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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 29/12/2014 15:06

Escape Plan

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Escape Plan
Título Escape imposible (Latinoamerica)
Ficha técnica
Producción Mark Canton
Randall Emmett
George Furla
Robbie Brenner
Kevin King
Guion Miles Chapman
Jason Keller
Música Mowg
Protagonistas Sylvester Stallone
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Jim Caviezel
Vinnie Jones
Amy Ryan
Vincent D'Onofrio
50 Cent
Sam Neill
Datos y cifras
País(es) Estados Unidos
Año 2013
Género Acción
Idioma(s) inglés
Productora Summit Entertainment
Presupuesto 50.000.000 USD

Escape Plan es una película de acción estadounidense dirigida por Mikael Håfström, protagonizada por Sylvester Stallone y Arnold Schwarzenegger, escrita por Miles Chapman y Jason Keller. Fue estrenada el 9 de octubre de 2013 en Filipinas y el 18 de octubre de 2013 en los Estados Unidos.[1]


Ray Breslin (Sylvester Stallone) es un ex fiscal que es co-propietario de Breslin-Clark, una empresa de seguridad con sede en Los Angeles que se especializa en la prueba de la fiabilidad de las prisiones de máxima seguridad. Pasa su vida entrando en las cárceles para estudiar sus diseños y los hábitos de los guardias de encontrar y explotar sus debilidades, permitiéndole así escapar sin un tirón o una víctima. Él afirma que su objetivo es garantizar que los delincuentes enviados a prisión permanezcan en el interior mediante la eliminación de la debilidad de cada prisión.

Un día, él y su socio de negocios Lester Clark (Vincent D'Onofrio) se les ofrece un contrato multimillonario la agente de la CIA, Jessica Miller (Caitriona Balfe) para probar una prisión secreta y ver si es a prueba de fugas. Breslin va en contra de todas sus propias reglas y elige el dinero. Él está de acuerdo con el acuerdo y es capturado en Nueva Orleans, Louisiana, con el pretexto de un terrorista español llamado "Anthony Portos", pero el plan sale mal cuando sus captores quitan el microchip de seguimiento de su brazo y lo droga en el camino a la prisión, que de este modo le inhabilita de terminar el experimento, demostrando su identidad.

Breslin se despierta en un complejo de celdas de vidrio, sin ventanas exteriores para indicar la ubicación de la prisión. Se encuentra con otro recluso Emil Rottmayer (Arnold Schwarzenegger), y ambos tienen una lucha para que Breslin estudie la celda de aislamiento, que utiliza luces halógenas de alto poder para desorientar y deshidratar a los presos. Al ver que los pisos de celdas están hechas de aluminio, pero los remaches son de acero, Breslin hace que Rottmayer adquiera una placa de metal de la oficina del piso del Guardia Willard Hobbes (Jim Caviezel) antes de que ellos dos y el preso musulmán Javed (Faran Tahir) son arrojados de nuevo en confinamiento. Usando la placa de metal, Breslin centra la reflexión de las luces para calentar los remaches y abrir el panel de suelo para revelar un pasadizo a continuación.

Pasa a través de la vía de paso y descubre que la prisión es el interior de un buque de carga en el medio del océano, haciendo una sencilla huida imposible en caso de una posible descomposición. Breslin y Rottmayer continúan estudiando el complejo aprendiendo las rutinas diarias de los guardias, y Breslin le da a Hobbes información falsa sobre el jefe de Rottmayer, Victor Mannheim. Mientras tanto, los colegas de Breslin, Abigail Ross (Amy Ryan) y Hush (50 Cent) tienen sospechas de Clark cuando el sueldo de Breslin para el trabajo esta congelado. Descubren a partir de documentos hackeados que la prisión, con nombre en código "de la tumba", es propiedad de una organización con fines de lucro vinculada a un proveedor de seguridad de propiedad privada sin nombre, y a Clark se le ofreció un salario anual de Estados Unidos por $5 millones de ellos a cambio de mantener a Breslin detrás de las barras.

De vuelta en la cárcel, Hobbes le revela a Breslin que él es consciente de su identidad, y con el director de seguridad Drake (Vinnie Jones) observándolo, quiere asegurarse de que Breslin se quede por el resto de su vida en prisión. Rottmayer hace que Javed convenza a Hobbes para traerlo en la cubierta para hacer su oración de la noche, cuando en realidad usa un sextante de expediente para obtener la latitud del buque. Usando la latitud y las observaciones del clima, Breslin y Rottmayer deducen que se encuentran en el Océano Atlántico cerca de Marruecos. Breslin visita la enfermería del Dr. Kyrie (Sam Neill) y le convence para que los ayude a él y Rottmayer a escapar mediante el envío de un correo electrónico a Mannheim. Breslin transmite entonces un falso mensaje de código de grifo de su celda, dandole a Hobbes la impresión de que un motín se producirá en el bloque de celdas C. Con la mayoría de la seguridad apostada en el bloque de celdas C, Javed instiga un motín en el bloque de celdas A, dándole a Breslin y a Rottmayer el tiempo parya correr hacia la terraza mientras se inicia un encierro.

Breslin mata a Drake, pero Javed es asesinado a tiros por Hobbes y sus hombres durante su escape. Breslin va a la sala de máquinas para reiniciar los sistemas eléctricos, dandole tiempo a Rottmayer para abrir la escotilla de cubierta, mientras que un helicóptero enviado por Mannheim se involucra en un tiroteo con la tripulación del buque. Rottmayer aborda el helicóptero mientras Breslin se vacía en la parte inferior de la nave por el sistema de agua automatizada. El helicóptero recoge a Breslin, pero cuando Hobbes comienza a disparar contra ellos, Breslin mata al guardia por el disparo y la voladura de un grupo de barriles de petróleo frente a él.

Aterrizan en una playa en Marruecos, donde Rottmayer revela que él es en realidad Mannheim, Miller es su hija, "Portos" era una palabra en clave utilizada para alertar a Mannheim que Breslin fue un aliado, y Hobbes fue originalmente conscientes de que el artículo de portada de Breslin era falso. Más tarde, en un campo de aviación marroquí, Ross le informa a Breslin que Clark había huido, pero Hush lo siguio en Miami, y lo encerró en un contenedor a bordo de un buque de carga.



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Respuesta  Mensaje 2 de 19 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/12/2014 15:30

Real Madrid fue premiado por príncipe de 11 años con nombre más largo del mundo

El príncipe Moulay Hassan se encargó de entregar el trofeo a Iker Casillas y el Real Madrid por ganar el título de Mundial de Clubes.


Real Madrid se coronó campeón del Mundial de Clubes y recibió el trofeo de manos del Príncipe de Marruecos, de apenas 11 años de edad. Moulay Hassan entregó el premio a Iker Casillas, capitán blanco.

Moulay Hassan es hijo mayor de Mohamed VI y Lalla Salma, reyes marroquíes. Será el sucesor en el trono y cuando asuma llevará por nombre Hasan III. Su nombre completo es interminable.

Hassan ibn Mohammed Al-Alaoui Hassan bin Mohammed bin Hassan bin Mohammed bin Yousef bin Hassan bin Mohammed bin Abderrahmane bin Hisham bin Mohammed bin Abdullah bin bin Ismail Moulay Ali Charif, príncipe a la corona de Marruecos y miembro real de la Dinastía alauí.

Antes del partido también fue presentado uno por uno a los jugadores del Real Madrid y San Lorenzo. Siempre acompañado por el presidente de la FIFA Joseph Blatter.

A diferencia del común de reacciones que tendrían los niños de su edad al ver a cracks mundiales, el príncipe Moulay Hassan guardó siempre la compostura y seriedad al tener contacto con estrellas como Cristiano Ronaldo, Gareth Bale o Iker Casillas.

Real Madrid CF v San Lorenzo - FIFA Club World Cup  Final



Respuesta  Mensaje 3 de 19 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/12/2014 15:34

Atlas (cordillera)

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Situación del Atlas.
Monte Tubqal, pico más alto del Atlas, en el Alto Atlas.

El Atlas es un sistema montañoso que recorre, a lo largo de 2400 km, el noroeste de África, desde Túnez por Argelia y hasta Marruecos. Su pico más alto es el Toubkal, con 4167 m, al sudoeste de Marruecos en 31°03′43″N 7°54′58″O / 31.06194, -7.91611. La población del Atlas es mayoritariamente bereber en Marruecos y en Argelia.

El Atlas separa las costas del mar Mediterráneo y del océano Atlántico del desierto del Sahara y, de hecho, es uno de los factores que provocan la sequedad de este desierto.

El Atlas se divide en tres macizos principales, que a su vez se subdividen en varias cordilleras:

[editar] Geología

Placas euroasiática y africana, distinguidas por colores. El choque entre éstas produjo como resultado la elevación de esta cordillera.

Su formación es consecuencia de la aproximación y colisión entre la Placa Euroasiática y la Placa Africana. Excepto en el Pequeño Atlas, donde se documenta deformación paleozoica, el resto de la cordillera se ha formado durante el Cenozoico (últimos 65 Ma) mediante la compresión de cuencas extensivas anteriores (mesozoicas) que seguían una distribución espacial similar al actual Atlas y cuya formación tuvo lugar durante la apertura del océano Atlántico (separación de América y África).

Una segunda fase tuvo lugar durante la Era Mesozoica (hace 65 millones de años) y consistió en una extensión generalizada de la corteza de la Tierra que dislocados y separados de los continentes mencionados. Esta extensión fue responsable de la formación de muchos de espesor cuencas sedimentarias intracontinentales incluyendo el Atlas presente. La mayoría de las rocas que forman la superficie del actual Alto Atlas se depositaron bajo el océano en ese momento.

Por último, en el período terciario, las cadenas de montañas que hoy forman el Atlas fueron levantadas en las masas terrestres de Europa y África colisionaron en el extremo sur de la península Ibérica. Tales límites tectónicos convergentes se producen cuando dos placas se deslizan entre sí formando una zona de subducción (si una placa se mueve debajo de la otra) y/o una colisión continental (cuando las dos placas contienen la corteza continental). En el caso de la colisión entre África y Europa, es evidente que la convergencia tectónica es parcialmente responsable de la formación del Alto Atlas, así como para el cierre del Estrecho de Gibraltar y la formación de los Alpes y los Pirineos. Sin embargo, hay una falta de evidencia de la naturaleza de la subducción en la región del Atlas, o por el engrosamiento de la corteza de la Tierra, generalmente asociados con las colisiones continentales. De hecho, una de las características más sorprendentes del Atlas para los geólogos es la cantidad relativamente pequeña de engrosamiento de la corteza y el acortamiento tectónico a pesar de la importante altura de la cordillera. Estudios recientes sugieren que los procesos de raíces profundas en el manto de la Tierra pueden haber contribuido a la elevación del Alto y Medio Atlas.

Respuesta  Mensaje 4 de 19 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/12/2014 15:37

The Labour of the Sun

Symbolic Analysis of the Current World Events

By Goro Adachi
February 15, 2002


Pillars of Hercules

The great philosopher Plato told us in his writings that there was once a great civilization called Atlantis -- an antediluvian 'island' -- that was situated beyond the 'Pillars of Hercules', now called the Strait of Gibraltar at the western extremity of the Mediterranean Sea. Supposedly, it was destroyed in a catastrophe comparable to that of the biblical Great Flood. True or not, this tale has fascinated many minds and spawned a countless number of books as well as a major Hollywood animation film, 'Atlantis', released just last year. The recent years saw a great surge in people's interest in the subject thanks largely to certain predictions made by the famous American 'Sleeping Prophet', Edgar Cayce many decades ago. While the track record of his predictions has not been stellar, his apparent psychic abilities demonstrated elsewhere warranted for many that his information about the 'resurrection' of Atlantis should be taken seriously.

The influential prophecy was that, basically, around the turn of the millennium, archaeological evidence of the lost civilization would surface along with the discovery of its 'Hall of Records' -- an Atlantean 'black box' -- that supposedly contains vital information about the world that came and went before ours. In Cayce's own confusing words:

For here those that that were trained in the Temple Sacrifice as well as the Temple Beautiful were about the sealing of the Record Chambers. For these were to be kept as had been given by the priests in Atlantis or Poseidia when these records of the race, of the developments, of the laws pertaining to One were put in their chambers and to be opened only when there was the returning of those into materiality, or to earth’s experience, when the change was imminent in the earth; which change, we see, begins in ’58 and ends with the changes wrought in upheavals and the shifting of the poles, as begins then in the reign in ’98… (Reading 378-16)

Around the year 1998 certainly saw variously activities that were apparently attempts to 'fulfill' Cayce's prediction. Of course, no Atlantis resurrection occurred and most involved are now inclined, in an ad hoc fashion, to interpret Cayce's words as indicating that the rising of the Atlantis is to begin or be underway around 1998 -- which actually should have been the view all along in light of Cayce's nearly indecipherable wording.

Just as when the widespread millennial anticipation of some major earth-shaking events had largely faded, however, the year 2001 brought us the world-changing event of 9-11 in NYC and Washington DC. Certainly, this was one of the biggest events that the US had ever experienced. It made the proud and seemingly invincible nation stop laughing and curl itself into a survival mode - at least for a while. Of course, this event, however profound and shocking it was, was not anything related to the idle issue of some mythical world from beyond history.

Or, was it?

The most tangible geographical clue as to the position of Atlantis is the Pillars of Hercules. These can be conceived of as twin towers marking the Strait of Gibraltar, the narrow gate between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The location is immediately north of the Atlas Mountains in northwestern Africa which has been identified with Hercules. This mountain range is also personified by Atlas in Greek mythology, the first king of Atlantis, who was condemned to support the sphere of heavens on his shoulders for eternity. And yet another alter ego of these is the air god of Egyptian mythology, Shu, who was visualized as a pillar connecting (or separating) earth and the sky. So, clearly, the notion of a tall pillar is deeply embedded here in association with Atlantis. Or more specifically, the idea being conveyed seems to be twin towers considering the twin Pillars of Hercules and the fact that Hercules himself was a twin (Robert Graves, The White Goddess, p.125). Further reinforcing this view are the Masonic 'Antediluvian Pillars' -- interchangeable with the two pillars of Jachin and Boaz --that are said to have come from the time before the Flood, or from 'Atlantis'. Since these Antediluvian Pillars (or Enoch's Pillars) were originally constructed for the purpose of preserving the knowledge of the pre-Flood realm, they are analogous to the Atlantean 'Hall of Records'. The Atlantean 'black box' and twin pillars are therefore clearly inseparable.

So, we are forced to wonder if the 9-11 destruction of the WTC twin towers are related to the anticipated millennial 'Atlantis event'.

The 11th Labour

It is a widely known fact that the 9-11 terrorist attacks were heavily intertwined, for some reason, with the number '11'. On the 11th day of the month, an airline jet designated 'Flight 11' crashed into one of the WTC twin towers which visually form the number '11', to give just some examples. So, it is intriguing to find out that, in Greek myth, it was during his '11th Labour', out of 12 Labours in all, that Hercules came to Mount Atlas. And his mission here was to fetch fruit from the golden apple-tree planted in Hera's garden on the slopes of the mountain. This he accomplished with the help of Atlas, freed temporarily from carrying the celestial globe while Hercules held it for him. That apples should figure in this particular Labour compounds the synchronicity as NYC, the city of the WTC towers, has the nickname the 'Big Apple'.

Interestingly, immediately after getting the apple, Hercules went on to free Prometheus chained to the Caucasus Mountains. Prometheus, the greatest benefactor of mankind, had been confined there by Zeus for stealing 'fire' for us -- which should sound familiar to those following the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics, the official slogan of which is 'Light the Fire Within' (and the theme of the grand opening ceremony was clearly Prometheus imparting divine fire to humans). This seemingly weak association actually gets a big boost from the fact that the 11th Labour involved an Olympic-like wrestling match between Hercules and Antaeus. In fact, the Olympic Games have been thought to signify the death and 'election' of none other than Hercules.

The indications are that the U.S. Olympic Games' close proximity in space and time to the 9-11 twin-tower destruction has some important underlying symbolic 'message' -- and we will have some insights into this below.

'King of Terror'

According to mythologist Robert Graves, "'Hercules in Classical Greece became in fact another name for the Sun...the Sun and the Ark are, indeed, the most important elements of the Hercules myth" (ibid., pp.133,145). The Ark connection certainly correlates well with what was discussed in my previous article 'Mystery, Babylon the Great'. The sun connection, on the other hand, contributes to a remarkable associative web that provides a solution to one of those mysterious pieces of the 'puzzle'.

For a long time, people all over the world have been trying to figure out the meaning of the phrase, 'King of terror', that appears in Nostradamus' most famous prophetic quatrain, designated X-72. This is, of course, the dreaded '1999' prediction.

Century X-72
L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois,
Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy d'effrayeur:
Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois,
Auant apres Mars regner par bon-heur.
The year 1999 seven months,
From the sky will come a great King of terror:
To bring back to life the great King of Angolmois,
Before after Mars to reign by good luck

Popular interpretations of this were that it predicted a rock from space hitting the earth, a nuclear attack, the coming of the 'Antichrist', and such. People -- including most of the so-called "experts" (more accurately, 'Nosta-dumbasses') -- sure had fun with those simplistic views, until the year 1999 came and went without anything of such magnitude occurring.

Did Nostradamus 'miss' with this quatrain? Should Nostradamus be considered a discredited "prophet"?

Frankly, he might as well be disregarded. It's about time those one-dimensional thinking Nostradumbasses got a wake-up call and be disenchanted. This is not to say that there isn't a prophetic quality to the quatrains -- just not in the form, or level, that most people automatically assume. My personal position is this: everything is "prophetic" (i.e. 'signs are everywhere if you have the eyes to see'); this quality is pronounced when the element of creativity is involved; and since poems are the result of a very creative mental process, quatrains of Nostradamus should easily contain seeds of the future, even if he wasn't a "prophet" per se. There is a deep, multifaceted philosophy behind this view, but we will not go into that here.

Ironically, interest in Nostradamus was resurrected with a vengeance immediately following '9-11'. For weeks, if not months, after the event, Nostradamus books were the fastest selling items in book stores, including Amazon.com which listed as many as five Nosty books in its top-10 sellers. Even my website became inaccessible for days because it was getting just too many hits. The cause of the frantic public reaction was to be traced back to, of course, fake quatrains. Most notably, there was one quatrain that got a lot of attention which turned out to be something a skeptic made up (before 9-11) to demonstrate that a vaguely worded prediction would fit some events sooner or later. This person's 'poem' would quickly prove to describe the terrorist attacks rather neatly (thus making his point), but I personally see it as an amusing example how a poeticized brain with room for spontaneity tends to resonate with the 'future', even if not consciously intended.

The '9-11' event, in my view, also 'resurrected', specifically, Quatrain X-72. It now makes a good, poetic/symbolic sense from many angles.

It turns out that the 'King of terror' is an epithet related to Ra, the sun-god of Egyptian mythology who is called the 'lord of terror' in the Pyramid Texts. Since the sun is closely associated with Hercules, who in turn is linked to Atlantis and the WTC-tower destruction, we have here the first sign of X-72's relevance. And of course the fact that the 'King of terror' is to come "from the sky" evokes the 'kamikaze' airplanes, masterminded by the 'king of terrorists' (Osama bin Ladin), that assaulted the twin towers. It may also be noted that 'airplanes' are a potent metaphor for Shu, the god of air, i.e. the 'air plane' (air dimension). Shu is none other than the pillar equatable with the Atlantean/Herculean pillars, thus relatable also to, again, the WTC twin towers.

Line 3, 'To bring back to life the great King of Angolmois', reinforces the connection because in the early days of the New World, the region of NYC was given the name  'Angoulême'. The attached notion of resurrection is also fitting as it relates to the idea of the millennial Atlantean 'resurrection', and it conjures up Osiris, the Egyptian god of the dead and resurrection. It may be said that Osiris embodies the 'second coming' of the paradisical antediluvian golden age, i.e. 'Atlantis', which in the terminology of ancient Egypt would be called Zep Tepi, the 'First Time', which was the Age of Osiris. In a way, the whole ancient Egyptian theology was centered around the idea of Osirian resurrection - the cyclical return of the golden age, symbolized in nature by the annual flooding of the Nile which brought the gift of fertile silt to the land of Egypt. Amazingly, this association is corroborated by Line 2's 'King of terror'. Like Ra, Osiris is viewed as the 'Lord of Terror' in the Egyptian Book of the Dead:

"Hail, Lord of Terror..."
Who is this Lord of Terror?
"...It is the Heart of Osiris..."

The fact that the Great Sphinx at Giza has the Arabic epithet, 'Father of Terrors', reiterates the Osirian connection, especially considering that the Sphinx is a form of Horus, the son of Osiris, whose life-mission is to bring back the 'First Time' of Osiris, or to resurrect his father murdered by Seth.

The Great Sphinx/'Father of Terrors' and Horus also happen to be closely associated, if not equated, with Mars which was called 'Horus of Horizon' as well as 'Horus the Red'. We also know that the name of the Egyptian capital adjacent to Giza, 'Cairo', denotes 'Mars'. And on Mars are purported artificial "monuments" at Cydonia which includes the famous 'Face on Mars'. This 'Face' was rephotographed in 2001 by Mars Global Surveyor and was revealed/confirmed to have, apparently, a dual nature: its eastern side is leonine and its western hominid. Note that the lion-man combination directly reflects the duality of the Great Sphinx that has a lion's body and man's head. The connection is even geodetically supported, as researchers have found that the tangent of Cydonia's latitude equals the cosine of the latitude of Giza/Sphinx (both equaling e/pi).

The striking revelation here is that the latitude of Cydonia, ~40.8 N, directly relates to the WTC destruction in NYC, in that, simply put, NYC sits on the very same latitude! And relevant here also is the fact that Cairo, the 'city of Mars', was originally called 'Babylon'. In my previous article, 'Mystery, Babylon the Great', I identified NYC as the modern Babylon and its twin towers as the modern version of the Tower of Babel. Clearly, then, Mars is a 'King of terror' -- which, come to think of it, is very natural in view of the fact the Red Planet is indeed metaphorically the 'king' of the two Martian satellites Phobos ('fear') and Deimos ('terror').

The multi-layered connection is rather overwhelming, and sure enough, this is echoed by X-72's Line 4 which specially mentions Mars: 'Before after Mars to reign by good luck'. Mars being the Greek god of war, the line also hints at the involvement of war, thus is nicely relatable to America's on-going 'war against terror'

This leaves us only Line 1: 'The year 1999 seven months'. Obviously, the indicated timing does not match the 9-11-2001 date. What does this mean? Saying 'close enough', for me, just does not cut it.

The 2-Year Offset Scheme

This problem perplexed me for a long time. But rather than forcing a contrived interpretation upon it, I decided to just patiently wait for the answer to make itself known to me (and I felt quite confident that I would get the answer sooner or later). It was on February 7 (2002) that the answer finally began to appear, thanks to an article by Robert Bauval (the brain behind the Orion Correlation Theory) posted on a online message board. It was titled "SATAN’S CALLING CARD SEPTEMBER 11: A DATE TO REMEMBER" and discussed the symbolism and synchronicity involved in the '9-11' event.

It contained information concerning calendrical issues related to the date, September 11. I learned that ,for the Ethiopian and Coptic/Christian-Egyptian calendars, the Gregorian Sept. 11 almost always marks the New Year's Day. In the year 1999, however, Sept. 11 also coincided with the Jewish New Year, known as Rosh Hashanah. So, here is our first clue as to the connection between 9-11 and 1999. Bauval then goes on to point out that:

...the Jewish ‘New Year’ has a much deeper meaning to orthodox Jews. It is associated to the Messianic Age, and many Jews today actually believe that it will be on that ‘Feast of Trumpets’ that their long awaited Messiah will come and make his appearance on the ‘Temple’ at Jerusalem. This day, it is said, will be the ‘ultimate redemption’ of Israel. Curiously, in recent years fundamental Christians have also associated the 11th September with the Second Coming of Christ, probably to conform with the ‘Rosh Hashanah’ Judaic prophecies but also, apparently, because some believe the true ‘star of Bethlehem’ appeared to the Magi on the 11th September 3 BC in the east, when a bright light was seen at the conjunction of the ‘star of kings’, Regulus, and the ‘planet of kings’, Jupiter, and when the sun, Venus and Mercury were in Virgo.

This is remarkable for two reasons. First, the notion of the 'Second Coming' of Jesus emerging here correlates perfectly with the permeating theme of Osirian (Atlantean) resurrection since Jesus is a version of Osiris (as well as Horus). This is backed up by the fact that many of Jesus' tales and symbols very closely mimic Osiris', just as Moses' birth episode is a mirror image of that of Sargon the Great. Indeed, the Jesus-Osiris connection is reinforced by another comment made by Bauval:

The ‘Beginning of the Year’ or New Year’s Day of the Egyptians was marked by the first dawn rising of Sirius, a star sacred to the goddess Isis, which originally occurred on the day of the summer solstice i.e. on the 21st June Gregorian. This special day was called 1st day of the 1st month of Thoth. But because of the ¼ day difference as well as a small variance the sidereal year and the tropical year, this after all man-made calendar slowly ‘drifted’ away from both the heliacal rising of Sirius and the summer solstice, such that by the early Christian times the 1st of the month of Thoth had drifted to the 11th September Gregorian, which is why the Egyptian-Coptic ‘New Year’ i.e. 1st of Thoth, starts on that date.

Sirius-Isis is the wife of Osiris, and the star's heliacal rising not only marked the New Year but also the beginning of the Nile inundation, which in turn symbolized the reawakened vitality of Osiris, i.e. Osirian resurrection.

The second reason has to do with the speculative date given for the star of Bethlehem, i.e. Jesus' birthday, Sept. 11, 3 BC. This would make the Gregorian calendar 2 to 3 years behind the actual dating from Jesus' birth. So, the Gregorian "year 1999" would correspond to year 2001/2002. The date 9-11-01 would, therefore, be analogous to 9-11-99! Let's take another look at Line 1 of Quatrain X-72:

L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois
The year 1999 seven months

Note that 'seven months', or 'seventh month', is originally written 'sept mois'. Its resemblance to 'September' is no coincidence as September was originally the seventh month. So, the line could just as easily and validly translated as 'the year 1999, September'. Combined with the 1999-2001 calendrical correspondence, it would further turn into 'the year 2001, September'. And we know what happened on 9-11-01 and how the event is very effectively described by the rest of the quatrain!

But there is more.

Black Sun, Double Sun

'The year 1999 seven months', if taken literally, points to July/August of that year. Curiously, on August 11, 1999, there was a major total eclipse. It turns out that this, too, strongly resonates with the Osirian resurrection theme. Osiris' death is traditionally associated with a black sun, and the death of his Christianized version, Jesus, is similarly associated with a darkened sun in the Gospels. Needless to say, a total eclipse is in effect a 'black sun'. And, of course, the relevance of the sun is quite directly suggested by Line 2's 'King/Lord of terror' being an epithet of the sun/Ra/Osiris. In a sense, then, the 1999 eclipse was a symbolic omen foreshadowing the more physical manifestation of the death/resurrection of Osiris that was to come on 9-11-01.

The Great Sphinx, the 'Father of Terrors', is also an embodiment of the sun/Horus. Here, we actually find another confirmation of the 2-year offset scheme of X-72. Sphinxes are almost always found in pairs (the one at Giza is a rare exception). This is echoed by the fact that the Sphinx is a form of Atum who in turn is closely connected with Rwty, the 'double-lion'. The double-lion, Aker, also guards the Fifth Division of the Duat, the 'Tomb of Osiris'. Now, in view of the Sphinx/lion-sun interchangeability, the 'double-lion' may be rephrased as 'double-sun'. The sun goes through all the Zodiacal constellations of the ecliptic in one year. So, the expression 'double-sun' may be interpreted as 'two years'. And 1999 plus two years gives us 2001. (Come to think of it, the 'twin' nature of Hercules/sun and the Atlantean/WTC towers has the same implication as well.)

The notion of the 'double sun' next brings our attention to another quatrain, II-41. This is one of the few quatrains that I have found to be relevant to our own time, as can be seen from my previous articles. It specifically mentions 'double sun' (Line 2).

Century II - 41 
La grand' estoille par sept jours bruslera,
Nuee fera deux soleils apparoir:
Le gros mastin toute nuit hurlera,
Quand grand pontife changera de terroir.
The great star will burn for seven days,
The cloud will make double sun appear:
The large mastiff will howl all night
When the great pontiff changes his abode.

What catches our attention here, aside from Line 2, is the reference to the Pope in Line 4. Could it be just a coincidence that the current pope, John Pope II, is called 'De Labore Solis' in St Malachy's remarkably accurate prophetic list of popes from many centuries ago? The Latin motto, De Labore Solis, means 'From the Labour of the Sun', or metaphorically, 'of the Eclipse of the Sun'! Although Pope JPII was indeed born during the solar eclipse of May 18, 1920 (!), the allusion to an solar eclipse/'black sun' here is an amazing confirmation of the foregoing interpretation which centers around Osiris and Hercules. Wait a minute... 'labour of the sun'? Did we not just establish that Hercules personifies the sun and how his (11th) labour relates to the current world events? The 'labour of the sun', in other words, denotes 'Labour of Hercules' so as to confirm our earlier interpretation!

The new and important twist here is the fact that II-41's Line 4 refers to a change of papacy. In other words, we have here a strong indication that the reign of the 'eclipse pope', John Paul II, is coming to an end... soon. But how 'soon'? All the symbolism seemingly suggest that it is to occur concurrently with the unrest caused by the '9-11' terror. In fact, the Salt Lake City Olympics would be an effective time marker for the pope event. This is because 'the Olympic Games were the occasion of... Hercules' death and of the election of his successor' (Graves, The White Goddess, p.132). In light of the inseparable link established between Pope JPII and Hercules, the occasion of the election of the next Hercules signified by the Olympics inevitably implies the election of the next pope! While I cannot say for sure whether the timing of the two events will directly coincide or it will interact in a more indirect fashion, the next major world event is likely to be the exit of Pope John Paul II. And my view is that the election of the next pope will be very strange, not unlike the 2001 US presidential election, as discussed in my Two Suns of Election MM article.

These findings above are really just a by-product of my 'other' research, so I actually have a lot more information that can help paint a clearer 'big picture'. And I hope to share the 'other' findings on this website some time in the future. In the mean time, you can look for more future updates on the issues discussed in this and previous articles.

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