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www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0f-LugkXts14 May 2009 - 10 min - Subido por kewserx Number of Golden Ratio, mystery of Kaaba, Miracle of Islam and Koran, it is the high time for Divine Secrets ...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=hD2323zkQUM20 Abr 2009 - 10 min - Subido por HighFlyingDutchman Presenting the clear scientific facts that the 'holy' city of Islam is in the Golden Ratio point of the world. It ...
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El triangulo de las bermudas
- 1. ElTriángulo de las Bermudas es una de las zonas más fascinantes del planetaTierra gracias al aura de misterio y su mitología socialmente construida a lo largo de los años.
- 2. Conocido también comoTriángulo del Diablo y Limbo de los Perdidos, es un lugar en el que se han producido numerosas desapariciones aparentemente inexplicables de barcos y aviones. Así mismo, se han producido numerosos reportes de ovnis e incluso hay quienes creen que el lugar puede ser una puerta dimensional…
- 3. Varias explicaciones se han sugerido para dar cuenta del misterio, pasando por abducciones extraterrestres o artefactos de la desaparecida Atlántida hasta otras con base científica como la teoría de las burbujas de metano.
- 4. El Triángulo de las Bermudas es un área del Atlántico situada entre tres puntos geográficos importantes: las islas Bermudas, Puerto Rico y Fort Lauderdale (Florida). Mide aproximadamente 1,1 millones de km² y es la resultante de unir dichos puntos geográficos a través de líneas imaginarias.
- 5. Algunas de las teorías que podrían explicar el misterio delTriángulo de las Bermudas rozan la ciencia ficción y aunque explican casi en su totalidad los casos de desapariciones pertenecen mas al campo de las leyendas que a la investigación. EXPLICACIONES FANTASIOSAS
- 6. Hay quienes dicen que en el Triángulo podría haber un agujero de gusano, una singularidad en el tejido espacio-temporal en virtud de la cual los barcos y aviones desaparecidos podrían haber sido transportados a otro universo. UN SALTO EN EL ESPACIO-TIEMPO
- 7. Se ha sugerido que el Triángulo podría estar funcionando como una estación de extraterrestres en la cual gente, barcos y aviones desaparecidos serían secuestrados con el fin de ser estudiados o quizá (al menos en ciertos casos) con el fin de ser salvados de un holocausto. MONSTRUOS MARINOS Una de las teorías más fantasiosas es aquella según la cual monstruos marinos (tipo El Kraken…) serían los responsables de tanto barco hundido… OVNISY ALIENÍGENAS
- 8. Esta teoría fue en gran parte catapultada por el psíquico Edgar Cayce, quien creía que los atlantes poseían una tecnología que, entre otras cosas, incluía unos poderosos “cristales de fuego” que eran usados para obtener energía. Cayce decía que el uso de esos cristales se salió de control y terminó siendo la causa del hundimiento de la Atlántida, hasta ahora siguen activos aunque de forma intermitente y en menor grado: así, los campos de energía emitidos por dichos cristales interferirían con el funcionamiento de barcos y aviones. Rayos de la Muerte de la Atlántida
- 9. Explicaciones que aunque no podrían explicar todos los casos de desapariciones al menos son más creíbles y posiblemente tengan relación con muchos de los casos de barcos y aviones que nunca aparecieron. • Efectos Climatológicos Se sabe que el Triángulo de las Bermudas es una zona con fuertes vientos y en la temporada del niño numerosos huracanes han azotado sus aguas, así mismo es una zona conocida de turbulencias poco favorable para los vuelos . Así mismo se han documentado grandes olas y algunos remolinos gigantes. • Piratería Se piensa que la piratería podría ser la causa de muchos casos de barcos, pero sin duda esto no podría explicar la desaparición de aviones. • Bombas y Minas que han Quedado sin Desactivar Se piensa que podrían haber muchas minas acuáticas que, colocadas en periodos de tensión bélica —cuando Cuba era colonia de España o la Guerra Fría, por ejemplo—, aún persisten y son una amenaza para los barcos. EXPLICACIONES MÁS REALISTAS
- 10. Según la última explicación científica el hundimiento de barcos y aviones se debería, al menos en un gran porcentaje de los casos, a la presencia de hidratos de metano producidos en ciertas áreas de las plataformas continentales. Así, según las investigaciones las burbujas de metano crecerían en progresión geométrica a medida que ascienden a la superficie siendo que, al llegar hasta la superficie, originarían áreas espumosas en que, debido a cuestiones de turbulencia originadas en diferencias de densidades, los barcos perderían sus propiedades de flotabilidad y se hundirían de forma demasiado rápida como para posibilitar un escape de los pasajeros. LA MEJOR EXPLICACIÓN DADA HASTA LA ACTUALIDAD
- 11. Pero los alcances de la teoría no acaban allí ya que dichas burbujas, en caso de poseer el tamaño y la densidad suficiente, cruzarían la superficie del agua y, en caso de que algún avión llegase a cruzarse con su radio de influencia, dicha aeronave experimentaría un incendio en sus motores o simplemente un cese del funcionamiento de los mismos, dando como resultado la precipitación inmediata de la nave…
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Ok. La "Puerta del Hombre" sería la constelación de Orión (que tiene la forma esquemática de una figura humana) y la fecha es el 20 de junio (solsticio).
![](/asteromia/images/orion12med21jun-n.jpg) ![](/asteromia/images/copia_de_orion12med21jun-d.jpg) Y la "Puerta de Dios" sería el centro de la Galaxia (el Dios Hunab-ku de los Maya) que desde la Tierra se ve entre Sagitario, Ofiuco y Escorpio (cuya estrella más brillante es Antares) y el Sol pasa por encima cada 19 de junio.
Y en esta vista más amplia vemos las dos "puertas" a la vez.
![](http://theopenscroll.com/images/symbols/CelestialSilverGate.jpg) In media presentations where celestial stargate transits are being illustrated, time keeping mechanisms like clocks and dialogue peppered with time words are familiar features. The hourglass symbol has some particularly profound implications, like the pendulum. These are worthy of further exploration. The brightest and most easily recognized constellation resembles an hourglass in the sky. Orion. This sign identifies the celestial Silver Gate, so the hourglass symbol can well be used to represent the Silver Gate. This constellation has also been identified as the celestial end of a bridging pillar, anchored to the Earth at the Giza pyramids. The three stars in the belt are represented on the earth by the Great Pyramid and the two others with it, as popularized by Robert Bauval. ![](http://theopenscroll.com/images/pyramidsOrionAligned.jpg) The hourglass contains the flowing sand from which derives the expression, “the sands of time.” I note that the hourglass of Orion above is, below, filled with sand in the desert of Giza. ![](http://theopenscroll.com/images/symbols/wormholeStargate.jpg) Orion has long been identified with Osiris. The hourglass further presents the form of an X, which is the mark of the sun god. It should be noted that every hourglass can be traced around to form a mirrored pair of 3s, like the numeral 8, so there is an implicit Code 33. The infinity symbol may also be traced through it, aligned in a way that us usually perpendicular its most familiar orientation. Another notable hourglass figure is the analemma, which represents a path traced by the Sun and by the Moon from Earth as plotted at certain intervals. The hourglass actually presents a diagrammatic image of a wormhole as the warping of spacetime.
![](http://theopenscroll.com/images/symbols/einsteinGeneralRelativityCones.jpg) The hourglass also resembles the opposing cones used in cosmology to represent past and future light speed world lines when illustrating Einsteinian relativity. The hourglass and the classical image of the wormhole share the form of the core of a torus. The torus, as a homonym of Taurus, is, alongside the stick figure of Orion, another way the hourglass suggests the Silver Gate. This book cover pictures a scene from The Time Tunnel, a TV series from 1966-67 (which I can still remember watching). The graphic on the floor is easily recognized as a stylized hourglass, and also the time cones of Einsteinian relativity. ![](http://theopenscroll.com/images/theTimeTunnel.jpg) The funnel-like object is the opening of the stargate they called the Time Tunnel, which was used to transport people back and forth through time. The hourglasses presented in the show's intro sequences present the frame as two flanking pillars, stargate and perhaps more specifically, Silver Gate imagery. The Pyramid book cover and title encodes a Silver Gate image in the clever positioning of the letters. They are stacked and shaped into a pyramid, with their own Pyramid publishing icon as the capstone. The three Ts align to signal a Triple Tau, the Masonic Royal Arch emblem, which is itself a dimensional portal symbol. Two letters E align for a Code 33 signal, which makes “The” (which is called out by being mixed case instead of upper-case) a complementary instance (the=20+8+5=33). There is a capping of a smaller scale pyramid with the letter “e,” the 5th letter representing 5-Horus. The body is “M” (rebel lord beast - 13 - two pillars - Gemini) on a base of twin letters “N,” symbols of the Nachash and dimensional portals. These symbols have been given adequate exposure in previous posts to this blog, but it's good to be reminded to keep such things fresh in mind. This image of the light speed cones superimposed upon the Great Pyramid can be found on many pages.
The great pyramid is being connected to Orion's hourglass belt and the light speed cones of relativity to suggest an unseen dimensional projection. ![](http://theopenscroll.com/images/symbols/nasaGeminiPatch.jpg) When NASA designed the Gemini project symbol they bowed the twin pillars of the astrological glyph inward. This bowing suggests the hourglass and wormhole and lends support to the interpretation of the two stars as angels transiting the Silver Gate. An hourglass appears in the Harry Potter series of films in the context of signaling the Silver Gate. These scenes are from # 6 in the series, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.
There is a professor named Horace (Horus!) who has a magickal hourglass, where time moves more quickly or slowly depending on how interesting he finds the conversation to be, and then it resets. What's pictured is mind control, and stargate control.
They are using the twin "sister" mechanisms to transport and storm the castle in the astronomy tower. The form of four pillars supporting one speak to me of the four winds of heaven, a multidimensional biblical construct, which I hope to address soon. The hourglass is considered to have been in use since the 14th century, but earlier timers that used water (clepsydra) are thought by some to have been used by the ancient Egyptians. In those timing devices flowed the water of time, in a figure, or a river of time. A Wikipedia entry makes some useful observations. “ Unlike most other methods of measuring time, the hourglass concretely represents the present as being between the past and the future, and this has made it an enduring symbol of time itself. The hourglass, sometimes with the addition of metaphorical wings, is often depicted as a symbol that human existence is fleeting, and that the "sands of time" will run out for every human life. It was used thus on pirate flags, to strike fear into the hearts of the pirates' victims. In England, hourglasses were sometimes placed in coffins, and they have graced gravestones for centuries. The hourglass was also used in alchemy as a symbol for hour.” Wikipedia. It's an easy place to find facts that hint at the truth of things. The expression "time flies" or flees, “tempus fugit,” matches the symbol of the winged hourglass. Because winged things indicate transdimensional capability, the wings enhance the hourglass as a stargate symbol. This figure is often seen on gravestones in conjunction with skulls and crossed bones, which provides us with redundant symbols for the sun god Horus as the antichrist beast, and, in that context, resurrection, as I've previously explored at length on this blog. Even without the wings, the hourglass presents the same symbol of resurrection in that context. Sometimes the hourglass is reclined so that no sand is passing, which represents the sleep of death where there is no apparent passage of time.
![](http://theopenscroll.com/images/symbols/gravestoneOuroborosWingedHourglass.jpg) Sometimes the symbol of an hourglass within an Ouroboros appears on a gravestone, with or without wings. The immortality and eternal life is thus pictured with both the river of time and the sands of time - and the Nachash life of Horus, resurrected out of Osiris. The Latin expression, memento mori, which means, “remember that you will die,” is commonly associated with the symbol of skulls and bones in artwork, with or without the hourglass. ![](http://theopenscroll.com/images/symbols/gravestoneMementoMori.jpg) This is widely accepted as a reminder of how life may be short and therefore to be considered as precious, not really that unlike the expression of “carpe dium,” “seize the day.” The symbols ascribed to memento mori mean much more than that, in typical Occult fashion. They point to resurrection, and Horus, and in that context the transiting of a stargate is implicit. In ancient texts, Horus is linked with the eye of time. The pictographic story of hourglass - skull - crossed bones tells of death and resurrection, of the sun god kind. Search this blog for skull and crossbones or Jolly Roger to find more about this symbolism. For many years, every ship navigating the high seas had at least one hourglass onboard. These were used for navigation (dead reckoning) and for timing the labor shifts, called watches. The hourglass appearing on pirate flags like those of Blackbeard, Black Bart and Emanuel Wayne speaks to me of the history of piracy and the Knights Templar. I believe “Templar” suggests not only the Temple and also time, that which is temporal. The Temple in Jerusalem is, as proposed and adequately demonstrated by David Flynn, a reference point for a center of time. (You can find a remarkable validation here, David Flynn - Gone on Ahead (UTAH Beach - Direct Hit!)) It is Zion, a version ruled over by the Dragon, enthroned in the incarnation of Horus, which the inheritors of the quest of the Templars hope to bring forth. By wielding control over time itself, they intend to leverage the stargates in fulfilling their ancient hopes, and a level of success will be granted. More to follow, Lord willing!
( arXiv:1509.01237)
Is there gate to another galaxy or universe somewhere in our Milky Waygalaxy? After the published paper by the collaboration of a group of scientists from different countries (Farook Rahaman, P. Salucci, P.K.F. Kuhfittig, Saibal Ray, Mosiur Rahaman), very possibly,similar results are found also by A. Ovgun and M. Halilsoy from Eastern Mediterranean University, located in Cyprus (link to paper in ArXiv).
Ali Övgün and Mustafa Halilsoy
Scientists believe it would be possible to navigate through the wormhole, which would be a lot like a real-life version of the space-time tunnel portrayed in the hit movie Interstellar.
Our very own Milky Way or other galaxies could be home to a giant tunnel in spacetime.
At least, that’s what the authors of a new study have proposed. It is believed that the outer halo of our galaxy may harbor enough dark matter to support the creation and sustenance of a “stable and navigable” shortcut to a distant region of spacetime — a phenomenon known as a wormhole. In this study, by using suitable dark matter density profiles, they manage to build wormhole in the off-center region of Milky Way galaxy and also other galaxies. At the very center on the other hand it is believed that there lies a supermassive black hole.
The large amounts of dark matter could provide this fuel. Using a model of dark matter’s abundance that is based on the rotation curves of other spiral galaxies, the researchers suggest that the distribution of dark matter in the Milky Way produced solutions in general relativity that would, theoretically, allow a wormholes to arise.
Wormholes were first conceptualized by Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen in 1935. Far from being fodder for science fiction, the two scientists instead proposed their idea as a way to get around the idea of black hole singularities. Rather than creating a knot of infinite density, Einstein and Rosen thought, the hefty energy inherent in such a massive body would distort spacetime to such an extent that it isbent over on itself, allowing a bridge to form between two distant areas of the Universe. Alas, these wormholes would be extremely unstable and would require enormous amounts of “negative energy” to remain open. Quantum fields could be a possible source to this energy according to J. Wheeler. The absence of quantum energies at large scale universe, however, pushes us to rely entirely on dark matter source which proved to be a reality in a recent times.
Before that Salucci mention that their theories are not definitive proof of a wormhole in the Milky Way. Nevertheless, their mathematical models show it is possible thanks to one factor: dark matter. Before that Salucci’s group also show that the possibility of wormholes in the center/outer halos of Milky Way (paper of Rahaman et al. )http://arxiv.org/abs/1501.00490 ).
Now, the physicists from Cyprus have found similar results related to other group’s paper.( arXiv:1509.01237)
According to Einstein’s theory of General Relativity, wormholes allowing travel through time, space or different universes are possible. But until now, most scientists have dismissed the idea of ever building one large and stable enough to pass through, and no natural examples have been detected.
According to the authors, the black hole — a region of concentrated gravity that distorts space-time — may actually be a wormhole in disguise.
Scientists believe that dark matter, together with its big brother dark energy, constitutes roughly 95.8 percent of everything in the universe. That being said, they don’t know much more about it. It’s a substance that lives up to its name, in that it does not absorb, emit, or reflect any kind of electromagnetic radiation, like light. So we cannot see it in any way, but researchers are confident it exists because they can detect the gravity it exerts on galaxies like our own Milky Way. Much like barking of a dog in the backyard that we hear but we do not see the dog.
“Our result is important because it confirms the possible existence of wormholes in most of the outer halos of spherical stellar systems ,” Halilsoy and Ovgun concluded.
Porque está escrito que Abraham tuvo dos hijos; uno de la esclava, el otro de la libre. (CRISTO ES UN NUEVO ABRAHAM NUESTRO PADRE)
23. Pero el de la esclava nació según la carne; mas el de la libre, por la promesa.
24. Lo cual es una alegoría, pues estas mujeres son los dos pactos; el uno proviene del monte Sinaí, el cual da hijos para esclavitud; éste es Agar.
25. Porque Agar es el monte Sinaí en Arabia, y corresponde a la Jerusalén actual, pues ésta, junto con sus hijos, está en esclavitud.
26. Mas la Jerusalén de arriba, la cual es madre de todos nosotros, es libre. (NUEVA SARA=MARIA MAGDALENA)
27. Porque está escrito: Regocíjate, oh estéril, tú que no das a luz; Prorrumpe en júbilo y clama, tú que no tienes dolores de parto; Porque más son los hijos de las desolada, que de la que tiene marido.
29. Pero como entonces el que había nacido según la carne perseguía al que había nacido según el Espíritu, así también ahora.
30. Mas ¿qué dice la Escritura? Echa fuera a la esclava y a su hijo, porque no heredará el hijo de la esclava con el hijo de la libre.
De manera, hermanos, que no somos hijos de la esclava, sino de la libre.
Juan 7
1. Después de estas cosas, andaba Jesús en Galilea; pues no quería andar en Judea, porque los judíos procuraban matarle.
2. Estaba cerca la fiesta de los judíos, la de los tabernáculos; (En el contexto a LEVITICO 23:33, es del 15/7 hasta el 22/7)
3. y le dijeron sus hermanos: Sal de aquí, y vete a Judea, para que también tus discípulos vean las obras que haces.
4. Porque ninguno que procura darse a conocer hace algo en secreto. Si estas cosas haces, manifiéstate al mundo.
5. Porque ni aun sus hermanos creían en él.
6. Entonces Jesús les dijo: Mi tiempo aún no ha llegado, mas vuestro tiempo siempre está presto.
7. No puede el mundo aborreceros a vosotros; mas a mí me aborrece, porque yo testifico de él, que sus obras son malas.
8. Subid vosotros a la fiesta; yo no subo todavía a esa fiesta, porque mi tiempo aún no se ha cumplido.
9. Y habiéndoles dicho esto, se quedó en Galilea.
27. Pero éste, sabemos de dónde es; mas cuando venga el Cristo, nadie sabrá de dónde sea.
28. Jesús entonces, enseñando en el templo, alzó la voz y dijo: A mí me conocéis, y sabéis de dónde soy; y no he venido de mí mismo, pero el que me envió es verdadero, a quien vosotros no conocéis.
29. Pero yo le conozco, porque de él procedo, y él me envió.
30. Entonces procuraban prenderle; pero ninguno le echó mano, porque aún no había llegado su hora.
31. Y muchos de la multitud creyeron en él, y decían: El Cristo, cuando venga, ¿hará más señales que las que éste hace?
32. Los fariseos oyeron a la gente que murmuraba de él estas cosas; y los principales sacerdotes y los fariseos enviaron alguaciles para que le prendiesen.
33. Entonces Jesús dijo: Todavía un poco de tiempo estaré con vosotros, e iré al que me envió.
34. Me buscaréis, y no me hallaréis; y a donde yo estaré, vosotros no podréis venir.
35. Entonces los judíos dijeron entre sí: ¿Adónde se irá éste, que no le hallemos? ¿Se irá a los dispersos entre los griegos, y enseñará a los griegos?
36. ¿Qué significa esto que dijo: Me buscaréis, y no me hallaréis; y a donde yo estaré, vosotros no podréis venir?
37. En el último y gran día de la fiesta, Jesús se puso en pie y alzó la voz, diciendo: Si alguno tiene sed, venga a mí y beba. (El ultimo dia de la FIESTA DE LOS TABERNACULOS, es el septimo dia de la misma, osea el 21 de TISHRI, OSEA OSHANAH RABBAH que tiene fuerte connotacion con la SALVACION. EL MISMO NOMBRE JESUS TIENE ESTA REFERENCIA. EN EL MARCO A CONSIDERAR QUE EL DIA 22/7= OCTAVO DIA =LEVITICO 23:36 TENEMOS QUE EL 21/7=OSHANAH RABBAH=SEXTO DIA= SEXO=666= SISTEMA SEXAGECIMAL=EXAGONO/CUBO= ESPACIO/TIEMPO. EFECTIVAMENTE EN EL CALENDARIO LUNI-SOLAR HEBREO DICHO DIA NOS CAE EN EL DIA NUMERO 198=33*6 DEL MISMO.)
38. El que cree en mí, como dice la Escritura, de su interior correrán ríos de agua viva.
39. Esto dijo del Espíritu que habían de recibir los que creyesen en él; pues aún no había venido el Espíritu Santo, porque Jesús no había sido aún glorificado.
40. Entonces algunos de la multitud, oyendo estas palabras, decían: Verdaderamente éste es el profeta.
41. Otros decían: Este es el Cristo. Pero algunos decían: ¿De Galilea ha de venir el Cristo?
42. ¿No dice la Escritura que del linaje de David, y de la aldea de Belén, de donde era David, ha de venir el Cristo?
Juan 8
1. y Jesús se fue al monte de los Olivos.
2. Y por la mañana volvió al templo, y todo el pueblo vino a él; y sentado él, les enseñaba. (A la mañana posterior al 21 de TISHRI, en el contexto a JUAN 7:39, es una referencia al 22 DE TISHRI O 22 DEL SEPTIMO MES. ESTO EXPLICA EL FUERTE MARCO DE MARIA MAGDALENA CON EL 22/7. Este dia ES DEL REGOCIJO EN LA TORAH Y LOS JUDIOS LEEN EL SALMO 119)
3. Entonces los escribas y los fariseos le trajeron una mujer sorprendida en adulterio; y poniéndola en medio,
4. le dijeron: Maestro, esta mujer ha sido sorprendida en el acto mismo de adulterio. (EL TITULO "MAESTRO" TIENE FUERTE CONNOTACION CON EL SALMO 119. EN LA ARGENTINA, EL DIA DEL MAESTRO ES JUSTO EL 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE EN HONOR A SARMIENTO)
5. Y en la ley nos mandó Moisés apedrear a tales mujeres. Tú, pues, ¿qué dices?
6. Mas esto decían tentándole, para poder acusarle. Pero Jesús, inclinado hacia el suelo, escribía en tierra con el dedo. (NOTEN LA REFERENCIA SUBLIMINAL A LOS CUSITAS, OSEA A LA TIERRA DE ETIOPIA EL PAIS DE LA SERPIENTE.)
7. Y como insistieran en preguntarle, se enderezó y les dijo: El que de vosotros esté libre sin pecado sea el primero en arrojar la piedra contra ella.(NOTEN LA IRONIA CON EL TERMINO "LIBRE", en el contexto a GALATAS 4:26 con referencia a la NUEVA JERUSALEN, LA QUE REINA EN EL CIELO. AQUI CRISTO NOS ESTA DICIENDO QUE EL TAMBIEN ES HIJO DE ABRAHAM)
8. E inclinándose de nuevo hacia el suelo, siguió escribiendo en tierra.
9. Pero ellos, al oír esto, acusados por su conciencia, salían uno a uno, comenzando desde los más viejos hasta los postreros; y quedó solo Jesús, y la mujer que estaba en medio.
11. Ella dijo: Ninguno, Señor. Entonces Jesús le dijo: Ni yo te condeno; vete, y no peques más.
12. Otra vez Jesús les habló, diciendo:Yo soy la luz del mundo; el que me sigue, no andará en tinieblas, sino que tendrá la luz de la vida.
13. Entonces los fariseos le dijeron: Tú das testimonio acerca de ti mismo; tu testimonio no es verdadero.
14. Respondió Jesús y les dijo: Aunque yo doy testimonio acerca de mí mismo, mi testimonio es verdadero, porque sé de dónde he venido y a dónde voy; pero vosotros no sabéis de dónde vengo, ni a dónde voy.
15. Vosotros juzgáis según la carne; yo no juzgo a nadie.
16. Y si yo juzgo, mi juicio es verdadero; porque no soy yo solo, sino yo y el que me envió, el Padre.
18. Yo soy el que doy testimonio de mí mismo, y el Padre que me envió da testimonio de mí.
19. Ellos le dijeron: ¿Dónde está tu Padre? Respondió Jesús: Ni a mí me conocéis, ni a mi Padre; si a mí me conocieseis, también a mi Padre conoceríais.
20. Estas palabras habló Jesús en el lugar de las ofrendas, enseñando en el templo; y nadie le prendió, porque aún no había llegado su hora.
21. Otra vez les dijo Jesús: Yo me voy, y me buscaréis, pero en vuestro pecado moriréis; a donde yo voy, vosotros no podéis venir.
22. Decían entonces los judíos: ¿Acaso se matará a sí mismo, que dice: A donde yo voy, vosotros no podéis venir?
23. Y les dijo: Vosotros sois de abajo, yo soy de arriba; vosotros sois de este mundo, yo no soy de este mundo.
24. Por eso os dije que moriréis en vuestros pecados; porque si no creéis que yo soy, en vuestros pecados moriréis.
25. Entonces le dijeron: ¿Tú quién eres? Entonces Jesús les dijo: Lo que desde el principio os he dicho.
26. Muchas cosas tengo que decir y juzgar de vosotros; pero el que me envió es verdadero; y yo, lo que he oído de él, esto hablo al mundo.
27. Pero no entendieron que les hablaba del Padre.
28. Les dijo, pues, Jesús: Cuando hayáis levantado al Hijo del Hombre, entonces conoceréis que yo soy, y que nada hago por mí mismo, sino que según me enseñó el Padre, así hablo.
29. Porque el que me envió, conmigo está; no me ha dejado solo el Padre, porque yo hago siempre lo que le agrada.
30. Hablando él estas cosas, muchos creyeron en él.
31. Dijo entonces Jesús a los judíos que habían creído en él: Si vosotros permaneciereis en mi palabra, seréis verdaderamente mis discípulos;
32. y conoceréis la verdad, y la verdad os hará libres.
33. Le respondieron: Linaje de Abraham somos, y jamás hemos sido esclavos de nadie. ¿Cómo dices tú: Seréis libres? (Noten la REFERENCIA AL "LINAJE DE ABRAHAM". Es obvio que, en el contexto a la "RAMERA", es un nexo con GALATAS 4:26, osea NUESTRA MADRE QUE ESTA EN EL CIELO, LA NUEVA SARA)
34. Jesús les respondió: De cierto, de cierto os digo, que todo aquel que hace pecado, esclavo es del pecado.
35. Y el esclavo no queda en la casa para siempre; el hijo sí queda para siempre.
36. Así que, si el Hijo os libertare, seréis verdaderamente libres.
37. Sé que sois descendientes de Abraham; pero procuráis matarme, porque mi palabra no halla cabida en vosotros.
38. Yo hablo lo que he visto cerca del Padre; y vosotros hacéis lo que habéis oído cerca de vuestro padre.
39. Respondieron y le dijeron: Nuestro padre es Abraham. Jesús les dijo: Si fueseis hijos de Abraham, las obras de Abraham haríais. (LOS FARISEOS NO QUIEREN QUE CRISTO SEA "HIJO DE ABRAHAM")
40. Pero ahora procuráis matarme a mí, hombre que os he hablado la verdad, la cual he oído de Dios; no hizo esto Abraham.
41. Vosotros hacéis las obras de vuestro padre. Entonces le dijeron: Nosotros no somos nacidos de fornicación; un padre tenemos, que es Dios.
42. Jesús entonces les dijo: Si vuestro padre fuese Dios, ciertamente me amaríais; porque yo de Dios he salido, y he venido; pues no he venido de mí mismo, sino que él me envió.
43. ¿Por qué no entendéis mi lenguaje? Porque no podéis escuchar mi palabra.
44. Vosotros sois de vuestro padre el diablo, y los deseos de vuestro padre queréis hacer. El ha sido homicida desde el principio, y no ha permanecido en la verdad, porque no hay verdad en él. Cuando habla mentira, de suyo habla; porque es mentiroso, y padre de mentira.
45. Y a mí, porque digo la verdad, no me creéis.
46. ¿Quién de vosotros me redarguye de pecado? Pues si digo la verdad, ¿por qué vosotros no me creéis?
47. El que es de Dios, las palabras de Dios oye; por esto no las oís vosotros, porque no sois de Dios.
48. Respondieron entonces los judíos, y le dijeron: ¿No decimos bien nosotros, que tú eres samaritano, y que tienes demonio?
49. Respondió Jesús: Yo no tengo demonio, antes honro a mi Padre; y vosotros me deshonráis.
50. Pero yo no busco mi gloria; hay quien la busca, y juzga.
51. De cierto, de cierto os digo, que el que guarda mi palabra, nunca verá muerte.
52. Entonces los judíos le dijeron: Ahora conocemos que tienes demonio. Abraham murió, y los profetas; y tú dices: El que guarda mi palabra, nunca sufrirá muerte.
53. ¿Eres tú acaso mayor que nuestro padre Abraham, el cual murió? ¡Y los profetas murieron! ¿Quién te haces a ti mismo?
54. Respondió Jesús: Si yo me glorifico a mí mismo, mi gloria nada es; mi Padre es el que me glorifica, el que vosotros decís que es vuestro Dios.
55. Pero vosotros no le conocéis; mas yo le conozco, y si dijere que no le conozco, sería mentiroso como vosotros; pero le conozco, y guardo su palabra.
56. Abraham vuestro padre se gozó de que había de ver mi día; y lo vio, y se gozó.
57. Entonces le dijeron los judíos: Aún no tienes cincuenta años, ¿y has visto a Abraham?
58. Jesús les dijo: De cierto, de cierto os digo: Antes que Abraham fuese, yo soy.
59. Tomaron entonces piedras para arrojárselas; pero Jesús se escondió y salió del templo; y atravesando por en medio de ellos, se fue. (NOTEN LA IRONIA. LE TERMINAN TIRANDO PIEDRAS, AL IGUAL QUE LO HACIAN CON LA RAMERA. ES OBVIO QUE EL MENSAJE AQUI, ES QUE CRISTO ES UNA "NUEVA RAMERA", O QUE CRISTO ES MARIA MAGDALENA)
Juan 9
1. Al pasar Jesús, vio a un hombre ciego de nacimiento.
2. Y le preguntaron sus discípulos, diciendo: Rabí, ¿quién pecó, éste o sus padres, para que haya nacido ciego? (NOTEN EL CONTEXTO DE CIEGO CON EL NACIMIENTO DE UN NIÑO. ILUMINACION PARA LA TORA, ES SINONIMO DE MUJER QUE DA A LUZ. LOS MISMOS OJOS ESTAN DISEÑADOS EN FUNCION AL SEXO FEMENINO.)
3. Respondió Jesús: No es que pecó éste, ni sus padres, sino para que las obras de Dios se manifiesten en él.
4. Me es necesario hacer las obras del que me envió, entre tanto que el día dura; la noche viene, cuando nadie puede trabajar.
5. Entre tanto que estoy en el mundo, luz soy del mundo.
6. Dicho esto, escupió en tierra, e hizo lodo con la saliva, y untó con el lodo los ojos del ciego,
7. y le dijo: Ve a lavarte en el estanque de Siloé (que traducido es, Enviado). Fue entonces, y se lavó, y regresó viendo.
8. Entonces los vecinos, y los que antes le habían visto que era ciego, decían: ¿No es éste el que se sentaba y mendigaba?
10. Y le dijeron: ¿Cómo te fueron abiertos los ojos?
11. Respondió él y dijo: Aquel hombre que se llama Jesús hizo lodo, me untó los ojos, y me dijo: Ve al Siloé, y lávate; y fui, y me lavé, y recibí la vista.(PARA LA TORA "ILUMINACION" ES SINONIMO DE 9:11. Noten que seguimos en el OCTAVO DIA DE LA FIESTA DE LOS TABERNACULOS, que insisto, es en el dia en el cual los judios leen el SALMO 119)
by Kevin Bonsor
Spanish version
from HowStuffWorks Website
There may be no other concept that captures the imagination more than the idea of time travel - the ability to travel to any point in the past or future.
What could be cooler? You could jump into your time machine to go back and see major events in history and talk to the people who were there! Who would you travel back to see? Julius Caesar? Leonardo da Vinci? Elvis?
You could go back and meet yourself at an earlier age, go forward and see how you look in the future... It's these possibilities that have made time travel the subject of so many science fiction books and movies.
The dream to travel through time has existed for centuries.
It turns out that, in some sense, we are all time travelers. As you sit at your desk, doing nothing more than clicking your mouse, time is traveling around you. The future is constantly being transformed into the past with the present only lasting for a fleeting moment. Everything that you are doing right now is quickly moving into the past, which means we continue to move through time.
Ideas of time travel have existed for centuries, but when Albert Einstein released his theory of special relativity, he laid the foundation for the theoretical possibility of time travel. As we all know, no one has successfully demonstrated time travel, but no one has been able to rule it out either.
In this edition of How Stuff Will Work, we will learn about the concept of time and the different theories surrounding the viability of time travel.
Understanding Time
Astronomer Carl Sagan had it right when he said that time is "resistant to simple definition." Lots of us think we know what time is, but it is hard to define. You can not literally see or touch time, but you can see its effects.
The evidence that we are moving through time is found in everything - our bodies age, buildings weather and crumble, trees grow. Most of us feel the pressure of time as we are pushed to meet deadlines and make appointments. Our lives are often dictated by what time we need to be somewhere.
Ask most people to define time and they are likely to look at their watch or a clock. We see time as the ticking of the hands on these devices. We know that there are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day and 365 days in a year. These are the basic numbers of time that we all learned in grade school.
Time is also defined as being the fourth dimension of our universe. The other three dimensions are of space, including up-down, left-right and backward-forward. Time cannot exist without space, and likewise, space cannot exist without time. This interconnected relationship of time and space is called the spacetime continuum, which means that any event that occurs in the universe has to involve both space and time.
According to Einstein's theory of special relativity, time slows as an object approaches the speed of light. This leads many scientists to believe that traveling faster than the speed of light could open up the possibility of time travel to the past as well as to the future.
The problem is that the speed of light is believed to be the highest speed at which something can travel, so it is unlikely that we will be able to travel into the past. As an object nears the speed of light, its relativistic mass increases until, at the speed of light, it becomes infinite. Accelerating an infinite mass any faster than that is impossible, or at least it seems to be right now.
But time travel in the other direction is not as difficult, and the future may one day be a possible destination...
Black Holes
While writers have produced some great ideas for time machines over the years, a real-life time machine has yet to be built.
Most theories of time travel don't rely on machines at all. Instead, time travel will likely be done by way of natural phenomena that will transport us instantly from one point in time to another.
These space phenomena, which we are not even sure exist, include:
Rotating black holes
Cosmic strings
Photo courtesy NASA
When stars that are more than four times the mass of our sun reach the end of their life and have burned up all of their fuel, they collapse under the pressure of their own weight. This implosion creates "black holes," which have gravitational fields so strong that even light cannot escape. Anything that comes in contact with a black hole's event horizon will be sucked in.
The event horizon is the boundary of a black hole at which nothing can escape.
You can think of the shape of a black hole as similar to an ice cream cone. It is large on top and tapers into a point, called a singularity. At the singularity, the laws of physics cease to exist and all matter is crushed beyond recognition. This kind of non-rotating black hole is called a Schwarzschild black hole, named after the German astronomer Karl Schwarzschild.
Another type of black hole, called a Kerr hole, is also theoretically possible. Kerr holes are rotating black holes that could be used as portals for time travel or travel to parallel universes. In 1963, New Zealand mathematician Roy Kerr proposed the first realistic theory for a rotating black hole. In his theory, dying stars would collapse into a rotating ring of neutrons that would produce sufficient centrifugal force to prevent the formation of a singularity. Since the black hole would not have a singularity, Kerr believed it would be safe to enter it without being crushed by the infinite gravitational force at its center.
If Kerr holes do exist, it might be possible to pass through them and exit out of a "white" hole. A white hole would have the reverse action of a black hole. So, instead of pulling everything into its gravitational force, it would use some sort of exotic matter with negative energy to push everything out and away from it. These white holes would be our way to enter other times or other worlds.
Given the little we know about black holes, Kerr holes may possibly exist. However, physicist Kip Thorne of the California Institute of Technology believes that the laws of physics prevent such a formation. He says there is no such way to enter and exit a black hole, and that anything attempting to enter a black hole will be sucked in and destroyed before it even reaches the singularity.
We'll take a look at some other space phenomena in the following sections.
Thorne believes there could be another type of tunnel-like structure existing in the universe that could be used for a time travel portal. Wormholes, also called Einstein-Rosen Bridges, are considered to have the most potential for time travel if they do exist. Not only could they allow us to travel through time, they could allow us to travel many light-years from Earth in only a fraction of the amount of time that it would take us with conventional space travel methods.
Wormholes are considered possible based on Einstein's theory of relativity, which states that any mass curves spacetime. To understand this curvature, think about two people holding a bed sheet up and stretching that sheet tight. If one person were to place a baseball on the bed sheet, the weight of the baseball would roll to the middle of the sheet and cause the sheet to curve at that point.
Now, if a marble were placed on the edge of the same bed sheet it would travel toward the baseball because of the curve.
Imagining space as a curved, two-dimensional plane,
wormholes like this could be formed by two masses applying enough force on spacetime
to create a tunnel connecting distant points in the universe.
In this example, space is depicted as a two-dimensional plane rather than the four dimensions that actually make up spacetime. Imagine that this sheet is folded over, leaving a space between the top and bottom. Placing the baseball on the top side will cause a curvature to form. If an equal mass were placed on the bottom part of the sheet at a point that corresponds with the location of the baseball on the top, the second mass would eventually meet with the baseball. This is similar to how wormholes might form.
In space, masses that place pressure on different parts of the universe could eventually come together to form a tunnel -- this is a wormhole. We could then travel from Earth to another galaxy and back relatively quickly (within a lifetime). For instance, let's picture a scenario in which we would want to travel to Sirius, a star that's seen in the Canis Major constellation just below Orion.
Sirius is about 9 light-years from Earth, which is about 54 trillion miles (90 trillion km).
Obviously, this distance would be far too great for space travelers to traverse and return in time to tell us about what they saw there. So far, the farthest people have traveled into space is to the moon, which is only about 248,548 miles (about 400,000 km) away from Earth. If we could find a wormhole that connected us to the space around Sirius, then we could cut the time considerably by avoiding the trillions of miles that we would have to cross with traditional space travel.
So how does all of this relate to time travel? We'll find out in the next section.
Thorne believes there could be another type of tunnel-like structure existing in the universe that could be used for a time travel portal. Wormholes, also called Einstein-Rosen Bridges, are considered to have the most potential for time travel if they do exist. Not only could they allow us to travel through time, they could allow us to travel many light-years from Earth in only a fraction of the amount of time that it would take us with conventional space travel methods.
Wormholes are considered possible based on Einstein's theory of relativity, which states that any mass curves spacetime. To understand this curvature, think about two people holding a bed sheet up and stretching that sheet tight. If one person were to place a baseball on the bed sheet, the weight of the baseball would roll to the middle of the sheet and cause the sheet to curve at that point.
Now, if a marble were placed on the edge of the same bed sheet it would travel toward the baseball because of the curve.
Imagining space as a curved, two-dimensional plane,
wormholes like this could be formed by two masses applying enough force on spacetime
to create a tunnel connecting distant points in the universe.
In this example, space is depicted as a two-dimensional plane rather than the four dimensions that actually make up spacetime. Imagine that this sheet is folded over, leaving a space between the top and bottom. Placing the baseball on the top side will cause a curvature to form. If an equal mass were placed on the bottom part of the sheet at a point that corresponds with the location of the baseball on the top, the second mass would eventually meet with the baseball. This is similar to how wormholes might form.
In space, masses that place pressure on different parts of the universe could eventually come together to form a tunnel -- this is a wormhole. We could then travel from Earth to another galaxy and back relatively quickly (within a lifetime). For instance, let's picture a scenario in which we would want to travel to Sirius, a star that's seen in the Canis Major constellation just below Orion.
Sirius is about 9 light-years from Earth, which is about 54 trillion miles (90 trillion km).
Obviously, this distance would be far too great for space travelers to traverse and return in time to tell us about what they saw there. So far, the farthest people have traveled into space is to the moon, which is only about 248,548 miles (about 400,000 km) away from Earth. If we could find a wormhole that connected us to the space around Sirius, then we could cut the time considerably by avoiding the trillions of miles that we would have to cross with traditional space travel.
So how does all of this relate to time travel? We'll find out in the next section.
Cosmic Strings
Yet another theory for how we might travel back and forth through time uses the idea of cosmic strings, proposed by Princeton physicist J. Richard Gott in 1991. These are - as their name suggests - string-like objects that some scientists believe were formed in the early universe. These strings may line the entire length of the universe and are under immense pressure - millions upon millions of tons.
These cosmic strings, which are thinner than an atom, would generate an enormous amount of gravitational pull on any objects that pass near them.
Objects attached to a cosmic string could travel at incredible speeds, and because their gravitational force distorts spacetime, they could be used for time travel. By pulling two cosmic strings close together, or one string close to a black hole, it might be possible to warp spacetime enough to create closed time-like curves.
A spacecraft could be turned into a time machine by using the gravity produced by the two cosmic strings, or the string and black hole, to propel itself into the past. To do this, it would loop around the cosmic strings. However, there is still much speculation as to whether these strings exist, and if they do, in what form. Gott himself said that in order to travel back in time even one year, it would take a loop of string that contained half the mass-energy of an entire galaxy.
And, as with any time machine, you couldn't go back farther than the point at which the time machine was created.
Time Travel Physics
As we discussed earlier, the theory of relativity states that as the velocity of an object nears the speed of light, time slows down. Scientists have discovered that even at the speeds of the space shuttle, astronauts can travel a few nanoseconds into the future. To understand this, picture two people, person A and person B. Person A stays on Earth, while person B takes off in a spacecraft.
At takeoff, their watches are in perfect sync. The closer person B's spacecraft travels to the speed of light, the slower time will pass for person B (relative to person A). If person B travels for just a few hours at 50 percent the speed of light and returns to Earth, it will be obvious to both people that person A has aged much faster than person B.
This difference in aging is because time passed much faster for person A than person B, who was traveling closer to the speed of light. Many years might have passed for person A, while person B experienced a time lapse of just a few hours. Find out more about this twin paradox in How Special Relativity Works.
Wormholes could allow you to travel into the past and the future.
If wormholes could be discovered, it might allow us to travel to the past as well as the future. Here's how it would work: Let's say the mouth of the wormhole is portable. Then person B in the example above, who traveled at 50 percent of light speed into space for a few hours, could carry one wormhole mouth into space, while the mouth at the opposite end of the wormhole would stay with person A on Earth.
The two people would continue to see one another as person B traveled into space. When person B returned to Earth a few hours later, a few years may have passed for person A. Now, when person A looks through the wormhole that traveled into space, that person will see him or herself at a younger age, the age he or she was when person B launched into space.
The cool thing about it is that the older person A would be able to step into the past by entering the wormhole, while the younger person B could step into the future.
Problems with Time Travel
If we are ever able to develop a workable theory for time travel, we would open up the ability to create very complicated problems called paradoxes. A paradox is defined as something that contradicts itself.
Here are two common examples:
Let's say, for the sake of argument, that you could travel back to a time before you were born. The mere fact that you could exist in a time before you were born creates a paradox. If you were born in 1960, how could you exist in 1955?
Possibly the most famous paradox is the grandfather paradox. What would happen if a time traveler went back and killed one of his or her ancestors before the traveler was born? If the person killed his or her grandfather, then how could that person be alive to go back and kill his or her grandfather? If we could change the past, it would create an infinite number of paradoxes.
Another theory regarding time travel brings up the idea of parallel universes, or alternative histories. Let's say that you do travel back to meet your grandfather when he was a boy. In the theory of parallel universes, you may have traveled to another universe, one that is similar to ours, but has a different succession of events.
For instance, if you were to travel back in time and kill one of your ancestors, you've only killed that person in one universe, which is no longer the universe that you exist in. And if you then try to travel back to your own time, you may end up in another parallel universe and never be able to get back to the universe you started in.
The idea here is that every action causes the creation of a new universe, and that there are an infinite number of universes that exist. When you killed your ancestor, you created a new universe, a universe that was identical to your own up until the time you changed the original succession of events.
Confused yet?
Welcome to the world of time travel. Just imagine how complicated the ticket prices will be.
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