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General: 15 de agosto. Festival de la "Novia del Nilo". ("Wafaa al Nil")
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Missatge original) Enviat: 25/10/2018 14:23

15 de agosto. Festival de la "Novia del Nilo". ("Wafaa al Nil")

En la misma época, todos los años, el aumento de agua en la tierra era anunciado por una señal en los cielos. La más brillante de todas las estrellas fijas aparece en el este justo antes del amanecer en la época del solsticio de verano, lo que indica el comienzo del año egipcio sagrado. La brillante estrella de Sirio, o como los egipcios llamaban Sothis, marcó el momento de la inundación del Nilo. Sothis fue considerado por los egipcios como la estrella de Isis, la diosa de la vida y el amor. La llamaron así porque se creía que las lágrimas de Isis llorando a su marido muerto, Osiris, causaban el aumento en los niveles de las aguas del Nilo. La crecida del Nilo era el evento más importante en la vida de los egipcios. Era cuestión de su propia existencia y el bienestar. Un año con escasa o ninguna inundación significaba hambre en el Reino, pero una inundación que superara los límites normales significaría un desastre para los pueblos además de su destrucción. La inundación tenía que ser adecuada para determinar una buena temporada. El ciclo de inundación de Egipto se inicia durante la segunda semana de agosto y se divide en tres etapas. El momento de la inundación del Nilo, Akhet (la inundación) era la primera temporada del año. El momento de la siembra Peret era el momento en que los cultivos crecían en el campo y era considerado el otoño de Egipto, de octubre a mediados de febrero. Y en tercer lugar, el momento de la cosecha Shemu, comprendía de mediados de febrero hasta finales de mayo y era la temporada de primavera del calendario egipcio. Este ciclo fue tan predecible que los antiguos egipcios basaron su calendario en él. La celebración de hoy tiene un significado y formas diferentes. Todavía se celebra al mismo tiempo del año, pero ya no hay inundaciones del Nilo, que se detuvieron con la construcción de la presa de Asuán, que regula el flujo de agua durante todo el año. Ahora en esta época del año se llama "Wafaa el-Nil Festival" o literalmente "fidelidad al Nilo". Se decía que los antiguos egipcios sacrificaban a una hermosa chica virgen al río a cambio de una buena cosecha. La antigua leyenda ha sobrevivido en una tradición en curso, donde en su lugar, una muñeca de madera vestida de novia es arrojada al Nilo. Los musulmanes dicen que esa costumbre (sacrificar una doncella al Nilo) duró hasta la época del califa Omar, que puso fin a la misma. No hay evidencia en el antiguo Egipto de tal costumbre. Fue registrada por primera vez por Plutarco, un escritor del primer siglo greco-romano, quien parece que la inventó. Los egipcios coptos en realidad podrían haber retomado la tradición inventada de “La novia del Nilo” siguiendo con la celebración de dicho festival, pero utilizando una figura de arcilla como sustituto de la “novia”. Si es así, probablemente esto se hizo por el bien de los turistas romanos, porque, como se ha mencionado, no hay evidencia de sacrificios humanos al río en el pasado. (Incluso si fuera así, es impensable que los sacrificios humanos reales hayan persistido en el Egipto cristiano hasta la conquista islámica en el 600 d.C.). En efecto, no sólo no existe evidencia histórica documentada en los antiguos registros egipcios. De hecho, va en contra de todo lo que sabemos sobre las antiguas costumbres religiosas de Egipto. La única evidencia de sacrificios humanos que tenemos de los antiguos egipcios, proviene de los períodos arcaico y pre-dinástico, donde los enemigos eran sacrificados ritualmente al rey, o los funcionarios fueron sacrificados para acompañar al rey en la otra vida. Aparte de eso, no hay nada acerca de una mujer "virgen" que se sacrificó al Nilo, o cualquier ciudadano que se sacrificó a cualquier otro dios para el caso. Es sorprendente lo ampliamente aceptado de la historia parece estar entre los egipcios. Se adapta a los musulmanes para describir al conquistador-califa como una influencia civilizadora que abolió una práctica pagana bárbara. Sin embargo, como se ha señalado, cuando el califa llegó (en el siglo VIIº), los egipcios habían sido ya cristianos durante tres o cuatro siglos por lo menos y vivían bajo el dominio de los emperadores bizantinos cristianos que presumiblemente no habrían permitido que tales costumbres paganas continuaran, ni siquiera en forma simbólica.

el 29 julio 2011 183 Vistas


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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 20/09/2019 18:47
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Resultado de imagen para genesis 49:17
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7. Génesis 49:17 Será Dan SERPIENTE junto al camino, Víbora junto a la senda, Que muerde los talones del caballo, Y hace caer hacia atrás al jinete.
Resultado de imagen para inferno venice
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 19/08/2021 23:01
Qué está pasando en Afganistán? Las claves de la ofensiva talibán |  Internacional | EL PAÍS

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/08/2021 19:57
En The National Interest preguntaron por el destino de los aliados de  Estados Unidos tras la

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 12/12/2024 16:26
Money Flows To Me Like Rushing Water - Short Affirmations On Loop - Attract  Abundance

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/12/2024 12:28
Law of Attraction Money Affirmation - Money Flows into Your Life

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 20/01/2025 16:57


The Astronomy of the Dog Days of Summer

Looking east from latitude 30 north on August 3rd, 30 minutes before sunrise. (Created by the author in Stellarium).

Can you feel the heat?

It’s not just your imagination. The northern hemisphere is currently in the midst of the Dog Days of Summer. For many, early August means hot, humid days and stagnant, sultry nights.

The actual dates for the Dog Days of Summer vary depending on the source, but are usually quoted as running from mid-July to mid-August. The Old Farmer’s Almanac lists the Dog Days as running from July 3rd through August 11th. 

But there is an ancient astronomical observation that ties in with the Dog Days of Summer, one that you can replicate on these early August mornings.

The sky was important to the ancients. It told them when seasons were approaching, when to plant crops, and when to harvest. Ancient cultures were keen observers of the cycles in the sky.  Cultures that were “astronomically literate” had a distinct edge over those who seldom bothered to note the goings on overhead.

The flooded Temple of Isis on the island of Philae circa 1905. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons under an Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 license. Author H.W. Dunning).   The flooded Temple of Isis on the island of Philae circa 1905. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons under an Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 license. Author H.W. Dunning).

Sirius was a key star for Egyptian astronomers. Identified with the goddess Isis, the Egyptian name for Sirius was Sopdet, the deification of Sothis. There is a line penned by the Greco-Roman scholar Plutarch which states:

“The soul of Isis is called ‘Dog’ by the Greeks.”

Political commentary? A mis-translation by Greek scholars? Whatever the case, the mythological transition from “Isis to Sothis to Dog Star” seems to have been lost in time.

These astronomer-priests noted that Sirius rose with the Sun just prior to the annual flooding of the Nile. The appearance of a celestial object at sunrise is known as a heliacal rising. If you can recover Sirius from behind the glare of the Sun, you know that the “Tears of Isis” are on their way, in the form of life-giving flood waters.

Sopdet as the personification of Sirius (note the star on the forehead)Sopdet as the personification of Sirius (note the star on the forehead) Wikimedia Commons image under an Attribution Share Alike 3.0 license. Author Jeff Dahl).

In fact, the ancient Egyptians based their calendar on the appearance of Sirius and what is known as the Sothic cycle, which is a span of 1,461 sidereal years (365.25 x 4) in which the heliacal rising once again “syncs up” with the solar calendar.

It’s interesting to note that in 3000 BC, the heliacal rising of Sirius and the flooding of the Nile occurred around June 25th, near the summer solstice. This also marked the Egyptian New Year. Today it occurs within a few weeks of August 15th, owing to precession. (More on that in a bit!)

By the time of the Greeks, we start to see Sirius firmly referred to as the Dog Star. In Homer’s Iliad, King Priam refers to an advancing Achilles as:

“Blazing as the star that cometh forth at Harvest-time, shining forth amid the host of stars in the darkness of the night, the star whose name men call Orion’s Dog”

The Romans further promoted the canine branding for Sirius. You also see references to the “Dog Star” popping up in Virgil’s Aenid.

Over the years, scholars have also attempted to link the dog-headed god Anubis to Sirius. This transition is debated by scholars, and in his Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning, Richard Hinckley Allen casts doubt on the assertion.

Sirius as the shining "nose" of the constellation Canis Major. (Created by the author using Starry Night). Sirius as the shining “nose” of the constellation Canis Major. (Created by the author using Starry Night).

Ancient cultures also saw the appearance of Sirius as signifying the onset of epidemics. Their fears were well founded, as summer flooding would also hatch a fresh wave of malaria and dengue fever-carrying mosquitoes.

Making a seasonal sighting of Sirius is fun and easy to do. The star is currently low to the southeast in the dawn, and rises successively higher each morning as August rolls on.

The following table can be used to aid your quest in Sirius-spotting.

Latitude north

Theoretical date when Sirius can 1st be spotted


August 3rd


August 4th


August 5th


August 6th


August 7th


August 8th


August 9th


August 10th


August 11th


August 12th


August 13th


August 14th


August 15th


August 16th


August 17th


August 18th


August 19th


August 20th


August 21st

Thanks to “human astronomical computer extraordinaire” Ed Kotapish for the compilation!

Note that the table above is perpetual for years in the first half of the 21st century. Our friend, the Precession of the Equinoxes pivots the equinoctial points to the tune of about one degree every 72 years. The Earth’s axis completes one full “wobble” approximately every 26,000 years. Our rotational pole only happens to be currently pointing at Polaris in our lifetimes. Its closest approach is around 2100 AD, after which the north celestial pole and Polaris will begin to drift apart. Mark your calendars—Vega will be the pole star in 13,727 AD. And to the ancient Egyptians, Thuban in the constellation Draco was the Pole Star!

Near Luxor (Photo by author).The Colossi of Memnon Near Luxor, just one of the amazing architectural projects carried out by the ancient Egyptians. (Photo by author).

Keep in mind, atmospheric extinction is your enemy in this quest, as it will knock normally brilliant magnitude -1.46 Sirius a whopping 40 times in brightness to around magnitude +2.4.

Note that we have a nice line-up of planets in the dawn sky (see intro chart), which are joined by a waning crescent Moon this weekend. Jupiter and Mars ride high about an hour before sunrise, and if you can pick out Mercury at magnitude -0.5 directly below them, you should have a shot at spotting Sirius far to the south.

And don’t be afraid to “cheat” a little bit and use binoculars in your quest… we’ve even managed on occasion to track Sirius into the broad daylight. Just be sure to physically block the Sun behind a building or hill before attempting this feat!

Sirius as seen via Hubble- can you spy Sirius B? (NASA/ESA Hubble image). Sirius as seen via Hubble- can you spy Sirius B? (Credit: NASA/ESA Hubble image).

Of course, the heliacal rising of Sirius prior to the flooding of the Nile was a convenient coincidence that the Egyptians used to their advantage. The ancients had little idea as to what they were seeing. At 8.6 light-years distant, Sirius is the brightest star in Earth’s sky during the current epoch. It’s also the second closest star visible to the naked eye from Earth. Only Alpha Centauri, located deep in the southern hemisphere sky is closer. The light you’re seeing from Sirius today left in early 2005, back before most of us had Facebook accounts.

Sirius also has a companion star, Sirius B. This star is the closest example of a white dwarf. Orbiting its primary once every 50 years, Sirius B has also been the center of a strange controversy we’ve explored in past writings concerning Dogon people of Mali.

Sirius B is difficult to nab in a telescope, owing to dazzling nearby Sirius A. This feat will get easier as Sirius B approaches apastron with a max separation of 11.5 arc seconds in  2025.

Some paleoastronomers have also puzzled over ancient records referring to Sirius as “red” in color.  While some have stated that this might overturn current astrophysical models, a far more likely explanation is its position low to the horizon for northern hemisphere observers. Many bright stars can take on a twinkling ruddy hue when seen low in the sky due to atmospheric distortion.

Let the Dog Days of Summer (& astronomy) begin! (Photo by author).Let the Dog Days of Summer (& astronomy) begin! (Photo by author).

All great facts to ponder during these Dog Days of early August, perhaps as the sky brightens during the dawn and your vigil for the Perseid meteors draws to an end!


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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 11/02/2025 15:31

 | Time Rivers | Book | The Nile Decoded | Etemenanki

Welcome to the Realm of
the Time Rivers

By Goro Adachi


Main Material

The Time Rivers (book)
The Nile Decoded (online article)

What Is the Time River Theory?

It’s about the discovery of an astounding system of literal ‘rivers of time’, which may even be described as the ‘fingerprints of the gods’. It is a planetary ‘Rosetta Stone’ for decoding history or even ‘reality’ itself. Sounds overly grandiose? Yes, but it’s not necessarily an exaggeration given the nature of the discovery.

Proving the existence of the ‘Time Rivers’ has explosive implications. And the claim here is that this has indeed been done. But that’s just the beginning of the story. What the ‘Time Rivers’ tell us - about who we are and everything else - is equally, if not more, profound.

The Time River Theory (TRT) is ultimately about the discovery and decoding of the ‘blueprint’ of reality - a blueprint that was literally carved on this planet by an unknown high intelligence. This is a brand new field just activated in 2003 via the publication of The Time Rivers. It’s about time we opened up the Gateway... to a new dimension.

To get a little more specific, here is an abbreviated list of what the Time River Theory is about and what it reveals (at least in the book The Time Rivers):

  • A grand system of literal ‘rivers of time’ flowing on our planet, created by some mysterious, higher intelligence.
  • The intricate ‘Time River scheme’ produced by the Nile, Tigris-Euphrates, Mississippi, etc. showing us the entire timeline of human civilization, both past and future.
  • Solutions to deep ancient mysteries of Egypt, Sumer, and even Mars.
  • Encoded ‘messages’ revealing extraterrestrial and/or extra-temporal origins of human civilization.
  • The 21st century being specifically pinpointed as the edge of time, when a ‘timegate’ opens up to bring mankind back to the realm of ‘Genesis’.
  • Tangible and unique solutions to the biblical events of Genesis such as Creation, the fallen angels, the Great Flood, the Ark, etc.
  • An encoded timeline of the United States anticipating  ‘9/11’, an event suggested to mark the ‘end’ of the United States.

Please note that the the theory is extensive and still rapidly evolving, thus the above should be viewed as only the tip of the iceberg.

To learn more about the TRT, please see The Nile Decode - a paper posted online revealing the basic components of the thesis.

Current Status

A lot of very positive feedback has been received from those who have read The Time Rivers and/or The Nile Decoded. Some samples are posted here.

What about the reaction of the 'alternative history' crowd? How are they responding to the 'quantum leap' that the TRT would represent to their field? The answer to this question is not yet clear since the theory was revealed only recently and is not yet widely known. But the anticipation here is that the reaction would be more or less mixed. Because the Time River Theory is something that radically shifts the whole paradigm, there will probably be those in the field who are perhaps just too 'old' (at least mentally) to keep up with the sudden and rapid movement forward. And this is fine; the Time River system is a discovery for a new generation of truth seekers who maintain a fresh mind capable of clear and creative thinking.

There is actually so much more to the Time River scheme than made available so far (including the book), which is undoubtedly contributing to the tone of confidence expressed here. Hopefully there are many of you who can intuitively sense this 'energy' lurking just beneath the surface... It's all getting ready to come out now. If not already, please study the available material, understand the implications, and... well, join the revolution!

Available Material:

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 19/02/2025 03:50
Project Babylon:

A "Tower of Babel" - officially called "Memory Tower" - was erected during Beijing's closing ceremony on August 24, 2008. Per traditional symbolism, the Babylonian "gate of the gods" unites heaven and earth.

Five days later, a film starring Vin Diesel called Babylon A.D. was released in theaters.

Originally titled (novel) "Babylon Babies", the story revolves around a mysterious girl with supernatural powers named... Aurora.

Her big secret is that she's been technologically modified to become a "virgin" mother who miraculously gives birth to messianic twins. This is eventually revealed to be a fake miracle planned and orchestrated by a power-hungry religious group to boost membership.

August 29 - Babylon A.D. release date - adds to the pregnancy/birth theme as it is the birthday of the ancient Egyptian goddess Hathor, associated with the Milky Way/Nile and the flood ("water breaking") and considered a herald of imminent birth.

In 2005, August 29 was the exact date of New Orleans' "water breaking" impact moment when Hurricane Katrina made landfall there... right at the midpoint of a Galactic-Mayan timeline directly involving the year 2012.

"Katrina" means "Catherine" as in Catherine "Kate" Middleton, i.e. the UK princess whose pregnancy/childbirth we've been long projecting for the Mayan window of 2012-2013 on our sites (Etemenanki/STRUG).

August 29 is also Judgment Day in Terminator 2: Judgment Day. The series is all about an inter-temporal battle over the pregnancy, birth and survival of a "messianic" figure, John Connor, the son of Sarah whose name means "princess".


Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles October 20, '08 episode
"The Tower Is Tall But The Fall Is Short"


Catherine Weaver (in charge of Project 'Babylon'):
"I'm building something..."

In the most recent installment in the Terminator film series (Terminator Salvation) the messianic protagonist John Connor is played by actor Christian Bale, who back in 2008 also became... Batman ("Bruce Wayne"). Christian Bale is Batman in The Dark Knight Rises (2012). The Aurora shooter reportedly claimed he was The Joker, Batman's nemesis.

Martian Grail King Rises:

"Terminator" is also an astronomical term referring to the dividing line between light/day and shadow/night on the surface of a celestial body. The only "terminator" we can see in everyday life is that of the Moon (i.e. the phases of the Moon) which is Diana (Moon goddess). Kate Middleton married Princess Diana's first son, Prince William, a messianic figure in the mold of the Once and Future King ("Arthur"), whose first child she should be pregnant with soon if not already.

It was a potent sign, right at the start of the year 2012, that NASA's "GRAIL" twin spacecraft entered orbit around the Moon/Diana (on New Year's Eve/Day).

The "Holy Grail" is obviously of great significance to not only Prince William but the whole British Royal Family, having to do with the semi-historical issue of the messianic "Grail bloodline." (Holy Grail = Sangreal = Royal Blood.) The GRAIL mission ("Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory") is all about mapping the gravitational field of the Moon or in effect scanning the interior or "womb" of Diana, or interchangeably, "womb of Kate Middleton." The word "gravity" is related to the Latin word gravidity (meaning "heavy") which is a scientific term for the state of... pregnancy. You get the point.

Aurora in Babylon A.D. gives birth to twin "Babylon Babies". NASA's GRAIL consists of twin lunar spacecraft.

Another telling clue is the date of the Aurora massacre itself, "July 20," the anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing. Though often overlooked, it's also a Martian date as it was on July 20, 1976 that NASA's Viking 1 mission made history by successfully landing on the Red Planet for the first time.

The Aurora tragedy took place in "Colorado," a name meaning "colored red" in Spanish. The shooter dyed his hair orange-red.

For more blatant Martian signals, we have a remake of Total Recall coming mere 7 days after the start of the London Olympics. The original 1990 version starring Schwarzenegger was all about (resurrecting) Mars. The new version is set in... UK/London.


Then two days later on August 5, NASA's MSL/Curiosity will attempt a dramatic landing on... Mars.

This will make huge headlines around the world, seriously challenging the Olympics for the media's attention. This will in effect telegraph the notion that the underlying idea of the royal Grail/Babylon baby and bloodline are somehow "Martian" in nature. It's no coincidence that Disney film John Carter was released early March - a story set on Mars, based on the novel... A Princess of Mars.

John Carter - 3/9/2012

Mars was at its closet point to Earth at the time (i.e. Sun-Earth-Mars alignment)...

...accompanied by a major solar storm. 

Mar 05 Sunspot Shoots Powerful Solar Storm Toward Earth
Mar 07 Sun Fires Off 2 Huge Solar Flares in One-Two Punch
Mar 07 Solar storm headed toward Earth may disrupt power
Mar 08 Biggest Solar Storm in Years Is Bombarding Earth Now
Mar 10 Two More Solar Flares Erupt on Active Sun


As if those weren't enough, A Princess of Mars was originally titled "Under the Moons of Mars"...

...alluding to the destination of Russia's failed Phobos-Grunt mission (Phobos = biggest moon of Mars)...

...which plunged back into the Earth's atmosphere on January 15, just two weeks after GRAIL's arrival at our own Moon. 

Jan 15, 2012 Failed Russian Mars Probe Crashes Into Pacific Ocean

A phi-based Mayan time code connects all this to the Royal Wedding and (the Gulf of) Mexico where the Maya lived/live.

 "Maya" is today Mexico and the name "Mexico"  via Mextli refers to a "god of war" which in Roman mythology is Mars. "Mexico" via Mexihco means "Place at the Center of the Moon" implying "in the womb  of Diana". Or, "In-Diana"... i.e. Indiana.

Between January's GRAIL/Phobos-Grunt and March's John Carter (of Mars)/Mars close encounter, we had a bigger "ritual" in the form of the Super Bowl featuring Madonna at halftime (February 5)... in Indiana.


If you knew the hidden context, you could see that Madonna was being a "Princess of Mars".

[Scene in John Carter]

["Princess of Mars"]


All about the Rise of the Martian Queen/King/Prince.

I can already hear the grumblings: "Why should the royals be so special as to be considered extraterrestrial?" "Are we expected to worship them as gods?" "This is bullshit, I refuse to accept their disgusting elitism!"

Relax. It's a story. A movie. You're being fed information in coded form. It's not being force-fed. Only you can prevent yourself from broadening your knowledge and understanding.

Symbols help us think. A "king" or "queen" as a leader represent the people. The nature of the people is ideally reflected in the one on the throne. Where the leader goes, the people go. As the leader, so the people. In concept at least.

So the suggested extraterrestrial, "Martian" nature of the royal Grail/Babylon bloodline, particularly the upcoming royal baby, would also apply in some way to the rest of mankind. The story of us. Our Genesis. That's where Prometheus comes in, another massively hyped movie released this year at the time of the Venus Transit early June. All about mankind's extraterrestrial origin.

The mythological figure Prometheus, a titan, created humans and gave them fire. The Olympic flame officially represents this Promethean fire.

"A king has his reign, and then he dies..." - quote from Prometheus

Humans... Martian DNA... or "MDNA" (title of Madonna's new album released this year)...


All this is essentially a continuation of the 2004 Athens Summer Olympics, the symbolic communication we witnessed there. Greece is the birthplace/genesis of the Olympic Games. 2004 was the year of the previous Transit of Venus (2004 & 2012). Martian panspermia, Martian pregnancy, Martian birth... The Holy Grail. I should know, I wrote all about it in 2004.



At this point I should remind the reader that I accurately predicted (and I don't use that term lightly) the William-Kate royal engagement almost to the day in 2010 (see Lucifer's Destiny). A full year before that, I had already started projecting what would be happening in 2010-2012. This was back in 2009 when there was no sign of a royal engagement:

Is this it? The long-awaited moment of the resurrection of the phoenix? A somewhat ironic rebirth of 'King William'? [...]

It's as if we are in for a major shift in the British Royal Family starting 2010 just in time for the 2012 London Olympics. [...]

A straightforward interpretation would be that Prince William will become King William in or around 2012. If not literal, then this should at least be a major symbolic storyline set to (if not already) drive key world events in/around 2010-2012. [red emphasis added]

Well, here we are in 2012 and things are indeed in motion as far as the British Royal Family per our prognostication.

The Olympic ceremonies are a "mega-ritual," not doubt about that. So many people out there are shouting: "Oh my god, alien invasion! Project Blue Beam! False flag attack!" It's understandable but most are just new at this. I've been at this for more than a decade. I was heavily into this it before 9/11. I can point to the fact that I wrote an article on the 9/11 attacks in October 2001 from a multicontextual perspective that's not so different from what I talk about today... including Mars.

From experience I can say that foresight is not something easily attained. Our reality is not static, it's dynamic. The future is fluid and influenced by what we do, see, and are aware of in the present. The future reacts to our actions and perception so as not to "reward" the unworthy with the gift of foresight. The more purely you align with truth, the more you are "worthy", that is to say, the more you resonate with the future (unrealized possibilities). Most "conspiracy theorists" don't have this quality in them which requires a great sense of balance, lots of self-examination and ego-control. That's why 99.999% of the time they can't foresee anything correctly. Their uncontrolled ego magnet screws up the truth compass. If you can't start from a place of no assumptions and no preconceived worldview, you won't get far. If you go "I'm a Christian" or "I'm an atheist", or "I'm looking for conspiracies by the NWO, the stinking Illuminati!" for instance, you're immediately done right there before you even start, a dead-ender. Talk about self-sabotage. It's so easy to contaminate our reality/future vision with our conscious and subconscious preconceptions. So, while listening to folks like Alex Jone might initially help you deprogram yourself from the mainstream unquestioning mindset, constantly listening to the endless stream of their version of "I hate my parents, they ruined my life, bahhhh!" day in and day out, well, now that's just another worldview programming, another religion, yes, "mind control." It's very unhealthy. You need to stay balanced so as not to get stuck in a fixed line of thinking. That just makes you a robot.

Back to "King William 2012"... Here we are in 2012, just days away from the London Olympics, and "signs" such as the Aurora mass shooting keep pointing to the same storyline, the focus more on royal pregnancy than coronation per se though that's exactly what we see depicted in the London Olympic logo (as I interpreted it back in 2007):

- Prince William turns 30 (= XXX) in 2012
- 2012 Olympics = Games of the XXX Olympiad


"Coronation" of course has its celestial counterpart in corona, meaning "crown". Corona is the plasma atmosphere around the Sun (or other celestial body) that you can see during a total eclipse.

Though technically not identical, a "solar atmosphere" is conceptually interchangeable with "solar wind"... which in turn encodes the name of the British Royal Family, "Windsor".

It is also the "atmosphere/wind" of the Sun, in the form of solar flares and CMEs bombarding the Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere, that produces auroras.

In this context, a "coronation ritual" can take place celestially via "solar wind" and auroras around the earth, in effect crowning the entire planet or all of us. Martian king... Martian race... here on earth. And we are apparently about to get an opportunity to have a "total recall" of our forgotten ("Martian") genesis, how we began.

The entire period of the London Olympics is "radioactive." But I'm going to go ahead and say that I see the latter part of August as a window for big things. Anchor dates ~August 24 and 29.



Just scratching the surface but that's it for now.

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