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Adán y Eva y la Serpiente
Estamos buscando en el zodíaco , donde el sol pasa a través de Libra y Virgo . Allí, nos encontramos con nuestras dos pecadores originales y la serpiente que habla. La historia interpreta la imagen.
Dios formó bestias y aves, y los trajo al hombre para ser nombrado. - El término del zodiaco literalmente significa círculo de figuras de animales.
9 Así que fuera de la tierra Jehová Dios formó toda bestia del campo, y toda ave de los cielos, y las trajo a Adán para que viese cómo les había de llamar; y todo lo que Adán llamó a los animales vivientes, ese es su nombre. (Génesis 2: 9)
Dios tomó una costilla del hombre y lo utilizó para crear a una mujer. - El brazo de Adam se levantó, dejando al descubierto su caja torácica.
21 Entonces Jehová Dios hizo un profundo sueño sobre el hombre, y mientras éste dormía, tomó una de sus costillas y cerró la carne en su lugar; > 22 y de la costilla que Jehová Dios tomó del hombre, hizo una mujer y la trajo al hombre. (Gen. 2:21)
La serpiente le preguntó a Eva si ella le dijo que no comieran del jardín. -El Serpiente se encuentra a los pies de Adán y Eva.
1 Pero la serpiente era astuta, más que cualquier otra criatura salvaje que Jehová Dios había hecho. Él dijo a la mujer: "¿Dijo Dios:" No comáis de todo árbol del huerto? " (Génesis 3: 1)
Eva vio el fruto era bueno para comer, así que ella lo tomó y se lo comió. Ella dio a Adán. - Eva tiene el brazo extendido como si para llegar a la fruta. Ella es la celebración de un tamo de trigo, pero no vamos a discutir por si la fruta era una manzana o algún otro tipo de fruta.
6 Cuando la mujer vio que el árbol era bueno para comer, y que era agradable a los ojos, y árbol codiciable para alcanzar la sabiduría, tomó de su fruto, y comió; y dio también a su marido, el cual comió. (Génesis 3: 6)
La serpiente fue maldecida por encima de todos los animales salvajes. - Hay una segunda serpiente, que circula alrededor del Polo Norte todos los días sin establecer. Eso lo coloca por encima de todos los animales salvajes. En esta posición, él se miraba hacia abajo en la tierra como si fuera a ser la difusión del mal.
14 El Señor Dios dijo a la serpiente: "Por haber hecho esto, maldita serás entre todas las bestias y entre todos los animales salvajes; (Gen. 3:14)
Ésta te herirá en la cabeza, y tú le herirás en el calcañar. - A medida que los círculos de Draco alrededor del Polo, su cabeza está por debajo o por encima del talón de Hércules. La posición superior representa que está haciendo la aparición de moretones.
15 Y pondré enemistad entre ti y la mujer, y entre tu simiente y la simiente suya; él te herirá en la cabeza, y tú le herirás en el calcañar. " (Génesis 3:15)
Expulsó al hombre. Al oriente del huerto colocó un querubín y una espada encendida. - Vamos a pasar por encima de los querubines para otro momento. La espada de fuego está representado por la espada de Perseo mientras circula alrededor del Polo. Tomamos nota de que Perseo se encuentra cerca de la eclíptica del sol cerca de Tauro y Aries. El significado es que esas dos constelaciones marcan las dos cero horas durante los 4.000 años de historia bíblica, o más específicamente, donde el sol pasa durante el equinoccio de primavera. Así espada de Perseo es en un sentido en la entrada al Edén.
24 Echó, fuera al hombre, y al oriente del huerto del Edén puso querubines, y una espada encendida que se revolvía por todos lados, para guardar el camino del árbol de la vida. (Génesis 3:24)
Lo que es igualmente importante es el hecho de que el fundamento de la doctrina del pecado original cristiana se basa en la credibilidad de la caída de Adán y Eva. (Ver Pecado Original .) Ahora que podemos observar que la primera había pecado en historia imaginaria, no hay nada para apoyar la doctrina de la salvación.
La caída de Adán y Eva y su expulsión del Jardín del Edén, por Michalangelo.
This artists depiction below of the zodiac shows what the constellations would look like in life form. The two maps below show the north and south hemispheres when cut along the equator. In the northern hemisphere, the sun's highest position above the hemisphere is called the Tropic of Cancer and runs through the constellation Cancer. In the southern hemisphere, the sun's lowest position runs through Capricorn and is called the Tropic of Capricorn.
Each map shows an arc which represents to the sun's path. Each month the sun passes through one of the constellations, six of them in the north and six in the south. When the sun is in the north, say Aries, the southern stars in Aries can be seen in the south hemisphere map and vice versa when the sun is in the south.
In the evening hours the stars on the opposite side of the circle would appear where the sun was in the daytime. So, for example, when the sun is in Aries, the stars in Libra would be seen in the same position twelve hours later because earth makes half of a revolution within that time.
Though the constellations don't change in their relationship to each other. Earth has a wobble called precession that changes the time of year when the sun passes through them. A complete cycle is 25,920 years and a twelfth cycle is 2,160 years. These maps depict the time of the Age of Aries when the sun crosses Aries on the spring equinox. In Bible time it covers the time from Abraham, 2160 BCE, to Jesus at the beginning of the first century.
Starting at Sagittarius, there are some lines that run through Perseus to Gemini that look like stains. It is the Milky Way which the Bible usually depicts as a cloud or a celestial path to heaven.
This model not only serves as a source of Bible myths, many pagan myths had the same origins. When deciphering the Bible Code they often serve as guides to the astronomical themes in the Bible.
Northern Hemisphere
Southern Hemisphere
Originally Posted by barbitone
Great work Riseball! and others.......
Thanks Barbitone and Mirhyazd for your kind words.You guys have given me a lot to meditate on, ponder, think about… some of which are very, very deep things that I believe are a journey to continue to understand, but for now I’ll try to SUM up what I’ve been thinking about recently.Barbitone, this is definitely a very deep understanding, KOODOs to you, this is why I’m a fan of your work, thank you for sharing.
Originally Posted by barbitone
Great work Riseball! and others.......
Thanks Barbitone and Mirhyazd for your kind words.You guys have given me a lot to meditate on, ponder, think about… some of which are very, very deep things that I believe are a journey to continue to understand, but for now I’ll try to SUM up what I’ve been thinking about recently.Barbitone, this is definitely a very deep understanding, KOODOs to you, this is why I’m a fan of your work, thank you for sharing.Let me begin by answering some questions from Mirhyazd, you asked…Previously you mentioned the FOUR ROYAL STARS?The four royal stars, I am not greatly familiar with aside from what I have recently read on, but this is what I’ve gotten from it, it seems like they were FOUR CONSTELLATIONS that were used to tell the seasons (also the SOLSTICES and EQUINOX) in the sky at any given time of year. It feels like it’s connected the shamanistic views of the FOUR DIRECTIONS, north, east, south, west (never eat shredded wheat?), it connects to the SWASTIKA having four tails, as seen in my previous post. However, why didn’t they call it ROYAL? And STARS not CONSTELLATIONS? Maybe there is more depth to this I believe, are their FOUR particular stars that stand out in each constellation? Maybe a KEY to more understanding? Also, our SUN is a STAR, this may be connected to other systems, such that our SUN is supposed to be connected in some way to the SIRIUS system. Likely I feel like it ties EARTH and our place in the GALAXY, to know our place is… If the galaxy is a SPIRAL with say our MILKY WAY, then what does that mean in terms of EARTH’S LOCATION? Then a fractal larger, looking at the ANDROMEDA GALAXY in relation to the MILKY WAY and EARTH? Someone who is up to speed on this ASTRONOMY would be good so see how these tie together? Possibly fractals of SPIRALS?Also, makes me think of in the movie STARGATE, where he finds to map coordinates to another planet, he needs SEVEN POINTS, the FOUR DIRECTIONS, PLUS TWO (HEAVEN AND EARTH) form EARTHS LOCATIONS, and a seventh to form a vector to connect earth to another planet.Also, upon a bit of investigation, it seems others have tried to connect the FOUR CARDINAL DIRECTIONS but some of the evidence doesn’t add up???I am no expert by any means on this topic, but I think I just got lucky (or maybe coincidence) which I’m sure really has nothing to do with it…I found this image that ties the FOUR MAIN STARS together, and noticed that they are connected with a vector, so I OVERLAYED a DOUBLING CIRCUIT and wHOLY smokies BATMAN!!! http://keyupnow.com/sun.phpA perfect match, on my fuzzy picture! I let someone more up to speed take the REINs to the SUPREME.It also appears to be some good ties to the CYCLES ON EARTH here, connecting a SIGN WAVE to earth’s equator and TROPICS OF CANCER & CAPRICORN (why are these named this?)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Comparing the structure of the vacuum to Metatron’s Cube?This started to raise a bunch of questions to mind, and I believe first of all there is a NEED for continuity between understandings.What is a vacuum? Is this VOID of everything? I believe not, as light travels through SPACE (does this imply EMPTY?) which they call the PERFECT VACUUM, but still there lies evidence that particles exist there? So what is a vacuum I ask? Merely less MATTER that say what exists in our atmosphere? What lies beneath the matter? In the matter of MATTER, what is it really? I believe MATTER is a condensed form of ENERGY. Einstein can back me up with (Energy = Mass X Light^2) What is MASS, light is connected to energy, and mass too. (I have taken physics in high school btw, but I find myself asking these questions again to gain more understanding)Everything is Energy.So if that is true, what is pressure, temperature, matter, a vacuum, or even thought and emotions? …related to energy?Also, how do these concepts related into the MACRO (FOUR ROYAL STARS) and the MICRO cosmOS. Going back to the numbers, and also Barbitone’s thoughts, the 3 and 6 feel to me like the OSCILLATING, VIBRATING underlying structure that is CENTERed in the NINE (9) and ZERO. With the analogy of a CIRCLE/SPHERE, where the nine is in the center and the 3-6 are vectors that have INFINITE connections to the center, the DOUBLING CIRCUIT or 124875 (INFINITY SYMBOL) are what connects are REALity to these forces which we can only begin to comprehend now, let alone measure? The 124875 (SIX DIRECTIONS) WeAVING, around the 3-6 like SERPENTS around the staff if you will. Philosophically, the ONE, the UNIverse, ALL is connected. We may not EACH choose to interact with it in this way, that is our FREE will. But looking at the VBM or numbers, it is undeniable to me that this structure exists, this truth, the more that is revealed to us. And like the INFINITE possible paths of a vector to the center of a CIRCLE/SPHERE, there are INFINITE ways to express this beauty. I am searching for this truth. Back to the physics…How does emotions (energy in motion) or thought or the mind get explained in physics, or Quantum Mechanics? I am no expert on this, but this is where it has fallen a bit short for me. Any unifying understanding or theory or whathaveyou must unify all, esoteric with physical reality.Now, in reading the Pleidian Agenda, by Barbara Hand Clow (whom I’ve had the privilege to meet) is a researching in ancient history, crop circles, and channelled this book from the Pleides. She has a model of things which she describes as the 9 DIMENSIONS, which she further elaborates on her book, Alchemy of the Nine Dimensions. She uses fact not fiction to back up her claims. Anyhow, her model as I have grown to understand it are this.http://www.handclow2012.com/activations.htm(in terms of energy, this structure is 1d highest density, 9d being the lightest density/fastest vibration)1D – Iron Core Crystal of Earth (shumann frequency/resonance)2D – Telluric Realm (ley lines vortices, alchemy, molten magma/earth, beneath the crust)3D – Earths Surface (linear space and time, seven sacred directions, six polarities, reality as we know it)4D – Annunaki (emotions, collective consciousness of earth, 100th monkey concept, bridge to the divine)5D – Love and Creativity – Pleides (unconditional love as we know it)6D – Sacred Geometry – Sirius (metatron’s cube, platonic/archimedan solids, cube-octahedron, structure of matter)7D - Light, sound – Andromeda Galaxy (cymatics, variable speed of light, Carnac)8D – Galactic Federation – Orion (manifestation, creation, thought, Sun & Moon connections)9D – Milky Way Galaxy – Tzolk’in (Mayan calendar/2012, key to TIME, galactic BLACK HOLE, time waves)(Note, this is different dimensional concept than 1D=point, 2D=line, etc.) |
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188. Apocalipsis 17:9 Esto, para la mente que tenga sabiduría: Las siete cabezas son siete MONTES, sobre los cuales se sienta la mujer,
20. Marcos 16:9 Habiendo, pues, resucitado Jesús por la mañana, el primer día de la semana, apareció primeramente a María Magdalena, de quien había echado siete DEMONIOS.
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