vision-master wrote:
an the twin serpents of Creation are nothing more than the Snake of Good and Snake of Evil intertwined to form DNA.

Is that why we speak with forked tongues?
there are also the two 'serpent constellations'
Draco in the north and Hydra (WATER snake...flood?) in the south....

And the Atlantis Cross based on the constellation Crux, used by the southern ocean navigators, like the Polynesians who may have been in contact with the Phoenicians, and South Americans and who else had they come into contact with?

Mattang and the Knights Templar Magic Square found to be used in Pompeii 1000 years BEFORE the Knights came together and formed a ROUND TABLE Conference / Conspiracy.
I formed the two red croSSes by joining the 4 A's and the 4 O's.
A = Alpha
O = Omega
I added the TWO BLUE lines to show the ASYMMETRY, that I noted on this ancient Navigation Tool.
In the north and the x-axis are extra palm ribs.
TWO distinct differences that are extremely important.
(the initiate must post that to memory for now, it is important to remember for later discoveries...

Why does the navigation tool known as the MATTANG match up nicely with the palindrome known as most famously as the Knights Templar MAGIC square?
And the Melanesians were sailing the oceans 3000-5000 BC?
So I do find it interesting that a navigation tool also called a survival tool, with its ancestry in the waters of an ancestral mythical the Pacific.
In the ruins of Pompeii we find the Knights Templar Magic Square....a 5x5 grid containing 25 letters, noted to be in existence at least 1000 years before the original NINE Templars formed their allegiance...and became the self-appointed protectors of some SECRET?
A secret to the 4 AGES?
A secret to the 4 AEONS?

This time I joined the letters AEON x 4.
Here is a good exercise for both of you/ewe.
Join the letters TAO.
More proof of universality.
More proof that the Vatican is run by a bunch of patriarchal MANipulators.
This info is hot off the AKAshic PreSS.
All the TRUTH that needs to get advertisements, no commercials, no sponsors.
The Knights Templar and the Mattang are separated by at least 3000-5000 years of seafaring history, btw.
Would a navigation tool serve a purpose in building a Godly Dominion or EMPIRES?
Having an advantage over a COMPETITOR?
The MATTANG would have been such a tool, to help the western E-go go colonize the world.
To bring disorder to an order by eventually inventing the wheel, accompanied by the 18-wheelers?
And the wheelers and dealers who have us believing we ain't happy till we get a hummer, by the babe who got a ride in our Hummer?
We have it all backwards, our own history is proof.
We think that by taking the earth apart, and using our intellect to put it back together again, we are creating an order?
Nope...we are creating disorder when you take the ordered oil reserves, distill it, put it into vehicles and thus create energy/pollution and most importantly we ALSO increase/accelerate the ENTROPY within the SyStem.
And the scientific/empirical mind thinks this is how the UNIVERSE is supposed to be ORDERED?
The modern scientist is LOST in SPACE.
Big Time.
The MATTANG would have been a navigation tool used by survivors of a cataclysm, as intended because it was bequeathed also as a SURVIVAL tool.
Long ago there existed a SPACE Race.
Before the SPACE race in OUTER Space took place...there was a SPACE race that took place INSIDE the bubble...down here on terra firma.
And the MATTANG would have been a tool, that would have given an edge to those who were involved in a RACE to CONTROL the SPACE.
By the vay comrades, all up in arms, holding on to your remotes, some of EWE are noticeably upset about my insights and my choice of a delivery SyStem, BUT this is very important, did EWE know that the MATTANG was an ancient GPS!
Yup I can prove it....not now....too much...too soon...makes the sheeple wanna turn me off and turn their ewetube boob tube TVs and RADIOs on.
So would this Knights Templar MAGIC Square be a secret worth keeping close to your CHEST?
Would a navigation tool be useful to an EMPIRE wanting to expand to the FOUR corners, spreading a Christian meSSage?
600 years before LONGITUDE was invented by the LEFT BRAINED scientific wankers?
Yup the MATTANG was a tool utilized by the RIGHT BRAINED heathen...who IN FACT sees the much bigger picture better than today's particle physicist/scientist/mathematician.
Obvious to me and mi.
And the fact I can connect the ancient MATTANG to the ancient swastiKA, suggests my intuitive journey is about a TRUTH mostly.
Not as it has appeared too many.
These images suggest I have found the KEY(s).

What's behind the Door?
Still don't understand do ewe.
As you pass through the doorway WTF does a EWE expect to find?
Truth will set you free.
All the bickering I do with EWE and YOU,
As I discover me and mi,
Is all part of the proceSS,
Eye now understand that,
Oh why, oy vey,
Why KAn't ewe see?