Anything 13th Century would involve 1,000 years of opportunity for corruption to take its toll in religion and art. St. George and his Cross were 3rd Century.
Ken my feeling is that St. George is another of the fictional characters invented/scripted by self-serving HIS-storians to support a particular Christian narrative.
The victorious write the HIS-story.
Or is that just another rumor?
There are no conspiracies...

The St George's Cross is a commonly used symbol for Freemasonry in the Swedish Rite, alongside the internationally otherwise more common square and compasses.
The cross of the Swedish Order of Freemasons was defined back in 1928 by the King of Sweden to be a red St George's cross with triangular arms.
So here we have another confirmation by a King that the Freemasons and the Cross of St. George have associations.
Ken I was wondering what 3rd century information you have about St. George the DRAGON-slayer?

Samarra Iraq 4900 B.C. ... %E2%80%9D/Ken I have traced the Maltese Cross/St. George's Cross to Samarra Iraq, 5000 B.C.
Yes this would be 5000 years before Christ and 7000 years before a Swedish Freemason King acknowledged this distinctive 'shape', and adopted it.
History timeline:
Clay plate Iraq 5000 BC >> ? >> Cross of St. George >> 12th-14th century Knights Templar Cross >> 1928 Swedish Freemason >> ?
Bottom line?
Why is this distinctive shape so 'important'?
Why has this particular cross maintained the same 'shape' through 7000 years of space + time + motions and gone on to become popular and one of the most recognizable CROSSES throughout the world?
IMHO it is because it represents SOUND.
Simple concise reason...though the religious wackos and science ignorance has yet to acknowledge what the 'ancients knew and understood' about 'wave' formations.

Above we see the propagation of a longitudinal non-electromagnetic SOUND wave on a 2D grid.
Take a close look…you will see a Maltese cross emanating from the center of that SOUND wave.
In the beginning was the WORD or was it the WYRD?
So the ineffable name of God is connected to SOUND, and perhaps/maybe VOWELS and CONSONANTS?
AUM no vay...
yes way >> jahway >> Y_HW_H
The Hebrew G_D says the foul vowel plays a role.
hey Vanna (white) I vonna buy a foul vowel.
The Hebrew alphabet veils vowels and focuses on consonants.
That was in the Occident.
But in the Orient, another belief system based on the Vedas had evolved.
The Hindu loves vowels and takes great enjoyment in using vowels to address 'god'.
Using words like OM/AUM ... these are words that are designed to use ALL the vowel sounds when uttered correctly.
OM/AUM represents the SOUND first heard as the world was created.
The SOUND of human language = vowels + consonants = communication
So how do we connect the 'christian fairy tale' called St. George the Dragon Slayer to SOUND and an apparent scripted version of HIS-story that veils history?
Saint George (ca. 275/281 – 23 April 303) was, according to tradition, a Roman soldier in the Guard of Diocletian, who is venerated as a Christian martyr. In hagiography Saint George is one of the most venerated saints in the Roman Catholic Church, Anglican Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodox Church, and the Eastern Catholic Churches. He is immortalized in the tale of Saint George and the Dragon and is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers. His memorial is celebrated on 23 April, and he is regarded as one of the most prominent military saints.
Saint George born ca. 275/281
Sorry but the frequency that heals DNA 528 hertz jumps out at me.
More importantly 528 is also a Solfeggio frequency used by chanting Benedictine Monks.
It forms part of a dedication, a hymm to St. John the Baptist.
This hymn also goes by its Latin name which is, "Ut Queant Laxis Resonare Fibris [Hymn]," and can be found on the CD, "Chant II" by The Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos. "The Hymn to St. John the Baptist" has become known as the most inspirational hymn ever written and features all six Solfeggio notes. ... ncies.html
Can we connect St. John the Baptist to the Freemasons and why the NAZIs adopted the 'swastika', and in particular, why those colors, BLACK cross, WHITE circle, and RED background were perhaps chosen?

BLACK center
WHITE circle or plate
RED background ... gan-nazis/And the memorial associated with St. George, the 'legendary hero', his martyrdom is celebrated on 23 April?
23rd of April?
All I see is 234 or 432.
Depends on which way folks are reading?
Thousands of years ago...most folks read from the RIGHT <<< LEFT.
And 432 is a number pagans have associated with the SUN for aeons.
These numbers 864 ... 432 ... 216 ... 108... 54 ... 27 ... 18 ... 9 are found in the construction many pagan temples, including the VATICAN and:
The cycle of Rangarhverfi, 216.000 feet in diameter.
The cycle of Denmark, 432.000 feet in diameter.
The cycle of Somerset, England, 216.000 feet in diameter.
The cycle of Paris, France, 216.000 feet in diameter.
The cycle of St. Peters Basilica in Rome, 216 feet in diameter and to
the cycle of Egypt on the Nile Delta, 216 minutes of Earths circumference in diameter. ... -864-1782/