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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 04/05/2014 20:26

It seems that a RLC church type daemon even made its way into 19th century promotional graphics.

thanks for the this interesting advertisement Indigo

The first part of the product's name comes from Latin bos meaning "ox" or "cow." Johnston took the -vril suffix from Bulwer-Lytton's then-popular "lost race" novel The Coming Race (1870), whose plot revolves around a superior race of people, the Vril-ya, who derive their powers from an electromagnetic substance named "Vril."[2][3]

Bovril holds the unusual position of having been advertised with a Pope. An advertising campaign of the early 20th century in Britain depicted Pope Leo XIII seated on his throne, bearing a mug of Bovril. The campaign slogan read: The Two Infallible Powers - The Pope & Bovril.

the Tower on top of the demon
Magdalene Tour and the demon resembles Rennes Chateau which even has Leo XIII heraldry

Two pieces on a chess board
Rook and Bishop ......

In general, rooks are stronger than bishops or knights (which are called minor pieces) and are considered greater in value
Rooks and Queens
Rooks and queens are called heavy pieces or major pieces, as opposed to bishops and knights, the minor pieces.

Rooks are most powerful towards the end of a game

Formerly the piece was called the castle, tower, marquess, rector,

Beef tea
Napoleon used it

Magdala Tour

but really its a rook from a chess piece ...a Tower ...Migdal....a watch tower...

Magdala (Aramaic: מגדלא / Magdala, meaning "elegant", "great", or "tower" (viz. "great place"); Hebrew: מגדל / Migdal, meaning "tower"
The Magdala Stone


Everything is Connected and there are no
Respuesta Ocultar Mensaje Eliminar Mensaje  Mensaje 33 de 34 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/10/2013 20:08
lovuian wrote:
Time is said to have only one dimension, and space to have three dimensions. […] The mathematical quaternion partakes of both these elements; in technical language it may be said to be "time plus space", or "space plus time": and in this sense it has, or at least involves a reference to, four dimensions. And how the One of Time, of Space the Three, Might in the Chain of Symbols girdled be." — William Rowan Hamilton (Quoted in R.P. Graves, "Life of Sir William Rowan Hamilton").

That's interesting because when you think about it - to represent it visually in two dimensions it would look like the Knight's tour move of one across and three down or the rule of four.


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Respuesta  Mensaje 24 de 128 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/10/2015 15:04

re: Stonehenge
important to note that there are 56 Aubrey holes NOT 55 as I have found in other *temples*

I do wonder why?
Leave it with me.
I will help figure it out.
Help take all of this mumbo jumbo gumbo zoup to the next level of understanding.


>>> http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2008/0 ... d-temples/
because as I have already illustrated on this thread and elsewhere, that Stonehenge *fits* into the KEYHOLE/LIGHT-BULB form that is shared with many other sacred temples found in other *unrelated* CULTures.

how can that be?
why do we find these KEYHOLES / Light Bulbs everywhere?
Hey I have an idea :idea: and guess what?
IDEAS :idea: are MEMES.

What we know is that these *temples* were in some way associated with a healing process involving our DNA.
The architecture implies that by entering the temple we are going within...right down to the atomic level.
WHY does it imply there is tinkering at the atomic level of our DNA by entering these temples?
WHAT is the clue that tipped me off?
It is implied because it is at the atomic level NOT at the molecular level, where we encounter the number/concept of 55.
55 atoms that comprise the base pairs = 55 black and white dots that comprise the I Ching architecture.

At the molecular level we encounter the number concept of 64 that connects the 64 DNA codons to the 64 hexagrams used in the I Ching.

And in making a comparison of St. Peter's Square to Stonehenge and ALTARS used, the stone called the Heel Stone is coincidently about the same distance from the center, that we see in St. Peter's square, i.e. the distance from the obelisk to the black door, where they bury the Popes is in a similar proportion.

So why else would you call it the Heal Stone err I meant to say the Heel Stone?

I believe it is time to investigate these sites and others for clues as to why 56 Aubrey Holes were employed and not 55 like we found in the Great Pyramid, in Mecca, in the I Ching and in the our own DNA.


Key to plan:
1 = The Altar Stone, a six ton monolith of green micaceous sandstone from Wales
2 = barrow without a burial
3 = "barrows" (without burials)
4 = the fallen Slaughter Stone, 4.9 metres long
5 = the Heel Stone
6 = two of originally four Station Stones
7 = ditch
8 = inner bank
9 = outer bank
10 = The Avenue, a parallel pair of ditches and banks leading 3 km to the River Avon
11 = ring of 30 pits called the Y Holes
12 = ring of 29 pits called the Z Holes
13 = circle of 56 pits, known as the Aubrey holes
14 = smaller southern entrance
The site as of AD 2004. The plan omits the trilithon lintels for clarity. Holes that no longer, or never, contained stones are shown as open circles and stones visible today are shown coloured, grey for sarsen and blue for the imported stone, mainly bluestone.

So does anybody have any IDEAS or MEMES they want to spread around tOWN?
Something they rEMEMbEr but can not quite make out...?



KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”


Respuesta  Mensaje 25 de 128 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/10/2015 15:06
The English word Hell occurs in the Bible 55 times, 32 in the Old Testament and 23 in the New Testament. The original terms translated Hell, Sheol-Hadees occur in the Old Testament 64 times and in the New Testament 24 times; Hadees 11 times, Gehenna 12 times and Tartarus ONCE. In every instance the meaning is death, the grave or the consequences of sin in this life.


As we know we can find a correspondence between DNA and 64 on the molecular level.
And between DNA and 55 on the atomic level.


64 and 55 = 10 = TEN
The Sator Square has the TEN = NET cross in the center between the 4 fixed :wink: directions.


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”

Respuesta  Mensaje 26 de 128 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/10/2015 16:13
So can we find the Holy Grail using the Drake Equation among other tools?
The above code that was dispatched into outer space, using binary code, reveals a powerful clue.
The analogy I want to make between the binary ARECIBO message/DNA/Vatican/Alchemy is quite profound.

Many people, some are best selling authors, claim that we build earthly temples in an attempt to communicate with aliens or the gods.
Eric von Danikan is a fine example.

Carl Sagan/Frank Drake/Seti would be yet another manifestation of this ageless expression/attempt to commune with the divine?

I recently claimed a cure for CANCER could be found using the language of ARCHETYPE.
Is cancer in some way connected to the evolution of our DNA?
They have proved our DNA is altered on the altar called earth, from the time we are born till the day we die.
Heat, cold, radiation, light, darkness, SOUND, environmental toxins, and the ingestion of certain foods can ALL alter our DNA.
And THEY have known this for centuries.
Gregorian monks singing certain frequencies called Solfeggio is proof of such a truth that had been veiled.
The power of SOUND/frequency/vibration on the 'human condition'.

And ALL of the above are analogous to modern alchemy.
Alchemy comes in two primary flavors that address the two primary cosmos we inhabit, the microcosmos and the macrocosmos, dealing with the two realms we perceive.

Exoteric realm is where the alchemist would attempt to turn 'lead' into 'gold'.
Esoteric realm is more about turning 'spiritual lead' into 'spiritual gold'.

And in science, the quantum realm = microcosm and relativity is akin to the macrocosm.

Now here I present a UNIVERSAL archetype that we all USE, from cradle to grave.
The keypad...extensions of the tips of our fingers, each stroke a mirror image of a finger print.

The following 9 numbers that can be written horizontally:

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

OR vertically:

1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9

9 numbers that we can add, subtract, multiply, divide and perform magic with...business and phone communication would be LOST in SPACE without those 9 magical numbers that we can actually place into a 3 x 3 magic square called the Lo Shu.
And the Lo Shu forms part of the Chinese creation mythology.
Lo Shu = I Ching = 64 Hexagrams = 8 x 8 (magic square of the messenger Mercury) = 64 Codons of DNA

And the entire game takes place on an 8 x 8 chessboard.
And I believe the two players are dressed in RED and WHITE.
i.e. Just like in Egypt.
And the Egyptians understood archetype and alchemy.
Lower Egypt King wore the RED crown.
Upper Egypt King wore the WHITE crown.

People speak about being branded with the Mark of the Beast.
Can I suggest we all have already been branded, and perhaps our DNA is a fine representative of the brand?
Think about it.
We are told however that we can remove the brand or tattoo, but it will be a painful experience?

The evidence 'recovered from the mem', highly suggests that the Holy Grail is a chalice, a container, the cauldron, the alchemy veSSel...and the EARTH itself is such a vessel.
As is each of our bodies such a vessel.
So therefore, yes, Dan Brown was correct in the Da Vinci Code, suggesting the womb of Mary is also such an alchemy vessel.
Mary thus is a fine archetype that transcends the truth on many levels, not just one.

The solar system would qualify as an alchemy vessel too.
The Klein Bottle/Mobius strip and Alchemy as archetypes of the Universe?

Much of what I rite, rant, and rave about concerns the Reconciliation of Science and Religion, believe it or not...I am trying to bring folks together. 8)

Religion represented by the Vatican, would be among those most privy to the secrets of the past, like a winning hand at Poker that they dealt themselves, a hand that they hold close to their bosom, what TRUTHs do they veil from us?

No matter, the evidence of crimes against humanity is still OBVIOUSly strewn about, and if you take the time to investigate all the coincidences, you soon realize that so many coincidences can only mean one thing.

We can find the archetypal TRUTH embedded right into the architecture of St. Peter's Square AND the Arceibo Message?

Science is also on the threshold of reaching their apex on the mountain of knowledge and aspirations, resembling a universal TRUTH.
And in 1974 Carl Sagan and others sent a message out into SPACE.
This binary message became known as the ARECIBO Message, because they used the Arceibo telescope in Puerto Rico.
Did ROME hear the message sent out into space looking for space invaders?
Is the Pope a space invader looking for 'lebensraum'?

Do all roads lead back to Rome?
But the nine numbers, (Pythagoras spoke of 9, the Egyptian hierarchy or Ennead were 9, the enneagram is 9, the 9 pointed star in the middle ages = holy spirit) AND ALL of the above can be expressed as combination of 1s and 0s.

1-9 using binary code can be reduced to combination of 1s and 0s.
In effect ALL we identify can be reduced to a binary code, so I am told.

I have isolated the image from the ARECIBO message that forms the part of the message used to illustrate the structure of human DNA using binary code.

i.e. DNA = double helix



So can we find the basic archetypal architecture of our DNA, expressed in binary code, sent out into SPACE in EARTHLY structures and temples? :idea:

BTW...The images that follow, can also be traced to the Kabbalah blah blah re: Tree of Life.
I give the approximate dates of 'construction' of this universal archetype, a TRUTH revealed that transcends all man made blah blah blah self serving BS.


St. Peter's Square Ellipse circa 15th century and onwards and the ARECIBO DOUBLE HELIX of DNA sequenced in 1974.


The UNIVERSE of the LAMAS (date unknown by me) and the ANASAZI KIVA circa AD 500.
Note: the ameri-Indian KIVA (found in the AREA now called 51 :shock: , predates Vatican architecture by 1000 years!! and it has the VERTICAL BAR going up the center of the archetype.
AND this is important...OK?
One possible reason?

We see the VERTICAL BAR positioned within the GRAIL.

Representing the 4 nucleotides used in making DNA.
At the time the message was sent there were 4, however two more have since been discovered.


Can we introduce what influence the Siberian shaman may have had on eastern Europe?
ARKAIM Russia, known as the 'swastika city' circa 1500 BC, and on the right is the main ring found in MORAY Peru, Inca and pre-Columbian...BEFORE the New World was 'discovered'.

The evidence I present speaks a TRUTH.
It shows how we have equated our DNA with the TEMPLE.

And to think, that this symbol, the avatar I use, that I photographed in Peru in 2006, in a Roman Catholic monastery, would be the wake up call that I finally received, loud and clear.
It is the symbol that I followed back to Rome, Alchemy, NAZIs and the SWASTIKA.
And now the Holy Grail.
No wonder the 3rd and 4th Reichs can be associated with the Holy Roman Empires,


Please note that the image directly below the image of DNA is the human.
Please note that the image of St. Peter's Sq. Ellipse accounts for this...opening or gateway, that does NOT :twisted: appear in the other images....

The GRAIL has been identified.
The CODE has been broken folks.
All that remains is to fix humanity, in a big way.

oh yes, I almost forgot.
read the next post...


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”

Respuesta  Mensaje 27 de 128 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/10/2015 16:47

United Nations Security Council Chambers.... :lol:
Can these folks fook with your DNA?

all coincidences?
The United Nations and the Freemasonry (Die Freimauerei) have both a common chamber in their palaces, either called chambers of reflection, or room for silent reflection, as at the UN headquarters.


Masonic Chamber of Reflections

WOW I knew that image looked familiar.
Real familiar ... beyond the 'skull' and the St. John the Baptist connections.
Anybody else recognize it?

This gets interesting and is a path to respect...

The Great Guide

Take a look at the bottom of the image.
Look familiar? ;)

Zoroaster had 4 Oracles...I have written about one of them:
And I posted it on 2012Forum too:

All about the patterns I noticed.
The same archetypal patterns that keep reappearing.
That can be recognized by the archetypal company they keep.

The Chaldæan Oracles of Zoroaster
by W. Wynn Westcott

As some of you may know, Wynn Westcott and A.E. Waite and A. Crowley were buddies?
Some of them were Freemasons.

And the meditation room follows the BLACK Door pattern once again that we see used in St. Peter Square and The Shrine of the Book and even in Peru.
Back in the opening post:


The U.N. Meditation Room (right) is built in the shape of a truncated pyramid. In the center is an altar made out of magnetite, the largest natural piece of magnetite ever mined. For meditation purposes it is probably the most ideal spot on the planet, since the magnetite altar has its foundation straight down, built into the bedrock of the land below; tapping into the energies of the earth itself. The mysterious mural also helps the worshippers tune into esoteric energies, and helps facilitate a state of altered consciousness.

And the Ka'ba stone in Mecca has 'magnetic' properties too??


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”

Respuesta  Mensaje 28 de 128 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/10/2015 16:49

Respuesta  Mensaje 29 de 128 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/10/2015 17:23
Image = Image = Image
upside down 'truncated pyramid'

So how do we connect those images above to the CUBE and the 64 Codons of DNA?
Why do the 64 hexagrams of the I-Ching correlate so beautifully with the 64 Codes or Codons necessary to create LIFE?
:arrow: http://www.biroco.com/yijing/patents.htm


Fig. 2 above shows the side hidden in fig. 1. Photographs of the actual prototype of the 'I-Gene Cube' made by F. Johnson Yan's wife appear on the front and back covers of his book 'DNA and the I Ching'

There seem to be three books on the subject of the correspondence between the genetic code and the I Ching:

...Schonberger's, "DNA and the I Ching: The Tao of Life" by Johnson Yan ASIN:1556430973, and Katya Walter's "Tao of Chaos: DNA and the I Ching". Schonberger's book is showing its age. It was first published in the early 1970's (and no, it wasn't Schonberger who first noticed the link between the genetic code and the I Ching; it was Carl Jung's disciple, Marie-Louise von Franz who first wrote about it in the 1960's) and there has been considerable evolution of thought since the publication of this title. Of the three, Katya Walter's shows the most insight to this link. (Interestingly, von Franz, Schonberger and Walter all identify themselves as Jungians. Yan comes from a synchretic traditional Chinese/modern scientific point of view.) Unfortunately, Walter's book is out of print, though it is still available used on Amazon. By all means read this book, but if you find yourself feeling at the end, "But isn't there more?", read Walter's "Tao of Chaos".


What Tesla saw looking through the same KEYHOLE resembles DNA and a CUBE :


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”

Respuesta  Mensaje 30 de 128 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/10/2015 17:29

Respuesta  Mensaje 31 de 128 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/10/2015 17:43

How does MAN measure UP to the EARTH and the MOOON?

Would the folks who designed CERN have some insights to the geoMEtry I present above regarding the Vitruvian Man.
How does man measure up to the cosmos, the sun and the moon, and the circle?


Well these two images are a match. CERN on the left and you can faintly see the same 2 rings, one large, the other small, in the same proportions to the image on the right.

CERN and the Fine Structure Constant 137


“The cube and the sphere are the sole working tools of creation“ - Walter Russell

(I am not sure if I agree with WR, we may need to add the tetrahedron to this list of building blocks?)

“The structure of the inner world of mind and language mirrors that of the outer world of matter and vibration - geometry and number - field and particle.“ - Arnold Keyserling



Amphora on the left, Rosetta Fractal Mandala found in Peru on the right.

Are these two images similar IF not the same? :idea:

Time I introduce a puzzle to continue to illustrate, how me the square head, can connect the Rosetta Fractal Mandala, an image that has altered the course of my life, to both the idea of measurement, a 2D flat square and the CUBE.

in the language of math the grids could be expressed as:
1^2 = 1 x 1 = 1
1^3 = 1 x 1 x 1 = 1


8^2 = 8 x 8 = 64


4^3 = 4 x 4 x 4 = 64

Here I present 2 Puzzles** hoping to show the profound relationships between the SS, the 3 basic geometric Sacred Symbols, the triangle, the square, and the circle.
PUZZLE 1 re: Amphora
What is the area of the vase?

PUZZLE 2 re: Yin Yang
How can you divide a circle into six curved regions of identical shape and size using a compass alone?

i.e. note the SQUARE or the CUBE that contains both 64 codons and 64 hexagrams as depicted by the I Ching CUBE as shown on the cover of the book, a design which the authored has patented.


What is the area of the vase?


How can you divide a circle into six curved regions of identical shape and size using a compass alone?


At this point I must point out the similarity to both the 3-legged swastika known as the triskele and the SEED of LIFE, which comes before the Flower of Life and the Tree of Life.

Respuesta  Mensaje 32 de 128 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/10/2015 00:45
Ye cannae change the laws of physics 
Or can you? 
Aug 31st 2010 


UofNSW Victor Flambaum: "that laboratory tests involving atomic clocks only slightly better than those that exist already could provide an independent check. These would vary as the solar system moves through the universe. But if and when such confirmation comes, it will break one of physics’s greatest taboos, the assumption that physical laws are the same everywhere and everywhen. And the fine-structure constant will have shown itself to be more mysterious than even Feynman conceived"


4x4x4 =64 codons of DNA 
HUMANS can only visually see/count a maximum of 37 out of 64 cubes. 
27 are HIDDEN from view all the time. 


4x4 square take a look at the 12th most common phosphene. 

What is the relationship between the numbers 37 and 27 and the CUBE, the Star of David, the hexagon, the hexahedron, our DNA, the Christian New Jerusalem and how Newton envisioned Solomon's Temple? 


37/27=1.37037037037 to infinity 


27/37 = .729729729 to infinity 

(see the patterns?) 

But my Freemason math tutor Frank C. Higgins is unfortunately dead. 
But good news, I do have some of his notes, available at Amazon. 
Frank has pointed out to me that 36 representing the Sun and 28 representing the Moon were numbers that the ancients toyed with. 

But what Frank did not know in 1923, according to the 'SCIENCE' available his day is the wealth of info we today have regarding the fine structure constant first 'measured' in 1915. 

28 + 36 = 64 

36/28 = 1.285714285714 to infinity 


28/36 = .77777777 to infinity 

AHA!! the OLD Testament matches the New Science Testimonies!!! 

Constants and angLEs in SCIENCE turn out to be gods and angELs in CREATIONISM! 


We now have the RANGE as discussed by science nerds regarding the FINE STRUCTURE constant, aka the morphing ALPHA based on SUN/MOON whole number ratios. 

i.e. 128 (128.5) - 137 

HERE is a good source for the fine structure constant and the numbers 128.5. 
>> http://www.google.ca/search?rlz=1C1GGGE_enCA412CA412&gcx=w&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=128.5+fine+structure+constant

scroll down the page till you see: 
Zero Point Energy: The Fuel of the Future - Google Books Result 
Thomas Valone - 2007 - Business & Economics - 236 pages 
He discovered a new value for the fine structure constant. In reality, it was proven to be 1/128.5instead of the smaller 1/137 that is traditionally observed for a ...

Science nerds please explain the anomaly, that the ancients appeared to be aware of? 

Why simple whole number ratios based on numbers assigned to the SUN and MOON yield the same results as quantum investigations? 


Do try to remember that the medieval hermetic sciences, one of which is called the QaBaLaH, QBLAH, has a value of 137, established long long long before the SCOPES monkey trial pitted the creationist armed with his bIbLE against the scientist using his scopes big and small to help measure the universe with. 


try it with other combinations/ratios assigned to the Sun and the Moon. 
i.e. 35 + 29 = 64 

see any patterns?

KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory 
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 
-Albert Einstein

Respuesta  Mensaje 33 de 128 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/10/2015 01:18

Yes of course ... PIONEER is in fact is part of the 137 narrative!!!

President JC Shocked helped script the message?

As of 2008, the two Voyager spacecraft became the third and fourth human artifacts to escape entirely from the solar system. Pioneers 10 and 11, which were launched in 1972 and 1973 and preceded Voyager in outstripping the gravitational attraction of the Sun, both carried small metal plaques identifying their time and place of origin for the benefit of any other spacefarers that might find them in the distant future.
With this example before them, NASA placed a more comprehensive (and eclectic) message aboard Voyager 1 and 2—a kind of time capsule, intended to communicate a story of our world to extraterrestrials.

“ This is a present from a small, distant world, a token of our sounds, our science, our images, our music, our thoughts and our feelings. We are attempting to survive our time so we may live into yours. ”

— U.S. President Jimmy Carter

Whenever I see 37 and 27 used together I think 37+27=DNA and 37/27x100=137 the reciprocal of the fine structure constant.

IF you wanted to communicate with aLIEns you would need to let them know you know about HYDROGEN.
And we know we can place the dimensionless number 137 between the two spectral lines of hydrogen atom.


At the top of the plaque we have two hydrogen atoms, engaged in some activity called "hyperfine transition." Why the word "hyperfine" never caught on as a superlative amongst teens is beyond me. As near as I can tell, this refers to the fact that hydrogen have two hyperfine states: either the magnetic field of the outermost electron points in the same direction as the magnetic field of the nucleus (i.e., they are "parallel"), or it points in the opposite direction ("antiparallel"). When a hydrogen atom flips from one state to another it is called the hyperfine transition, and the phenomenon releases a photon with a wavelength of 21 centimeters and a frequency of 1420 MHz.

Notice that, in the diagram, the hydrogen atom on the left has the electron (on the line bisecting top of the circle) pointing towards the nucleus (i.e, antiparallel), while the one on the right has the electron pointing away from the nucleus (parallel). The line between the two represents the transition, and the hash mark below symbolizes the change, both in terms of distance (21 centimeters) and time (1420 MHz). This hash mark is the standard unit of measurement -- both for distance and time -- used for the other elements on the plaque


The archetype of two opposite charges/two spectral lines, with a third entity between the two, seen as a balance is maintained.


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”
-Albert Einstein

Respuesta  Mensaje 34 de 128 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/10/2015 01:23


In the Middle Kingdom the 1/64 symbol denoted "rest" and "healing" as connected to the hekat, with the word dja being attached.

I woke up to another AHA.
*wink wink*
*nudge nudge*

Then while I was researching possible links between the number/letters LEI vs. I37, the EvIL Eye and photon emissions and absorption Wink I came across some interesting inPHOmation.

Akhmim wooden tablets

The first half of the tablet details five divisions of a hekat by 3, 7, 10, 11 and 13. The answers were written in Eye of Horus quotients, and Egyptian fraction remainders, scaled to a 1/320th factor named ro. The second half of the document proved the correctness of the five division answers by multiplying the two-part quotient and remainder answer by its respective divisor (3, 7, 10, 11 and 13).

Arrow http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akhmim_Wooden_Tablet

It appears that the hekat, the Akhmin Wooden tablets, and the Eye of Horus are all primarily focused on the number 64.
Arrow http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hekat_(volume_unit)

WHICH brings us back to a study of ratios and the HOLY GRAIL...the DNA of the entire planet.
Not just some king/priest bloodline, that is the kind of VULGAR bullshit all of the self-serving tribes propagate as a truth.
TIME to let go of such delusions sheeple, you are part of a bigger unity than just the stupid CULTure that you cling too?

Hana Vymazalova evaluated the hekat unit in 2002 within the Akhmim Wooden Tablet by showing that five answers were returned to (64/64) when multiplied by the divisors 3, 7, 10, 11 and 13.


Clearly specialized Egyptologists that do NOT study other disciplines, like genetics, or Freemasonry, or Remote Viewing, or the 5000 year old I Ching, or the mystical/mathematical QaBaLaH, are in fact IGNORANT of the bigger picture, PROBABLY because they are so specialized.

enough said

What is the D for when discussing fIELds outside their beLIEfs or speciality?

Richard DUHkins who makes DNA his speciality has a PhD-UH when trying to grasp another fIELd of understanding called rELIgion?
And Charles DUHwin is the revolutionary evolutionary role modEL for those who covet the PhD-UH? Wink

And Sir Isaac Newton who gave the ignorant science twats a mechanistic material world they can embrace was IN FACT a bIbLE babbling Arian/Puritan who did not like Catholics, Anglicans, or the Vatican, and ANOTHER FACT lost on the lost souls is that he invented his optics, calculus, and rules of physics ONLY ONLY ONLY to help him prove his beloved bIbLE TRUE!!!

DUH hey PhD science/physics/mathematics wankers who think science/math has all the answers and rELIgion is bunk, waving your dippy-plomas, how do EWE like dem' APPLES falling from above?

Obviously the public school system that turns champs into chumps who go on to pay big $$$ for their edumucations could use an overhaul.
All those dippy-plomas have yet to make the world more humane.

In far too many ways the doctor is not worth much more than the garbage collector, in fact doctors bow down to the tax collector.


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”
-Albert Einstein

Respuesta  Mensaje 35 de 128 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/10/2015 18:12

Respuesta  Mensaje 36 de 128 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/10/2015 19:23
The number 512 has alot to do with 256. Could they connect to 137? 
512 does look like SIN when rearranged to letters. In number theory 512 is a Leyland number. 

In the Hellenistic period, the ratio 256:153 was used as an approximation of the square root of 3. 
If the number 153 represents the width of the vesica pisces of the net, then the value is 256 for the height of the vesica pisces. 
Arrow http://omegafoundation.siriuscomputing.net/Education/John21.htm 

It also in an important triangular & cubical number. 
512 channel's in the cube each with 256 setting's Question 

Cube 8 x 8 x 8 (64x8) = 512 cubes 

There are 24 cubes organized into 3 groups of 8 that get cut perpendicular among themselves. 

The I Ching is a chess board that is 8x8, divided in 64 smaller cubes with each consisting of 6 bits. If we multiplied another 8 into this board, then it becomes 8x8x8, 1 cube divided in 512 smaller cubes. 

Each cube is conformed by 6 faces & each one recorded with 6 bits, then we have 6 faces/cube x 6 bits/cube= 36 bits/cube. 
512 cubes x 36 bits a cube = 18432 bits 

Relating this to Mahavairocana's mandala, we have the 36 human figures surrounding Mahavairocana. 
There are 24 petals organized in 3 groups of 8 surrounding Mahavairocana. 

8+8+8= 24 CranIEL nerves (12 for each hemisphere of the brain) 
Gold nano clusters don't get any larger than 24 atoms. Idea 

Using Pythagoras' ratios of 2:1, 3:2, and 5:4, you can tune most of the notes on a scale. 
256 Hz for middle C (which is how some computer speakers are tuned) 
Then an octave above middle C is 2 * 256 Hz = 512 Hz, and an octave below middle C is 1/2 * 256 Hz = 128 Hz

512 is the cube of 8x8x8 with 6 sides & 8x8x8 triangles each of 36 (6x6x6) = 512 

Going back to Ifa divination, there are 16 major books in the Odu Ifa literary corpus. When combined there are total of 256 Odu. 
(a collection of 16, each of which has 16 alternatives (16^2, or 4^4) 

Could 512/256/64 be a larger picture of our cos mos & our internal structure Question 

256 characters max in all aplications Laughing 

The number of 'Jesus' & 'Logos' is 888. 

888 = HHH 
8x8x8 = 8Fold Path of Buddha (Dharma) Idea 

Arrow http://gnosticteachings.org/books-by-samael-aun-weor/the-aquarian-message/1181-the-seven-vials-are-poured.html


Respuesta  Mensaje 37 de 128 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/10/2015 16:09
137-69 Arrow Arrow Arrow Arrow

above I am trying to expreSS an idea with a montage of images, about how the numbers 6 and 9 can swirl and twirl. Idea
below the images belong to other experimenters who are trying to expreSS an idea Idea that concerns INFRA-SOUNDS, ELF extremely low frequencies that we cannot hear, but their waves do propagate inside our earthly bubble, and you would think they would have an effect on what matters, matter.
What effect would they have on the neutral neutrino?

...this image is found in the following report
Infrasound Emitted by Tornado-Like Vortices: Basic Theory and a Numerical
Comparison to the Acoustic Radiation of a Single-Cell Thunderstorm

Arrow http://www.algonquinadventures.com/waywardwind/docs/r-327-Tornado-likeVortices-Infrasound.pdf


The Importance of INFRA-Sound (overlooked by most) Wink
Does a spinning vortex emit 'sounds' high or low?
(Is this a trick question?)
Even a draining bathtub supports the obvious, something science accidentally discovered?

Scientists accidentally discovered that the spinning core or vortex of a tornado creates infrasonic waves. When the vortices are large, the frequencies are lower; smaller vortices have higher frequencies. These infrasonic sound waves can be detected up to 100 miles away, and are used to provide early warning of tornadoes.

A rather unique aspect of Infrasound is its ability to cover long distances and get around obstacles with little dissipation.



At the end of his days, Tesla returned to his infra/low frequency work, abandoning his ultra/high-frequency experiments.
I believe his idea was to use the earth as the conductor of his free energy ideas.


How would you define the sound detected as 57 octaves below middle 'c' coming out of a black hole?

And to guess that the array of infrasound detection equipment would be geometrically aligned is a lucky guess?


Take a close look at the hexagonal array on the left.
It is based on a 4x4x4 cube, which yields the number 37 visible of 64.

A Short History of Sound Weapons

All of the above helps to support the idea that the TENET made with the universe is the TENET Cross found on the Sator/Rotas Square.


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”
http://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5916&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=192 -Albert Einstein

Respuesta  Mensaje 38 de 128 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/10/2015 16:50
Raphael wrote:


37/27=1.37037037037 to infinity

28 + 36 = 64

36/28 = 1.285714285714
to infinity

We now have the RANGE as discussed by science regarding the FINE STRUCTURE constant, aka the morphing ALPHA based on SUN/MOON whole number ratios.

I just want to address why the moon can be expressed as the denominator 27 or 28.
This discrepency can be traced to the use of Hindu asterisms. Both numbers were used.

The wild card, whether 27 or 28 asterisms were used was not #28 but #22 Vega.


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”
-Albert Einstein

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