Walter Russell. The thinking mind uses
electricity (gravitation/centripetal force) and
magnetism (radiation/ centrifugal force)
to create a universe of 'perceived' motion and matter (mind substance).
God's universe of motion and matter (mind substance) are made from 2 pairs of opposed spiral/ vortices.
Pairs of red and blue spirals (motion picture / holographic).
Periodically repeating spirals in
9 octaves, expressing ideas in musical scales, colour, element expressions and more.
The universal nine octave cycle:An invariable characteristic of Nature is to express life-death cycles of any idea, in nine lesser interweaving cycles enfolded in the one. When we thing of man as an idea, we think of him as grown up to fullness of middle age. Until then, we think of generating man as infant, child and youth. Following his generating cycles com the degenerative ones in which he gradually repays all of his borrowings from his zero of rest and returns to that zero to again borrow power to re-express the idea of man.