He's still a photonic absorber, not an emitter.


جواب  رسائل 70 من 247 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 15/11/2015 19:38
Solid inpho Michael, thanks for that.

Regarding 1/64 (8x8 Grid of Hermes) & the Eye of Horus / 64 Hexagrams

This eye is a symbol of the god Horus as both the son of Osiris and Isis and as the sun-god. Egyptian myths state that Horus lost his left eye in his war with Seth to avenge the death of his father. Seth tore the eye into pieces. The left eye, being the moon was discovered by Thoth (the god of wisdom and magic) lying in pieces, but he was able to reassemble them into the full moon. Each piece of the udjat (shown below) can be seen as representing a fraction of the descending geometric series 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, etc., put together they make 63/64 or approximately 1. Having been reassembled, Thoth gave the Eye to Horus. Horus, in turn, gave the eye to his murdered father Osiris, thereby bringing him back to life.

1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + 1/32 + 1/64 ~ 0(1)

7 steps on Jacob's ladder/chakras Question

We know there are 3080419480 nucleotides in the entire human genome.
We know that these nucleotides combine to form 64 different codons.

So the average number of nucleotides for each codon is 3080419480/64 = 13 x 37 x 10 ^ 5.

So we could draw the entire human genome as a checker board of 64 squares, where each square has 13 x 37 x 10 ^ 5 nucleotides.

In terms of gematria 64 squares of 37 = 2368. 13(M) is also the star number within 37.


DNA distribution
DNA in cells could be divided into 3 arenas :
--- 1 pair of sex chromosomes ....................... does this hint of the Hebrew ALEPH and father
--- 22 autosome pairs ........................................ does this hint to the Hebrew TAV, a mark, cross & written word - maybe Jesus, the Word
- from Aleph to Tav represented in the nucleus
--- together with circular DNA in the powerhouse of cells - the mitochondria -- wheels of DNA a little like the Hebrew word for wheel Galgal from 3rd Hebrew letter. Each mitochondrion in humans and many animals having one circular DNA with 37 genes.

Guess I see metaphorical hints of Father, Son & Holy Spirit in the overall layout. The 3 hebrew letters associated with the above being A,T,& G. Is it a coincidence that the beginning codon of every protein to be made in the protein factory is methionine = ATG ............... even though they stand for english named nucleosides.

If cytosine C was replaced by the Hebrew letter kaph K=11 as there is no letter C in Hebrew, then the sum of the Hebrew Letters A,T,G,K = 37 ........ 1+22+3+11 with ATG summing to 26 = elohim

Each DNA rung is made up of:
- a 5 ringed ribose
- a 6 ringed pyramidine ---- T or C
- a purine ------- a combination of a 6 ring and 5 ring to make a double ringed structure that has 10 struts with a middle bond like a waist belt ------ A or G
- a 5 ring ribose

As the 2 strands of DNA open up and swing out then it is possible for the ring structure count of each DNA rung to become 10,5,6,5 similar to the tetragrammaton. Metaphorically the maker can be said to have hidden his name in each and every strand of DNA in every living thing.

5 elements are used to make up DNA - P,O,N,C,H.
Their atomic numbers sum to 37 [ 15+8+7+6+1] and their nucleons sum to 74.

Arrow http://www.biblewheel.com/forum/showthread.php?655-Has-God-s-Signature-been-found-in-the-Genetic-Code/page8

One of the 7 metals/planets of alchemy is copper (nechoshet) which has an atomic weight of 64 (8x8). In alchemy, copper is related to the element earth, and to conjunction, the marriage of opposites: the King and Queen, Sol and Luna, white and black.

Arrow http://www.horusmedia.de/2004-chakra/chakra-en.php
Element Symbols: http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff118/serpentoffire/al_metals2.jpg

And Moshe made a copper snake (nachash nechoshet), and set it on a high pole, and it was that if a snake bit a man, and he stared at the copper snake, that he lived. Numbers 21:6-9

The expression nechoshet kalal means "brilliant copper". Copper Sulfate is known as blue vitriol.
It dries to white power when exposed to air, but returns to blue crystals when exposed to water.


جواب  رسائل 71 من 247 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 15/11/2015 19:53

10 heads about to be arranged in a Pythagorean tetractys between TWO PILLARS


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”
-Albert Einstein
Reply  Message 34 of 34 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 15/11/2015 16:46
The clasped hands is a symbol which was used by Pythagoras to symbolize the number 10, the sacred number in which all the preceding numbers were contained. The Lambdoma was expressed by the mysterious tetractys, a figure borrowed by him and the Hebrew priests from the Egyptian sacred science. The Hebrews formed it with the letters of the Divine name.

The Lambdoma is comprised of outer digits of 1-2-4-8 running down the left side, while the right side is 1-3-9-27.

In Kabbalah, the 10 points of the tetractys represent the 10 Sephiroth or the 10 faces of God.
The followers of Kabbalah have also linked the tetractys with Tetragrammaton (YHWH).

The 10 letter name in Latin is I + IH + IHV + IHVH = 26
GOD = 7+15+4 = 26, 52 weeks in a year divided by 2 = 26 weeks
26 weeks is the halfway marking point that divides the conceptual circle of the year and hence "26" is viewed as a "co-relational diameter" when viewed in relationship to a "Pi Proportion".

Each of the ten points of the tetractys is substituted with a letter of the Tetragrammaton. When the numeric value of each letter is added together, it will yield the number 72. (72 names of God)

We should know how important the number 72 is by now. The 72 disciples sent by Jesus, the 72 disciples of Confucius.
The good god Osiris was enclosed in a coffin by 72 evil disciples and accomplices of Set.
Thoth, in an Egyptian creation myth, wins a 72nd of each day of the year from the Moon in a game of draughts, as a favor to Nut, the Sky Goddess. He uses these portions to make the 5 intercalary days on which the remaining Gods and Goddesses are born.

There are 72 Paranatellons, extra-zodiacal constellations that rise and set simultaneously with zodiacal constellations.
72 is also 1/5 of a circle and the angle needed to form the pentagram. The solar factor 720 is very important as Michael pointed out.
The axis of the earth moves one degree every 72 years compared to stars and to the vault of heaven. 72x5=360

The Zohar say there are 72 old men of the synagogue, and the degrees of Jacob's ladder were to the number 72 according to the Zohar.

72 mirrored is 27, 7 + 2 = 9, there are many more associations to 72.

By connecting the 10 dots of the tetractys, 9 triangles are formed. 6 of these are involved in the forming of the cube. The same triangles, when lines are drawn between them, also reveal the 6 pointed star with a dot in the center. Only 7 dots are used in forming the cube and the star.

Qabbalistically, the 3 unused corner dots represent the 3fold, invisible causal universe, while the 7 dots involved in the cube and the star are the Elohim, the spirits of the 7 creative periods. The Sabbath, or 7th day, is the central dot. 37



جواب  رسائل 72 من 247 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 18/11/2015 18:29
micahel wrote:
Hello Optimist777 and Raphael... Sorry I'm a tad slow to keep up with you. A bit late in the day I offfer: 


To join the pile 'on Earth'. 
To depart elsewhere like the 5 missing leaves. 

2 + 5 = 7. 

7th, involving number 7, was shown earlier to be connected to above or to below. 

hey michaEL I thought you may have lost interest. 
glad you have not. 

Topic of the day appears to be Trees of Life and the numbers 2 and 5 and 7. 
What about 3? 

5 + 2 = 7 
5 - 2 = 3 

37 or 73? 

Can you see the 2 and 5 in this next image? Wink 


Follow this link to a solution for how to feed 5000 people using 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish: 
Arrow http://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=74195#74195 


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory 
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 
-Albert Einstein

جواب  رسائل 73 من 247 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 18/11/2015 18:34
Thirty-sEVEn 37 Point Mandala Offering 

Arrow http://www.rigpawiki.org/index.php?title=Thirty-seven_Point_Mandala_Offering 

The offering of a mandala containing the entire wealth of the universe is the highest ritual expression of devotion in the Buddhist tradition. 
-Robert Beer 
The Handbook of Tibetan Buddhist Symbols

How much MORE evidence do we need about the number 37 representing the number of the collective unconscious? 
Did you start reading on page 1? 

I do wish my name was SS, a.k.a. Steven SpIELberg, this would be a fucking blockbuster. 
Jesus H. Christ please explain why U R such a copy-KAt, and why your followers need to convert everybody to your way of thinking and feeling? 
You do not seem that original when folks go searching for a TRUTH that truly unifies. 
Why all of the smote, smoke and mirrors? 


2D version of the 37 Point Mandala Offering 


Bab-Ilu the Gate of God 

Note both images have 4 axis. 
xyz and t 


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory 
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 
-Albert Einstein

جواب  رسائل 74 من 247 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 18/11/2015 18:47
re: Thirty-sEVEn 37 Point Mandala Offering 


4 SHAPES surround the center. 



Robert Fludd re: The Temple of Music suggests these notes are associated with these shapes, which match up with 3 Pillar/Spire/Towers that we see in the image on the right. 

F= ROUND soft hexacord 
C = FIRE spire natural hexachord 
G = SQUARE hard hexacord 


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory 
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 
-Albert Einstein

جواب  رسائل 75 من 247 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 18/11/2015 19:41
I am acquainted, for instance , with an Egyptian ceremonial system, some 5,000 years old, which taught precisely the same things as Masonry does, but in the terms of shipbuilding instead of in the terms of architecture.

How much sense does that make? 
Too much. 
First we are given dimensions for Noah to build an ARK and then later we are given dimensions with which to build Solomon's Temple, that which contains an 'Ark of the Covenant'. 
And the New Jerusalem to come is just over the hori-zion. Wink 

The importance of the numbers 3 and 7 to a Freemason. 


To each of us also from our birth have been given three lesser lights, by which the Lodge within ourselves may be illumined. For the " sun " symbolizes our spiritual consciousness, the higher aspirations and emotions of the soul; the " moon " betokens our reasoning or intellectual faculties, which (as the moon reflects the light of the sun) should reflect the light coming from the higher spiritual faculty and transmit it into our daily conduct; whilst " the Master of the Lodge " is a symbolical phrase denoting the will-power of man, which should enable him to be master of his own life, to control his own actions and keep down the impulses of his lower nature, even as the stroke of the Master's gavel controls the Lodge and calls to order and obedience the Brethren under his direction. 


Please note the coincidences re Sun and Moon: 
The 6x6 magic square of the Sun is connected to the number 666. 
(i.e. 666 = the sum of the numbers 1-36 used to comprise the 6x6 square) 

The 9x9 magic square of the Moon is connected to daily Sudoko playing and Tesla's 369. 


Brethren, I charge you to regard your apron as one of the most precious and speaking symbols our Order has to give you. Remember that when you first wore it was a piece of pure white lambskin; an emblem of that purity and innocence which we always associate with the lamb and with the new-born child. Remember that you first wore it with the flap raised, it being thus a five-cornered badge, indicating the five senses, by means of which we enter into relations with the material world around us (our "five points of fellowship " with the material world), but indicating also by the triangular portion above, in conjunction with the quadrangular portion below, that man's nature is a combination of soul and body; the three-sided emblem at the top added to the four-sided emblem beneath making seven, the perfect number; for, as it is written in an ancient Hebrew doctrine with which Masonry is closely allied, "God blessed and loved the number seven more than all things under His throne," by which is meant that man, the seven-fold being, is of the most cherished of all the Creator's works. And hence also it is that the Lodge has seven principal officers, and that a Lodge, to be perfect, requires the presence of seven brethren; though the deeper meaning of this phrase is that the individual man, in virtue of his seven-fold constitution, in himself constitutes the " perfect Lodge," if he will but know himself and analyse his own nature aright. 


Interesting to note that in the bI6LE, in the Book of Revelations, the number 7 appears 137 times. 

good site Wink 


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory 
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 
-Albert Einstein

جواب  رسائل 76 من 247 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 18/11/2015 19:55
Raphael wrote:
Can we find a significant reference to the number 37 in this link? 

The truth that Jesus Christ is God 
Arrow http://www.fivedoves.com/light/The_truth_that_Jesus_Christ_is_God.htm 

the answer is yes 


but I dug deeper and found something far more profound regarding the 3x4 Breastplate of the High Priest and the number 37

The total sum of all twelve name values is 3700. Bear in mind that the breastplate was a perfect square and this figure is equal to the perfect square of 10 times 37. Ten is associated with the Ten Commandments and also with the dimensions of the Holy of Holies which measured 10 x 10 x 10 cubits. The significance of 10 then can be said to be one of Holiness. But of much greater interest is the highest prime factor of 3700, the number 37, for this is the most sublime of all numbers, the number of God. Much could be said here about the number 37 but in order not to digress too far from the purpose of this article this discussion is limited to the more salient points. The number 37 can be said to represent the ‘key to wisdom’. Why the ‘key to wisdom’? Well, if it is a key it means it can be turned or used to open something. When 37 is ‘turned’ it becomes 73, which is the exact numerical value of the Hebrew word chokmah, which means wisdom. The gematria of the very first verse of the Holy Bible, Genesis 1:1 ‘In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.’ is equal to 37 x 73. This verse is the key to wisdom if we accept that in the beginning God really did create the heaven and the earth and that what follows this verse is truth. Interestingly, the product of the digits of these two prime factors of the Genesis 1:1 verse total 2701, i.e. 3 x 7 x 7 x 3, is equal to 441, the gematria of emeth, the Hebrew word for truth. Can it be coincidence that the highest prime factor of 2701 is 73, the value of wisdom and that the highest prime factor of its reflection, 1072, is 67, the value of binah which means understanding? Thus we are taught from this very first verse that wisdom comes through reading through the Holy Bible but true understanding only comes when we go back over it, by studying and reflecting or meditating upon the word. The number 37 is a concatenation of the digits 3 and 7, represented respectively in the Hebrew numbering system by the letters gimmel and zayin. Is it again coincidence that the gematria value of the word gimmel is 73, the value of chokmah or wisdom, and that of zayin is 67 the gematria of binah or understanding? I must reiterate that here we are talking about the very first verse of the Holy Bible, 1 of a total of 31,102. 


Well I think I found my Breastplate 37 sources. 
Good to know. 


Sum total of all 12 numbers / 12 tribes that surround the ARK = 3700 

Those links help us understand the numbers 1-9 on our cEL phones, and the last row which is comprised of * 0 # = Jesus? 
You need to read the links. 


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory 
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 
-Albert Einstein

جواب  رسائل 77 من 247 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 18/11/2015 19:57
MihrYazd wrote:
Just another coincidence I recovered from the collective unconscious 



Devangari, Tibetan, Greek, Hebrew, and Arabic the Sacred LOGOs i SEE 137 



PS Ralph 

Awesome finds regarding 925 and breastplate, I wish I could be close to you to learn from you mi Guru 528

Hey Mo nice to hear you are still with us. 
How are the Dec. (12 = 3) 25 (7) holy-daze treating you? 

I have a feeling magnetic U and your guru are connected. 
Mo in Iran (which means land of Aryans) and ME across the Atlantis ocean, playing a game of leapfrog using the EM fIELd. 
While I count the sheeple as I doze off, you were busy thinking about the collective unconscious number '37'. 

So I did a search on what you suggested in your last post. 

i.e. 'peace in 37 languages' 

And this is what I found when I did a internet search. 
Wink Thanks Mo for planting a seed (photon?) into my gray matter while I was shleeping last night. 
Apparently your inner alien/grey incepted my gray in falalalafal land. Laughing 

2" Crystal Aqua Blue Earth Sphere W/ Peace In 37 Languages 

I have inquired about ordering a few '37 Peace Crystal Balls', from China. Idea 
(I now have a gimmick, a pet rock, the rock of st. peter = cube and the sphere) 

I can promote them both as mod3Ls. 
re: the AlternativeThinking seminars, that I will now be holding every 2nd Saturday starting later this month. 

Those I Ching dudes who have 64 Hexagrams as part of their underlying philosophy seem to be one step ahead of us? 
64 = 37 + 27 
64 = 37 (visible mini cubes on 3 faces) + 27 (invisible mini cubes on 3 faces) 

Peace in 37 languages 

Colors of LIGHT (RGB) vs. colors of PIGMENT (RYB

The Crystal Ball is a great mod3L to be placed next to the 37 visible squares of the 4x4x4 Rubik's Cube. 
i.e. SPHERE = 37 = CUBE

And here is yet another confirmation we are being conned and fused into ONE: 


The website lists 37 languages for free study. And there are Audio lessons which you can use listen from your computer and mp3 player. 
So download Now.... 

Nice to see that the collective unconscious is providing Mo and Me with powerful promotions >>> re: 37. 

p.s. I found this while looking for a link to Iran = land of Aryan

According a 1957 theory by Laroche, Indo-Iranian ar-ya- descends from Proto-Indo-European (PIE) *ar-yo-, a yo-adjective to a root *ar "to assemble skillfully", present in Greek harma "chariot", Greek aristos, (as in "aristocracy"), Latin ars "art", etc. Thus, according to this theory, an Aryan is "one who skillfully assembles". Proto-Indo-Iranian *ar-ta- was a related concept of "properly joined" expressing a religious concept of cosmic order.

Here is the FM or Free Mason Mantra being played on FM radios, as they plant seeds .... like Jack and the Beanstalk. 


"Me - my - mo - mum" 

Solomon Slaloms among the Shaloms 



Arrow it is all a game of eXs and Ohs starting with the 3x3 magic square of Saturn. 
(...guess who called while I was composing this post? 
my 'eX' of course)

Bonus PEACE video: 
Cool Cool http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=MsYlU-fGx3M

KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory 
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 
-Albert Einstein

جواب  رسائل 78 من 247 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 18/11/2015 20:41



Mo you had posted this earlier. 



KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory 
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 
-Albert Einstein

جواب  رسائل 79 من 247 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 18/11/2015 21:22
Raphael wrote:
It is based on a 4x4x4 cube, which yields the number 37 visible of 64.

Great post, lets not forget that 4x4x4x4=256 

In binary 256(mother) is 100000000 (9) and 511(father) is 111111111 (9). 

And once again, we need to add 1, 511+1= 512 (SIN) 

2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512..... that makes 9 sequences!! 

They say cats have only nine lives. Wink 


If the universe were a computer, it would be a DMX512 omniverse. 
The 512 cube has 13x13=169 visible parts and hides 343 aka 7x7x7 non visible parts. Wink 

Cube 8 x 8 x 8 = 512 cubes 

24 plain parallels squares organized into three groups of eight, that get cut perpendicular among themselves, they conform the figure here shown. 

The I Ching's Board conforms a square map 8x8, divided in 64 little squares, where each little square have engravings 6 bits. If we multiplied for eight this board, that is 8x8x8 becomes a cube divided in 512 little cubes; As each little cube is conformed by 6 faces each one recorded with 6 bits, then we have : 6 faces/cube x 6 bits/cube= 36 bits/cube. Now 512 cubes x 36 bits cube = 18432 bits. Relating this to Mahavairocana's mandala we have that 36 human figures surrounding Mahavairocana. 24 petals organized in 3 groups of 8 surrounding Mahavairocana. ( see figure in the Home ) 

We have seen that with the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching Board its possible to form a tridimensional cube-shaped perfect figure conformed by 512 little cubes. Now if we take as reference a side of the cube to form a 8 x 8 plane would have that this plane will get divided in 64 squares where each square in time will be divided in 64 little squares. If we want to form a tridimensional figure based of this plane, we will have a great perfect cube of dimensions 8x8x8 containing inside 512 cubes and each cube containing 512 small cubes. 

Repeating this process indefinite times we always will obtain a final cube-shaped perfect figure. In conclusion it can be said: This is a hologram whose basic unit of the interwoven is a small cube obtained from the 64 hexagrams of the I-Ching. Apply this to the structures of chips and to the hadron's structures interface. 

Note : The binary organizational force of the Universe moves itself in Hologram shape , this is holomovement. 


It's a catch 22..... sorry, I meant 22/7. Laughing 

11+11=22..... 1111 in binary is 15 Wink 

15 Behenian stars Question 

We must add 1 here as well to make 16. 

16 Geomantic Figures 



جواب  رسائل 80 من 247 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 18/11/2015 22:11
Raphael wrote:


37/27=1.37037037037 to infinity 

28 + 36 = 64 

36/28 = 1.285714285714
 to infinity 

We now have the RANGE as discussed by science regarding the FINE STRUCTURE constant, aka the morphing ALPHA based on SUN/MOON whole number ratios. 

I just want to address why the moon can be expressed as the denominator 27 or 28. 
This discrepency can be traced to the use of Hindu asterisms. Both numbers were used. 

The wild card, whether 27 or 28 asterisms were used was not #28 but #22 Vega. 


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory 
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 
-Albert Einstein

جواب  رسائل 81 من 247 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 18/11/2015 22:13
Raphael wrote:
Raphael wrote:


37/27=1.37037037037 to infinity 

28 + 36 = 64 

36/28 = 1.285714285714
 to infinity 

We now have the RANGE as discussed by science regarding the FINE STRUCTURE constant, aka the morphing ALPHA based on SUN/MOON whole number ratios. 

I just want to address why the moon can be expressed as the denominator 27 or 28. 
This discrepency can be traced to the use of Hindu asterisms. Both numbers were used. 

The wild card, whether 27 or 28 asterisms were used was not #28 but #22 Vega. 


The 28 moon mansions are VERY important in astrology. In this case I believe 28 is derived from adding 1 to 27, which has been a re-occurring theme in this numbers game. 

In the kings chamber, the north wall has 27 blocks and the south wall has 37 blocks. Also note that 37 x 27 = 999 

There is a website suggesting the Egyptians based all they're math around the constant of hydrogen, and the great pyramid was built to match the dimensions by applying repitans to the harmonic structure. 


1 / 27 = .037037 - - - / .001371742 (fine structure constant) = 27 
2 / 27 = .074074 - - - / .001371742 (fine structure constant) = 54


1 / 81 (3 x 27) = .01234567 / .001371742 (fine structure constant) = 9 
8 / 81 (3 x 27) = .098765432 / .001371742 (fine structure constant) = 72


The Grand Gallery is rightfully considered to be an architectural marvel. Its full length is just under 158. British feet. There are several features of this gallery that play major roles in the description of the total mathematical message of the pyramid. 

The Grand Gallery has 7 ceilings that once were composed of 37 individual over lapping stone slabs. This was a very ambitious physical undertaking if the pyramid was built to serve only as a tomb. One ceiling would have certainly served the purpose. 

It has been determined that the 7 ceilings of the Grand Gallery represent the 7 periods of the "periodic table of the elements" or electron shells " K to Q." The 37 over lapping stone slabs each represent fractions of the number 37. or: .027 - .054- 81- 135 ect. . This is where I acquired the knowledge of the 37 values for the Ra Table of Nines. 

When we consider that the omega major values for the Ra table of Nines (T.O.N.) also relate to the omega major values of the wave lengths of the spectral lines that are emitted the by the elements, along with the fact that the 37 slabs are found as components of the 7 ceilings (7 electron shells) the message of the 7 ceilings and 37 overlaps becomes clear. 

The Grand Gallery has curbs (banquettes) that run the length of the gallery's ramp. In these curbs are found 27 pairs of slots which are evenly spaced apart. These slots of course represent the 27 Ra repitans. Where as the 7 ceilings and 37 over laps represent electron activity the 27 repitans represent factors that pertain to the functions of atomic nuclei. The idea that the repitans represent mathematical descriptions of "quarks" is supported here. 

The 37 over lapping stone slabs situated over the 27 slots suggests the fraction 37 / 27 or 1.370370 - - - (999. fine structure units). 

There is a 28th pair of slots that are located in the platform (Great Step) located at the top of the Grand Gallery. This pair of slots represents the 000 - - - repitan. Notice, that this pair of slots is located directly above the center of the Fibonacci spiral that was superimposed over a cross section of the pyramid , as seen in an earlier illustration. I believe that this is an indication that an undiscovered passage or chamber exists beneath the Great Step and at the center of the spiral (centered about 24 feet to the west in the pyramid where the north -south axis and east -west axis cross). 


Here's a good question, if hydrogen were to sing a song, what note would it prefer Question 

The Rydberg constant of hydrogen is 37 / 27 = 1.370370 (999. fine structure units) 

Here was a biggy for me, the reciprocal of the FSC value is 0.729 !! (27 x 27) 

729 is the number of hexagrams in the Tai Hsuan Ching with a direct relation to 64 (DNA) 

9 x 9 x 9 = 729 
27/37 = .729729... 

hmmmmm..... what about that musical ratio 729/512 ?? (the balanced interval?) 
5(E)12(L) is the 10th octave Wink 

(note how the stage color switches to violet right when he starts playing)


Last edited by Optimist777 on Wed May 23, 2012 10:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

جواب  رسائل 82 من 247 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 19/11/2015 23:25
Raphael wrote:
Raphael wrote:


37/27=1.37037037037 to infinity 

28 + 36 = 64 

36/28 = 1.285714285714
 to infinity 

We now have the RANGE as discussed by science regarding the FINE STRUCTURE constant, aka the morphing ALPHA based on SUN/MOON whole number ratios. 

I just want to address why the moon can be expressed as the denominator 27 or 28. 
This discrepency can be traced to the use of Hindu asterisms. Both numbers were used. 

The wild card, whether 27 or 28 asterisms were used was not #28 but #22 Vega. 


The 28 moon mansions are VERY important in astrology. In this case I believe 28 is derived from adding 1 to 27, which has been a re-occurring theme in this numbers game. 

In the kings chamber, the north wall has 27 blocks and the south wall has 37 blocks. Also note that 37 x 27 = 999 

There is a website suggesting the Egyptians based all they're math around the constant of hydrogen, and the great pyramid was built to match the dimensions by applying repitans to the harmonic structure. 


1 / 27 = .037037 - - - / .001371742 (fine structure constant) = 27 
2 / 27 = .074074 - - - / .001371742 (fine structure constant) = 54


1 / 81 (3 x 27) = .01234567 / .001371742 (fine structure constant) = 9 
8 / 81 (3 x 27) = .098765432 / .001371742 (fine structure constant) = 72


The Grand Gallery is rightfully considered to be an architectural marvel. Its full length is just under 158. British feet. There are several features of this gallery that play major roles in the description of the total mathematical message of the pyramid. 

The Grand Gallery has 7 ceilings that once were composed of 37 individual over lapping stone slabs. This was a very ambitious physical undertaking if the pyramid was built to serve only as a tomb. One ceiling would have certainly served the purpose. 

It has been determined that the 7 ceilings of the Grand Gallery represent the 7 periods of the "periodic table of the elements" or electron shells " K to Q." The 37 over lapping stone slabs each represent fractions of the number 37. or: .027 - .054- 81- 135 ect. . This is where I acquired the knowledge of the 37 values for the Ra Table of Nines. 

When we consider that the omega major values for the Ra table of Nines (T.O.N.) also relate to the omega major values of the wave lengths of the spectral lines that are emitted the by the elements, along with the fact that the 37 slabs are found as components of the 7 ceilings (7 electron shells) the message of the 7 ceilings and 37 overlaps becomes clear. 

The Grand Gallery has curbs (banquettes) that run the length of the gallery's ramp. In these curbs are found 27 pairs of slots which are evenly spaced apart. These slots of course represent the 27 Ra repitans. Where as the 7 ceilings and 37 over laps represent electron activity the 27 repitans represent factors that pertain to the functions of atomic nuclei. The idea that the repitans represent mathematical descriptions of "quarks" is supported here. 

The 37 over lapping stone slabs situated over the 27 slots suggests the fraction 37 / 27 or 1.370370 - - - (999. fine structure units). 

There is a 28th pair of slots that are located in the platform (Great Step) located at the top of the Grand Gallery. This pair of slots represents the 000 - - - repitan. Notice, that this pair of slots is located directly above the center of the Fibonacci spiral that was superimposed over a cross section of the pyramid , as seen in an earlier illustration. I believe that this is an indication that an undiscovered passage or chamber exists beneath the Great Step and at the center of the spiral (centered about 24 feet to the west in the pyramid where the north -south axis and east -west axis cross). 


Here's a good question, if hydrogen were to sing a song, what note would it prefer Question 

The Rydberg constant of hydrogen is 37 / 27 = 1.370370 (999. fine structure units) 

Here was a biggy for me, the reciprocal of the FSC value is 0.729 !! (27 x 27) 

729 is the number of hexagrams in the Tai Hsuan Ching with a direct relation to 64 (DNA) 

9 x 9 x 9 = 729 
27/37 = .729729... 

hmmmmm..... what about that musical ratio 729/512 ?? (the balanced interval?) 
5(E)12(L) is the 10th octave Wink 

(note how the stage color switches to violet right when he starts playing)


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