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Secreto Masonico
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  معرض الصور 
 الملفات والوتائق 
 الإحصاء والنص 
  قائمة المشاركين
 Procesos Secretos del Alma 
 Estructura Secreta del Ritual Masónico 
 Los extraños Ritos de Sangre 
 Cámara de Reflexiones 
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جواب  رسائل 1 من 59 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999  (الرسالة الأصلية) مبعوث: 22/02/2020 03:07
Sapientia Aedificavit Sibi Domum. Es decir, "la sabiduría ha edificado aquí su casa". Resulta curioso que la misma frase aparece en el Evangelio de María Magdalena, un texto apócrifo. Se dice que en el interior de esta iglesia y de otras muchas de Venecia está escondido el tesoro de los templarios. Pero no hay ninguna prueba de ello. Para terminar ya con esta entrada me gustaría que nos acercásemos un momento a uno de los edificios más emblemáticos de Venecia: el Palacio Ducal.
Resultado de imagen para chiesa della maddalena venezia
Eye within an interlocking circle and triangle, Santa Maria della Maddalena, Venice
La Maddalena
Church of Santa Maria della Maddalena, Venice
La Maddalena
Tomb of the architect Tommaso Temanza, Santa Maria della Maddalena, Venice
Tomb of Tommaso Temanza

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جواب  رسائل 30 من 59 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 22/07/2020 18:00
DON BOSCO TV brings you daily reflections from the days reading/Gospel https://www.ewtn.com/catholicism ...
hace 1 día - Subido por DON BOSCO TV
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world ...
hace 18 horas - Subido por OUR LADY OF GRACE CATHEDRAL PAPDY
... uncontrollable grief, and self absorption can all prevent us from encountering Jesus in the challenging ...
hace 1 día - Subido por Errol Fernandes

جواب  رسائل 31 من 59 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 24/07/2020 17:26
Utoya - July 22 [Italia] [DVD]: Amazon.es: Cine y Series TV

جواب  رسائل 32 من 59 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 24/07/2020 17:29
July 22th Calendar — Stock Photo © EsinDeniz #144425419

جواب  رسائل 33 من 59 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 24/07/2020 17:33
July 22 Zodiac – Accurate Birthday Horoscope Personality | ZSH

جواب  رسائل 34 من 59 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 29/07/2020 17:44

Trip to Italy and France

My wife, son, and I recently returned from a 3 week trip to Italy and France and we are continuing to digest the experience. International travel can shift one’s perspective and I no longer see myself or the familiar surroundings of home quite the same. It is much harder to articulate exactly what this shift consists of.

In Italy we first visited Venice and Bologna, then rented a car and explored the Umbrian towns of Perugia, Spello, Assisi, and Bevagna.

In Venice there must have been 20,000 people in St. Mark’s square on a rainy day! We were there right before Pascua and that is probably why there were so many Italian tourists in Venice. Here is a detail from Venice’s Church of the Maddalena (Magdaline).

Venice Maddalena detail

The most notable feature is the portal, with masonic symbols over the door (probably connected to the Balbo’s membership in the Knights Templar). The interior has hexagonal plan with four side chapels and a presbytery. Source

Sapientia Aedificavit Sibi Domum is Latin for “Wisdom Has Built Her House.” So much praise for Mary Magdalene. This inscription suggests to me that she was the mother of the bloodline of Jesus rather than the prostitute the church fathers have traditionally made her out to be.

I analyzed the symbols over the door in AutoCAD and amazingly, the area of the triangle precisely equals the area of the circle. So instead of squaring the circle here we see an example of triangulating the circle.

Here is a astronomical clock in Piazza San Marco. There is another 24 hour clock on the other side of the Rialto bridge. See my Volume 2 film for deep connections to the 24 hour day. The Venetians must have understood that the position of the Sun signals more than the time of day. The Earth rotates through the changing influences of the zodiac and don’t forget the Moon’s position in the cycle is noted in the center. Interesting also that the singular massive billboard at the other end of the piazza is for a IWC Schaffhausen watch with a perpetual calendar that also tracks the lunar cycle.


Saturn is the god of time and the masks of Venice’s Saturnalia are world famous. Here I am trying on a Plague Doctor’s mask.


After spending a few days in the lovely medieval village of Bevagna, we drove through the countryside exploring Umbria and spent the night in Orvieto. Here is Orvieto’s most impressive Facade of God.


Northern Italy was to me surprisingly lush and densely populated. Italy has about twice as many people as live in all of the vastness of Canada!

I was amazed to see immense fields of solar panels along the highway. We saw this again in France along with large wind turbines.

We dropped off the car in Orvietto and took the high speed train to Rome. Traveling by train is fantastic, especially since so many high speed rail lines have gone in. Trains are much easier than flying and way more convenient. The train drops you off in the city center so you can sometimes walk to your destination whereas the airport must be placed a great distance away, usually necessitating a long taxi or bus ride. There is no security at train stations so the hassle factor is greatly reduced.

Rome was very crowded but I’m told it had nothing like the number of people present a few weeks earlier when the new Pope was selected. Here I am in front of St. Peter’s, standing on the Western wind rose marker. Papa Francesco didn’t come out to meet me.

Scott Onstott in the Vatican

In the porch of the Pantheon I saw this interesting symbol suggesting masonry or sacred geometry.

Pantheon symbol

We flew from Rome to Marseilles, leaving behind the land of delicious pasta and pizza. In France we explored many medieval villages including Lourmarin, Bonnieux, Lacoste, Roussilon, Saignon, Apt, Rustrel, Goult, Menerbes, Senanque, Isle sur la Sorgue, Viens, Buoux, Simiane la Rotonde, and many other villages I forget the name of in the quiet and sparsely populated Luberon. We then drove west and stayed in the more populated Saint Remy de Provence, and explored Eygalieres, Uzes, the Pont du Gard, and Avignon. We took the TGV from Avignon to Paris and stayed in the City of Light for 5 days before returning to quiet Cortes Island, British Columbia, Canada where I live.

After reviewing the close to 3000 pictures we took on our trusty Canon point-and-shoot, I feel that digital photos don’t express emotional content very well. I have pioneered a technique that I discussed in one of my Photoshop User magazine articles (Sept 2012 issue) for turning photos into vibrant paintings. These digital “paintings” seem to me to be more emotive and alive as compared to photos.


The above image is of Glanum, the ruins of a Roman village near Saint Remy de Provence. The central part of the Roman town wasn’t discovered when Van Gogh painted these olive trees on site in 1889. The field where the olive trees were was excavated in 1921 and a forgotten town from 2000 years ago was rediscovered.

Olive Trees with the Alpilles in the Background by Van Gogh

Olive Trees with the Alpilles in the Background by Van Gogh

Roman ruins are impressive. Stone is so permanent. Even today, most everything in Italy and France is made of stone or brick. I can’t emphasize enough how significant this is.

Gordes in the Vaucluse

Gordes in the Vaucluse

Stone buildings with slate or tiled roofs last for hundreds if not thousands of years. Consequently the impression I get is that almost all of the housing is already existing. Therefore most of the construction effort in the built environment lays in restoration and renovation. Interiors can be redone and one can have a sleek modern interior inside a medieval stone shell. So people are largely freed up from having to each build their own house every generation like we seem to do in North America. Europeans seem to stay put also and live in the same place most of their lives, or at least that’s my impression. I have lived in almost 2 dozen houses in my life so far.

In Italy and France I had a palpable sense of permanence, continuity with the past, and how everything is already worked out by one’s forebears. This is a beautiful thing.

It was hard to find anything but Italian food in Italy and French food in France outside larger cities. I love both of these cuisines but after a while I was craving Indian, Thai, Japanese, Mexican, Vegan-Raw-Organic, just to name a few. Then it dawned on me that North America is a mashup, a hodgepodge, a mixed bag of many influences. Nothing is very permanent in the US and Canada. We seemingly have many more options but freedom can also be paralyzing. Without a traditional culture’s wisdom to follow, many are lost. But in that chaos there is also opportunity.

We had one of our most memorable dinners in Bonnieux, a village in the Luberon which was once a Templar stronghold. The L’Arome restaurant building dates from the 13th century, around the time the Templars discovered the Americas.


Adjacent to the restaurant is a bar with an highly interesting name. Google tells me le Terrail is the name of the marquisate that Bonnieux probably belonged to long ago.


The fact that the bar’s name is “33” is something that I took as a confirmation that I was recognizing another secret in plain sight. Why 33? It is a harmonic of the universe. Do the bar owners know this? Are the owners part of some kind of vast conspiracy going back at least to the Templars? ????

It wasn’t open and I don’t speak French well enough to ask for anything more than a pain au chocolat anyway. And even then people don’t understand me. I have found the words “chocolate croissant” work much more effectively in France as you have to hit the French accent perfectly in order to be understood at all. My wife lived in France for a year and became fluent but still gets this treatment occasionally.

Incidentally Bonnieux’s neighboring village of Lacoste was the domain of the Marquis de Sade, and his chateau has fallen into as much ruin as his “sadistic” reputation. Lacoste is now primarily owned by French fashion designer Pierre Cardin, no connection to the fashion label Lacoste which was named after a French tennis player who invented the tennis or “polo” shirt. Here is the memorial to the Marquis de Sade next to his dungeons in Lacoste.

Marquis de Sade

We went to the Abbaye Notre-Dame de Sénanque, a 12th century Cistercian monastery. On the tour of the abbey I was impressed by how beautiful the simple stonework is and how monks have lived in silence there for 850 years and amazingly a few still do.


We attended Vespers and were delighted to hear the monks sing gregorian chant, one of the only exceptions allowed in their vows of silence. Chanting really sacralizes the space and makes you feel the architecture and devotion to God like nothing else.

On a guided tour of monastery I came across this measuring instrument that reveals the units the Cistercians were using before the metric system. It says Coudée 52.36, Pied 32.36, Empan 20?, ?lme 12.56 [a 3 is written over the 5 as a correction so maybe this is supposed to be 12.36], and Paume 7.64. Is this the key to medieval measure? This will require further analysis.


To North American eyes, the cars in Europe are beyond tiny. In Bologna where we were staying with friends we crammed 5 people into a 1980’s Fiat 127, no problem other than the loading and unloading process which is similar to how it was in my well loved 1967 VW Beetle. Their Fiat has a 900cc engine, smaller than most larger motorcycle engines. But that’s nothing…they have 50cc cars in Italy! Yes you read that right, cars with tiny motorscooter engines are popular because they are exempt from requiring a license to drive (apparently this is a controversial law in Italy). Here is a 50cc car.

50cc car

In France I saw Smart cars parked 90 degrees to how cars parallel park along the road; they just back into the curb and you 2 smart cars can fit in 1 normal parking space. Three wheeled motorscooters were popular in Paris having 2 front wheels in some kind of complicated steering linkage such that the scooter consequently doesn’t need a kickstand and presumably has better traction.

Everything in Europe is compact and efficient. For example, the roads in the Luberon are very narrow. What I would clearly call one single lane hosts 2-way traffic which can be nerve wracking.


The Luberon has 2nd gear and sometimes 3rd gear roads meaning they twist and they turn all the time. Everyone there seems to be part-time Formula 1 drivers and they push their cars to the limit. On Sundays dozens of motorcyclists show up racing their bikes for the pleasure of it.

The roads form a sort of neural network between villages so that every village is connected to all those villages surrounding them without having arterials nor freeways.

I really enjoyed feeling the connection with history and those who have come before. This is something that we have very little of in North America. It gives one perspective to consider the past.


جواب  رسائل 35 من 59 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 01/08/2020 17:22
Mary of Magdala – Susan Maria Towers

جواب  رسائل 36 من 59 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 06/08/2020 19:08
Mysteries & Legends

Freemasons in Venice and the Church of Saint Mary...


Venice, an ever magic and mysterious city, was already in the 18th century the centre of an influential Freemasonry fraternity, whose members also included the famous adventurer Giacomo Casanova.

Here, the Freemasonry fraternity was so powerful and rich that they had a church built following the Freemasonry doctrines – the church of Saint Mary Magdalene in Cannaregio.

A few components of the Baffo family, affiliated to the Freemasonry in Venice, contracted the architect Tommaso Temanza, also a member of the fraternity, to build the ‘Freemasonry' church. Temenza designed a perfectly round building with a neo classic style and a symbol of the Freemasonry etched on the architrave of the main door – an eye inscribed within a circle and a pyramid with the writing ‘SAPIENTIA EDIFICAVIT SIBI DOMUM', a reference to the cult of the divine knowledge, which is at the base of the Freemason ideologies.

Temanza himself is buried inside the church and his headstone is decorated with a line and compasses, the most important symbol of the Freemasonry, as its members would define themselves as ‘builders'.

It is no surprise that this ‘Freemasonry' church is dedicated to Mary Magdalene, a mysterious figure, sometimes rejected by the church, beloved instead by the Freemasonry and its members who considered her a symbol of wisdom and the struggle against the obscurantism of the church.

Unfortunately, this church is not open to visitors but if the unusual places of Venice are the ones that interest you the most, contact us! We will create an unforgettable personalized tour in Venice just for you in collaboration with Francesca, the editor of this popular section.


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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 06/08/2020 13:54

Large round bas-relief with symbols and inscription


Lote 18597809

Large round bas-relief with symbols and inscription - 1

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 06/08/2020 14:00
25 Coolest University and College Mottos - Study Abroad Review
Deep house by DimiEns0 | Mixcloud
medalla de universidad en bronce- 277 - Comprar Medallas temáticas ...
Convenios | Estudiar Odontología

جواب  رسائل 37 من 59 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 06/08/2020 20:15

La Maddalena: Venice’s mysterious masonic church

Modelled on the Roman Pantheon, the tiny church of Santa Maria della Maddalena, or simply La Maddalena, is a Venetian mystery. Perhaps its most notable feature are the masonic symbols above the door. The all-seeing eye inside an interlocking circle and triangle is one of the symbols of freemasonry and both the church’s architect and patron were freemasons. The mystery is amplified by the fact that the church is almost always closed to visitors – so much so that I’ve never seen the inside.

The 18th-century neoclassical edifice we see today is the work of Venetian architect Tommaso Temanza who entirely rebuilt an earlier church using a circular plan inspired by the Pantheon in Rome. The Roman Pantheon itself, one of the best preserved buildings of the antiquity, is a special design echoed by the much later symbols of freemasonry. It incorporates a circular wall plan and a rectangular portico while its circular dome has an eye-like opening in the centre of the roof called an oculus.

La Maddalena’s site, owned by the patrician Balbo (or Baffo) family, had a church as early as the 13th century. There is some evidence of the family’s association with the Knights Templar. In the 18th century, Venice had an influential fraternity of freemasons whose members also included the famous adventurer Giacomo Casanova. The owners of the old religious site who were also affiliated to the freemasonry contracted Temanza, also a member of the fraternity, to build a masonic church in Venice.

Judging by the symbol of the all-seeing eye above La Maddalena’s entrance and its Latin inscription attributed to Solomon: Sapientia edificavit sibi domum (“Wisdom has built a home for itself”), Temanza was also a dabbler in the same undercurrent of esoteric freemasonry as Mozart. The architect is buried inside the church and his headstone is apparently decorated with a line and set of compasses, the most common symbol of the freemasons whose members would see themselves as ‘builders’.

It is also no surprise that this peculiar small masonic church is dedicated to Mary Magdalene. Despite being the first witness to Christ’s resurrection, she is more commonly remembered as a reformed prostitute. This mysterious figure, sometimes rejected by the church, was instead beloved by the freemasonry whose members considered her a symbol of wisdom and the struggle against the obscurantism of the church. With her church in Venice almost never open to visitors, this struggle is apparently real.


جواب  رسائل 38 من 59 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 06/08/2020 21:21

جواب  رسائل 39 من 59 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 07/08/2020 17:08


Jennifer LindbergLast Updated: June 18th, 2020Greece and TurkeyHoly LandSaints

We all know the awe-inspiring story of Mary Magdalene, the first person Christ appeared to after his Resurrection. She was a true saint of hope running to tell the Apostles she had seen the Lord. They didn’t believe her until they ran to the tomb themselves.

The unbelief of the Apostles steeled her for a life of ministry to many who did not believe in Christ’s Resurrection. Her story didn’t end at the tomb of Jesus. She continued to witness to the Faith and Resurrection – and she did it with an egg. It’s part of the reason we use Easter eggs at Eastertime.

According to tradition, St. Mary Magdalene—who was a wealthy woman – gained an audience with the Emperor Tiberius in Rome after Christ’s Resurrection. Denouncing Pilate for the way he conducted himself at Christ’s trial, Mary told the Emperor about Christ and His Resurrection from the Dead.

Holding out an egg to him, she proclaimed “Christ is Risen!”

The Emperor was not impressed. He told St. Mary Magdalene that there was about as much chance of a human being returning to life from the dead as there was of the egg in her hand turning red.

The egg promptly turned red!

This is why many icons painted in the Byzantine Catholic style show Mary Magdalene holding a red egg. Even before the time of Christianity, eggs were a symbol of creation, spring, and rebirth. After the Resurrection of Christ, they took on deeper symbolic meaning. The sealed tomb of Christ was the uncracked egg. St. Augustine described Christ’s Resurrection from the dead as a chick bursting from an egg.

The Eastern Catholic Church to this day distributes red Easter eggs, and the tradition of sharing Easter eggs across the world stems directly from Mary Magdalene’s proclamation of Christ’s Resurrection to the Emperor and the miracle of the red egg.


جواب  رسائل 40 من 59 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 07/08/2020 17:39

The All-Seeing Eye



Eye within an interlocking circle and triangle, Santa Maria della Maddalena, Venice
Eye within an interlocking circle and triangle

The 18th century church of Santa Maria della Maddalena (1763-90), better known simply as La Maddalena, was designed by the Venetian architect Tommaso Temanza (1705-89). 

The entrance to the church is surmounted by the inscription SAPIENTIA AEDIFICAVIT SIBI DOMUM  (Wisdom has built herself a home) and a curious image of an eye surrounded by an interlocking circle and triangle. 

The all-seeing eye is one of the symbols of freemasonry and both the architect and the patron (a member of the Baffo family) of the church were freemasons. 

Temanza's ashes are interred in La Maddalena

Eye within an interlocking circle and triangle, Santa Maria della Maddalena, Venice
La Maddalena
Church of Santa Maria della Maddalena, Venice
La Maddalena
Tomb of the architect Tommaso Temanza, Santa Maria della Maddalena, Venice
Tomb of Tommaso Temanza

جواب  رسائل 41 من 59 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 07/08/2020 20:23

Phi, the Golden Ratio and Geometry

Golden ratios appears in many geometric constructions, including triangles and squares in circles, the pentagon and also in solids such as the dodecahedron.

جواب  رسائل 42 من 59 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 08/08/2020 19:41
Amazon.com: Secrets In Plain Sight: Leonardo da Vinci ...

جواب  رسائل 43 من 59 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 09/10/2020 02:43

جواب  رسائل 44 من 59 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 06/01/2021 12:32

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