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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 247 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 12/10/2015 16:21

24 * 74 = 1776

HECHOS 12:12 (12+12=24 HORAS)

Reply  Message 337 of 350 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 25/09/2015 13:41
Resultado de imagen para Raphael KEY 528 2012 2012forum.com

Reply  Message 338 of 350 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/09/2015 01:50



6. Apocalipsis 3:7: Escribe al ángel de la iglesia en Filadelfia: Esto dice el Santo, el Verdadero, el que tiene la LLAVE de David, el que abre y ninguno cierra, y cierra y ninguno abre:


37 * 24 = 888


Reply  Message 339 of 350 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/09/2015 02:40

Reply  Message 340 of 350 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/09/2015 02:40

Primer  Anterior  113 a 127 de 247  Siguiente   Último 
Respuesta  Mensaje 113 de 247 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/11/2015 15:38

Respuesta  Mensaje 114 de 247 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/11/2015 18:39
It is part of the Son of Man asterism of Aquarius-Phoenix-Horologium.

Horologium...remind me please.

Ken McClellan wrote:

This tall mountain which you saw whose summit resembles the throne of God is indeed His throne, on which the Holy and Great Lord of Glory, the Eternal King, will sit when he descends to visit the Earth with goodness. ... He will plant it in the northeast, upon the holy place. 
1 Enoch 25:3-5 

The Cornerstone is the sign of the pole reversal par excellence. It is the Horologium.

25:3-5 = 258 


Northeast...the MIRROR image of this symbol the Peruvians call the ChaKAna? :lol: 


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 

Respuesta  Mensaje 115 de 247 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/11/2015 16:37
140. Josué 15:37: Zenán,Hadasa, Migdal-GAD,
Busqueda para HADASA

1. Josué 15:37: Zenán,HADASA, Migdal-gad,

2. Ester 2:7: Y había criado aHADASA, es decir, Ester, hija de su tío, porque era húerfana; y la joven era de hermosa figura y de buen parecer. Cuando su padre y su madre murieron, Mardoqueo la adoptó como hija suya.

One World Trade Center

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Saltar a: navegaciónbúsqueda
One World Trade Center
One WTC 6.1.13.jpg
One World Trade Center en junio de 2013.
Coste USD 3.800 millones (estimado, enero de 2012)[1]
Localización ManhattanCiudad de Nueva YorkNueva York,Flag of the United States.svg Estados Unidos
Uso(s) Oficinas, observación, comunicación
Coordenadas 40°42′46.8″N 74°0′48.6″O / 40.713,-74.0135Coordenadas:40°42′46.8″N 74°0′48.6″O / 40.713-74.0135(mapa)
Inicio 27 de abril de 2006
Estimación de finalización 2014
Altura máxima 541 m (1776 ft)
Altura de la azotea 417 m (1368 ft)
Altura de la última planta 386 m (1268 ft)
Número de plantas 104
Número de ascensores 71
Ingeniero estructural WSP Cantor Seinuk
Contratista Silverstein Properties, Inc.
Promotor Silverstein Properties, Inc.

El One World Trade Center, conocido anteriormente como la Freedom Tower o Torre de la Libertad, es un rascacielos que se está construyendo en Lower ManhattanNueva YorkEstados Unidos por los arquitectos Thomas Boada y David Childs. Este edificio, con un costo de 2000 millones de dólares, será el mayor rascacielos del nuevo complejo del World Trade Center, en reemplazo de las antiguas Torres Gemelas, destruidas por un atentado terrorista el11 de septiembre de 2001.

Cuando sea inaugurado, en 2014, tendrá una altura de 541 metros, siendo la séptima estructura más alta del mundo, después del Burj Khalifa, de 828 metros de altura,Tokyo Skytree de 634 metros, la Torre central de Shanghái de 632 metros, las Torres Abraj Al Bait de 601 metros, la Torre de Television de Canton de 600 metros y la Torre CN de 553,33 metros. La altura del edificio tendrá una característica simbólica muy particular, pues sus 541 metros equivalen a 1.776 pies, cifra que resulta ser el año de independencia de los Estados Unidos (4 de julio de 1776). Además, la azotea del edificio estará situada a 417 metros de altitud, la altura exacta de las antiguas Torres Gemelas. El 30 de abril de 2012 la torre se alzó oficialmente como el rascacielos más alto de Nueva York a una altura de 387 metros, superando al Edificio Empire Statecon 381 metros de altura.[2]

Originalmente denominado Freedom Tower (cuya traducción al español sería Torre de la Libertad), el 26 de marzo de 2009, la Autoridad Portuaria de Nueva York y Nueva Jersey hizo público el acuerdo con el que será el primer inquilino de la Torre, Vantone Industrial Co., que ocupará seis plantas del edificio, desde los pisos 65 al 71 y comunicó el cambio en el nombre del edificio por ser un nombre más vendible comercialmente.

Sin incluir el 1 World Trade Center, el nuevo World Trade Center contará con otros tres rascacielos de oficinas y elNational September 11 Memorial & Museum. Una vez terminado, el One World Trade Center será el edificio de uso exclusivo de oficinas más alto del mundo.


El One World Trade Center en construcción, en junio de 2013.


Comparación de edificios de Nueva York.

La azotea (incluyendo el parapeto de 10,16 metros) del One World Trade Center será de 417 metros, la misma altura de la torre 1 del World Trade Center original. Con la altura de la antena, el edificio se alzará a 1.776 pies (541 m), una figura simbólica del año de la Independencia de los Estados Unidos.

Con 541 metros, el One World Trade Center sobrepasará los 509 metros del Taipei 101 para convertirse en el edificio de oficinas más alto del mundo y el rascacielos más alto del continente americano, sobrepasando a la Willis Tower enChicago. Sin embargo, la azotea del edificio estará 25 metros por debajo de la azotea de la Willis Tower, y será el tercer edificio más alto del mundo, por debajo del Burj Khalifa y de las Torres Abraj Al Bait.

Respuesta  Mensaje 116 de 247 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/12/2015 00:30

DNA codons taken as Sun/Moon ratio yields the Fine Structure Constant 1/128 and 1/137 and 1/146


The ‘supernatural’ facilities of
Ratio or Reason
Mens or Mind

The relation of Man, the microcosm, with the Universe, the macrocosm, c1617

The spheres of the Sun, Moon and planets and the hierarchy of angels and archangels, lead to the trinity of God represented by the triangle at the top.
In the centre are the spheres of the four elements earth, water, air and fire marked with the four temperaments. 

From Utriusque cosmi… historia by Robert Fludd.
(Oppenheim, 1617-1619).

128 vs 137 vs 146

DNA codons taken as Sun/Moon ratio yields the newly discovered (reciprocal) value for the Fine Structure Constant 128.5 and also provides us with the old established (reciprocal) value of 137 too.

Stone layers on the top of the pyramid of Khufu
from an Italian aerial photography [3] – PhotoVideo

And whoever built the pyramids used RATIOS…I suspect.
The current height of the Great Pyramid is approximately 137 meters in the north-east corner according to trail blazing architect Jean-Pierre Houdin.
The original height was approximately 146.5 meters.

We can arrive at approximations using ratios based on two numbers which always sum to64‘.
are the number of DNA codons that all life on earth defaults to.

i.e. sum of 64 based on values for the sun + moon 

36 + 28 = 64

37 + 27 = 64

38 + 26 = 64

the ratios based on those numbers are



38:26 = 1.461538 

Did the builders use RATIOS because there is good REASON behind it…?

The above numbers if you correlate them to the Great Pyramid suggests a story.

The ratio 38:28 corresponds to the original finished height of the Great Pyramid of 146.5 meters

The ratio 37:27 suggests where we are today 137 is the inverse of alpha the fine structure constant 1/137
The ratio 36:26 is associated with the number 128 which has been associated with an older universe, an older larger alpha of 1/128 (see below)

So it appears I may have stumbled onto a simple and elegant pattern linking an oscillating ‘alpha’ to the height of the Great Pyramid.
I must conclude that in the vicinity of 128-129 meters, approximately 9 meters below the current summit of 137 meters is a treasure yet to be found.

“We have no right to assume that any physical laws exist, or if they have existed up to now, that they will continue to exist in a similar manner in the future.”
– Max Planck
The Universe in the Light of Modern Physics (1931)

The reason I needed Max to walk the Planck and take the plunge into a new frontier is because it appears that the speed of light, and along with it, the fine structure constant are both in jeopardy of no longer being ‘constants’.

Current advances:
The fine-structure constant and quantum Hall effect

The fine-structure constant  is of dimension 1 (i.e., it is simply a number) and very nearly equal to 1/137.

It is the “coupling constant” or measure of the strength of the electromagnetic force that governs how electrically charged elementary particles (e.g., electron, muon) and light (photons) interact.

At shorter distances corresponding to higher energy processes or probes (large momentum transfers), the screen is partially penetrated and the strength of the electromagnetic interaction increases since the effective charge increases.

Thus  depends upon the energy at which it is measured, increasing with increasing energy, and is considered an effective or running coupling constant. Indeed, due to e+e- and other vacuum polarization processes, at an energy corresponding to the mass of the W boson (approximately 81 GeV, equivalent to a distance of approximately 2 x 10-18 m), (mW) is approximately 1/128 compared with its zero-energy value of approximately 1/137.

Thus the famous number 1/137 is not unique or especially fundamental.

Speed of light may have changed over time

The number is 137…not 42

The Great Pyramid–Martin Gardner *outdated skepticism*

Now I wrote this back in 2009:

And then I found this post I had written:

i.e. the fine structure constant (1/128 or 1/137) is somehow connected to the ‘zodiac’ and the 4 gospels.

That was then, this is now.  

We have since acquired a simple SUN/MOON ratio that can be applied to the CUBE of 64 based on 4^3 which happens to match up nicely with the number of codons of our DNA, that forms the basis for all life on earth.

It all sounds like a blueprint, or a grail tale worth preserving and placing into a chest or an ark, and calling it the holy of holies batman. DNA knowledge and wisdom regarding the preservation of life on earth would/should be a big deal.

And the association to the 64 Hexagrams that comprise the 5000 year old I Ching is not a coincidence, as others have noted too.

Those 64 codons form the codes which comprise our DNA, which is the common denominator of ALL life on earth, presenting itself as a candidate worthy of ‘grail’ status.

We have already noted the connection between the numbers 37 + 27 = 64 AND the fine structure constant called alpha, recognized as 0.00729, 1/137, and simply 137.



27/37 = 0.729729 

Then Frank C. Higgins reminded me that long ago the ancients had assigned the number 36 to the SUN and 28 to the MOON

So I did the obvious. I took the SUN/MOON as a ratio. And the results were stunning to say the least.
Could it be this simple?

Recall that Ha/tha (as in Hatha yoga) means Sun/Moon.




Which brings us back to the beginning of this blogpost and the number 1.258
One of the numerical clues that I am following as I time travel, remembering what I already seem to know?

My former firefighter badge was #1258

So it appears the SUN/MOON ratio is directly connected to the maintenance of our DNA
a.k.a. known as the Holy Grail
the Ark of the Convenant
and the buried treasure


eks marks the spot

Famous early x-ray image of DNA a.k.a. PHOTO 51 taken by Rosalind Franklin
Her role in the discovery of the double helix:
Reply  Message 67 of 67 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 02/12/2015 21:27


…are DEM BONES a reference to DNA?

The pirate hardy har har Sir Issac Newton’s Coat of Arms next to Rosalind Franklin’s x-ray of DNA.

i.e. what all SAGES see is that the X marking the treasure is the same perspective as looking down/from above the double helix.

Oh ‘Dem Bones!

EzekIEL 37:1-27


And curiously what does the inverse, i.e. Moon/Sun ratio or 28/36 yield?

.777777 …

Which brings us back to the IDEA of the CUBE and how many firefighters died on 911.
The number is 343.

7x7x7 = 343

‘ALPHA’ stew http://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=72708#72708

We have no right to assume that any physical laws exist, or if they have existed up to now, that they will continue to exist in a similar manner in the future.

-Max Planck

Joe E. Mason writes on his Great Dreams website:

The number 128 has been part of many incredible coincidences. When it is multiplied by nine, the total is 1,152, a Gematria number, meaning “Witness.” It can be derived from the cycle of time number, 432, as 4 x 32 = 128.

One form of the star is found in quilting designs. Using four colors, there are a total of 128 diamond shapes in the pattern, 16 in each section. The quilting design is called, The Lone Star, The Texas Star, or The Bethlehem Star.


Joe E. Mason may have been onto something about the numbers 1152.

Swastika – 396 – ABHA Kingdom – 1251 – Yin Yang – Greek KEY fret pattern – Saturnalia


East meets West and the meeting point is ‘alpha’ (fine structure constant) herein we have evidence of a language that the universe utilizes to ‘replicate’ itself.
How does the universe get information from the ‘source’ to the outer reaches of both outer space and inner space?

Alpha (1/137) vs. Alphabets
Anything man can do the universe has already accomplished on some level and it was probably better designed too.

Spring Temple Buddha is 128 metres

36:28 = 1.28

The Spring Temple Buddha is a statue depicting Vairocana Buddha located in the Zhaocun township of Lushan County, Henan, China, built in 2002. It is located within the Fodushan Scenic Area, close to National Freeway no. 311. At 128 m (420 ft), which includes a 20 m (66 ft) lotus throne, it is the tallest statue in the world.

Please note the height of the Buddha is 128 meters including a 66 ft. lotus throne.

Noah’s Ark is 137 meters long

37:27 = 1.37

God spells out to Noah the dimensions of the ark, 300 cubits by 50 by 30 – if using the 18″ cubit, these dimensions are approximately 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high (137.2 by 22.86 by 13.72 meters) – with three internal divisions (which are not actually called “decks”, although presumably this is what is intended), a door in the side, and a sohar, which may be either a roof or a skylight.

Noah’s Ark – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Please note the height of the Great Pyramid is 137 meters high and it overlooks 66 1/3 ft. sphinx, in contrast to the Spring Temple Buddha that sits on a 66 ft. lotus.

It is the largest monolith statue in the world, standing 73.5 metres (241 ft) long, 19.3 metres (63 ft) wide, and 20.22 m (66.34 ft) high. It is the oldest known monumental sculpture…

Current height of the Great Pyramid is 137 meters but the original height is estimated to  have been about 146.5 meters, which brings us to the next ratio based on 38:26.

It all suggests to me that the original pyramid capstone would have been about .5 meter in height and it also suggests that we could expect to find something in the Great Pyramid at a height of about 128-129 meters, i.e. based on the S/M (sun/moon) ratio of 36/28.

38:26 = 1.46 



Respuesta  Mensaje 117 de 247 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/12/2015 00:43

Respuesta  Mensaje 118 de 247 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/12/2015 00:55


…in the video Nature by Numbers take note of the angLE that EL‘s 37 angELs incorporate….to work their magic.
i.e. 137
.5 degrees

After all don’t we call on angELs to help us out with LIfE‘s difficult angLEs?

Some scholars claim they can trace the idea of the angEL and the dEvIL to the
original ‘Prince of Persia’ called Zoroaster also know as Zarathustra.

I was lead to 4 Oracles attributed to Zoroaster.

…thanks for the book ToMM J. and  thank you for your book W.W. Wescott

This particular Oracle, the Great Star Guide contains the names of 37‘ entities clearly most of them are names of angELs.

 Great Star Guide

The Great Star Guide

37 angEL‘s = Zoroaster’s Oracle ‘template’

Great link the source of those Zoroaster images in this blog…unfortunately they are in German:

Seed/Flower/Fruit of Life and ’37’


The world protectors, guardians of the earths four quarters.

The Lokapalas are Kubera (north),Yama (south), Indra (east), andVaruna (west), ably assisted by theDiggajas – the elephants of the directions – who help with guard duties and support the earth at their nominated point.

The Lokapalas are sometimes listed as eight and also include Soma (north-east), Vayu (north-west), Agni (south-east), and Surya (south-west) — for extra directional protection.

In the Buddhist faith, the Four Heavenly Kings are four gods, each of whom watches over one cardinal direction of the world.

37 Point Mandala Offering

“The offering of a mandala containing the entire wealth of the universe is the highest ritual expression of devotion in the Buddhist tradition. ”
-Robert Beer
The Handbook of Tibetan Buddhist Symbols

Note how these two mandalas ‘axis’ compliment each other, if placed over each other.

37 Point Mandala Offering vs Peter Plichta’s Prime Number Cross


Peter Plicta’s Prime Number Cross

Prime numbers are defined as numbers that are only divisible by 1 (and by themselves). The organization of prime numbers within the series of whole numbers has been a mystery to modern mathematics until the work of Peter Plichta, a Düsseldorf chemist. In 1997 he put forth his theory of the structure of prime numbers being based on a cycle of 6, a product of the indivisible numbers 1, 2, and 3. While not the first mathematician to recognize the six-cycle of the sequence of primes, his work has extended this understanding to the role of prime numbers in all of the structures underlying the physical universe:

This same model has also been derived by the quantum mechanical algorithms of theoretical physicist Arkadiusz Jadczyk in a more complex rendering known as the Octagonal Quantum Iterated Function (QIF) (above, inset). The Prime Number Cross and the Octagonal QIF are synchronous patterns reflecting the structure of resonance inherent to atomic, molecular, planetarysolar and galactic structures.

But it MUST be noted that this same model  derived by the quantum mechanical algorithms of theoretical physicist Arkadiusz Jadczyk  known as the Octagonal Quantum Iterated Function (QIF) (above image inset)

But in fact prime numbers had already been identified as a significant pattern revealed to many other CULTures.


 (Devanagari: वज्र, Chinese: 金剛 jīngāng; Tibetan རྡོ་རྗེ། dorje,[1][2][3] Japanese: kongō 金剛) is a Sanskrit word meaning both thunderbolt and diamond.


A Viśvavajra or “double vajra” appears in the emblem of Bhutan.


The Eight Days of Chanukah – How-To – Chanukah – Hanukkah

Hanukkah in Modern Hebrew; a transliteration also romanized as Chanukah or Chanukkah, also known as the Festival of Lights and Feast of Dedication, is an eight-day Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the Holy Temple (the Second Temple) inJerusalem at the time of theMaccabean Revolt against the Seleucid Empire of the 2nd century BCE. Hanukkah is observed for eight nights and days, starting on the 25th day of Kislev according to the Hebrew calendar, which may occur at any time from late November to late December in the Gregorian calendar.

The festival is observed by the kindling of the lights of a unique candelabrum, the nine branched Menorah or Hanukiah, one additional light on each night of the holiday, progressing to eight on the final night. The typical Menorah consists of eight branches with an additional raised branch.

The extra light is called a shamash (Hebrew: שמש‎, “attendant”) and is given a distinct location, usually above or below the rest. The purpose of the shamash is to have a light available for practical use, as using the Hanukkah lights themselves for purposes other than publicizing and meditating on the Hanukkah is forbidden.

8 Days

1 + 2  + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 36
plus the Shamash center candle = 37


36 + 8 (Shamash is actually lit each day) = 44

44 is a number we can associate to the Great Pyramid and the speed of light in millions of meters/sec.


In hoc signo vinces ( Latin pronunciation: [ɪn hoːk ˈsɪŋnoː ˈwɪnkeːs] ) is a Latin rendering of theGreek phrase “ἐν τούτῳ νίκα” en touto nika, ( Ancient Greek: [en tǒːtɔːi̯ níkaː] ) and means “in this sign you will conquer”.

According to legend, Constantine I adopted this Greek phrase, “εν τούτῳ νίκα”, (in this, win) as a motto after his vision of a chi rho on the sky just before the Battle of Milvian Bridge against Maxentiuson 28 October 312. The early Christian symbol consists of a monogram composed of the Greek letters chi (X) and rho (P), the first two letters in the name Christ (Greek: Χριστός). In later periods thechristogram “IHS” both stood for the first three letters of “Jesus” in Latinized Greek (Ιησούς, LatinizedIHSOVS) and “in hoc signo” from the legend.

note the date
28 October 312 = 28/10/312 = 11 2 5 (2+3) 8 

Which is a match for Card X of the Tarot.

One of many coincidences:


First I present you several images depicting the same fundamental IDEA going back nearly 5000 years.

Starting with the Great Pyramid above that exaggerates its 8-sided geometry.
Most people see it as having only 4 sides with a truncated top.

8 sided Great Pyramid

And all of the images that follow seem to share at the very least, geometry relating to the octagon.

Speed of light in millions of meters/sec

The Revelation of the Pyramids 


Respuesta  Mensaje 119 de 247 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/12/2015 01:22

“LSD found in Solomon’s Temple ~ HIDDEN DIMENSIONS ~ LEvI priests I37 Magnetosphere changes” by invoking …

“LSD found in Solomon’s Temple ~ HIDDEN DIMENSIONS ~ LEvI priests I37 Magnetosphere changes” by invoking 1π ~ 2π ~ 3π ~ 5π
I just want to point out that the TILT of the earth’s axis leads to ‘asymmetrical boundaries’.
Connections exist between the number 55/DNA, physical and non-physical ‘boundaries’, and the asymmetry found embedded in the architecture at Stonehenge/Great Pyramid/Mecca/I Ching.And the associations regarding the primal IDEA/NUMBER do not stop there.
This next image of how the orbit of the earth ‘fluctuates’ over a 100,000 year cycle fits the LSD/Solomon’s Knot/4 Evangelists archetype pretty damn good.And Robert it was you who mentioned the zig zag, well did you know that one of the earliest glyphs showing the birth of our zig zag consciousness is from around 100,000 BCE?A perfect fit for this next theory too?
Long debate ended over cause, demise of ice ages – solar and earth wobble – CO2 not main driver
CORVALLIS, Ore. – A team of researchers says it has largely put to rest a long debate on the underlying mechanism that has caused periodic ice ages on Earth for the past 2.5 million years – they are ultimately linked to slight shifts in solar radiation caused by predictable changes in Earth’s rotation and axis.

BATS and a changing Magnetosphere



The first image shows how much the Earth’s orbit can vary in shape next to an image of the FLYWHEEL at the Coral Castle,  note the green >>> arrows indicating the bulges.
This process in a slow one, taking roughly 100,000 years to complete a cycle.
(Credit: Texas A&M University note: illustration is not to scale)


L eague for

S piritual


LSD Solomon’s Knot and the 4 Evangelists:


Can you see how I have chanced upon a Primal IDEA, recognized by the ancients, later embedded into the ‘narratives’ to pass on and retain knowledge and wisdom in a mnemonic form.
There is a simple reason we rEMEMber in images, pictures are worth a 1000 words or 10,000 things perhaps.


Easy enough to prove the ancients were aware of asymmetry.
Yes they were aware, and we are rather ignorant of this fact that they were more aware of that underlying hidden hand playing a role in creation than we appear to be.
It seems we have been focused on the idea of a symmetry model far too much, far too long…probably because symmetry is equated with and implies perfection, and perfection is ‘god’.

Asymmetry in science is often referred to as broken symmetry.

However is it not obvious that the flaw of the fallen man is a reference to ASYMMETRY and this is a departure from SYMMETRY.

And it is not a revelation that matter would possess an anti-christ, anti-rotation.
Matter just like Christ has its own asymmetrical shadow called anti-matter.

Have we been ignoring what is hidden in plain sight, all around us…in HIDDEN DIMENSIONS?

go to 6:30 of the video

“ONE OF THE KEY THINGS THAT OFTEN LOST IS … when you are testing a theory you do not need to test every single prediction of the theory …. you need to test enough of the predictions that you gain confidence that the theory is a good guide to the nature of reality and then if that theory tells you things about realms that you can’t see like a realm before the big bang you are actually learning about that realm even though you can’t test it or see it.”
Brian Greene

Well I have much confidence in the Theory of Everything called ‘137’.
Most people know ‘137’ as the QaBaLaH, Kabbalah, Cabala, etc….

So the idea of ‘137’ which in fact is the gematria value of the Hebrew spelling of QaBaLaH, which long ago had presented itself as a good guide to the nature of reality. And the QaBaLaH is in fact a theory that tells us things about realms we cannot see, like a realm before the big bang.

Thus the QaBaLaH teaches about realms that the ancients could not test or see, but hey according to Brian Greene that is OKAY!!!

So it is okay with ME too. Thus begins the dismantling of science using science quotations.

(As you read this blog …. keep those words of Brian Greene prophecy echoing in your mind as the 137 ‘coincidences’ begin to reveal a DESIGN)

I hate to say it, but this comes from deep deep within … ewe, we, and me, we all live in the land of Asymme-TREE of Life.

We inhabit a dimension where the flow of TIME is defined as asymmetric in nature, and asymmetry can be defined as the breakdown of symmetry.

Essentially symmetry ends where asymmetry begins and vice versa.

Entropy is the 2nd law of thermodynamics (some say the third now), it is the penalty for breaching the law that precedes it.

Entropy is the penalty, which has a hand in directing the arrow of time, taking the mortal trapped in matter for a ride, the ride of his or her life of course.

IF we wanted to change the direction TIME seems to flow to us, I think we would need to acquire a new SENSORY SKILL set.
How does the IDEA of a FLYwheel line up with the swastika and that 100,000 year cycle?
LSD the Lucky 4 Leaf Clover the New Atlantis and Prime Numbers
How do the Coral Castle mysteries line up with this PRIMAL ARCHETYPE that is NOT bounded by TIME, or SPACE, because it reflects MOTION?
FLY rhymes with ELI?
Can we connect the FLYwheel to ELI and the enigmatic dimensionless fine structure constant I37 too?
And at the same time showing the associations to the SHAPE and FORM which we can find embedded in the Precession of the Equinox Cycle too, linked to Solomon’s Knot.
Which brings us back to the opening image of that 100,000 year cycle identified by science today.
It is a match for what the ancients had embedded into the symbols as MNEMONIC
devices, like the Greek Zodiac Cross.
Those LUCKY 4-leaf clover quatrefoils are KEY because they express a reality that is determined by what appears to be things beyond our control.
i.e the tilt of the earth due to precession and angular momentum.
So how do we use the magic of I37 using LEvI priest knowledge of the Electro-magnetic field of the Earth?
Stay thirsty my friends
the most interesting MEN in the world drink Dos Equis!!!!
image on left: Owl outside a Freemason Lodge in Riga, Latvia.
NOTE the bookmark…from a distance I thought it was XX,
later I would realize the obvious
XX = compaSS and Square
But why the reverence for the OWL?
Why the OWL?
Why do those Freemasons use owls to symbolize their crafty craft?

The secret to an owl’s ability to hear is due to the ‘asymmetrical’ placement of its ear openings
this is what gives these dapper raptors their edge at night over their prey.

And the owl can twist its head nearly 360 degrees like Linda Blair in the Exorcist.

Asymmetry is a KEY to the OWL symbolism and SOUND
Asymmetry is the KEY to unlocking many of the secrets to the universe.
What IF?
And the owl’s monocular vision is also indicative of a deeper symbolism.
Kim Peeks who is a savant, (the real life original ‘Rain Man’ portrayed by Dustin Hoffman in the film of the same name), can read two pages of an open book at the SAME TIME.
Kim Peeks can read books incredibly fast, and he has a photographic memory to boot, IF you reboot his computer, the information is not lost.
However his gift of OWL vision came with a severe handicap.
This could be another reason for the OWL fascination too.


Interference of waves from two point sources.

1π ~ 2π ~ 3π ~ 5π

Constructive interference occurs when the phase difference between the waves is a multiple of 2π, whereas destructive interference occurs when the difference is 1π, 3π, 5π, etc.

If the difference between the phases is intermediate between these two extremes, then the magnitude of the displacement of the summed waves lies between the minimum and maximum values.

Consider, for example, what happens when two identical stones are dropped into a still pool of water at different locations.

  • Each stone generates a circular wave propagating outwards from the point where the stone was dropped.
  • When the two waves overlap, the net displacement at a particular point is the sum of the displacements of the individual waves.
  • At some points, these will be in phase, and will produce a maximum displacement.
  • In other places, the waves will be in anti-phase, and there will be no net displacement at these points. Thus, parts of the surface will be stationary—these are seen in the figure below as stationary blue-green lines radiating from the centre.

RaphaEL a.k.a. LabbIEL
to be updated till the end of time or I run out of space…

KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory

“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”
-Albert Einstein




Respuesta  Mensaje 120 de 247 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/12/2015 14:13

Respuesta  Mensaje 121 de 247 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/12/2015 17:25

Several things to be noted, the idea of A-B-C-D or 1-2-3-4 and the numbers mentioned.

27 – 37 – 73 – 137

Respuesta  Mensaje 122 de 247 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/12/2015 17:35

Pyramids and Swastikas … how squares become circles.

Snaker wrote:
5 pages on topic labled for pyramids and not a single post that even touched on the questions i have bout pyramids.great work on boring down the topic and basically outwinding ur opponents here ralph, since obviously that was ur intention all along =p

Hello Snaker.

I recently responded to this objection to my comparative interpretations.
And then I realized I may have brought your query to a conclusion.

It is a lengthy post, but to have solved why pyramids are such an important symbol … and how they are ultimately connected to swastikas in a most sublime manner took TIME.

bogz wrote:
a 2-D representation of a 4-d vortex would be:a circle. if viewed from top or bottom.a triangle if viewed from the side.

bogz, have you ever heard of a fellow by the name of Clifford A. Pickover?

The following info was taken from his book The Wonders of Numbers.
Chapter 62 specifically.
Pickover assumes the identity of an alter ego in the book, a Dr. Googol, the chapters are filled with math puzzles and anecdotes.

Can we first discuss the “side view” you alluded too bogz?
Here we go…let’s do some math.
Not my strength…so I must do a lot of quoting.

Chapter 62…Triangular Numbers
Triangular numbers form a series.
In the development of early Greek math, the mathematicians noticed arrays or groups of dots, when used to represent numbers could also be used to form geometric figures such as these 5 triangles.

Do those images above resemble “a triangle if viewed from the side?”
I agree the first one does not…it looks more like a symmetrical sphere.

Here are the first 10 numbers in that series. (# of dots)
1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 66, 78, …

And if you look at T4, you realize, without a doubt it resembles the Pythagorean Tetracktys.

And Pythagoras also said we only needed the first 4 numbers (the base of the pyramid) to form the Universe.

And these 10 dots could easily be replaced with the 4 letters representing the name of the Jewish god.


As we see below in an inspired illustration by the Rosicrucian mystic Jakob Boehme.
A symbol that represents “religious devotion and transcendent wisdom”.

Inside the inverted heart we see a triangle that resembles the very same dot configuration of the Pythagorean Tetracktys, using 10 Hebrew letters. But we only use 4 specific letters, and these 4 letters have been associated with the 4 elements.
(please note: these associations were made long ago by the prophets, mystics and theologians, not by me)

Yod is Fire
Heh / Hay/ He is Water (various spellings)
Vav is Air (sometimes we see a W used)
Heh is also Earth

Please note that Heh representing Water or Earth represents both of the feminine aspects.
This is a significant ‘coincidence’ to be explained later.
Also to be noted, on the line below the triangle of Hebrew letters is added a 5th symbol, a 5th Hebrew letter is added to the foundation and is placed between the letter YH … Shin … VH.
More on the letter Shin later.

But god’s name (within the triangle) is really spelled using only a trinity of letters because the letter representing the 2 feminine aspects water and earth are represented by the same letter H = heh.
So essentially within the structure of the name of YHVH there exists a trinity.

Now what is interesting and I suggest NO coincidence is that the Norse also acknowledged a trinity of elements.
Air, Earth and (Fire and Ice were combined into one element)
Obviously, due to their northern latitudes, we can understand water being symbolized by ice.

And fire representing the beneficent sol, the sun is in ultimate control of our seasons as it moves through the universe on its own journey called the Precession of the Equinoxes, and the recording of Sol’s movements becomes even more critical, in a northern environment where the ‘growing season’ would be very brief indeed.

Oops, sorry bogz to get sidetracked on symbols again (which do in fact predate modern man’s ability to communicate using numbers), however you do suggest, “let’s do some math”…

So let’s do some math…

In the above sequence, if you want to figure out the 100th number in the series of infinite triangular numbers I offered above there is a formula.

n(n + 1 ) / 2

The variable n is called the index of the formula.
So if you want the 100th triangular number you substitute n = 100.

The answer is 5,050 and this number will be discussed later.

We do see in the sequence that the 8th triangular number is 36.
8 is a associated with infinity and the number 36 is used in establishing the odds of rolling certain numbers using 2 die, shaped like cubes of salt.

The 10th triangular number is 55 and its association to the number 5,050 will be discussed later.

The 12th triangular number is 78.
12 is associated with the 12 houses of the horoscope.
The overwhelming majority of Tarot decks have 78 cards.
78 is also the sum of 26 x 3
The Precession cycle is about 26,000 years.
I will discuss the implications of this relationship later.

The 36th triangular number is 666.
The sum of the all the numbers between 1-36 = 666.
(i.e. 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 …… + 36 = 666)
Who wants to discuss this relationship?
And the 666th triangular number is 222,111.
A strange configuration of 2s and 1s.

6 + 6 + 6 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9 = 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1

Now to quote from the book, taken from page 327.
please note I scanned the page to reproduce the formulas, my keyboard talents fall far short from reproducing these formula accurately.

Triangular numbers determined by n(n + 1 ) / 2 continue to fascinate mathematicians. Various beautiful, almost mystical, relations have been discovered. Here are just some of them:

Did you read that very last line?

Every number is expressible as the sum of 3 triangular numbers!

And exactly how would a Big Macro Brother keep track of Little Micro Brother in the Universe … what does GPS use?
Is GPS an acronym for God’s Pulling the Strings?

Seems I need to employ a little ‘triangulation strangulation’ to get my 3 points across …

Now bogz, may I present more math, you seem to love it!
Can we discuss the relationship between triangular numbers (SIDE VIEW … triangles) and square numbers (TOP VIEW … circles) ?

Upon closer investigation we find there exists a relationship between triangular numbers (side view) and square numbers (top view).

Each square number is the sum of 2 consecutive triangular numbers.


bogz, can you possibly visualize 2 triangles (side view) placed over each other to form the very esoteric hexagram?

The hexagram is a divine symbol that was shown reverence by the eastern religions for thousands of years before Judaism adopted this divine ‘geometric’ shape.
The Jews knew it as many things.
The Star of David, Seal of Solomon, Magen David and the Shield of David.

So there seems to be a process (related to in myth, folklore and scripture) where a shape represented by a 2D square or 3D cube eventually evolves into a circle…but there seems to be a process…swirling is involved…a distillation, a separation seems to be taking place…an process that could be defined as a universal alchemy.

Each square number is the sum of 2 consecutive triangular numbers!

Square numbers are 2 x 2 = 4, 3 x 3 = 9, 4 x 4 = 16, 5 x 5 = 25 ….

i.e. triangular numbers 1 + 3 = the square number 4
triangular numbers 3 + 6 = the square number 9
triangular numbers 6 + 10 = the square number of 16
… etc.

And each ODD square, i.e. 9, 25, 49, 81, … is 8 times a triangular number plus 1.
Going back to this diagram we see the relationship more clearly.

The Greek mathematician Diophantus found a connection between triangular numbers and square numbers expressed by this formula.

8T + 1 = K

T = triangular numbers
K = square numbers

The diagram below shows this relationship graphically.
please note: this diagram was also taken from the book…it is not graphically mapping out my illusions…though it does seem to support them!

Allow me to finish what the caption below the illustration reads …

62.1 A deep connection between square numbers K and triangular numbers T. A visual proof that 8T + 1 = K

And the illustration above resembles the illustration below, which can be used to prove Euclidean Proposition no. 47.
Please note that the graph is a 7 x 7 grid. Coincidence or design?

But wait … Euclidean Proposition no. 47 is better known as the Pythagorean Theorem.

i.e. a2 + b2 = c2

In fact it was this theorem that lead to the measurement of the right-angled triangle, which allowed men to become ‘builders’ and ‘creators’.

So the 2 main symbols of building are in fact the square and the compass.
These are the two main tools needed to navigate through the 4D linear, circular, cyclical, ‘elliptical’ world of SpaceTime.
The ancient Mason builders would rely on the square and the compass to help with creating empires more efficiently and effectively.

And then bogz where you see numbers and math, I see symbols, specifically swastikas.
Do you see any of these swastikas bogz, in those graphs above?

Look at the Balinese swastika in the above sketch, and the Aztec and the Greek and the Hopi versions.
It thus helps to explain why the 4 purple Ls (in my enhanced sketch below of the graph above), resemble the 3rd letter of the Greek alphabet, which is the gamma.
The closest key on my keyboard that I can find to represent the gamma, is the letter L, rotated 180 degrees either ‘clockwise’ or ‘counterclockwise’.
Is it a coincidence that the swastika is known to rotate either ‘clockwise’ or ‘counterclockwise’?

The swastika is constructed using 4 gammas.
It is known thus as the gammadion or the tetra gammadion.
4 Ls … 4 Legs in a dance …
… this motif is also related to the Triskelion, a symbol that had only a Trinity of legs or arms swirling about a central point.

Can we conclude the Greek Tetracktys, the Greek Tetra-gammadion, the Christian Tetra-morphs and the Judaic Tetragrammaton, ALL are in fact sharing a similar structure?

I think it is very obvious and should be filed under the heading … “It is self-evident”.
And ‘self evidence’, points toward a higher truth.

Are you still blinded by the light, a light projected, which has been proven time and again to have been dispensing self serving detail, selling admissions, requesting only about 10% of your annual wage…and it is suggested a further 20% of your annual wage is the recommended expenditure for a diamond engagement ring?
Throw the ring into the abyss Golem / bogz …
Descend with me, as I ‘Gand-Raphael the Grey’ voluntarily leap like a Fool into the abyss. It is here I will battle those inner demons and dragons that oppose me.
Fear not, later you shall see that I was resurrected as ‘Gand-Raphael the White’.

Sound familiar?
The script never changes.
Pick a role in the matrix.
Myth, folklore and ‘script‘ure provide plenty.

And I have also shown in the post prior to this one, that Persia’s 4 Royal Stars are linked to the same tetra archetypes as above.
And ALL of these archetypes are referencing a Time in our collective history when these 4 Royal Stars were in fact representing a ‘fixed cross’ in the heavens.
By no coincidence again …

The Royal Star Antares is in Scorpio representing the Eagle, Regulus is in Leo the Lion, Aldebaran is in the House of Taurus and Fomalhaut, which is associated with Aquarius, will soon be the Royal Star that is in the same ‘quadrant’ of space as our Sun.

This event, where these 4 stars formed a ’square fixed cross’ (not a crucifix), occurred approximately 70,000 years ago.
The picture below illustrates the ‘Fixed Cross’ position.

And here is more of what you will find when turning over rocks in the land of illusion.

Do you see the swirling gold and green swastika I overlay at the center?
A gold pinwheel with 4 bent right angles, 4 X 90 degrees?

What I find interesting is that the author of the book Wonders of Numbers used a 13 x 13 grid for his example.
Using the magical occult 13 yields interesting results.

And by no coincidence the Maya had a reverence for the numbers 13 and 5, both seen as ‘occult’ by the Christians. And both 13 and 5 were critical to the Maya in helping to establish a method for keeping TIME, to help in divination, in foretelling the future.
Maya priests were essentially Astrologers / Astronomers. Chemistry also ’split’ from Alchemy …

shhhh, here is a really BIG secret…tell everyone!!!!

13 is the center of the CIRCLE, or wheel or round table attended to by the 12 tribes or astrological houses or knights, or blah, blah,blah


5 is the center of a SQUARE and it also represents a star being born, the pentagram.

So in a 13 x 13 grid we have 169 squares.
Remove the center square and you are left with 168 squares.
168 squares divided by 8 distinct right angle triangles sharing a common center.

Note the numbers I placed on the grid 1-6, the sum of which totals 21 squares.
i.e. 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 21 squares.

Also please note how we can draw the number 7 in my photo.
Using the color blue I have shown 2 of the 8 sevens, that exist in the graph produced by the formula …

8T + 1 = K

So how does this graph / formula connect to the swastika and the magical number 7?

The Seal of Solomon with the 4 tetramorphs in the FIXED, a cross +, position.
They usually appear in an INTERCARDINAL or X position.
But there is a reason why they appear ‘Fixed’.
The above photo appeared in Paul Christian’s Histoire de la Magie, 1870

The Seal of Solomon as I have shown is really seven points.
Six are external and the magical 7th, the inner point, is invisible.

What is fascinating is the magic of the numbers contained within the hexagram.
The sum of the numbers 1-6 = 21 or the 7th point in the center.

Join the above points of the star to create X, Y and Z axis.
The 3 axis necessary to create 3D Space. i.e…

1 and 6 = 7
2 and 5 = 7
3 and 4 = 7

And by NO coincidence, by ‘Intelligent Design’, this is how the 6 numbers are structured on a die shaped like a cube.
In fact the 3 pairs of the opposite sides of a CUBE’s faces all add up to 7.
And the sum of all 3 axis … X + Y + Z = 21

Also I have shown by joining that dots that ALL symbols suggesting 6 points around a center, a 7th point, are suggesting the same basic architecture or geometric form shown below.

And both the esoteric Kabbalah and the Tarot are both structured on the Cube as this photo by Paul Foster Case demonstrates.

And what do all these swirling cubes also symbolize?
It is a sacred design.

(the above grid is 13 x 21)

We all know that swirling vortex movements, that began as little square headed Nazis, using triangular pyramid powers, eventually wants to become the ruler of the Circle and thus desires to take over the world … and in victory, the newly crowned Emperor wears the Crown of Thorns which represents the 6 pointed Star of David, the hexagram.

Have you read (the deceased) Itzhak Bentov’s book called A Brief Tour of Higher Consciousness?

He was considered a mystic.
He also built rockets for Israel after she took occupation of Palestine.
Read chapter 3 called … The Cosmos of his second book A Brief Tour of Higher Conciousness.
He and I are on the same pages in that chapter.
We could have written the chapter together.
Ben as he was called, died in ’79 when I was 22, and I was learning about life driving a cab in a large metropolitan Canadian city. And maybe it is just a coincidence I find myself now learning about the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet.
What I find interesting is that we, Ben and me, arrived at the same final cosmological conclusions … BUT based on entering through different doors / windows / chimneys of enlightenment.
I was totally unfamiliar with his work till a few months ago when someone suggested I read his books.
And when you compare what I have been writing about these past 2 + years, it converges with his work in a very profound way, that I can not overlook or dismiss as ‘coincidence’.
If anything … my purpose as I see it now is to continue building on the ‘self-evidence’ of this universal truth.

Mankind did not etch this symbol into stone for millennia as a way to pass time.
It actually marks TIME on the macro and micro scale.

I have even been tempted to contact his wife / widow, who actually finished chapters 2 and 4 in his second book, after his death.
However chapter 1, 3 (The Cosmos) and 5 … he completed before his death.

Need more proof?
It arrives all the time.

UPDATE November 7, 2014

The following needs to be incorporated into this blog.

triangular and square numbers



Respuesta  Mensaje 123 de 247 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/12/2015 18:27

Respuesta  Mensaje 124 de 247 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/12/2015 19:45

Respuesta  Mensaje 125 de 247 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 07/12/2015 19:01

Respuesta  Mensaje 126 de 247 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 07/12/2015 19:46
The Royal Secret of Freemasonry

Well again the most simple explanation for a complex theory is often the closest to the truth.

There are probably numerous different interpretations of the Masonic "Royal Secret" and it is a matter which is clouded by "obfuscation ("concealment of intended meaning in communication, making communication confusing, intentionally ambiguous, and more difficult to understand")" which you appear to be intent on adding to.

The matter is simplified in the work by two Masonic authors Knight and Lomas, "The Hiram Key," where the Royal Secret is made simple and clear.

The simple truth of the matter is that Masonry is a cult whose rituals are "based" upon ancient "King making" rituals, and the simple Royal Secret is that they are a Messianic cult with a secret "Royal (i.e., a secret king).

Of course I state such a simple explanation only for the benefit of others here, and not for your benefit "Raphael," since apparently the only explantions which mean anything to you are your own complex explanations for simple matters, and all others who would dispute your nonsense are obviously ignorant and unenlightened.

On the Holy Guardian Angel Raphael

I also utilise the angelic invocation of "Raphael (Hebrew: "God Heals;" more on: )" on other Internet profiles, particularly in the GLBT Internet world, and I have to point out to you that invocations of Holy Guradian Angels are very serious matters, which can also the destroy, corrupt and drive insane the "host" if they misuse the invocation and fail in the attempt.

Your "raphael" - prophet personification is one of the most apalling I have ever come accross.

I shall await the usual showering of ignorance and abuse which you seem to shower almost everyone with who fails to recognise your alleged divinity.

Reply  Message 164 of 164 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 07/12/2015 16:39

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 07/12/2015 19:55

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