Originally Posted by riseball 
The pictures I recreated myself after watching the below mentioned video. I know Nassim refers to the spirals as phi spirals but I believe they are fibonacci spirals.
Same thing essentially.
I feel you are a bit confused about how the Fibonacci and phi are related however...some bullshit and some
They are essentially the same thing.
phi = Fibonacci...
phi is a RATIO, and an irrational number.
pi is also irrational...
I shall serve pi with a little 'T' later.
As Mario Livio explains, they all share a connection to phi, “the most irrational of all irrational numbers.” |
Fibonacci are a
subset of the Lucas numbers, AND that is important to realize too.
Because the Lucas numbers start with
2, 1, NOT
1, 1,Understand?
Easy enough to go to the next level also just by asking you to finish both of those series, and then taking the
ratios of the numbers in the series.
You do the Lucas numbers.
What did you get?...do the first 10 terms.
The first TEN terms with the Fibonacci series can be either 34 or 55, it ALL depends if you start the series with 0 or 1.
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89 etc...
NOW take RATIOS starting with
1:1 = 1
2:1 = 2
3:2 = 1.5
5:3 = 1.666
8:5 = 1.6 this was/is an early reference to the phi ratio a.k.a. GOLDEN RECTANGLE
13:8 = 1.625...>>> cut to the chase...144/89 = 1.67977528 ... to infinity and beyond ...first nine digits are part of the TOY STORY
Note: 144/89 is starting to approach the
GOLDEN phi RATIO determined to be...
1.61803398...to infinity and beyond....again
So note as the RATIOs involve bigger and bigger numbers the FLUCTUATIONS become less and less 'severe'...and that I believe is
GOOD news.
I used
positive=RED and
negative=BLUE to represent the two 'polarities', an archetype we cannot ignore in the electro-magnetic field of pairs and opposites.
phi =
phi =1:1 2:1 3:2 5:3 8:5 13:8...144:89Best way to learn REAL fast is by using correspondences, the art of analogy. Heaven above = Heaven below ARKetypal sleuthing.
Easy enough to learn the meaning of the caduceus relative to quantum physics, marko rodin, nassim haramein, and a host of other irrational folks throughout history who have battled with these eternal irrational concepts, trying to box them in primarily using rational logical LEFT Brain hemisphere thinking and tinkering, causing all kinds of chaos as a result...
truth is truth is truth is truth
Time to introduce RIGHT BRAIN solutions for LEFT BRAIN tinkering gone wrong.
Marko, NaSSim, and mi are on the same wavelength.
Just different languages, all offering VALUABLE bits and pieces.
But I do know of at least three or four (at least) other fellas (gals) that SHOULD be introduced to Marko and NaSSim.Other OBVIOUS and most auspicious 21st century *Gospel* writers who bring pieces to the Emerald Table for inspection.
Harbingers of a new age...
Marko and NaSSim are miSSing ONE valuable piece.
I know the he/she to help with this.
The archetypal creation filled with ARKS to float on, or smaller sacred treasure chests that are filled with hope can best be interpreted through the living he
ARTS, with science and religion playing vital roles...

Simply by realizing, acknowledging that symbols can be approached from more than ONE direction
opens many doors, and do not forget to bring along a MIRROR or a mask.
I have come to the conclusion that the creation is not unlike a huge Disneyland filled with archetypal puzzles, games, tricks, mirrors, and even rides that eventually come to a stop.
This place does exist.
It is quite fulfilling and far more challenging to play along than just reBLEATing a script (handed down), that tells me how I must play the game or else...
Rotated 90 degrees ANTI- or COUNTER-clockwise orthogonally ....the Caduceus is thus easier understood.Once rotated now just imagine what you have before you is an X and Y axis.
And what we have are two sine waves that are in fact representing the TWO phi spirals....ONE spiral is moving from LEFT to RIGHT...toward the TWO HANDs and the other spiral could be considered to be moving from RIGHT to LEFT away from the hands.
This is very similar to DNA structure, in that DNA has two ribbons instead of serpents....and the wand of DNA would be the rungs comprised of ACGT that exist between the two ribbons/serpents.
Thus you have one spiral moving inward and the other spiral is moving outward.
Here you have in all its simplicity an action FOUND on all levels.
Please note the Caduceus:
In the beginning the wave fluctuations beginning on the LEFT are based on ratios involving smaller numbers, giving bigger fluctuations between successive ratios, i.e. the rise of the AMPLITUDE is high up the 'y' axis.
Starting where the BIRD is on the LEFT...moving toward the TWO hands on the right is exactly the progression we see above in regards to the RATIOS of TWO numbers ... as we move along the x-axis to the right >>> the TWO spirals/sine waves fluctuate
leSS and leSS and leSS and leSS and leSS and less and less and for what might seem like an eternity...however NEVER touching down on that LINE....getting closer and closer to 'god' and becoming 'one' with the phi line?
Know what I MEAN in a golden way?
Ah such frustration...I am so close to the line I can
feel it, I can feel the pulse, the heARTbeat of something quite di

And it would appear that IF you do indeed become a part of the phi ratio and join the GOLDEN MEAN LINE, you will now join in with those TWO HANDs and have some control over the magic WAND?
Thus it becomes quite clear that the
magic WAND = phi ratio 1.61803398 **Trust me too when I suggest you must familiarize yourself with the Lucas numbers to play along...
All you NEED to realize about these concepts is we are establishing RATIOs.
Both the Lucas and Fibonacci numbers are all about establishing the RATIO.
Do you know what I MEAN by suggesting we start out with a GOLDEN MEAN progressing to the GOLDEN RATIO, which builds GOLDEN TRIANGLES, GOLDEN RECTANGLES and GOLDEN SPIRALS....and of course the spiral becomes a GOLDEN HELIX in 3Dimensions.
And of course the GOLDEN HELIX or the HOLY Grail is your DNA.
HOLY GRAIL found in ARECIBO Messagehttp://kachina2012.wordpress.com/200...ecibo-message/
Originally Posted by riseball 
He even explains how he makes it in the first video with Marko at the conference. A phi spiral would be a perfect spiral, a fibonacci spiral acts more like a wave which acts around the phi ratio. The best way I can think to explain this for those who don't understand what I'm trying to say is with the numbers.
phi = 1.618... = (1+sqrt 5)/2 fibonacci #'s 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,etc. if you divide any two consecutive numbers it forms a wave around phi.
eg. 1/1 = 1 2/1 = 2 3/2 = 1.5 5/3 = 1.666... 8/5 = 1.6 13/8 = 1.625
The numbers are either above or below phi, to me this is where the boundary condition that Nassim explains is created by, because the circles are not completely equidistant, they wave closer and further appart between the spirals that were arrayed.
I'm sure for some of you guys this is childsplay, I am posting this for those of us that it may not be as obvious.
So yes we are closing in on the
Bottom LINE...the one I have found...is that YES, the creation was designed to be interpreted as child's play, and it is really IS best interpreted that way....the creation can be understood by children IF we as ELDER's know how to awaken the spirits within them, and not kill them with dogma and lies still being handed down...
They arrive with a blueprint.
As elders we assist them in building their OWN temples, that fit nicely into all the others...
3x3 Lo Shu magic square OR tic tac toe?
5x5 Knight's Templar Magic Square is a solution for RIGHT brain hemisphere quantum 'WAVE' or serpentine theory 'SSS' = thrice GREATest = xyz axis, a theory that the NEO-lithic spiral cultures were immersed in IS what we can expect in the VERY VERY near future...
I am currently working on
breaking the Knights Templar code found in Pompeii, in a culture that predates the Knights by 1000 years...
7x7 is a CHINESE solution for the Pythagorean theorem, that appears to be from the same 'era'.
marko rodin and the enneagram = scottish freemasonry?
http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showp...6&postcount=58marko rodin, fractals, the mandelbrot set and swastikas?
http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showp...8&postcount=67cymatics and SOUND and xyz?
http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showp...2&postcount=82how the
SS = Holy Spirit = marko rodin and
25 or
52 with rotations and reflections?
http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showp...3&postcount=908x8 is the solution for pi, it is the game of cheSS, and it is also the 8x8 Magic Square of Mercury,and we find the 64 hexagrams of the I-Ching and the 64 Codons that comprise all DNA codes?
All of the above is played on a CHESS board.
And cheSS is a game you can play equally well with only one eye.
Would the Eye of Horus, the Wedjet, and the ratio
63/64 be connected in some way to these archetypal time-leSS clues?
Is that little lowly 1/64th square of the chess board that the 'BUILDER's LEFT OUT'?

The Garden of Eden IS quite the playground of the mind...
enjoy those thinks...