iS Pi A LiE?
Jain 108 Research
Article For NEXUS MAGAZINE June 2014
Learn why the Maltese Cross, based on Root 5 and Phi ϕ geometry
(the maths of flowers, crystals and human proportions),
was more than a sacred symbol,
it was used as a Navigational tool to travel and create with.
It incorporated the perfected Circle and Square Harmonics
from which is derived the True value of Pi.
Join Jain on this excursion into an ancient mystery, finally revealed.
Here are 13 Bullets of Fact, posed as Questions:
● NASA admitted that when the original Mooncraft landing occurred, the targeted spot was missed by about 20km?
What could have been wrong with the Calculations?
NASA subsequently adjusted their traditional mathematical value for Pi (3.141592…) by increasing it in the 3rd decimal by .003!
● Also, an ex-Engineer from NASA, “Smokey” admitted (via email) that when he was making metal cylinders for this same Mooncraft, finished parts just did not fit perfectly, so an adjusted value for Pi was also implemented. At the time, he thought nothing about it, but after reading an internet article called The True Value of Pi, by Jain 108, he made contact.
● What if the True Value of Pi (3.144…) was hidden in the height of the Cheops Pyramid in Gizeh, Egypt?
● Pi is not just the relationship of the Circle to the Square, it embodies a Phi (maths of nature) connection between the area of the circle and its surrounding square. This fact puts Pi in the category of Eternal or Timeless Fixed Design.
● Why did Moses instruct Aaron to build an Altar of Incense based similarly on the Double Unit Cube?
Why did Egyptian Pharaohs sit upon thrones that showed geometric lines indicating what is known as the Double Square or Double Unit Cube, whose main diagonal is the Square Root of 5, the critical frequency needed to determine both Phi and Pi?
● What if the geometric proof for the Golden Mean or Phi Proportion (1 : 1.618… the mathematics of Beauty and Nature) shows irrefutably that Phi is Pi, based on a Root 5 Maltese Cross, and that this same proof is the psychic and spiritual emblem for Saint Germain, who wears this Maltese Cross on his Heart, as if to protect this holy information.
● If Pi is simply the Circle-Square Relationship, how important is it to know that the Square Area of the Circle compared to the surrounding Square is in the ratio of 1 : 1.272… which is a Harmonic of the Phi Ratio and the critical height of the Cheops Pyramid.
● Why does HM Queen Mary wear this Maltese Cross on her royal Crown, as pictured at the coronation of King George V1 and Queen Elizabeth, in 1937.
● What if the current Queen of England, her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 2nd wore this Geometric Proof (Root 5 Maltese Cross) upon her royal robe, declaring herself as the Sovereign Head of the Order of St. John and wearing the Insignia of the Order which was made also for Queen Victoria.
● Why did Pope Benedictine XVI, and many other holy dignitaries, wear the Maltese Cross on their papal robes and hats?
● What was the Billy Meier Prophesy (born 1937) about, relating that when The True Value of Pi is revealed, the Earth’s frequency will change and will allow a Space Age of advanced Technology to unfold, as in the bending of Time and Space and mastery of the toroidal Physics of Black and White Holes.
● Why was “Plato’s Most Beautiful Triangle” highly revered in his time, and how does it reveal The True Value of Pi?
● What if both an algebraic and a geometric proof existed, both irrefutable evidence that Pi is deliberately deficient, that Pi is a Lie?
Definition of Pi:
Pi, as you may recall, from your early high school days, is the relationship of the Circle’s Diameter to its Circumference (fig 1). Scholars for thousands of years have enquired, how many times does the known length of the diameter fit into the unknown surrounding curvature. For easier calculations, we set the Diameter as 1 unit of length, and get an approximated value of 3.141…, which means that the diameter fits into its circular periphery 3 times and a bit.
Fig 1 |
For reasons that will be soon explained, traditional Pi is deficient because historically it has awkwardly used logical straight lines to measure illogical curvature. Thus, by using the highest level of mathematics known as Intuitive Maths, the True Value of Pi must be a bit more than anticipated to compensate for the mysterious “Area Under The Curve”. When this is done, the value, currently known as JainPi, = 3.144… can be derived, by knowing the precise Height of the Cheops Pyramid which is based on the Divine Phi Proportion (1.618…). Instead of setting our diameter at 1 unit or 1 square, something magical happens when we set the diameter at the diagonal length of a Double Square = 2.236… which is the Square Root of 5 (meaning 2.236… x 2.236… = 5). This is the critical part of the formula that derives Phi (1+√5)÷2, and was used by ancient vedic seers as their starting point to construct their most important diagram or ‘Yantra’ or power-art called the Sri Yantra. With a Root 5 diameter, the translation of the Phi’s formula into a geometric construct derives the royal Maltese Cross symbol, concluding that Phi is Pi, that Phi generates Pi, and that Pi must be derived with a knowledge of the Harmonics of Phi. When this is understood and utilized, we will collectively enter into a veritable Space Age.
Fig 2
Simply put, Pi is the relationship of the Circle to the Square (Fig 2). It would be of special interest to learn that the square area of the Circle, when compared to the Square that surrounds it is in a direct Phi harmonic relationship. If the square is 1 unit, then the square area is 1×1 = 1 square unit. The square area of the circle is Pi times the radius squared: π x r2 or πr2 for short, and since the diameter is 1 unit then the radius is half of this making it = ½. Area therefore is π x (½)2 = π÷4 = .786… which is a harmonic of Phi. Instead of dividing the area of the circle into the area of the square, we could reverse this and divide the area of the square into the area of the circle and the answer is 1.272… which is the height of the Cheops Pyramid and also the Square Root of Phi, another inverse harmonic of Phi. This critical number is also the only known frequency that can Square The Circle or make the area of the circle equal to the area of the square, which is another way of expressing unification of the Heaven & Earth energies.
Archimedes Fundamental Error:
In all due good respects, we must first honour Archimedes of Syracuse 2,225 years ago, who gave the world his system on how to calculate Pi, approximated to 22÷7, by cutting the circle into say 16 slices of a pizza, and measuring the 16 edge lengths of these 16 triangular polygons (fig 3), to get a good estimate for the circumference of a circle. The idea was that if we kept making the slices of pizza smaller and smaller, by subsequently cutting the circle into 32 slices, then 64, then 128 then 256 slices, we would get a better and more accurate representation for the circumference. The Fundamental Flawed Logic or Error with Archimede’s Increasing Polygon Method was that he failed to measure The Area Under The Curve. In fact, he assumed that The Area Under The Curve, just magically disappeared. Even in his time, Archimedes admitted that his value was a mere estimate!
Fig 3
Today, mathematicians would call these billions of straight lines The Limit, and is an integral part of modern day Calculus, that measures Areas Under The Curve, like the path of a cannon ball.
Incidentally, our history of mathematics has a military inheritance and background, how to make the cannon ball fly further. Archimedes, our friend, designed weapons of war such as catapults, levers and “burning mirrors” to keep the Romans at bay. In the realm of physics he is best known for his discovery of buoyancy in hydrostatics, leaping from his bath and running naked down the street shouting “Eureka”.
Ok, lets give more credit to Archimedes and give him a green tick to say that yes, the value of 3.1415… is a good approximation for pi, but it is only an approximation, his logic for that time was commendable, considering that they did not have calculators or computers, so we can say that his Pi is the Limit of Infinite Straight Lines, but does not account for the Area Under The Curve. It has always bothered me, since high school, that we use straight lines to measure a curved circle.
When the True Value of Pi is globally recognized, new advances in Time Travel will be developed as the mathematical harmonic for the Circle-Square relationship will have been rectified correctly to infinite decimal places (fig 4). At this moment, year 2014, traditional pi (aka Legacy Pi or Deficient Pi) is in error in the 3rd decimal place. This prediction has already been made! by Billy Meier (born in 1937) and is the most controversial case in the UFO community.
Fig 4
Billy Meier is a Swiss farmer in contact with Plearjen people (humans like you and me) since the age of 6.
In Contact 251 ( it is stated :
“In the process they will discover that the base for pi was miscalculated. By eliminating the error in pi, and correcting future computations based on pi, scientists and their amazing, highly developed technology will have the capability to make unimaginable energies accessible to the people of Earth”.
We all love our mobile phones and the intelligent technology associated with it, though we suspect that something is just not right, that overuse of contact with these invisible micro-waves can fry our brain and cause cancers. In this analogy, JainPi is the new incoming frequency that will override or correct the current disharmonic application of traditional Pi. This correction or fine-tuning of True Pi’s Circle-Square relationshift will take humanity through the Eye of the Sun, non-destructive access to the higher physics and worlds. Though, it comes with a great caution and a question: Are we emotionally mature to journey to new frontiers through Time & Space? How responsible are we if we are seeking higher worlds and technologies, yet we are destroying and polluting this world, still emptying our sewerage into the pristine oceans! Any invention is only as good as the Consciousness of the Inventor. In the same way that the pyramids Amplify energy, if your Intent is not Pure or if your emotional body is out of whack, the ill-user will only amplify more greed, control, revenge, hate, anger and sickness. Though if you have love, the love will be amplified. This is why this Knowledge of 3.144ology is guarded; if it were an Entity, it would be waiting to meet the right person at the right time for the right reason.
Fig 5
This is suggested and shown on the front cover of the book: “THE BOOK OF PHI, volume 8: sub-titled: The True Value of Pi, JainPi = Jπ = 4÷√ϕ = 3.144… ” where the cosmic archer has the numbers lined up and available on his Arrow, but he has not released the numbers yet to Humanity (fig 5); though soon, after True Pi is vilified, it will be adored, then accepted as common knowledge. The only thing in the way is the pride and arrogance of mathematicians who cannot conceive of such a notion that Pi could be anything else than what their books have instructed them to believe. It is their lack of understanding of Fractal Harmonics (based on the cascading proportions of the Fibonacci Sequence) which hinders them to comprehend the elegance of the geometric solution known as the Fairywand Method identical to Saint Germain’s Maltese Cross. Fractal Harmonics allows us to zoom forever into the Area Under The Curve and detect more infinitesimal Areas Under The Curve, concluding that old Pi is only an approximation, a limit of millions or billions of straight lines, that it is deficient, that the True Value of Pi must be a fraction more than we estimated, and that it must be based on Phi, The Golden Mean Harmonics. Thus 4 divided by the Square Root of Phi (1.272…) gives the correct frequency of 3.144… its really very simple.
True Pi is like a crystalline seal or a Recoding ready to unlock, to override the old genetic imprint of degeneration, of lack and sickness. It will, in effect, spark a Process of Purification.
Fig 6
Simply, there is a New Frequency (Fig 6) changing the face of this planet and entering the consciousness of all people. Things are getting corrected and a process of purification must take place for changes to come into effect. The correction of Old Pi, or Legacy Pi or Traditional Pi is part of this necessary brain-like surgery taking place, but rather than the removal of something, the operation is a Light Implant.
Yet the real Key that opens the Door is the secret dimensions of the Cheops Pyramid in Gizeh, Egypt. It is the relationship of the 4 sides of the Pyramid’s base divided by the height that gives this value of 3.144… (The 3 dots “…” indicates that this number keeps on going forever, without any detectable repetition). Mathematically, the True Value of Pi is written as: JainPi = Jπ = 4÷√ϕ.
JainPi to 50 decimal places (dp) is: = 3.14460551102969314427823434337183571809248823135089… notice how the first 4 digits “3144” repeat at the 15 dp. This secret Harmonic of Sri 3144 could be considered as a Pin Number for the Universe.
Fig 7
Let the distance from the centre of the square base to the midpoint of the side be 1 unit (Fig 7). This is called the Apothem. This means that the perimeter of the square base is 2 x 4 = 8 units). The slope height of the pyramid, not the edge slope, is 1.618… or Phi. When you know 2 sides of a right-angle triangle, you apply Pythagoras’ Theorem and we can determine the height of the pyramid to be 1.272… which is the Square Root of Phi. In the world of Sacred Phiometry, this is the most special triangle linked to Fractal Harmonics. It was revered in ancient times. Pythagoras (circa BC500) had a main disciple circa BC300 by the name of Plato who ran an Academy. They understood that the x-ray vision of the internal geometries of this Cheop’s Pyramid was based on this important triangulation.
Fig 8
It was therefore known as “Plato’s Most Beautiful Triangle” (fig 8), cleverly hidden inside the Cheop’s pyramid, having an Apothem of 1 unit, giving a slope height of Phi or 1.618… and giving the height of the pyramid as 1.272… or the Square Root of Phi, meaning, what number multiplied by itself will give 1.618033988….
the answer is 1.272… x 1.272… = 1.618…
This number “1.272…” appears in our attempts to Square the Circle (Fig 9) meaning, if we have a square whose diameter is 1 unit, how much would we have to increase this diameter to create a Circle whose Circumference is equal to the Perimeter of this Square.
Fig 9
My main proof for the True Value of Pi as 3.144… is an algebraic proof based on the Mystical Squaring of the Circle (Fig 9), but for this essay it is easier to give an equally important geometric proof. Many readers shut down when they hear the word “Algebra” even though it is a Star Language; it is safer and more illuminating to teach via the visual realm of Geometry, the feminine right-cortex of the brain.