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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensagem original) Enviado: 10/02/2015 16:17

Finding the Center

I did a series of JCN matches today on my domain name and here is the synchronous full match (see English Gematria) that inspired this post:

The script of www.secretsinplainsight.com = The lies of Einstein’s theory of relativity

Two days ago on 22 Sep 11 (interesting date 11+11 Sep 11) scientists at CERN (see 666) announced that they have broken the speed of light.

Antonio Ereditato, spokesman for the international group of researchers, said that measurements taken over three years showed neutrinos pumped from CERN near Geneva to Gran Sasso in Italy had arrived 60 nanoseconds quicker than light would have done.

“We have high confidence in our results. We have checked and rechecked for anything that could have distorted our measurements but we found nothing,” he said. “We now want colleagues to check them independently.”

If confirmed, the discovery would undermine Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity, which says that the speed of light is a “cosmic constant” and that nothing in the universe can travel faster.

That assertion, which has withstood over a century of testing, is one of the key elements of the so-called Standard Model of physics, which attempts to describe the way the universe and everything in it works. -Source

Here’s a video describing the announcement:

This is game changing because it alters the way scientists must think about the universe. If it is possible to exceed the speed of light then who knows what else might be possible?


Actual UFO photo; image source

CERN is the home of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world’s largest, highest-energy, and most expensive scientific instrument ever built. They fired it up for the first time on 8 Aug 08 (8-8-8), the same day the Beijing Olympics started (yes at 8pm). Notice the 8-part symmetry of the LHC:


Incidentally this figure-8 crop circle appeared on that same day 8-8-8:

Crop circle figure 8 8 8

See here

Above ground at CERN there is a famous statue of Shiva:

Shiva CERN

Image source

Fritjof Capra says: “The statue, symbolizing Shiva’s cosmic dance of creation and destruction, was given to CERN by the Indian government to celebrate the research center’s long association with India.

In choosing the image of Shiva Nataraja, the Indian government acknowledged the profound significance of the metaphor of Shiva’s dance for the cosmic dance of subatomic particles, which is observed and analyzed by CERN’s physicists.” -Source

Also of interest is CERN’s Globe of Science and Innovation:

Globe of Science and Innovation at CERN

Image courtesy SCZenz under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license

At 27 metres in height and 40 metres in diameter, it’s about the size of the Sistine Chapel in Rome. -CERN source

It’s funny that CERN should mention the Sistine chapel. Dan Brown made this link between CERN and the Vatican in Angels & Demons. Here is Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam on the Sistine chapel’s ceiling:

Creation of Adam

Dr. Frank Lynn Meshberger has discovered that Michelangelo encoded God inside the human brain in this fresco. -Source

Michel sistine psych

Image source

In addition Rafael Tamargo, M.D. discovered that Michelangelo depicted brain anatomy in the neck of God in another Sistine chapel fresco. He published this finding in the journal Neuroscience (May 2010).

God brain

“Michelangelo definitely knew how to depict necks — he knew anatomy so well,” says Rafael Tamargo, M.D., a professor in the Department of Neurosurgery at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. “That’s why it was such a mystery why this particular neck looked so odd.” -Source

What is the archangel Michael [through Michelangelo] telling us?

God is at the center of consciousness.

The hemisphere within a hemisphere design at CERN reminds me of Arnaldo Pomodoro’s Sphere within Sphere sculptures in the Vatican, the UN HQ, and other strategic locations.

UNHQ Sphere within Sphere

The sphere within sphere also represents the hypersphere, or higher dimensional sphere.

Scientists at CERN are searching for the Higgs boson, also known as the God Particle but they haven’t found it yet. Here’s a simulated event featuring the appearance of a Higgs boson:

God Particle

Are physicists bozos to be searching for this bozon? They have spent €7.5 billion (US$15 billion) trying to look into the mind of God. And scientists are the people least likely to believe in God even if they see evidence of him/her.

In any case the well funded physicists at CERN are accelerating particles at, near (and now above) the speed of light in giant underground rings. Here I’ve overlaid a map of the underworld of CERN in Google Earth:


I stretched a cord (shown in green above) from the center of the smaller ring at CERN and you’ll be amazed where it leads. Inspired by a post the brilliant Bert Janssen did back in 2008 I found something slightly different and perhaps even more interesting.

The next stop on this green line is the center of the historical core of Paris. The green line goes right through the center point of solar alignments I discussed in my Paris Part 1 video.


Just to give you some perspective, the green line originating at CERN is essentially parallel to the Eiffel Tower axis (white). The red line is the azimuth of summer solstice sunrise, the blue line is the obelisk marking winter solstice sunset, the yellow line marks equinoctial sunset, and the cyan line is due south to the Gates of Hell and entrance of the Paris catacombs.

Astro Paris

The white axis makes a beeline to Danebury hill fort in the UK as mentioned in The Snowflake and the Flower, but I digress.

The final stop on the green line is the Cherhill obelisk sitting on top of Oldbury hill fort in the UK. This green alignment is absolutely precise. The distance from the center of the CERN ring to the Cherhill obelisk is exactly 443.00 nautical miles. If you allow a one unit grace (as is done in gematria) the distance resonates with 444. The London Eye is 444′ high.


As the name suggests Oldbury is as old as the stone age. The 125 foot obelisk is much more recent and was erected in 1845. Thanks to Tina Silver (who is the discoverer of the Temple of Woman) for taking a picture of it and sending it to me:

Cherhill Obelisk

Image courtesy Tina Silver

The prophetic book Two-Thirds: A History of Our Galaxy by David Myers is one of the most amazing books I’ve ever read.

Two-thirds = 66.6666….%

The back cover says: “Two-Thirds is the key to understanding our history, and is, in fact, non-fiction.” It appears to be fiction but there is too much brilliance in the book for me to believe it is merely a flight of fancy. It seems to me to be channeled from a higher intelligence.

For example, Figure 111.1 in Two-Thirds depicts Oldbury and the Cherhill obelisk. It says the Cherhill obelisk represents the soul’s position within the brain, slightly to the right of the center. The Oldbury earthworks represents the two hemispheres of the brain.

Myers says “Part of the right side of the brain is missing as it is cut away by a steep embankment. Note also the location of the white horse on the adjacent hillside.”

Cherhill white horse2

Image courtesy MacFodder under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license

Incidentally Myers claims there are three speeds of light:

“Solar system light speed is approximately 186,000 miles per second and extends well beyond the limits of the solar system.

Interstellar light speed is the speed of light between solar systems. Over 400,000 times faster than solar system light speed, interstellar light speed begins well beyond the limits of a solar system and extends well beyond the fringes of galaxies.

Intergalactic light speed is seven times faster than interstellar light speed. Intergalactic light speed is the speed of light in the physical universe well beyond the fringes of galaxies.” -Two-Thirds page 44

The practice of carving white horses in chalk upland areas in England is as old as the hills. The practice of cutting human hill figures is known as gigantotomy. The Cerne Abbas giant looks to me like a depiction of Orion (see Stars of Lower Manhattan). I bet you never thought you’d see this rude 55m giant in Google Earth:


Myers says the white horse is a symbol of the center of the galaxy. I find that intriguing and I’ve always remembered it. There is a white horse in the heavens, known as the Monoceros constellation. Its single horn points directly at the silver gate (see my Esoteric Astronomy video). The crossing of the milky way (blue line) and the ecliptic (red arc) happens at two points that the ancient Egyptians called the silver and golden gates.


Image courtesy of Stellarium open source software; constellation art by Jonathan Meuris

The soul passes through the silver gate at birth and the golden gate at death and continues on its journey to the center of the galaxy.

The Horsehead Nebula (discovered in 1888) is just below the star Alnitak in the Orion constellation. It is so called because the dark gas and dust literally looks like a horse’s head:


I find it particularly interesting that the Horsehead Nebula is designated Barnard 33.

We are in the Orion Spur of the Milky Way galaxy. Spurs suggest horses do they not?

Orion spur

The most famous white horse was of course Pegasus.


Image courtesy Radomil under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license

Pegasus was sired by Poseidon and foaled by Medusa. In fact Pegasus is the god of horses, having created them out of waves. Poseidon’s trident reminds me of Shiva’s trident and the pair of tridents in the 9/11 Memorial museum pavilion (see Freedom Tower).


Pegasus was sacred to the Muses.

Minerva among the Muses

Minerva among the Muses by Hendrick van Balen the Elder (1620s)

The following crop circle appeared at the base of Cherhill on 17 July 99. Its nine triangles remind one of the nine Muses.

Incidentally I drew this crop circle and published it in my Crop Circle Coloring Book.


The word Muse is probably derived from the Indo-European root men-, which is also the source of Greek Mnemosyne, English “mind”, “mental” and “memory” and Sanskrit “mantra”. -Source

Mnemosyne is the mythological mother of the Muses and personification of memory.

Inside the human brain the hippocampus plays important roles in the consolidation of information from short-term memory to long-term memory and spatial navigation. -Source

The hippocampus looks like a seahorse:


Image courtesy Professor Laszlo Seress under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license

Hippocampus means seahorse in Latin:


There are actually two seahorses near the center of the human brain, one on each side. -Source

Poseidon would ride seahorses wouldn’t he? Or don’t you remember? Gerald Santana found this case in point from the Apotheosis of George Washington under the Capitol Dome:

Neptune white horses

The band MUSE makes some very interesting music and I enjoy listening to them, although I’m never really sure where they stand. MUSE is rife with Masonic, Illuminati, and mind control symbolism. Benjamin Singleton feels the same way; read his Duality of Muse post.

One picture that stands out are the band members of MUSE in front of a white horse. This is certainly not accidental and I’m sure you’ll agree if you read Benjamin’s post.

Muse whitehorse

Image source

Everything in duality has two sides. If the white horse at the center of human memory can be conquered then the mind can be controlled:

And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. -Revelation 6:2

Four Horsemen Apocalypse

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse by Viktor Vasnetsov (1887)

We must conquer the conquerors by raising our consciousness to a higher level. Einstein didn’t get everything wrong, he had a brilliant mind:

‘Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them.’ -Albert Einstein

If you recall my Foundation Stone post, the Cherhill obelisk is 33 degrees from the foundation stone at the center of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, underlining its incredible significance.


Find your center.

©2012 SIPS Productions Inc. – All Rights Reserved.


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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/11/2019 17:48
21 nov. 2017 - Subido por Mundo Desconocido
Un candidato a la casa blanca, hizo unas sorprendentes declaraciones en las que afirmaba que Estados Unidos ...

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/11/2019 18:04
21 nov. 2017 - Subido por Mundo Desconocido
Un candidato a la casa blanca, hizo unas sorprendentes declaraciones en las que afirmaba que Estados Unidos ...
22 nov. 2017 - Subido por Libertalya
Al ver el video de JL de Mundo Desconocido quise complementarlo con un toque de verdad. Suscribete: https ...
15 nov. 2018 - Subido por Atrapados En El Tiempo
Esta es la historia de un hombre que asegura ha realizado una decena de viajes en el tiempo, en un ...
4 jul. 2016 - Subido por Ucronías Ryderback
Ryderback : Tanto las de la física tanto como la materia nos dicen que las partículas son capaces de viajar hacia ...
28 sep. 2013 - Subido por Manuel Gamez
No olvides dejar tu opinion con un me gusta, comentando, compartiendo o de la forma que quieras :D Redes ...
30 mar. 2018 - Subido por Stephanie Soihit
Helloooo Bellezas tropicales !!! Aqui les dejo un video de otra TEORIA CONSPIRATIVA que me puso bastante ...
24 abr. 2018 - Subido por DOCU-MISTERIO
Portales que conectan a otros puntos en el tiempo y espacio han aparecido en muchos libros, películas y ...
21 nov. 2017 - Subido por Mundo Desconocido
Un candidato a la casa blanca, hizo unas sorprendentes declaraciones en las que afirmaba que Estados Unidos ...
13 nov. 2015 - Subido por JORGE LIMAS
Viajero del Tiempo; Andrew Basiago y el Proyecto Pegasus Parte 1 .... lo indios e hindigenas miden o median ...

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/11/2019 18:16

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/11/2019 18:46
Our mission is to put on your wrist a high-quality Italian watch at a fraction of its retail price. Luxury is no longer for few.
Our mission is to put on your wrist a high-quality Italian watch at a fraction of its retail price. Luxury is no longer for few.

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/11/2019 18:57
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21 nov. 2017 - Subido por Mundo Desconocido
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