The KEYHOLE to the MIND?Trelleborg Viking Fortress
Denmark of course...Who else uses that KEYHOLE symbol? viewtopic.php?f=15&t=13121“….What Tesla saw peeking through the KEYHOLE” ... e-keyhole/the Heaven's Gate Cult that committed maSS suicide is discussed in the next post...This powerful KEYHOLE shape helps explain why an evolving consciousness would build TEMPLES that resemble our own DNA.
The distinct KEYHOLE or LIGHTBULB shape/form that is a perfect match for DNA expressed as binary code.
Makes sense to both ME and me shadow.
We build DNA (holy grail) temples, that we can enter, and pray, chant mantras, sing, wed, bury the dead, or to help heal accessing/via our epi-genome which is hierarchical to our genome-mapped DNA?
what did Tesla see in his dreams?
more MEMES of course.