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General: Elefante Masón- lo que podemos aprender del Elefante
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De: Alcoseri  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 10/10/2012 01:04
Elefante Masón- lo que podemos aprender del  Elefante
El elefante es un animal muy sobresaliente en el Reino Animal, reino de animales a los que los humanos somos unos más del grupo, tiene varias características los Elefantes que deben ser resaltadas y que los buenos masones deberíamos  imitar para hacer una excelente carrera masónica, y claro una vida provechosa. Ciertamente es un animal muy grande y pesado, que camina con ponderación pues sabe que en asuntos de vida se corre más con la cabeza que con los pies. Analicemos a los  extraordinarios paquidermos de la cabeza a los pies.
Es reconocido por una portentosa memoria que le permite aprender tareas con precisión, además nunca olvida lecciones, quienes les hicieron daño para evitarlos, y menos lo que le hace salir adelante, y agruparse con sus iguales, para protegerse. Contrario sucede con los humanos que no aprenden y menos ejecutan con éxito muchas de las labores asignadas por años; además padecemos como humanos  de una memoria tan débil que cuando  nos equivocamos olvidamos  todo, aunque solo hayan transcurrido unas horas. En algunos humanos la velocidad del olvido aumenta en asuntos que le son perjudiciales,  agrupándose de nuevo con gente nociva.
El elefante tiene muy grandes orejas que le permiten escuchar con agudeza y prontitud. Contrariamente son muchos pseudo masones que no escuchan nada de lo importante  de lo que pasa a su alrededor, a no ser que sean chismes de escándalos en Logias, o algo morboso que le sucedió a una mujer, sobre todo no escuchan algo importante a menos que no les incumba. Así, toman decisiones sin una previa comunicación que los ubique en la realidad de las cosas, con el tiempo acentúan su sordera a las cosas de verdadera importancia, mientras que incrementan su capacidad auditiva a lo impúdico. El elefante también ha sido dotado de una gran nariz –trompa- que le permite husmear y olfatear el ambiente, evitando las imprudencias y ampliando el conociendo del terreno en el que actuará. Nosotros como masones  venimos padeciendo de   pérdida del sentido del olfato,  -en este caso - algo que nuestros masones del pasado tenían más que desarrollado, y que les permitió orientar a la Masonería por el camino correcto.
Experiencia y honestidad. En el elefante los colmillos a más grande más edad representan, son reflejo de mucha mayor experiencia; esto los convierte en los líderes que imponen el ritmo al caminar hacia su meta, a donde hay agua y alimento. Los mayores son quienes definen con sabiduría el camino de la manada, puesto que tienen la sapiencia y el conocimiento que da la experiencia en la Vida. En la Masonería actual cualquiera cree poder ser Lider, aunque sean pocos los que estudian lo propio de la Masonería, no conocen  los problemas que la Masonería enfrenta, y menos tienen la capacidad para crear estrategias correctas para  cuidar a una sociedad que cada día pierde libertades ante un Clero Católico que intenta desmantelar al Estado Laico en muchas partes del Planeta. Al punto de que da la impresión de que la  Masonería actual es la única profesión que se puede ejercer sin haber estudiado sobre la materia que se ejerce, para ser masón se necesita estudiar mucho; pero en Masonería la improvisación y la poca sensatez es la regla que gobierna las Logias. Además, es común el desprecio de los sabios consejos de los masones viejos, esos que tienen “colmillo masónico político liberal juarista”. Y que son los únicos que nos pueden dar la pauta para enfrentar al Clero Vaticano que se quiere apoderar de Nuestro México.
Al elefante la naturaleza le dotó de una piel gruesa y fuerte, lo que le permite repeler los ataques de las fieras, y evitar heridas profundas. Recordemos como en las películas legendarias de la Selva o de aventuras en África o la India , las flechas rebotaban si provocarle daño alguno. En la Masonería de hoy son los masones  honestos y comprometidos los que quieren participar en la defensa de los ataques del Clero, no les da temor enfrentar los ataques infundados y malintencionados de adversarios del Clero Católico y de alguna prensa comprada por la derecha mexicana  o la izquierda mexicana, socialista y derechistas lo vimos todos fueron a besarla la mano al Papa cuando vino a México, pero los masones sabios  tienen la piel fuerte del elefante. Así los políticos han preferido hacerse a un lado para dejar el espacio a los curas  que son gentes sin capacidad para que gobiernen México, y gentes del magisterio les cederán a los sacerdotes católicos pedófilos para que eduquen a los niños y jovencitos mexicanos, sacerdotes que no tienen la piel dura, pero sí la “cara muy dura por sinvergüenzas”, y por ello poco les importa ventilar su oscura hoja de vida ante la opinión pública, además, todo lo justifican como una sucia “campaña política en su contra”, cuando lo que hacen es retar a la sociedad de que son impunes y están sobre la ley, aun si violan niños y niñas,  la Ley Jamás los Castigará.
Empero, hay algo extraordinario en ese caminar lento y firme  del elefante y de su manada -que evita que se cansen o les duela- es que en su caminata dejan huella. Todos con facilidad podemos ver las pisadas firmes, grandes y profundas que el elefante deja en su paso. Por la forma y su gran tamaño nadie duda quién es el dueño de esas huellas. Los verdaderos masones, los Políticos Masones como el Q:.H:. Pablo Benito Juárez García, dejan por años y años huellas en la sociedad que hacen que nadie olvide sus obras, a pesar de las diferencias y duras batallas. De ellos se hablará siempre, puesto que son recordados por la “buena huella política” oportuna que dejaron en la nación; ellos se reconocen en la posterioridad como beneméritos de la patria y sus obras se convierten en patrimonio nacional y universal.
Ah, olvidaba, una característica formidable en el elefante, tiene un cola tan corta que nunca se le pisará, lo digo por aquella famosa frase popular que dice de la gente honesta “que no tiene cola que le pisen” una cola larga es fácil de pisar por todos. Los masones no debemos tener cola larga. Son las ratas, no elefantes, los que tienen colas largas, tan largas como sus cuerpos..
Los Masones como los Elefantes debemos estar unidos en Grupos o Manadas,  y la verdad es que los Elefantes son los verdaderos Reyes de la Selva, ni  los felinos leones los enfrentan.
Los Elefantes son ritualistas, tanto que al final se dirigen a un cementerio a morir en paz, sabiéndose dignos de esos cementerios, son ellos los Elefantes  los que se alimentan de las hojas de Acacia, de las hojas más altas del árbol.

Vicente Alcoseri Moderador del Foro Secreto Masónico


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Respuesta  Mensaje 4 de 69 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/11/2015 15:41
vision-master wrote:

I just spilled my coffee. :lol:

Is your cup half full or half empty now?

I just had a thought...followed by the truth chill...which means I am getting warmer.
Let me present what I believe to be...3 representations of the SUN bending the fabric of SpaceTime.


1st image on the left has the SUN represented by the 6 pointed Star ofDavid/hexagram/hexagon in the center of the Freemason Tracing Board.
And it is no coincidence that the 6x6 magic square is also associated with the SUN.
2nd image in the center is Einstein's explanation.
3rd image is my addendum to ALL of the above...the "what goes up, must come down" theory of gravity...
(what kind of rotations/flips/tricks can ganesh do...well it all depends on the escape velocity, the height attained?)

Apparently EINSTEIN forgot to apply the fundamental action/reaction law.
For every action there is a reaction...
That Elephant or Sun bending SPACETIME fabric could be the result of a pulsation similar to how a speaker pulsates..or or or the magic we see in CYMATICS.

What if the membrane covering the black hole called the event horizon is similar to a trampoline?
And the mass of sun bends SPACETIME in a similar manner to a trampoline?
And what if we should prepare for what Einstein forgot to incorporate into his theory.
REACTION force...
Spring is coiled?

What if?

Just a needed addendum to the theory of relativity...and other blah blah blah.
SO GRAVITY is somehow connected to SOUND waves?


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 

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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 09/11/2015 12:40

Humans participating in a Standing Wave demonstration..... Wink 


A pseudo-pagan SS Summer Solstice celebration 1937, sponsored by the SS and held in the Berlin Olympic Stadium 


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory 
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 
-Albert Einstein

Respuesta  Mensaje 5 de 69 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/11/2015 16:58

Respuesta  Mensaje 6 de 69 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/11/2015 16:13
vision-master wrote:
This is getting deep. Confused

but there is a nice comforting blue light at the end of the time tunnel... 
vision as you of all people know ... I have always contended that CARD X of the Tarot is the Treasure Map and solves ALL X's. Wink 

Well I found another profound connection. 
Of course CARD X of the Tarot solves planet X, 
Nibiru too? Laughing 

Nibiru = Morning Star of Venus = Star of Bethlehem = 11258? 



Sitchen's Nibiru 

The symbols of the Rose and the Cross are themselves deeply suggestive of Nibiru which was often depicted form of a cross by the ancients, as Zecharia Sitchin describes: 

“The pictographic sign for the Twelfth Planet, the “Planet of the Crossing”, was a cross. This cuneiform sign, which also meant “Anu” and “divine”, evolved in the Semitic languages to the letter tav, which meant “the sign”. (2) 


Is that how Sitchen depicts them? 
Well I find that interesting. 
Two of the three plates I found in Iraq, circa 5000 B.C. depict the same idea. 


But my modern interpretation of these ancient sacred concepts would be different than Sitchen's. 

Here is how I would match everything. 
On the left in both pairs of images I see SOUND waves and on the right LIGHT waves. 
And SOUND we connect to pi, and LIGHT we connect to phi. 
And SOUND frequencies can be converted to LIGHT frequencies. 
Thus a 'crossover' occurs between LIGHT/phi waves and SOUND/pi waves. 
phi and pi are convertible cosmic currencies too. 

Was Nibiru sighted in in Iraq around 5000 B.C.? 
Arrow http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2008/09/16/%E2%80%9C%E2%80%A6a-noble-theory-of-everything-must-include-the-swastika%E2%80%9D/ 

Or is most of this an archetypal narrative hinting at something else, not to be taken too literally? 
Fact: embedded in the ancient archetype/narrative, I see science today validating what was written long ago, complimenting universal laws of nature being unveiled using microscopes and telescopes. 
Other folks who believe only in religion cannot see this connection. 
And there are other folks who only believe in science, and they too fail to see the OBVIOUS. 

Simple Truths about the rules on how to solve 'X' have been veiled with stories about X, like buried treasure, crucified messiahs, rogue planets and evil nazis and a theory of everything. 
That is my spin on it. 


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory 
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 
-Albert Einstein

Respuesta  Mensaje 7 de 69 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/11/2015 16:03
wicherink wrote:
Dear Raphael,

You wrote a lot about the Tarot.

Yes I do. 
Jan do you not see the simplicity of the CODE embedded on CARD X?
What is the source of the FIBONACCI?
What is the source of the TAROT?
nobody has ever offered a 'definitive' answer for either.

So in that case anybody can offer a theory?

I personally can trace the Tarot to the Aztec calender.
To the Aztec Book of Days.
Both have '22' Major archetypes?
22 days and 22 major arcana.

Both can be shown to have had 'two' days/cards added later. 
YES that is a WOW!!!

But I do not need to write that particular book, it has been written.
http://www.amazon.com/Winged-Prophet-He ... 0877287996

And I do not need to write a book that suggests the Aztec calender is very similar to the Maya, would I?
Which brings us back to 'galactic alignments' etc...

But long before I started focusing on the Fibonacci Code found on CARD X (a simple code, that a child can learn, that has been veiled by the narrative that religions provide), I wrote even more about the SWASTIKA...this symbol was my pet peeve that managed to help forge for me...ahem, a reputation on this forum. :oops: 
The swastika was the portal I entered to the dark side to receive my blessing and gift of sight.
FEW have dared follow in my footsteps ... :wink: 
At least 95% are basking in the light IGNORANT of the dark.

IMHO it is the SWASTIKA that is the real KEY to understanding the narrative that has been scripted for us Jan.
Here is a 'partial' list of what the Freemasons believe that the swastika is analogous too?
This list was taken from a book called The Royal Secret, written in the early 20th century by a FREEMASON. :idea: 
This list is found in Chapter XX of the book.
http://books.google.ca/books?id=7BVzvQT ... q=&f=false

Therefore, the cosmic, or kabbalistic, numbers and symbols, as represented in the SWASTIKA, or Jaina, cross may be summed up as follows:

18. A symbol of life
26. J.H.V.H., or Jod, He, Vou, He
27. Mercury
28. The moon, also a lunar cycle
36. The sun.
72. A great year, or the precession of the equinoxes through one degree of the ecliptic.
180. One half of the ecliptic, or the passage of the sun from one equinox to the other, creating vegetable life in the northern hemisphere.
280. The period of human gestation.

:idea: WOW!!!
SWASTIKA = the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, a symbol of life, JHVH or YHVH, Precession and Gestation...according to this Freemason tell all?

So clearly in the above reference we see that the Kabbalistic number for precession associated with the SWASTIKA is the number 72.
As in the 72 names of GOD?
Can I connect the 72 names of God to the number 216 and phi?
http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2008/1 ... amphorash/

:wink: ...another poetic coincidence Chapter XX = Judgement CARD XX of the Tarot
Jan as you and me both know...if a judgment day exists...it is connected to what both you and me are suggesting.
'Precession of the Equinoxes' is a main player when it comes to potential 'conspiracies' worth veiling.

wicherink wrote:

your take + my take = an interesting narrative Jan 
Please understand till this point in my discussion with other folks on this forum, I get the feeling that few folks really understood the profound significance of examining CARD X for clues to the mysteries.
Not many sheeple have stepped forward, committed themselves, or attempted to enter with me into a lengthy discussion about CARD X.
Nobody has committed themselves to FOCUSING on the link between the 4 BEASTS/Card X/Galactic alignment and 2012, as you and me have.

Most sheeple are concerned with the 4 'G's when things get tough.
History shows, and Playboy records that the tough go out and buy into more of the following:
guns, groceries, god and gold.

CARD X is the KEY to unlocking all the BS.
We both KNOW it, and I also know something else Jan, few can SEE it.

quotes from your site:
In this article we will demonstrate how the knowledge of the Great Celestial Conjunction is encoded in the Tarot.

:!: jawohl mein herr :!: 

Whether or not the Tarot stems from Egypt can not be substantiated but the fact is that Tarot is shrouded in mysticism and magic and has links to freemasonry. This may explain why the Egyptian occult knowledge of the Great Celestial Conjunctions has ended up in the Major Arcana of the Tarot.

shhh Jan you might vake up the sheeple and seegullibles, they are grazing. 
please be aware you might shock the inner monkey within them into a stampede.
Dendera Zodiac is a clear link that the Egyptians were aware of that grouping of zodiac signs that represent the FIXED signs in astrology...as depicted on CARD X.

I believe that the Tarot encodes the big secret of the cycles of mankind’s spiritual development that coincide and are synchronized with the Great Celestial Conjunctions.

what other conclusion can a truth seeker arrive at eh Jan? :mrgreen: 

What would LIGHT have to do with the narration?

The most important card of the Raider Waite deck is card number X (ten). Not only is it the central card of the Major Arcana, the Roman numeral X represents a four pointed cross. 

CARD X solves X? 

fiat lux

And let us not forget that the square cross was twisted into an X because in Latin X = LuX = LIGHT = 'let there be light' 

See the cross in the center?
Keep an eye on the 5 x 5 grid that twists in the center.
Jan do you see how the 5 x 5 grid gets 'twisted' into the shape of a swastika forming an X?

BTW...That 'grid' is a 2D propagation of a Transverse LIGHT wave...1/2 of the equation that comprises an electro-magnetic field.
The other 1/2 of the equation is the Longitudinal SOUND Wave which is represented by the Maltese Cross. :wink: 

We both know that the tarot references CARD X as Ezekiel's Wheel. :wink: 
Ezekiel 1:10 As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle.

Important to note the reference to RIGHT and LEFT when discussing the only directions available in a 'flat world', in a flat quantum world, but please note that our UNIVERSE is described as a FLAT SPIRAL galaxy.

FACT: Past and Present experts describe the world as flat.

And how often is RIGHT mentioned in the scriptures?
How often is LEFT mentioned in the bible?

The source of the knowledge about the Great Celestial Conjunction that would occur at the End of Times can therefore be traced back to the Knights Templar who discovered this big ancient secret on their crusades to Jerusalem where they recovered the ancient mysteries and sacred knowledge in the temple of Solomon.


Jan the obvious question you must ask yourself is the following...
Why can the famous Knights Templar Magic Square be traced/found in Pompeii?
Why can we find this famous 5x5 magic square (the magic square of Mars) among the ruins of Pompeii, the destruction of which occurred in 79 AD, around the same time line as when the Christian Church was being advertised/marketed by a fella called Paul?


Please do note that the above Knights Templar Cross (left image) was formed by spelling the word AEON four times.
The image to the right, is from Samarra Iraq 4800 BC.
Yes, this plate is from an epoch that was 3000 years BEFORE the ORAL TRADITIONS were recorded and re-placed by religious narratives, using something new called 'writing'.
Thus we can suggest that the LEFT hemisphere of the MIND was duly activated around the time of this new invention called 'writing'?
And the LEFT hemisphere of the mind has been noted by both ancient and modern scholars to be associated with the RIGHT Hand, or more generally the right side of the body.
Another reason to acknowledge the asymmetry of the mind, the L/R hands and the letter X.

Please note that I have associated the TEMPLAR CROSS with SOUND waves.
Please note that I have associated the SWASTIKA with LIGHT waves.
Please note you can find proof of my claims here:
http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2008/0 ... %E2%80%9D/

Please note that has been obvious to me that we are immersed in a SOUND and LIGHT show.
Maybe that is why I have made an association between the 'esoteric writings' of Alice Bailey and the Tesla quote re: "the magic of 369" to the four Mutable Signs and their numerical position on the Zodiac wheel of fortunes ....

3 Gemini
9 Sagittarius 
3 = 12 Pisces

Jan have you any idea how difficult it will be to de-program the herds of sheeple and seegullibles?
It has taken THEY years of mass marketing to be able now to make the claim...
51% of sheeple believe in the UFO and little green men from mars....

It took them years to re-program the 'jesus' brain, and now we have generations of boob-tube, ewe-tube consumers who are convinced that aliens and UFOs exist, alongside the return of the messiah.

But ask these woo-woo space cadets about the 30,000 years of ORAL TRADITIONS that preceded 'WRITING', and the ever evolving human, who still behaves much like his 'primitive' ancestors (certainly sexually) ...and the sheeple start bleating something about Darwin and claims about an 'evolution' that in retrospect looks more like an 'evilution' taking place.

Jan, no wonder the FOOL card was one of the cards added later to the Tarot, to help with the archetypal interpretations of how the world is apparently unfolding.


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 

Respuesta  Mensaje 8 de 69 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/11/2015 16:52
Anything 13th Century would involve 1,000 years of opportunity for corruption to take its toll in religion and art. St. George and his Cross were 3rd Century.

Ken my feeling is that St. George is another of the fictional characters invented/scripted by self-serving HIS-storians to support a particular Christian narrative.
The victorious write the HIS-story. 
Or is that just another rumor? 
There are no conspiracies... :lol: 


The St George's Cross is a commonly used symbol for Freemasonry in the Swedish Rite, alongside the internationally otherwise more common square and compasses.

The cross of the Swedish Order of Freemasons was defined back in 1928 by the King of Sweden to be a red St George's cross with triangular arms.

So here we have another confirmation by a King that the Freemasons and the Cross of St. George have associations.
Ken I was wondering what 3rd century information you have about St. George the DRAGON-slayer?

Samarra Iraq 4900 B.C.
http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2008/0 ... %E2%80%9D/

Ken I have traced the Maltese Cross/St. George's Cross to Samarra Iraq, 5000 B.C.
Yes this would be 5000 years before Christ and 7000 years before a Swedish Freemason King acknowledged this distinctive 'shape', and adopted it.

History timeline:
Clay plate Iraq 5000 BC >> ? >> Cross of St. George >> 12th-14th century Knights Templar Cross >> 1928 Swedish Freemason >> ?

Bottom line?
Why is this distinctive shape so 'important'?
Why has this particular cross maintained the same 'shape' through 7000 years of space + time + motions and gone on to become popular and one of the most recognizable CROSSES throughout the world?
IMHO it is because it represents SOUND.
Simple concise reason...though the religious wackos and science ignorance has yet to acknowledge what the 'ancients knew and understood' about 'wave' formations. :wink: 

Above we see the propagation of a longitudinal non-electromagnetic SOUND wave on a 2D grid. 
Take a close look…you will see a Maltese cross emanating from the center of that SOUND wave.

In the beginning was the WORD or was it the WYRD?
So the ineffable name of God is connected to SOUND, and perhaps/maybe VOWELS and CONSONANTS?

AUM no vay...
yes way >> jahway >> Y_HW_H
The Hebrew G_D says the foul vowel plays a role. :wink: 

hey Vanna (white) I vonna buy a foul vowel. :shock: 

The Hebrew alphabet veils vowels and focuses on consonants.
That was in the Occident.
But in the Orient, another belief system based on the Vedas had evolved.
The Hindu loves vowels and takes great enjoyment in using vowels to address 'god'.
Using words like OM/AUM ... these are words that are designed to use ALL the vowel sounds when uttered correctly.
OM/AUM represents the SOUND first heard as the world was created.

The SOUND of human language = vowels + consonants = communication

So how do we connect the 'christian fairy tale' called St. George the Dragon Slayer to SOUND and an apparent scripted version of HIS-story that veils history?

Saint George (ca. 275/281 – 23 April 303) was, according to tradition, a Roman soldier in the Guard of Diocletian, who is venerated as a Christian martyr. In hagiography Saint George is one of the most venerated saints in the Roman Catholic Church, Anglican Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodox Church, and the Eastern Catholic Churches. He is immortalized in the tale of Saint George and the Dragon and is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers. His memorial is celebrated on 23 April, and he is regarded as one of the most prominent military saints.

Saint George born ca. 275/281
Sorry but the frequency that heals DNA 528 hertz jumps out at me.
More importantly 528 is also a Solfeggio frequency used by chanting Benedictine Monks.
It forms part of a dedication, a hymm to St. John the Baptist.

This hymn also goes by its Latin name which is, "Ut Queant Laxis Resonare Fibris [Hymn]," and can be found on the CD, "Chant II" by The Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos. "The Hymn to St. John the Baptist" has become known as the most inspirational hymn ever written and features all six Solfeggio notes.
http://www.miraclesandinspiration.com/s ... ncies.html

Can we connect St. John the Baptist to the Freemasons and why the NAZIs adopted the 'swastika', and in particular, why those colors, BLACK cross, WHITE circle, and RED background were perhaps chosen?

BLACK center
WHITE circle or plate
RED background

http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2008/1 ... gan-nazis/

And the memorial associated with St. George, the 'legendary hero', his martyrdom is celebrated on 23 April?
23rd of April?
All I see is 234 or 432.
Depends on which way folks are reading?
Thousands of years ago...most folks read from the RIGHT <<< LEFT.

And 432 is a number pagans have associated with the SUN for aeons.
These numbers 864 ... 432 ... 216 ... 108... 54 ... 27 ... 18 ... 9 are found in the construction many pagan temples, including the VATICAN and:

The cycle of Rangarhverfi, 216.000 feet in diameter.
The cycle of Denmark, 432.000 feet in diameter.
The cycle of Somerset, England, 216.000 feet in diameter.
The cycle of Paris, France, 216.000 feet in diameter.
The cycle of St. Peters Basilica in Rome, 216 feet in diameter and to
the cycle of Egypt on the Nile Delta, 216 minutes of Earths circumference in diameter.

:arrow: http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2008/0 ... -864-1782/


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 

Respuesta  Mensaje 9 de 69 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/11/2015 18:44
Mi...I'd always go for the 1/... 
my guess is that it will be Georges's 'understanding of knowing what the left n right hands are doing that get us into a fine meso...way into the 'never-never'.... gotta re-pair the Damage... from beyond... both ways...past n future... all get together with Now... 

Love N Peace


MoSeS is about to take his command from the burning Bush...
Vibrations...intersections...and rest stops...on all levels...


Is 2012 a turning point?
See those shaded areas on the mandala?
I feel we may have an opportunity to get out into the REAL light?
Are we still in the dark ages...is science 'alone' trying to plunge us further into it...?



KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 

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