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1) The Vatican courtyard.

When viewed from the air, we can see that the Vatican courtyard is, in fact, shaped like a keyhole. There is a reason ... Do you know why?
Below we can see that within the "keyhole" of the Vatican courtyard is yet another symbol: two crosses superimposed on each other. This is the symbol from which the British Union Jack flag is derived.
This is where we get the term "double-crossers."

While we're on the subject, there is another interesting symbol at the entrance to the Vatican.

Aerial View |
Below: |
Close-Up |

Migdal Gad
In Bible versions:
Migdal Gad: NET NIV Migdal-Gad: AVS TEV Migdal-gad: NASB
a town in the western foothills of Judah
Migdal-gad = "tower of God" 1) one of the fortified cities of Judah
4028 Migdal-Gad migdal-gawd'
from 4026 and 1408; tower of Fortune; Migdal-Gad, a place inPalestine:-Migdal-gad.see HEBREW for 04026see HEBREW for 01408
Migdal-gad [EBD]
tower of fortune, a town in the plains of Judah, probably the modern el-Mejdel, a little to the north-east of Ascalon (Josh. 15:37).
MIGDAL-GAD - mig'-dal-gad (mighdalgadh, "tower of Gad"): One of a group of 16 cities of Judah situated in the "lowland" (Josh 15:37). Of these, only Lachish, Eglon, Beth-dagon and Naamah have been identified with any certainty. This would indicate a site in the Philistine plain, and the modern flourishing town of Mejdel, 2 1/2 miles Northeast of Ashkelon, appears to be a possible identification. It is the most important town in the district which is named after it Nahiet el-Mejdel. It must, however, be admitted that it is difficult to see how Judah could have held a site so close to the great Philistine strongholds. It is very probable that Mejdel ("tower") is the tower mentioned in Josephus, BJ, III, ii, 3, as close to Ashkelon, and it or Migdalgad (or both if they are the same sites) may be identical with the Magtal of the Tell el-Amarna Letters (Petrie, Hist. Egypt, II, 329). For Mejdel see Palestine Exploration Fund, II, 410, Sh XVI.
E. W. G. Masterman
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Migdol, or migdal, is a Hebrew word (מגדּלה מגדּל, מגדּל מגדּול) which means either a tower (from its size or height), an elevated stage (a rostrum or pulpit), or a raised bed (within a river). Physically, it can mean fortified land, i.e. a walled city or castle; or elevated land, as in a raised bed, like a platform, possibly a lookout. The term for a border fort is similar, mekter, in Egyptian. Figuratively, "tower" has connotations of proud authority.
Joshua referred to Migdal-Gad, ‘tower of Gad’, one of the fortified cities of Judah, and also to Migdal-El, ‘tower of God’, one of the fortified towns of Naphtali (Joshua 19.38)
Jeremiah referred to a "Migdol" in Egypt, (Jeremiah 44:1) an island in the Nile, and Ezekiel referred to the Migdol of Syene, in Upper Egypt, in the context of the seat of government. The letters of Šuta refer to a "Magdalu in Egypt" which Albright identified with Jeremiah's Migdol.[1]
The Book of Exodus records that the children of Israel encamped at Pi-hahiroth between Migdol and the Red Sea, before their historic crossing.
Migdal Ha'emek is a large hill surrounded by the Kishon river, west of Nazareth.
[edit] References
- ^ The future of biblical archaeology: reassessing methodologies and ... - Page 105 James Karl Hoffmeier, Alan Ralph Millard - 2004 "What is important for us is the identification of the Migdol referred to here and the meaning of the phrase "Akka is like Magdalu in Egypt." Albright, who was certain that the Migdol here is the Migdol of the Bible, translates that ..."
Diccionario biblico: Migdal-gad
(heb. Migdal-Gd, "torre de Gad [fortuna]").
Pueblo en la Sefela de Judá (Jos. 15:37). Probablemente se lo deba identificar
con Khirbet el-Mejdeleh, a unos 8 km al sur de Beit Jibrîn, o con Tell
el-Mejdil, a unos 9,5 km al sudoeste de Tell Beit Mirsim.
Migdal-gad: "tower of Gad," a city in Judah
Original Word: מִגְדַּל־גָּד Part of Speech: Proper Name Location Transliteration: Migdal-gad Phonetic Spelling: (migdal-gawd') Short Definition: Migdal-gad
Word Origin from migdal and Gad Definition "tower of Gad," a city in Judah NASB Translation Migdal-gad (1).
מִגְדַּלגַּֿד proper name (tower of Gad) stronghold in Judah Joshua 15:37; — compare Magdala, LagOnom. 139, 12, 2nd ed. 171; possibly Mejdel, eastward of Askalon, GuérinJudée ii. 130 f. compare BdPal 162.
From migdal and Gad; tower of Fortune; Migdal-Gad, a place in Palestine -- Migdal-gad.
see HEBREW migdal
see HEBREW Gad
גָּֽד׃ גד׃ Gad gāḏ
Guever (Mensaje original) |
Enviado: 17/03/2011 05:01 |
El Mashiaj y la Tribu de Gad.
Tanto la vara o gobierno como la tribu a la que se le permite producir ese gobierno, ¡Un día se apartará de la Tribu de Juda! ¿Cuándo? ¡Cuando venga Shiloh!
"Pero ahora, ¿cuando elBáal haKéremvenga, qué les hará a ellos?Ellos le contestaron diciendo: Los Raímperecerán en maldad y su viña él dará a otrostrabajadores [a los de Gad> que inmediatamente le darán la porción de su producto Iehoshúales dijo: ¿No han leído la Escritura: "La piedra que desecharon los edificadores ha venido a ser la principal del ángulo, obra de HaShem es esto; admirable a nuestros ojos"? Por esto yo les digo a ustedes que elMaljut Shamáimserá desgarrado de ustedes y será dado a una nación [a los de Gad> productora de fruto. El que cae sobreesta piedra será derribado y quien caiga [derribado> sobre ella se rajará. Los Principales de los Kohanímy los Jajamímescucharon sus meshalímy conocieron que él hablabacon respecto a ellos. Ellos procuraron matarlo pero temieron de las javurotpara quienesél era un Naví."Sefer Toldot Iehoshua/Libro las Crónicas de Iehoshua conocido como (Mateo) 21.43
La Tribu Gady el Mashiaj pasa a convertirse en el Representante de todas las tribus de hijos de Israel, todo lo que se diga de Gad involucra a las 12 Tribus de Israel.
En estos textos Moshe profetiza sobre cada una de las tribus de Israel en un contexto de los últimos días es decir en los Días del Mashiaj, inmediatamente antes de su muerte. En D’varím (Deut) 33.20 está escrito:
"De Gad él dijo ‘bendito es Aquel que agranda a Gad. Él mora como un LEÓN y arrancará el brazo, también la Corona." D’varim (Deut.) 33.20-21 Tora Mizrajit.
Primeramente, vemos que el Bendito es el Eterno Mismo agrandará a Gad en los últimos días, para realizar una función importante. Esa función se describe hacia el final de D’varim 33.20. La tribu de Gad morará como un león o como el león sobre Israel, mientras recibe el brazo de gobierno arrancado y removido de la tribu de Juda, poniéndose y llevando así la corona o el cetro sobre todo Israel.
Note que fue profetizado por Moshe que el Elohim de Israel, arrancaría el brazo de liberación, y el poder legislativo de Juda por medio de permitir que la tribu de GAD lleve la corona de autoridad halája sobre todo Israel. Gad se dice que se pone la corona, siendo que Gad y no Juda mora en autoridad regia sobre el Israel de los últimos días, después del primer advenimiento de Shiloh. Fue Shiloh Mismo quien arrancó la corona y el cetro de Juda, y se lo dio a Gad. Hallamos el cumplimiento del arrancamiento en Sefer Toldot Iehoshua/Libro las Crónicas de Iehoshua conocido como (Mateo) 21.43 y Shiloh lo afirma:
"Por eso, [por su falta de perserverancia> les digo que el reinado (reino) de Elohim les será quitado a ustedes, [o sea será quitado el Cetro a Juda>y le será dado a una Nación [Gad> que produzca frutos de él."VRV.
"Por esto yo les digo a ustedes que elMaljut Shamáimserá desgarrado de ustedes [ o sea sera quitado el Cetro a los de Juda> y será dado a una nación [a los de Gad> productora de fruto". Sefer Toldot Iehoshua/Libro las Crónicas de Iehoshua conocido como (Mateo) 21.43
Llegó un momento en la vida de Iehoshúa que se dio cuenta de que aquella generación de Israel en el 1er siglo no merecía la manifestación completa del Maljut Shamaim, ya que no hacía T’shuvá ni Maasim Tovim; por esto en los capítulos finales de su vida comienza a declararlo. Él dijo que el Maljut Shamaim sería quitado de aquella generación y dado a una nación haciendo fruto de T’shuvá, esto quiere decir a una futura generación (Maasav v’torató shel Iehoshúa 17.21, 25; 13.28; Rom.11; Toldot Iehoshúa Pereq 91).
Dijo: "De aquel día y de aquella hora no hay quien sepa, ni los mal’ajím de los cielos, sinosolo el Padre"(Pereq 101)
"Prepárate para Tu Elohim, Oh Gad".
Gad la "Casa del Mashíaj" o La Puerta del Masiaj.
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Message 45 of 58 on the subject |
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Message 45 of 58 on the subject |
Originally Posted by schroedingerscat 
Thanks for posting the image. I was trying to draw it without the model.
Maybe I should have said 'vaguely' similar!
It was just a few of my first freehand sketches, without the circle and numbers as a guide, that reminded me of the mason's logo. When I got it right, with the twist, it quit looking so much like a mason's square. The square and compass usually reminds me of a star tetrahedron.
hate to rune your day fellas? so far we have two perspectives? mind if I add a third?  Odal RuneAnd did you know we can connect the numerical magic squares to magic squares using letters too....via the RUNE alphabet? The result is called an alpha-magic square. Did you know that? Want the link?  The MAGIC of 3 6 9 and Solfeggio and the 3 NORNs and the Enneagramhttp://kachina2012.wordpress.com/200...d-the-3-norns/that is a good site BTW  you may want to browse around...  ING Rune and an XX glyph outside a Mason Lodge. And while you fellas are having a look at the RUNE alphabet...take a look at the ING Rune too! Rotate this symbol 90 degrees.What do ewe, you and u see? go here to see what the MASONS see: http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showp...&postcount=181  ING Direct eh? lol They covet your money using the suffix 'ING'? What if? In the beginn ING was the WORD? Advertising would not exist if my claims were not TRUE. THEY use the universal ARCHETYPES to find and push our hidden buttons. What else do EWE, YOU and U think they would use higher knowledge for... IF NOT TO ING DIRECT the HERD? And my contention/claim continues to ask the obvious. Do the swastika/maltese cross placed in plain view form a big part of the TRUTH that has been VEILeD using stories about miracles and BS about Space=Vacuum. The BIG BANG FIB that RELIGION shops around as a THEORY = LITERAL jesus the miracle worker The BIG BANG LIE that SCIENCE shops around is that SPACE full of plasma is a VACUUM. Take a look at CARD XX of the Tarot now.Here is an interesting 'spin' on CARD XX based on Aleister Crowley's musings>>> http://www.corax.com/tarot/cards/index.html?aeonAnd remember the most popular Tarot in use today was designed by a Freemason. A.E. Waite So XX, our judgement has something to do with SOUND?SEE the TRUMPET in CARD XX i.e. walls of jericho being manipulated to come crashing down? OR MAYBE WHAT WE HAVE HERE IS A GAMMA RAY BURST knocking out our earthly defense shield called the OZONE? IGNORANT folks watch Jericho on the boob-tube but are IGNORANT of the role of SOUND in helping to give the matrix FORM. And I already made MANY links to SOUND and GRAVITY and PLASMA and an electric multi/universe best understood by reverse engineering the archetypal symbolism embedded within the 12,000 year old SWASTIKA along with the MALTESE CROSS? Want me to sign the book for you too? namaste
Last edited by raphael; 07-07-2010 at 03:47 PM.
Last edited by Raphael; 08-13-2009 at 07:33 AM. Reason: add info
Hi gilgal,
Obviously, St. George cannot be the Archangel, Michael, for he lived in the 3rd century. Revelation which mentioned Michael fighting with the Devil in heaven probably represents the angels of God fighting against evil; good fighting against evil, and evil was defeated and thrown onto the Earth. Michael was already in existence since Daniel's time, 2,500 years ago:
Daniel 10 12 Then he continued, "Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them. 13 But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia. 14 Now I have come to explain to you what will happen to your people in the future, for the vision concerns a time yet to come."
15 While he was saying this to me, I bowed with my face toward the ground and was speechless. 16 Then one who looked like a man [b] touched my lips, and I opened my mouth and began to speak. I said to the one standing before me, "I am overcome with anguish because of the vision, my lord, and I am helpless. 17 How can I, your servant, talk with you, my lord? My strength is gone and I can hardly breathe."
18 Again the one who looked like a man touched me and gave me strength. 19 "Do not be afraid, O man highly esteemed," he said. "Peace! Be strong now; be strong." When he spoke to me, I was strengthened and said, "Speak, my lord, since you have given me strength."
20 So he said, "Do you know why I have come to you? Soon I will return to fight against the prince of Persia, and when I go, the prince of Greece will come; 21 but first I will tell you what is written in the Book of Truth. (No one supports me against them except Michael, your prince.
God Blessings to you.
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